#im an awkward hugger and he probably is too (at least with people hes not super close to) so that would be interesting lmao
reverieaudios · 6 months
I listened to Kane's Spotify playlist. And as his creator, you're able to give him a hug. I absolutely demand that you give him a hug. He needs it.
He'd probably set me on fire for all the things I've put him through but I'll risk it for you
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cloneslugs · 4 years
yayoi + shinada + saejima
saejima i did forever ago just bc ik if i answered yours firsy w all 3 this would be ill but it still got too long bc im a sicko but anyway thank you this made me smile to write (:
Lady Dojima 
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual 
Gender Headcanon: 🙈 lady . this actually fluctuates depending on how indulgent i wanna be but usually i just go cis woman -_- just bc that's my mom who would love and support me 
A ship I have with said character: erm.. *blushes* kashiwagi >_>
A BROTP I have with said character: kashiwagi as well :) that's her best friend thats her buddy, she has a really good relationship w kiryu too but it's different it's like a different tier entirely it's more familial in a sense but it isnt but it is, i also would like to explore her relationship w nishiki (apart from kiryu) but that is just (:, her and haruka would be cute too just bc <3 extended family 
A NOTP I have with said character: sera just bc the theories around it get on my nerves, any other man people pair her w tbh besides my beloved <3
A random headcanon: shes kind of a weird girl outside of professional settings i think the blunt way she talks is kind of offputting outside of those and also she just doesnt censor herself not that shes crude but she wont stop herself from saying weird or mean things, she has a really sarcastic sense of humor she delivers everything really dryly so it's hard to tell if shes serious or not also she doesnt laugh a lot you'll probably only make her laugh if you are close w her and even then she is just ._., daigo picks up a lot of his mannerisms from her if you see them next to each other in the same situation they are very very close and similar, she likes strawberry shortcake but shes very particular about it her like former bff ran a bakery and it feels homey and nice to her so <3 fond memories but now shes particular, her favorite flower bouquets are roses + hydrangeas but she doesn't really like roses on their own, she likes cats, she doesnt like cooking but she isnt bad at it, shes very meticulous about how she presents/looks, she has a similar academic bg w daigo, shes self taught w a katana mostly + she practices w it to destress, shes not social but shes kind of chatty if you catch her at the right time but she mostly just asks a lot of questions and doesnt engage in convo well, she likes dresses/skirts but mostly dresses <3, very close w daigo i think he really was one of those kids who was like "my mommy is my best friend <3" but they're very close that's her baby shes very proud of him and they are still close now, shes otherwise not very good w kids i think kind of awkward daigo was her exception everyone else she is just kind of … … …, she likes to sing/hum (: but only when alone/doing menial tasks
General Opinion over said character: i looooove her shes my everything i just care so deeply about her i cant even call her my friend i respect her too much shes a little bit above me but <3 hi lady dojima ik ive said this before and its so embarrassing but i get like >///< *blushes irl* if i think about calling her yayoi or god forbid a milf or anything it feels too disrespectful im so >_> anyway hiii i love you 
Sexuality Headcanon: homosexual but hes so so repressed but he loves men 
Gender Headcanon: trans guy (: 
A ship I have with said character: 😏 daigo 
A BROTP I have with said character: not including daigo um akiyama (: the whole 5 party really saejima likes to look out for him and kiryu is also there and hed be a cute big bro to haruka 
A NOTP I have with said character: mine but its almost allowed bc of how laughable and mockable and ridiculous it is also any polyam ships that involve well.  you know.. 
