#ill rb this a couple of times this week i think
sea-jello · 1 year
remember the last day for the auditions sign up form is april 30th!! you can resubmit it if you change your mind on the character youre auditioning for, but please specify it is a resubmission. i will not be taking any more responses on may 1st. actual auditions wont open immediately, it will be in a couple weeks
however we will be starting in other departments soon! so if youre not in it yet please please PLEASE join the discord server. this is the final call. if youre not in it by may 1st im assuming youre not participating. (edit i was an idiot back then i think i was trying to scare you into joining thats my bad. join whenever you want) and if you have to be on do not disturb check your pings every once in a while i dont want to chase you down every time we need to get something done. if i cant reach you youre not doing it and ill find someone else. if you wont be able to respond/do something due to time and life and whatnot please just tell me!! i dont want to be waiting on you for a response. checking my phone every 10 minutes makes me look addicted you know
ive seen some people say they want a major role or nothing, or theyre willing to get discord only if they get a major role so ofc this doesnt apply to you guys. ill tidy the server up when i have time/when we start so tomorrow or the day after, but yeah excuse the all-over-the-place-ness
speaking of final call i dont want to go through every form searching for your @ to tag you every other day so please go follow @bmcblr-remake or turn notifs on or something cause there will be announcements and audition forms and stuff on there but rn its completely empty lmao. i will be sending the important stuff to the discord server so you dont HAVE to follow it but yk
this will also probably be the final time i post about official bmcblr stuff on here so if you followed me just for that go follow @bmcblr-remake get outta here
im literally tagging every single person who wants to participate regardless cause were gonna get this shit GOING
@gay-stranger-things @mynameismicah-getitright @itsjustjo78 @homo-phoneic @happistar @bbopit @thesquirrelqueer @neotheater-kid @antisocial-headphones-kid @radrat-with-a-tophat @astrellanyx @alveolion @dragonairice @kaslynspeaks @a-family-of-rats @feathertail11 @fic-recs-wanted-broadway-needed @mr-sh0wtime @spiirals @olliefeelsthings @preposterous-proposal @alsbullshit @lokibuni @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @pumakittycat @merf-txt @quiznak-ofgrayskull @keycr0w @jeremy-does-stuff @greenes-artdump @swagcoolcat @eryan-lainfa @thetheatergremlin @iheartspongebob @99dentay
apparently it wont let me tag 70+ people so the rest get to be in a rb LMAO
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grannybeards · 2 years
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I posted 23,338 times in 2022
That's 328 more posts than 2021!
50 posts created (0%)
23,288 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 469 of my posts in 2022
#nice - 6 posts
#i am a cooking wizard - 3 posts
#5'6 - 3 posts
#my pelvis has separated due to massive baby and i'm so fucking tired all the time after taking like 10 steps lol - 2 posts
#milotic - 2 posts
#i want to show you how much i love you - 2 posts
#went into town today to go to one (1) shop 2 mins walk away and had a 4hr nap to recover - 2 posts
#extreme - 2 posts
#please im pregnant and my back pain is insurmountable - 2 posts
#ok to rb - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i showed him the pictures afterwards and where his optic nerve was n stuff and he offered to take one for me too so i woulsnt feel left out
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Imagine needing a course when u can just be on tumblr
6 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Being off sick from work is weird. I've had meningitis so I'm not well enough to work, and I still have to nap a couple of times a day if I do anything physical. BUT.
I feel like I've got so much more energy, and I've been cooking loads of nice food like roast dinners and pies and soups. I'm making rosemary wholemeal bread today! I'll walk into town in a bit and buy a loaf tin because I don't have one. I've been knitting some new cushion covers and reading lots of books I haven't had the mental energy for since I finished uni and started working 45 hours a week.
It seems strange that it's only now I'm actually too sick to work that I have the energy for the parts of life that still constitute "work" but are often sidelined as less important. My mental health has never been better, and my skin and hair even are healthier despite my illness.
I genuinely think I'm going to have to find a new way to earn money, because 45+ hours a week whilst also trying to find enrichment in cooking and household management and crafts isn't it x
6 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
Think I should be allowed to kill customers legally
8 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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best charity shop find - the queen being mauled to death by a tiger. manifesting hard rn x
24 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Not to be a bummer but where are Ukraine gonna host it have people thought this thru
27 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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diggersofgraves · 2 years
im gonna rant here, but if anyone wants to give me advice 😭
so. there was a girl i used to talk abt a lot here. i might rb a few things that i mentioned her in. anyways. i had a big old crush on her in hs. but i moved away for school and that was that. what might have been during hs was kinda dropped. i still saw her when i came back for holidays it summer, but she was more of my bffs friend than mine by the end of hs, so i only saw her once in a while. and by the time i finished college. ig i still remembered the crush i had on her, but i felt like i had gotten over it.
the thing abt this girl is she's a very big jokester and kinda deflective. shes kinda like. an elementary school kid who has a crush on someone and only knows how to handle it by being mean to them? thats kinda her. but with jokes??
well, i never took ANYTHING she said abt us srsly bc. its just what she does. she jokes.
and a few weeks ago, my friend invited us to a little kickback and she was there. i made a post abt it i think, bc obviously everyone needs to be in my business. but quick run down. she made a joke abt kissing me. when i didn't go along with it she said, "why didn't you lean in?" and that's the moment it kinda hit me that she might be fr 😭
and the she got "defensive" again and she told me she was gonna talk to the cute girl over there or w.e.
(and im not a jealous person when im not in a relationship with someone. even if i like them, im not gonna play jealousy games with ppl, sorry, so if she wanted a reaction from me, she did not get one)
okay, we've seen each other a couple of times since then. nothing big. someone realized i had a little crush in her bc apparently i act a FOOL, a SIMP, even when we just talk abt her.
now the NEW MAIN PART OF THE STORY (sorry that was all suppose to be a quick recap lol).
my close friend always throws a big old costume party for her birthday since she's an october baby, duh. and shes make a deal of inviting anyone she was ever cool with. so some ppl from hs, some ppl from shows she goes to, shes knows a lot of ppl. and ofc this girl is gonna be there (lets not talk abt the fact that my ex and her new girl was there lmao, i didnt mind, i just had no idea how to react)
and me? im a little loose from the alc. i dont even remember how we ended up hanging together, but we did. we played beer pong (and ofc we're both amazing so a lot of celebration hugs).
and i think from there we stick to each others sides. kinda close. right?
and she says things I once thought were jokes, but now im like 😳 u think my beauty doesnt compare fr ??
well by the end of the party we're making out. again, i dont remember how it happened. just that it did.
and we went home and I have not texted her since then and vice versa.
i had a conversation with ANOTHER friend yesterday tho. who told me while i was in the bathroom and they were all drunkenly hanging out outside. she told them she's been having a crush on me since hs and she's always been too scared to do or say anything. now lets forget abt the fact that my dumbass is living through a 7 year slow burn with a apparently a shit ton of mutual pining. lets forget abt that. or else ill punch myself.
point is, she has yet to contact me and i have yet to contact her. and im scared if i do she'll pass everything off as a joke. which will hurt. but i still want to reach out. i just dont know what to say. i dont talk to her much outside of in person situations. i should've stolen her sweater so i could have an excuse to give it back 🙄
anyways. that was my little rant. im still stuck on what to say. if anyone has advise. ill give u a little digital heart or smth idk.
the solution might literally be so simple, but i dont have an outside perspective rn, i have dumb dumb lovesick brain rot >:(
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goraishi · 7 years
i changed my url!
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inklingofadream · 3 years
hey i’ve gotten an unprecedented number of new followers this week (probably bc one of my ids ended up on a popular blog) so general idk intro/caveats:
I’m Ink (at least online)! I’m a US-based queer; my pronouns are she/her or they/them. I write and draw and do fandom stuff; I’m hoping to go to grad school for folklore, but right now I’m dealing with some mystery chronic illness stuff, so all of that has heavy presence here.
 i do do image descriptions and the kind of smartboy articles and discussion i’ve been rbing lately, but also i’m apallingly active on here usually (recent silence has been due to me taking a couple days to do meatworld stuff like crochet and thrift and bake and make jam, but the brainghosts will get me again soon enough) and so i also post just. loads and loads of writing and tma nonsense
a lot of my writing/rbing tends toward dark stuff. though i try my best to attach tw tags whenever necessary; i’m just also dumb? and will sometimes forget between sentences of a post that that thing that just happened might need a tw. lmk if i miss anything on the general kind of broad trigger list!- you can always ask to tag specific triggers, but i may not be able to. i have category/reference tags for a lot of stuff like food and animals, but if it isn’t something i can convince my brain counts as its own category i might have to say no instead of messing up and forgetting).
also if the lds church/mormonism are triggers/issues for you, i’m lds and not interested in leaving, and sometimes i discuss the church, my experiences, and issues with it/changes we can/should make- this tends to be tagged “church” and/or “church stuff” rather than anything explicitly church-related or denomination identifying, bc i started using those tags for my own reference before anyone else’s ease of blacklisting was on my radar.
also i occasionally rb images without descriptions- I try to remember to tag these “not described”- lmk if i forget- but for stuff that doesn’t have a pre-existing id i sometimes don’t have the spoons to write one myself. I think rn i have ids more than i don’t, but like, at the end of spring semester i was so burned out that the only id-ed stuff i was rbing was from id blogs, bc i was too burnt out to even check the notes most of the time.
you should definitely dip if you object to this blog’s stances that: “queer” is an awesome word, it’s my word, and i won’t censor or trigger tag it (though its usage does end up in my “queer stuff” tag if you blacklist); ace, aro, trans, nb, pan, bi, polyam, and whoever else the exclusionist boogeyman of the week are are queer and deserve a place in the community; someone’s gender is up to them and no one else, regardless of dysphoria or anything else; Black lives matter; white supremacy is a dangerous loser ideology; fiction doesn’t have a one to one effect on reality, but that doesn’t mean that especially pernicious tropes and trends don’t matter or are exempt from criticism; we gain more from nuanced discussion and asking questions than we lose; there’s nothing inherently bad about adults interacting with unrelated kids; you should use someone’s stated pronouns even if they’re ~weird or neopronouns or you don’t like them; probably more i’m forgetting but you get the idea
anyway this is your warning to bail i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ otherwise welcome!
