#im a cat person myself but my god leo is adorable
scuderiamint · 5 months
The "lestappen opposites saga" continues
now with the added:
Dog dad Charles and Cat dad Max
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tfwlawyers · 7 years
long story short: I lost my cat poppy suddenly on april 2nd while I was away and asked for people to send me pictures of their own cats/pets; I’m a huge cat person and even just seeing cats really does cheer me up, so!! a huge thank you to everyone who sent me stuff or even just stayed the night with all these pics, I wanted to clean up my blog but still wanted to keep all the pictures
so !! cats under the cut, check if you’re ever feeling down and like cats ;0; 
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submitted by dontkillbirds:
I couldn’t decided which of my cats to turn into Edgeworth so I turned both my cats into Edgeworth? I have no idea if this is comforting but you said you wanted pictures of cats or ace attorney stuff and this??? Is what my brain came up with???
I’m truly sorry you lost your cat. Xoxoxoxoxox
this is so unbelievably comforting to me, thank you <3 and your cats are super adorable, what are their names !!
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submitted by theskittypink:
shoot you need cat submissions? here this is my boy Leo and hes about 8 at this point. Hes a kitten at heart, a snuggler and bed thief!
WHAT A FLUFF BALL he looks so sweet!! give him some snuggles for me, please ;0;
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submitted by lebdinechew:
This is my baby girl, Sasha, on Christmas She loves her sweater when it’s cold.
i am This Close to crying again but not out of sadness this time but just bc sasha’s a good girl who looks great in her sweater hgkdlgd
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submitted by pocketclocked:
Here is Morgana (aka Beebs), who is very snuggly and comprised mostly of sharp objects and demons. 💙💙
an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0; <3
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submitted by acecaskettuniverse:
Lost my precious cat Lucky in November. I know exactly how you feel. It took me months before I could touch another cat (February). But as much as I miss him, it gets easier. Above all I know that he wants me to be happy. And I’m sure yours does too.
I’m so sorry to hear that, he looks like a sweetheart and I’m sure he was so happy with you ;0; I pretty much always need a cat to function so I’m sure I’ll make a day out of visiting my local shelter sometime soon, but I absolutely understand needing the time and I’m glad you were finally able to look again….. lucky and poppy were loved and happy and knowing that is a definite comfort, ty <3
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submitted by whimsicallyabsolute:
These are my babies, Shiloh and Seamus. They’re grumpy and I love them very much.
the ?? opposite fur thing they’ve got going on ???? they’re so cute, ty ;0;
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submitted by eternallyanna:
my dumb boys… odin w the collar and hobbes without
hobBES what a perf name for an orange cat ;0; thank you!! god that last pic is an absolute beauty
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submitted by klesbian:
This is Sakura, I met her at a cat cafe and she was a sleepy little angel! I’m sorry about your cat, it’s always the worst when a pet passes.
what a bab!! and thank you for your words <3
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submitted by caltrops:
this is commodore puffington. majestic and Very Large. he likes to stick his leggy out. he would definitely cuddle you if you needed him.
;0; im on the way over Right Now to cuddle, perf name for a perf cat, thank you!
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submitted by fabhab:
here’s my round boy (1/3 cats; i would have submitted pictures of all of them but i couldn’t figure out how to submit more than one picture at once) his name is quill and when we first got him he weighed 15 ounces but now he’s a chunky boy and he loves throwing his toys under furniture and making u retrieve them for him
quill’s such a cute name omg!! big happy boy I’m so glad
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submitted by fabhab:
whoop i figured it out on mobile so here’s my basement gremlin lupine who we saved from starving at petsmart bc he only has 4 teeth and can’t eat wet food. he’s a very softboy and will whack ur legs if u attempt to leave in the middle of paying attention to him. last but not least is percy who enjoys being a rabblerouser and is possibly a crime lord (all the neighborhood cats are afraid of him). however, he is a very cuddly boy and will sit on ur lap for 8 hours straight if u let him
basement gremline lupine and crime lord percy goD, they look like sweethearts, thank you for sending me these ;0; <3
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submitted by anaislingmemory:
I’m sorry about hearing about your cat. I don’t have any completed Narumitsu fics (yet), but I have a pic of Krystal.
!!!! krystal is more than enough, thank you <3
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submitted by sarcasticscepticles:
I’m sorry to hear about your cat. This is my cat Nymer, his favorite foods are cookies, pizza rolls, chips, flour, and anything else that’s not cat food.
WHAT A LUMP I love him
and ty ;0;
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submitted by advisedpanic:
I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty. This is my puppy Sally, and she is Very Old (16) so I’m sort of preparing myself to get news like this one day soon too. She is grumpy and loves lounging in the sun and she’s my baby. this was from when she was recovering from surgery to get some cancer out of her nose but she’s all better now. im sending u all the best vibes and wishes xx
!! she looks adorable and I sincerely hope you a few more good long years with her; and thank you ;w;
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger
:0 the softest…
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submitted by chickenpurr:
here’s some of my cats, Suki (annoying and loud, occasionally cuddly), Marbles (old and sleepy and simply the best), and some of my feathered cats (including Zella the Frog Assassin). Hope they can help cheer you up a bit :>
cuties!! my friend also has a cat named suki and she sounds exactly the same hdg
thank you ;w;
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submitted by thatonechickyoudontknow:
This is my friend @zipper-nova ’s cat, Abraham Lincoln. He’s a big, old, momma’s boy. We think he tucked himself in…
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submitted by skygrappler:
This is my baby Gigi! She was a rescued cat that we think was let out of a college dorm… she’s like a year old and her hobbies are farting and biting my fingers
;o; I’m glad she’s got a home with you now !! (and all the fingers she can bite)
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submitted by sammythebabymoose123:
My little Bby Josie, I hope this cheers you up! I know how hard it is loosing a pet and I’m so sorry that you weren’t there for it
ahHHH they look so soft and sweet!! and thank you… even if was a seizure (and I suspect it was) and I couldn’t have done anything, I still so so wish I’d been there with my baby when it happened ghdlgh, she hadn’t been in any pain beforehand so that’s the one silver lining I guess
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submitted by tsunderecafe:
This is Lucy, she hopes these cat pictures make you happy :3
what a sweetheart !! my sister used to have a cat named lucy and she was the most loving thing, this lucy looks the same way ;0; I’m definitely happier, ty
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submitted by emerdoods:
This is Wudge. He’s 20 pounds, 13 years old, and a pretty good boy (mostly)
wudge……………. a chaotic good if i’ve ever seen one
thank you!!
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submitted by aceoftwos:
top three pics are my cat, lunatic. then the grey one is my friend’s cat, annie. the last one is an adorable cat i met at the docks who shall remain nameless bc i never got a name!
i’m sorry for your loss. i really hope seeing these makes you feel a little better! (there’s also a lot on my instagram, same username, if you need more!) i’m afraid i can’t recommend any wrightworth fics bc i get all my recs from you!!
what a bunch of babs !! thank you so much for sending me these, I love cats so much and they all look so sweet, I love lunatic’s lil marking socks ;0;
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submitted by probonoapollo:
hey hi hello this is my precious baby Pumpkin i found her under my car after school a couple of years ago and i had to bring her home cos she was the sweetest thing ever and she still is (also i am sorry there’s so many pictures i just love her and i couldn’t choose)
aaAAa I’m so happy pumpkin found a home with you fjdf she looks like a sweetheart and I totally get having too many pictures to choose from ;0 ty…
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submitted by antipelargy:
I’m sorry that you’re going through a rough time. I see that people have been sending you animal pics so here are some of mine! The first 2 are of a cat named Joey who I watched last week, he’s a huge Maine coon and a lover boy. The rest are of my dog Baxter, who I swear is part cat. He crawls all over people, will sit on my laptop/book/sketchbook, and jumps onto chairs to the table. But he’s the sweetest pup you’ll ever meet!
THEY’RE BOTH ADORABLE thank you for sending me these!! god please boop baxter’s nose for me
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submitted by shirayahas:
This is Cosmo. He enjoys licking things for hours, cuddles, and being annoying. I can’t recall a funny cat story but he will really lick the shower curtain for hours if you let him and I have no idea why.
Im really sorry for your loss. Cosmo also lost his sister when he was a little over a year old. It’s impossibly hard to loose a pet, and it’s hard to go through. Me and Cosmo here will be around if you ever need us. We’ll do all that we can to help.
what a big ol cream puff, omg… poppy used to love licking the shower door whenever I left it open because apparently getting the condensation from there was way easier than just drinking out of her water dish lmao
and thank you, this is a very sweet message ;w; I’m sorry you had to go through a loss as well, please give cosmo tons of cuddles for me <3
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submitted by mimikyutie:
this is my lady, dozer. she acts all regal but is a huge lovely nerd and pansy. she loves to play fetch, brush her face all over my brush, do backflips in the middle of the night and steal yoghurt. im so sorry for your loss, and i hope all the cute cat pics sent your way are helpful <3
and such little concern for your laptop, omfg
she looks lovely, ty for the pics <3 and thank you for the condolences, these pictures really have been a huge help :’)
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submitted by commanderfreddy:
my mum’s a catsitter so here are some choice friends from throughout the years
;0; ty fred… the dream job with all the dream cats
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submitted by rannxch:
This is Midna (named for the twilight princess lmao) a Russian blue who’s about 10 months old. She’s a huge diva who loves ice cream and is afraid of spoons.
THAT FIRST PIC OH MY GOOOODDDDDD she looks wonderful, thank you!!
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
if I fits I sits
every time there’s a cat from you I gasp a little irl, ty ..
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submitted by sethsenpaiiyo:
Hello !! I have never submitted anything so i hope this works,, I have some cats for you :,) In the first picture, left to right - Pus, Kompis & Susie + another one of Pus///
Second picture is Katja! Snapchat decided that filters work on her so she’s a pretty kitty :3c Hope you feel better!
worked just fine, thank you so much!! they all look so sweet and katja is esp gorgeous ;0; <3
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submitted by fangirling247:
This is Milo, he is a sleepy old man whose hobbies include napping and hogging blankets. He is a good friend and hopes that you make a new friend someday.
so many milos hdfdh I love that name sm, he looks soft and sweet and I sincerely hope I do too, ty ;0;
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submitted by hannaginel:
This is my cat Lilly. We call her Lilly Moo because her markings make her look like a cow. She’s 7 years old and she loves snuggling and comforting me when I have panic attacks. She’s my baby.
!! an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0;
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submitted by mythalogies:
Here’s some pics of my boi
a handsome boi……………………. thank you!!
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submitted by sentient-cloud:
Heres a picture of my two cats Octavian(hes the tabby) and Phoenix(yeah I know), the grey tuxedo. They are brothers and they love each other very much, they get upset when they’re not in the same room! I hope this helps!
cuddling cats are one of the most sacred images in the entire world imho ;0; thank you, they look super sweet!!
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submitted by princelowell:
hey there! here’s some of mine: the first cat was my boy sox. he passed away when he was 4 years old out of nowhere–we assume a heart condition.
the pug is gizmo, who is 9 years old now (they were about the same age). the ferret, mei, came about a month after we lost sox.
the chubby tabby cat is one of the cats who lived with me when i lived in Japan. her name is hanabi (means fireworks) and she’s probably four or five now? she loved me and slept in my bed but she doesn’t like my host mom much. wish i could’ve taken her home with me.
! i love them aLL, THANK YOU, I’m so sorry to hear about losing sox at such a young age, i’m sure he was super loved and happy ;0;
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submitted by wildblueegg:
hey i dont know you but i know you and i saw your cat… well. AND I CAME AS FAST AS MY COMPUTER HANDLED IT
I’m so sorry for your loss, this isn’t even the first pet that i saw that died this year. Take the cat from my friend, he’s a white and soft meme(am i doing this correctly???).
;0; THANK YOU both for the cutie and the kind words <3
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submitted by blnketfort: 
ik i’m a bit late to the cat meet & greet (because i was asleep) and also idk how to submit multiple photos so this is a post but i heard abt poppy and i’ve had that happen a few times so i know how devastating it can be.
these are my 2 cats patrick (yawning) and cally (doesn’t like the flash.) they’re half siblings but we rescued them both at different times.
Cally is six but still the size of a kitten, super smart, a total grump but loves strokes and sitting on my lap (and laptop.)
Patrick is 3 (i think?) and an Absolute Idiot. seriously, you can go to step/sit on him and he just won’t move. Follows us all the way when i walk the dog, loves tummy tickles and sitting in the most inconvenient places imaginable & refusing to move.
SWEETIES god I love when cats stretch like in the second pic, absolutely zero concern for what’s around them they’re just Comfy
and I’m sorry for your previous pet losses as well, ty for taking the time to make this photoset :’)
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
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submitted by ignisalatus:
I’m so sorry for your loss, losing animals is one of the worst things imaginable… ): I lost my baby Rascal here about 6 years ago to a very sudden and agressive mouth cancer when he was only 11, and still miss him terribly to this day. I know it wasn’t nearly as sudden as your baby’s passing, but I can surely sympathize with the shock of how fast and unexpectedly these things can happen ;-;
He was a Rowdy Boy™ but also a total sweetheart of a giant melty fluff ragamuffin. He was my best friend growing up, one of those cats who could always sense when something was wrong and would always jump in my lap and purr and rub my face and cuddle when he knew I was upset. I hope he can keep your baby company as they have many many more catventures in the stars 💜✨
i want to say this is a bad post bc it made me start crying again but hgdkgh it’s not ofc it’s not, this is an extremely sweet message and I’m so so sorry for your baby’s loss as well :’) rascal looks like such a sweetheart and sounds exactly like how poppy was towards me, I’m so heartbroken we lost them both at such young ages but dljfdf I bet they’ll be the best of friends soon ;0; thank you so much for sharing this, it means more than I can say <3333
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submitted by atroquinine-blues:
Here’s some pictures of my boy, Buddy, sleeping :) I’m really sorry about your cat, and I hope things get better for you soon (your art is amazing btw)
what a cutie !! I love when cats have markings that makes em look like they’re got lil boots/socks on
and thank you :’)
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submitted by easterlil:
This isn’t really my cat, but it’s my grandma’s cat BooBoo. I hope she can help cheer you up a bit!
