myhygienediary · 11 months
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Hi everyone. I’m here to talk about hygiene. My name is Mari, I’m 32 and I’m from Finland.
Hygiene is one of my biggest interests right now. I try to maintain proper hygiene at all times but I also have bad days. I have a long history with different mental disorders and even though I’m not depressed anymore, everything I went through affects me to this day. For example, I don’t shower every day but I’ve been getting into the habit of at least washing my feet and downstairs area every day. That plus brushing my teeth every night is something I aim to do every day no matter what. No matter how tired or lazy I am.
I hope you’ll enjoy my blog if you do decide to start following my journey with hygiene and taking care of myself better. I would really appreciate it. 🫶🏻 I aim to show a realistic side of everyday hygiene and encourage you to take care of yourself too. I have an instagram page for hygiene too but I’ve grown tired of ig even though the hygiene community is a lot bigger over there. I’ve used tumblr for many many many years and thought it would be the best place for my blog for now.
I just washed my feet with this Eucerin wash lotion. I read that this is the perfect ph to wash your feet with.
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