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nicohischier · 3 years
answer 30 questions then tag some people. 
tagged by @jamiedrysdales (ariiiiiiiiiiiiiii hi ily)
name/nickname: rayleene
gender: female
star sign: leo 
height: 5′0
time: 11:10pm (holy shit)
birthday: aug 8
favourite bands: uh. 5sos, ajr, tvxq, seventeen, nct, exo, ateez
favourite solo artists: uhhhhhhhhhhhh lewis capaldi................... yeah
song stuck in my head: well fuck. im listening to time machine by uknow now so ig that since its replaced whatever song was previously in my head
last movie: um. u m. i rewatched kuroko no basket: last game a few weeks ago? dhfsfds pls do judge me i dont watch movies often
last show: the untamed 😌
when did i make this blog: march 2018! (march 10th i think? ill have to double check but yeah its creeping up on 3 years on hockeyblr... fuck)
what i post: hockey, allegedly. anyone who actually pays attention tho will know all i really post is text posts abt genshin impact or kpop and rbs of textposts that go into my ‘gtkm’ tag
last thing i googled: netflix bc i needed to see if i really havent watched a movie since rewatching last game a couple weeks ago sdhgkjs
other blogs: nothing active
do i get asks: occasionally? i get them when i rb ask games usually and some of my friends send me asks every once in a while but i dont like. do anything to provoke ppl sending me asks anymore so. ye
why i chose my url: bc. nico ??????? duh?????
following: 312
followers: 1021
average hours of sleep: like 8 or 9 but its from 3am-12pm usually s o
lucky number: 8
instruments: i used to play trumpet. i think if you gave me one now i could still play it tbh
what am i wearing rn: pyjamas <3
dream trip: south korea or go back to prague (god i love prague...)
favourite food: hm. homemade french fries. won ton soup. cabbage rolls.
nationality: canadian
favourite song: currently sunrise yellow by ftisland, thank u by uknow, turning out pt ii by ajr, wait wait wait by kun, and diamonds by sam smith. there was no way i was only giving one answer to this question im sorry
last book read: o shit. well i was catching up a bit w the bnha manga but book was probably. cemetery boys by aiden thomas? possibly?
top three fictional universes: pjo universe always, the mdzs universe, aaaand i have to say the genshin impact universe
favourite colour: red.. probably
tagging... idk. @tychnoblade @tolvanen @berrybreadd @officialgritty and uhhh @connormcdavo sorry if any of yall have been tagged/already did this before i have the brain of a goldfish so sdhfs 
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
Hello! and PSA
*waves* hi everyone! so uh, I’ve kind of had a bit of a surge in followers recently, and I thought I would make a bit of a PSA/intro post with a bit more targeted info than my about page.
anyways, I’m cyan! statistically speaking, you are probably here for one of the following reasons:
my fic
my meta
my gifs
my translation
all of the above
this is pretty much an mdzs blog on main these days, but I also rb a lot of other misc things because I have never been good at keeping my interests separate. it’s also my personal blog, so expect some of that? i am very all or nothing ahaha. my opinions change very quickly as I process new information, so like, something I said last week or yesterday might be different now! I’ve seen several people going through some of my older posts, and I’m just like oh dear, I said a lot of things six months ago that I no longer vibe with. /o\ please keep that in mind as you go diving in my blog!
i don’t have a BYF or DNI policy, but I reserve the right to block anyone for any reason because this is a personal blog first and foremost, and I do need to be better about setting my boundaries and curating my own online space! on that same token, you are free to follow, unfollow, block, whatever, even if we’re mutuals. <3
you’re free to come talk to me in my inbox or dms, but please be aware that there’s a very high chance I will never get back to you /o\ it isn’t personal!! I am just very mentally ill and have many difficulties with keeping up social interactions or talking to people.
in the interest of trying to be more open about myself, my brain, and what that means for me in an online/fandom space, I’m gonna do a boatload of mental health talk under the cut (or, if you’re looking at this on my blog proper or somewhere where the cut doesn’t display, it starts right after this paragraph), including mentions of self-harm/thoughts of specific self-harm etc, just so you are warned! I’ve been thinking recently that it’s good to try and take steps towards being more open about my issues, both for my own sake and others’. It’s long, because one of the fun things about my mental illness is that I am hyperverbal ahahaha (if that... wasn’t already obvious orz)
so if you’ve read pfmmpd, you can kind of get a sense of what I’m working with. a lot of how i wrote lwj was drawn directly from shit happening in my own brain, but like? dial that up from the specific issues that lwj had in that fic and apply it unilaterally across the board to almost anything you can think of.
I hesitate to describe my OCD as debilitating, but only because my specific cocktail of compulsions and anxieties and triggers push me to be hyperachieving and hyperfunctional. I consider myself pretty fortunate (?) in that regard. on paper, you could never tell how absolutely batshit my internal landscape is! which is very good for me practically in that I can hold down a job, keep scholarships, graduate with honors, have good prospects for my future, hold onto relationships (usually yikes) etc. but the fact of the matter is, I’m like. oh boy.
to give you a peek, here’s a non-exhaustive list of things that have triggered me to varying degrees of severity within the last like, week or so:
my dog
a chinese folk song
my mother reading a chinese haiku to me written by a young gay man
a chinese reader of my fic lovingly and gently giving me a history lesson on china and on mdzs while praising me
stepping on a piece of snow that didn’t collapse in the precise way i expected it to
writing meta
reading meta
ruminating on my triggers (honestly, I played myself)
seeing a twitter thread going around tumblr with decent information but the OP is someone who was exceedingly cruel to a good friend of mine
visiting my grandmother’s grave
deciding to visit my grandmother’s grave
discussing the concept of cuddling my partner whom i love and have been with for four years
self-harming (truly the height of irony, being triggered into self-harm and then getting triggered by the result of the self-harm hahahahahaha)
dropping off a package
trying to explain queer-coding to my parents
talking about stressors in my life related to covid19
having a very pleasant conversation with a person i admire
editing my translation
the fact that the “close” button on my accessibility sidebar on the translation website is the wrong color
choosing between eating all the shiitake mushrooms in my soup and purposefully giving myself a bad reaction or throwing one out and wasting food
thinking about playing a fun game with my partner and a mutual friend
my mom asking me to take a photo of some tea for her
my mom asking my opinion on a photo she was photoshopping
animal crossing
writing this fucking post HAHAHAHA
like!! it goes on!! endlessly! obviously, these triggers are not simply “bad” things. the chinese folk song and the haiku were both really beautiful and i love them! but I did spend a good amount of time curled up on my floor in the dark sobbing as i played the song on repeat. the haiku was one of the last straws that ended up with me screaming and crying and hurting myself. the snow??? like wtf the snow thing. I stepped on the snow and it felt wrong and my brain just started screaming SMASH YOUR KNEECAP. ???? (I didn’t, for the record, and I would never.) I love my partner very much! I love my friends very much, and my mother, and my grandmother etc. my triggers are infinite, unpredictable, and bizarre.
I’m saying all of this because I want to be clear that MDZS/CQL fandom specifically triggers me on a daily basis, sometimes very very badly. this is just a fact! it is no one’s fault! I have decided it is worth it for me to stay anyways. it is impossible for me to request people tag for certain things because I myself have no idea what my triggers are until I encounter them. It’s like a fun mystery boss encounter! sometimes it’s low level and i’m well-equipped to handle it. other times it’s a one-hit KO. We just don’t know! there are lots of very cool content creators in this fandom that I can’t follow because it would make my dash that much more high stakes. the original source canon material triggers me! all the events leading up to Lotus Cove massacre? I was shaking at work for three hours after consuming it for the first time.
Meta specifically is something I know a lot of people like me for, but it’s 100% the most triggering activity I participate in for this fandom. like, that suibian meta post I wrote that’s currently going around? Probably took me four or five hours of concentrated effort to write because I was compulsively panicking and rewriting and editing and panicking more and qualifying and editing and qualifying some more and then debating whether I should post it or not and then fighting with myself about my wording and then immediately regretting it and then every time someone commented on it (regardless of positive or negative!) my anxiety spiked. I started a reply to a response on that post and had to stop after a few minutes because I was already starting to trigger myself over it.
this is actually a pretty good outcome when it comes to meta! I recognized that I was hurting myself before I got any further, and I only spent like, five hours on it! it was good exposure therapy for me! the bad outcome is. well. bad, as you might imagine lmao.
I like writing meta. I like talking to people about it too! I like participating in fandom, I like writing, I like translating, I like all of these things. they’re just also really hard for me! there’s a couple meta requests sitting in my inbox right now that I want to get to, but it might take me like. a long time because of. you know! *gestures* Everything takes me a long time. that first chapter of the translation took me literally five months from beginning the project to posting a final edited version. It’s just over 1k words. D8
I try really hard to be chill and kind in public and I largely think I succeed on the kind part (I hope!). If you thought I had even an ounce of chill before this, perhaps I have disabused of that notion entirely now lmao. I’m not saying this for pity, but like? just so we all know what we’re dealing with here. I don’t want anyone to get hurt when I don’t engage with them or feel snubbed if I never reply to them. and also like, hey, if someone relates it’s like hooray, high fave, solidarity! we’re not alone in this world! or maybe this will help someone understand OCD a little better! I don’t know. I hope this post is a positive thing. BUT! I’ve spent three hours on it already, and i’m definitely starting to compulsively spiral, so instead of going back and editing it over and over, I’m just going to post it. thank you everyone for your understanding! I hope you enjoy your time on my blog! (*´▽`*)
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
(Ok to rb)
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Octane tapped his foot on the carpet waiting for his taxi to arrive.
The rest legends left half an hour ago and he was stuck in his dads party.
This was defenetly not his style, sure he was all about getting recognized and have fans around him, but not this kind,
He hunched and crossed his arms when finally his taxi arrived,he hopped in almost immediatly and grabbed his phone.
Jerico got a text suddenly as she layed in bed,the LED lights bounced off her skin as she saw a movie, she was laughing when she saw the Text.
Her smile turned into frown.
"Can I crash at your place?"
"Yeah...what happened?"
Octane types out the answer but deletes it "ill tell you when I get there,be there in 10"
He first went to pick up some food,almost getting stopped by a fan but avoiding them by a split second.
He then went to jericos home.
A knock interrupted the tombstone silence in jeris house,jer opened the door,and there he was.
The taxi left behind them as tav only sighed--Hey...--he said.
Octavio hugged her tightly and jerico hugged back.
He enters the house closing the door behind him and locking it.