I did laugh when I refreshed my inbox so jfkldf thank u very much booboo ;0;
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submitted by beeva:
I don’t yet have a cat of my own, so here are some cat photos I have on my phone
cats from the cat cafe, feat. my aunt’s cat, who I love
SO MANY CATS AND I LOVE THEM ALL, thank you!! I should see if there’s a cat cafe in my state, that’s always sounded so amazing
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
Highest priority mail!!
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submitted by ludbeilschmidt:
This is Peaches!! He likes to help garden. Which means rolling in my plants and meowing for attention. I hope you’re doing ok and feel better soon!! I lost my cat like…almost 10 yrs ago now and it still gets to me sometimes so I know how rough it can be. Take it easy!!!
aw omg, he’s doing a great job !! and thank you, as much as I love getting all these submissions it’s also heartbreaking to hear about how many other cats people have lost - still, knowing how loved they were helps a bit ghgf
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submitted by narcoleptrix:
pls accept my condolences through this humble offering of muffin. she’s a sweet old lady cat that enjoys stealing food when you’re not looking and licking people.
MUFFIN….. she’s got a gorgeous coat and if she wants food then she’s getting it
and thank you ;w;
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submitted by whalestickers:
This is my soon-to-be cat, Lola!!! Im rly excited abt getting her, she is just the sweetest lap cat ever
!! what an angel !! I’m sure you’ll be very happy together, I’m super excited for the both of you too \o/
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submitted by fresh-biscuits:
Here’s my fat baby. Her name is Noelle Faye and she’s a princess. Sorry for your lost. ❤❤❤ Cats are wonderful, no? They just add so much to our lives. How could we ever repay them?
;0; the fattest baby, I love her… guess we just gotta give em as much love as physically possible while they’re with us, which it looks like noelle is for sure getting !! thank you sm <3
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submitted by docworth:
hey, i’m sorry to hear about your loss. this is my pride and joy fatman, who pretty much only ever sleeps with/on me (also picture three is a rousing game of “Spot The Fandom Memrobelia”)
your un is docworth, I see a conbat plush and phoenix DS cover(?), your cat is named fatman, clearly you’re just in the best possible timeline
and thank you… my cat used me pretty much exclusively as a pillow as well and what an honor it was
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submitted by radioscientist:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat! My cat Lyra (the cat in the first two pictures) passed away yesterday, so I understand it must be hard! Hopefully you enjoy these pictures of her and her sister ❤️
oh god, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat too - april 2nd clearly needs a redo
lyra (and her sister!) are adorable and I hope she and my poppy are doing alright :’)
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submitted by threeleggedbike:
I’m sorry about the loss of your cat, here’s one of my fuzzy sausages if it makes you feel better
the fuzziest sausage.. they’re adorable, ty ;0
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submitted by tir-amy-su:
i present…….. the stinky squad..
i………………….. love them …
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submitted by fairytalepeople:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat:( I don’t have any cats of my own but I have the stable cats! The first one is Bertil and the other is Tigris. She’s turning 18 this summer so she gets to stay in the kitchen if she wants to. I also have my dogs, Freja and Sweetie, and none of them act their age (Freja turned 7 yesterday and sweetie is 8) Then there’s my butterfly Miranda (I swear it reacted positively to the Hamilton ost) who I found the last day of December. Sadly it passed some time before February. Tigris usually tries to steal lunch from people by being adorable:3 I hope you are feeling better soon!
all a bunch of babs !!!!! I love freja especially ;0; and thank you <3
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submitted by koalabuddy:
my kitty for ur cat night
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submitted by vvarp-core:
Here are my meowers, and a cat that definitely isnt mine but i want to shake his furry lil hand
v sweet meowers, thank you !!! funk engine cat is going places
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submitted by captainbuttersocks:
These are my eggs!! They’re inseparable. The white one is Princess and the big orange fella is Lucky.
i gasped a lil bit at that third picture, they look so sweet ;0; thank you!!
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submitted by wrightworthmakesmylifeworthwhile:
heard u needed cat pics so hey!! this lil guy is milo (originally “miles” bc im a nerd but we decided he’s too silly to have such a serious name) he’s got a black cat sister named maya (also bc I’m a nerd) and an older yellow tabby cat named pumpkin but he’s probably the most photogenic of my lovely three cats and he’s smol and an awkward little goofball!! he’s not too bright bless him and he always sticks his legs up in the air for no reason (like the first pic I didn’t make him do that he just?? decided that was a comfortable position to be in) anyway he’s a gem I hope he brings you joy bc he sure does me!!! I’m v sorry about your cat 😕
that picture of him with the pumpkin and bunny tail cape made me so unbelievably happy I cannot even begin to express
thank you so much !! he looks like such a sweet bean and his fam sounds just as adorable ;w;
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submitted by starlight-steel:
i’m so so sorry to hear about your cat; she looks like such a sweetheart, and it’s always hard to lose a pet :( i thought i’d send over some pics of my anastasia; i hope she helps a little bit!!
(ps this glitched the first time sorry if it submits twice!)
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CAT with an extra beautiful name !!
and thank you, she really was the sweetest :’)
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submitted by lala-inwonderland:
i’m very sorry about your kitty, i know how it feels to lose a pet like that. hopefully these pictures of my cats help? the soft orange boy is Oliver and the floppy calico is Daphne. Oliver is a nosy little thief and Daphne is a lazy prissy princess
oliver looks so mischievous and daphne is adorable….. thank you for these, they’re definitely helping, and thank you for your condolences!!
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submitted by yolo--ziff: 
This is Ghost. He is about ten months old and loves licking water from the shower, chewing shoelaces and sitting on my keyboard
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submitted by mewtwo–official:
This is my precious bab Misu, I hope she cheers you at least a little
she absolutely does, thank you ;___; I love her markings !!
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submitted by upsidedownsudoku: 
this is o'malley. he likes the sink, is afraid of mice, and cries every time we bring him outside but i love him anyways
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submitted by selenathezorua: 
mao mao it’s gracie
gracie looks so soft ;___; 
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submitted by miraculouscatnip:
I’m so sorry you had to go through this, here’s the round girl and the pancake boy to make you feel better
thank you... and theyre gorgeous ;0; !!
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submitted by ryuibee: 
I saw you posting a bunch of cats and I heard you lost a cat/cats??? I’m extremely sorry for your loss !! I hated losing my cats : (( I actually lost one of mine ( he’s the black and white spotted one here. His name is spot spot but we called him pouder ((literally poo-duh-er)) this November and it was very heartbreaking. He was only 3 and was this little 15 pound cat who’s gender we couldn’t actually tell so we just used male pronouns and loved belly rubs and chirped like a birdie. Thankfully I have one of my other babies still, Mamakitty !! She’s the gray one in here !! I love her !! She’s very sweet and will love on you 24/7 but if you leave the room she will meow until you get back or come and find you !! But I love her very much ,,, I hope you don’t mind me submitting my cats too !! I’d thought I try and help you !! Love your blog btw-
!!! thank you so much for this message, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss as well, especially considering his age.. ;w; 
and i lOve these cats, ty for sending them <33
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
I have 4 cats, Sabbath (the black itty kitty, he’s all grown up now), Minda (the black and white putty-tat, still just a baby), Wyatt (fluffy cat), and Binx (yet to be photographed, he’s elusive)
This guy is a rescue we found a home for a few months back (we have so many cats because we have a hard time giving away kitties)
;w; what a sweetheart, thank you..
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
Catz 4 dayz (Sending you gooood vibes👍)
aaAAA TY <3
and now some decidedly un-cat pets ?? who are all just as good
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submitted by mccreesweetpea:
I see people are sending you their adorable animals. I’d love to join in with my baby Stripe!! :0
what a cutie !!!!!! an old friend of mine had a guinea pig and she was a sweetheart too
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submitted by commanderofwhat:
I hope some pic of my weird dogs cheer you up a bit!!
the weirdest dogs, i love them ;0; ty!!
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submitted by famousinthatanonymousway:
okay so i don’t have a pet cat but these are my children. front to back: Whitney, Enchilada, Aloe, Anti-Capitalist “Gendy” Agenda and Nihilist (2 in tiny pot), Rosa, Boro, Milo, Rose, Nambypampy, and the bamboo in the back is Eduardo Two. im so sorry for your loss, i love you and my sons and daughters love you too
ngl when I first refreshed my inbox I was slowly scrolling down to try and find the elusive cat before I got to the attached message, but this is honestly so much better
i love you and your sons and daughters too, and thank you for such a beautiful pic of your v aptly named children <3
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submitted by darkdragonslies:
I don’t have a cat, but I do have a bird. Knowing the feeling of suddenly losing pets, I’m very sorry for your loss
a big ol cutie for sure!!! and thank you <3
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submitted by gay-lawyer-heaven:
Ayyy I’m sorry about your cats man, I’ve lost doggies and I know the feel. I’d send you cats, but I have none, so have a lil pic of my doggies Tonks (brown on the left) and Scout! (black, terror eyes on the right) Scout’s the mellower he’s like. Four-fiveish. Tonks is about one or two and licks. Everything.
A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, I love dogs a whole bunch too (we have a jack russell terrier named frodo wishbone baggins lmao) and yours are adorable!!
and now some text 
dontkillbirds said: I’m so so sorry to hear about that, it’s awful when pets pass. Xo
clefeeble said: I’m so so sorry for your loss :<
leonidas1754 said: Oh gosh, I’m so sorry bud.
thank you all so much ;w; <3
silversacredsilence said: hang in there, you can do it. happened a lot of times to me too and if you want, i can send pictures of my cats and dogs :)
tysm.. and I’d love to see your pets if you’ve got pics, I’ve been asking my friends to send me pics of theirs and it really is helping ;0;
stories ?
actualmomgarnet asked: Ok so its not a pic but I thought I'd share my cat story with you??? To make you laugh!! Before my cat Toby got sick and passed away he was the cuddliest cat you'd ever meet and I miss him to this day, even though it's been 4 years. BUT sometimes he'd chase my mom down the hallway like a dog and it was SO FUNNY so just imagine (1/2)
you’re sitting in the living room and you’d look down the hallway to only hear a “thumpathumpathump” followed by a “SCREEEEEAAAAAAAAAACCCHHHHH” as my mom RAN AS FAST AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE AWAY FROM HIM :’D so yeah. My cat Toby :D (2/2)
that is the most ridICULOUS THING I’VE EVER HEARD JFDLKF, I love when cats just go wild in hallways goD, thank you for this !!
and I’m very sorry to hear about your loss as well, I’m sure toby was super loved himself ;0;
anon said: I'll share a cat story too! we had a cat named smokey, who could stretch to be as long as I was tall (as a 5th-grade babby). and he was very. VERY into food. our kitchen was kind of just a long hallway, and it had completely smooth wood-laminate flooring, and his food bowl was against the far wall. anytime someone went into the kitchen after about 5 pm, smokey would lose his mind and go sprinting into the kitchen. but the floor was smooth, and he was fast. he ran into the wall quite a bit.
another story about smokey and food: dad’s girlfriend at the time (now wife) made us a pan of brownies, and we left them on the counter overnight. when we woke up, half of the pan had been chewed down. dad thought it was me and my brother at first, until he looked a little closer. what did he see? kitty nose prints. -n- smokey would also open cabinets to steal bread and fling it all around the house, which necessitated baby locks on the cabinets. he was. smart in the dumbest ways.
