#im apparently really hot for ksoo... wild
lzhui · 7 years
uhh so this is something I found in my notes abt the kinda vibe each exo member gives off to me, n how I feel abt them individually bc I love them a lot but in different ways?? so I tried to put that into words so here’s me rambling abt that for a bit
 minseok: ur friends smoking hot older bro who really chill n friendly but still kinda distant but u absolutely 10/10 would bang no regrets u actually already brought this up with ur friend like u had to get it out bc holy shit n they legit give permission bc the thirst is so god damn real n also u kinda fond bc he cute
 suho: ur friends super nice super handsome boyfriend like u have to bring it up every time u see him n just acknowledge the fact that this man is a handsome man bc it needs to be said out loud many times but like that’s ur girls boy n u never ever gonna go there but u respect the attractive face. give her a lil fist bump bc she did good
 yixing: easily the actual love of my life like, when we meet for the first time I get so drawn in by him that I’m actually floored like I wanna spend all my time with him, get to know him, have fun n make memories with him n it’s really intense but easy at the same time n we kinda skipped the friendship stage n went straight into Romance mode but it feels like we’ve known each other forever n I’m just so enamoured with him that I can’t stop talking abt him every time I open my mouth n my friends have staged their third intervention bc they real sick of my lovesick ass by now but like… I can’t help it I love him I’m gonna marry that man like. Thats My Guy. 
 baekhyun: this.. is so pure.. the purest friendship the easiest I genuinely care abt u n ur happiness friendship. best friendship. friendship that makes everyone else think ur together kinda friendship. so easy n fun n I’m totally myself around him n not self conscious at all n I’m so comfortable n we get up to all sorts of stupid shit like honestly why did I ever go along with this plan kinda shit. heavy on the flirting like at first it’s just banter n we so comfortable with each other that it works but then at some point it’s not a joke anymore I’m hardcore flirting with u n ur cute n u make me feel good n I absolutely need u to kiss me rn like oh my god we wasted so much time why didn’t we do this before I love u lets go watch a movie n make out but ur buying popcorn today bc u ate the last cookie I was saving earlier u dick. I tell my friends me n bbh together now n half of them are like ‘finally’ n the other half are like… wait… I thought u guys were already together wtf my life is a lie. but its cute. 
 jongdae: BITCH ME N JONGDAE GO WAY BACK like that’s my best friend. my bff. we grew up together like we used to take bathes together as babies n we had sleepovers n he’s like a bro to me even tho we run in different friendship groups we always got time for each other. like when I had my first date with a guy n I was Stressed abt it n he helped me n when I had my first date with a girl he took me shopping so I could look cute for her n he held my hand as I came out to my parents n everyone else n I stayed over n became his big spoon when That Bitch of his ex gf dumped him for another (lesser) guy n basically he is my platonic soulmate whom I love n will be my man of honour at mine n yixings wedding js. 
 chanyeol: good grief. yeol is like.. he feels like my first love. the person I shared all my firsts with. my friend my partner my lover. my young love in my teenage years, we made it through puberty together, we discovered ourselves n each other. the first boy I ever trusted with my whole self. even as we grew older, grew up, grew out of love with each other but not out of love, we made it. currently one of my closest n deepest friends like I am so Fond of yeol I would protect him with my life even if we not in love anymore we still love each other n not everyone can understand our dynamic but it works n he came with me to get my wedding dress fitted bc yixing can’t see me in it before the wedding n yeol knows me inside n out n I trust him completely. I share some of my happiest memories with him n I hold his hand with no regrets. 
 ksoo: Ok what the fuck. ksoo that guy that fucks u up everytime u look at him bc u so intrigued like wtf is up with this guy also he’s like… hot … so like…. wtf am I supposed to do but I don’t go up to him bc he’s kinda intimidating like I’m gonna make a damn fool out of myself I’d rather not. but then we get put together for a project in some irrelevant class n shit now I gotta talk to him. n I’ve never heard him speak before but fOCK his voice is deep I felt that in my ovaries sHIT. but I’m cool I got this n we work well together n do study dates to work on it n shit n he’s less intimidating when u find out he’s a fckn weeb n he has a cute smile that he only shows to ppl he likes n is comfortable with n he shows it to me so I feel Fckn Special n we end up being really good friends n it’s really chill but man… he could just say the word n I’d climb him like a tree like he’s still so damn hot oooohhhh bOY. 
 jongin: I just… I just want to hug this man… I want to hold him in my arms for no other reason than I want to feel him there. Soft friends. His giggles are infectious. he reminds me of comfort, oversized sweaters, hot chocolate n my favourite book. he also reminds me of achievement, like when I won 1st place in the 100m freestyle for the first time or when I finally finished my dissertation and got my degree. he makes me feel contently comfortable n fiercely proud idk why this is. 
 sehun: idk how I feel abt sehun, like of course I love him I think he’s cute n attractive, n I love his dynamic with everyone but I don’t know how to put it into words ? It’s like…. he’s everyone’s friend, and he shows a slightly different piece of himself to everyone, and everyone knows him, but everyone knows him… slightly differently idk how to explain it. when I think abt him i see us sitting in a cafe catching up over tea but I never see us alone? there’s always someone else there, another friend of ours to join the conversation n I don’t get it but I don’t question it bc I like sehun I think he’s a cool dude n his smile is the cutest so I constantly want to make him laugh but most of the time he just gives me The Look n continues the convo. idk it’s weird but ok.
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