#im currently trying to search for the lyrics but it might be like. THAT unknown that the lyrics arent written down
dullanyan · 3 months
ive got a ton of old* songs i need to try to find again, but im worried that they're basically lost media to me. pretty much all of them are japanese songs, some of them touhou vocal arranges, others just misc stuff from singers/bands i do not know the name of and they are not popular songs at all. (possibly indie?)
the thing is, i do still have them, but they're on my ipod. ideally, i would like to not just have them on my ipod but there's no official way of getting songs from the ipod back to your computer, unless you use 3rd party programs. and im too paranoid of my stuff being wiped forever to use them.
many of these songs were saved to my old computer, even being downloaded from a weird app thing that might not exist anymore so even if i booted up the old thing, i could be unable to access them.
so my only solution is, one day i guess i need to like... plug my ipod into my computer and play the song on my itunes there, while recording my screen with audio capture, and then turn it into an mp3?? theres a LOT of songs, so its going to take me forever, but i guess if i can motivate myself, i'll do it within the next couple weeks/possibly months, knowing me.
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