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twafordizzy · 2 months ago
Martien de Jong ziet een nieuwe 'wereld'
bron beeld: bol.com Martien J.G. de Jong (1929) was hoogleraar Nederlandse taal in het Franstalige Namen, België. Hij publiceerde vooral over letterkunde en poëzie. Over dat laatste onderwerp schreef hij in Twintig poëziekritieken: Maar wat is poëzie? Eenvoudig voorgesteld, vertoont de poëzie twee aspecten. Datgene wat de dichter zegt, en de wijze waarop hij het zegt. Piet Jansen schreef eens…
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mijnniemandsland · 5 months ago
Stel je voor: je staat voor de spiegel, oog in oog met je eigen reflectie, en je denkt: “Wat een vreemd ding, dat spiegelbeeld.” Menig mens waant zich in de illusie dat het beeld aan de andere kant van het spiegelglas als een soort betoverde versie van de werkelijkheid fungeert, een omgekeerde wereld waarin links en rechts lijken te verwisselen, waarin jouw rechterhand opeens aan de linkerzijde…
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haarlemupdates · 1 year ago
Kunnen we onze ogen wel geloven? Met de sterke opkomst van AI-gegenereerd beeld, is deze vraag relevanter dan ooit. Maar niet nieuw. In de tentoonstelling De Grote Illusie – 200 jaar Virtual Realities neemt Teylers Museum je mee naar de negentiende eeuw, toen optische illusies uitgroeiden tot massaspektakel. Dompel je onder in de roots van virtual reality, augmented reality en deepfake en stap in de tentoonstellingszaal van het oudste museum van Nederland, die is veranderd in een hedendaags spiegelpaleis. Van spiegels en projectoren naar het digitale vernuft van AI: De Grote Illusie, te zien van 16 februari tot en met 1 september 2024, laat zien dat de beleving van t oen niet zoveel verschilt met die van nu. Hooggeëerd publiek, komt dat zien! Sensatie Een pratend hoofd op een tafel, een geest die opduikt op het toneel, stereokijkers die je de Egyptische piramides laten zien in drie dimensies: in de negentiende eeuw worden optische illusies een sensatie. Mensen vergapen zich aan de grootse en verbijsterende beeldeffecten, vaak gecreëerd met de nieuwste technieken en ontwikkelingen in de wetenschap. Via spectaculaire theateracts en spannende kermisshows raakt het publiek zwaar onder de indruk van deze nieuwe, revolutionaire vorm van entertainment. Werelden die normaal onbereikbaar zijn en dingen die niet kúnnen, maar die echter dan echt lijken: deze virtual realities zijn fascinerend. Pepper’s Ghost en Tupac De techniek achter de verschijning van personen als geesten (‘Pepper’s Ghost’) wordt ook tegenwoordig nog gebruikt en leidt tot dezelfde opwinding en verbazing. Denk maar aan Tupac, die – 150 jaar na het ontstaan van deze techniek – na zijn dood opeens tussen andere artiesten op het podium verscheen. Ook zorgen over de geloofwaardigheid van de gecreëerde werkelijkheden kwamen in de negentiende eeuw al op. Vanuit een fascinatie voor de werking van het oog, bevindt zich in de wetenschappelijke collectie van Teylers veel materiaal dat optische illusies bevat. De interactieve familietentoonstelling laat je de negentiende-eeuwse én de hedendaagse virtual realities beleven. Neem een kijkje in het topstuk van Teylers: het Kaiserpanorama. Stap in een caleidoscopische ruimte, kijk door een VR-bril en laat je verrassen door kunstmati ge intelligentie. Vanuit vergelijkingen met het heden stelt De Grote Illusie opnieuw de actuele vraag: is zien geloven? Aanwinst collectie Wim van Keulen In de tentoonstelling is ook een selectie topstukken uit een bijzondere collectie stereofotografie te zien, een recente aanwinst van het museum. Deze aanwinst bestaat uit enkele tientallen stereokijkers en stereofoto’s uit de vroegste periode, tussen 1850 en ca. 1865. Het is