Both sit on the couch and take out the food from the bags.
Octane took his mask and Goggles off, and sighed-- I was at my dads party--he said, and proceeded to tell her everything that went down.
Jeri listened with a heavy heart, and hugged him tightly when he finished--i I hate being near my parents, I hate going to their parties..
--Youre always welcomed to stay--jer added caressing his cheek.
Tav leans into her hand and nodds kissing the palm of it as his own hand pressed against jericos.
--Can I stay a couple of days?...I just want to be away from the limelight...and live...calmly here
--yeah, its going to be fun having you around,this house May not be as big ad your mansion but--
He stopped her midsentence cupping her cheeks--its perfect...just like you...
Jer chuckles and kisses him, he kisses back resting his back on the couch.
Her arms go around his waist and he melts in her embrace resting his head on her shoulder.
And slowly they doze off.
--buen día amor.
The smell of food invaded the livingroom,jeri slowly sits on the couch with octane, who hands her a Plate of food and freshly brewed tea.
--Thought youd be drinking coffee
He shrugged and Turned on the TV--i want to calm down so coffee is off the list--he winked at her and she giggled putting her head on his shoulder.
As he flipped through the Channels a news Channel popped up talking about the party octanes dad threw,and an interview with his father came shortly after.
Jeris hand is on the remote and she switches to cartoons.
A smile instantly appears on octavios face and he eats his breakfast.
--Thanks for letting me stay--he said with his mout stuffed with food.
She laughed and kissed his cheek--of course id let you stay,you deserve some peace too you know?
He smiled softly--im so glad to have you in my life...I love you
Jer smiled--me too...
The rest of the day sure was something, filled with music and laughter.
Jeri was cleaning the house as tavi cooked lunch.
She wiped the sweat off her forehead as she finished cleaning and went to the kitchen.
Her arms go around tavs waist, he instantly melts and presses his back against her chest.
She presses soft kisses against his neck--amor im making lunch...
--you love em though
He snorts and nodds--Yeah...anyway its ready lets eat!
Both take the food to the bedroom and watch a movie.
Hearing octanes laughter made jerico happy,he had gone through some stuff and he really did deserve this.
Jeri also fought for the peace she has now, and being able to share it with him, the love of her life was everything shed hoped for.
The movie ended and so after Washing the dishes they went to sleep.
Octane moved his legs and kicked off the blankets,jeri wakes up when she feels him moving around the bed.
--Cant sleep?--She asks.
--si,i cant get my body to stay still!
Jeri chuckled at the irony and so did he--Alright lemme try something--She cleared her throat and caressed his hair--Wanna hear a story?--He nodded like a little kid and she giggled-- a long time ago, in a kingdom long forgotten was a prince, charming and fast, he was very nice and everyone loved him.
One day he scaped to see the market and be amongst commoners in disguise, his eyes fell on a young woman buying food,she was beautiful and had a voice soft as any other.
He approached her, and suddenly someone recognized him as the prince.
The prince freaked out thinking that the woman would be extra nice to him to get something from him as everyone had done in the past.
The woman however kept her tone as it was before and invited the prince to drink tea with her.
And so for the following month hed sneak out to be with his one true love.
One day while holding his hand he asked her, deep un thought"Why didnt you treat me like loyalty when we met?" He said"why do you treat me so well knowing who I am"
The woman laughed softly " i Fell in love with the Man here" she said pressing a hand to his chest"and not by what he had"
The prince then understood and she saw him beyond his status as heir to the throne,she saw him by who he was truly, and loved him for it-- octane smiled kissing her.
--something tells me its you reminding me that you love me for who I am and not a bedtime story
Octavio snuggled closer to her and fell asleep in her arms.
The weeks went on and on, he had been missing from his social media for months.
One morning jerico was watching the news.
"The famous apex legend Octane has been found missing in his social media for months and his fans are panicked" the reporter said.
--hey amor?--jeri asked as Octavio sat besides her--i think you should tell your fans you okay
Stuffing his face with food he looked at her--Why?
She then signaled at the TV,he read the headline and nodded--oh shit,I should tell em, you want to appear with me?pleease?
She nodded kissing his cheek.
After eating breakfast they went to change and get into semi respectable clothes,just so they wouldnt appear on their cheesy pjs with cute animals and food stamped all over it.
--Hey guys Wassup!--octane said at his phones camera--just popped Back in for a bit to tell y'all ive been alright, just went off the radar for a bit!, but oh oh you wouldnt guess where im staying at!--The camera was at a slight angle so jerico couldnt be seen.
He them moved his phone to show jerico against his chest with a smiles--thats right ive been at my partners house!, isnt she the cutest?--jer hid her face on his chest with baby Pink cheeks muttering a soft "hiii!"--anyway Guys dont worry, as soon as I feel better ill be back!, for now peace!--his hand covered the camera and he stopped recording,uploading it to all his social media and then leaving his phone on the nightstand.
They changed back into their pjs and sat on the bed ready to watch more movies and spend Time togheter
She always made him feel loved and special,and life with her was easier.
When their eyes meet the world seems softer,and now they were in their own world of comfort.
Eventually hed had to return to his life as octane, but right now he was Octavio Silva,a Man who loved being with his partner, and was happy with them.
For once he could be himself,and have someone who loved him for it
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drakeblight · 4 years
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Do not rb
[2/2, 11:32 PM] Cristian Gómez: Ok, so here goes
[2/2, 11:34 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i talked over you and interupted you. I have this very bad tendency to not shut up when im nervous, especially around others.
[2/2, 11:34 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i had to ask you to buy me icecream, i know you said its no big deal but it is to me
[2/2, 11:35 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry if i seemed boring and paranoid, ive just always lived in fear till i moved here and even though its been 2 years, i still find it hard to break habita
[2/2, 11:35 PM] Cristian Gómez: But please, i need you to tell me whats wrong
[2/2, 11:37 PM] Cristian Gómez: Remember how i told you i think of ways to escape and how could a person murder me and all that? I am very scared of the unknown and right now i do not be knowing whats up? Did i bore you, dis you find someone else, did you die? My mind keeps jumping to conclusions i know arent true but without your words i cant really kill them off
[2/2, 11:38 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im trying to be more attentive of you and stop being so self centered (which is an oximoron cuz telling other people that youre not thinking about yourself requires you to think about yourself but wrvr)
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: I watched letterkenny, i kinda spoiled that "surprise" when i texted you her face and the naked gym the frats wanted to make
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: But whatever, i did enjoy it and im thankful you showed me it
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, imma pay you back that icecream 10x
[2/2, 11:41 PM] Cristian Gómez: I finally get payed on wednesday so ill buy the granpa sweater or the windbreaker or the patterned shirts, maybe ill stop by peace nook and get a candle, incense or soap you liked. Whatever it ends up being, ill make sure its shiny
[2/2, 11:41 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, my friend said he could sneak us into his show on thursday, like i said, i really like his drag
[2/2, 11:42 PM] Cristian Gómez: If we sneak in, we may even get a couple drinks if we dont have bracelets
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: And if all you need is space, thats fine! I know i can be a bit much to handle, but please tell me so i dont go off the rails batshit crazy trying to figure out what went wrong
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: I only now realize that typing all this into a private convo is very batshit crazy
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: Remember that thing i just said about not shutting up??
[2/2, 11:44 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know theres a lot more i wanted to say but i forget
[2/2, 11:45 PM] Cristian Gómez: Oh, and i didnt really mean to be mean when i called you a nerd for tucking
[2/2, 11:45 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, when i said you were tall, i just wasn't expecting that, cuz everyone ive ever gone out with ends up being smaller than me
[2/2, 11:46 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i behaved like a 12 yearold, i know its not very attractive to go into a relationship and feel its gonna be a babysitting gig
[2/2, 11:47 PM] Cristian Gómez: Even though im scared, i still challenge myself. Everytime i take a turn at a stoplight my first thought is how someone might run me over
[2/2, 11:48 PM] Cristian Gómez: Everytime its bellow 40, i think of that time i couldnt feel my hands for 2 hours, but i still get on my bike
[2/2, 11:48 PM] Cristian Gómez: And everytime i looked at your messages im reminded of all the sweet nothings people used to say to me to use me
[2/2, 11:49 PM] Cristian Gómez: All the see you laters and the we'll meet someday again
[2/2, 11:50 PM] Cristian Gómez: And even though im deadly terrified of typing something and losing you like ive lost everyone else, i still find the courage to send you something, anything so youd know i really do like you
[2/2, 11:50 PM] Cristian Gómez: I forgot how it felt
[2/2, 11:51 PM] Cristian Gómez: Ive been neeting people ive been interested in for 4 years now and youre the second one ive actually found that i cared about
[2/2, 11:51 PM] Cristian Gómez: Even ones i thought i cared about, i forgot in a week
[2/2, 11:52 PM] Cristian Gómez: And i know i said id stop being self centered and ill ive done is typed and typed, but i genuinely want you to give me a second chance, hopefully ill learn to shut up
[2/2, 11:53 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know youll probs only read this if i ever give you your codename, if i even post these, but this is helping
[2/2, 11:53 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, sorry i called you adam
[2/2, 11:54 PM] Cristian Gómez: Maybe ill send the lot of these your way one day, where it doesnt matter cuz youre so close or so far appart
[2/2, 11:55 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know you dont want a psycho bf that cant be 10 mins away from you, but if youre leaving, could you please say why?
[2/2, 11:56 PM] Cristian Gómez: This is extremely pessimistic and theres that overworking brain again, but did you even care? I wanna say yes cuz you payed for my icecream and didnt just blow me off at the first chance, also you went out with me after a week or so of texts, most people would have just made something up, so i really appreciate you
[2/2, 11:57 PM] Cristian Gómez: UGHHH, i just need an answer at this point i dont mind if its yes or no
[2/2, 11:57 PM] Cristian Gómez: Did your messages get stuck? Did my phone mute you?