A random headcanon: autism (: baseball special interest that started when he was like 7 and never went dormant ever, hes bad w time and remembering things he just loses track of everything, he sleeps a lot and can sleep anywhere but if hes not sleeping he has to be doing something like anything, he likes to paint his nails mostly green but sometimes he lets daigo do black, bad at math but he likes writing a lot just in general sometimes he writes little notes/poems/thoughts/stories on his scrap paper when hes procrastinating work they're nothing special so he doesnt even really acknowledge that he likes writing he usually just scraps them or forgets about them it's just for fun, he likes to impress people if someone mentions being into something he tries to get into it too i think hes just a people pleaser, he likes to sing (: also just for fun he doesnt care about being good he'll do it when walking around or when doing literally anything he doesnt care about being loud/obnoxious in public if hes in a good/energetic mood, he cant cook mostly bc he has trouble paying attention to things for a while he gets bored and forgets about stuff, he forgets to cut his hair a lot so it gets long sometimes and he just ties it up until he actually gets around to doing something about it, very friendly he says hi to everyone and is the kind of person to not disclude people ever hes just very kind, he doesnt hold his alcohol well he gets sick pretty fast, hes very good at talking baseball/batting specifically but not very good at teaching or hes not very practical about it at least hes actually better at giving pitching tips, he has weird volume control i think its actually the opposite of daigos, hes a hugger (:, kind of really bad w social cues hes really social but can be awkward he tends to talk too much, he procrastinates a lot but hes also just a "drop everything to come and help" kind of guy maybe he doesnt prioritize well but he just cares about people like he is kind of finicky for money but hes also the type to give up his jacket if someone needs it or lend things out when he can, hes not good at picking up hobbies sometimes girls/friends get him stuff like a plant or some kind of craft kir or something and it's not like he doesnt take care of it/do anything w it he just cant hold an interest he wanted to get into music/instruments once though but it's expensive and then he eventually stopped caring/forgot, he shares his food w street animals when he can, he can either sit through movies or he can't it's either like "if im idle too long ill die" or just intense focus, he smiles a lot it's like his default face but he also smiles/laughs when hes nervous, he takes lots of pictures hes the kind of person to just message out of the blue w a pic saying it reminded him if you even if you dont make the connection and maybe it's just bc he thinks about people when walking around and he'll see something pretty/nice/cute or that just makes him smile so he needs to share it w whoever was on his mind he does it w the rgg5 crew and akiyama doesnt get it but hell send like a thumbs up or some blingee bedazzled stupid pic back + kiryu usually ignores him but deep down he thinks its sweet and maybe says "thanks." but feels too awkward to send a pic of the kids or the beach back + saejima usually sends a cat picture back or just says "okay" or ignores it + haruka always sends something back and kind of does the same thing w shinada now where she'll send him things if she thinks of him bc he started it
General Opinion over said character: he makes me so happy i love him so much hes just sweet and <3 i love you you make my heart feel <3 nice and sweet and kind i love you you mean the world to me you make me so emo i wahhhh i love you <3
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Meeting Roman Godfrey
Chapter 1
Warning - cursing.
I never thought I’d miss traffic and noise. I always took it all for granted, hated it even. But now itd be a welcome old friend. Instead here i was, in a town with a handful of stop lights and not even one mall. You had to go on a road trip, to experience civilization, but I loved my uncle and he needed me... even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
I spotted a Barnes and Noble and actually squealed in excitement. i pulled up in my big body Benz and looked a little bit out of place, but i didnt care. My car was understated low profile over the top. With its clear panoramic sunroof, so much technology, and ambiance lighting, id always kid with my uncle that i needed it for my mental health. Really I was terribly spoiled and I knew it, yet I appreciated it and never tried to rub it anyone’s face and NEVER bragged.
inside there was a shockingly big lego display and i remembered how much i used to love assembling complicated structures, while most girls played wth dolls. People never interested me, like how machines and structures did. While most little girl wanted to play with dollies and imagine scenarios about their weddings and husbands, I was trying to improve my laptop (catching a few on fire in my early years).
I walked over and spotted a gigantic Death Star set and clapped in delight, when i heard a chuckle behind me. I turned around to find the best looking man I’d ever seen, dressed in a very nice suit for New York, let alone this shit hole town. He didnt waver or look away when i looked at him and almost looked as though he were daring me to look away. My god he was shockingly gorgeous but looks never have intimidated me, not much of anything does.
“What’s funny?” I asked looking him dead in the eye.
“You.” He smirked.
“Your face is funny.” i huffed and rolled my eyes. Who did he think he was? Green eyed, puffy lipped bastard.
To my surprise he laughed and looked me up and down. Assessed me like i was livestock. sizing me up and trying to decide if he could break me. 
“I’m Roman.”
“I’m American.” I replied.
“No my name is Roman.” He laughed heartily. An amused twinkle in his eye.
