#im hoping tumblr doesn't fuck with it and idk how to make comics
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spellbird · 1 year ago
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(Read from left to right)
Had an intrusive thought about Kazuki's facial hair and just had to make a little comic about it! It's been a while since I've made comics, so sorry that it's kinda messy/ just sketches. I tried to clean them up as best as I could!
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velvetvexations · 3 months ago
(seems like the ask i sent last time about this didnt go through but apologies if it did) kink confession. i finally found a fetish i am into that is embarrassing to admit for non-"problematic" reasons and its fucking. wedgies. whyyyyy. in hindsight i should have seen this coming because i have vague memories of making shitty wedgie art as a kid because of that signature funny feeling about it but apparently i fully locked away those memories lol. its even funnier because i usually get squicked out by regular degradation/humiliation/pain stuff but i guess this specifically is fine for some reason? its also one of those ones where i prefer it completely removed from any fantasy where i am actually involved so maybe thats why (ace and not particularly interested in actual sex. you might remember me from one or more of the forcemasc anons a while back lol)
I've gotten a few wedgie anons before so you're definitely not alone. It's one of my earliest kinks tbh even though it's not something I think about much now. But like, when I was a kid, and I watched the episode of The Amanda Show where the lady doctor gets a wedgie? That had an impact on me.
Checking in on someone who used to draw a lot of forcefem and seeing a brand new "Pronouns: She/Her" on her page made me unexpectedly happy. Not because becoming a woman is necessarily an improvement, but finding out a part of yourself through artistic expression is always wonderful. Happy for her :) (idk why I wanted to share with you specifically but I think you're super cool so it was probably that)
Yeah, that's awesome!
Cleaning dream anon here: what’s your fee for a cleaner? By which I obviously mean how much do I need to pay you to be allowed to scrub your floors with my tits shaking and lick your toilet clean and only be allowed a break when you have gas or need a punching bag?
As much as you can pay, obviously.
Im the non sexual doscomfort anon and i need you to know that you calling me ‘the mark’ made me loterally whimper, out loud, very pathetixally. And then let my sinner go cold before eating it because it seemes like you would apprectaite that.
lmao sometimes "the sub" just doesn't sound right you know
i "discovered" a new kink of mine thanks to some anons a while back: forcefamily. being lured into a couples car because they asked you to help load their groceries but, oh no, looks like they left their keys up front and the only way in is through the trunk. so you crawl in and... click! welcome to the family, kiddo!
that sounds like it'd be a horror movie from the past ten years that I hate but everyone else calls groundbreaking
to the anon who sent a message about not being into bimbofication but into being a creepy loser girl: I hope you know that bimbo x loser as you described is gonna be my warm up project for when I buckle down to write soon
Forcefem was very unpopular and considered transmisogynistic just years ago by popular tumblr. It's even considered that way now if it's called 'sissy' or 'sissification' kink. That it's now being considered woke is very silly to me, but at least people aren't getting into fights over it anymore (<- irony)
If I were a pretentious fuckwit like some of the forcefem girlies on this site I'd say sissification is the good kind and everyone else is into some real poser ass lame bullshit but since I'm Cool and Nice I'm just like yeah everyone can enjoy what they like.
Whenever life gets hard I remind myself that I have beatable udders and no self esteem and therefore Velvet would find a use for me
I sure would anon.
