#im at 6% & charging so i can add tags now JDGKSJ
atvie · 5 years
1, 4, 5, 8, 36, & 38!!
1. how did you get into graphics / gif making?
i wanted to color my icons for my roleplay blogs (since i was editing usopp’s anyway to change his lips & and darken his skin) and then i just sorta changed the scale i worked on? um i think i wanted to color a promo for myself for it too but i think i ended up just getting distracted / otherwise not finishing it smdgfdsfj and then i kinda figured. wow i wanna work on coloring, but i don’t like my art, so then started coloring stuff. recently i’ve been doing it more often b/c i’ve been inspired by other graphic makers, namely you, @ii-luffy-i, @lesbianjinbe & a couple of people in the bnha fandom (that i’m embarrassed to tag ;;)
edit: here’s an example of the icons that i started with (with luffy & usopp as the characters, respectively): as u can see they were Super small, & thus only took like. 5 minutes each once i got good at them, so transitioning into larger projects was….. hard. also im just rmmring some rly funny threads i had with usopp & kaku (me as usopp, my friend as kaku) mfdlskfjkdkg… aka usopp being worried abt his doppleganger  //  i had two of urls linked here like 5 min ago but honestly im embarrassed of my writing so im deleting it DSGKJD
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more answers below the cut   vvv
4. what do you enjoy about making graphics?
they’re pretty!!!! also, a large part of the fun is finding panels to do specifically, & doing so really makes me appreciate the little details in the backgrounds / how the paneling works / just general visual breakdowns that most likely i otherwise wouldn’t’ve consciously noticed.
5. what do you dislike most about making graphics?
mmm when i spend a lot of time on something (like.. more than an hour) & don’t end up liking it? it just feels disappointing. i post it anyway b/c this blog is mostly for keeping track of my own art progress in a more organized fashion but still,,, also that like a month ago i’d been creating them more for the response (the likes/reblogs) than my own enjoyment, & so when they didn’t get noticed i felt really down & didn’t appreciate the process? so i’m trying to do it more for myself ig… i hope that makes sense ;;
8. what is your go-to adjustment / psd for colouring?
i don’t really have one? i mean i guess ….. a warm overlay but that’s as specific as it gets! b/c it doesn’t matter what i start with, i’ll just try it out, then adjust it from there to what i really want. so i’m never consistent with it jdsfjfd
36. graphic makers, how do you get started on a graphic? (how do you get an idea!)
for my art, i have a list of prompts / ideas that i’ve thought of at some point on the app Trello, that actually i can make public if anyone’s interested, so if i’m bored or inspired i’ll check that out!! but that is a new addition (i.e. this week), so before i just made those posts on my sideblog @rldenki (it’s private tho) & sometimes reblogged things from incorrect-quotes blogs there to draw & link back  to later.)
mmm other than that i’ve gone to @rickypozzi (& since yesterday .. or maybe the day before?, @sanjispanels now that i have permission to edit them) or random chapters online to look for panels i might be interested in doing!! i have a folder of to-do’s, on my phone and on my tablet. oh & ofc my prompts tag
as for my ocs, i’ll often just start drawing a face, kinda out of it, & then just see where it takes me! i usually don’t have an idea for the end-product in mind, so when i do it can be kinda scary(?)
anyway those kinda things. i might make another post with some screenshots of my blog / inspo list / folders so y’all can see how it works (it helps a lot!!) but i don’t wanna make this too long gsdjfjdk
38. are you working on anything now? if yes, show us a work in progress!
i don’t really have wips? usually, anyway. in the sense that either i finish them or i abandon them in the middle, but either way they get posted so there’s not really.. anything to put here? i’ve only gone back to a graphic more than like. an hour later twice, usually because my learning is evolving so quickly (that sounds kinda arrogannt but i mean that i’m constantly learning) that by the time i look back on it either i don’t wanna mess the good parts i did up, or if i changed something i would want to redo the entire thing.
um but i actually do have one as a special case!!! i’m trying to learn the patience to go back to old art/graphics, which is why i haven’t just posted it yet! that & i’m kinda embarrassed of it…..,,, i was trying to do some lighting thing with her helmet off of this tutorial, but ended up hating the  product sdkgjkszdgj
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ok im at 5% battery so i gotta run & find a charger but ty for the ask!!!!! ilusm
edit: oh & here’s the prompt
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