#im atheist so I dont care about any christian propaganda
badbedforbedding · 2 years
Just saw a post comparing Daenerys to Lucifer/The anti-christ, and I can't help but feel both amused and confused.
No offense guys, but making analysis of the books using the Christian bible as a reference makes no sense at all. From the top of my head, I can think of two reasons:
There is no Christianity in ASoIaF: George purposefully made up other religions to fit his fantasy world. Also, nowhere in his books he states one religion to be better than another, he gives depth to each of them and a context to explain it. There is no right or wrong religion, there are characters that use those religious according to their goals.
George RR Martin is no C. S. Lewis. With Lewis there is Christian symbolism in his book because he intended to do so, he was fervently Christian himself. Take that as you will, but Lewis made the end of Narnia into a joke just because he wanted to make it into a kind of moral lesson for kids. GRRM is different, if he has a religion, he keeps it to himself. He doesn't preach it in any way, and he doesn't insert it into his books.
So if you make a theory where any plot of ASoIaF is an allegory of the Christian bible, I'm sorry to break it to you, but that has no bases on reality and your theory is actually just a headcanon.
p.s.: I read once about how C S Lewis accused romance books of being pornography, I would love to know what he would think of asoiaf. Probably a portal to hell. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It’s nice to see you shedding light towards what is happening in Palestine, but do you mind also lightning the darkness of what so many muslim terrorists have been doing from decades and still don’t stop to, the amount of innocent lives lost for what? The bombings, manipulation, conversions, attacks, firings and so so much more, have you ever protested for them too? There were children in it too right, didn’t they deserve to live or is it just them? Honestly I’m genuinely interested in knowing if this is for actual humanity or just another propaganda, like have you ever cared for any terrorist victims other than the ones in Palestine ?
i am going to assume you dont know that i myself am muslim.
i am also going to assume youre ignorant of the fact that a lot of terror groups (like the kkk, aryan nation, army of god, aum shinrikyo, lashkar-e-balochistan, khalistan zindabad force, etc) are not muslim.
i will also further assume that you dont know that most perpetrators of terror attacks align themselves with right-wing orientations rather than religious orientations
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(57% of attacks were by right-wing terrorists, 25% were left-wing terrorists, 15% were religious terrorists (as a whole, this includes terrorists of religions other than islam) and 3% were ethnonationalists)
and finally, i will also try and think that youre genuinely curious for an answer, rather than jus saying this because im a muslim and you think id get intimidated by the subject of so-called “muslim” terror groups and chicken out of answering—which i will never do.
ill keep all these things in mind when answering you.
first off, i personally dont consider those people muslims. they are not of my people. they go against everything god told us to do, as pious muslims. id be fine letting god deal with them and damning them to hell. me and everyone i know hates them—theyre the reason so many muslims are the victims of hate crime. but i dont think thats the answer you want. its all too amusing to you to think that a muslim would condemn al qaeda and the taliban. you expect me to avoid condemning them, just because we both call ourselves muslims.
i am 100% against terrorist attacks. if its a muslim or jew or christian or atheist who conducts it, that doesnt matter. crimes are still crimes.
and i do care about the victims. i know people who have lost friends and family in these types of attacks. my empathy is with them.
but do you know sets israel apart from terror organisations like the taliban? why i speak against one and not the other?
everyone hates the taliban. everyone hates isis. everyone hates al qaeda. everyone hates osama bin laden. no one is saying, “well they had a point”. no. just no. forced conversion is not okay. forced marriage is not okay. rape, whether marital or extramarital, is not okay. everyone knows this. everyone acknowledges this and agrees with it.
israel, on the other hand? people are not just turning a blind eye. people are literally encouraging them. people are calling for the death of palestinians. for the death of muslims as a whole.
i ask you anon, do you know what its like to try and get into politics, because youre passionate about it, and seeing people calling for the death of you and your people? that is what i have suffered. that is why i stand for palestine. zionists are not just calling for the deaths of my friends—by extension, they call for the deaths of me and my family. for both arabs and muslims as a whole. they say “may god destroy the arabs” when talking about palestine. no one supports al qaeda in that way at that large of a scale.
i dont spread the word about “muslim” terror organisations because everyone knows those groups are terrible.
i spread the word about palestine because people call for their deaths. (further because as a result of this, people call for the deaths of me and my people.)
why would i condemn terror groups who everyone knows is bad, and ignore the terror groups who everyone supports?
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