I love smokey ??? smokey sounds like the perfect and most exemplary ridiculous cat in existence?? thank you, these made me smile a lot jdklf
anon said: my cat's name is Tuxie, my mom named him that because he's black with a little white tuxedo pattern. He was our neighborhood stray for years until he started making friends with our other cats through the glass and when winter came, we couldn't help but bring him in. He's incredibly buff but not feral, vet says he was probably abandoned by his last owner. He's very kind and shy and polite and the only noise he makes is little squeaks when he jumps we love him to bits
!!! I’m so glad he’s got a home with you guys now, he sounds like an absolute sweetheart ;0;
en-el-espanol-de-la-rae asked: my mom head a cat hus name was agüi (a mix of the spanish word for water n here bc apparently they had found him by the river) n he was Very Clingy and liked to climb and his fave resting spot was around ppl's necks for some unknown reason so a common sight in our house was agüi around someone's neck... i dont have pics of him but he was v photogenic my mom took a lot of pics w him in college n took him everywhere
he sounds adorable omg, thank you for sharing… cats are just ?? so good ??? poppy used to just lie on my back/shoulders if i was ever in the position for her to do so lmao
again. thank you all so much for sending me these things, they really meant a lot 
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Vintage Quotes
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• A company has to be like that person who turns his cuffs up a different way, who smokes a certain brand of cigarette, who wears an obscure vintage watch. – Andy Spade • A wife says to her husband (or vice versa), “Do you love me?””Of course,” he replies. “I’ve been married to you for twenty years, haven’t I?”How satisfied would we be if we presented someone with a vintage wine and, upon asking his opinion of it, he replied, “I’m drinking it, aren’t I?”Love still needs expression between those who share it. – Leo Buscaglia • About 90 percent of the pieces in my home are vintage, and I’m a ruthless editor. I only live with things that I love. There is not one thing in my home that doesn’t have meaning to me. – Nate Berkus • After moving to New York, I started to love vintage shopping. – Mark Indelicato • All is finite in the present; and even that finite is infinite in it velocity of flight towards death. But in God there is nothing finite…Upon a night of earthquake he builds a thousand years of pleasant habitations for man. Upon the sorrow of an infant he raises oftentimes from human intellects glorious vintages that could not else have been. – Thomas de Quincey • All it takes is to pick up that one piece of trash you pass everyday on your way to work. Or to turn the water faucet off when you’re brushing your teeth from afar. Or to compost. Or to buy 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper. Or to utilize vintage stores and secondhand markets. Or to fully devote yourself to only buying vegetables from local sources. It is remarkably easy to incorporate sustainable choices into our everyday, busy lives. – Shailene Woodley • All my favorite establishments were either overly crowded or pathetically empty. People either sipped fine vintages in celebration or gulped intoxicants of who cares what kind, drowning themselves in a lack of moderation, raising a glass to lower inhibitions, imbibing spirits to raise their own. – Monique Truong • And out of the blue, I got a call from an editor friend at Knopf and she said that they were interested in putting out an update for their vintage paperback line. So I was more than thrilled and it was suggested that perhaps I could do a 1,000 word new introduction covering what’s happened with the whole Warhol thing since 1990 when the first edition hardcover came out and, uh, that was about August 1st and I sat down at my computer here in East Hampton and on on August 30th I’d written almost 10,000 words! – Bob Colacello • As for a signature accessory, I believe in something totally unique that I love and is very personal. It could be a fab pair of vintage earrings I picked up on my travels or a beautiful brightly colored hat or heels, or a fun clutch or handbag. Truthfully, though, the ultimate accessory is a big smile and positive energy! – Rosie Huntington-Whiteley • At Carnegie Hall the Preservation Hall Jazz Band showed how easily it could hop from era to era. It could work like a rhythm-and-blues horn section or a tightly arranged little big band if need be, but it could also switch back into the polyphonic glories of vintage New Orleans jazz, in which nearly every instrument seems to improvise around the tune at the same time. – Jon Pareles
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Vintage', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_vintage').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_vintage img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Basically, I always go to vintage shops rather than going shopping for new clothes. – Karen Gillan • Being a celebrity stylist, there are many tricks of the trade that I use in my house and with my clients. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser has so many uses, so it’s my secret cleaning tool for keeping my shoes – like the vintage Air Jordan’s I am obsessing over now – and my clients’ shoes, scuff and dirt free. – Brad Goreski • Being vintage like a fine wine Should make you proud of being old And being mature like a cheese Certainly explains the mould! Fester on undaunted into your 7th decade – John Walter Bratton • Better one bite at forty, of truths bitter rind, than the hot wine that gushed from the vintage of twenty. – James Russell Lowell • But some of us are beginning to pull well away, in our irritation, from…the exquisite tasters, the vintage snobs, the three-star Michelin gourmets. There is, we feel, a decent area somewhere between boiled carrots and Beluga caviare, sour plonk and Chateau Lafitte, where we can take care of our gullets and bellies without worshipping them. – J. B. Priestley • Chanel lambskin, vintage Vanson I’m on the bike doing wheelies in a mansion – Nicki Minaj • Clothes are my drug. I love Camden market – I have so many vintage pieces from there it’s unbelievable. Clothes are really important to me, they give me that feeling of happiness. I love being a bit free with it all and not giving myself rules. – Kaya Scodelario • Consider the trivial but revealing hallmarks of urban hipsterdom: faux vintage photography, the handlebar mustache, and vinyl record players all hark back to an earlier time when people were still optimistic about the future. If everything worth doing has already been done, you may as well feign an allergy to achievement and become a barista. – Peter Thiel • Espresso consumption is an aesthetic experience,like tasting a vintage wine or admiring a painting. – Andrea Illy • Everything can draw inspiration: a vintage cloth, a book, a street-when I was in Japan, I was deeply inspired by Japanese pharmacies. – Renzo Rosso • Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend. – Lucy Liu • Everything I commission – whether it is for me or for a client’s home or for a hotel or office – is absolutely unique to that job. I have everything made, or I find vintage and antique pieces at markets and auctions. – Kelly Wearstler • Everything I do is unfabulous. Im the most normal person. I love walking everywhere, and going to hole-in-the-wall places, like nail shops, because they do the best job. And I go to vintage stores rather than high-end boutiques, because I like to dress different from other people. – Ashley Benson • Everything kind of was leading towards that and I had so many specific ideas always about how exactly I wanted something to look. I would customize so many things in my wardrobe that were vintage or things that I was buying, and it just really all aligned and the timing was perfect. – Rumi Neely • Everything was just so spot on and character-building for me in terms of creating Celia [Bryant]. The ability to get to wear all these vintage pieces and immerse yourself in that world and get to wear all these amazing hats. And the shoes! – Lily Collins • For clothes, I like Dover Street Market and Acne. For vintage, I go to Mint just off Seven Dials. For shoes, it’s Church’s and Russell & Bromley. – Matt Smith • For my own style, I love vintage. 60’s and 70’s are my favorite. I love baby doll dresses and the soft colors. I try to mix a little bit of modern into that – maybe I’ll wear it with boots. At my school we wear a uniform, but we have one day a week we can wear whatever we want. – Elle Fanning • Fortunately I own a vintage brain, and I am alive and well in the 21st century, still making records, still working at an intense pace and most of all, still having fun doing it. – Tony Visconti • Guitars are kind of just, you know, sexy, especially old vintage ones. – Andrew Bird • Happiness is a wine of the rarest vintage, and seems insipid to a vulgar taste. – Logan Pearsall Smith • He gave me a look of great contempt; as I supposed, for venturing, even by implication, to draw a parallel between a lack of affluence that might, literally, affect my purchase of rare vintages, and a figure of speech intended delicately to convey his own dire want for the bare necessities of life. He remained silent for several seconds, as if trying to make up his mind whether he could ever bring himself to speak to me again; and then said gruffly: ‘I’ve got to go now.’ – Anthony Powell • How ironic that returning to a raw and ancient form of worship is now seen as new and even cutting edge. We are simply going back to a vintage form of worship which has been around for as long as the church has been in existence. – Dan Kimball • I adore vintage clothes. When I go on the road doing auditions for So You Think You Can Dance, I always research the cities we’re traveling to so I know where all the best vintage stores are. There are several stores and flea markets I love here in LA. Shareen is amazing with the best edit in town! Golyester is great. I really enjoy the Rose Bowl market. A word of warning: wear layers, comfortable shoes, be prepared to hunt, and fuel yourself with a bucket of cappuccino! Enjoy! – Cat Deeley • I always carry a good lipstick with me, like MAC in Ruby Woo. It has a matt finish, the essence of that vintage glamour look. – Paloma Faith • I always had a sense that clothes, be it uniform or vintage, could help to create a character. – Collier Schorr • I always have Aquaphor which is just for like chapped lips, especially in the wintertime when you’re traveling a lot. That’s just the worst combination of things. And always a really good pair of jeans. Something vintage-y, a little loose and boyfriend-y, but not over the top. They’re just comfortable but could still be dressed up or down. – Emily Ratajkowski • I always recommend rewiring vintage lighting. It’s not a bargain if your house burns down. – Lara Spencer • I am a huge comic book fan, and I love everything vintage: cars, movies, music, art, and style – especially the 1950s style. – Mateus Ward • I am grateful for what I call well-spent moments: Making a tuna fish sandwich with the works. Taking at least a half hour to eat it outside. Ironing my vintage tea towels while watching old black-and-white film noir movies and sipping one martini with extra olives – a quirky combination, but it works. – Sarah Ban Breathnach • I am more vintage than I am high fashion. – Katerina Graham • I am not a designer that buys vintage to be inspired. – Olivier Theyskens • I am the woman with the cool vintage glasses… I am the proud wife beside her husband… I am the writer who has written a new novel. – Ann Hood • I am vegetarian, so I don’t have clothes, shoes or bags made from leather or suede or any animal products. Shoes are hard to find. These are fake Uggs. And I’ve got a pair of vintage boots, which are PVC. – Leona Lewis • I believe that the responsibility of the winemaker is to take that fruit and get it into the bottle as the most natural and purest expression of that vineyard, of the grape varietal or blend, and of the vintage. – Robert M. Parker, Jr. • I buy what makes my heart sing. So, it’s not that I follow one specific track. It’s sort of what I like. I love colors. I love unique pieces. I love vintage clothing. – Tracee Ellis Ross • I definitely spend the most money on shoes, partly because vintage footwear can be a little funky – in a bad way. I like to keep things pretty simple up top and then go weird with the shoes. – Chloe Sevigny • I did a lot of thrift and vintage. I would mix those pieces into some of the more inexpensive items from Express, Gap, Old Navy, and Clothestime. – Katy Perry • I do a lot of vintage shopping. I love going to second-hand stores. – Victoria Justice • I do a lot of vintage, of course, but I really feel so particular about clothing. I think it stems from acting, like if I’m not wearing the proper shoes for a character I feel totally off. – Morgan Saylor • I do take a computer to do some processing live and I might use a couple of plug-in synthesisers, ’cause obviously you can take quite a lot of power in terms of sound generation on a computer that I can trigger from a couple of keyboards. And it means I don’t have to take some of my vintage stuff and have it trashed by various airlines which has happened in the past. But I still take some vintage stuff with me, I’ll take that risk because I like using all that stuff. – Thighpaulsandra • I don’t at all want to resemble some of these young designers who ask hallucinating prices for rags that are so in fashion now, that six months later, they are old-fashioned! I love vintage boutiques, I love to customize my clothes. And then, with my friends, we regularly exchange togs. – Milla Jovovich • I don’t come from a wealthy or privileged background, and growing up I was always looking for the best quality at a price I could afford. My love of vintage is rooted in that. Drugstores were the mecca for the latest makeup trends and products. – Eva Mendes • I don’t get what’s happening to Jose Mourinho of late. He’s lapsing into the kind of Portuguese moroseness you get from staring at the Atlantic horizon and imagining you’re the last place in the world, while listening to endless renditions of the fado. His latest line about ‘everyone hates us and we don’t care’ sounds like vintage Joe Kinnear in the great days of the Wimbledon Crazy Gang. – Peter Chapman • I don’t know what the average income of Muslim-Americans is, but Muslim-American immigrants of recent vintage, I bet they have a very above-average representation in professional and business occupations. – Thomas Friedman • I don’t like new cars; I’m into vintage cars – there’s a Jaguar E-Type in the ‘Goldie’ video. – ASAP Rocky • I don’t like the idea of things being off-limits to kids – like a fancy sitting room where they can’t touch anything. I own vintage pottery cups, and I let my girls hold them. It teaches them to treat objects with respect. – Debi Mazar • I don’t really know much about the fashion world. I have a few stylist friends that help me find stuff. So they know all about the vintage fashion world; I just kind of describe to them what I want and they find a lot of it for me. – BØRNS • I don’t think fashion has to change every five minutes. I’d like these to be clothes you can wear for a long time – ten, 20 years; pass on to your daughter. Why buy vintage when you can open your own closet! – Tom Ford • I emcee how I feel for the moment. I’ll always be influenced by Tribe, but my EP and LP have a lot of different flavors! I’ll keep it vintage Tribe if Tribe decides to do another LP… which, in my heart, I’d love to do for the fans. – Phife Dawg • I find my dress sense tends to be a bit of a mixture between high fashion and unique vintage pieces with a little bit of street trends. For example, I might find a really nice, suede dinner jacket that I’d wear with a basic plain white shirt and some chinos and a pair of Nike trainers. – Tinie Tempah • I get my inspiration from books, pictures, art. I might find a vintage scarf and say, “I think this should be our color palette.” – Jessica Simpson • I got a job as soon as I could – 11 or 12. I started babysitting and then I got a part-time job at a pharmacy in England. I just remember loving the feeling of going out and buying my own clothes! I’d go bargain-hunting and get secondhand vintage stuff. – Natasha Bedingfield • I grew up in Texas, and people love their American-made muscle cars there. I grew up around people who loved cars and took care of cars and my dad’s a big car nut, so I learned a little bit about cars – how to love them, most importantly. I think that from the time I could remember, I’ve