#ill say it again: no discourse nor yona hate on this blog
Thoughts on ch179 (warnings: typos, stupidity, some plot points i might forget)
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The Good:
- I’m sure I’m the only who feels like this but im delighted to see Yona make mistakes. And big mistakes at that. That’s a good recipe for character development. Going back to Hiryuu castle was inevitable (and necessary for the plot) and while i agree things went a little too fast, the prospect of seeing the dragons + Soo Won development and HakYonaWon angst outweigh this feeling. As for Yona being OOC.... well, we don’t get to see whats she’s thinking about, so it’s up to the reader to interpret her actions how they want. I won’t expand too much on this because i dont want discourse on this blog, but the way i see it, Yona is tired of this. Tired of seeing her friends get kidnapped and hurt. She’d do anything to protect them, even if it’s cooperating with a man involved in her dad’s murder, even if Hak’s tormented over her decision. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about his feelings (she feels ashamed of her powerlessness and apologizes to him by telling him “if only i was stronger”) but protecting him physically is the most she can do. Was accepting Keishuk’s deal a bad idea? Probably. I think paranoia blinded her in ch178, but thats not a bad thing: by not being perfect all the time, she becomes a more interesting character. So unpopular opinion but i liked this chapter and it made me hyped for whats to come
- Since Yona can’t protect Hak emotionally, Yoon is doing it in her stead, like the true bro he is
- We got Lili and Ogi scenes!!
- Keishuk continues being the most interesting and competent antagonist pls dont fuck it up Kusa
“Unveiling the Four Dragons?! Bitch Im gonna unveil my foot to your face”
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The Less Good:
- Soo Won just randomly popped out of nowhere huh..... That Starbucks post wasn’t that far off lol. Has he been “watching the troops return from the remparts” for 20 chapters? Come on, if you’re gonna make him disappear from the plot for that long, at least give him a good excuse....
- Still no explanations about the strange feeling the dragons have when they see Soo Won nor sword and shield from the prophecy. Here’s hoping the next chapters finally shed some light on this
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