He really had the best smile, and I really have a thing for noses, if you think about it, its the most imprtant facial feature. A nose can make or break a face, and his cute little slightly upturned nose with its perfect symmetry was for sure making it. combine that with gorgeous green eyes, long lashes, defined bone structure and standing at least 6′3″ he must be one of the biggest pains in the ass, this side of the Mississippi!
 If i was the type to give a shit, I might feel self conscious in my velvet Juicy track suit with my hair in a sloppy pony tail and not even a stitch of make up but luckily i was not. Why pretty boy wanted to trade names, probably had nothing to do with me, and much more to do with what he could get out of me. I usually didn’t pay much attention to anyone of the opposite sex, I just didn’t have the patience or interest, but something about this one...
“Generally when I tell someone my name, they oblige me with their own.” He said staring into my eyes with such an intensity that I reacted almost involuntarily.
I have a defect. If someone tries to tell me what to do or control me, I am not fucking having it. Authority has always been an issue, and this was no different. I bet he isnt used to being ignored, and i do enjoy helping people expand their horizons so i turned around and acted like I hadnt heard him.
He walked in front of me, blocking my view of the legos and ducked down a bit to get eye contact. He’s either crazy or incredibly confident. I raised my eyebrows as if to say “can i help you” and I know my face was absolutely sassy.
His face hardened “tell me. Your. Name.” He said slowly and deliberately.
Now it was my turn to laugh. I looked at him to see the smile or just kiddding , but it never came... WOW. So I leaned my face a couple inches from his face and I said “ha. Ha. Ha.”
The look on his face was absolutely priceless and just as I was about to walk away victorious, his nose began to bleed. Probably a coke head, i thought but I was pretty bored in this town so I figured I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and help him out. 
“Oh shit, your nose is bleeding.” i said lookinbg around for any type of tissue, when i noticed we were right next to the restrooms.
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“What? Seriously? Can you get it?” he implored looking all frightened, dare I say fragile.
Without any hesitation, I wiped the blood from his face. “Come with me, we need tissue, bathroom is right here. Look up and hold your nose.” I grabbed his hand and recieved a shock. static electricity stayed with me a lot and often scared people but he didnt even flinch. He laced his fingers in mine as if it were the most natural thing in the world and i led him to the bathroom.
Once inside, I grabbed some tissues and directed him to stand over the sink. I wet some paper towels and wiped away the blood and then took took the dry tissues and pushed his head back and crammed little tissue torpedos in his perfect little nose. 
“Gotta admit, this is new.” He quipped, admiring my handy work in the mirror and laughing in spite of himself. 
“What? Bloody nose or a girl not being putty in your manicured hands?”
“Um.... all of it. You don’t listen, you’re kind of rude, but then when theres an issue, you dont hesitate to help and then you’re taking better care of my nose bleed than anyone. no one really takes charge with me.... and now I’m in a bathroom with a woman and we aren’t fucking.” He laughed again.
“Fucking. Classy. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear you were the Godfrey asshole everyone keeps telling me about.” Ever since I’d arrived at Hemlock grove, I’d heard Godfrey this and Godfrey that. Their name was on everything and I’d heard the son was like a 21 year old gorgeous ladies man that was as kind as he was humble. 
His face fell into a frown.
“I see that’s the general consensus about that guy. Cheer up Charlie, your nose stopped bleeding most likely, let me just pull these out. i gently pulled the tissues from his nose and waited for blood but none came. “Boom mothafucka its on!” i laughed at my own ridiculousness before turning and washing my hands.
“You are ridiculous” he stated matter of factly. 
Roman stood there quietly thinking. I could almost feel the wheels turning in his head. His mood had completely changed at the mention of the Godfrey kid.Maybe his family had lost everything because of them too or the guy stole this guys girl, i felt a little guilty so i relented a tiny bit.
“Hey listen, Roman was it?” He nodded and bit his lip. oh he knows what hes doing. boy he was trouble “I’m sorry if the Godfrey’s are a sore subject. I don’t know anything about anybody here. I’m just helping out my crazy uncle that fell down his basement stairs and broke his hands and neck. I’m from the west coast and this dreary fucking place isn’t exactly my cup of tea. I don’t know why I’m rude before I’m polite but it’s involuntary. My name is Letha, it’s like Lisa with a lisp and now I’ve officially over shared.” I could feel my face turning red. Why was He making me such an awkward mess? My God this WAS new.
suddenly he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me in stopping just an inch away from my face. “Who put you up to this?” He asked with such venom in his voice it made me flinch. “WHO!?!?!” He screamed in my face.
