#ill probably go for modularity it seems pretty powerful
sinew-lattice · 5 months
Anyone else feel like paradox fumbled the nanite synthetic ascension a little bit? Economy wise i mean. The other mechanics are great especially the nanite ships, but i was kinda let down that the only economic changes were a research building upgrade and a building that makes… 15 alloys a month. They made it seem like nanites would become the focal point of your entire economy, with minerals and energy being transformed into nanites which are used for everything else.
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talenlee · 1 year
Werekin in Cobrin'Seil
Cobrin’Seil, being a magical setting of my own devising, has its own range of shape-shifting creatures known for various titles of ‘were-something.’ Werebears, weregoats, wereboars, all that kind of thing, grouped together under the community title of ‘werekin.’
The word ‘werekin’ comes from the Erd language, as do the phenomena of the werekin themselves. The actual condition is comparable to a kind of magical medical symbiosis; a bit like a long-term medical condition but not seen, generally, as a kind of illness.
Werekin transmission isn’t genetic, it’s familiar. People contract werekin status through long term exposure during developmental flashpoints – puberty is common, as is near death experiences. It’s a condition with rules that don’t really bear mentioning at this point in time, but the long and short is that you can have communities of them, you can have loners of them, and they experience reasonable prejudice from people unfamiliar with them because of their capacity to, y’know, like, turn into a monster and wreck people.
As an Erd creation, the Werekin condition does have some negative connotations – it was made by cannibal giant-mages, after all, and there’s a reasonable argument that something made with the power of such a great evil leaves a mark on all those who experience it. This isn’t true, but it’s certainly a reason to have a bias against it. Y’know, if you’re a refined magical culture, you might just not want sources of Erd Magic in your city.
Werekin types are linked; werewolf exposure makes you a werewolf. Werebears create werebears, and species jumps seem to be almost unheard of. What’s more, it does go both ways; werebears can pass the condition to bears, but notably: Bears with the condition don’t choose to shift. Even controlled ones can’t be ordered to do it, making them somewhat like carriers. If you hang around a bear with the condition, you aren’t likely to contract – but hang around a large number of them, or a wide variety of bears and werebears, and you become more likely.
That’s the vibe. That’s the lore. What about the mechanics?
First up, you can just use the Werebear, Wererat, and Werewolf themes in Cobrin’Seil if you want. I don’t recommend it, because those are essentially the beta model for this design. If you want to play a shapeshifting zoanthropic humanoid animal with a magical condition that makes you more dangerous sometimes, then I made my own theme for that.
Funny thing though: I can’t call it a werewolf, werebear, or wererat. The nature of the D&D 4e GSL means I can’t make my own things, and call them that. Don’t get me wrong, I actually think that it’d be fine if I did, because, what are they going to do, send the Pinkertons to get me? Still, one of the things I wanted to do was make a version of this shapeshifting theme that met these goals:
Modular. I wanted it so that you weren’t stuck with bear, rat, or wolf. A weremoose and a werebear are probably pretty similar, right? Why do I need a whole new theme for a weremoose?
Rebalance. I wanted it so that the theme wasn’t a clearly inferior option if you’re levelling up with it. The werewolf is pretty strong in the paragon tier, which is after when you want a theme to be at its strongest.
Availability. I want the theme to be useful to more possible types of character, in general. As it is, druids don’t want almost anything the werewolf offers, and the werebear is mostly useful to knights.
With that in mind, I present the structure of:
The Werekin
Werekin (pronounced ‘ware-kin’) are individuals with the ability to shapeshift regularly into animal forms, and eventually, a form that’s a mix of a humanoid and an animal. Werekin are present across all possible heritages, and they represent a wide variety of animals in whatever form they take.
Werekin Starting Feature (1st level): You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against disease.
Choose one of Hulk, Brisk, or Frisk. You are that type of Werekin and it reflects your animal form. Hulks are large, heavy set creatures that use the bulk of their physical body, or the force of their personality, to impact the world around them. Brisks are typically nimble or fast creatures that need to strike decisively and carefully. Frisks are thorough, intuitive creatures that want to inspect everything and make sure they understand it from as many angles as possible.
Small and Large Beast Forms
What if I want to be a werekin of something that isn’t medium?
The simplest answer is you can’t. But rather, if you take a form of something that’s too large, you make a smaller version of it, or a version that despite its bulk, doesn’t command the same space. In sheer terms of volume, a moose doesn’t occupy all of the area of a large creature, since it’s tall and narrow; you can play with the same idea that your character, while a large animal, isn’t able to demand the same space, or stands in a way that doesn’t occupy that much space, like a bear on its hind haunches.
