#im fond of their meaning of “purity and rebirth”
prachelley · 1 month
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queen of peace
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esoteriamaya · 1 month
Astro Observations Pt.. ????
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No, I cant keep up with the number. Lol. Lets go!
7th house placements def need to pick a side. They also need to put their foot down. Never let people who disrespect you back in. And if you're going to cut off one person for doing it, you gotta do it with everyone else. Just cause they relationship is long term doesn't mean much.
10th house placements need to focus on the things they truly love vs always digging into what they need to do for their career. Worry less about your ambitions from time to time and enjoy the flow. I know ti sucks but, you gotta relax a little.
Sun/Pluto placements can have a lot of rebirth experiences, but one thing that is important is their for growth. Which always seems to come through transformation, but not all the time. It comes through people, and the expression of being around people who love you. Thats what transform them the most. They need the world to truly see them for who they are, other wise they will only show one side of them, and that will ultimately be the version they transform into but it will only kill them from the inside and not benefit them.
Venus/Neptune placements have an inkling for romanticism, fantasy and philosophy in their relationships. They need something that makes them breathe words of enlightenment, purity and emotion. They have the tendency to make things seem more than what they are, rose colored glasses are no match for them at times. A little insight on them is that their emotions can go a little array when they aren't surrounded by the right people. They tend to suck in energy like a sponge, this is neptune energy. But with them you can notice a small difference between them and their lovers, like is it making them glow or is it draining? Thats what they need to ask themselves at times.
Jupiter in the 11th house can proudly be the most optimistic friend in the group. They could become the leader of an organization. They could be the one people come to for advice on certain matters or they could easily be someone people go to when they want to learn more about something. Very charismatic and sharp. Stern but sweet. A little rough around the edges but they get things done!
5th house Suns have a universe of emotions that express themselves in all types of ways. They'll have kids that are just as sweet & charismatic as them. They are a NATURAL at making people laugh! They normally have gorgeous spirits and people do enjoy their company.
Gemini placements have an alluring nature to them due to their minds. Their mysticism is through the art of words and are very tricky individuals. They have come here to master the mind and find ways to fully express their intellect in hopes to connect with as many as possible. They are a one of one when it comes to this area of life.
Moon in the 1st are seen as thoughtful, loving sweet creatures who everyone seems to be super fond of. They hide a lot of their emotions but sometimes we can tell when they're not okay.
Theres just something about them that brightens a persons day. They try to make a good example to others by the why they embrace their feelings and this usually inspires others to do the same.
Sun square neptune - Might be in the wrong crowd from time to time. Has to stay sober most of the time, getting into drugs and alcohol can be addictive and might not be worth it at times. Genuinely misunderstood. Might need a doctor to figure out why they act the way that they do (all jokes).
Very spiritual, this is contained tho. They dont really open up to people about religion or anything connected to spirituality/God. Its their own thing, and its very special/private to them.
Moon/Uranus placements - Needs a doctor. Okay im joking lol. Anyways their lucky to have this one because their minds are very capable of entering into mass amounts of information that is truly locked away from the rest of the world. Like their neptune friends, they have a connection to divine sources that strikes down to them from time to time almost like a brain blast. Could be a oracle, psychic, someone who just knows whats going to happen in the next years to come etc. Could be really creative too.
4th house placements can be friends you can depend on all of the time. They have a warm, soothing personality and their the type of friends you grow up into adulthood with.
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 7 years
Some Flower Research
So all of our lovely swamp citadel characters have been named after flowers, or nicknamed after them, so i figured id look into it a lil? so here’s me googling flower meanings and forming opinions
btw, the arum lily is normally called the calla lily so thats what i looked into
You have likely spotted classic white calla lilies at a wedding, and that’s because they are traditional symbols of divinity, marital bliss and true devotion. More specifically, the calla lily marks the 6th wedding anniversary. 
However, they have also been used at funerals to represent sympathy and the purification of a departed soul.
The exquisite calla lily is an appropriate flower for any occasion that involves major transitions, rebirths and new beginnings.
People also used to believe that if honeysuckle is brought into the house when it’s in bloom, a wedding will soon take place in that household.
Honeysuckle also means fraternal affection or devoted affection.
It symbolizes devoted affection in the form of a lover’s embrace.  If you look at the way the honeysuckle clings to its habitat like a post or a wall, it looks very much like a love bind.
honeysuckle is a v cute flower and i hope damian knows this and is like, blushing at the nickname honestly
Amaryllis fell deeply in love with Alteo, a shepherd with Hercules' strength and Apollo's beauty, but her affections were unrequited. Hoping that she could win him over by bestowing upon him the thing he desired most - a flower so unique it had never existed in the world before - Amaryllis sought advice from the oracle of Delphi.
When at last Alteo opened his door, there before him was a striking crimson flower, sprung from the blood of Amaryllis's heart.
the amaryllis has come to symbolize pride, determination and radiant beauty.
well, i like this part
So, anyways, calla/arum lilies can symbolize a lot of things, and some of them are. not good. but it seems that the different colors represent different positive feelings, yellow for gratitude (which happens to be the color of the flowers in the poster, i believe, which might not mean too much tbh), white is holiness/purity/faith, pink for appreciation/admiration, purple for passion/royalty, black for mystery. theyre just a surprise flower, i guess
but that + honeysuckle meaning definitely makes them a good pairing in a bouquet, even if the characters dont become like. a couple. White flowers always represent holiness or some shit, honestly, but that along w/ the fact that damian was named after a saint could possibly like, mean something? damian’s faith will almost definitely be tested b/c of his new fondness for arum, just because he doesn’t live in a place that accepts monsters
another interesting fact is that arum lilies arent technically lillies. could be showing that lord arum’s different than the monsters damian’s fought? he is royalty too, which should mean something too. it couuld just be while he can manipulate humans, he does it with talent rather than magic (the bricks shaking vs the echo cave beast, essentially)
Rilla’s fate seems like it could be potentially... not good. i definitely trust sophie and kevin not to sideline her, but i do hope everything works out ok for her at least. it does seem like her and damian want different things, or they think they might at least (COMMUNICATE, PLEASE), so i wouldnt be too surprised if they end up breaking it off, but i think their relationship will definitely change somehow and that could be potentially very discordant. I wish i had some predictions for her but honestly im just??? hey rilla flower of my heart sarcastic light of my life please be ok i love u honey
whatever happens to them could potentially be very tied to the festival going on, honestly, especially because damian and arum are supposed to meet under a fabled tree (the life tree?? or something?) and since its like... from the old stories or whatever it could potentially have some magic that could show them the right path (aka, the tree of life can help them sort out theirs)
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