badbirdnews · 1 month
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Illegal aliens are still voting in our elections, and the consequences are dire
This shocking revelation exposes a deep flaw in our electoral system and threatens the very foundation of our democracy. The fact that individuals who have no right to participate in our democratic process are able to do so with impunity is a betrayal of the American people. It undermines the trust and integrity of our elections, leaving the door open for corruption and manipulation. We must take immediate and decisive action to put an end to this flagrant disregard for the rule of law.
The presence of illegal aliens in our voter rolls is not an isolated incident, but rather a widespread problem that demands urgent attention. Numerous cases have been documented where individuals who are not eligible to vote have cast their ballots, skewing the results and potentially altering the outcome of elections. This is a direct assault on the rights of American citizens who have worked hard to earn their place in our democratic society. It is an insult to those who have fought and died to protect our freedoms.
The consequences of allowing illegal aliens to vote are far-reaching and deeply troubling. Not only does it undermine the legitimacy of our government, but it also dilutes the power of American citizens. Every vote cast by an illegal alien weakens the voice of a legitimate voter, making a mockery of our democratic principles. We cannot allow this injustice to continue unchecked. It is essential that we implement strict voter identification laws and enhance measures to detect and prevent illegal voting.
The time has come for us to stand up and defend the integrity of our elections. We must send a clear message that illegal aliens have no place in determining the future of our great nation. The sanctity of our democracy depends on our ability to ensure that only eligible citizens participate in the electoral process. Let us unite in this fight for justice and demand that our elected officials take immediate action to address this pressing issue. Our democracy hangs in the balance, and we cannot afford to let it be undermined any further.
Paul T., Opinion Journalist and Editor of Bad Bird News
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darkmaga-retard · 22 days
(By Bethany Blankley/The Center Square) – Following Florida, Texas launched a tipline for citizens to report concerns about alleged voter fraud.
Unlike Florida’s toll-free voter fraud hotline, Texas has launched an email tipline.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton encouraged members of the public to report suspected violations of Texas election law through an email tipline: [email protected].
Ahead of the November election, Paxton also issued an advisory for voters to “protect your vote.”
The advisory is part of his office’s “election integrity initiative which leverages OAG law enforcement authority and resources to protect the integrity of every legal vote.”
He expressed similar concerns as Republican attorneys general in other states, saying, “Significant growth of the noncitizen population in Texas and a pattern of partisan efforts to illegally weaponize voter registration and the voting process to manipulate electoral outcomes have created urgent risks to local, state, and federal elections.”
The guidance was issued to clarify and emphasize key aspects of election law.
Citizens and governmental entities are encouraged to understand what the law says about registering to vote, the voting process, and other legal requirements. Violations of the Texas Election Code carries up to 20 years in prison and up to $10,000 worth of fines.
“There is nothing more important than the integrity of our elections,” Paxton said. “This means protecting every legal vote from unlawful attempts to alter the outcome of our elections. Any attempt to illegally cancel out legal ballots with fraud, vote harvesting, or other methods will be met with the full force of the law.”
The advisory states that only U.S. citizens and Texas residents can legally vote.
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bllsbailey · 22 days
Texas AG Ken Paxton Launches Tipline To Investigate Voter Fraud Ahead Of 2024 Election
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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched an illegal voting tipline ahead of the presidential election in November, hoping that anyone with direct knowledge of unlawful voting taking place can come forward and voice these concerns with the state.
Paxton’s website issued a press release related to the ongoing efforts to secure election integrity. The release highlights the “Significant growth of the noncitizen population in Texas and a pattern of partisan efforts to illegally weaponize voter registration and the voting process to manipulate electoral outcomes have created urgent risks to local, state, and federal elections.”
The election advisory also provides civilians and government entities with warning signs as to what is considered illegal conduct within the context of voting, such as vote harvesting and lying about U.S. citizenship.