If you make something smaller than medium, then even if you’re a creature like a rat, you’re still a very large example of it, and able to move around in the space of a medium creature, striking at all edges of that controlled space.
It would be nice if there was no reason to refer to enormous rats or undersized bears, but werekin tend to normalise to the size of their base form.
Choose an animal that you feel represents the type of werekin you are. You don’t have to limit yourself to obvious associations – it’s possible to be a Frisk werebear, for example, or a Hulk wolf. This animal choice does not make any mechanical change to your character’s abilities.
You have the shapechanger subtype. As such, you are subject to effects that affect shapechangers. In addition, any enemy has combat advantage against you when attacking you with a silvered weapon or implement. Also, you are immune to moon frenzy.
Finally, you gain the Werekin Shape power and the Werekin Strike attack power.
Werekin ShapeWerekin UtilityWith a surprising suddenness, your body warps and transforms into a form like unto an animal, fit to fight on the battlefield.Encounter ✦ PolymorphMinor Action • PersonalEffect: You change from your humanoid form to a beast form that lasts until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can end the form as a minor action and shift 1 square. While you are in beast form, you can’t use weapon or implement attack powers that lack the beast form keyword, although you can sustain such powers.While in this form, you have low-light vision. The form is your size, and it doesn’t otherwise change your game statistics or movement modes. Your equipment becomes part of the form, but you drop anything you are holding, except implements you can use. You continue to gain the benefits of the equipment you wear, except a shield.You can use the properties and the powers of implements as well as magic items you wear, but not the properties or the powers of weapons or the powers of wondrous items. While equipment is part of the form, it cannot be removed, and anything in a container that is part of your form is inaccessible.
Werekin StrikeWerekin AttackAnimal forms have animal attacks.At-Will • Beast FormStandard Action • Melee Target: One creature. Attack: Highest ability modifier +3 vs AC Level 11: Highest ability modifier +6 Level 21: Highest ability modifier +9Hit: 1d10+ highest ability modifier damage. Level 21: 2d10 + highest ability modifier damage.Effect: Get the following additional effect. Hulk: The target is marked. Brisk: If the target is bloodied, they take ongoing 5 (save ends), or their current ongoing damage is increased by 5. Frisk: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. If they’re already slowed, they’re immobilised until the end of your next turn.
Werekin level 5 feature (5th level): When interacting with your chosen animal type, similar creatures, and other werekin of the same type (Hulk, Frisk, or Brisk), you get a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
In addition, while in beast form, Hulks get +1 bonus to AC and Fortitude, Brisks get +2 bonus to speed, and Frisks get a +1 bonus to Reflex and Will.
Werekin Level 10 feature (10th level): When you use the Werekin Shape power, you can assume the form of a humanoid-animal hybrid, instead of the animal. While in hybrid form, your equipment does not become part of your new form, and you are not forced to drop any items you are holding. You are also not limited to using implement and weapon attack powers that have the beast form keyword.
Werekin Utility Powers
Now I’m running out of time for this post, and I don’t want to hold you up for a fourth post about shapeshifting beastkin. The final version of this when it goes up (probably on Square Fireballs) will have a specific list of utility powers that’s smaller and more manageable. For now, the werekin utility powers, simply put, are the utility powers for all three of the other types, recontextualised to either be agnostic – Pack Attack, for example, doesn’t need to belong to any one of them – and all ability score requirements are centered on, instead of where they currently are:
Hulks: Strength or Charisma
Brisks: Dex or Intelligence
Frisks: Constitution or Wisdom
And there, that’s the basics of the fix! With more time I’d probably go through and be more thorough about the utility powers, but this is what you get for now!
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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hollowcrovvn · 5 years
The Ostensive Fumblings of Being Human (part 6)
Pairing: Connor x female!reader 
Rating: T 
Summary: January 2039. The aftermath of the revolution continues to shake the city of Detroit. Androids are living in government provided communities while efforts are being made to integrate them into society. You are a grad-student volunteering with the Detroit Crisis Response Unit (DCRU), working to help with relief efforts. Set within the backdrop of the slowing growing Android Rights Movement, Connor, newly deviant, is trying to understand what it means to be alive while many others like him seek equality and justice.
Chapter Summary: Valentine's day is approaching, which also means that date and "Temple Bar" scribbled on the Alpha Site file is also near approaching. What better way to spend a holiday than a late night steak out?
