#im also deer watching as they lay in the backyard
butchharts · 2 months
old people were onto something about just sitting outside in a nice little chair with a cold drink
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kyurizeu · 1 year
#14 - kisses and hugs (Im)possibly fate (TEXT)
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Warnings: fluff. Fluffy fluff. Angst and stress. Also not proofread bc yk me;)
Word count: 1,4k
“I have to go now guys… byeeee annyeong!!” Just as you shut the live off you felt how every drop of energy drained out of your body. Your lips faded into a line trying to hold still to not fall into a frown. Your eyes became teary and you felt your breath getting shaky. Deep breaths yn. It’s okay.
“Kiranaaaaaa are you here?” You peeked into the kitchen and soon the whole house until you had to go check her room. “Knock knock? R u here kira?”
“Yep! U ready?”
She came out of her room and soon plopped into the drivers seat of her new shiny car. “Damn this is cleaner than I expected” you slid your finger over the surface of the steering wheel as if you were looking for dust. “I just got it so… haven’t got time to trash it yet” “makes sense”
“Where do i drop u off?”
“Oh yk where the nearest seven eleven is, right? Drop me off there”
“At the seven eleven..?”
“Their dorm is most likely surrounded by people and i do not want to get caught near his dorm.”
“Okay smart”
“Ty kira bye!”
“Bye! Also call me when u need a ride back! Dont be too late and call me if u need help!”
“I’ll be fine dw”
You sneaked into their backyard and knocked onto their glass door which you saw a very startled Niki through. You mouthed “i’m sorry” to him and he rolled his eyes before sliding the door open. “Where is-“ “Jungwonnn!! Your girlfriend is here” he yelled reaaallly loudly facing the direction of jungwons room. Jungwon soon sprinted out of the room to hug you tightly. “Ugh get a room.” Niki muttered as he went back to the kitchen table to eat his cereal. Jungwon placed a million soft kisses all over your head also letting out little “mwah” sounds on purpose as he hugged you softly and moved both of you back and forth slowly. “Jungwon- i cant breathe..” he chuckled and placed his hands onto your cheeks to plant the final kiss on your soft lips. For a second he just adored your face and smiled at you lovingly. “Let’s go into my room so i can kiss you in peace” he glanced at niki annoyingly and grabbed you by your wrist.
His room was cozy but messy…ish… i mean there werent clothes all over but the room was a bit unwell decorated. That didn’t matter though because he was laying on his bed with open arms and a warm smile. You took the opportunity to jump onto the bed and hug him tightly. He started kissing your cheeks and caressing your hair. “Honey look at me” you looked up at him into his soft and gentle eyes. “Youre so beautiful”
The words that usually made you smile, blush or feel butterflies now made your eyes teary and throat dryer. Your slight smile turned into a downward one and your lips started shaking. Jungwons eyes widened a little and his hands came back onto their favourite place on your cheeks. “Yn… did i do something wrong?” The poor boy looked confused and concerned. You bursted into tears and hid your face in your hands. “I-i’m sorry honey are you okay?” He pulled you into his chest to hug you as he rubbed your back and head softly. “N-no you didn’t do anything wrong…” you mumbled against his soft hoodie. He just hugged you more tightly and placed you onto his lap.
After a while your eyes started drying a bit and you sniffled once before backing away from him to smile softly. Your nose was a little red and eyes were swollen. “Im sorry won.. i ruined the night” he tilted his head with furrowed brows and still wide eyes like a deer in headlights. “No no no you didn’t it’s good that you’re here. You’re safe and you can cry. I’m here” his hands were resting on your waist and they connected together behind your back. “Do you want to talk about it or just cuddles?” He pouted at you and watched as you wiped some tears into your sleeves. “I-It’s just that… I can’t stand my job right now. My manager is a pain in the ass and i’m just ruining everything. I was so bad during our last comeback and i dragged you into this solo album dating rumour mess and- and i ruined your life too and i’m such an idiot and on top of that-“ you felt yourself being pulled into a hug again. “Yn… you are the sweetest most precious soul and I hate to think that you’ve been feeling like this because you deserve nothing but happiness and love. You haven’t ruined anything and you’re one of the most professional idols i know. You have nothing to worry about baby. Tell me, what would ease your mind right now?” He pulled away from the hug and kissed your forehead tilting his head after. “I.. i think some kisses and hugs.. and my fav movie.” You smiled through the teary eyes, red and puffed up eyes. “Anything my princess wants” he kissed your lips softly and scooted onto the back of his bed with you in his lap, letting his back hit the wall. “Make urself comfy and i’ll find the movie on my laptop” you cozied yourself on his chest and he placed a pillow on your thighs and the laptop on top of the pillow.
He was the sweetest man. His cologne wafting through the air was making you even more comfortable. When the theme song of the movie started playing your boyfriend started playing with your hair and running his hands through it.
In the middle of the movie jungwon thought he was hallucinating because of the small sound he heard. He looked over your shoulder as much as he could and then he heard the sound again— soft snores coming out of your mouth. Aw she’s so cute.. he adored you so much.. he took a 0.5 picture of you and laughed a little at it before thinking his possibilities through. A) wake you up and get you mad, B) let you sleep but you’d get mad because you’re late, C) let you sleep here the night but get you fired.