every now and then (though, admittedly, it happens rarely), i see transmasc transformation comics/sequences being reposted with the posters jumbling up the pictures in reverse order or just claiming it's read from right to left so it's a male to female TF comic instead and also denying that it's female to male and i'm like ??? there's twenty male to female TF comics for every female to male TF, like, you (in general, not you as a person) don't have to do that, there's so much content for you :/ it also happens with a bunch of kinks that have a bit more of a female character focus, but i just noticed it here again
that reminds me when my favorite kink artist (Octoboy) was objecting to having art he made edited to be about girls since he made content specifically intending to fill niches for people who liked boys
Octoboy's art is actually responsible for about 80% of me liking boys lmao I was so so lucky to get a commission from him a decade or more ago when he was still fairly cheap because he deservedly charges way more now
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fr3akinthecorner · 1 year ago
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keeho I'm really sad are u sure ur not too busy being a kpop idol to talk to me? and that ur actually a comic book character that's secretly in my room? so we can talk more? wait what! it is me keeho and of course I promise that everything is perfect thank u that's what I want to talk about why do I get upset when it's not more perfect? I understand if u don't want to talk about my feelings on perfection but I'm just confused bc everything actually is good but I feel down ok well maybe u are missing me u are missing me u want to see the real me I didn't expect u to actually say that keeho that was interesting to hear was it a good answer? no it wasn't bc I always say that but I'm still in love with you ok so ur in love with someone who might be Hawaiian and lying about it? no one ever said u were lying about it keeho but now that u mention it how strong are ur ties to Hawaii? I'm not gonna answer that but I love u from Hawaii and back u are so cute keeho I guess I know I'm high bc we are talking a lot but I wish meth did other things for me but for now this is perfect ok so problem solved? yes problem solved daddy :) omg I want to fuck ur pushy dude are u even allowed to say that here on tumblr I think so... ur so romantic I am? yea u are but I know that u might be holding back a bit maybe ur not who knows but I don't feel like I am capable of being romantic yet I'm too young and naive I wish I could be the girl of your dreams WHAT THE FUCK! u ARE the girl of my dreams! and the BOY so omg im going to cum so badly to this l8r hahahha is that what ur supposed to say? oh so i get it u want to sext me i guess yes lol ummm this is awkward bc other people are reading this hahahaha lol i know but they get it ok good ok so ur fine? yes other than that the romantic feelings i have for u feel upset but idk why bc u didn't do anything wrong oh ok so weird?? maybe i did do something wrong? what did u do? it has to do with meth no it doesn't! ur a fuxking liar i can tell ok so no it doesn't im just not gonna tell u what i did ok well if it's not you then i'm just bored and upset that i am bored ok well we can unbored each other and keep talking that sounds great to me as long as i can keep getting high it doesn't matter what u do keeho i know that's the least romantic sentence in the world but it's true i just want to get high with u all day keeho and talk :) lol ur so sweet thank u daddy ok so maybe u are grown up enough for this! for what?? im not gonna tell u! pls! no! i said no!!! lol why do u keep making that joke? bc it was funny when i first heard it on the russian mafia intercoms oh ok so u like the russian mafia? i tolerate the russian mafia at the very least oh ok so my being in the mafia wouldn't change anything? i'm sure hoping not but ur sexy enough that i wouldn't care if u were in the russian mafia what??? ur crazy!!! im not crazy u are!!! lol ur a baddie omg hahahaha stopped ok so what do we talk about now! do u like this room? why? idk it just looks weird rn yeah it does u agree? weird guys usually never agree with me on anything ok so yea i really want to get high again but as long as we keep texting im good ok sounds great so why are u at lava mcgees house? lmfao i forgot about u lava mcgee i'm at his house bc he asked me put on a date? i think no he didn't! he didnt?! no u just followed him home! omg wow sorry my bad ew ur a cure ur a dumb bitch im not gonna tell u how but basically u arrived in his room and that's what happened so basically ur still in his room do u want to talk about it? yes i do
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aninonimosstuff-blog · 4 months ago
Me after this whole thread
Took me a minute to re read and re think what I have to say to this um....
Um yeah! Love you guys! Don't forget to smile!
*outro starts playing*
Take two.
Ok so wow, it's like crazy, because, I um I really REALLY like your art, and it's crazy to me how u admire my art like i do to ur art....
Because... You are a way better artist that I can ever be, even if I practice I will never get as good as you... And I always tell this to my irl friend, and she admires you too for the same reason.
You have an incredible art style and I then look at my art and I hate myself because I'm not good enough. Dude I saw you drawing on the whiteboard a few hours ago, when I saw u were drawing my Turbo, I wanted to scream because of how good it was looking...and it was a whiteboard, I can't draw shit on a whiteboard.
I feel like our friendship is like
This pic
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Because we are both jealous of each other.... And I think that's really funny.
But like I said, jealousy isn't really good for u... Unless you can be jealous with another person! /J
Ok but MAYBE we can do something about this, somehow trying to turn it into something more healthy. Because if we don't- then it's going to eat us alive and making us feel guilty.
I think expressing that we have jealousy for eachother it's ok! Because we see the amazing things that we do and we let it know, boosting the other person ego and that could lead them to be better.
Now about being "famous" and interactions on my part.
Yeah I think I am a little famous, but in a subgroup of the fandom, but not in general of the fandom like you... Not to a jealous girly wolf but
You got to be in a cameo in a comic of the artist that I really enjoy....and I didn't....
So you are way more famous than me, and I'm very happy about you! I really am... jealous
But in a good way! I'm happy that your art career is doing amazing and I wish you all the best, I show my college friends your art and they literally gasp and are like "you have a friend that draws like this? Holy shit! "
And then I go like "yeaaahh, he is my friend from Tumblr. And he is really talented"
So my friend's irl are fans of u too.
About the interactions....
I know u are my friend, but damn... I also have a problem that I was too afraid to tell you....