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (ao3)
Tagged: @shaydeevee33 @easy-and-steady @goldie516 @house-arya
You headed home from the DCRU offices after doing a quick round around the housing site. There was more surprise than anything at seeing you about, with most having fled to the safety of the Cadillac Place offices. Seeing the damage now in the fading sunlight it… it felt somehow even more surreal. Guards waited at a good distance as you stepped carefully over ashen wood and stained bits of metal, kicking one aside with the toe of your shoe. They had hydro washed the grounds, removing the blood and thirium. You’d been informed many of the androids in the adjacent modular had opted to move into ones further towards the center of the complex. You couldn’t blame them.
You hardly heard North’s approach, the young woman lingering a bit off to the side, but gesturing to you with a wave.
You walked quickly, saying before you even got close, “What’s wrong? Is it Simon?”
North shook her head, she looked tired, “He’s fine.”
That was a relief, but it still struck you suddenly how strange it was for her to be out here.
“I’m checking in. People are scared. I heard you opted out of the barbed fence line?”
“Yeah it— felt a bit much."
“I… appreciate that. It’s hard to keep our people from feeling this isn’t just another camp. A lot of them have the scars from those days, even if you can’t see them.”
It dawned on you by the way North crossed her arms and just her general demeanor that she wasn’t just talking about the others.
“I actually am also here to talk to you.” North began, “Look. I’m not good at this. I asked Josh just to give me your contact information, but he wouldn’t and when I asked Markus he threw my own line back at me.”
North bit her lip, pushing back a strand of hair the wind had blown into her face.
“Of course you can have it.” You said, recognizing that it was taken a lot for North to humble herself in this. You knew a lot of that had nothing to do with you, but you couldn’t say that you had appreciated her hostility either.
“Could you be just a little mad? Angry I understand. This— whatever it is, it makes me feel like the biggest asshole.”
You laughed, “Can’t help you. I’m not mad, just glad I was able to do what I said I was. I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do if I couldn’t get Cyberlife on board. Or how you all would react.”
“Probably not good.” North said with a sigh, swinging her arms out. She didn’t like to sit still and that reminded you of another android, “Markus told me, “She’s trying.”. End of conversation. I was so pissed off because why aren’t more trying? The human public will argue in their forums and wear their little “I support Droid Rights” badges but do any of them actually help?”
“Public opinion counts.” You said, “And it got me here. Right?”
“Small blessings.” North said, smiling faintly.
“Sometimes its hard to forget how it was. Did you see the marches?”
You nodded.
“We knew what we were getting into. We knew we might die, but still… standing there while the people around you fall. Staring down the barrels of so much… not even hate just— indifference.” North rubbed a hand over her lips, scowling as she dropped her hands to her waist.
“If it sounds like I’m making excuses, I probably am.” North said, “What I should say is that I’m sorry for our introduction. I’d like to work with you.”
You couldn’t help but smile, big and beaming. North caught sight of it and scoffed, but there was genuine humor in her eyes.
“Is that an okay?!” She said and turned to find you had offered her your hand. After a moment, she took it, giving a soft shake. When she took her hand back she rubbed her temple slightly.
“Okay… give me just a minute.” It took her longer to connect to your phone. You wondered why, but didn’t pry. You accepted the WR400 message.
“I’ll keep you updated on Simon. When he wakes up, I wanted to know if you would like to be there.” North said and you couldn’t help but be shocked.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on him and Markus. I… can tell they must be close.”
“We all are.” North said, nodding.
“Yeah, I got that impression from Josh. All four of you went through so much together… it must be nice to have such close friends.”
North smiled softly to herself, as if to say you have no idea.
“Security is still high. I’ll walk you out. Until someone takes responsibility for this attack, we don’t know whether you people are targets too.”
That was a good point and you were more than happy to have the company of someone not in SWAT gear.
By the time you got home, ill-advised latte in your hand, it was already dark and bitterly cold. The sun went down so early in the winter, sapping the energy from your limbs though it was hardly yet nine o clock. The lobby of the apartment was mostly empty, with some people still around in the lower rec room areas. You noticed the security guard gave you a knowing smile and a faint nod. It was odd, but you gave a pleasant enough smile and “good evening” before disappearing up the elevator to your floor.
When you got to your door, you fumbled with your key card and then all but stumbled through the threshold, dropping your things and tossing the keycard into the bowl on a nearby stand reserved for that very purpose and setting your drink down too. You shut the door behind you, shucking off your shoes and quickly making work of the front of your blouse and itching to get to the clasp of your bra.
You made it about half way into the room before you turned and had to muffle a scream into your hands as Connor stood in your kitchen. How you managed to put that into the back of your mind you didn’t know, but it hit you without a beat that of course he was here, you’d invited him.