“There is nothing more important than the integrity of our elections. This means protecting every legal vote from unlawful attempts to alter the outcome of our elections. Any attempt to illegally cancel out legal ballots with fraud, vote harvesting, or other methods will be met with the full force of the law,” Paxton stated. “I invite all Texans to report suspected violations at our new tipline, [email protected]. Your political liberties and your representation in our government depend on secure elections. I will fight every step of the way to protect your vote and your voice.”
The announcement of the tipline follows eight days after Paxton’s office executed search warrants of volunteers with LULAC, a Latino advocacy group.
Paxton’s office stated that the warrants were related to “allegations of election fraud and vote harvesting that occurred during the 2022 elections.”
Meanwhile, Democrat critics of the initiative claim that the new tipline is actually meant to “intimidate Latino voters” and that election fraud is “not a serious issue” in the state.
“We’ve seen this show from this crooked Ken Paxton over and over again, and it is only voter suppression and voter intimidation,” stated Texas Senator Roland Gutierrez (D-Texas).
However, not once in any capacity does Paxton’s advisory suggest who voters should choose; on the contrary, the document states that voters have the right to “Vote independently. No one should ever tell you who to vote for while you are voting.”
President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s border crisis has resulted in an influx of illegal immigrants without documentation coming into the state.
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dankusner · 24 days
Attorney General Ken Paxton Launches Illegal Voting Tipline and Issues Election Integrity Advisory Cautioning Against Unlawful Voting Activity
AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a legal advisory on election integrity and launched an email tipline ([email protected]) where the public may report suspected violations of Texas election law.
In preparation for the 2024 elections, Attorney General Paxton issued guidance clarifying and emphasizing several key aspects of State election law.
The guidance notes, “Significant growth of the noncitizen population in Texas and a pattern of partisan efforts to illegally weaponize voter registration and the voting process to manipulate electoral outcomes have created urgent risks to local, state, and federal elections.”
Citizens and governmental entities may review this guidance to better acquaint themselves with the relevant laws that govern who can register to vote, how voting may be conducted, and other legal requirements.
Violations of the Texas Election Code carry serious penalties including jail time and fines.
Attorney General Paxton also launched an email tipline where the public may report suspected violations of the Texas Election Code.
Reports may be submitted by email at [email protected].
“There is nothing more important than the integrity of our elections. This means protecting every legal vote from unlawful attempts to alter the outcome of our elections.
Any attempt to illegally cancel out legal ballots with fraud, vote harvesting, or other methods will be met with the full force of the law,” said Attorney General Paxton.
“I invite all Texans to report suspected violations at our new tipline, [email protected]. Your political liberties and your representation in our government depend on secure elections. I will fight every step of the way to protect your vote and your voice.”
This advisory is part of Attorney General Paxton’s Election Integrity Initiative which leverages OAG law enforcement authority and resources to protect the integrity of every legal vote.
Previously, Attorney General Paxton announced an undercover operation to investigate allegations that noncitizens were being registered to vote in direct violation of Texas law.
Additionally, the Office of the Attorney General recently executed search warrants in furtherance of a two-year investigation into an illegal ballot harvesting scheme. 1 Issued August 28, 2024
Attorney General Ken Paxton issues the following guidance regarding election law in the State of Texas.
This advisory is part of Attorney General Paxton’s Election Integrity Initiative which leverages OAG law enforcement authority and resources to protect the integrity of every legal vote.
Significant growth of the noncitizen population in Texas and a pattern of partisan efforts to illegally weaponize voter registration and the voting process to manipulate electoral outcomes have created urgent risks to local, state, and federal elections.
The following guidance clarifies and emphasizes several key aspects of election law.
(1) You must be a United States citizen and a Texas resident to vote.1 o It is a crime to vote in Texas if you are not a United States citizen and a Texas resident or to help someone vote who is not.
2 You can be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison and pay up to a $10,000 fine.
3 o It is a crime in Texas to lie about your citizenship when you register to vote or to help someone else do so. You can be sentenced to up to two years in a state jail and pay up to a $10,000 fine.
4 You are a United States citizen if: you were born in the United States; you were born abroad to United States citizens; or you are a naturalized United States citizen, meaning you were an eligible legal immigrant who applied for citizenship and you were granted it.
