illidarisimagines · 6 years
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i’m back ;)
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Rules: Answer all 21 questions, let the one who tagged you know you answered and then tag your writing pals!
I was tagged by: the lovely @omgopalsapphire! Thanks lovely! Sorry it took a million years for me to get around to doing this!
The Works:
1. Which is the imagine you’re most proud of?
Too Good At Goodbyes, even though it’s not finished yet. It’s the one I always go back to thinking about, and can really expand upon.
2. Which is your least favourite?
Probably this one with Klaus and Tyler. I heartily dislike Tyler, and I ended up using the prompt in a skewed way, turning it into a reader/Klaus by the end.
3. If you were to recommend one to read to your mum/mom?
Anything that isn’t romantic. She’s read a few because I was so focused on writing during NANOWRIMO that she got annoyed by me writing all the time. So, yeah, I can’t think of one in particular.
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
I mean, I reconsider parts of Too Good At Goodbyes, all the time, because I’m still not sure where to go with it. But otherwise I tend to kind of forget what I’ve written, so I don’t think too much on them once they’re up. If I did, I’d never post anything because I’d never be happy with them.
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
Prior to making this blog, it was taking things on I wasn’t comfortable with or couldn’t picture. I ended up writing things that were out of character and I wasn’t happy with them, all because someone requested them.
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
I mean, what is success? Is it the most notes, the best feedback? The imagine that got the most notes ever was for a different fandom, and thus on a different blog, which is here.
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
Somehow it was one that was written on a complete whim. Helping the Mikaelson’s research the latest threat, and trying to take a day off. I still want to write a part two for this, but I have no idea which Mikaelson it should be with. But yeah, I wrote that because my friend and I got caught in miscommunication with a spelling mistake changing ‘yoga’ to ‘yoda’, and then I heard Robbie Williams’ song ‘Soda Pop’ like 20 minutes later and just had to write something lol.
8. Your imagine with the least notes?
Kissing Bonnie under the mistletoe. 
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
Honestly, anything that makes it realistic, yet not too precise. The reader shouldn’t be someone people can’t relate to, which, unfortunately, means sometimes they have to be a touch blander than you’d like. Making a strong character is fantastic for writing, but if they’re particularly angry or aggressive it’s hard for people to relate. I also think focusing on often unspoken thoughts is really good. So where you might see a character struggling on screen, for the reader you need to talk about that, involve the audience, make them connect. Basically, it’s a lot about the reader and making them someone you can relate to without making them too unique.
10. When’s the next update on your works?
Honestly that’s pretty much a running joke at this point. Who knows? Honestly, who the heck knows. I’m still trying to do the Christmas requests, and plan things for Valentine’s Day.
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after? I started this blog just for imagines, so I didn’t have any followers before writing here. Now I have 1,013 followers.
The Writer:
1. Which character do you love writing for?
I think Klaus or Alaric would probably be my favourite.
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
Tyler and Jeremy. I don’t get Jeremy, and Tyler just pisses me off.
3. What’s your favourite AU to write for?
I don’t write AUs, but I don’t mind reading the coffee shop ones.
4. What’s your least favourite AU to write for?
I don’t write AUs, but my least favourite to read is teacher/student.
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
I work with prompt lists, so this doesn’t really affect me.
6. What do you wish was requested more?
The girls, that or things that are less romantic, so the focus is on other things, whether it be the relationship between people, a situation, angst... god I love me some angst...
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
I’m not comfortable writing smut simply because I don’t have a bleeding clue how to even begin. But the others are all things I’ve done before, and honestly see nothing different about.
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
Oh man, I have so many. Different ones for different fandoms. Some of the ones I can think of, and I’m sure I’m missing some, are @amarabliss @justfangstvdto @xteenwolfwritingsx 
9. How long have you been an imagine writer for?
Since March 2016...Yikes, that’s longer than I thought!
10. Any upcoming secret works? 🤔
Not really a secret, but I am trying to get something done for Valentine’s day. Although time is not on my side for that.
@amarabliss, @fiercefray, @illidarisimagines, @miiikaelson, @justfangstvdto and anyone else I’m no doubt forgetting.