[2/3, 12:02 AM] Cristian Gómez: Oh yea, this goes without saying, but i dont wanna seem manipulative, these last couple day (oly shit its only been a day, why did i blow this out of proportion so damn much?!?) Have been very retrospective
[2/3, 12:03 AM] Cristian Gómez: I also dont want the gift to be manipulative, its something ive always believed in, ask my friends, no one should leave empty handed
[2/3, 12:04 AM] Cristian Gómez: And i probs would have only gotten you the candles, but bc you bought ice cream and youre so damn hot, ill bump it up
[2/3, 12:05 AM] Cristian Gómez: Im way overdue on payments and my bike insurance is almost up, but its only good for the other guy, so if i crash its very unlikely ill even need to pay them
[2/3, 7:50 AM] Cristian Gómez: Was it that i didnt try anything romantic? Didnt hold your hand or stayed away when i said goodbye? I dont know how to read limits so i just default to professional until someone tells me to do something
[2/3, 8:37 AM] Cristian Gómez: Was it the blue nails? I swear that was the jeans
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Week 6 Recap: Where The Chips Fall
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I have to start out this slightly overdue recap of Week 6 in fantasy football with a cheesy story about my Thursday night in Charlotte. Literally, as you’ll see, it’s super cheesy.
I was seated in the Bank of America Stadium about 12 rows up, in the midst of a tense union of thundering Philadelphia Eagles diehards and contentious Carolina Panthers fans. To catch you up, the former fan base is preceded by a long-standing reputation of loud and ruthless passion, while the latter is earning a reputation for its crude hostility toward away teams. Some say that Carolina fans perceive losses as honorably as their franchise quarterback, Cam Newton, does; I don’t think I need to remind you of his post-Super Bowl press conference to show you what I mean.
It was the start of the Third Quarter, and the game was certainly not going the way the home crowd had boasted it would. Carson Wentz would soon complete his second touchdown pass to Zach Ertz and take the lead, resulting in a friction of Eagles victory chants and hostile Panthers boos that would take the fan conference from reasonably tense to uncomfortably warlike. It would lead to several drunken fights, like the one buzzing around the news last Thursday, which showed an older man getting punched in the face by an aggressor in a Newton jersey. Luckily, I didn’t see any Cam fans throw fists, but what I did see probably should have had its own headline.
For our purposes, and because it’s a great title, we’ll call it Nachogate.
I was seated behind a mild-mannered Eagles fan and his bad-tempered girlfriend - well, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she was afflicted by the medical condition known as “hangriness”. Her green-and-white decked-out boyfriend eventually heeded complaints of cranky-hunger, and braced the concession stands for something he thought his girl would really like. A heaping paper-boat of chips, cheese, beans, and sour cream. Who doesn’t love nachos?
I’ll tell you who: Carolina Panthers fans.
As he made his way back up the stands with the prized game snack, a subliminal thought within him must have awaken to warn that there was danger up ahead. I’m speculating this to be the case because he waltzed right past his row. His girlfriend’s eyes followed the steaming nachos as they traveled two rows too far, and she reached out to grab its courier’s ankles, exclaiming, “hey!! where you going with my nachos??!”
Looking back, he probably should have broken away and continued going up. But like a good boyfriend and an innocent man who truly has no idea what is coming next, he says “Oh, my bad” and turns back around to his ticketed seat.
Before he has even fully sat down, his, um, really grateful lady snatches the boat of cheesy goodness with both hands and he returns his attention to the game. Finally able to relax, he settles in to watch the Eagles try and pull ahead in the tied game. Meanwhile, his girlfriend lifts a conjoining nacho chip to her mouth and takes a bite, her crunches and resulting mmmm-s almost imperceptible under her boyfriend’s defiant cheers.
It’s now 2nd and 10, and the fans are on the edge of their seats - particularly the two Panthers fans seated directly next to the voracious girlfriend; one, a college-aged kid yelling “DEFENSE!” and the other a middle-aged woman, seemingly the boy’s mom, who already looks uncomfortable to be there. As the girlfriend sifts through her nacho mountain for another cheesy chip, the Eagles offensive squad lines up before Carson Wentz. She then lifts a messy bite toward her mouth, and at that very moment, before she even completes the bite, Carson Wentz successfully completes the best touchdown pass of the night. TOUCHDOWN EAGLES! Her boyfriend’s reacts to the victorious play like any fan would, roaring and flying into standing position, his fists pumping the air, launching one right into…
Yup, you know what. The nachos.
In the same burst of energy as the touchdown celebration that is now reverberating through the stadium, the chips are sent flying into the air like yellow white and brown confetti, raining shredded lettuce on the nearby seats and landing a hurricane of warm cheddar sauce directly on… oh yes, you guessed it.. those Panthers fans next door.
The worst part is that they didn’t yell, or even really say a word. Their reaction was more of shock and imploding anger. I don’t think I truly understood tension, not until I experienced the dead silence that followed the nacho shower. Did a touchdown even just happen? Did Carson Wentz just push me into a fantasy bonus? I already forgot. Time and space froze, and nothing else mattered... well, aside from the ill-timed complaint of the girlfriend that brought us all back to reality. “I only got to eat two chips!!” she exclaimed.
Red-faced and still in a state of disbelief, the mother and son duo looked like they just teleported from a Nacho factory explosion. The blonde boy wore fresh sour cream down the side of his tightly-trimmed beard, while the mother’s hair was soaked in the bean topping. The boyfriend, who I had started referring to in my head as Nacho-Knuckles, issued repeated nervous apologies to the mother, son, and his still hangry girlfriend.
Meanwhile, my section had consumed too many beers to not audibly react to one of the best incidents we’d ever see at a football game in our lifetimes. Laughter ensued, despite how much I sympathized with this poor guy that really just wanted to shut up his girlfriend and enjoy the game. 
And while it may seem like none of this has a thing to do with fantasy or actual football, I ensure that there’s a metaphor somewhere inside this shocking incident.
It leads me to an old, but important saying, which is to let the nacho chips fall where they may. I might have revised the wording that a little, still, let’s take a closer look at that statement. Your fantasy team is like a delicious nacho. If it’s anything like the nachos at the sports bar where I work, you can add to it, or take things away from it that you don’t like. You can also make substitutions. Essentially, you build it to perfection. Sometimes, though, even if you build it just the way you want, with the components that you think will be great; even if you turn heads from those who see what you’ve built and say “damn, that nacho looks good,” you can still have it knocked out of your hands. Some weeks, I’m the one knocking out someone’s nacho; other weeks, I’m the one getting soaked in nacho rain. The important part is that no matter what, I pick up the pieces, I analyze how I could’ve assemble the building blocks better, and I never stop trying to build the perfect layers of a great team.
Moral of this amazing story is, the halfway point in the fantasy season is approaching, and now is the time to assess your building blocks and make the changes necessary to become a playoff contender.
Look, whether or not I just made the most ridiculous analogy in all of fantasy blog history, I somehow found wisdom in the aftermath of Nachogate. My team may have looked a lot like a bunch of crushed chips a couple weeks ago, but the fact is that despite my challenging start to the season, I’m on the up and up again. The fact is, I will rebuild. Also fact, you really want nachos right now.
Puns, jokes, and analogies about those cheesy layers of tortilla chips aside, let’s review my awards for last week’s performances.
Week 6 Award CHER-emony (this is the line up I would have started, based on last week, if I could turn back time)
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QB 1: Kirk Cousins
 RB 1: Melvin Gordon RB 2: Mark Ingram WR 1: Antonio Brown WR 2: Larry Fitzgerald FLEX: Adrian Peterson TE: Zach Ertz D/ST: New Orleans Saints Kicker: Ryan Succop
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lcncasters-blog · 7 years
hey everyone!!! i’m d, i’m 23, and i use they/them pronouns. super hyped about being here so i’ma just get right into it
so kai is my fave character and kinda notoriously The Worst while also being The Best, so i’m warning y’all before we even go in that he’s actually so sloppy and wild pls proceed w/ caution. i’ve been playing him for over 4 years. that being said, he does have a fuck ton of information, so while the bullet points are going to be as condensed as i can possibly make them, you should really check out the appearance section (or you can just look at my sidebar which is wonderful artwork of kai one of my close friends did for me --- give them love on their art blog nialls ok SO talented) of his STATS FRAMEWORK and then if you really hate yourself i have a DEVELOPMENT TAG too with a bunch of headcanons (feel free to RB the rebloggable ones from me btw)
LOUIS TOMLINSON? no ⏤ KAI LANCASTER, the DEMIBOY is TWENTY-THREE and was born with a GOLD soul, and now has a GREY soul. i would describe HIM/THEM as EXUBERANT + BRAVE, yet CARELESS + IMPATIENT. KAI spends HIS/THEIR time PLAYING AT SMALL VENUES WITH HIS ALT ROCK BAND AND WORKING AS A NANNY and has lived in seattle for TWO YEARS.
kai was born a gold soul into a pretty posh, old-money typea family in manchester, uk. like i’m talking on his mothers side they’re all doctors, lawyers, scholars, etc, etc, and on his dad’s side entrepeneurs. his parents themselves built a fairly large business from the ground up together that now goes by the name of lancaster industries. their current biggest venture and pretty much what they’ve built the whole of their fortune on is a chain of luxury hotels that you can find basically in every major city in the world.
he had 3 younger sisters who he essentially raised considering his parents were too busy to be around during their childhood. only two of them are still living, his youngest sister having passed a couple years ago at the age of 7 from leukemia.
his mother is literally the devil? kai always hated school/struggled in it for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which were his not diagnosed adhd and his dyslexia, which he never got the help he probably needed for. he’s always kinda just thought he was extremely stupid, and that idea was reinforced by the way his mother always used to tell him the very same thing. “think harder, kai. use your brain.” is a phrase that’s essentially been reinforced so many times in his head, he p much hears her voice ringing in his ears every time he gets so much as vaguely confused now.
that being said, despite how he struggled in school, he was always a very vibrant, kind, charismatic, and magnetic young person. he tends to draw people into him with his silly nature and upbeat attitude, and he’s kind of the Eternal Optimist, so he was fairly popular when he was attending. to say he has eccentricities would be putting it lightly, and he’s loud, never seeming to run out of things to say or fail to command the interest of the room.
anyway things with his mum only got worse in his relationship with her when he barely managed to complete his a levels by the skin of his teeth (and with an absurd amount of tutoring), and then refused to go to the university of her choosing. she p much wanted him to “get his shit together” so he could take over the family business someday, but i am not kidding when i say kai would wilt away and probably legit just die if he had to work in a place like that forever – and that’s assuming he even got through business school in the first place.
his father was always a push-over and sort of was absent/bent to her will when he was around, so he didn’t bother to defend kai when his mother decided 2 cut him off from everything and essentially ex-communicate him once she realised he was refusing 2 be manipulated and forced into shit anymore.
that was at age 18, and by that point he had plans to move out and travel to london with his best mate anyway, so he was basically like “peace out” and got the hell out of dodge. he still harbours a lot of guilt for abandoning his younger sisters, particularly so considering his youngest one fell ill so soon after his departure.
he lives, breathes, and sleeps piano. music as a whole is something he’s passionate about, having taken the time to develop his somewhat unorthodox voice, but the way his fingers fly over the ivories is a living art form more than it is anything. it’s how he communicates, how he speaks his deepest truth and just like? put those feelings out there into the world that he otherwise wouldn’t be able to articulate in the common vernacular.
so what he wants to do with his life is to just? talk to people? through his music? to play for them and the be in front of a crowd every night and to feel the energy of them, to command them with his presence and to exist with them in that way. he almost gets high off of it? he’s been playing small shows since age nineteen with his band, but since he moved to america he obvi hasn’t had them and has been on his own.
