#im also v high & overtired
closetcasefabray · 7 years
i was just thinking about cophine getting high together & then imagined modern day clexa doing the same & omg a whole headcanon is now exploding out my brain. so here’s this not-a-fic.
so clarke would have tried weed in hs & she would get high once in a while, but she was a good student & pretty popular so her parents never really saw any change. & one time jake catches her coming in late & he can totally tell she’s high & he’s just like “we’ll talk in the morning.” when he does, he doesn’t tell abby but just tells clarke not to drive high & recommends against smoking bc lungs are important. & he ends it with “i trust you kiddo. you can make your own decisions. im proud of you for being you.” bc he’s jake & he loves her so much (& also thinks marijuana should be legal & regulated).
so clarke is at university (i normally imagine them at UMD just bc Polis & TonDC are Maryland/DC references) & she’s roommates with raven, & the two of them like going to the roof of one of the campus science buildings & smoking bc sometimes the professors leave telescopes on the roof for labs. raven gets medicinal marijuana & explained that her parents knew she already smoked so they wanted her to do it legally & “the leg thing just helped expedite the process.” so they smoke pretty regularly. (eventually raven tells clarke that she was in an accident when she was with her boyfriend, finn, on his motorcycle.)
clarke meets octavia in her math class & they both hate it but numbers come easier for clarke than O so clarke essentially carries O through that class despite paying zero attention in class. O is on the track team, so she doesn’t smoke but hangs out with clarke & raven on the roof.
lexa is a sophomore but really ahead & could easily graduate early. but she’s double majoring in political science & psychology with a minor in world literature. clarke has dyslexia & while she does know various strategies to read & study well, she devotes most her energy toward her pre-med materials. that unfortunately affects the quality of her weekly papers for her english lit gen ed class. so she goes to the writing center where of course lexa works.
& clarke is pretty intimidated bc lexa is dressed for the career fair the first time she meets her & just looks like she has all her shit together. when lexa asks her what she should focus on for critiques, clarke just says “everything.” & lexa does that small smile & clarke is just like “wHAT IS THIS FEELING????”
even though lexa rips her paper apart it was fine bc clarke could watch her hands move across paper all day. one day clarke asks if she wants to go to the food court since lexa gets out at the same time. so they do & they end up talking & clarke ends up confessing she has dyslexia & lexa encourages her to go to the student disability services office so a formal letter could be sent to the professor, but clarke says how it shouldn’t be an excuse. & lexa is like super serious & respects clarke’s choice but also says, “it’s not an excuse if you do go. it’s about being honest with yourself & the professor. you’re fully capable of doing great work, & dyslexia isn’t a reflection of your intelligence, but just letting your professor know may help form a more effective curriculum.” they exchange numbers & the next day, clarke sends her a thank you text bc she went to student services & her lit professor’s office hours & they decided on bi-weekly 3pg papers instead of the weekly 2 pg papers.
then clarke eventually asks her out as they leave the writing center one night & lexa has to ask, “like a date?” & clarke mildly panics but lexa explains “i have a girlfriend.” costia, who is this really wonderful art history major & photographer back home in PA & attending Penn State, who she met through a summer internship before lexa’s first year in university. but lexa thinks they’d make good friends & clarke refuses to be a douche who broods in the “friend zone.”
lexa doesn’t go to parties, but she drinks occasionally. so clarke invites her to the roof with O & Raven & they end up drinking two giant bottles of cheap wine. when lexa admits she’s never smoked weed, it becomes raven’s mission to get lexa high, mostly bc lexa is so serious & she wants to see what she would happen. but lexa passes on the weed & is grateful bc clarke smoked & got the spins & puked off the side of the roof.
