#im gonna get so many Noir Cornes
leafesol · 1 year
Arknights 4th Anniversary announced a new 1☆ Defender, and ya'll know what that means!
*spams Defender tags in recruitment for the next 5 months afterwards to max pot the bitch*
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cheryllcher · 5 years
corn, mazes, and- umm... was that supposed to happen??
omygoooood im so very late for halloween. but hey, better late than never right?? hehe im totally right :> this is yet another adventure of sprinklebug and gummy chat so prepare for sprinkles!! hehe
reposting cuz idk it was super weird for me.
Corn mazes were fun. You find your way around tall rows of corn to the other end with your friends after some trick or treating. Sometimes there’s a scavenger hunt with the biggest stack of candies as the reward, or mini games and puzzles to solve, all while meeting dead end and spooky monsters who try to steal your candy. Paris had one set up every year, and this time was no exception.
It had the same spooky craziness that all corn mazes had for halloween; the mayor went all out this year especially. This halloween, however, the heroes had been invited to partake in the scaring of maze navigators. And they wholeheartedly accepted because, what is halloween with the same old boring scares with nothing interesting like their favourite heroes attempt to steal your sweets? They wanna have fun anyway.
Hawkmoth seemed to have agreed, as there was no akuma floating around that night. Yet. A hero must still be on the lookout. Villians never give then a break, even if it is for halloween.
Gummy Chat was there first, dressed as Tuxedo Mask, or the cat version anyway. He had the super suit on, so all he could do was wear a cape, a top hat with holes for his cat ears, and a white mask over his black one. His eyes still remained green and cat-like as ever, not like he could do anything about it. He did try to add a bowtie, but the bell was there, which made it pointless. He was fond of that bell though, and figred it would make his outfit more original.
The hero was pacing by the entrance of the maze when he saw Sprinklebug arriving. Sprinklebug, who was currently wearing a big sprinkle shaker as her costume. Like no seriously, she just had on a giant bottle that said “RADIOACTIVE SPRINKLES”. She also covered her hair in sprinkles, the pastel specks in stark contrast to her black hair.
“Uhhh… Sprinklebug? Did you run out of ideas?”
“Hey kitty. And no, I didn’t run out of ideas. I’m SPRINKLES!” She wiggled in delight, sprinkles falling out of the sprinkle shakers that were in her hands which Chat didn’t notice either. She then got a good look and Chat’s costume and then asked, “Who are you wearing right now though?”
“Did you forget? I told you just last week that I was coming as Tuxedo Mask! Or should I say… Catxedo Mask? Get it? Cuz I’m a cat?”
One blink, two, three. And then…
“Catxedo? Really? That makes no sense and shows how much of a weeb you are!”
“Hey! I took forever to come up with that!”
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
The banter went on until the person-in-charge of the maze spotted them. (hehe pun totoally not intended) He– well they think he was the guy from the ice rink– went over the rules and how they go about managing the maze, as well as safety precautions. And then they were left to roam the maze to plan out their positions and stuff before the first maze navigators arrived. They then decided they will pop up at random places to increase the scare factor.
Time to have some fun.
Sprinklebug and Gummy Chat were having the time of their lives. They’ve managed to catch many off guard, the kids loving it and begging for a picture taken with Paris’ beloved heroes. Previous akuma victims came to give their thanks yet again, returned with “We’re just doing our job to keep Paris safe.” Sprinklebug squealed over the little ones who dressed as her, gushing over the sprinkles on their cute little heads.
They tried to solve the riddles they found. Sprinklebug thinks Chat’s answers are ridiculous, but when he gets them right she claims to have known all along. They still made no sense though. Got to know the nice popcorn lady, who gave them a genorous amount of cinnamon sugar popcorn as thanks for their protection everyday.
Even their classmates came to the maze, Alya practically begging for an interview. The others just stare in awe. (Woah duuuuuude! Marinette and Adrien are missing out on so much!) No one noticed the super duo momentarily tensing, and their nervous chuckles are taken to be just humble embarassment.
Everyone was happy, no dark evil butterflies are fluttering, and everything was good.
That was until some popcorn came raining down on everyone. Accompanied with screams that just harmonised with the maniacal laughter of a figure floating in the sky. Ah, sprinkles, and here they thought Hawkmoth loved halloween enough to leave it alone.
“Sprinklebug, Gummy Noir, where are you? Hand over your miraculous NOW!”
It brings them relief that they need not hide to transform. Chat can finally live out his dreams of doing the cape thing and being all cool with his top hat. Sprinklebug was worried about her sprinkle costume getting ruined and it’s hard to fight in it, so she’s gotta find another way.
Chat went ahead first. “The name’s Gummy Chat, but since Gummy Noir has a nice ring to it I juuuuust might consider forgiving you for that.” His cape billowing in the wind while he stood tall with his staff held out in front of him, touching the ground and in both hands.
He only got popcorn thrown in his face as a reply.
The villian, Popcorn Lady as she called herself, didn’t seem to be doing anything much other than talking about how her popcorn is the best, so Sprinklebug simply wrapped her yoyo string around the popcorn tart, that was popping popcorn kernels like mad when Popcorn Lady threw them in. She tugged it into the nearby corn, giving the machine a whole ton if corn to pop. Not that she noticed.
Then a quick snap of the popcorn scooper (it was obvious where the akuma was) while Chat was carrying out distracting duty and the akuma was purified. No lucky charm or cataclysm needed! Gee, Hawkmoth must have been lazy or out of creativity juice today. That was the lamest akuma yet! the sprinkled heroine thought. The purple fog disappeared to reveal the popcorn lady from earlier right as the popcorn machine burst open in an extemely humongous explosion of popcorn.
Everyone popped their head out of the mountain of popcorn. They were super confused about what just occured. Kim was apparently swimming around in it, not caring in the slightest.
“Oh, deary me, I’m sorry! I was pretty upset about someone insulting my popcorn.”
“It’s okay, Mrs. Blaise. We can’t help but feel upset when an insult gets thrown our way sometimes,” Sprinklebug reassured her with a smile, tone slowly becoming cheery. “But lile I always say we should just have some sprinkles and move on! Also is this supposed to happen?” She gestured to the popcorn around them with her head. Chat shrugged to the best of his ability.
“Huh. I’m not sure if Miraculous Sprinklebug is gonna work on this big mess here since I don’t have a lucky charm, but before that… you know what this needs?”
“Oh no… Here we go again…” came the muffled groan of Gummy Chat.
“SPRINKLES! Radioactive sprinkles everywhere to brainwash everyone and make them my minions!” She then proceeded to throw her sprinkles around the pile of popcorn they were stuck in, her best evil laugh filling the air as she tried to look as evil as possible. But if you ask anyone, she just looks more adorable then anything.
Best. Halloween. Ever. Even if the akuma was one of the worst Hawkmoth has come up with. (Chat still says Mr. Pigeon was the worst.)
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