een prachtige aanvulling op de bestaande wetenschappelijke collecties, waarin voorlopers van de stereofotografie al aanwezig zijn. De verzameling, tijdens zijn leven bijeengebracht door de Haarlemse verzamelaar Wim van Keulen (1933-2021) geniet internationaal groot aanzien. Van Keulen werkte in het verleden met meerdere musea samen aan tentoonstellingen en leende eerder zijn materiaal uit aan Teylers Museum. Samenwerkingen De Grote Illusie is de eerste tentoonstelling in Nederland op het grensvlak van wetenschap, techniek, theater en massaentertainment. Bruiklenen komen onder meer van het Rijksmuseum, Eye Filmmuseum en diverse privéverzamelaars en –musea. Enkele topstukken komen van de Cinématèque in Parijs, zoals een mini-diorama à la Daguerre, met foto's in dag/nacht-effecten. Het Gents Universiteitsmuseum leent een originele fenakistiscoopschijf uit van de Gentse hoogleraar Joseph Plateau, die onderzoek naar het zicht deed en gezien wordt als een belangrijke grondlegger van de film. Bij de inhoudsontwikkeling van de tentoonstelling zijn prof. dr. Frank Kessler, hoogleraa r mediageschiedenis aan de Universiteit Utrecht, prof. dr. Kurt Vanhoutte, hoogleraar theaterwetenschap aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen, dr. Sabine Lenk, postdoc onderzoeker Universität Marburg, prof. dr. Nele Wynants, onderzoeksprofessor aan de Universiteit Antwerpen betrokken. In de publieksactiviteiten werkt Teylers Museum samen met Eye Filmmuseum, Schuur Haarlem en het Rathenau Instituut.      
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atevegter · 2 years ago
2879 Zaterdagmorgen
Even denk ik dat er een scheur of een gat of misschien zelfs een handgreep zit in de stoel die bij de piano staat. Dan zie ik dat het een schoenlepel is die op de stoel ligt. Wel precies in het midden, zeg ik tot mijn verontschuldiging. Ik ben op weg naar buiten met het plastic afval dat ik dump in de derde bak, die met het oranje deksel, zoals we dat met elkaar hebben afgesproken. Uit het raam…
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polldermodel · 10 months ago
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Hummus-uitspraak-lovers in tha house hier vandaag
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quellostrano-1980 · 29 days ago
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13/365 del 2025
Dai ditelo, avete pensato male eh....
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trentcrimminallybeautiful · 2 years ago
uh oh drunk shenanigans aka hugs and ex wives and pancakes oh my sounds interesting 👀
oh this one is so fucking funny to me thank you
welcome to an extremely long snippet i literally just wrote. three sentences? who needs her. try over twenty
Trent was going to be completely normal and fine today. He was going to sit in his usual seat, and ask his usual questions, and no one was going to know about any of the mortifying events of the weekend.
Except for Ted Lasso, of course, who would be the one asking the questions, except that Trent was going to completely ignore that, thanks.
It didn’t happen, and Trent was both normal and fine.
When the press conference starts, Ted spots him and lights up. Trent almost hopes he won’t be called on, even though it’s literally his job.
Ted calls on him anyway. Trent is half-braced for some cheerfully oblivious and deeply incriminating casual comment about The Pancakes or something else, but he only says his usual inane and unfortunately endearing silliness.
Trent, too, being normal and fine, plans only to say his usual line: introducing himself by name and paper (he saw that eyeroll last time, Sarah) and asking a usual sort of question, on the edge of cutting. A regular question for a regular guy doing regular things. Nothing wrong here.