I tried to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. My mind raced and I began to panic. No one has ever screamed in my face like this and I didn’t like it and yet, the way his eyes searched mine and the tenseness in his body and just sheer panic made me do something I hardly ever did. Especially to a crazy stranger in the bathroom, but I had the overwhelming NEED to hug him. I fought past his hands trying to hold my shoulders in kind of a silly slap fight and grabbed him around the waist and buried my head in his shoulder. He smelled so good.This was outright crazy behavior for me, and i was confusing myself but if i tried to not think, it almost felt nice. A tense minute passed with me holding him as he calmed his breathing with his arms raised. If anyone walked in, it’d be pretty weird.
“Nobody sent me you nut job! Hug me back, you need a hug. And I am NOT a hugger.” i squeezed even harder, nuzzling my face into his collar, his chin gently resting on my head.
His arms hesitantly closed around my back and then he crushed me into a deep embrace. He really did need a hug. “You ok now crazy?” I asked trying to pull back to look at his face but he held me fast. He started to shudder a bit and it was then I felt the moisture hitting my forehead. 
Was this crazy ass dude crying? Oh no he was really crazy. Shit shit shit. Good job Letha, you’re gonna get murdered in a bookstore bathroom in shit hole Pennsylvania on a Friday afternoon. Why did you hug this fucking guy? Are you crazy?
Roman loosened his grip and looked deep in my eyes searching for something. What? Im unsure, but he must of found it, because he laughed and looked almost sweet, except tears were running down his face and a moment earlier he screamed at me. Boy I can pick em.
“Well Ms Letha, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’d love nothing more than to take you out this evening wherever you want to go. Before you refuse, I assure you I’m not crazy, it’s just I had a cousin named Letha, which I’m sure you’re aware is an unusual name, that I loved very much and she passed and I’m sorry. It caught me off guard.”
I had heard about that Letha. Everyone that found out my name, told me about Letha Godfrey, the Godfrey girl that was as kind as she was beautiful, but tragically got knocked up and lost her mind talking about angels being the father, and dating some weirdo outcast. when she went to give birth in the familys intimidating skyscraper medical facility, she mysteriously died and so did her baby.
“You’re the Godfrey kid.” I practically whispered staring at him with wide eyes as I tried to recall what I’d said about him TO him.
“Hardly a kid anymore I think.” He smiled. He was so handsome, it was freaking me out. “What’s your phone number? I have to run to the white tower, and then I’m all yours.”
I knew better. He was too good looking and too rich and too everything but something told me he needed me. I know it sounds crazy but I believed in my heart and soul, this perfect beautiful fucking legend of a man needed me. I can’t explain why. I told him my number and turned to walk out of the bathroom, but he grabbed my hand.
“Please answer.” He pleaded pressing a kiss to my hand. He wasn’t trying to make me do anything now. He was giving the power over to me and i was honestly taken aback a bit by the almost desperate look in his eyes. I knew in my heart, he genuinely needed me, but for what?
I can’t explain the feeling I felt in that bathroom with this man, but when I say I felt a deeper connection to him than I’d ever felt in my 22 years on this earth, I mean it. It was thrilling, and scary, and strange. I smiled at him and nodded my head.I tried to lie to myself and act like i wasnt going to answer but dammit I so was. 
Maybe it would work in my best interests favor that my uncles’ home was 50 miles outside of town in a very isolated area so I doubted once I told him where hed have to pick me up, he’d actually follow through.
He didn’t follow me out of the bathroom and I just made a bee line for my car. I had to go. I couldn’t help smiling from ear to ear. The cashier smirked at me with what I suspect a knowing glance. Boy oh boy did I know better than to get involved with this guy, but what was the worst that could happen?
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itsonlywoolley-blog · 7 years
So I have decided to start a diary, not just about stuff I do but opinions and that of stuff I read and see throughout the day. I presume sometimes I will have naff all to say so I don’t think I will fill it and become the next Anne Frank, but I would like to be able to look back and remember things I have encountered.