5 You are NOT a United States citizen just because you are or have been any of the following:
• residing in the United States;
• lawfully present in the United States;
• legally permitted to work in the United States;
• granted asylum or are seeking asylum from the United States;
• issued a social security number;
• issued a driver’s license or other state-issued identification card.
(2) Vote harvesting is a felony.
o Beware of individuals who offer to help you apply for a mail-in ballot, offer to help you fill out your ballot, or offer to mail your ballot for you.
To ensure no one attempts to vote criminally in your name, Texas law limits who can help you with casting your ballot.
o Participating in or assisting others in voting illegally or in vote harvesting is a felony punishable by prison time.
6 Vote harvesting, or ballot harvesting, refers to attempts made to secure votes for a specific candidate under the pretext of helping you submit a ballot.
Vote harvesting operations may prey on the trust of voters who can legally vote by mail and who may need assistance to vote.
7 Vote harvesters may target these voters with deceptive offers to assist the voter in applying for a mail-in ballot.
The vote harvesters may then return under the pretext of helping the voter, but with the intention of influencing the voter to vote for a specific candidate.
Areas with a high density of voters, including senior living facilities and group housing such as apartment buildings, can be potential targets by vote harvesting operations.
8 You have the right to:
• Vote independently. No one should ever tell you who to vote for while you are voting.
• Decide how to vote. No one should pressure you to vote by mail if you prefer to vote in person.
• Vote your ballot in private. No one should help or watch how you vote without your permission.
• Seal and mail your ballot yourself. If you qualify for and choose to vote using a mail-in ballot, you should not allow another person to seal or mail your ballot unless you are physically unable to do so.
You may, however, seek assistance in sealing or mailing your ballot if you are physically incapacitated.
(3) It is illegal to misrepresent your residence on election records or to establish a residence for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election.
o You must provide the address where you reside when registering to vote.
11 You must register to vote using the address where you reside.
12 It is illegal to submit a false statement of residence on an election record such as an application for voter registration, application for ballot by mail, or poll check-in forms.
13 (4) Influencing a disabled voter’s vote is illegal.
o Beware of individuals who approach your home and offer to help you with your ballot.
o Texas law makes it illegal to suggest how a disabled voter should vote while providing assistance.
14 Texas law prohibits anyone who assists you with a mail-in ballot from influencing how you vote.
15 Generally, you are allowed to choose who assists you in voting, but there are some people who may not assist you.
People who may not assist you in voting include: your employer, your employer's agent, or the agent of a union to which you belong.
16 Any person assisting you must complete an oath attesting that they have not tried to influence your vote.
An elections official will never approach you at your home or outside of your polling place to offer assistance or take your ballot.
(5) Government officials cannot engage in prohibited electioneering. o Public officials and employees, including school district officials, may not use public resources to advocate, support, or oppose a candidate or measure.
17 It is a crime for public employees and officers to use public personnel, equipment, internet, email, or facilities to distribute political advertising.
18 “Political advertising” is a written communication that supports or opposes: a candidate for nomination or election to public office; a candidate for nomination or election to an office of a political party; a political party; a public officer; or a measure.
19 (6) You have the right to vote in secret and not show your ballot to anyone else. State law requires election administrators to protect your right to a secret ballot.
20 Vote at a polling location in your assigned precinct to ensure the best protection of ballot privacy.
21 (7) Election violations should be reported.
If you suspect an election violation you may file a complaint with:
• the Texas Attorney General’s Office at [email protected];
• the Texas Secretary of State www.VoteTexas.gov;
22 • your local district attorney;
23 or • your local law enforcement agency. For more information on reporting a complaint, please see this Office’s website at https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/initiatives/election-integrity. KEN PAXTON Texas Attorney General 4
Tex. Const. art. VI, § 2. 2 Tex. Elec. Code § 64.012(a); Tex. Pen. Code § 37.10.
For more information, please see the Secretary of State’s Election Advisory No. 2024-19 located at https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/laws/advisory2024-19.shtml.