always envisioned myself in a vintage muscle car. – Amber Heard • I had this story from one who had no business to tell it to me, or to any other. I may credit the seductive influence of an old vintage upon the narrator for the beginning of it, and my own skeptical incredulity during the days that followed for the balance of the strange tale. – Edgar Rice Burroughs • I have a lot of guitars. Yeah, I’m not like a guitar collector, I don’t have all vintage instruments. I don’t even own a Strat or Les Paul. I don’t have one. – John Petrucci • I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm. – Sonam Kapoor • I have this threadbare caftan from the ’60s that I got at a vintage store years ago – it’s basically a muumuu. My friends are astonished that I wear it, but I love it. It’s this light fabric that just moves with me. – Gabrielle Anwar • I have this vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycle jacket. When I put it on, it has this supercool feeling to it. – Alicia Keys • I have two vintage typewriters. One just about works and the other hasn’t a hope in hell, bless it. But they’re both beautiful, and they’ll stay with me just as long as there’s a roof over my head. – Matt Roper • I jog at the Rose Bowl, and I collect antique and vintage furniture, so I’m there every few weeks for the flea market. – Theo Rossi • I just love vintage. I have far too many vintage dresses. – Karen Elson • I just think you would never kill and cut up a human to wear so why do it to animals? I just think it’s horrible, I would never wear fur, although I guess if it was a really vintage piece you might just get away with it. – Kelly Osbourne • I like a little bit of designer, with a bit of vintage and high street mixed in. I love it when you find those one-off key pieces, which end up becoming investment pieces. – Cara Delevingne • I like fashion because it’s sort of my job, so I’m into it when I have to be. But when I’m not working, I wear jeans and T-shirts. I go to vintage stores all the time to find funky T-shirts. – Kristen Stewart • I like old cars, old watches, anything with a vintage, antique kind of a feel to it. I’m just more in tune with that than anything else. – David Boreanaz • I like old movies, screwball comedies, vintage clothes, and basically I’m an old-fashioned gal. – Zooey Deschanel • I like the old, vintage Hollywood look. – Gwen Stefani • I like to experiment a lot, I just like to make myself look different to everyone else. Shopping at all different places from vintage to high-street, and then I just put it together myself. – Cher Lloyd • I like to mix and match vintage with designer. It’s how I create my own style. – Carly Rae Jepsen • I like vintage a lot. – Kesha • I like vintage shopping, but I also like to mix in high-end. – Theophilus London • I like vintage stuff. I go through a vintage store and find things that I feel like I fit right into them because of all the years that they’ve been used. – Channing Tatum • I like What Goes Around Comes Around for old concert tees. Oh man, I got this ‘Sgt. Pepper’ cartoon Beatles shirt there; it was, like, $300. I didn’t even know how much it cost – I thought it was gonna be, like, $80 at most – till I got to the register and was like, ‘Oh mah gawd!’ Good Lord. But it’s classic vintage rock, you know? – Kid Cudi • I live in a beautiful vintage building that was built in the heart of downtown Chicago. – Nate Berkus • I love Ali MacGraw and her style – I’m into vintage ’70s outfits at the moment. – Kim Kardashian • I love all vintage-everything, really. I love fashion. I’ve always loved it. And the fifties, I’ve always loved. – Elle Fanning • I love anything vintage. And I love Marc Jacobs and shoes by Giuseppe Zanotti. – Meagan Good • I love Fall Fashion Week because it means lots of layering, long sweaters and vintage coats. – Rachel Zoe • I love fashion! I love clothes! I really like vintage clothes, so in my closet there’s a lot of ’50s stuff. I go to the stores and shop around. – Elle Fanning • I love handbags. And shoes. Investing in like a great handbag or a pair of shoes can really make or break an outfit. It’s fun to mix and match high street with luxury brands and throw in a bit of vintage as well. – Miranda Kerr • I love hats! I collect vintage ones – I find them at antique shops in Kansas. – Lindsey Wixson • I love history. Everything is inspired by history, so that’s why I love vintage and antiques. – Kelly Wearstler • I love old, vintage cars. I’ve got a 1936 Dodge Touring Sedan right now and there’s only five of them registered in the world, and I absolutely love working on it. It’s gorgeous. – Danny Trejo • I love playing around with vintage fabrics and lace. – Helena Christensen • I love things that have a vintage feel to them, just because there’s a certain texture to them that we just don’t have anymore. In fact I think I’ve been stuck in the 50s or 60s for a while… – Amber Heard • I love to find a great vintage secondhand shop. – Bridget Hall • I love to shop vintage clothes; in London, I usually go to Relic and Alfie’s Market. I usually brunch around London Bridge, where I live.- Georgia May Jagger • I love vintage and I shop vintage a lot because it’s just such great value for money. – Lianne La Havas • I love vintage and prints. – Georgina Chapman • I love vintage cars because you can do so much more to them.- T-Pain • I love vintage clothes. I have a real passion which probably comes from the days of my mum who had this great dress up box that she put all her clothes from the 60s and 70s in – platform shoes and jumpsuits and boots. – Rachel McAdams • I love vintage shopping in flea markets, vintage stores and even Ebay. – Chelsea Leyland • I love vintage shopping, I think it’s really fun. And I love the feeling of finding the most amazing piece for less. – Emma Roberts • I love vintage, but it’s so expensive now. – Alexandra Roach • I mean, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, I think the young kids sell lot of records. But for an older kind of artist, more of a sort of heritage, vintage type of artist, you have to think outside the box. – Boy George • I really like the bohemian look, and I’m a great fan of mixing vintage and modern. – Kierston Wareing • I really love beautiful, well-made clothes. I don’t shop [a lot], so I tend to have pieces for a long time. I like mixing vintage with newer designers. – Sarah Jessica Parker • I shop at a lot of vintage stores because the prices are amazing, and I love the idea that there’s a history behind the piece I’m wearing. – Gabrielle Anwar • I shop only at thrift stores and vintage stores. In New York, I like a place called Star Struck, and a place called The Family Jewels. – Ezra Miller • I spent my first paycheck on a vintage Mercedes. – Jennifer Aniston • I started getting back into buying old analog gear while we were recording. Lots of old drum machines and synths. It wasn’t a conscious thing. I didn’t consider myself a collector, but boxes of vintage gear would turn up virtually every day. – Martin Gore • I started making movies in my late 20s, that time in an artist’s career that often sees artists just imitating things that he or she loves. I just wanted to be great like L’Age d’Or vintage Buñuel. I wanted to be Busby Berkeley, for crying out loud! I wanted to have chorus girls stomping their heels in my casting office. I wanted to be Erich Von Stroheim monogramming underwear for extras. So I started off my career doing that, and that was fun, but I realised I wasn’t very good at it. – Guy Maddin • I think my mum was really very ahead of her time. She wore very little makeup. She really explored the way that she wore clothes in a very honest way. She wore a lot of vintage stuff and mixed it with bespoke men’s tailoring and things like that. That was a huge influence on me, seeing a woman in the spotlight carry herself in that kind of way. But mostly, for me, it was just that she was an incredibly honest and sort of natural person. – Stella McCartney • I used to collect vintage clothing – exquisite lace dresses, embroidered shawls and ornate jewelry – but that’s just not me any more. – Britt Ekland • I was a Knicks fan of the Kenny Sears-Carl Braun-Jim Baechtold vintage. I was even their ball boy when I was a teenager. – Marv Albert • I was always involved in low level motor clubs, competitions and with the Vintage Auto Association, and I believe this really helped me on my way. – Liz Halliday • I was collecting Barbies. I know… embarrassing. I sold them all on eBay, and traded them for vintage dishes. So I’ve collected two things. – Kristin Bauer van Straten • I was in a vintage pub rock band called Clover in the 1970s. – Huey Lewis • I was once in a long relationship with a man who ran a vintage clothes store but had been a chef, so I’d come home each night to a different three-course meal. I was quite fat, but so happy.- Paloma Faith • I was watching a collection of vintage ’80s cereal commercials when I paused to wonder why cereal manufacturers no longer included toy prizes inside every box. It was a tragedy, in my opinion. Another sign that civilization was going straight down the tubes. – Ernest Cline • I was working at eBay, so I would just troll the vintage categories, find old amps and what have you. I was buying a fair amount of stuff and playing with it and then selling it back. – Bill Orcutt • I wear a lot of different jewellery. I love to look for it when Im abroad or if I find a great antique or vintage shop. – Lily Donaldson • I wear everything from hip-hop baggy pants to beautiful Armani dresses. I also like to mix vintage clothing with designer pieces. – Julia Stiles • I wore a lot of vintage clothing. I dressed like a reporter, with a little card in my hat. I had these fantasies of who I wanted to be, so I’d dress like an explorer, a cowboy. I dressed up like Elton John a lot too. That was another period. – Illeana Douglas • I wore the Marc Jacobs dress, so I love Marc Jacobs. He has a vintage flair. But I’ve always worn a lot of vintage stuff, so it hasn’t been a lot of designers. If I see something that I like, I just buy it. – Elle Fanning • I’ve been enjoying a couple of post-Oscar burgers. So I didn’t fit into a lot of the vintage stuff. I wanted to wear something that was a little bit more forgiving. – Anne Hathaway • If I have an hour in a city, I go to vintage stores first because it’s so much cooler to find a piece that is unique. I love the thought of some girl having worn it before and living her life in it. – Helena Christensen • If the October days were a cordial like the sub-acids of fruit, these are a tonic like the wine of iron. Drink deep or be careful how you taste this December vintage. The first sip may chill, but a full draught warms and invigorates. – John Burroughs • If you care about this country, if you want to take part in a citizen’s movement that helps heal the deep racial, economic, and cultural divides tearing us apart, you must read Eric Deggans’ Race-Baiter. No book of recent vintage so thoroughly dissects the media’s monetized appetite for division. Provocative, honest, and smart, Race-Baiter is a supremely important book. Read it and let the conversation begin. – Connie May Fowler • I’m a real Londoner. We have very grey weather in London, and I think it encourages a very eclectic and crazy fashion sense. I mix high-street stuff with more high-end fashion and vintage. – Emma Watson • I’m big on reworking vintage. Also, buying one great piece that lasts forever – to me, that is total sustainability. – Elizabeth Rogers • I’m definitely a vintage collector. I have a wardrobe of core basics that I like to spice up with different colors, new accessories, and I love to try on new things to invite something different. I find, with every new stage of my life, my self-image shifts with new duties and responsibilities, and so does my fashion style. – Camila Alves • I’m definitely an anomaly, but I’m making things. They’re selling, say, martinis, and I’m kind of making vintage Riesling. People aren’t going to sit there very often, not your average public, and your average music-business monster is not going to take the time to notice the overtones and the undertones inside the flavor. They’d rather just have the martini. – Ben Folds • I’m doing a fun EP. It’s called ‘Songs in the Key of Phife: Eight Is Enough.’ It’s radio-friendly, but then a lot of it just has that raw hip-hop. Some of it will be vintage Tribe, but for the most part I’m just letting my voice be heard. – Phife Dawg • I’m into classic games like Donkey Kong, and also collect vintage tour t-shirts – everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I’ve got a Chicago one worth $100. – Michael Rosenbaum • I’m not a big shopper. I’m very very picky about what it is that I buy, I prefer to buy vintage and then I prefer to be very selective. – Jaime King • I’m not a vintage/thrift shop girl. I don’t have the patience. – Robin Givhan • I’m not going to try to be too young because at the end of the day, I’m not 20 anymore. I don’t want to sound corny or look corny doing young things. All the stuff that the kids are doing, that’s not my place. I believe that everyone followed me back then, they’re still here. That’s who I’m trying to talk to and relate to. All the trap music and all of that, it’s great but I can’t do that. I’m going to stay vintage Ginuwine and stay at the place that got me here. That’s what people want. – Ginuwine • I’m not the kind of guy who deserves to play a vintage guitar because I’m too rough on instruments. – Tommy Shaw • I’m shocked at how much I’m into Christmas pillows. There’s cheesiness, obviously, but then there’s really cute ones that are metallic that say “Ho Ho Ho” or “Merry” or cute vintage needlepoint ones. – Emily Henderson • In spite of all the skills that I do have, to relate to the normal world I have no applicable skills. I can speak Russian, I can speak French. I know about Chanel. Especially vintage Chanel. I know what Halston is. All of these things, but they can’t really be applied to a nine-to-five. – Johnny Weir • In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. – John Steinbeck • It is easily overlooked that what is now called vintage was once brand new.- Tony Visconti • It’s a mission for me to make sure that philanthropy doesn’t feel like a vintage hand-me-down from mom or dad. I want people to feel compelled to do something positive because they just love it, they’re excited about it, and it’s cool. – Usher • It’s so cliche to say florals for spring. I really like a vintage-like dress that’s floral. You can belt it; I like belts. I like wearing pretty dresses that are really comfortable, that you can spend the day in but also feel girly. – Brittany Snow • I’ve always loved fashion so much and I didn’t have access to the kind of fashion I really wanted, so I would do vintage shopping. – Rachel Roy • I’ve always loved vintage and I never like to have something someone else has. – Jillian Hervey • I’ve come to see our central nervous system as a kind of vintage switchboard, all thick foam wires and old-fashioned plugs. The circuitry isn’t properly equipped; after a surplus of emotional information the system overloads, the circuit breaks, the board runs dark. That’s what shock is. – Darin Strauss • I’ve making videos since I was seventeen I was originally discollecting vintage hmmm… footages from different archives and setting moving pictures to classical music clips that meant a lot to me. Maybe there were places I have been where nice things have happened. I had a vision of making my life a work of art and I was looking for people who also felt that way. – Lana Del Rey • I’ve never really been interested in the vintage photos people pay lots of money for — civil war tintypes or old daguerrotypes of famous people. Nor do I have any interest in the really gross, dark stuff that some people pay top-dollar, like post-mortem photos of babies (yuck) or press photos of old murder scenes or whatever. I collect in these little niches most other people don’t care about — dark-and-weird-but-fun — and photos that have been written on, which a lot of sellers think hurts their value. All of which is good news for me! – Ransom Riggs • Kit Kittredge was an amazing experience because I got to go to Canada, and it was my first era film, so I got to wear the 1930s clothes, the real vintage clothes. – Madison Davenport • Knitwear can play a vital part in layering. The simplicity of a lightweight cardigan makes it one of the best ways to layer outfits. I love granddad cardis for winter, worn over a vintage lace shirt, waistcoat and full skirt with slouchy boots. – Twiggy • Ladies, apologies, but isn’t ‘vintage’ just used stuff? – Bob Saget • Men should be judged not by their tint of skin, the gods they serve, the vintage they drink, nor by the way they