SORRY I’M REALLY TRYING TO CONDENSE THIS so ok basically he was in love w this girl from the time they were 14. they lost their virginity 2 each other, they were on & off all through HS, & then through to age 20 after he moved away and all that. she was v v ill and struggled with mental illness and kai tried his best 2 take care of her, but he was always in over his head despite his dedication to like making her feel OKAY. she needed help that he could not give 2 her, and they ended up breaking up & him letting her go at the end. she died soon after that, and it remains unclear 2 him whether or not it was a suicide. it was officially ruled as an “accident”, but he knows different and yeah i mean. essentially like.... the most “smudges” on his soul kinda came from his sitch w her bc he was always coming and leaving and dropping her and returning when she needed him and like. he TRIED but he just COULDN’T? anyways
after that he got involved with this boy who was a substance abuser, addicted to H to b exact, and for a while he thought that he was getting better and they were building off of each other, building a healthy life together. the fact he called kai his “new addiction” was probably never a good thing, but kai didn’t recognize that at the time. they got engaged eventually, and kai was 100% convinced that he was the actual love of his life after caro. of course, in the end, it wasn’t built to last, and when it went bad, it went really bad. kai eventually felt like there was a chasm several miles deep between them, and he had no hope of getting to the other side again. he broke it off, broke the guy’s heart, and made his soul even darker.
kai has been posting vids on YT of him covering songs on his YouTube for like actual years, and when he was around 20 he met this person via the comments section on one of them. they seemed to be quite the fan of his interpretation of some of the songs he chose to play. they ended up talking more and more as time went on, exchanging contact information, and grew very very very close.
that was the start of the LDR that is what brought him to america/to seattle in the first place. they were together for about eight months and had seen each other in person three times for a total of about 3 weeks before he made the decision to get started on his visa and move to the states. the moment he was able to, he crossed the pond and moved in w them!!
strain on their relationship was created when at first kai was unable to find work and contribute to the bills and the household funds. they lived in a tiny flat, and going from barely seeing each other to having each other all at once and all the time was a lot. on top of that, kai was homesick and restless and felt trapped because that’s what kai does and it’s not okay and it’s totally wrong and he cheated on them soooo there’s another tick against his soul ig. within six months of his arrival, they broke up, and kai moved out.
he couch surfed w some friends he’d met 4 a while, and eventually found a decent paying job as a nanny for a well off family.
he plays live shows at small venues in bars/clubs and still seeks to make a living as a musician but it’s hard out there and plus his soul aint exactly the prettiest to look at any more. i mean he doesn’t have a DARK DARK grey soul, it’s more a lighter grey, not quite silver, but definitely not storm clouds.
he’s still working on getting his full citizenship though he’s v v v close 2 it & has been lowkey getting help from his cousin w paying for the process so!!
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resilientreader · 5 years
1-98 for asks like we did a million years ago, I dare you
i knew the MOMENT i saw the notif in my inbox that it was gonna be YOU pulling this shit and i crossed my fingers when actually clicking, HOPING i wouldnt have to answer all 98, maybe you’ll be tame this time, but no! this is what you’re doing to me. and ykno what, Fine. u dare me and i Will do it. i hope u rb the asks post so i can do it to u too, tho
1. coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars
3. bubblegum
4. that smart student who always read instead of actually paying attention
5. soda from glass cups is the best
6. its hard to just Decide between all these styles so ill say which one applies to mine most, which i Gotta say has to b preppy even if i want like goth or grunge to b mixed in
7. headphones
8. good omens, fmab, castlevania, uhhhh. those are just the ones ive watched so far this summer
9. my grandparents’ home. which is kinda weird but i have a lot of summer memories there
10. i sucked at like Everything in p.e., there Was no best
11. leftovers
12. i cant choose a favorite playlist?? /some/ of them, tho, are soar my ethereal heart, neither here nor there, mountainside storms, and sync of my heartbeat. so like any of my more recent ones
13. lanyard
14. i had to google a list for this bc honestly i always eat just chocolates but i like starburst
15. fahrenheit 451 was a rly fun read. ray bradbury’s writing gave me inspo for metaphors and writing and such and it was rly nice
16. sprawled across one of those comfy armchairs where i can swing my legs over one arm n lay my head on the other one
17. my black converse
18. cool temperature and rain without storms, or a cloudy day that lets me take a nice walk
19. on my side if i can but on my back otherwise
20. on my laptop, in google docs, to be more specific
21. winnie the pooh
22. idk?? i try not to look to just one person for a source of “this is how i should be”, so i guess,,,, a mix of family members and then a couple like more famous ppl??? which would basically consist of one of my aunts, my dad, and jenna marbles, to keep my Brain Process for role model stuff simplified
23. i dunno if any of the habits i have are strange?? i bounce my right leg and my right hand kinda. like. shakes when im nervous. i cant rly think of anything else i do tho i Know i probably have other habits
24. amethyst or pyrite
25. ur really just assuming my memory is good enough for this but if i had to say, it’d be any popular song from 2009 specifically
26. hide in my room with a fan and ac
27. read with a blanket wrapped around me or smth
28. atlas: six by sleeping at last, flaws by bastille, atlas: five by sleeping at last, she by dodie, and neptune by sleeping at last. there are probably more/better ones but those are the first ones i found
29. listen. be open with me. talk with me. not to sound like that person, but sharing ur life secrets is a rly big ice breaker for me because it helps let me know i can trust u. but also idk im a really awkward person and can accidentally distance myself from ppl so when ppl notice theres smth up w me or even do the bare minimum of doing Their part to maintain a friendship, that’s always rad as shit when idk how to communicate what i need
30. my room, my high school’s auditorium, the local barnes and noble
31. black boots, black jeans, any button-up shirt that’ll match that combination OR a really cool sweatshirt
32. im a bad bitch, you cant kill me. road work ahead? uh, i sure hope it does. it is wednesday, my dudes! welcome to chili’s. i love you, bitch, and i ain’t ever gonna stop loving you, bitch.
33. probably “omg” or “oh my god”
34. sc johnson. a family company.
35. i dont even have one but on a good night like 10-11
36. the troll face memes
37. suitcases feel much more organized
38. lemonade
39. lemon cake
40. ummmmm....one time a tech/theatre kid left a paint can sitting out in the open accidentally and a person took a shit in it or smth then knocked over the can, spilled a bunch of paint, and tried to clean it up w a broom and proceeded to like snap the broom in half. then they ran away to leave the kids to clean it up the next day. i wasnt actually there for that but ive heard the story firsthand enough times to Know
41. my dad
42. jacket pockets
43. hoodie is what i wear, tho everything else is Very Good
44. lavender
45. fantasy, my dudes
46. this set of pjs i got for xmas w a soft tshirt and matching baggy flannel pants
47. colby jack
48. uhhh a banana?? i could probably give a better answer if i was more
49. i dont rly live by a quote or saying, i just Go for it
50. my sister has probably done smth before to like Break me
51. everything ever but mostly myself
52. arial
53. uhhh...kinda worn? my nails aren’t doin so good and i have a couple scratches and stuff that Still havent healed after a few weeks
54. get a move on
55. the ugly duckling
56. tradition is kinda vague but i like that it became tradition for me and my siblings to go to my grandparents’ home every summer
57. i think im still overcoming like everything ive been faced with ever
58. writing? listening, helping, giving advice. idk tbh like talents who?
59. "jesus christ, my dude”
60. a fantasy/comedy, or at least if its gonna be fantasy with death and stuff, it should be dope as fuck
61. "isn’t vulnerability the opposite of being in control?” from a webcomic called aerial magic. super simple but the entire scene leading up to it,,,,,so good
62. umm fuck! i dont kno whether favs r usually ones that i relate to or ones that i wanna b like but??? keith from voltron, jirou from bnha, chromedome and/or rewind from transformers/mtmte, sypha from castlevania, and jayfeather from warriors
63. planetary (go!) by mcr, the seed by aurora, hayloft by mother mother, the cup/halloween blues from relient k, choke by i dont know how but they found me
64. coolmath was THE shit
65. yes! two on my leg from a surgery i had to get to realign my femur, bc i snapped the bone in half
66. lavender, snowdrops, hibiscus
67. i dont really have any, mostly bc i have a hard time attaching like. That sorta meaning to just random objects, but i do still have a small teddy bear stashed safely away in my room from when i was a little babee
68. pickle-flavored pringles. disgusting. would not recommend
69. lions’ roars can be heard up to 5 miles away from the original source
70. right handed
71. horizontal stripes, i guess? there’s not much wrong with them but i just Never wear them
72. math
73. i dont usually eat /weird/ flavor combos, even tho ill eat basically anything, but i like ketchup in mac and cheese sometimes. or fries in shakes. chicken and waffles. stuff like that
74. 11
75. idek honestly, my memory is too bad
76. hashbrowns
77. i dont kno a Lot of plants off the top of my head other than the Basic ones but literally any flower in a windowsill is like bone apple teeth in my mind
78. sushi from a grocery store. publix taught me that grocery stores can, in fact, be trusted when needed
79. my school id photo
80. earth tones
81. fireflies
82. pc
83. writing
84. talk radio is nostalgic but podcasts are always more entertaining to actually listen to
84. polly pocket
85. mythology with a dash of fairytales
86. cupcakes, because of my dog’s name
87. abandonment
88. to grow unbreakable attachments with everyone i care very deeply about and grow into an old age with them, or something
89. i feel like answering this question totally honestly would hurt ppl’s feelings, but also i literally could think of like 4 people to put down for this and i’m bad at deciding, esp w smth like this, so. not to b vague but These People kno who they are
90. becoming a part of a certain website with a bad crowd and managing to pick out the good apples in such a rotten batch
91. boxes
92. lamps /and/ fairy lights
93. i dont rly have any but my parents call me hannah banana. that’s ab it, tho
94. fall/winter? it kinda is inconsistent because fall has bad weather in florida but winter is when like everything has Gone Wrong in life these past few years, but then fall has such a GOOD aesthetic and my birthday is in winter, so they’re pretty even rn
95. uhhh??? thats such a weird thing, to try and assign a “favorite” app, but the only thing i could think to say would be spotify just bc i use it so much on my phone, even if the app itself isnt the greatest
96. i havent set one, actually, bc im lazy and havent found anything that’d fit
97. 2 and a half
98. the part where fish were learning that they could walk on land
0 notes
AAF Week 4: Team rankings with Statistical analysis
So last week was a big week.  Atlanta notched a surprising win and laid claim to the fact that they may not be alone on a lesser tier beneath all of the teams of the league as I had pronounced them a week ago...more on that in a second...
with no further Ado, the team rankings...
