#im doing hvac btw if anyone is curious
femailment · 14 days
So due to my lease being sold to a rental company without my knowledge they told me they will not take my rental assistance thus I cannot afford my current place of stay. I will have to leave in 30 days. Luckily I was accepted into trade school and with my situation they will offer me dorming and pay me once I am enrolled! The process however takes time and it isn't cheap moving and putting things into storage. As well as the bus ticket to travel to my new school. I need money for a storage locker, paying for my sister's cats I was watching for her to be relocated back safely, and for travel to my new school. I also need to pay to get my transcripts and documents expedited to my new school (though I have half of the documents so this isn't as urgent). I am trying leave as quickly as possible to avoid eviction on my record so if you'd like to help me please DM me! I also have my payment apps listed below, thank you very much and I am looking forward to finally getting to the next chapter of my life.
Venmo: $noizeyez
Cashapp: $noizeross
Paypal: DM me
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