#ilovefinncole fics
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ilovefinncole · 3 years ago
The Princess and the Blinder
Chapter 2: Whiskey
Synopsis: After Tommy leaves for London, Jessie helps Michael with his paper work, he offers her whiskey, she overthinks his kindness as something else. 
Characters: Michael Gray, Jessie Evans, Tommy Shelby and Polly Gray
Part: 2/5
Word count: 2,069
Warning(s): English is my second language, swearing, smoking, drinking and sex.
Published: 13th July 2022 
Author`s note: I published the first chapter of this fic a few months ago, I`m so sorry that it has taken me this long to write this chapter but I had all of my exams and had no time to write this. I hope everyone who will be reading this, likes it. I`d love to know your feedback on it.
Song recommendations for this chapter:
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 
Shallow - Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga 
London Boy - Taylor Swift
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish  
Love is Blindness - Jack White 
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The glass hits the table like lightening, the crystals on it are like a palace, the whiskey inside of the crystal glass is like an empty soul, waiting for somebody to find it and make it a full soul again. 
“So where were we Jessie? Hmm.” Michael said, leaning against his desk in his office, Jessie looked into his sea blue eyes, “Uh well we were talking about the accounts of the company.” Jessie said.
“Ah yes we are, you can take your coat of Jessie. It`s not that cold in here.” he said, “I`d rather not thank you, I am quite cold even if its not cold indoors. So how long have you worked here Michael? It seems like you know the place inside out.” she asked, smiling.
Michael, lifted himself up from leaning against his desk, he sighs “I've been here for the last eight years working for Tommy, it`s not the best job but I like it, it takes your mind off things in the real world. And where did you work?” he asks.
“I worked in a shop when I was seventeen I worked there for a year, I got bored of the people, so I left and went to college for two years and studied accounting and then became an accounting. I know horses.” she said.
“That`s exactly what I did.” Michael says, inhaling a cigarette, “But did you work in a shop?” she asked. “No I cant stand people especially women, they think they know it all.” he said.
“But can you stand me? Do I know it all?” she asked, he holds his cigarette, “No I like you, but not like that, your nice and calm Jessie, most women are not most women are loud and addicted to cocaine and like to play in the snow. And some women that I have dated in the past like to get there hands dirty. It`s fucking insane if you ask me.” he says. 
Jessie didn`t say anything nor move, she listened to him, she watched his every move, “Do you smoke?” he asked, as he walked around the room, “Yes I smoke.” she said. “Would you like a cigarette?” he asked. “Yes.” she said smiling.
“Here you are, I can tell that this one is special and magical, just like you are.” he said, he chuckles. 
“Thank you, but how do you know that I'm special and magical?” she asked, “Because Jessie, your dad was a special man and that makes you a special women and most people are magical, but only the lucky ones are” Michael said.
This made Jessie smile, her little face lit up as Michael carried on speaking, “Would you like some whiskey?” asked Michael. “I`d rather not thank you, my father never allowed me to drink he said it would change me.” said Jessie.
“Suit yourself” said Michael as he poured the whiskey into a clear crystal glass, Jessie felt that she should of said yes to Michael, she feels a bit left out. “Actually I've changed my mind, I`ll have some whiskey only a little amount” she says.
“Alright, here you go” he said, “Thank you” she said, he smiled, “Cheers” he said, “Hmm hmm” she said, there glasses clinked and they drank there whiskey. 
Then there was a knock at the door, “Come in” said Michael, Jessie put her glass on Michael`s desk, “Good Morning Michael, I thought I`d pay you a little visit before I meet Ada” said Polly, she looked worse for ware. 
“Mum where were you last night?” he asked, “No where, ah Good Morning Jessie” she said, “Um Good Morning Mrs. Gray” she said looking nervous and timid her hands were shaking, she thought she was going to faint that she was so nervous, Polly didn`t make the greatest impression yesterday.