And then he begins to say his name as he stands, folding his glasses, and he spots the lopsided rainbow bracelet on Ted’s wrist. The bracelet his daughter made. The bracelet Trent had all but shoved onto his wrist after grabbing his hand and giving him a stupid dopy grin and telling him to keep it for safekeeping and oh my god hadn’t Trent kissed his knuckles like some sort of fucking dime store romance novel.
Trent—falters. Mid introduction. Ted’s eyebrows raise. Several of his peers actually turn and look at him with some mix of confusion, concern, and that predatory journalistic spidey sense for a good story.
Trent Crimm does not falter. He has cultivated a very specific image and this image did not include ever faltering in the press room. He says um and one journalist’s eyebrows disappear into her hairline. And then Trent’s back on track and pretending like nothing happened, but everyone fucking saw that.
Trent wishes he could simply walk into the sea.
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hysterical-and-uselesss · 9 months ago
Ex simuelinə turned mimmoners:
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angelicalchaoticabyss · 10 months ago
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For my friend @mumble-jumble-gallery stab
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crazy-so-na-sega · 2 years ago
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anche Fusaro DUE VOLTE AL GIORNO ci piglia.....:-)
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hoveniertilburg · 3 months ago
🌿 Hoe je een kleine tuin groot laat lijken! 🌿
Heb je een kleine tuin, maar droom je van een ruim en sfeervol paradijsje? 🌸 Luister naar onze nieuwste podcast op Soundcloud, waarin we praktische tips en creatieve ideeën delen om je tuin optisch groter te maken. Van strategische beplanting tot slimme inrichting, we helpen je om het meeste uit je buitenruimte te halen.
Met onze jarenlange ervaring bij #HovenierTilburg weten we hoe we elke tuin, groot of klein, kunnen transformeren tot een plek waar je helemaal tot rust komt. 💚
🎧 Beluister nu onze podcast en ontdek hoe je je tuin omtovert tot een groene oase, ongeacht de grootte. Vergeet niet te volgen voor meer inspirerende tuinideeën!
📢 Deel jouw kleine tuintips met ons in de reacties! Samen maken we van elke tuin een meesterwerk. 🌱
#TuinInspiratie #HovenierTilburg
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twafordizzy · 2 years ago
Hermans kijkt om naar een vuil huis
bron beeld: pinterest.com We bevinden ons als lezer in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Duitsers, partizanen en bolsjewieken spelen een belangrijke rol in Het behouden huis van schrijver W.F. Hermans (1921-1995). Een verhaal dat chaos, isolatie, illusie, vervreemding en het absurde combineert en waarin we in het hoofd kruipen van een zwervende soldaat. Een soldaat op pad in verschrikkelijke…
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primepaginequotidiani · 6 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Della Sera di Oggi sabato, 10 agosto 2024
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0-coordinates · 7 months ago
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sirentfromtheeast · 2 years ago
Uiteindelijk was ik ook maar een projectie van een fantasie in jouw hoofd. Een illusie dat gemakkelijk gebroken kon worden met elke hint van menselijkheid. Ervaren maar nooit begrepen, voel jij je niet alleen?
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year ago
Wrong Number 5
Eddie had been having a greatest time eating in his apartment that anyone could have. Because he wasn't alone. He was with Steve. And then he got to share one of his childhood favorite movies with him. Even though it was a first date, Eddie got the feel that casual was okay. So he'd started the video call with a red t-shirt and black jeans. He knew the odds of Steve seeing his bottom half but he wanted to look nice all the way anyway.
When Steve answered the call and Eddie saw him fill the screen with a very respectable "first date" shirt, he imagined the bottoms were probably a good pair of jeans or maybe even khakis. Steve looked like a khaki guy. What Eddie did not expect was to be flashed when Steve got up in the middle of the movie to get a drink.
But he got up, giving Eddie an eyeful of a bulge in navy blue lace. And then Steve turned and Eddie got to see it from the back. He had to have been hallucinating. There was no way he had actually seen that. It had to be an illusi-and he was coming back and those were definitely panties that Steve was wearing.