fight, or love, or sin, but by the quality of the thought they think. – Adela Florence Nicolson • Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: / He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. – Julia Ward Howe • Most of my wardrobe is vintage, and I’ve worn dresses to the Oscars that I got for $10. – Winona Ryder • My advice to new artists is to embrace a broader concept of timelessness than vintage or retro. – Brandi Carlile • My grandparents in Istria had a frasca, which is about the most basic kind of grocery/restaurant. They sold wine from their own vineyard. I took control of the vineyard, hired a local winemaker, and bought another winery in 1996. We had our first commercial vintage in 1998. – Joe Bastianich • My home has a split personality. Some of the rooms are very French antique. Think Aubusson rugs, turquoise ceramic jugs, sandbag pillows, and broken birdcages. The other half is very Aztec. Neon ikat fabric pillows, vintage books piled up to the ceiling, and shutters from Bali. – Poppy Delevingne • My mom passed on her obsession of all things antique or vintage. I love to go thrift store shopping or explore any sort of garage sale. Treasure hunting is a family passion. – Zoey Deutch • My most cherished possessions are my grandma’s letters and my vintage Martha Washington cookbook. – Sandra Lee • My old vintage designs are so popular now. I must have been on to something. – Pierre Cardin • My style is quite clean, vintage, and almost French in a way. – India de Beaufort • My vintage Levi’s are my favorite on the show, ’cause they really fit. – Laura Prepon • My wife bought me a vintage Gibson guitar that isn’t just beautiful but has tremendous sentimental value. I have plenty of guitars for live gigs but this is one to treasure. – Bill Bailey • New York vintage is too expensive! – Kirsten Dunst • No amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity – Taylor Swift • No more rules, the freedom of dressing. The beauty of mixing vintage clothes with a pair of jeans that I love. – Yves Saint Laurent • Nothing is more vintage than dying of Rubella. – Stephen Colbert • Of course I am grateful, and I’m sure you are, as you put it, a special vintage,” Bill said politely, “But I have my own wine cellar. – Charlaine Harris • Old Americana vintage gangster stuff has a fantastical feel; it feels less dirty in a way. It feels like the opera of crime. – Shia LaBeouf • On the same Australian trip, I brought back a pair [of Ugg] for my then boyfriend who was a photographer. He wore them all the time. He used to wear them with Levis twisted jeans and a vintage T-shirt. This is 2002. They looked great on him. I guess it takes a certain kind of man to pull them off but they have other ones that are less typical of this, I think. – Alexa Chung • Once I graduated from NYU, I started making custom vintage tees for my friends and it just took off from there. – Charlotte Ronson • Our conception of 1950s underwear is a lovely vintage aesthetic, but actually, wearing stockings with no elastic and a girdle was heavy duty. – Romola Garai • Our culture’s obsession with vintage objects has rendered us unable to separate history from nostalgia. People want heart. They want a chaser of emotion with their aesthetics. – Sloane Crosley • Paul Furlong is my vintage Rolls Royce and he cost me nothing. We polish him, look after him, and I have him fine tuned by my mechanics. We take good care of him because we have to drive him every day, not just save him for weddings. – Ian Holloway • Purists behave as if there was a vintage year when language achieved a measure of excellence which we should all strive to maintain. In fact, there was never such a year. The language of Chaucer’s or Shakespeare’s time was no better and no worse than that of our own – just different. – Jean Aitchison • Short boughs, long vintage. – George Herbert • Some things are better than other things: Google, Gmail, my vintage Montgomery Wards socket set (30+ years, still going strong), my Estwing framing hammer, and my Dremel rotary tool. – William Gurstelle • Tabitha was always trying unorthodox ways to set her up with guys. Although, to be fair to her sister, Tabitha didn’t usually knock the guy unconscious before she forced them together. Still, with Tabitha there was a first time for just about anything. And extreme blind-dating was very vintage T. – Sherrilyn Kenyon • The band is like a vintage car. You take it out to go for a spin for a couple miles, but you wouldn’t drive across the country. – Robyn Hitchcock • The best thing I ever bought is a vintage Oscar de la Renta short gingham dress that I wore to my rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding. – Kelly Wearstler • The biggest ones [online stores] I go back to are Amazon.com and eBay.com because it’s great for music and books… I collect vintage vinyl records. – John Varvatos • The C+ amps is vintage at this point, and it definitely has a certain sound to it. I wanted something that was going to keep Dream Theater in more of a current musical landscape, as far as being the producer and producing the type of album I wanted to hear. – John Petrucci • The freedmen were not really free in 1865, nor are most of their descendants really free in 1965. Slavery was but one aspect of a race and color problem that is still far from solution here, or anywhere. In America particularly, the grapes of wrath have not yet yielded all their bitter vintage. – Samuel Eliot Morison • The Humbling is not vintage Roth, despite its compelling premise. The bizarre series of episodes — mostly sexual encounters with women — which make up this short novel don’t play to Roth’s strengths. (…) The Humbling disappoints because it avoids these universal implications, and veers off into a baroque world of the unique and fantastic, never quite deigning to make its world concrete or to give its characters the honour of an independent will. – Philip Hensher • The I-95 bridges were built in the early 1960s and are now more than 50 years old. The same vintage as the I-35 bridge that collapsed in Minnesota back in 2007, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The antiquated Skagit River Bridge in Washington state that collapsed last May after a truck hit one of the trusses was even older. And it’s not just bridges. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 32 percent of the major roads in America are now in poor condition and in need of major repairs. – Ed Rendell • The kinds of things I like with crystals are the really beautiful costume jewelry, vintage pieces, and they usually have that diamond shape. – Zoe Kravitz • The minute you think that the past was better, your present is second hand, and yourself becomes vintage – it’s okay for clothes not that great for people – Karl Lagerfeld • The people who run things] are so successful in the way they do it now. They could buy me off with a couple of vintage prints, they could have you do an ad, or give you a ribbon… In capitalist countries they reward artists because we’re ineffectual. – Danny Lyon • The Specials was always going to be an underground, underdog kind of movie. But I love when people bring that up, because it’s very early, vintage James Gunn. – Rob Lowe • There are so many cute vintage dresses made out of synthetics from the ’60s and ’70s – but they’re so itchy and hot. It’s not worth it! – Zooey Deschanel • There is a phenomenal amount of pressure on women in this industry: they are considered vintage by the time they hit their mid-30s. – Tori Amos • There’s a lot of really inspiring music coming around the bend – we tend to believe that to sound classic or timeless is to sound vintage or retro. It’s a little bit dangerous, because you’ll really miss a chance to make your mark as a generation. – Brandi Carlile • There’s a vintage which comes with age and experience. – Jon Bon Jovi • There’s nothing like a string of Xmas lights inside the house to make the whole family feel like they live in a vintage clothing store. – Dana Gould • This is not really currency that circulates. It’s like the old joke about expensive vintage wine. Wine prices will go up and once in a while somebody will buy a 50-year-old bottle of wine and say, “Wait a minute. This has gone bad.” The answer is, “Well, that wine isn’t for drinking; that’s for trading.” These $100 bills aren’t meant to circulate. They’re not to spend on goods and services. They’re a store of value. They’re a form of saving. – Michael Hudson • Time and again I hear how important the darker environment is to those at our vintage-faith worship gathering. Attenders feel they can freely pray in a corner by themselves without feeling that everyone is staring at them. – Dan Kimball • To ‘choose’ dogma and faith over doubt and experience is to throw out the ripening vintage and to reach greedily for the Kool-Aid. – Christopher Hitchens • Vintage books, old china, antiques; maybe I love old things so much because I feel impermanent myself. – Josh Lanyon • Vintage was brilliant! – Gavin Turk • Virginia Madsen big part in that movie [‘Class’] required her shirt to get ripped off, and looking back, it couldn’t be a more egregious, vintage, lowbrow, 1980s Porky’s-esque, shoehorned-in moment. Like, you would never have that moment in a movie that aspired to be what that movie did today. – Rob Lowe • We always need to have a smart black blazer in our closets. It’s just a nice clean way to dress up even something as simple as jeans and a t-shirt. And something I always have in my closet, I always have a vintage headscarf with me, to tie around my bag or protect my hair from the sun, it depends but I always find a use for it. – Nicole Richie • We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more. – Carl Jung • When I look at asset prices; real estate, bonds, equities, vintage cars… I think that gold is actually one of the few assets that is relatively cheap, relatively inexpensive. – Marc Faber • When it comes to wine, I tell people to throw away the vintage charts and invest in a corkscrew. The best way to learn about wine is the drinking. – Alexis Lichine • When the choice is between a demanding relationship and a vintage pickup truck, I’ll choose the truck every time. – Amy Dickinson • When you buy a piece of vintage clothing you’re not just buying the fabric and thread – you’re buying a piece of someone’s past – Isabel Wolff • While conversion of sugars to ethanol is the predominant reaction, it is only one of potentially thousands of biochemical reactions taking place during fermentation. As a result, wine contains trace amounts of a large number of organic acids, esters, sugars, alcohols, and other molecules. Wine is, in fact, one of the most complex of all beverages: the fruit of a soil, climate, and vintage, digested by a fungus through a process guided by the culture, vision, and skill of an individual man or woman. – Neel Burton • While in a vintage restaurant…”the past isn’t quaint while you’re in it. Only at a safe distance, later, when you see it as decor, not as the shape your life’s been squeezed into. – Margaret Atwood • Wine is one of the most complex of all beverages: the fruit of a soil, climate, and vintage, digested by a fungus through a process guided by the culture, vision, and skill of an individual man or woman. – Neel Burton • Wine to me is something that brings people together. Wine does promote conversation and promote civility, but it’s also fascinating. It’s the greatest subject to study. No matter how much you learn, every vintage is going to come at you with different factors that make you have to think again. – Robert M. Parker, Jr. • Women can explore so much in dressing. But if I was a guy I would wear vintage suits constantly. With crazy ties! – Helena Christensen • Yeah, okay. You’re right. I was having dinner with Zombie Carl the other night. You know, steak, rare, and a bottle of vintage type A. He told me all his secrets, but too bad for you I promised him I wouldn’t tell. In exchange I asked him to gather his best undead buddies and stalk me through my friend’s yard. And oh, yeah, it was totally fine if they wanted to use me as an all-night-dinner buffet, because having organs is SO last year. – Gena Showalter • You deserve to die,” I whisper, suddenly realizing Iv’e said the words aloud. “Excuse me?” “Nothing.” “Not nothing. You just told me that I deserve to be maggot feed.” “Not maggot feed, just-” “Dead!” “Forget it” “I don’t know why I said that. Just daydreaming, I guess.” “Daydreaming about my death?” “Forget it”, I repeat. “Are you sure you aren’t still mad that I wouldn’t let you borrow my vintage fishnet leggings?” “More like I didn’t want to borrow them. – Laurie Faria Stolarz • You don`t have the same reaction to a girl walking around the street today in a nightgown and a vintage coat and sneakers, that you did six years ago. – Marc Jacobs • You may know more about vintage wine than the wine steward, but if you’re smart you’ll let your man do the choosing and be ecstatic over his selection, even if it tastes like shampoo. – Arlene Dahl • Your birthday is the vintage of your wine; the mark that warns you of your future. – Aesop • You’re drinking vintage Elvis Presley wine. – Elvis Costello
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Vintage Quotes
Official Website: Vintage Quotes
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• A company has to be like that person who turns his cuffs up a different way, who smokes a certain brand of cigarette, who wears an obscure vintage watch. – Andy Spade • A wife says to her husband (or vice versa), “Do you love me?””Of course,” he replies. “I’ve been married to you for twenty years, haven’t I?”How satisfied would we be if we presented someone with a vintage wine and, upon asking his opinion of it, he replied, “I’m drinking it, aren’t I?”Love still needs expression between those who share it. – Leo Buscaglia • About 90 percent of the pieces in my home are vintage, and I’m a ruthless editor. I only live with things that I love. There is not one thing in my home that doesn’t have meaning to me. – Nate Berkus • After moving to New York, I started to love vintage shopping. – Mark Indelicato • All is finite in the present; and even that finite is infinite in it velocity of flight towards death. But in God there is nothing finite…Upon a night of earthquake he builds a thousand years of pleasant habitations for man. Upon the sorrow of an infant he raises oftentimes from human intellects glorious vintages that could not else have been. – Thomas de Quincey • All it takes is to pick up that one piece of trash you pass everyday on your way to work. Or to turn the water faucet off when you’re brushing your teeth from afar. Or to compost. Or to buy 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper. Or to utilize vintage stores and secondhand markets. Or to fully devote yourself to only buying vegetables from local sources. It is remarkably easy to incorporate sustainable choices into our everyday, busy lives. – Shailene Woodley • All my favorite establishments were either overly crowded or pathetically empty. People either sipped fine vintages in celebration or gulped intoxicants of who cares what kind, drowning themselves in a lack of moderation, raising a glass to lower inhibitions, imbibing spirits to raise their own. – Monique Truong • And out of the blue, I got a call from an editor friend at Knopf and she said that they were interested in putting out an update for their vintage paperback line. So I was more than thrilled and it was suggested that perhaps I could do a 1,000 word new introduction covering what’s happened with the whole Warhol thing since 1990 when the first edition hardcover came out and, uh, that was about August 1st and I sat down at my computer here in East Hampton and on on August 30th I’d written almost 10,000 words! – Bob Colacello • As for a signature accessory, I believe in something totally unique that I love and is very personal. It could be a fab pair of vintage earrings I picked up on my travels or a beautiful brightly colored hat or heels, or a fun clutch or handbag. Truthfully, though, the ultimate accessory is a big smile and positive energy! – Rosie Huntington-Whiteley • At Carnegie Hall the Preservation Hall Jazz Band showed how easily it could hop from era to era. It could work like a rhythm-and-blues horn section or a tightly arranged little big band if need be, but it could also switch back into the polyphonic glories of vintage New Orleans jazz, in which nearly every instrument seems to improvise around the tune at the same time. – Jon Pareles