“Please call me Polly everyone does, I wanted to apologize about yesterday Jessie, we got on the wrong foot but I`ll be more nicer to you in the future I promise.” said Polly.
“It`s alright Polly, it`s fine don't worry” she said, “Good aw you have your mothers eyes and your father`s kindness isn't that lovely?” she said smiling. “I guess it is” said Jessie, they smiled at each other.
“If you need anything darling, you just knock on my door and I`ll get you anything that you need” said Polly with a smile. “Thank you that's very kind of you” said Jessie, “Its nothing, Michael I hope your playing nice” said Polly.
“Of course mum, I`m showing Jessie everything that she needs to know to be an accountant, I`ll go easy on here don't worry. What time did Tommy get off this morning?” said Michael.
“Around seven, he went early have you been to London Jessie?” asks Polly, “I havent, I`d like to go there someday apparently, convert gardens are really nice” said Jessie.
“They are, I've been myself, but maybe Michael can take you when your not so occupied learning about being an accountant for my nephews business” said Polly starring Michael right in the eyes.
“Don`t you have to go mum, you really don't want to keep Ada waiting” Michael said, “Your right Michael I don`t, its lovely to meet you again Jessie” says Polly.
“And you Polly” said Jessie, “Michael” said Polly, “Mum see you later” said Michael, “I`ll leave” said Polly, Jessie smiled and so did she. Polly leaves the room and closes the door behind her.
“Sorry about that, my mum gets too chatty sometimes” said Michael, “It`s ok Michael, my own mum was like that I know the feeling” she says. 
“Right lets get back to it then.” he said, “Of Course” she said, Michael sits back down at his desk and looks at all of the paper work on his desk and Jessie gets some more paper work out from the drawers at the back. 
In London, Tommy stepped off of a train at Kings Cross Station he looked around him as he smoked a cigarette, the smoke filled the air and disappeared, he walked to his right and left the station.
“Excuse me, Hello do you know where Mr. Roberts lives I need to see him?” asked Tommy, he asked a man wearing a hat and a suit, “Yes he`s my business partner, I`ll take you too him” the man said.
“Thank you” said Tommy as he starred the man in the eyes, nobody could resist looking into the eyes of Tommy Shelby his eyes are irresistible. “So why do you need to see him then?” said the man.
“Its just business its not any of your concern” said Tommy, “It is my concern I`m his business partner” said the man, “Right I`m going to make a deal with him, a deal that could change the world” said Tommy.
“Ok I never asked your name” said the man, “Shelby, Thomas Shelby and you?” said Tommy. 
“Charlie Roberts Sir, at your acquaintance” said the man, “So he`s your brother then?” said Tommy as they shake each others hands. “Yes he is, we've been business partners for the last five years” said Charlie. “Well instead of working with my brother, he works for me all of them do, its a family business. I suppose yours is not” said Tommy.
“No it isn`t, its just down this road following me” said Charlie, as him and Tommy walked down the streets to meet the mysterious Mr. Roberts, Charlie picked the keys out of his pocket to open the door, he opened the door slowly and walked up the stairs and Tommy followed him.
“Jack he`s here” said Charlie as he knocked on the door, “Send him in Charles” said Mr. Roberts, “In you go Thomas, good luck” said Charlie with a smile, “Thank you but I don`t need luck” said Tommy, Charlie just looked at him as Tommy walked into the door looking dapper and arrogant as usual.
“Thomas Shelby, I`ve heard that name to many times in my life, how are you?” said Mr. Roberts. ”I'm alright Mr. Roberts, thank you for seeing me today I know how busy you are” said Tommy with a smile.
“Ah yes I`m always busy but I always have time for friends” said Roberts, “You can leave now Charlie” said Roberts, Charlie grinned as he shut the door behind him and left the house.