Wednesday 10th January
Got a bad stomach today, feel sick too! Think this is the first time I have been ill in over a year. Not the greatest at being ill and so really feeling sorry for myself today. Watched Big Brother with all the women in it. It’s pretty boring to be honest but I will probably stick with it. Wonder how it would of gone down being just men?
Really want to do a podcast with someone, but no idea who with or what to chat about. I am not convinced people would be interested in what I have to say but at least I could say I have done it. I have a mate who nagged me for years to do a YouTube channel but I think it would be awkward just looking at my face for an hour a time. At least I could be inconspicuous on a podcast, face for the radio it’s said. I mean I am not exactly John Merrick but still.
* Im a real boy *
Lay in bed last night watching videos of soldiers returning home to surprise their families. Little odd I know but it was pretty addictive and at one point during some dust went in my eye. But we won’t dwell on that for too long. Turns out I do actually have some sort of emotion, just really shit at showing it. Everything is just alright and it’s how it’s always been. I blame my dad really, he’s not a hugger and I had to apologise numerous times for accidentally sticking a kiss on the end of a text message to him. He loves me in his own ways, like keeping me at arms length really warms his heart.
* Salford Red Devils *
Salford Red Devil’s takeover was complete yesterday and just in time for the new season. Marwan did a lot for the club but hopefully now his departure will encourage the Salford fans to come back. Attendances have been up and down over the years and last season we were better than I can remember. Hopefully this year can go one step further and be competitive in the top 8 and another good cup run. The idea of the new board and club owned by the fans is exciting but won’t work unless we get the fans in and the income. But I am feeling positive and excited, if the players are performing there is no reason why people shouldn’t come and watch. It’s cheaper than football, more fun, less nob heads and you can drink and chat with the opposition fans. The players are more accessible and give more time to fans than footballers can or do.
As for the nob heads don’t get me wrong we have our fair share as do other clubs but you can easily avoid these by keeping your shirt on and having a Bovril.
Shut Up
Thought I’d struggle for stuff to write with being not much of a chatterbox unless drinking. But turns out I have a bit to write.
Dry As Fuck
I am doing Dry January and been successful so far, hoping it will have some sort of effect on me and help me lose a bit of timber, otherwise what’s the point? Apparently a bag of crisps average 500 calories and a gin and tonic has 110??? I am not a mathematician but this kind of comparison tells me don’t have a bag of crisps just have a few gins instead and fall asleep! That way you are not hungry while asleep. Just something to consider really isn’t it?
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Coree Marx "Tree hugger."
Roman Kruger "I prefer the term 'tree enthusiast,’” he chuckles.
Coree Marx "Yeah... I'm still calling you a tree hugger. You are officially the tree hugger. Like the only one. You cool with that, right?"
Roman Kruger "Eh" he shrugs chuckling “I’ll take it, but my name is actually Roman,” he says with a wink.
Coree Marx "Nice to meet you, Roman the tree hugger. I'm Coree." Offers her hand in a formal gesture.
Roman Kruger Accepts her handshake "Pleasure to meet you Coree"
Coree Marx Withdraws her hand a moment later. "So aside from being a serial tree hugger... what else do you do?"
Roman Kruger "Im a consultant with the FBI" he smiles "And you Miss Coree?"
Coree Marx "Ahh," she offered, a nod of her head. "I'm in the music business, I suppose you could say." She shrugs, as she wouldn't consider herself truly /in/ the business quite yet, but definitely working towards it. "I've written a few songs here and there and I'm working on recording my first album," she ultimately confessed.
Roman Kruger "Wow, thats way more impressive than an FBI consultant" he says with total seriousness "i could lie and give myself a badass backstory, but alas i have amnesia" he shrugs feigning dramatic
Coree Marx "No way," she argued, shaking her head. "Putting a few words together while strumming a guitar has nothing on what you're doing," she added, having a firm grip on what was important in the world. Pauses. "Do you really have amnesia?"
Roman Kruger "Yep, my psychopathic adoptive mother drugged me with ZIP, she did it to my sister Jane 2 years ago, and now me." He says with a shrug, the memories come few and far between. The few he remembers are awful from his childhood in the orphanage. "I remember a few things from my past. My sister is my main starting point."