"....Eddie?" Steve looked at his wide eyes. The man hadn't spoken for a full minute.
"Baby...are you wearing something naughty?"
Steve bit his lip. "I wasn't trying to be naughty. Robin just thought that I could...well, use the confidence?"
"Don't tell me a pretty thing like you is insecure, I won't believe it", Eddie smiled.
"Well those were Robin's thoughts, not mine." Steve turned the movie down a bit and it was clear Eddie and lowered the volume on his end too. "Do you like them?"
"My brain went to moon. I think you're trying to kill me."
Steve's already high confidence jumped to the ceiling. It was nice to be appreciated.
"Can I see them again?", Eddie asked.
"I thought they were fatal?", Steve smirked.
"You know, I've decided I've lived long enough. And if I have my choice of how I go, I choose death by Steve."
"Okay, but if I have a choice, I'm keeping you alive. But if you insiiiist." Steve had returned to his seat on the floor when he got back from the kitchen, and now he rose up to sit on the couch. His legs were crossed, blocking Eddie's view.
The man on his phone whined. "Don't make me beg."
"Hmm, but what if I like begging?"
"Please, please baby, pretty please, lemme see you?" Eddie's hands were pressed together in prayer.
The way he was positioned (in the phone, on the coffee table) it was like he was kneeling before Steve. Slowly, he uncrossed his legs and even spread them a little, smiling when he heard Eddie's intake of breath.
"Shit...Were you planning on showing me this tonight?"
"If you were good...maybe", Steve teased. "What do you think? Have you been a good boy?"
Eddie nodded frantically, hair flopping, jaw dropped as Steve shifted and he got to watch the bulge between his legs move. He would do anything. Beg, kneel, bark, whatever Steve wanted him to do. Fuck, if he was really there, his head would already be in between his legs.
"I bet you could crack my skull with those legs, Jesus."
From his vantage point, Eddie could only make out up to the bottom of his mouth and while he liked his current view, that just wouldn't do at all.
"I've got an idea...What do you say to moving this to the bedroom?"
Steve grabbed his phone and started walking. Eddie straight up sprinted and collapsed onto his bed.
"You're not going to have anyone burst in with a 'code red', are they?", Steve asked as he got onto his own bed, laying down and holding his phone to his face.
"I have blocked out the entire night for you, Stevie. My crew knows that all Code Reds are to be handled by my second in command."
Okay, that made him feel a little special. Steve bit his lip. "I've never really done anything like this before..."
"What? Taking a date to your bedroom? Once again, I won't believe it. You're probably beating them back with a stick." Eddie was literally looking at him. There was no way he didn't have a line of admirers going down the street.
"I meant on like...video. So how do you want me?"
"Well I typically get a burger with my shakes", Eddie waggled his brows.
"Eddie", Steve laughed.
"Wait, I can do better! Can I get a split-top bun, since you've got a whole bakery in the back?" Eddie beamed as the screen shook while Steve was laughing. "Just get comfortable, baby."
Steve did just that, lying on his back, holding his phone above his head. Eddie was in a similar position in his own bed.
"Okay, I think I've done the whole 'teacher is secretly a model' bit before but Christ alive, it's like you've got no bad angles."
"Eddie, I think you're stalling", Steve grinned. At first, he had been nervous about doing this over video, but now it seemed like Eddie was the one who was anxious.
"If I stall by complimenting you, is it really stalling?"
"If you were here...what would you do to me?", Steve asked.
"I would kiss you so hard, you'd pass out", Eddie admitted. "Full on Pepe LePew treatment. I'd start on your hand and make my way up and then I'm not letting those lips go until they're raw."
Steve brushed his fingers against his mouth. It had been a while since he'd been kissed like that, but Eddie wasn't done.
"And don't think I haven't noticed how those moles go all the way down. I think if I get started kissing them now, I can be to your thighs by Christmas."