3 Tex. Elec. Code § 64.012(a)(1); Tex. Pen. Code § 12.33. 4 Tex. Pen. Code §§ 37.10(a)(2), 12.35. 5 U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, Section 1, Clause 1. 6 Tex. Elec. Code §§ 276.012, 276.015. 7 Id. §§ 82.002, 82.003.
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jodaddyii · 3 years
1,800,000 more registered voters than it should have.
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juniorags · 4 years
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“Because of these irregularities, no one knows who really won Georgia’s presidential election.” A lawsuit filed Wednesday alleges over 100,000 #IllegalVotes were counted in #Georgia, while tens of thousands of #LegalVotes weren’t counted. https://t.co/9zcdTrU9Oq https://m.theepochtimes.com/legal-group-files-lawsuit-challenging-over-200000-ballots-in-georgia_3594335.html/amp?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=digitalsub&__twitter_impression=true https://www.instagram.com/p/CIEX4cCl4iB/?igshid=1gevqwsvb73d
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marcwayneactor-blog · 6 years
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Setting Stage • #Repost @deplorableme72 with @get_repost ・・・ Regrann from @wetonia - ZERO TOLERANCE Ok...this was #GENIUS.. Set up the courts right there at the border...seeking asylum and lie... you get to go to jail...not let go in the mix😁😁🇺🇸 that's a DOJ I like to see Sessions talking in San Diego regarding asylum, illegal immigration and prosecution... #maga #trump #trump2020 #americanvalues #americafirst #americanmade #raisedright #constitution #conservative #censorship #FREESPEECH #illegalimmigration #illegalvoters #democraticparty #buildthewall - #regrann • #MAGA 🇺🇸🐇🐸👍 #WWG1WGA #Qanon #GreatAwakening #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #WeThePeople #USA #Kanye2024 #kek #ObamaGate #Treason #HRCVideo #ReleaseTheTexts #NoRedactions #FreeAssange
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tlconservative · 5 years
Do You Like Foreign Interference???
Do You Like Foreign Interference???
It is amazing that the Democrats have been hounding and pounding President Trump and convicting him as guilty in a trial by public opinion. With no evidence of Russian collusion found over a span of two years, their theme continues to be, “No more foreign interference!”
Most people in the country would agree with that sentiment! Even Trump’s supporters!
However, when it comes to allowing illegal…
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larryfriisshow · 6 years
(@LarryFriisShow) #ReligiousTolerance #IllegalVote #TrumpTaxReturns #SchiffNadler
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badbirdnews · 2 months
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Rising questions about the authenticity of our elections
A viral video has emerged, exposing the truth about illegal immigrants in our country. This jaw-dropping footage reveals that a staggering 14% of these undocumented individuals openly admit to being registered to vote. The implications of this revelation are nothing short of alarming. How is it possible that people who are not even citizens of this great nation have managed to infiltrate our voting system? It is a clear violation of our democracy and a slap in the face to every law-abiding citizen who takes their civic duty seriously.
What is even more concerning is the lack of action from the Harris/Biden administration regarding this issue. Their failure to address and rectify this illegal action speaks volumes about their disregard for the integrity of our electoral process. By turning a blind eye to this blatant violation, they are essentially condoning the actions of these illegal immigrants. It raises serious questions about their commitment to upholding the laws of this land and protecting the rights of American citizens.
The video leaves us with many unanswered questions. What kind of information did these individuals provide when they illegally registered to vote? How many more illegal immigrants are out there, participating in our elections and influencing the outcome? The fact that we are left in the dark about these crucial details only adds to the sense of betrayal and mistrust.
It is high time for the Harris/Biden administration to take decisive action and put an end to this illegal activity. Our democracy hangs in the balance, and we cannot afford to ignore such a grave threat. Every American citizen deserves to have their voice heard and their vote counted, without interference or manipulation from those who have no right to participate in our democratic process. The time for action is now, before irreparable damage is done and the trust in our electoral system is shattered beyond repair.
Paul T., Opinion Journalist and Editor of Bad Bird News
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