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Vintage', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_vintage').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_vintage img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Basically, I always go to vintage shops rather than going shopping for new clothes. – Karen Gillan • Being a celebrity stylist, there are many tricks of the trade that I use in my house and with my clients. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser has so many uses, so it’s my secret cleaning tool for keeping my shoes – like the vintage Air Jordan’s I am obsessing over now – and my clients’ shoes, scuff and dirt free. – Brad Goreski • Being vintage like a fine wine Should make you proud of being old And being mature like a cheese Certainly explains the mould! Fester on undaunted into your 7th decade – John Walter Bratton • Better one bite at forty, of truths bitter rind, than the hot wine that gushed from the vintage of twenty. – James Russell Lowell • But some of us are beginning to pull well away, in our irritation, from…the exquisite tasters, the vintage snobs, the three-star Michelin gourmets. There is, we feel, a decent area somewhere between boiled carrots and Beluga caviare, sour plonk and Chateau Lafitte, where we can take care of our gullets and bellies without worshipping them. – J. B. Priestley • Chanel lambskin, vintage Vanson I’m on the bike doing wheelies in a mansion – Nicki Minaj • Clothes are my drug. I love Camden market – I have so many vintage pieces from there it’s unbelievable. Clothes are really important to me, they give me that feeling of happiness. I love being a bit free with it all and not giving myself rules. – Kaya Scodelario • Consider the trivial but revealing hallmarks of urban hipsterdom: faux vintage photography, the handlebar mustache, and vinyl record players all hark back to an earlier time when people were still optimistic about the future. If everything worth doing has already been done, you may as well feign an allergy to achievement and become a barista. – Peter Thiel • Espresso consumption is an aesthetic experience,like tasting a vintage wine or admiring a painting. – Andrea Illy • Everything can draw inspiration: a vintage cloth, a book, a street-when I was in Japan, I was deeply inspired by Japanese pharmacies. – Renzo Rosso • Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend. – Lucy Liu • Everything I commission – whether it is for me or for a client’s home or for a hotel or office – is absolutely unique to that job. I have everything made, or I find vintage and antique pieces at markets and auctions. – Kelly Wearstler • Everything I do is unfabulous. Im the most normal person. I love walking everywhere, and going to hole-in-the-wall places, like nail shops, because they do the best job. And I go to vintage stores rather than high-end boutiques, because I like to dress different from other people. – Ashley Benson • Everything kind of was leading towards that and I had so many specific ideas always about how exactly I wanted something to look. I would customize so many things in my wardrobe that were vintage or things that I was buying, and it just really all aligned and the timing was perfect. – Rumi Neely • Everything was just so spot on and character-building for me in terms of creating Celia [Bryant]. The ability to get to wear all these vintage pieces and immerse yourself in that world and get to wear all these amazing hats. And the shoes! – Lily Collins • For clothes, I like Dover Street Market and Acne. For vintage, I go to Mint just off Seven Dials. For shoes, it’s Church’s and Russell & Bromley. – Matt Smith • For my own style, I love vintage. 60’s and 70’s are my favorite. I love baby doll dresses and the soft colors. I try to mix a little bit of modern into that – maybe I’ll wear it with boots. At my school we wear a uniform, but we have one day a week we can wear whatever we want. – Elle Fanning • Fortunately I own a vintage brain, and I am alive and well in the 21st century, still making records, still working at an intense pace and most of all, still having fun doing it. – Tony Visconti • Guitars are kind of just, you know, sexy, especially old vintage ones. – Andrew Bird • Happiness is a wine of the rarest vintage, and seems insipid to a vulgar taste. – Logan Pearsall Smith • He gave me a look of great contempt; as I supposed, for venturing, even by implication, to draw a parallel between a lack of affluence that might, literally, affect my purchase of rare vintages, and a figure of speech intended delicately to convey his own dire want for the bare necessities of life. He remained silent for several seconds, as if trying to make up his mind whether he could ever bring himself to speak to me again; and then said gruffly: ‘I’ve got to go now.’ – Anthony Powell • How ironic that returning to a raw and ancient form of worship is now seen as new and even cutting edge. We are simply going back to a vintage form of worship which has been around for as long as the church has been in existence. – Dan Kimball • I adore vintage clothes. When I go on the road doing auditions for So You Think You Can Dance, I always research the cities we’re traveling to so I know where all the best vintage stores are. There are several stores and flea markets I love here in LA. Shareen is amazing with the best edit in town! Golyester is great. I really enjoy the Rose Bowl market. A word of warning: wear layers, comfortable shoes, be prepared to hunt, and fuel yourself with a bucket of cappuccino! Enjoy! – Cat Deeley • I always carry a good lipstick with me, like MAC in Ruby Woo. It has a matt finish, the essence of that vintage glamour look. – Paloma Faith • I always had a sense that clothes, be it uniform or vintage, could help to create a character. – Collier Schorr • I always have Aquaphor which is just for like chapped lips, especially in the wintertime when you’re traveling a lot. That’s just the worst combination of things. And always a really good pair of jeans. Something vintage-y, a little loose and boyfriend-y, but not over the top. They’re just comfortable but could still be dressed up or down. – Emily Ratajkowski • I always recommend rewiring vintage lighting. It’s not a bargain if your house burns down. – Lara Spencer • I am a huge comic book fan, and I love everything vintage: cars, movies, music, art, and style – especially the 1950s style. – Mateus Ward • I am grateful for what I call well-spent moments: Making a tuna fish sandwich with the works. Taking at least a half hour to eat it outside. Ironing my vintage tea towels while watching old black-and-white film noir movies and sipping one martini with extra olives – a quirky combination, but it works. – Sarah Ban Breathnach • I am more vintage than I am high fashion. – Katerina Graham • I am not a designer that buys vintage to be inspired. – Olivier Theyskens • I am the woman with the cool vintage glasses… I am the proud wife beside her husband… I am the writer who has written a new novel. – Ann Hood • I am vegetarian, so I don’t have clothes, shoes or bags made from leather or suede or any animal products. Shoes are hard to find. These are fake Uggs. And I’ve got a pair of vintage boots, which are PVC. – Leona Lewis • I believe that the responsibility of the winemaker is to take that fruit and get it into the bottle as the most natural and purest expression of that vineyard, of the grape varietal or blend, and of the vintage. – Robert M. Parker, Jr. • I buy what makes my heart sing. So, it’s not that I follow one specific track. It’s sort of what I like. I love colors. I love unique pieces. I love vintage clothing. – Tracee Ellis Ross • I definitely spend the most money on shoes, partly because vintage footwear can be a little funky – in a bad way. I like to keep things pretty simple up top and then go weird with the shoes. – Chloe Sevigny • I did a lot of thrift and vintage. I would mix those pieces into some of the more inexpensive items from Express, Gap, Old Navy, and Clothestime. – Katy Perry • I do a lot of vintage shopping. I love going to second-hand stores. – Victoria Justice • I do a lot of vintage, of course, but I really feel so particular about clothing. I think it stems from acting, like if I’m not wearing the proper shoes for a character I feel totally off. – Morgan Saylor • I do take a computer to do some processing live and I might use a couple of plug-in synthesisers, ’cause obviously you can take quite a lot of power in terms of sound generation on a computer that I can trigger from a couple of keyboards. And it means I don’t have to take some of my vintage stuff and have it trashed by various airlines which has happened in the past. But I still take some vintage stuff with me, I’ll take that risk because I like using all that stuff. – Thighpaulsandra • I don’t at all want to resemble some of these young designers who ask hallucinating prices for rags that are so in fashion now, that six months later, they are old-fashioned! I love vintage boutiques, I love to customize my clothes. And then, with my friends, we regularly exchange togs. – Milla Jovovich • I don’t come from a wealthy or privileged background, and growing up I was always looking for the best quality at a price I could afford. My love of vintage is rooted in that. Drugstores were the mecca for the latest makeup trends and products. – Eva Mendes • I don’t get what’s happening to Jose Mourinho of late. He’s lapsing into the kind of Portuguese moroseness you get from staring at the Atlantic horizon and imagining you’re the last place in the world, while listening to endless renditions of the fado. His latest line about ‘everyone hates us and we don’t care’ sounds like vintage Joe Kinnear in the great days of the Wimbledon Crazy Gang. – Peter Chapman • I don’t know what the average income of Muslim-Americans is, but Muslim-American immigrants of recent vintage, I bet they have a very above-average representation in professional and business occupations. – Thomas Friedman • I don’t like new cars; I’m into vintage cars – there’s a Jaguar E-Type in the ‘Goldie’ video. – ASAP Rocky • I don’t like the idea of things being off-limits to kids – like a fancy sitting room where they can’t touch anything. I own vintage pottery cups, and I let my girls hold them. It teaches them to treat objects with respect. – Debi Mazar • I don’t really know much about the fashion world. I have a few stylist friends that help me find stuff. So they know all about the vintage fashion world; I just kind of describe to them what I want and they find a lot of it for me. – BØRNS • I don’t think fashion has to change every five minutes. I’d like these to be clothes you can wear for a long time – ten, 20 years; pass on to your daughter. Why buy vintage when you can open your own closet! – Tom Ford • I emcee how I feel for the moment. I’ll always be influenced by Tribe, but my EP and LP have a lot of different flavors! I’ll keep it vintage Tribe if Tribe decides to do another LP… which, in my heart, I’d love to do for the fans. – Phife Dawg • I find my dress sense tends to be a bit of a mixture between high fashion and unique vintage pieces with a little bit of street trends. For example, I might find a really nice, suede dinner jacket that I’d wear with a basic plain white shirt and some chinos and a pair of Nike trainers. – Tinie Tempah • I get my inspiration from books, pictures, art. I might find a vintage scarf and say, “I think this should be our color palette.” – Jessica Simpson • I got a job as soon as I could – 11 or 12. I started babysitting and then I got a part-time job at a pharmacy in England. I just remember loving the feeling of going out and buying my own clothes! I’d go bargain-hunting and get secondhand vintage stuff. – Natasha Bedingfield • I grew up in Texas, and people love their American-made muscle cars there. I grew up around people who loved cars and took care of cars and my dad’s a big car nut, so I learned a little bit about cars – how to love them, most importantly. I think that from the time I could remember, I’ve always envisioned myself in a vintage muscle car. – Amber Heard • I had this story from one who had no business to tell it to me, or to any other. I may credit the seductive influence of an old vintage upon the narrator for the beginning of it, and my own skeptical incredulity during the days that followed for the balance of the strange tale. – Edgar Rice Burroughs • I have a lot of guitars. Yeah, I’m not like a guitar collector, I don’t have all vintage instruments. I don’t even own a Strat or Les Paul. I don’t have one. – John Petrucci • I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm. – Sonam Kapoor • I have this threadbare caftan from the ’60s that I got at a vintage store years ago – it’s basically a muumuu. My friends are astonished that I wear it, but I love it. It’s this light fabric that just moves with me. – Gabrielle Anwar • I have this vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycle jacket. When I put it on, it has this supercool feeling to it. – Alicia Keys • I have two vintage typewriters. One just about works and the other hasn’t a hope in hell, bless it. But they’re both beautiful, and they’ll stay with me just as long as there’s a roof over my head. – Matt Roper • I jog at the Rose Bowl, and I collect antique and vintage furniture, so I’m there every few weeks for the flea market. – Theo Rossi • I just love vintage. I have far too many vintage dresses. – Karen Elson • I just think you would never kill and cut up a human to wear so why do it to animals? I just think it’s horrible, I would never wear fur, although I guess if it was a really vintage piece you might just get away with it. – Kelly Osbourne • I like a little bit of designer, with a bit of vintage and high street mixed in. I love it when you find those one-off key pieces, which end up becoming investment pieces. – Cara Delevingne • I like fashion because it’s sort of my job, so I’m into it when I have to be. But when I’m not working, I wear jeans and T-shirts. I go to vintage stores all the time to find funky T-shirts. – Kristen Stewart • I like old cars, old watches, anything with a vintage, antique kind of a feel to it. I’m just more in tune with that than anything else. – David Boreanaz • I like old movies, screwball comedies, vintage clothes, and basically I’m an old-fashioned gal. – Zooey Deschanel • I like the old, vintage Hollywood look. – Gwen Stefani • I like to experiment a lot, I just like to make myself look different to everyone else. Shopping at all different places from vintage to high-street, and then I just put it together myself. – Cher Lloyd • I like to mix and match vintage with designer. It’s how I create my own style. – Carly Rae Jepsen • I like vintage a lot. – Kesha • I like vintage shopping, but I also like to mix in high-end. – Theophilus London • I like vintage stuff. I go through a vintage store and find things that I feel like I fit right into them because of all the years that they’ve been used. – Channing Tatum • I like What Goes Around Comes Around for old concert tees. Oh man, I got this ‘Sgt. Pepper’ cartoon Beatles shirt there; it was, like, $300. I didn’t even know how much it cost – I thought it was gonna be, like, $80 at most – till I got to the register and was like, ‘Oh mah gawd!’ Good Lord. But it’s classic vintage rock, you know? – Kid Cudi • I live in a beautiful vintage building that was built in the heart of downtown Chicago. – Nate Berkus • I love Ali MacGraw and her style – I’m into vintage ’70s outfits at the moment. – Kim Kardashian • I love all vintage-everything, really. I love fashion. I’ve always loved it. And the fifties, I’ve always loved. – Elle Fanning • I love anything vintage. And I love Marc Jacobs and shoes by Giuseppe Zanotti. – Meagan Good • I love Fall Fashion Week because it means lots of layering, long sweaters and vintage coats. – Rachel Zoe • I love fashion! I love clothes! I really like vintage clothes, so in my closet there’s a lot of ’50s stuff. I go to the stores and shop around. – Elle Fanning • I love handbags. And shoes. Investing in like a great handbag or a pair of shoes can really make or break an outfit. It’s fun to mix and match high street with luxury brands and throw in a bit of vintage as well. – Miranda Kerr • I love hats! I collect vintage ones – I find them at antique shops in Kansas. – Lindsey Wixson • I love history. Everything is inspired by history, so that’s why I love vintage and antiques. – Kelly Wearstler • I love old, vintage cars. I’ve got a 1936 Dodge Touring Sedan right now and there’s only five of them registered in the world, and I absolutely love working on it. It’s gorgeous. – Danny Trejo • I love playing around with vintage fabrics and lace. – Helena Christensen • I love things that have a vintage feel to them, just because there’s a certain texture to them that we just don’t have anymore. In fact I think I’ve been stuck in the 50s or 60s for a while… – Amber Heard • I love to find a great vintage secondhand shop. – Bridget Hall • I love to shop vintage clothes; in London, I usually go to Relic and Alfie’s Market. I usually brunch around London Bridge, where I live.