Coree Marx Thinking he had only been joking, she couldn't imagine, although she didn't doubt his story either. "Shit," she whispered, trying to find something more than that to say, but finding herself lacking in the word department. "I don't even know what to say," she confessed, finding herself to be as awkward as she normally did, though in this case she wished it weren't so. "How far back can you remember?"
Roman Kruger He scratches his beard "well, consistently only a few months back" he shoves his fists in his pockets "a few memories of me and my sister where we sorta grew up" he scoffs at the aspect of growing up in the orphanage "we grew up in an ophanage in Pretoria, Africa"
Coree Marx Eyeing the man as he spoke of what he could remember, she drew a slow breath, feeling the weight of every word he said, committing it to memory as she'd never want to make a conversational mistake with him considering. "This might sound completely naive of me, but how do you do your job if you don't remember beyond a few months back?"
Roman Kruger "Thats a fair question" he says shifting his wait from one foot to the other "well, i still have the abilities i had before, foreign laguage knowledge, marital art skills, stuff like that i still have i just have to remember i know it" he chuckles. The questions dont bother him any. Nothing really bothers him anymore other than his scar. " i mainly follow Assistant Director Wellers lead, or Agents Zapata, Reade, or Pattersons directions, and my sister of course." He smiles genuinely at her. "But, youre questions arent naive, they're cair questions"
Coree Marx Listening to what the man had to say, she was definitely in awe of his resolve to not give up as she couldn't imagine losing everything she knew the way he had and then having to remember that she knew it to begin with. She shook her head softly as he was giving her too much credit. "I just know there's a lot in the world I don't know, so I ask. It's probably more a lack of world exposure than it is true care, if I'm honest," she confessed, not struggling to be truthful in the slightest as she was that to the very core. "So was tree hugging something you've always done?"
Roman Kruger "Im not entirely sure, to be honest" he states with a chuckle "its honestly more for my sister, she loves the holidays from what little i can remember, so i figured shed enjoy this to decorate" he smiles, he didnt mind the holidays much, he doesnt remember much about them let alone if he ever celebrated them. "So what made yoh decide to be a singer/songwriter?"
Coree Marx "I think you definitely were," she decided conclusively, thinking it made for a good story if nothing else. Hearing him ask about her, she shrugged her shoulders. "I don't think I ever really chose song writing. It kinda chose me? Been at it since I was a kid, really. As for singing... that's another story all in itself. I can do it just fine in the studio, but put me up in front of a crowd and I freeze. Not quite sure this is gonna pan out, so we'll see. Might just need to stick to what I'm good at."
Roman Kruger He nodded processing what he was just told. "Well, i suppose the aspect of crowds could be simple. If youre able to walk up and make conversation with a total stranger..." he begins and points to himself "then you singing to a crowd if kinda the same on a larger scale, just walking up to a whole bunch of strangers and talking, well singing.." he corrects himself "but im not sure, ive never tried so i wouldnt know" he said with finality to his explanation
Coree Marx Hearing him out as he did have a point and she had approached the tree hugger randomly, she nodded her head. "But I didn't walk up to you exposing something of myself. I didn't put something out and say 'here, I hope you like it'. I didn't show you myself without any guard up at all," she reminded him as her written words were so much deeper than anything she could ever say in casual conversation. "Although I will confess, my producer encourages my random interactions with people for the exact reason you just stated, so you're probably not too far off."
Roman Kruger He smoothes his beard out "well you kind of did expose yourself a bit. Saying that you were a singer/songwriter and all" he shakes his head "but youre right, it isnt the same i guess" he says with a shrug. The farthest hed gone with singing was with his sister once at a kareoke bar. While from what he could remember he was told he was good, but he didnt believe it much "well, im sure you could rock it in a arena singing" he said with total honesty "start small i guess, kareoke bars and such"
Coree Marx "I do alright on open mic nights in bars. It's intimate and there's not that many people. The lighting sucks and I can't actually see anyone and everyone stays so quiet. It's those bigger venues that terrify me. All in good time, maybe. The boyfriend says I need blinders like what a horse wears, but we haven't quite found a way to do that yet," she confessed with a soft laugh.