He looked genuinely concerned and genuinely amazing as usual, having traded off his suit and tie for jeans and a dark navy sweater. He had the sleeves pushed up to his elbows and was in the process of dispensing what smelled like some heavenly lo mein into one of your bowls.
“Sorry! Uh. Startled me.” You said, following the trail of his eyes and looking down and seeing the top of your very own, very lace frilled pink bra. You wrapped your shirt closed around yourself.
You stared at one another, a prolonged deer in headlights moment on your part until he said cheerfully,
“I ordered Chinese for you.”
Your stomach growled its approval.
“Awesome. Lemme just uh— go change. In the bedroom.”
“If you’d like.” He said, innocent as can be. You laughed, high and way too nervous, slipping off into your room to scream into a pillow for a hot second.
When you came back, comfortable in fleece bottoms and a faded Tigers t-shirt, Connor had clearly taken pains to adjust your sitting area while you were gone. There were pillows, clearly taken from your linen closet and more blankets for extra comfort. The delicious smelling lo mein was waiting on the glass coffee table, with other boxes of rice and chicken also present. And of course there was Connor, looking up at you as you came into the room with an expectant smile. God, if he had a tail you were pretty certain it would be wagging.
“You didn’t have to do this, Connor.” You said, shifting a pillow aside to take a place beside him, feeling a bit awkward to eat in front of him when he didn’t.
“There is popcorn too, if you’d like. But I thought something of substance would be better first.” Connor said, which seemed rather reasonable and all, but it still made you feel rather bashful. You picked up the bowl, happy to see a fork instead of the wooden chopsticks and stirred the noodles around the utensil.
“Okay— you didn’t have to, but I’m not gonna lie. Super glad you did.” You said. Connor looked pleased, bring his leg to rest up on the sofa as he turned towards you, arm over the back.
“Hank recommended I do something “casual”. I had planned to download a program on recipes, but he said that might come across as “too much”.
“Hank’s right. You don’t need to cook for me or do anything at all really.” You said, shaking your head with a sort of affectionate exasperation, “I like just having you around.”
“To talk about Machiavelli.” Connor added, “And films?”
“Yeah, about that. Given your text I imagine you probably have finished The Prince?”
Connor nodded.
“So! Tell me. What are your thoughts? Hit me with it, hippy.”
“His insights into human nature are primarily negative. He sees people as existing to serve the interests of the powerful through a constant balance of violence and benevolence. The masses are sheep, to be controlled.”
That was a very basic understanding, one that any search engine could produce, but something in Connor’s expression told you there was more.
“That’s what a lotta people say, but what did you think? You did quote it, so I wondered if you agreed with him on his conclusions.”
Connor made a face, a very clear indicator he did not.
“I think… that focusing only on the ends, on removing empathy and ideas in favor of blind efficiency, to be without feeling— it’s easy, but it’s inhumane. There are things he discusses which I find interesting but ultimately my feelings are very….” He drew off, fingers curling a bit into the fabric at the back of our sofa.
“Polarizing?” You finished, knowing full well the roller coaster it probably took him on.
“Yes. If I had read it “before" I probably would have agreed with him.” Connor said, “I don’t anymore. Realizing that was— emotional? I think that is the correct description.”
“Maybe that’s why Hank recommended it to you. To show you how far you’ve come.” You said, not knowing for sure, but finding that perhaps the old man had a plan all along.
“It made me look for the more insights on social order and governing bodies. Like Leviathan.”
You lit up, nodding while chewing through a bite of lo mein.
“That’s a good one!” You said, swallowing, “Social contracts.”
“Yes. The natural and artificial man…” Connor seemed to be relaxing as much as you, but still carefully selecting his words.
“I also read Nietzsche.”
“Of course you did.” You said, unable to keep yourself from laughing. If you had a quarter for every philosophy major who came out of 101 with a hard-on for Nietzsche you could pay for your next two years of grad school.
“You do not like him?”
“One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” You quoted, then clarified, “I like him just fine. People use existentialism and nihilism to justify being garbage people. I believe we should persevere through the chaotic mess of our lives rather than give into it.”
You speared a piece of chicken with your fork.
“Try being an optimist in a den of college age philosophy majors. It’s exhausting. Like yeah. People suck. We are floating on a blue dot through space and are inconsequential in the whole of existence. Awesome. Pass me the rice.”
Connor did so with a laugh. You took the container, brushing his hand faintly as you did and finding yourself very aware of that tiny detail.
“I envy your dedication to simplicity.” Connor said and you were not sure if he was teasing you or not.
“Like I said. Leave the rich man to his game. Give me my next meal.”