Steve didn't miss the strong implication of Eddie's physical presence. They hadn't really talked about meeting in real life yet, both of them aware of how risky it could be to meet someone like that. But as time went on, the dangers seemed to melt away.
Steve's hand trailed down his body. He made sure to angle his phone so that Eddie could see just that. "God, I've thought about your hands so much..." His hand came back up to touch his lips.
"I can tell you want to, baby. Go ahead and suck on them. Pretend they're mine."
Permission granted, Steve stuck two in his mouth. Enraptured, Eddie started to paw at himself through his jeans. Steve's mouth was so pretty and it was already so wet. It didn't hurt that he was already moaning. God, he needed to find out where Steve lived and buy himself a plane ticket. He needed to get his hands on him yesterday.
"Mmm, and you know, once my fingers are nice and wet, I like to put them elsewhere. Where do you want me to touch?"
Slowly, Steve pulled them out of his mouth. "Everywhere", he said, lightly panting.
Eddie's canines showed as he smiled. He unzipped his pants, purposely making it as loud as he could so that Steve would know. "I'd like that too. But let's narrow it down, beautiful."
"How's about I show you?"
Eddie's eyes got wide as Steve changed positions and even moved some pillows around and now he had a front row seat to the most prime ass he'd ever seen. Steve was on his knees and bent over slowly. He pulled his panties to the side with one hand and pushed one of his glistening fingers inside.
"Aaahh, Eddie", he moaned, bringing the other man back into it.
"Fucking hell, look at you." Eddie used one hand to pushed the band of his boxers down and bring out his cock.
Steve pushed another into him, pressing his forehead against the bed. He didn't know what he'd been so anxious about. He wanted nothing more than to have Eddie looking at him. Eddie getting hard and jerking off while looking at him.
"Eddie...I need, I need you..."
Eddie spit in his hand and kept stroking. "Tell me, angel. What do you need me to do?"
Steve whined and Eddie watched as his ass shook, fingers sinking in deep before pulling them out and pushing in again. He bet anything if Steve turned around, he'd see a wet spot on those panties.
"Don't worry, Stevie, I'm gonna tell you what to do. Is that okay?"
He saw Steve's head shake in what could've been a nod, but he was glad when he got the vocal confirmation. Eddie directed Steve and soon he had turned (Eddie had been right about the wet spot) so now he was facing the camera. The ass shot was hot but Eddie wanted to see his face when he came. He now also had a pillow under his hips to help with the angle.
And damn if he wasn't an absolute vision, rutting against the pillow, lips parted in a perpetual moan. Eddie had gotten some lube for his hand, but he knew his fist paled in comparison to Steve Harrington.
"Shit, I needa have you Steve. Wanna feel you, make you mine."
"I'm already yours", Steve said, making Eddie whimper. "I'm all yours, Eds, no one else's."
Apparently he was in a really possessive mood because that just put him right over the edge. This beautiful man was pleasuring himself and he only had eyes for Eddie. He made sure his cumshot was in the frame and watched as Steve's eyes glazed over. His licked his lips and bucked into his pillow, Eddie's name leaving his mouth on a sigh.
Eddie swallowed, his throat a little dry. "Can I see?"
Steve didn't need to ask what he meant. He picked up his phone and rose up on his knees, showing Eddie the tip of his cock peeking out of his panties, cum cooling on his stomach as his shirt had ridden up.
"Mmm, fuck. What's that rule in your classroom? About not wasting good food?"
"If you were here, I'd let you lick it all up", Steve said.
"Yeah, about that...can we...?"
"Talk? How do you feel about morning afters?", Steve asked.
"Usually they're pretty awkward", Eddie admitted with a shrug. "But considering I don't need to worry about you kicking me out..."
"Are you free for breakfast?"
"You mean brunch?"
Steve smiled. "It's a date then. Good night, Eddie."
"Good night, my darling."
Part 7
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