“Sweetie..?” He shook you softly and as you started opening your eyes softly he lifted you up onto his lap by your armpits. “Did u sleep well?” He smiled as he kissed your neck softly and pressed his face against the side of yours. You slightly blushed and felt embarrassed and annoyed that you had fallen asleep but you’d rarely gotten any sleep these days. “I’m sorry wonie… i-” a yawn interrupted your sentence and Jungwon chuckled at you. “I was so comfortable there… what time is it?” You turned to your boyfriend now. “It’s uhh… 22:28pm” he checked his phone before focusing all his attention back to you. “22:28pm?! Oh no i have to go home” you pouted and leaned in to hug him tightly.
“It’s okay sweetie we see each other almost daily” he laughed at the way you started clinging onto him suddenly. “You feel a little cold.. wait there..” he left the bed leaving you to lay on your stomach hugging the pillow in disappointment. “Here you go” you got up to sit on his bed until your eyes focused onto your favourite hoodie of his. Suddenly jungwon was dressing the hoodie on you. “I want you to stay warm” he smirked like always when he has something in his mind. “Jungwon… you just like seeing me in your clothes, right?” You laughed with a disappointed expression. “So what you’re cute with my oversized clothes” he shrugged and lifted you to stand up and hug him. “You like wearing my clothes too hm?” He rested his chin on top of your head and swung you two back and forth again. He loves giving these kind of hugs oml. “Yeah they’re comfy and smell like you” your hands rested on his lower back and you tried pulling away and pouted “jungwon i really need to go..”
“Okay.. just text me that you get home safely, mmkay?” He patted your head as you stopped hugging. “Yes okay… bye wonie.. i love you” he smiled as you left his room while rubbing your eyes with your hands in fists. “Love you too ynnie”
Taglist: (open)
@harperwasstaken @strwberrydinosaur @letapostropheesgo @yngwife @chogolei @ddeonmixx @j-wyoung @xiaoderrrr @vivibelov3d @ablackbtsstan @chaechae-23 @vizstars @tlnyjoong @ahnneyong @deobitifull @jungwonnieee @yumilovesloona @ikeu4life @nyxtwixx @s02zjy @choclate32 @soobiverse @maimoirs @gigi-honeyjaes @aeriti @kimiplx @jakeify @sullkyoons2
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sapph-mik · 2 months
i’m 11 years old and you’re 11 weeks old and we have our whole lives ahead of us. you were the best christmas present.
i’m 12 years old and you’re 1 now. we’ve given you a name, Roscoe. it fits you as you’re incredibly smart and incredibly cheeky. we’ve spent the past year together learning. sit, stay, shake, speak. you picked up on house training pretty quick as you didn’t like being outside.
i’m 13 now and you’re 2. i cry when i come home from school, i got left out again today and it hurts. i don’t have many friends. but i have you. you wag your tail at a million miles a second at me as i walk through the doors. suddenly it doesn’t matter that i don’t have friends, i have you.
i’m 14 now, and you’re 3. if i’m at home, you’re probably trailing behind me. my parents joke that you’re my shadow. i like having a buddy with me at all times. it’s nice to have a friend.
i turned 15, you turned 4. we brought home another puppy. you liked him until he got bigger than you, now to you the new dog is just a mild annoyance and inconvenience. but you’re still my shadow.
soon i turn 16, you turn 5. we still find time to have alone time, even with the other dog around. he isn’t so bad. he’s completely different from you. i might be growing up but we still play hide and seek together.
17 came and went, 6 for you. the boy i would bring to the house didn’t win you over entirely, which is okay with me. i couldn’t have you love him more than you love me.
i turned 18! you turned 7, and now are considered “senior” in dog world. it was also my senior year of high school. it was a hard year, i learned so much about myself. on the tough days, you’d be begging me for attention, but the distraction was welcomed.
19 years, 8 for you. the pandemic started, you loved how everyone was home now. we passed the time binge watching shows together, always giving you a piece of my popcorn.
20 happened, 9 was experienced. your seizures started, but they faded. it scared the hell out of me. you tore your CCL, how we may never know but you championed through it. I moved to college, away from you. i missed you everyday.
the big 21 came! you hit double digits at 10. whenever i came home you were SO excited. i missed you everyday. coming home was one of the best things for me. you always knew how to cheer me up. your fur started salt and peppering.
22 i partied hard, 11 and you were going strong. you somehow managed to get a big scar on your back from a skin infection, its okay i came home with a new scar on my eyebrow. we always did have to do everything together, didn't we?
im 23 now, and you 12. you told us it was time. you now lay in the backyard, soon youll be under a tree we pick out, the shade a shelter from the warm sun, laying in a place im sure you'd approve of.
24 will come, and you'll stay "almost 13" for the rest of time. it will hurt knowing i wont get to kiss your little head again, or sneak a tiny sample of all my food under the table. suddenly those years where you’d chew up my things and i was so angry are so far away and it doesn’t matter. thank you for all the years. thank you for teaching me how to have a dog. thank you for always being the sweet little dog. people who know me will come to know you, as i tell everyone i meet about you.
i hope you found grandpa up there, and i hope you’re chasing the deer and the birds. i hope you know you are so loved. i’ll see you someday. in the meantime try not to miss us as much as we miss you.
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