1) Orlando.  No surprise there.  Orlando, the league’s only unbeaten team is the league’s best team.  Now that said, are they on a different tier? No.  I would not be surprised in fact if Birmingham beats Orlando this week because Orlando has dominated vs. unprepared defenses and looked human vs. decent defenses. In general Garrett Gilbert has just been “playing solidly” ---hitting the passes he can make more reliably than most of the QBs in this league --- but every once in a while you can see the affect that playing for another QB whisperer in Steve Spurrier is having on him.  He has had a couple of plays that you say, “wow...he looked like a plus NFL starter there.”  This league has been great for him.  He’d be wise to hang around as long as spurrier does (ie. possibly several years) because Gilbert is getting better.  He is developing a swagger...but back to what I was saying about playing Birmingham. A lot of times when a passing offense get’s slogged by a good defense the offensive players lose their composure and mistakes are made. Gilbert, talented as he is, is still a reclamation project.  Orlando has the league’s elite offense averaging a league best 8.91 yards per attempt.  (The next closest team is averaging 6.74 yards per attempt and most of the league is around 5 yards per attempt because these offensive lines are just now jelling and teams have had to really skew to the shorter passing games to keep their QBs upright. Not Orlando though.  They have only surrendered a league low 7 sacks.) Orlando has thrown 7 TDs with no Interceptions and is averaging 4.8 yards per carry on the ground. In addition they have only lost one fumble. Orlando is also tied with San Antonio for the league’s best TO ratio at +7.  Orlando has a glaring weakness that keeps it with the pack though.  They have a relatively poor run defense, surrendering 4.54 yards per carry, 6th worst in the league.  In a league where almost every team is reliant upon their running game and where there are a handful of good defenses, that is a problem that should keep them near the pack.
2) Birmingham.  I would love to put another team as number 2 because I really don’t think Birmingham is all that, but I think they have a good shot at beating Orlando, so I kind of have to.  Birmingham was exposed last week. They have a defense that is working on another level than all the other defenses in the league, but their offense is a limp noodle.  San Antonio laid out the blueprint to beat Birmingham (run the ball right at them, control the clock, and keep Birmingham from having a short field on offense) and I think a lot of teams have the assets to do the same.  But lets talk about what’s great about Birmingham for a minute.  Their Defense is really, really impressive.  They are yielding a league leading 4.53 yards per pass attempt and have surrendered a total of 3 TDs total over 4 games!  But that offense is really bad. Their QB constantly forced passes into double coverage last week and should have been picked off about 7 times.  (He’s not normally anywhere near that bad.  He is usually the guy working through his progressions impressively. He is a game competitor and a coaching sponge, which is why the NFL likes him.)  Their running game is yoked to a failed RB in Trent Richardson who seems to have lost any breakaway abilities.  He is strictly a short yardage back at this point, no more dangerous than any NFL blocking FB, but they insist on giving him most of the carries. They are averaging 2.78 yards per carry.  And they have multiple injuries to starters on the OL. They have not figured out how to utilize their wide receivers in the red zone and have not thrown a TD through 4 games.  Brutal. 
3)  Arizona.  Why so high?  They just lost to Atlanta!!! Yeah, I know, but that was against Aaron Murray (wiley QB) with no film on him. I think their confidence may be shaken by their play the last few weeks, but this team is sound and I think they will likely match up well with San Antonio.  San Antonio is not a consistent team in terms of the focus to win from week to week.  They play like a “young team”. Arizona is capable of making big plays and I think they will again this week.  John Wolford is a guy who looks like a sevicable cheap NFL #2 or a good NFL #3.  I am reminded of Jason Garrett.  The game isn’t too big for him, he knows his way around like a vet, and throws a catchable, accurate ball.  He is smaller than you’d like, but is a game competitor.  He’s like the mini-spare tire in your car, NFL execs.  You may want something bigger, but he’ll get you where you need to go. In addition, their defense is surprisingly sound giving up 3.95 yards per carry on the ground (#3 in the league) and 5.22 yards per attempt in the air (#2 in the league).  That just sounds like a bad matchup for a San Antonio team coming in high off a big win.  I don’t think San Antonio will be able to score their customary 12 points and win this week.  And I think Aaron Murray is a far, far more polished game manager/ clock controller than SA QB Logan Woodside. Atlanta won because they kept Arizona’s offense off the field. Throw in two more punts back to Arizona (ie. two more opportunities for Arizona to score) and I think you have a basic blueprint of the Arizona/SA game. Atlanta held the ball for a staggering 37:49 mostly due to Murray’s mobility. I don’t see SA doing that.
4) San Antonio.  Last week you saw the San Antonio I see. I think San Antonio is the rare team that can line up and beat their opponent at their own game.   You saw them grind out a win vs. Birmingham and they almost passed out a win vs. Orlando.  I said before they could end up the league’s second worst team or they could win it all. I stand by that, but I think they will end up proving to be closer to the latter. They have one of the league’s elite receivers in Mekale McKay, they have one of the league’s elite RBs in Kenneth Farrow, they are leading the league in sacks (14), Fumbles forced (10), Fumbles recovered (6), and time of possession (33:41).  And as mentioned earlier, they are tied with Orlando for the league’s best TO ratio at +7.  Plus they look exceptionally well coached and they may have the league’s smartest receiving corps. Now what’s wrong with San Antonio?  It starts on defense.  They give up big plays like they are Alamo souvenirs. They are the league’s worst defense per play vs. the run (5.51 yards per carry) and the pass (7.30 yards per attempt). That is really something. But to their credit, they reigned that in big time last week, but was that just because Birmingham runs a high school offense?  The other “big flaw” they have is at QB.  Their starter, Logan Woodside, is kind of a “college QB”.  I mean that as favorably as you can say it.  He does technically have enough talent to start at the AAF level, but when I watch him play it feels like I am watching college ball.  He’s great at somethings, and totally oblivious of others. He manages the game well and makes the right decisions on most plays, but there are moments in the game when he gets caught up in the emotion of the game and throws a series of ill-advised passes.  In addition, his mechanics and footwork aren’t great and his passes tend to wobble and float.  He is completing an unacceptable 49.6% of his passes and has 2 TDs vs. 5 Ints. He seems like a work in progress --- like a college QB. If he is focused and disciplined, San Antonio can beat anyone in the league.  If he isn’t, they are in trouble regardless of the opponent.  This is a team that should really consider signing Johnny Manziel. (or play talented backup Marquise Williams, or even the much more polished bench fodder Dustin Vaughan of WT....whatever happened to him? Oh, I see he had a very mediocre pre-season game and likely played himself out of the job.) Finally, for as good of a feature back as Farrow has been at the AAF level, he seems to lack a little speed and explosion from his college days.  So it is a bit of a tradeoff...to play by far their best back they surrender some big play ability.  Mix that with a QB who struggles to utilize their recievers and you’ve got a cap on what you can do on offense unless Woodside’s game matures rapidly. 
5) Memphis.  I am going to explode your brain here but I think this is the right spot for Memphis. Why the Express love?  QB Zack Mettenberger. I wondered if the offensive scheme would require too much instinctive play out of Mettenberger. Not the case. He looks perfectly suited to what they are asking him to do. Over the last two games he has elevated what was a middle of the pack team in terms of talent.  Memphis was starting by far the weakest starting QB in the league in Christian Hackenberg.  Now they may be starting the best. (I do want to defend Hackenberg a bit. It is not a lack of talent issue.  I think he has the talent and demeanor to ---on the high end---eventually be an NFL starter, but Memphis had him throwing routes that were ill suited for him at this point in his development. He really needs the Garrett Gilbert treatment where he can have his game reworked from scratch by a coach who really gets QBs.)  In a  game and a half, Mettenberger is completing 73% of his passes with 3 TDs, no Ints, and a rushing TD vs. solid opponents.  This is a team with a solid running game.  That defense doesn’t lack talent. Look for their defensive rankings to improve as the offense controls the ball.  This is going to be one of the harder teams to beat for the rest of the season even if their defense is considered slightly below average right now.
6) Salt Lake. While I think the odds are firmly against this city having this team next year, SLC is a team on the rise. They have a solid running game with a very solid ball control QB in Josh Woodrum.  Combine that with the league’s best run defense, surrendering 3.37 yards per rush, and they are another team you are going to have to actively beat each week. Do not be surprised if they end up winning the west. 
7) San Diego is potentially the best team in the west, but only with QB Phillip Nelson. Martz offense requires a QB to make quick reads.  Nelson did it well enough to function as a ball control QB. That really doesn’t do his play justice.  He was executing the offense the way it should be done given his skillset. He threw a catchable ball and had a feel for buying time in the pocket. While he isn’t Tony Romo talent wise, he was looking almost Tony Romo-esque in the AAF, but.... that dude has a fractured clavicle.  He may be gone for the whole season.   So SD is probably back with initial starter Mike Bercovici.  Bercovici is not that kind of QB.  He was fed to the wolves in game 1.  So  much so I wonder if the confidence the team has in him is slightly lagging.  SD has the worst pass blocking line in the league, surrendering 16 sacks in 4 games. This is a wait and see thing for me, but the rest of the team is pretty good. RB Ja'Quan Gardner is leading the league in rushing with a 6.5 yard per carry average and appears to be the best back in the league. (I am personally pleased by this as he was a small school player I had targeted in my own “compete against the NFL” plan.)  Physically he is a small back similar to Barry Sanders in build, with big frog legs. He is not especially fast, but has sublime feel as a runner. He sets up his blockers and is a rare north south runner with wiggle.  He makes minor leans one way or another and moves defenders into his blockers.  He isn’t dynamic and doesn’t finish his runs like a bull (although he always is leaning forward), but if you have an appreciation for smart runners, he is a joy to watch. He’ll have 2-3 10-30 yard runs a game. San Diego also has a very well coached and talented defense, surrendering a total of 5 TDs in four games.  They also have the league’s #2 run defense per carry at 3.54 yards per carry.  They are another team you will have to beat each week. Split series like the one with San Antonio are likely.