- Georgia May Jagger • I love vintage and I shop vintage a lot because it’s just such great value for money. – Lianne La Havas • I love vintage and prints. – Georgina Chapman • I love vintage cars because you can do so much more to them.- T-Pain • I love vintage clothes. I have a real passion which probably comes from the days of my mum who had this great dress up box that she put all her clothes from the 60s and 70s in – platform shoes and jumpsuits and boots. – Rachel McAdams • I love vintage shopping in flea markets, vintage stores and even Ebay. – Chelsea Leyland • I love vintage shopping, I think it’s really fun. And I love the feeling of finding the most amazing piece for less. – Emma Roberts • I love vintage, but it’s so expensive now. – Alexandra Roach • I mean, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, I think the young kids sell lot of records. But for an older kind of artist, more of a sort of heritage, vintage type of artist, you have to think outside the box. – Boy George • I really like the bohemian look, and I’m a great fan of mixing vintage and modern. – Kierston Wareing • I really love beautiful, well-made clothes. I don’t shop [a lot], so I tend to have pieces for a long time. I like mixing vintage with newer designers. – Sarah Jessica Parker • I shop at a lot of vintage stores because the prices are amazing, and I love the idea that there’s a history behind the piece I’m wearing. – Gabrielle Anwar • I shop only at thrift stores and vintage stores. In New York, I like a place called Star Struck, and a place called The Family Jewels. – Ezra Miller • I spent my first paycheck on a vintage Mercedes. – Jennifer Aniston • I started getting back into buying old analog gear while we were recording. Lots of old drum machines and synths. It wasn’t a conscious thing. I didn’t consider myself a collector, but boxes of vintage gear would turn up virtually every day. – Martin Gore • I started making movies in my late 20s, that time in an artist’s career that often sees artists just imitating things that he or she loves. I just wanted to be great like L’Age d’Or vintage Buñuel. I wanted to be Busby Berkeley, for crying out loud! I wanted to have chorus girls stomping their heels in my casting office. I wanted to be Erich Von Stroheim monogramming underwear for extras. So I started off my career doing that, and that was fun, but I realised I wasn’t very good at it. – Guy Maddin • I think my mum was really very ahead of her time. She wore very little makeup. She really explored the way that she wore clothes in a very honest way. She wore a lot of vintage stuff and mixed it with bespoke men’s tailoring and things like that. That was a huge influence on me, seeing a woman in the spotlight carry herself in that kind of way. But mostly, for me, it was just that she was an incredibly honest and sort of natural person. – Stella McCartney • I used to collect vintage clothing – exquisite lace dresses, embroidered shawls and ornate jewelry – but that’s just not me any more. – Britt Ekland • I was a Knicks fan of the Kenny Sears-Carl Braun-Jim Baechtold vintage. I was even their ball boy when I was a teenager. – Marv Albert • I was always involved in low level motor clubs, competitions and with the Vintage Auto Association, and I believe this really helped me on my way. – Liz Halliday • I was collecting Barbies. I know… embarrassing. I sold them all on eBay, and traded them for vintage dishes. So I’ve collected two things. – Kristin Bauer van Straten • I was in a vintage pub rock band called Clover in the 1970s. – Huey Lewis • I was once in a long relationship with a man who ran a vintage clothes store but had been a chef, so I’d come home each night to a different three-course meal. I was quite fat, but so happy.- Paloma Faith • I was watching a collection of vintage ’80s cereal commercials when I paused to wonder why cereal manufacturers no longer included toy prizes inside every box. It was a tragedy, in my opinion. Another sign that civilization was going straight down the tubes. – Ernest Cline • I was working at eBay, so I would just troll the vintage categories, find old amps and what have you. I was buying a fair amount of stuff and playing with it and then selling it back. – Bill Orcutt • I wear a lot of different jewellery. I love to look for it when Im abroad or if I find a great antique or vintage shop. – Lily Donaldson • I wear everything from hip-hop baggy pants to beautiful Armani dresses. I also like to mix vintage clothing with designer pieces. – Julia Stiles • I wore a lot of vintage clothing. I dressed like a reporter, with a little card in my hat. I had these fantasies of who I wanted to be, so I’d dress like an explorer, a cowboy. I dressed up like Elton John a lot too. That was another period. – Illeana Douglas • I wore the Marc Jacobs dress, so I love Marc Jacobs. He has a vintage flair. But I’ve always worn a lot of vintage stuff, so it hasn’t been a lot of designers. If I see something that I like, I just buy it. – Elle Fanning • I’ve been enjoying a couple of post-Oscar burgers. So I didn’t fit into a lot of the vintage stuff. I wanted to wear something that was a little bit more forgiving. – Anne Hathaway • If I have an hour in a city, I go to vintage stores first because it’s so much cooler to find a piece that is unique. I love the thought of some girl having worn it before and living her life in it. – Helena Christensen • If the October days were a cordial like the sub-acids of fruit, these are a tonic like the wine of iron. Drink deep or be careful how you taste this December vintage. The first sip may chill, but a full draught warms and invigorates. – John Burroughs • If you care about this country, if you want to take part in a citizen’s movement that helps heal the deep racial, economic, and cultural divides tearing us apart, you must read Eric Deggans’ Race-Baiter. No book of recent vintage so thoroughly dissects the media’s monetized appetite for division. Provocative, honest, and smart, Race-Baiter is a supremely important book. Read it and let the conversation begin. – Connie May Fowler • I’m a real Londoner. We have very grey weather in London, and I think it encourages a very eclectic and crazy fashion sense. I mix high-street stuff with more high-end fashion and vintage. – Emma Watson • I’m big on reworking vintage. Also, buying one great piece that lasts forever – to me, that is total sustainability. – Elizabeth Rogers • I’m definitely a vintage collector. I have a wardrobe of core basics that I like to spice up with different colors, new accessories, and I love to try on new things to invite something different. I find, with every new stage of my life, my self-image shifts with new duties and responsibilities, and so does my fashion style. – Camila Alves • I’m definitely an anomaly, but I’m making things. They’re selling, say, martinis, and I’m kind of making vintage Riesling. People aren’t going to sit there very often, not your average public, and your average music-business monster is not going to take the time to notice the overtones and the undertones inside the flavor. They’d rather just have the martini. – Ben Folds • I’m doing a fun EP. It’s called ‘Songs in the Key of Phife: Eight Is Enough.’ It’s radio-friendly, but then a lot of it just has that raw hip-hop. Some of it will be vintage Tribe, but for the most part I’m just letting my voice be heard. – Phife Dawg • I’m into classic games like Donkey Kong, and also collect vintage tour t-shirts – everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I’ve got a Chicago one worth $100. – Michael Rosenbaum • I’m not a big shopper. I’m very very picky about what it is that I buy, I prefer to buy vintage and then I prefer to be very selective. – Jaime King • I’m not a vintage/thrift shop girl. I don’t have the patience. – Robin Givhan • I’m not going to try to be too young because at the end of the day, I’m not 20 anymore. I don’t want to sound corny or look corny doing young things. All the stuff that the kids are doing, that’s not my place. I believe that everyone followed me back then, they’re still here. That’s who I’m trying to talk to and relate to. All the trap music and all of that, it’s great but I can’t do that. I’m going to stay vintage Ginuwine and stay at the place that got me here. That’s what people want. – Ginuwine • I’m not the kind of guy who deserves to play a vintage guitar because I’m too rough on instruments. – Tommy Shaw • I’m shocked at how much I’m into Christmas pillows. There’s cheesiness, obviously, but then there’s really cute ones that are metallic that say “Ho Ho Ho” or “Merry” or cute vintage needlepoint ones. – Emily Henderson • In spite of all the skills that I do have, to relate to the normal world I have no applicable skills. I can speak Russian, I can speak French. I know about Chanel. Especially vintage Chanel. I know what Halston is. All of these things, but they can’t really be applied to a nine-to-five. – Johnny Weir • In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. – John Steinbeck • It is easily overlooked that what is now called vintage was once brand new.- Tony Visconti • It’s a mission for me to make sure that philanthropy doesn’t feel like a vintage hand-me-down from mom or dad. I want people to feel compelled to do something positive because they just love it, they’re excited about it, and it’s cool. – Usher • It’s so cliche to say florals for spring. I really like a vintage-like dress that’s floral. You can belt it; I like belts. I like wearing pretty dresses that are really comfortable, that you can spend the day in but also feel girly. – Brittany Snow • I’ve always loved fashion so much and I didn’t have access to the kind of fashion I really wanted, so I would do vintage shopping. – Rachel Roy • I’ve always loved vintage and I never like to have something someone else has. – Jillian Hervey • I’ve come to see our central nervous system as a kind of vintage switchboard, all thick foam wires and old-fashioned plugs. The circuitry isn’t properly equipped; after a surplus of emotional information the system overloads, the circuit breaks, the board runs dark. That’s what shock is. – Darin Strauss • I’ve making videos since I was seventeen I was originally discollecting vintage hmmm… footages from different archives and setting moving pictures to classical music clips that meant a lot to me. Maybe there were places I have been where nice things have happened. I had a vision of making my life a work of art and I was looking for people who also felt that way. – Lana Del Rey • I’ve never really been interested in the vintage photos people pay lots of money for — civil war tintypes or old daguerrotypes of famous people. Nor do I have any interest in the really gross, dark stuff that some people pay top-dollar, like post-mortem photos of babies (yuck) or press photos of old murder scenes or whatever. I collect in these little niches most other people don’t care about — dark-and-weird-but-fun — and photos that have been written on, which a lot of sellers think hurts their value. All of which is good news for me! – Ransom Riggs • Kit Kittredge was an amazing experience because I got to go to Canada, and it was my first era film, so I got to wear the 1930s clothes, the real vintage clothes. – Madison Davenport • Knitwear can play a vital part in layering. The simplicity of a lightweight cardigan makes it one of the best ways to layer outfits. I love granddad cardis for winter, worn over a vintage lace shirt, waistcoat and full skirt with slouchy boots. – Twiggy • Ladies, apologies, but isn’t ‘vintage’ just used stuff? – Bob Saget • Men should be judged not by their tint of skin, the gods they serve, the vintage they drink, nor by the way they fight, or love, or sin, but by the quality of the thought they think. – Adela Florence Nicolson • Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: / He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. – Julia Ward Howe • Most of my wardrobe is vintage, and I’ve worn dresses to the Oscars that I got for $10. – Winona Ryder • My advice to new artists is to embrace a broader concept of timelessness than vintage or retro. – Brandi Carlile • My grandparents in Istria had a frasca, which is about the most basic kind of grocery/restaurant. They sold wine from their own vineyard. I took control of the vineyard, hired a local winemaker, and bought another winery in 1996. We had our first commercial vintage in 1998. – Joe Bastianich • My home has a split personality. Some of the rooms are very French antique. Think Aubusson rugs, turquoise ceramic jugs, sandbag pillows, and broken birdcages. The other half is very Aztec. Neon ikat fabric pillows, vintage books piled up to the ceiling, and shutters from Bali. – Poppy Delevingne • My mom passed on her obsession of all things antique or vintage. I love to go thrift store shopping or explore any sort of garage sale. Treasure hunting is a family passion. – Zoey Deutch • My most cherished possessions are my grandma’s letters and my vintage Martha Washington cookbook. – Sandra Lee • My old vintage designs are so popular now. I must have been on to something. – Pierre Cardin • My style is quite clean, vintage, and almost French in a way. – India de Beaufort • My vintage Levi’s are my favorite on the show, ’cause they really fit. – Laura Prepon • My wife bought me a vintage Gibson guitar that isn’t just beautiful but has tremendous sentimental value. I have plenty of guitars for live gigs but this is one to treasure. – Bill Bailey • New York vintage is too expensive! – Kirsten Dunst • No amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity – Taylor Swift • No more rules, the freedom of dressing. The beauty of mixing vintage clothes with a pair of jeans that I love. – Yves Saint Laurent • Nothing is more vintage than dying of Rubella. – Stephen Colbert • Of course I am grateful, and I’m sure you are, as you put it, a special vintage,” Bill said politely, “But I have my own wine cellar. – Charlaine Harris • Old Americana vintage gangster stuff has a fantastical feel; it feels less dirty in a way. It feels like the opera of crime. – Shia LaBeouf • On the same Australian trip, I brought back a pair [of Ugg] for my then boyfriend who was a photographer. He wore them all the time. He used to wear them with Levis twisted jeans and a vintage T-shirt. This is 2002. They looked great on him. I guess it takes a certain kind of man to pull them off but they have other ones that are less typical of this, I think. – Alexa Chung • Once I graduated from NYU, I started making custom vintage tees for my friends and it just took off from there. – Charlotte Ronson • Our conception of 1950s underwear is a lovely vintage aesthetic, but actually, wearing stockings with no elastic and a girdle was heavy duty. – Romola Garai • Our culture’s obsession with vintage objects has rendered us unable to separate history from nostalgia. People want heart. They want a chaser of emotion with their aesthetics. – Sloane Crosley • Paul Furlong is my vintage Rolls Royce and he cost me nothing. We polish him, look after him, and I have him fine tuned by my mechanics. We take good care of him because we have to drive him every day, not just save him for weddings. – Ian Holloway • Purists behave as if there was a vintage year when language achieved a measure of excellence which we should all strive to maintain. In fact, there was never such a year. The language of Chaucer’s or Shakespeare’s time was no better and no worse than that of our own – just different. – Jean Aitchison • Short boughs, long vintage. – George Herbert • Some things are better than other things: Google, Gmail, my vintage Montgomery Wards socket set (30+ years, still going strong), my Estwing framing hammer, and my Dremel rotary tool. – William Gurstelle • Tabitha was always trying unorthodox ways to set her up with guys. Although, to be fair to her sister, Tabitha didn’t usually knock the guy unconscious before she forced them together. Still, with Tabitha there was a first time for just about anything. And extreme blind-dating was very vintage T. – Sherrilyn Kenyon • The band is like a vintage car. You take it out to go for a spin for a couple miles, but you wouldn’t drive across the country. – Robyn Hitchcock • The best thing I ever bought is a vintage Oscar de la Renta short gingham dress that I wore to my rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding. – Kelly Wearstler • The biggest ones [online stores] I go back to are Amazon.com and eBay.com because it’s great for music and books… I collect vintage vinyl records. – John Varvatos • The C+ amps is vintage at this point, and it definitely has a certain sound to it. I wanted something that was going to keep Dream Theater in more of a current musical landscape, as far as being the producer and producing the type of album I wanted to hear. – John Petrucci • The freedmen were not really free in 1865, nor are most of their descendants really free in 1965. Slavery was but one aspect of a race and color problem that is still far from solution here, or anywhere. In America particularly, the grapes of wrath have not yet yielded all their bitter vintage. – Samuel Eliot Morison • The Humbling is not vintage Roth, despite its compelling premise. The bizarre series of episodes — mostly sexual encounters with women — which make up this short novel don’t play to Roth’s strengths. (…) The Humbling disappoints because it avoids these universal implications, and veers off into a baroque world of the unique and fantastic, never quite deigning to make its world concrete or to give its characters the honour of an independent will. – Philip Hensher • The I-95 bridges were built in the early 1960s and are now more than 50 years old. The same vintage as the I-35 bridge that collapsed in Minnesota back in 2007, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The antiquated Skagit River Bridge in Washington state that collapsed last May after a truck hit one of the trusses was even older. And it’s not just bridges. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 32 percent of the major roads in America are now in poor condition and in need of major repairs. – Ed Rendell • The kinds of things I like with crystals are the really beautiful costume jewelry, vintage pieces, and they usually have that diamond shape. – Zoe Kravitz • The minute you think that the past was better, your present is second hand, and yourself becomes vintage – it’s okay for clothes not that great for people – Karl Lagerfeld • The people who run things] are so successful in the way they do it now. They could buy me off with a couple of vintage prints, they could have you do an ad, or give you a ribbon… In capitalist countries they reward artists because we’re ineffectual. – Danny Lyon • The Specials was always going to be an underground, underdog kind of movie. But I love when people bring that up, because it’s very early, vintage James Gunn. – Rob Lowe • There are so many cute vintage dresses made out of synthetics from the ’60s and ’70s – but they’re so itchy and hot. It’s not worth it! – Zooey Deschanel • There is a phenomenal amount of pressure on women in this industry: they are considered vintage by the time they hit their mid-30s. – Tori Amos • There’s a lot of really inspiring music coming around the bend – we tend to believe that to sound classic or timeless is to sound vintage or retro. It’s a little bit dangerous, because you’ll really miss a chance to make your mark as a generation. – Brandi Carlile • There’s a vintage which comes with age and experience. – Jon Bon Jovi • There’s nothing like a string of Xmas lights inside the house to make the whole family feel like they live in a vintage clothing store. – Dana Gould • This is not really currency that circulates. It’s like the old joke about expensive vintage wine. Wine prices will go up and once in a while somebody will buy a 50-year-old bottle of wine and say, “Wait a minute. This has gone bad.” The answer is, “Well, that wine isn’t for drinking; that’s for trading.” These $100 bills aren’t meant to circulate. They’re not to spend on goods and services. They’re a store of value. They’re a form of saving. – Michael Hudson • Time and again I hear how important the darker environment is to those at our vintage-faith worship gathering. Attenders feel they can freely pray in a corner by themselves without feeling that everyone is staring at them. – Dan Kimball • To ‘choose’ dogma and faith over doubt and experience is to throw out the ripening vintage and to reach greedily for the Kool-Aid. – Christopher Hitchens • Vintage books, old china, antiques; maybe I love old things so much because I feel impermanent myself. – Josh Lanyon • Vintage was brilliant! – Gavin Turk • Virginia Madsen big part in that movie [‘Class’] required her shirt to get ripped off, and looking back, it couldn’t be a more egregious, vintage, lowbrow, 1980s Porky’s-esque, shoehorned-in moment. Like, you would never have that moment in a movie that aspired to be what that movie did today. – Rob Lowe • We always need to have a smart black blazer in our closets. It’s just a nice clean way to dress up even something as simple as jeans and a t-shirt. And something I always have in my closet, I always have a vintage headscarf with me, to tie around my bag or protect my hair from the sun, it depends but I always find a use for it. – Nicole Richie • We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more. – Carl Jung • When I look at asset prices; real estate, bonds, equities, vintage cars… I think that gold is actually one of the few assets that is relatively cheap, relatively inexpensive. – Marc Faber • When it comes to wine, I tell people to throw away the vintage charts and invest in a corkscrew. The best way to learn about wine is the drinking. – Alexis Lichine • When the choice is between a demanding relationship and a vintage pickup truck, I’ll choose the truck every time. – Amy Dickinson • When you buy a piece of vintage clothing you’re not just buying the fabric and thread – you’re buying a piece of someone’s past – Isabel Wolff • While conversion of sugars to ethanol is the predominant reaction, it is only one of potentially thousands of biochemical reactions taking place during fermentation. As a result, wine contains trace amounts of a large number of organic acids, esters, sugars, alcohols, and other molecules. Wine is, in fact, one of the most complex of all beverages: the fruit of a soil, climate, and vintage, digested by a fungus through a process guided by the culture, vision, and skill of an individual man or woman. – Neel Burton • While in a vintage restaurant…”the past isn’t quaint while you’re in it. Only at a safe distance, later, when you see it as decor, not as the shape your life’s been squeezed into. – Margaret Atwood • Wine is one of the most complex of all beverages: the fruit of a soil, climate, and vintage, digested by a fungus through a process guided by the culture, vision, and skill of an individual man or woman. – Neel Burton • Wine to me is something that brings people together. Wine does promote conversation and promote civility, but it’s also fascinating. It’s the greatest subject to study. No matter how much you learn, every vintage is going to come at you with different factors that make you have to think again. – Robert M. Parker, Jr. • Women can explore so much in dressing. But if I was a guy I would wear vintage suits constantly. With crazy ties! – Helena Christensen • Yeah, okay. You’re right. I was having dinner with Zombie Carl the other night. You know, steak, rare, and a bottle of vintage type A. He told me all his secrets, but too bad for you I promised him I wouldn’t tell. In exchange I asked him to gather his best undead buddies and stalk me through my friend’s yard. And oh, yeah, it was totally fine if they wanted to use me as an all-night-dinner buffet, because having organs is SO last year. – Gena Showalter • You deserve to die,” I whisper, suddenly realizing Iv’e said the words aloud. “Excuse me?” “Nothing.” “Not nothing. You just told me that I deserve to be maggot feed.” “Not maggot feed, just-” “Dead!” “Forget it” “I don’t know why I said that. Just daydreaming, I guess.” “Daydreaming about my death?” “Forget it”, I repeat. “Are you sure you aren’t still mad that I wouldn’t let you borrow my vintage fishnet leggings?” “More like I didn’t want to borrow them. – Laurie Faria Stolarz • You don`t have the same reaction to a girl walking around the street today in a nightgown and a vintage coat and sneakers, that you did six years ago. – Marc Jacobs • You may know more about vintage wine than the wine steward, but if you’re smart you’ll let your man do the choosing and be ecstatic over his selection, even if it tastes like shampoo. – Arlene Dahl • Your birthday is the vintage of your wine; the mark that warns you of your future. – Aesop • You’re drinking vintage Elvis Presley wine. – Elvis Costello
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0 notes
1-200 😄
Y'all suck200: My crush’s name is: X (I don’t currently have one)
199: I was born in: Washington D.C
198: I am really: sleepy 
197: My cellphone company is: Verizon 
196: My eye color is: blue
195: My shoe size is: 6
194: My ring size is: 4.5
193: My height is: 5'1
192: I am allergic to: oh god literally all of nature, gluten, eggs, pineapple, cats, dogs
191: My 1st car was: Volvo 
190: My 1st job was: babysitting 
189: Last book you read: The Widow
188: My bed is: a full? 
187: My pet: 3 cats ( my cat is coco and she’s fat and adorable)
186: My best friend: hannah 
185: My favorite shampoo is: head and shoulders? 
184: Xbox or ps3: neither 
183: Piggy banks are: great
182: In my pockets: chopstick
181: On my calendar: work and doctors appointments 
180: Marriage is: a lifelong commitment 
179: Spongebob can: make you dumber
178: My mom: is the best even though sometimes we drive each other nuts 
177: The last three songs I bought were? Two heads, Church bells, and sleepover 
176: Last YouTube video watched: probably something on buzzfeed 
175: How many cousins do you have? 7
174: Do you have any siblings? Yes one sister
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope 
172: Are you taller than your mom? We're the same height 
171: Do you play an instrument? Piano and guitar
170: What did you do yesterday? spend time with my mom ( it was Mother’s Day)[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: no
168: Luck: no 
167: Fate: yes
166: Yourself: yes 
165: Aliens: yes 
164: Heaven: maybe 
163: Hell: no
162: God: yes 
161: Horoscopes: no, but I like them 
160: Soul mates: yes 
159: Ghosts: yes 
157: War: no 
156: Orbs: no 
155: Magic: no [ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: drunk 
152: Phone or Online: phone 
151: Red heads or Black haired: black hair 
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 
149: Hot or cold: cold 
148: Summer or winter: summer 
147: Autumn or Spring: spring 
146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 
145: Night or Day: NIGHT
144: Oranges or Apples: apples 
143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonald’s 
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops 
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 
137: Coke or Pepsi: coke 
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 
135: Burried or cremated: cremated 
134: Singing or Dancing: neither. I’m so bad at both 
133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel?
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat
131: Small town or Big city: big city 
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target 
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben stiller 
128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure 
127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers 
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 
123: Yankees or Red Sox: Yankees [ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: it’s horrible and should be avoided whenever possible 
121: George Bush: he’s an idiot who hired really terrible people to be his advisors, but he’s not a bad person at heart. 
120: Gay Marriage: it should be legal everywhere 
119: The presidential election: what the fuck is wrong with Americans. We elected a mad man 
118: Abortion: pro choice
117: MySpace: never had one 
116: Reality TV: it’s kinda of a waste of time 
115: Parents: love mine 
114: Back stabbers: they aren’t worth your time 
113: Ebay: great way to buy and sell shit
112: Facebook: nice to stay in touch with people, don’t post much 
111: Work: wish I didn’t have to do it 
110: My Neighbors: they’re great 
109: Gas Prices: meh? They’re not bad right now 
108: Designer Clothes: usually a waste of money 
107: College: it’s too fucking expensive!!!!!
106: Sports: they need to take a stronger stance against domestic violence 
105: My family: love to hate them 
104: The future: not sure. It’s scary [ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: an hour ago 
102: Last time you ate: 20 minutes 
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: 2 days 
100: Cried in front of someone: January? 
99: Went to a movie theater: April 
98: Took a vacation: I’m currently on summer break :)
97: Swam in a pool: does a hot tub count? If so, December, if not I have no clue 
96: Changed a diaper: January 
95: Got my nails done: may of last year 
94: Went to a wedding: last May 
93: Broke a bone: last January 
92: Got a peircing: it will be two years ago in August ( I got my nose pierced for my 18th birthday) 
91: Broke the law: today when I went 40 in a 30
90: Texted: half-hour ago[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Annabelle 
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat 
87: The last movie I saw: the proposal 
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: seeing my friends this summer 
85: The thing im not looking forward to: working 
84: People call me: soph, Sophie, Sophia 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: motivate myself to study 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope 
81: My zodiac sign is: Leo 
80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 
79: First time you had a crush: on a girl? High school, on a boy? I was like 6
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: hannah 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: this morning 
76: Right now I am talking to: Hannah 
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:
 Lawyer or a FBI agent 74: I have/will get a job: as a therapist maybe?
73: Tomorrow: I will clean my room 
72: Today: I cleaned my sisters room 
71: Next Summer: I will travel and visit friends 
70: Next Weekend: I will babysit 
69: I have these pets: 3 cats 
68: The worst sound in the world: someone I love crying 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: my sister
66: People that make you happy: hannah, Emmy, Ashley, Isabelle, Annabelle, Kim, Liv 
65: Last time I cried: months ago 
64: My friends are: amazing, I’m so lucky to have them 
63: My computer is: a touch screen 
62: My School: Smith College
61: My Car: Volvo 
60: I lose all respect for people who: are willing to do anything to get ahead 
59: The movie I cried at was: I can’t remember 
58: Your hair color is: light brown 
57: TV shows you watch: madam secretary, law and order svu, suits, black mirror 
56: Favorite web site: Tumblr? 
55: Your dream vacation: on a beach with no responsibilities and my friends 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: after getting my tonsils out 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium well
52: My room is: pretty clean 
51: My favorite celebrity is: Angelina Jolie 
50: Where would you like to be: with my friends 
49: Do you want children: I want to adopt them 
48: Ever been in love: nope 
47: Who’s your best friend: hannah 
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: making someone else’s day better 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Ashley 
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: kinda? 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yup 
41: Have you pre-named your children: nope 
40: Last person I got mad at: my sister 
39: I would like to move to: New York City 
38: I wish I was a professional: organizer [ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: anything gummy 
36: Vehicle: Tesla 
35: President: Obama 
34: State visited: Arizona 
33: Cellphone provider: Verizon 
32: Athlete: Selena Williams 
31: Actor: the guy from the proposal ( I can’t remember his name, he’s also dead pool)
30: Actress: Angelina Jolie 
29: Singer: Hayley Kiyoko
28: Band: panic! At the disco 
27: Clothing store: anthropologie 
26: Grocery store: Whole Foods 
25: TV show: NCIS 
24: Movie: good will hunting 
23: Website: amazon
22: Animal: elephant 
21: Theme park: six flags 
20: Holiday: Christmas 
19: Sport to watch: hockey 
18: Sport to play: rock climb 
17: Magazine: National Geographic 
16: Book: to kill a mockingbird 
15: Day of the week: Friday 
14: Beach: the Cayman Islands 
13: Concert attended: Matt Nathanson 
12: Thing to cook: pesto pasta 
11: Food: watermelon 
10: Restaurant: a family run sushi place near me 
9: Radio station: country 
8: Yankee candle scent: anything citrus 
7: Perfume: something light and clean 
6: Flower: anything purple 
5: Color: blue 
4: Talk show host: jimmy Kimmel 
3: Comedian: the guy who used to host the tonight show 
2: Dog breed: new Finland 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yup!
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