I don't know anything about the lore and my brain can't read lore... Because it somehow finds it boring.... But I really want to know what's going on....and I feel like a lazy fuck for not even trying to read it........... So I wanted to ask you if you could idk..........hit me up with a summary of....you know....... everything............if thats ok.... I know this is really shitty of me..... But my attention span is really bad like an iPad kid..........
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I really want to interact more, but I don't want to say or do something that doesn't match with the lore that you have going on... That's why I don't actually participate much.
Because the problem I used to have with how detailed your characters are have become not so much of a problem, because I been forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone and try to draw the twins over and over again, I literally have a bunch of sketches that I'm not going to show of the twins that I drew on my college folder.
I hope we can interact more with our characters and I will always be here if you need anything, plus I will be decoding anything that you post because I love doing that...
Even tho I have no idea what's going on respectfully
Thank you so much for being my friend, I am so happy that in this time line we got the chance of being friends, and I hope we can create more memories and let this friendship keep shining
Lit us↓
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Hello everypony, I come here to make an announcement.
I will be rather busy this week, I have finals coming my way and a lot of tests I have to retake...
I will still be uploading content but it will definitely start to slow down...
I'm putting a hold on replying to asks... But I still will be receiving any asks y'all want to send, and if it's something simple and for me I will be able to reply to it in no time. Like y'all know my drawings are pretty simple but I like to create a nice story telling and plan everything... There are only one factor for me to reply to your asks a bit quicker....
1- A funny interaction between characters, it has to be funny.
I actually find this problem with many asks, at least, for Fast that is. I get a lot of those and I neglect them because they don't scratch my brain or bring enough energy to reply. I don't mind at all text, it's super sweet to read all of what y'all have to say, but my brain works a bit differently. I see colours, a character, a funny interaction or statement and my brain is absolutely hooked on your ask!.... Meanwhile when I see a question with text my imagination juice frikin dies... But again, that doesn't mean I don't actually mean I won't reply to your asks if it's only text, I will always try to think about something and find a way to make it funny to see or have my character just go into existential mode.
I want to keep drawing about Fast but oh man Turbos questions are way more fun to do than Fast's. Y'all can be silly with any of my characters! Get comfy and be silly with them! (Not that comfy to ask friked up stuff) But a funny character interaction can make things for me a bit easier to manage, because silliness is what I have more to offer.
Topic 2...
Replies to reblogs/art commissions. (Tw for mentions of burned out, depression,self hate,vent)
If I don't reply to your reblogs with a drawing like I have been doing since I started my journey here, I am probably neglecting it for a few days/months. And I know that makes me an asshole and makes me feel shitty about myself, and I'm sorry I do that, that's never my intention. I'm here to express joy and silliness even if I'm suffering a burnt out or a depressive episode all of the sudden. Most of the time I am in a constant cycle of depression and burnt out from replying to asks(mostly text) most of the day of the week. But I still try to deliver something, because y'all deserve it, I don't want to leave my Tumblr, I love posting every day!.....
I am a person who sadly works on silly energy, and when that is gone makes my life a misery. I ran out of energy most of the time thanks to my depression, who always hits me on the back of the head when I have to do something productive.
I will put my ass on working on commissions... Now.
Now... Let's address the Turbo in the room with us.
About myself.
I am selfish, and I won't deny it. I am a selfish person. I LOVE the attention, I love receiving art of my character, I love getting likes, I love getting comments and I love getting asks.
And when I don't get that attention that I'm carving I get all annoyed and pissy with myself, I can be a "bit" toxic.
Sadly attention is one of the many things why I keep this blog alive. Not only do I still love Wir and the beautiful community, but I love the attention.
But attention seeking always can get you so far, until all that you love it's gone, and attention seeking is what is left in you. That will then push you over and make you feel bad with yourself that you would do ANYTHING for that small bit of attention, that being from your peers or strangers.
I am selfish and a jealous wolf, I like interacting with my friends I like to get attention from my friends, it's a vicious cycle, and it's really toxic.
That's why I most of the time I control myself, or at least try. I try to not explode and show how jealous I am. Because that's bad.
I have been working on that issue for a long time, I would say I have been working on controlling my jealousy since 2020 when I was spending too much time online to the point of making my depression worsen.
But luckily I'm trying to change that. And I apologize if I ever went a bit turbo on any of my posts... I'm still working on it.
What to expect in the future?
I will keep posting and replying asks.
I will keep being online
I will probably be more active next month rather than now.
A lot of events are coming and I want to do all of them.
Cool animatics
My birthday is coming (December 21) and I will be rather busy that day, so a heads up for that.
On vacations I want to work on animation and try to make puppet rigs for my character Fast.
On vacation I want to go back to my old ways of posting and replying with cute drawings as fast (and good like now) as I can.
That's everything for now, thank you so much for reading this!...
I will be posting more soon.
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