8) Atlanta finally joined the league last week as a competitive member as an injury took QB Matt Simms out of the Legends’ starting lineup, likely never to return.  For the record, I think Matt Simms might be a starter in the AAF again at some point and a good and improving one at that, but it wasn’t going to happen in Atlanta under this coaching staff.  (But wait, wasn’t Michael Vick supposed to be the OC?  As near as I can see, he didn’t show, leaving the game calling duties to some less known names.) The coaching staff it appeared was asked too much from the talented but raw Simms, and were giving away games with turnovers. Simms would make several solid decisions in a row, but then there would be a breakdown in key moments.  That is more a guy who needed better coaching. New QB Aaron Murray won’t do that.  He is a guy who’s brain NFL scouts loved as a potential #2 or really good #3 QB. That may still be his eventual destination/role. He may be a college-type talent, but he knows the game and his mobility is underrated and hard to deal with. He throws an accurate and very catchable ball and doesn’t make a lot of ill-advised mistakes.  It will be interesting to see how many wins Murray can steal for Atlanta via his smart play. Look for Atlanta to play keep away with a lot of teams from here on out. Atlanta is still probably the weakest team in the league, but if Murray can control the clock on opponents they have the ability to steal wins now.  He is probably the most polished and game ready QB in the league although certainly not the most talented. And former Georgia Bulldog legend Murray playing and playing well may help game attendance.
Final note:  I was far less than impressed with the QB’s this league rolled out in their QB draft, but in almost every situation an optimal QB (all things considered) has emerged.  While there is still very, very little “NFL caliber” QB talent (ie. 1st and second string NFL caliber guys), the guys who are playing are respectable. Props to the AAF and their coaching staffs for not sticking to players who weren’t working.  I hope the league has the sense to churn guys like Simms and Hackenberg on to other rosters where they may get the coaching they need. Good QB play is one of the most important factor in the survival of a startup league.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Patrik Schick can pose biggest threat to England in Euro 2020 qualifier | Lukas Vrablik | Football
Patrik Schick was already making waves in Serie A with Sampdoria when he produced a moment that would catapult his name to a much wider audience. “Dennis Bergkamp who? Meet Patrik Schick,” Sampdoria’s club account tweeted after his goal against Crotone in April 2017, which was preceded by a flick not dissimilar to the one the Dutchman produced at St James’ Park 15 years earlier.
On Friday the 23-year-old will line up for the Czech Republic against England in the knowledge that even a point would put his country in a good position to qualify for Euro 2020. Schick’s 13 goals in 35 games for Sampdoria marked him out as one of Serie A’s best strikers and although a move to Roma to 2017 has not been a success and he is on loan at RB Leipzig this season, he is likely to pose the biggest threat to Gareth Southgate’s side in Prague.
Schick has four goals in five Euro 2020 qualifiers and has been likened to Zlatan Ibrahimovic. A more appropriate comparison at the moment, given the country’s reliance on his goals, might be Robert Lewandowski, according to Schick’s youth coach at Sparta Prague, David Holoubek.
“That is a good comparison,” Holoubek says. “In the attack, Patrik is [the coach Jaroslav] Silhavy’s most important player. It will take a long time before somebody else reaches that level. We have a great young player in Adam Hlozek [a 17-year-old at Sparta] but he needs time.”
Holoubek believes Schick is set apart by mental toughness: “He is a very confident player and does not get nervous easily. He might not convert two or three chances but then he scores from the fourth. That is how his character has always been, and why he was able to go abroad.”
It was not always so straightforward. As a child Schick would start crying if he did not make the most of scoring chances and the coaches had to substitute him. In an interview with Reporter magazine Schick recalled how he did not enjoy being watched by his parents.
“Particularly my father,” he said. “He was so involved in the game, and when I messed something up, he would put his face into his palms and shook his head. I would get nervous because of that. When I was 12 we played a hall tournament at Sparta. My dad again shook his head and shouted something. I turned to him and showed him a middle finger. That moment changed something in my mind. I realised: who really plays football here. Him, or I? Me, certainly.”
Schick’s playing opportunities have been more limited than he would have liked over the past couple of years. He made his first Bundesliga appearance only last weekend, coming on for 27 minutes at Bayer Leverkusen but Leipzig appears to be a perfect place for him to restart his career after Roma.
A reported €40m fee made Schick Roma’s record signing, surpassing the amount paid for Gabriel Batistuta, and the Czech Republic’s most expensive player ever, eclipsing Pavel Nedved. A return of eight goals in 58 games followed, with Schick struggling to start ahead of Edin Dzeko and often deployed as a winger, an unnatural position to him.
“He has not had enough personality to fight for a place with Dzeko,” Gaetano Mocciaro, a journalist from Tuttomercatoweb.com, said. “However, I think that Roma’s board were planning to sell the Bosnian. In fact, they agreed with Chelsea to sell him in January 2018 but he refused to leave Italy. Because of that, Schick had to stay in his shadow … Schick was great at Sampdoria but with much less pressure. When he made a step up to Roma with different pressure and teammates, he was not strong enough.”
Schick’s transfer to Roma came weeks after a planned move to Juventus collapsed because of a failed medical, the club finding an inflammation on Schick’s heart after a previous illness. He underwent the tests at Roma successfully but Mocciaro goes as far as to say: “Considering his price and stats, I could say he was one of the greatest flops of all time for Roma.”
The time and ability are there for Schick to reestablish his reputation. From a young age he showed why he was destined for the top, says Holoubek, who noted the player’s “great individual technique with the ball”, “finishing with his left foot from inside or outside the box”, and speed.
Even amid the club struggles Schick has shone for his country and he will relish this chance to face England. When asked as a boy by his parents what he wanted for his birthday, he would answer: “David Beckham’s shirt.”
Wayne Rooney also made an impression. “Since I was a child, I have supported Sparta and we would go to Letna Stadium,” he said. “I watched a game against Manchester United and there was 17-year-old Wayne Rooney running on the pitch in front of me. I was eight and I thought that I want to do this – never go to a normal work, and to earn a living like him.”
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via wordpress https://ift.tt/2oA2Dih
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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The Tigers will host five more top targets this weekend in an effort to close out the 2019 cycle strong.
It’s plenty busy on the recruiting trail right now. Auburn coaches are traveling all over the country (more on that later) visiting not only their top targets in the 2019 class but future classes as well. Offers are flying out daily to top level 2020, 2021 and yes even the occasional 2022 prospects. This is typically one of the busiest times of the recruiting cycle as coaching staffs attempt to put the final touches on their signing class and start building momentum for next year.
Official Visitors
Like last weekend, Auburn is expecting five official visitors on campus over the next couple of days. Unlike last weekend, I think there’s a VERY good chance the Tigers add a commitment by Monday. Here’s a look at who is expected on campus later this evening.
4* ATH John Rhys Plumlee | 6’1” | 185 lbs | Hattiesburg, MS | UGA Commit
This was the big surprise of the week. The longtime Dawg commit may have lost his place in that class when UGA pulled off a late flip of former Ohio State QB commit Dwan Mathis during the early signing period. There’s been rumors in recent weeks that Plumlee is being asked to blueshirt (explanation of a blueshirt) which may have put the talented athlete back on the market.
Interestingly, Plumlee prefers to play QB in college and that’s where Auburn is reportedly recruiting him to play. Now could this be a Jason Smith like situation where Auburn allows him a shot at QB before convincing him to slide elsewhere? We will see but it could also mean the staff expects some attrition at the QB position this spring especially when you consider the attempts to evaluate graduate transfer options.
As for Plumlee’s talents, he’s a big time athlete. He could play QB, WR or DB at the next level and is also a terrific baseball player. Plumlee is very quick, able to change directions at a moments notice and has outstanding top end speed that makes him a threat to score anytime he touches the ball. He’s got some Manziel to his game at the QB position in that he’s at his best in the midst of chaos. With a quick trigger and quick feet, he can get himself out of trouble in a hurry and be an all around headache for defenses. Plumlee would definitely give Auburn a dual threat option at QB. Given the signing of Nix though I expect Plumlee’s future at Auburn would be either at slot WR or safety. Ole Miss and Mississippi State are thought to be the teams to watch heading into this weekend. It will be interesting to see if the Tigers can make a strong late push for another elite Mississippi prospect.
3* DT LeDarrius Cox | 6’5” | 300 lbs | Mobile, AL | Tennessee Commit
For months now the thought has been that Cox would eventually land in Auburn’s class. Despite being committed to Tennessee, he’s 100% predicted to the Tigers via 247’s Crystal Ball feature. But as this recruitment has gone on the likelihood of that flip seems to have gone down. Publicly, Cox continues to say all the right things as a committed prospect but he’s set to make two huge visits in the coming weekend. This week its Auburn, next week its Ole Miss. If either of those programs plan on making a big move, now is the time.
Would Auburn take both Cox and 4* DL Charles Moore if they wanted on board? No idea outside of Moore 100% has a spot. VERY interested to see what news comes out on this young man after his visit this weekend.
3* OT Ira Henry | 6’5” | 320 lbs | St. Louis, MO
I’ve been waiting for some new OT names to pop up and yesterday one finally did. Henry has become one of the most sought after prospects on the trail late this cycle with Florida, Florida State and now Auburn hard after his signature. Henry took an official visit to the Gators this past weekend but its the Noles to keep an eye on. They have plenty of playing time to sell and Henry has considered FSU is “dream offer”.
Henry’s senior tape is not available but what you see on his junior film is a guy that can move despite his size and someone with A LOT of power in his punch. At times he can be a little overly reliant on the fact he’s just bigger and stronger than his opponent but I love how light on his feet he is at 320 lbs and his ability to finish. The Tigers need help at the OT spot for 2020 and beyond. Henry would sure help in that regard.
