#im Also thinking about how other male sonic characters would look like with clothes
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Just had the thought that sonic would look good with a red hoodie, and I’m now realizing how perfect that would be for his character
the drawing is a work in progress, I just really wanted to show what I am thinking about
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a dream i have
hello so uh ever since i was in to pokemon i had this day dream and still have it sometimes anyway it started as an idea for a fanmade evil pokemon team called team nightmare the leaders name is Draco Darknram (Dark-nin-ram) the admins names are Sebastian (male#1) , Prometheus (male#2) Claudia (female #1) and Torali (Tor -a-lie) the leader has a very young daughter  by the name lisa who has powers like physic abilities , can read peoples minds can hear the voices of pokemon , is extremely intelligent , can control legendary pokemon and can make wild mean pokemon kind and loving anyway Draco found lisa being attacked and bullied by other people so Draco took and adopted young lisa and raised and loved her as his own and yes this character actually cares about his own child and team . now if ya wonderin what Draco and lisa look like lisa has long dark purple curly hair wears a light purple tube top and purpleish pink leggings with regular purple shoes has blue eyes wares glasses and she is six years old but act like a very mature adult now draco has medium blonde hair wears a black felt sweater like shirt with black leather pants and has a light black cape and very dark brown boots he is very handsome and very attractive and wares glasses like lisa now the admins Sebastian wears an all black tuxedo has very dark purple hair has black sun glasses  , Prometheus has a spiked  leather black jacket a dark grey tank top and purple boots and dark grey hair  , claudia wares a black short coat with grey buttons wears a purple long dress and a black fedora and light grey high heels and a necklace with a purple heart ,and black hair  Toralie wears an outfit kinda like the one lady gaga wears in the intro of poker face except its dark purple and the mask is black and has light grey hair now on to the grunts *for the females* ever seen lady gagas blue outfit that she wears in poker face* well you might have to watch the video to know what i am talking about* anyway they wear that which is  dark purple they ware  gray tights  and black gloves and gray shoes they have long dark gray hair and they wear sliver sunglasses Now the males they wear the same lady gaga outfit thing except the bottom has shorts and instead of it being purple its black with purple tights they have black hair with grey shoes and wear dark grey sunglasses. now they are from the Sadoka region (sa -do -ka ) which is close to galar their hideout is a huge abandoned castle   . anyway sorry this is super long but i understand if you say no but the reason im tellin ya bout this because  i want to make a series where team nightmare team up with team rainbow rocket and well id make it myself its just that i’m not good at art so maybe you could help me make this series like a collab or something but if ye say no i understand but feel free to draw the characters if ye’d like of course ye don’t have to . thanks for reading :)
Heya! Ok, first of all: this is really cool!
I also keep daydreaming a lot thinking about stories, but usually they are about characters that already exist, like the ones here in the blog, so it’s super amazing to me that you can actually think of all that just out of your imagination, specially with so much detail regarding the character’s clothes and hairs, their story, the relationships between them and etc.
I really like your descriptions and it seems to me that you have a color pallete going on there… with lots of purples and grays. That’s very nice! It totally sounds like something that could be canon in the games. Really, congratulations, because it’s very well-thought! And I have to add that I love the names Torali and Prometheus. I know Prometheus is from a Greek legend, but Torali is a name I’ve never heard before and I really liked it. ^^
Also, you don’t need to apologize for the long text, I always write gigantic chuncks of text myself, so who am I to complain? It’s fine. :) Thanks for sharing your ideas with me and the other followers, I’m sure others will enjoy it as well! :D
Now… uh… It’s kinda painful to me to say it, and I’m sorry about it, but I’ll have to refuse the offer of working with you on that project… Not because I didn’t like your idea or don’t feel like working with you on it, but because I’m currently pretty much overwhelmed by all the projects I have for my blog, and I really don’t think I’d be able to engage in another drawing-related project now… :/ I’m already working on my comics at a slower pace than I wish I could, and I’m trying to think about how to accelerate the process of drawing them so that I can post more often… I’m also creating some written content about the Villains and I have some drawing rewards for my patrons that I need to finish… As well as drawing stuff to keep my Instagram alive every now and then. And there are also my sideprojects that I make with my siblings: we make some comics about Sonic characters in my own language, and even though they are just something between me and my sibs, I don’t want to give up on this project and let them down. And I’m looking for a job because capitalism……. Oof.
So yeah… I’m sorry, really! But basically it would be very complicated to me right now, I don’t think I can handle another project, specially one involving another person, because that would be an even bigger responsibility to me and I wouldn’t wanna fail to deliver something I promised. Oh and… By the way, I’m pretty flattered that you asked my help with it, it means a lot to me as an artist! Thank you!
Anyway, congratulations again on all that, because it sounds really amazing! I hope you can find someone to work with you on that, and if you ever create some content with it, please do show me! ^^ Good luck! ♥
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