#im going to rewatch it (again) when the 2nd season is closer
merrily-radiant · 1 year
I finished rewatching Our Flags Means Death yesterday bc I didnt remember much of it except that there were gay (AS FUCK) pirates in it (and by god was I right) but what my attention damaged little brain failed to remind me was how fucking gOOD IT IS??? LIKE???? HELLO????
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missjackil · 4 years
So Im Rewatching S15
Thus far its not my fave season but no season ever is till after the half, and we havent had much after the half yet LOL. I noticed an inconsistancy in the episode where Lilith came back (I cant remember the name) that I didnt notice before... Sam shoots her with a demon trap bullet and comes at her with the demon blade, he says “I killed you once, I can do it again” and it made me think they must have forgotten in s3 she told them the blade wouldnt work against her, and Sam killed her in s4 with his powers. 
I groaned for a minute, and yes it’s annoying, but as I always say, bad writing and inconsistancies have been around since the very beginning. I remember picking them out one by one when I watched it the first time, my friend who got me to watch it thought i probably wouldnt want to finish because I seemed to not like it, since i would always find fault. Though I admit I wasnt a big fan till the 2nd half of s2, I think I may have come to a conclusion as to why I still love it and wish it would go on forever, and why I can still watch my least fav seasons with joy. 
Its about Sam and Dean. Thats what I fell in love with, and thats why I stay. With that. no matter how inconsistant the writing has been, they did manage to create the most interesting characters in Sam snd Dean that Ive ever come across. They got more than lucky that Jared and Jensen showed up that day because i cant imagine anyone in all of Hollywood that could have done Sam and Dean better. 
It makes me sad now as to how many people have lost hope in the show because if the writing, yet, say they love Sam and Dean and the show is about the brothers. Y’all may not like the stories as of late, but Sam and Dean are closer than ever, and just as interesting now as theyve ever been dispite who and what is going on around them. 
This is what the show is to me. Two amazingly interesting, beautiful brothers, and a bunch of chaos around them. Throw at me anything you want but keep Sam and Dean together and J2 playing them and i would watch it forever. 
If I love someone, Id never stop loving them or break apart from them because I dont like their friend, or their mom, or they had a bad day, week, month, year. Id groan and muddle through the bad and be there forever. 
So, as Im sure youre aware my heart is breaking that my time with Sam and Dean is coming to an end. i would like to ask any of you that are willing, to just stop worrying about the outside stuff and love the show just a little while longer because its still about The Brothers and will be forever. 
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