3* LB Christopher Russell | 6’1” | 228 lbs | Dyersburg, TN
Once a Memphis commit, Russell has become one of the top targets for a number of SEC programs. He’s already officially visited Texas A&M, will be on the Plains this weekend and has visits still scheduled for Arkansas and Tennessee later this month. The Hogs were thought to be the leaders in this race at one point but now it’s the Vols who have picked up the intensity after losing JUCO LB commit Lakia Henry.
Russell is a thumper and a clear MLB at the next level. While he doesn’t necessarily face the strongest of competition, he dominates like he should at that level. I have some questions about his speed but there’s no denying that inside the box he’s a force to be reckoned with. Auburn has made him a clear priority in recent weeks and will attempt to make a major move in his recruitment this weekend.
2* ATH Kameron Brown | 6’0” | 222 lbs | Buford, GA
I will be stunned if Brown is not on Auburn’s commit list by Monday morning. The younger brother of super star defensive tackle Derrick Brown, Kameron has spent most of his recruitment trying to convince schools to take a chance on him despite his size and slow 40 time. He finished second in the state of Georgia in tackles in 2018 with 205 and does carry two offers from strong FCS programs UT Chattanooga and Furman. But no FBS schools had come calling just yet.
Until now....
The Tigers offered Brown on January 8th just a few days before his older brother announced that he was returning to school. Interestingly, Auburn is reportedly recruiting him as an athlete. While he might get a shot at linebacker, his future might actually be at the 3-back (H-Back) position. If that’s the case, the future of that position continues to be confusing considering all the different type of athletes the Tigers have signed in recent seasons. That aside, Auburn would be getting a talented young man with a serious chip on his shoulder ready to prove his worth if he were to commit this weekend. Everyone that has spent time with the young man only have really positive things to say about his effort, attitude and leadership.
Curious Case of Dylan Jordan
One target that will not be on campus this weekend is 3* LB Dylan Jordan out of Pittsburg, KS. He recently became a top target for the Tigers and as late as Wednesday evening was expected to visit the Plains this weekend. But yesterday he surprised everyone by announcing he will instead take an official visit to TCU.
So it’s official, this weekend I’ll be taking an OV in Fort Worth pic.twitter.com/Ygp631MMu2
— DJ3️⃣ (@thedylanjordan_) January 17, 2019
Now the Horned Frogs were the originally scheduled destination before Auburn began their push but Jordan told numerous Auburn reporters he was going to the Plains instead. But the TCU staff visited him on Wednesday and apparently convinced him to go back to his original plans. Jordan has stated he wants to commit on January 28th in the past so the Tigers will need to scramble to get him on campus if they want to make a serious move in his recruitment. As of today, TCU and Utah appear to be the top schools to watch. But don’t expect Travis Williams to go down without a fight in this battle.
Interesting Early 2020 Note
Watching offers roll in over the past week for future classes, something interesting caught my eye. Auburn had offered two OTs from the state of Arizona. After some digging I found something interesting.
Interesting note on 2020 recruiting Auburn has already offered 5 players from Arizona in next year's class Auburn offered a total of 4 players in the 2013-2019 classes combined from Arizona Why the change? Dillingham grew up/coached in Arizona
— AUNerd (@AUSportsNerd) January 18, 2019
For those unfortunate folks who have Twitter blocked at their workplace, Auburn has offered 5 players in the 2020 class from the state of Arizona. They offered a total of 4 from 2013-2019 per 247’s “Offers” feature. The link? Auburn’s new offensive coordinator and QB coach Kenny Dillingham.
Auburn’s newest staff addition grew up in the state of Arizona, coached high school football there AND landed his first collegiate gig as a grad assistant for Mike Norvell at Arizona State. Pretty clear he has some connections in the area. In the 2019 class, we’ve seen the clear effect Marcus Woodson’s addition to the staff has had on the trail. All of a sudden Mississippi is a place Auburn can recruit again. Might Dillingham open up some options further west?
Maybe.... Arizona is a bit of a different beast than Mississippi but it’s still something interesting to monitor as we head into a new recruiting cycle. Whether anything materializes in these recruitments is still to be seen and I sure as heck ain’t expecting Auburn to open up a pipeline to the Copper State but I also wouldn’t be shocked if there’s someone a little further west is listed on Auburn’s signee list in 2020.
Tim Horton Impact
Earlier this week, DesertWeagle made the accurate observation in the comment section that we really haven’t talked much about the Tim Horton news on this site. Honestly, I haven’t had much of an opinion on it because I want to see how it plays out. Is he going to take Patrick Suddes old role and become the big picture/right hand man guy for Gus? Or is this Scott Fountain 2.0 and he pops up somewhere else as an on field coach. Neither move would surprise me and until Gus brings in a new RB coach it’s hard to really speculate on the impact moving forward.
However, I will say that Horton doesn’t get as much respect as he should as a recruiter. It’s not as simple as position coach gets all the guys for his position. Often times, it’s the area recruiter that lays the groundwork for top targets. Horton is a very big reason why Auburn has found success in the Tampa and Birmingham areas under Gus Malzahn. His biggest pull was obviously Kerryon Johnson but he played an important role for guys like Austin Troxell and Nate-Craig Myers as well. His biggest impact in the 2019 class was his work on recently tabbed 4* RB DJ Williams who might end up making Horton look REALLY good in a few years.
But I also understand the move. Horton is a solid, not elite recruiter and the RB coach spot is a place where you can find one of those. You see what someone like Dell McGee is doing at Georgia and it’s hard not to feel like the Tigers could get more from that position on the staff. It will be VERY interesting to see who Gus brings in to replace Horton. He will inherit a talented RB room and replace some big shoes when it at least comes to pedigree in producing elite backs in this league.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/1/18/18187784/2019-auburn-football-recruiting-another-busy-weekend-ahead-john-rhys-plumlee-kameron-brown
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
A New Beggining
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Ok to rb
A/N: Possibly polyam relationshipp w/ multiple f/os.
Survivor entered the dropships bedroom area, her boots dragged on the floor, she tugged at her necklace, squeezing the locket.
--You must be the New legend-- Wattson said,approaching them-- welcome!whats your name?
--nice to meet you jerico!let me introduce you to the rest of the legends
Jerico quickly shook their head-- its been a couple of very rough days for me,ill go rest first...maybe later?
Wattson nodded pointing at the empty room,the curtain Wide Open, its basic and almost empty--thats your bedroom
--uh thank you--they Walked hunched trying to speed to her room,feeling Like everyones watching her.
They werent.
They finally closed the curtain and sighed in relief, unpacking a few things she could rescue before leaving.
Some books, clothes, and a family photo.
They held it between her hands with tears prickling at the corners of her eyes.
Suddenly two mewls come out of her bag as a black and a white cat jump out of It, transforming into two wolves.
They caressed under the animals' chin, they smiled-- Im alright...it still hurts-- they whispered.
After fixing her things she sat on the bed taking her shoes off, sighing as she touched the screen besides her bed.
" planet T-9
Heavily covered in toxic smoke, no survivors have been identified"
She squeezed the locket tightly--Please mom...dad be there...just you wait till I get more money,im coming...
She then fell on the bed her two wolves resting their heads on her chest.
Jeris hand caressed the black wolves pelt-- What is it void? Youve been very quiet
Void whined and closed their eyes.
--What do you say icaro?--the white wolf perked up--somebody seems lacking in the cuddles department
The black wolve grunted.
She chuckled and closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep.
"all that I remember was a loud noise and something that opened.
I was there laying on my small bed for maybe an hour before I felt someone picking me up.
I was hungry and cold.
i remember training with my parents,the wrestling the obstacle course,I remember laughing and goofing around with mom and dad
mom teached me her blacksmithing ways,I knew how to craft a sword, and I knew how to shoot a gun
Dad teached me about plants and animals, I had books and books of it
the older folks telling stories of our people, the festivals and the music
and I remember that day well
the town was in a panic, the creatures had gone mad and a war broke out
In the last instance of battle they took me away to safety and gave me a few things, the last thing I saw were my parents looking up at me, and then the smoke covered them
i screamed for help, I Cried and cried,just Like the last time I was in a scape pod like that"
Jerico jolted awake with a scream as tears ran down her face natalie busted in and sat right besides her--Are you okay?--her french accent seemed to snap her out of It.
--Can we talk about this later?
It was already dinner time when she woke up, as she Ate she sat right Next to Gibraltar--So...I think ill make it quick-- jer said-- recently...my planet broke out into a war...between humans and beasts...im the last one of my planet and i--, the last people I saw as I left were my parents, and im scared they arent in this world any more ...
Natalie scooted closer to survivor and hugged her tightly, she didnt fight back as she kept eating--Im sorry that happened to you mon ami
Gibraltar then patted her back--Dont worry, I bet your parents are still around,but if its any comfort you got us now!
Octane and mirage chirped in--Yeah compadre!-- Octavio said-- you got Us now and we are one hell of a family
Bloodhound who was quiet till now perked up-- I sense your family is important to you, so it is to me, togheter we Will slatra the beasts that prey on your home
--Hey would you look at that! You have a friend already!-- mirage said--Im Eliott by the way!
--nice meeting you eliott,im jerico
Out of the corner of her eye she saw revenant, a tall dark red bot look away, she had noticed the cold expression he had for the last couple of hours shift into something like compassion, but when they met gazes all he did was grunt and walk away.
After dinner bloodhound and survivor stayed talking in hounds quarters softly as the only thing that they heard was caustic working,octane playing games and they softly talking.
--How was it...--hound asked-- before the war?
--oh it was beautiful, we'd go on a weekly hunt with my dads best men, we'd have festivals twice a week to honor the hunt, id train most of the week and at night my parents and I would sit and eat dinner togheter
Bloodhound smiled under their mask and nodded-- that sounds like fun,what about...the festivals?
--We would dance and tell stories, eat till we explode and sing, Everyone even outsiders were welcome to participate,the older generations would tell stories of the gods
We danced all night under the stars barefoot, it was nice...
Hound was super excited to know more, they kept asking questions until both fell asleep,jerico rested her head on hounds shoulder, they arms loosely wrapped around her waist while their head rested ontop of hers.
Artur, void and icaro rested on their owners lap in silence as the moon moved on the Sky.
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