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Why does this have to be...fuck you insomnia #nobueno #nolove #nopoint #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #noworries (at Coachella, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsaKQ81lQw2T5hJt2uHEUZ_YutJi-9nW1r4HnM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ia0598lqiihx
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Oh yeah...Bowling I'm not the greatest but I'm having fun. #staydope #Party #GoodTimes #goodvibes #positivevibes #awesome #poweredbymexicans #minivaca #nocheerleaders #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater (at Don Laughlin's Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino)
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First adventure of the day... @notsofatproductions #HeyJames #staydope #feellinggood #Party #GoodTimes #goodmorning #mahalo #goodvibes #positivevibes #awesome #poweredbymexicans #results #myworld #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater (at Edgewater Hotel Casino)
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Let the good times begin... #staydope #feellinggood #Party #GoodTimes #goodvibes #positivevibes #awesome #poweredbymexicans #mahalo #minivaca #nocheerleaders #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater (at Colorado Belle Hotel Casino Resort)
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And it begins... #staydope #feellinggood #Party #GoodTimes #goodmorning #mahalo #goodvibes #weightloss #bodybuilding #competition #coachellavalley #fitness #fatboysolutions #Fatboyproblems #fatburner #willnotfail #positivevibes #movingforward #growth #progress #newseasons #newsong #notsofatDaniel #bigD #bastardchild #rollie #zen #nofriends #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #noworries #bereal #noshortcuts #thestruggleisreal #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime (at Coachella, California)
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I just got back & now I have to get on making you happy. All you say is “I have a problem, I can deal with this, or I need you to make me happy”. Not once did you ask if I need you. Just because you show your face doesn’t fix my hurt. A lot has happened not the same me and not the same time. The only things I ask as we walk through those doors that you don’t ask questions, just this once listen to me and let it be about me. #staydope #tired #keepitpushing #nolove #nopoint #notgoingback #fatboysolutions #nopainnogain #nowiknow #day1again #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #noworries #nohelp #justbereal #notime (at Fontana, California)
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The Secret to weight loss....eat less bullshit...you are welcome #staydope #Party #GoodTimes #pushingthrough #ittakestime #positivevibes #nofucksgiven #newme #nofriends #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #day1again #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime (at EOS Fitness)
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I need more people to know...even my daughter #staydope #Party #GoodTimes #goodvibes #goodmorning #mahalo #teach #tattoos #notsofatDaniel #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #noworries #bereal #noshortcuts #thestruggleisreal (at Coachella, California)
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I love a woman with tattoos... @shar_lane_ ...heard dat #staydope #feellinggood #Party #GoodTimes #goodvibes #positivevibes #awesome #poweredbymexicans #mahalo #workmode #tattoos #notsofatDaniel #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #noworries #bereal #noshortcuts #thestruggleisreal #movingforward #growth #progress #beachbody (at Coachella, California)
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There nothing wrong working towards your goal...but make sure to add a moment to educate your mind and soul. #staydope #feellinggood #Party #GoodTimes #goodmorning #mahalo #bodybuilding #mentalchange #spiritual #musle #keepitpushing #nolove #nobueno #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #noworries #bereal #noshortcuts #notsofatDaniel #nosubtitutes #thestruggleisreal #shoulderday #determined #nopainnogain #weightloss #willnotfail #coachellauniversalfitness (at Coachella Universal Training Center)
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Trying to keep circle small...not really down for people being fake. Plus if you are really gave a shit, you wouldn't need social media to know how I was doing..you would actually ask not like a fucken post. #staydope #tired #shit #stayalone #badtimes #nofucksgiven #newme #nofriends #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #day1again #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #bereal #dueces (at Indio, California)
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If you read my post I always end it "just saying" in honestly I write what I feel in the moment because that's how I live...if I were to feed on most of the shit I write...my next post would be a good bye letter. #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #day1again #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #justsaying #bereal #noshortcuts #notsofatDaniel #nosubtitutes #thestruggleisreal #mahalo (at Coachella, California)
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Love is strange, friends are different and people are complicated. All the things said when your outlook in life is impossible. The truth is, everything is possible, the simple answer shouldn't be maybe or nevermind. The path of clarity is truth of how the world is and not what it should be. The harsh reality is that people are assholes and will fail you but "truth" is much easier then putting a square peg in a round hole. #staydope #tired #keepitpushing #justcause #random #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #noworries #bereal #noshortcuts #notsofatDaniel #nobueno #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #notnormal #shameonyou #hearddat (at Coachella, California)
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I don't know how many times I let people take advantage of my nature. That's going to stop today..I'm going take advantage of my day and be selfish with my time. People's feelings are no concern to me anymore. #staydope #tired #keepitpushing #nolove #nobueno #nofucksgiven #newme #nofriends #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #day1again #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime
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Going away for a few days. Distance is the only way I know. #staydope #tired #keepitpushing #nolove #nobueno #pushingthrough #whycanIsee #openyoureyes #maybegoodnight #nowiknow #day1again #illgetright #sooner #orlater #mahalo (at Coachella, California)
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It's one of those days were laying in bed is expected because that what do. I feel like being alone is cool today. No it isn't. Lol #fuckthatshit #fuckendiet #lazyday #notsofatDaniel #nobueno #nolove #nopoint #stayalone #badtimes #nofucksgiven #newme #illgetright #sooner #orlater #sommertime #justacquaintances #newgoal #nowiknow #day1again #hatethisfeeling (at Coachella, California)
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