another time, raven gets a few edibles & splits them with her friends so she, O & Lincoln (OT/PT major, junior, also on track) are playing frisbee on the quad while super high & clarke is drawing & sitting bc physical exertion is so not her style, esp when stoned. & lexa gets out of class & sees clarke so she joins her. & when clarke looks up & sees lexa approaching, she gets the biggest cheesiest smile bc it’s lexa & its one of the few remaining warm days of fall so she’s in a knee-length dress & just looks stunning. she sits down & lifts up clarke’s sunglasses & laughs & asks “how high are you rn?” clarke just giggles–something she only does high–& replies “very.” & lexa just grins & pokes clarke’s cheek & says “i can tell bc your dimples. you have them the entire time bc you can’t stop smiling.” & clarke just replies “or maybe i’m just happy to see you.” & then O appears with her arms full of snacks & clarke is like “good call, O” & O is like “tf are you talking about???? this is mine.” but raven & lincoln brought munchies for clarke.
then when it’s just the two of them, lexa asks what it feels like being high. clarke’s still stoned so it’s hard but says “you can’t really know the feeling without getting high….. your stream of consciousness goes on every tangent. your thoughts take the scenic route… also your internal voice becomes really apparent, but it’s not critical or anything. things feel easy.” & lexa just concludes “you’re an anti-anti-drug ad.”
so lexa tells clarke one day she wants to try weed so clarke’s super excited & wants lexa to be comfortable & they go to the roof, just the two of them & smoke & lexa quickly learns smoking hurts her throat & lungs a lot but clarke packed ice water which helps. when clarke can tell lexa is stoned, she laughs bc her eyes are glossy & just beautiful & that small smile of hers doesn’t leave her lips. but she reassures lexa that she looks fine & isn’t obviously high.
they lie on a blanket & lexa asks clarke to hold her hand bc she feels strange & clarke just smiles & takes her hand & gives it a little squeeze. but they end up talking & laughing bc of some stupid story clarke told & even though clarke’s heard lexa’s laugh, she loves the sound of it in that moment. & she’s jus like “wow. im so in love with her” inside of course.
that night gets lexa into trouble with costia bc long distance is dumb & costia can tell lexa is falling for clarke. they break up before the second semester so lexa throws herself into work but clarke is persistent about making lexa interact with ppl outside of academics & they end up smoking on the quad one night & lexa is p sure she could kiss clarke but she knows she should tell her how she feels first & not kiss her & have clarke assume it was just bc they were high. but they hold hands even though lexa feels fine.
so they both end up super busy bc midterms but they study together in the library. clarke has a nervous habit of tapping her pen & the sound makes lexa anxious, so one day she puts her hand on top of clarke’s tapping hands & clarke apologizes but lexa removes her hand then takes clarke’s right & runs her thumb along the back. it ends up being the kind of sensory stuff the both of them needed & becomes habit.
both of them finish their midterms the same day so they hang out to celebrate which basically turns into them taking a nap in clarke’s bed & raven taking a million ways photos & taking bets from O & lincoln about how long it would take them.
but something about missing clarke on spring break spurred lexa into action so their first day back at school, they’re two of the first back on campus so they go the roof but don’t have weed & as clarke is rambling about something lexa just hugs her & clarke laughs & asks “what’s this about?” & lexa says “i missed you.” & clarke smiles & says “me too.” & then lexa kisses her & it’s grossly cute & clarke kind of sighs as they hold each other after. & blah blah they’re in love & just the grossest.
but what originally spurred this whole thing on was just me thinking “i bet lexa would get horny when high” so my brain is essentially the tag “porn with feelings.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway. i’ve got shit to do i guess but thought i’d share.
