#im assuming the anon is american idk americans are always the biggest loudest cunts in the internet
wettestwraith · 2 years
im gnc but im not trans babygirl i can still be a woman and not conform to stupid gender stereotypes at all, that makes me gnc, not being trans. but yeah, being gnc is big in lesbian spaces and culture while being trans/enby isn't lol
Yeah obviously I'm just saying that historically some butch lesbians would use neopronouns and/or get top surgery, being trans and enby isn't that far off. It's still not conforming to what society wants of you, it's kinda fucking stupid that that wouldn't at least make you tolerant of trans and enby people
Also imagine using babygirl unironically like actually lmao like who are you? Some early 2000's Disney Channel original movie jock?
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