#im gonna make another post with just the clicks for Palestine link that i cant actually tag
i don’t wanna be cringe and vaguely vent on main but todays just been so aggravating- my dad not taking anything fucking serious me having to make analogies and hypothetical comparisons about my physical body being graphically harmed for him to feel empathy other than “oh yeah i guess that stuff is bad. but doesn—“ shut up hoe. he’s no biden worshipper by far but isn’t being smart rn and acting like there’s nO wAy hE cAn hAnDlE tHingS bEtTer and whatnot- And with general stuff i know his mental health isn’t the greatest (at least he stopped screaming in the middle of the night after drinking a little) but he just has become more increasingly passive aggressively rude to my mom- but when i bring up instances when he’s been rude to me to her she basically tells me to bear it ig. But i’ve been less passive as of recent when shit happens but idk. but back to taking about me, him, and Palestine— it’s just so fucking frustrating cuz on top of everything YOU ARE A PUERTO RICAN!!! A BORICUA!!! SOMEONE WHOS LAND IS CURRENTLY BEING WRONGFULLY OWNED AND OPERATED ON! OUR PPL ON THE ISLAND CANT VOTE FOR PRESIDENT AND YOU KNOW THAAAATT!! YET SOMEHOW YOU OF ALL PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY AS USELESS AS THE AVERAGE SLIGHT LEFT AMERICAN ON THIS CONFLICT???? you used to actually talk to me about freedom and our people’s historically revolutionary hero’s, i used to think you thought like a revolutionary but i guess not, i thought you were smart- i hate your job too i hate so much i can’t even be coherent i don’t wanna hate i dont. i wish you and mom didn’t take away my life and will and implicitly lock me up for a year and a half so i could’ve had less struggle adjusting with the real world after developing the worst reclusive habits and other shit . i love my parents so much but i don’t think anything will be the same since the old times where i’d beg you to be out of that intensive study scam school that made me very physically sedentary (and gave me a vitamin d deficiency cause i rarely had time to leave the house) every fucking day and the only thing that changed your mind was not your child’s suffering but some psychiatrist you’ve seen twice telling you that it just MIGHT be beneficial to let me be normal. i don’t care if i’m overdramatizing i don’t know how i can explain this experience and it’s impacts on me in a way that’s normal or not trauma dumpy. I wish this post wasn’t all over the place and didn’t spiral out to get this personal so i won’t actually tag with Palestine related things but don’t forget ur daily clicks if you do see this vvv
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