marve2014 · 2 years
Trying to Help – Part 2
Pairing: Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher- Poly!Ghostface
 Warnings- Will(or may contain): Mentions of murder, Language, Reader is Murdery, Typical Canon Violence
Summary: Woodsboro thought they only had to worry about two deranged serial killers.
Note from Author: Part 2 of my Trying to Help series, This Chapter is just the beginning of the wild ride the characters will go on. Smut to come in later chapters. 
Waking up, you knew that today was the beginning of a very long game of cat and mouse with Sidney. Pretending to be her friend was taking a toll on you after you found out her mother was responsible for the pain and abandonment Billy has had to suffer through. If her mom hadn’t seduced Billy’s dad, then maybe his mother would still be around; not forced to leave because of her inability to handle her husband’s infidelity. You saw the effects of what her leaving did to Billy in each touch and kiss. Him not letting you be the first to pull away from a hug, never letting you go to sleep without calling and telling him good night, but most importantly, you saw the abandonment manifest itself into the darkness that he carries within himself. It isn’t something new to you, for you have that darkness as well. Both parents died, leaving you alone at the age of 15. While it may not be the same, the lack of parental love is still what made your darkest desires align with Billy’s. 
Rolling over, you give both Billy and Stu a kiss on the cheek before trying to make a silent escape to the bathroom, needing to center yourself and decide how tonight was going to go. You knew that you weren’t going to be the person to kill Sidney, that was saved for Billy, but you did want to traumatize her just a little bit. Billy and Stu’s exact words to you were “DO NOT KILL HER”. They said nothing about a little torture. You wanted to make her suffer, you wanted to feel her throat underneath your palm and squeeze until she was about to pass out; feel the life leaving her body and then let go with seconds to spare. 
After meditating and doing your morning skincare routine you decided to make your boys breakfast before school. Deciding on pancakes and bacon you head to the kitchen to get everything prepared. Halfway through cooking you feel a pair of arms around you while you flip the pancakes. Looking up you see that its Billy; peppering your neck with small kisses as he steals a piece of bacon.
“There’s coffee in the pot if you want some, the food will be done in about 10 minutes if you want to wake up Stu.” You inform him.
“I think I like waking up to you cooking for us, very housewife of you” Billy teases.
“It’s not going to be very housewife of me to punch you in the throat.”
“So feisty.” Billy says while walking up the stairs to go get Stu.
You decided to ride separately to school to set the first part of your plan in motion. Step one: Taunt her with a random letter in her locker. That was the easy part of the plan since your locker was right next to hers. Taking time to read over your letter one last time before you slipped it in.
You smiled as you made sure no one was looking and slipped the note in her locker, waiting for the end of the day to see her open it and read it.
 Last period dragged on with Stu nor Billy being in this class to keep you entertained. Finally hearing the bell ring, you made your way to your locker, seeing Billy standing with Sidney facing the other way. You could tell she hadn’t opened her locker yet since she was laughing at something Billy said. You couldn’t help but feel the jealousy rise a little bit watching them together; You can only pretend for so long. Feeling an arm wrap around your shoulder, you look up and see Stu with no Tatum next to him. You smile and he discreetly kisses the side of your head before you both walk next to Billy and Sidney.  
“Hey Sid, do you have any plans after school? I need help studying for the math test.” You ask trying to make sure you can be with her when she reads the letter.
“No, my dad is gone for the next few days. I was going to spend the night at Tatum’s but that wont be until she’s done with cheer practice. You can ride home with me if you want to.” She explains.
“Perfect. Thanks so much!” You hug her and look at Billy noticing a confused look on his face that you choose to ignore. 
You see Sidney open her locker and slide the note into one of her binders without reading it and you know Billy and Stu saw it as well. You make idle conversation trying to distract everyone until it’s time to go to the parking lot.
Sidney’s House:
“Hey y/n, have you ever had a note slipped in your locker?” Sidney asks as you both start going through your math assignments.
“Yeah, Tatum does it all the time, why?” you respond nonchalantly. 
“I got one today… but I’m kind of scared to read it, would you read it with me?” You can hear the nervousness in her voice as she asks.
“Of course, Sid, where is it?” You ask and put an arm around her to comfort her. 
“Its in my other binder, let me go grab it.” Sidney leaves the room and you can’t help but smile.
Walking back in the room, Sidney opens it and starts to read it out loud. 
I know this may come as a shock to you, but your mother wasn’t who she made herself out to be. She died because she was nothing more than an adulterous whore. Casey is dead, Steve is dead, your mother is dead, who’s next? Will it be you? Maybe someone else that you love? There’s that boyfriend of yours; or maybe one of your friends, Tatum, or y/n? I guess the real question is, do you really think you deserve to live after all the pain you and your mother have caused? It may not have been directly your fault, but we can’t really punish mommy dearest now, can we? Poor Sidney, never knowing what was really going on right under her nose. Painted the wrong man as a criminal. Cotton is going to get out eventually Sidney, do you think he’s going to forgive you? Well, you can’t really forgive the dead, can you? 
-Who’s next?” 
Shakily Sidney sets the note down and you can see tears streaming down her cheeks not knowing what to say. 
“What the fuck, Sidney! We need to call the cops!” You argue as you go to reach her house phone. 
“No, No. Let me call my dad first.” She states.
“Are you sure? Isnt he like hours away? I really think we should call the cops.” You try to convince her until the phone in your hand rings. You hand Sidney the phone and wait for her to pick up.
“Hello? Prescott Residence.” She says and gets no response. She looks at you and you mouth “ hang up” to her. 
Sidney hangs up the phone after another minute of no response.