“I see that you've met my brother Thomas” said Roberts, “Yes I have he`s a nice man just like you” said “Thank you Thomas, I don`t usually get compliments like that” said Roberts. “It wasn't a compliment Roberts it was an opinion” said Tommy looking into Roberts`s eyes and doesn't stop looking.
“Ok, now lets talk business Thomas” said Roberts, “Yes” said Tommy, “Please sit down I don`t like to keep anyone on there feet” said Roberts, “Thank you” said Tommy. 
“So what do you need from me?” asked Roberts, “I need your help with something” said Tommy, “Which is?” asked Roberts, “I need you to ship some things for me to Chicago, I`ll pay you in full, there are some shipments along with alcohol and goods, can you do it?” said Tommy.
“That`s illegal Shelby” said Tommy, “My businesses are always illegal, the Shelby Company Limited is illegal and yet you havent answered my question Roberts, my question was can you do it” said Tommy.
“Well yes but-” said Roberts, as Tommy interrupted him “Good lets leave it there shall we, I`ll see myself out thank you for your time Roberts It`s been good to finally meet you, I hope to meet you again, good day” said Tommy.
“You too Thomas” said Roberts as he watched Tommy walking away and leaving the room, Tommy walked out of the house and through London looking sharp as he explored the streets of London.
“It looks like we are done for today Jessie” said Michael looking at her as he put all of his paper work in drawers, she just smiled. “So what was your dad like then? I only met him once he sounded like a really nice man” said Michael.
“He was, he was the best, the best dad any girl could ever ask for her, he was kind and thoughtful and he made the best cups of teas, he went too soon and I couldn't save him, sorry Michael” said Jessie as she began to break down in floods of tears.
“It`s alright Jessie, it`s ok, nobody could save him this time. He fought as a solider and died as a Peaky Blinder, that is what I am I`m a Peaky Blinder but I don`t fight a lot now, I`m an accountant ok that`s what you are now. I`m sure that he`s looking down on you and thinking how did my beautiful daughter become such a great accountant. Because you are Jessie, your a lovely person and your father was too, you are your father`s daughter and I think that your-” Michael said but he was interrupted from a kiss from Jessie.
You through herself at him in a blink of an eye, she didn`t ask she just did it, while kissing she attempted to take Michael`s waist coat off but he pushed her away, “What are you doing Jessie? I didn`t asked for it, I never asked for it. You can`t just do that, your too young for it.” said Michael.
“But I thought you wanted to do it, you called me beautiful, you said that I was beautiful, I thought she wanted to have sex but I was wrong wasn`t I?” she said. 
“I only said that you are a beautiful daughter because that's what you are but I didn`t mean it the way that you thought I meant it, look I`m sorry Jessie ok, lets just forget about the whole thing and move on. Why don`t we go out for dinner now?” he said.
“Just forget it Michael, I wish Tommy never brought me here I should never of trusted him again I`m sorry” she said crying as she picked up her bag and her coat and left the room.
“Jessie come back I'm sorry, JESSIE” said Michael, “Fuck” he said, hitting his fist on his desk, he was left standing in his desk all alone, he was like a ghost who could not be seen. He has a made a mistake and feels helpless he has already left the boss down. 
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zablife · 3 years ago
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Custom moodboard created by @ilovefinncole for my Luca x reader fic Gelato. Tysm for this!! 💕
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ilovefinncole · 3 years ago
Hi everyone! Welcome to ilovefinncole which is a blog dedicated to the English actor Finn Cole, who some of you may recongise from his roles in Peaky Blinders, Animal Kingdom and many more.
I hope everyone enjoys my blog and the content that is posted, my requests are always open.
Most of the posts on this blog is about Finn, some are Peaky Blinders Moodboards and fics.
Please be kind and respect the blog and most of all respect Finn as he is such an amazing actor!
Thanks for reading, please message me if you would like me to post certain content like pictures or works of Finn’s!
For example: J Cody in Animal Kingdom! If you would like to reblog any of my posts, or post them again please give credit to me.
Take Care everyone,
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