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uhohnotthisagain · 3 years
The Vampire Diaries + The Originals
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contains: fluff
procrastinator imagines
contains: fluff
stefan x klaus
contains: smut
The Originals imagines
contains: fluff and smut
contains: fluff and smut
contains: fluff and smut
stefan x reader
study me
contains smut
damon x reader
hot mess
contains: smut
contains: fluff
contains: fluff
contains: fluff
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illidarisimagines · 6 years
Should i write my first fan fiction?
Hey guys, long time no see! I hope you're all doing okay!
So ive had this idea for a fanfiction for a while now, and i really feel like im ready to write it! It will most probably be kinda short compared to other fan fictions, but it is my first one! I just wondered if you guys would be interested in me posting one. If not i will probably still write it just for something to do! I'll give you some details without giving too much away!
Its going to be based around the reader and Kai because he is honestly one of my favourite characters in TVD and also one of my favourites to write about!
It will obviously be romantic, both fluff and smut (but i will give a warning for the smut parts for those of you who'd rather skip that!)
Other TVD characters will be involved too!
I've already thought of the end, and it could get emotional😭
Please let me know if you'd like to see this lil fanfiction, message me or reply under this post i don't mind. Even give me some ideas or advice on writing fanfictions because this is my first one so!
Also would like to add that im happy to be back, I'm doing good! I'm excited for the future of this account😉
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illidarisimagines · 6 years
New chapter will be up soon guys sorry for the delay i have had the busiest week! I hope you guys have been good! Let me know what you think of the fanfiction so far♡
If you wanna keep up with me on other social media's i will link them below, i am pretty active on them so! Love you all, thank you sm for the support!
Instagram ~ michaelah.x
Twitter ~  illidaris_x
Snapchat ~ michaelah.x
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illidarisimagines · 6 years
It has been a while...
Hey guys, wow it’s been a while huh? First of all i would like to apologise for my absence, life has been...difficult? I have had A LOT on my plate and if i am completely honest, the amount of requests i had written down was giving me so much anxiety and pressure (this doesn’t mean any of you guys pressured me, i mean i felt so much pressure because i wanted to make you all happy and post them all!) it honestly became too much for me to handle, so i abandoned ship without saying anything. For the past couple months, the thought of logging onto this account made me feel sick, the thought of disappointing anyone makes me feel anxious and sad because my goal was to make everyone who follows me happy! If you’re having a crappy day maybe reading one of my imagines would cheer you up! This is a safe haven you know? But i have discovered that running an imagine/fanfiction blog is a lot harder than i thought, especially when you have A LOT going on in your life. So today i decided to log on and write this post. I do not want to stop writing! I do not want to delete this account! So i am going to make some changes, and i am honestly sorry if the change upsets any of you /: I am doing it so that i can still write and feel good about it, whilst you guys get some content from me!
So i am officially closing my requests. All the requests i have now i have taken into account, i will keep them on my laptop but i will delete them from my page including the requests page. I am really sorry to everyone who has sent requests in that didn’t get theirs written. I honestly thought i could cope with the amount coming in and tbh i didn’t think so many of you would like what i wrote, i am so grateful! But seeing the amount i needed to write, it overwhelmed me. I really hope you understand guys, feel free to give me a message if you have any other ideas on how i could run my account! But for now, how i will run it. I have a few ideas of my own. I liked a lot of your requests! I will write what i feel happy to write. Stuff i enjoy! I will try my best to do a range of characters, but as i have said previously writing about your favourites makes the writing 10000x more fun!
Again, i am so sorry for being away and the request change. I hope you guys can understand, i honestly feel awful about it because all i want to do is make y’all happy! I hope you’ve all been well. Thank you for the support whilst i have been away as well it’s been crazy wow!! I love you all so much <3
Michaela x
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illidarisimagines · 7 years
request list and I was wondering if you might've already written the one I requested a while back (I think 2 weeks ago)? because I couldn't find it already written and i dont think its on your list either (maybe you forgot?). Here's the link to my request: illidarisimagines * tumblr * com/post/168379191478/hi-can-you-do-kai-smut-where-reader-is-kais ((thank you!))
Hey i can’t search the link could u tell me the basics of what you wanted me to write? I have either already written it or forgot to put it in my request list, if i forgot to put it on my list im so so sorry~!!
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