“Well that was fucking weird.” You tell her as you both sit there and stare at the phone. It rings again and Sidney answers again.
“Hello? Randy I swear to god if this is some prank call me and y/n are going to kick your ass.” Sidney tries to joke.
“Whose Randy?” She finally gets a response and you immediately notice the voice changer over the line.
“Randy is our friend, and if this isn’t him then who is it?” Sidney quietly asks the stranger. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” The voice says and you can feel your blood start to rush with excitement.
“Okay well we’re hanging up now, this has been a fun conversation” you yell as you take the phone from Sidney and hang it up.
“It is probably just some loser from school trying to scare us with everything going on.” You tell her.
The phone rings again and this time you answer, “Listen here asshole, we’re not in the mood for any games tonight we have a math test to study for, leave us alone.”
“Umm I was just calling to let you two know I was running late from cheer practice.” Tatums voice comes over the line and both you and Sidney blow out a breath in relaxation.
“Sorry Tate, some asshole was prank calling us, I’ll let Sidney know. See you in a bit.” You hang up and relay the message to Sidney.
“God, what a mess we are.” Sidney huffs out a laugh and gives you a hug. 
“So what are we going to do about the note Sid, its too creepy to not do anything. Especially the stuff about your mom. Who would even say something like that?!” 
“I’m going to go on the porch and get some air and try and get a hold of my dad. You stay here and look over my notes or there’s no way you’re going to pass that test.” Sidney smiles at you as she heads out the front door. 
You sit down and look over the notes hearing a noise coming from upstairs. You knew Billy and Stu were going to call tonight, but you didn’t think they were going to come over. You head up the stairs and find Billy in no costume laying on Sidney’s bed. 
“Well hey there handsome, wheres my other guy?” you ask Billy.
“Outside about to call Sidney again, I just had to come and give you a kiss before anything went down.” Billy moves to where you’re standing and cups your face gently as he kisses you on each cheek, the tip of your nose, and then your forehead before making it to your lips. You giggle at how cute he is and lean in deepening the kiss as you hear Sidney scream. 
“Go before she finds you, I’ll distract her” you whisper to Billy before you push him through the window. 
“SIDNEY?! What’s wrong?” You yell as you run down the stairs. “ I heard a noise upstairs and went to check it out, I’m sorry I left you alone.” You hug her and wipe the tears off her face. 
“Th-The killer called again, y/n. Saying all this stuff about my mom and, and told me you were next…” Sidney can barely talk as she’s trembling with fear and bawling her eyes out. 
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m gonna be okay. No one’s getting to either of us. Let’s call the cops, lock the doors and wait for Tatum to get here.” You try to calm her down by hugging her and rubbing your hand in small circles on her back. 
“I already lost my mom, I can’t lose you too.” Sidney weeps. 
“You’re not going to lose me. It’s probably some loser with nothing else to do. Just trying to be big and bad and scare us.” You reassure her as you see her eyes go wide. 
“Y/N, RUN!” Sidney screams as she tries to grab your hand and lead you both to the front door. 
You’re jerked back by what you can tell is Stu in his ghostface costume and he holds his knife to your throat as he shoves you in the hall closet. 
Through the door you can hear him talking to Sidney. 
“You’re going to stop trying to run and you’re going to listen to me before I gut your friend in there like a fish. Do you understand me?” He asks Sidney. 
“Okay, okay. Just please don’t hurt her.” You can hear how scared Sidney is and it brings you an immense amount of Joy. You just wish you could see what was going on. In the chaos of Stu throwing you in the closet you didn’t realize that he had nicked the side of your throat with his knife, but you can feel the stinging as you try to listen to the conversation more and the pain just adds to your enjoyment. 
“You’re going to sit on the couch while I grab her and tie her up. If you move an inch, it’s her that’s going to pay the price.” Stu tells her as he slowly backs up to the closet he stuffed you in. 
“You’re coming with me princess.” Stu grabs you by your hair and pulls you to the kitchen. He grabs a stool and ties your legs to each post and your hands behind your back. He then grabs Sidney and does the same, although he adds a blind fold to her. While shes blind blindfolded Stu comes over and lifts the bottom of his mask and gives you a harsh kiss and then goes back to Sidney. 
You can feel your adrenaline getting the best of you and you ask him what he wants as you make noise of you trying to get out of your binds. 
Sidney is crying across from you and you see Billy walk in. He comes up behind you and tells you he’s going to have to cut you, you two have talked about it before and as long as the end game was Sidney dying, you told him to do whatever he needed to in order to ensure that. 
You feel the blade drag across the top of your arm slicing the flesh and as you scream out Sidney begins to beg for them to let you both go. 
“Why are you doing this to us?! We haven’t even done anything!” Sidney screams. 
“It’s all apart of the game Sidney. Play along or y/n here is going to bleed out.” Billy leans over and slaps Sidney across the face while Stu is hugging your shoulders and kissing your head through the mask. 
“Please just let us go.” You fake cry as you try to convince Sidney you’re scared as well. 
“I called the cops before you called me again, do you think they’ll get here before you can get away?” Sidney says as you, Billy and Stu look at each surprised and not realizing she contacted them. 
You see Billy punch Sidney in the face and still crashes backwards, he makes sure she’s unconscious before coming over to you. 
“I’m not hitting you, I’m just gonna tip your chair back and put a blind fold on you baby, okay? We’re gonna leave and hopefully be gone by the time the cops are here. They’ll take you to the hospital where you’ll call one of us and then they’ll  stitch your arm and you’ll be good as new okay? I love you.” Both boys kiss you and do as they said. You hear banging on the door and you scream for help as hear someone yelling. 
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