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bookworm-2692 · 7 years
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
tagged by @lebannabell (first of three haha ty)
tagging: @productiveunicorn @zakounenharma @a-lostflower-inlove-with-eden @ruessterteeth @justicetom21 @autisticvaswani @starelin2 @kanavitas @ayretonothing @thelostspirit
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: my mum i think? [3] text message: "have loved them ever since” (talking about a eurovision song. belarus this year. i love them) [4] song you listened to: im listening to esc radio rn and its “your heart belongs to me” by hind (netherlands 2008) [5] time you cried: yesterday actually haha. i wouldnt normally have cried in that situation i was just overtired haha
[6] dated someone twice: nope [7] been cheated on: nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope [9] lost someone special: nope [10] been depressed: i think i was at least mildly depressed a few years ago? only realised in hindsight tho [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] blue (since forever) [13] purple (since realising i was ace haha) [14] green ??? (for a while but idk)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: i think so? not close so more like aquaintences tho (i also cant spell at all) [16] fallen out of love: nah [17] laughed until you cried: a year is a long time so not that i remember but there is definitely a chance [18] found out someone was talking about you: i’d be very surprised if i was never talked about i talk about people all the time [19] met someone who changed you: dont think so [20] found out who your true friends are: no??? like im no longer friends w some people but we just drifted apart so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: i dont have facebook
GENERAL… [22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: a) i dont really have tumblr friends b) there are a bunch of real life friends on tumblr but so many stopped using it so i no longer know how many use it anymore so i cant answer this question [23] do you have any pets: no. i had three guinea pigs several years ago tho [24] do you want to change your name: nah i like it [25] what did you do for your last birthday: same thing i did the year before and am planning to do this year. just a big gathering w my friends and having lunch and talking and chilling and stuff [26] what time did you wake up: 6:30? 7? idk [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping [28] name something you cannot wait for: dnd on sunday w family [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: like an hour ago idk [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: id like to be more organised. and get my homework done on a reasonable timeframe sort of thing [31] what are you listening to right now: esc radio still, “todas as ruas do amor” by flor-de-lis (portugal 2009) [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yep [33] something that is getting on your nerves: nah not really [35] elementary: what is this question asking? [36] high school: um??? im in high school? is that what youre asking? [37] college: im probs gonna go to uni next year [38] hair colour: brown [39] long or short hair: long for me haha [40] do you have a crush on someone: nah [41] what do you like about yourself?: im someone people have said theyre able to talk to w problems bc i dont ask for every last detail? also my maths ability haha. and playing netball if someones beating up someone on my team i go on them and then they dont beat me up. idk [42] piercings: nah [43] blood type: a positive! [44] nickname: not really any unfortunately [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: cancer [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: probably eurovision haha i cant wait [49] tattoos: nope [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: um does setting a broken bone count? bc that was v shortly after my tenth birthday [52] piercing: dont have any [53] best friend: i dont really think ive ever had one. maybe ash? idkkkkkk [54] sport: i had swimming lessons from like the age of 2 or whatever, did tennis from prep????? [55] vacation: central australia when i was three months old (was dropped on my head on the second day and then my granddad died shortly after that so we had to come home for the funeral or something idk) [56] pair of trainers: um???? how do you remember brands of shoes from like over a decade ago
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: answer two more of these things haha [60] listening to: esc radio still, “wild child” by ace wilder (preselection sweden 2017) [61] waiting for: idk dinner i guess??? [62] want: my homework to be miraculously done [63] get married: im not getting married right now? what is this question asking? [64] career: i dont have a career im still at school
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs! i love hugging people [66] lips or eyes: eyes?? look pretty???? idk [67] shorter or taller: um i’d like to be taller???? i’d like other people to be shorter????? what is this question asking what am i choosing between? [68] older or younger: what is this question asking? what is better older or younger???? [69] romantic or spontaneous: i dont like romance but i dont know what context you mean for spontaneous? [70] nice arms or nice stomach: um????? do you mean on me or other people????? what defines a nice stomach or nice arms what? ah yes your digesting organ does its job well what i dont get it [71] sensitive or loud: what! is! this! question! [72] hook up or relationship: neither lol [73] troublemaker or hesitant: what is this asking i dont get it why cant people who make these original posts be more specific w their questions
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? no [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no [77] turned someone down: no (unless they asked really vaguely and i didnt understand that would be funny haha) [78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? doubt it [80] had your own heart broken? nope [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? if a guinea pig counts as someone then yes otherwise no [83] fallen for a friend: no
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? what do you mean? [85] miracles? no [86] love at first sight? no [87] santa claus? no [88] kiss on the first date? if the people dating want to then why not [89] angels? no
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: dont have any [91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: idk dont think i have any
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