Roman Kruger "Ive been told the spotlights on a stage kind of blind you from seeing the crowd." He says with a shrug "well id love to hear you sing sometime, ive only sang to a room of drunk bikers." He said with a laugh and wag of the eyebrow. He was being totally honest but making himself a joke as well, like usual. "But, hey, they said i was pretty good" he said laughing at himself once more
Coree Marx "Well, I'd love to hear you sing sometime," she offered with a genuine smile to her features finding an even trade of singing to be something worth basing it all off of. "I'll let you hear me sometime. Promise. Next time I'm going to attempt something, I'll get you the information so you can come if you'd like. Just promise me if I freeze, you won't give me a hard time for it and instead, it will be met with vodka. Lots and lots of vodka."
Roman Kruger He smiles with a small chuckle "Well, that may take a couple drinks, i suppose im a hypocrite because i havent sung sober in front of other people." he shrugs "But i am definately looking forward to hearing you" he said with sincerity "I dont think youll freeze, but if you do ill cheer no matter what." he smiled "But im going to aformentioned biker bar tonight and its kareoke night again, so if youd like to join me id be honored" he says bowing dramatically but goofily
Coree Marx Hearing his invitation, she clenched her teeth together in what could only be described as a nervous smile as a biker bar was definitely not a place the blonde would normally be caught within. Hearing it was karaoke night though, her agent would kill her if she didn't take any and all opportunities to get in front of people and perform to her best ability as every little bit would help. "You know what, give me the address and I might just see you there," she suggested, knowing she'd want to run it by her boyfriend to see if he'd like to join, but thinking it might be a good idea for a different crowd in a different space just to see how it went.
Roman Kruger Noticing the clench of her jaw at the aspect of a biker bar "You don't have to come if you aren't comfortable with the atmosphere." he smiled reassuringly "But it isn't as crazy or dangerous as you may expect, yes they do all have guns, but its pretty fun" he scratches his beard "If you do decide to come the bar is called The Nest"
Coree Marx Nodding her head as it was out of her comfort zone, though most everything outside of her apartment was out of her comfort zone to be honest. "I will," she seemed to promise stating that she'd be there one way or another. Whether or not she'd actually sing that night would be another story entirely, but she'd at least give it a chance. "Would it be cool if my boyfriend comes along with me? I don't know if he'll be able to, to be honest. He's in college and it keeps him crazy swamped, but if he's down, would you like to meet him?"
Roman Kruger "Bring anyone you want Coree" he smiled "id love to meet him, my sister and team will be coming as well" he said nodding "i know if you feel uncomfortable so i wont be upset or anything if you change your mind on coming" he said with genuine sincerity. He didnt want to make her uncomfortable by inviting her somewhere unsafe in her mind. "It will be safe, due to the fact of a few FBI agents being there, including the Assistant Director."
Coree Marx She wasn't overly concerned with safety in reality, she was just a bit of a homebody and knew her boyfriend to be the same, though both did their best to overcome it at every opportunity. It was different for Barron than it was for her, but the cores would remain the same. "Count me in, Roman," she committed, not yet sure if Barron would come or if she'd wind up bringing another friend instead, but she'd at least promise to be there. "What time should I plan to be there?" she asked, revealing a bit more of herself to him as she always had a plan and was never late as he'd soon find out.
Roman Kruger "8 o'clock good for you?" He asked "My team and i will be there about then barring no case comes up." He smiles genuinely at her. "Im glad youre coming Coree." He enjoyed making new friends, it made him feel as normal as an amnesic can possibly feel
Coree Marx "8 o'clock it is," she stated, easily agreeing to the offered time as it would give her plenty of time to figure out exactly what she was doing and to see if Barron would like to join her or if she'd be dragging another friend along with her instead. "I'm really glad you invited me," she confessed as friendships were quite important to the young woman in a concrete jungle such as New York where everything felt so cold all too often and it was nice to meet someone willing to extend the arm of friendship without much reservation. "I'll see you then," she promised, giving up a nod of her head before she turned to go her own way, turning one last time first, flashing him a warm smile. "Tree hugger."
Roman Kruger He winked at her "see you then Cor,” he said as he turned the opposite way towards a small coffee shop “I’ll think of a nickname for you eventually,” he said over his shoulder
-March 10, 2017
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