You chewed up some noodles for emphasis.
“And I don’t eat.” Connor added, “So I’ll aspire to higher thinking for both of us.”
“100 percent okay with that arrangement. You be smart and I’ll be full.”
“And frustratingly gorgeous.”
Ugh. God damn security really saved it like that in the log? That explained a lot.
“D-don’t act like that’s brand new information Mister “Do-You-Find-Me-Aesthetically-Pleasing?”. You said it yourself you were built to be pretty.”
Connor conceded it seemed, nodding with a frown.
“You want to watch the rest of the movie?” You said, the display flashing up on queue at your words. Connor perked.
“Yes please.”
The monitor began the film right where it left off, capturing his rapt attention. He was sitting in a way that you could so easily just slip a bit closer and rest into that soft sweater, put your head on his shoulder and just die of complete bliss. You flicked glances over at him as you had before, expecting his attention to be too focused to noticed— until you both looked at the same time, catching the other in the act of staring.
You immediately looked forward, but by the way your cheeks were burning you were pretty sure those beautiful brown eyes were still on you.
“Are you cold?” Connor asked.
“A little.” You said, playing into the charade. Connor knew full well the answer and if he hadn’t a quick scan would have told him.
“I am capable of increasing the warmth of my exterior to 110 degrees with little effort.”
The offer hung, unanswered in the air as you flipped noodles over and over around your fork. Finally, you shuffled over until his side was flush with yours. You didn’t lean on him, that seemed a bit too much, but you suddenly felt the faint aura of warmth and could not deny it was pleasant for multiple reasons.
Connor seemed nonchalant, eyes again fixed on the monitor as his LED ran yellow. You told yourself it was probably just the heating.
“—-...” he said, your name sounding somehow even better on his lips. You hummed, glancing at him.
“I like you.” He said. There was an air of expectation, pause. He was waiting for a response.
“I know, Connor. I like you too!” You said, reassuring but trying to mask the earnestness in which you felt those words. You did like him, you liked him a lot, but you didn’t even know where to begin unpacking those feelings in the swarm of everything that had been happening. You silently wished things were easier, that you could just go back to being a girl waiting in line behind a boy at a coffee shop.
Despite your attempt, somehow, it felt like it was the wrong answer still as Connor’s LED settled back to solid ice blue.
“I uh, I got something in my eLibrary during one of my many cab rides of the day.” You said, “It’s for you. I thought you might like it.”
Connor rose an eyebrow, looking uncertain, but his LED did flash twice as he downloaded the book.
“Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo. 116 coin sleights and 236 coin tricks.” He said, slowly seeming to grow understanding as his smile turned into a grin.
“Much more fun to read than Hobbes. Call it a repayment for the Chinese.” You said, feeling yourself flush from the heat of him and your feeling suddenly a bit silly for getting it.
“Yes, but I thought you were going to have me unsync from your devices?”
“As long as you don’t go snooping through my phone logs, I don’t mind it. It’s kinda nice, like you’re always—“
You stopped, realizing how the words would have sounded.
“With you?” He finished, quiet.
“Um yeah. With everything going on, it’s nice to know I got a DPD detective who could find my body.” You said, meaning it to be a joke.
Connor tensed a bit at that, arm curling slightly closer towards you, but still not touching. You didn’t even notice, sitting up to set down your empty bowl and then gently falling back.
The night fell away, bits and pieces fading in and out. You remembered your cheek against something rough, denim— you turned your face in and found plush softness and a gentle touch soothing through your hair, across your cheek and even tracing over the shell of your ear. You fidgeted, swatting the tickling away.
When you woke up the next morning, you were tucked in on the couch, the smell of coffee strong and welcome as you slowly woke more and more. The front door clicked and Connor was gone.
Friday was quickly approaching. 2/14. While most were waiting in anticipation of Valentine's Day, you had actually pretty much forgotten about the entire thing and waited with a different kind of anticipation.
You wished you had more time to focus on Connor and the feeling that something was hiding, unsaid and accumulating beneath... but there was so much else to do. You waited in the lobby of Wayne State’s medical center, flipping through maps on how to reach Temple Bar and the feed of upcoming events. Per their calendar, there was nothing, they were even closed on Valentine's day, which was an oddity in itself... but you didn’t think that note in the DPD file Hank had was jotted down for nothing.
After the stunt you had pulled with Cyberlife, you were informed that the main director was taking over via off-sight coms as they didn’t want to work with an intern. You were back to square one, but with your major supervisor in the hospital room down the hall, no one really was in a position to scold you for missing time in the office. A nurse came to get you,
“She’s awake and said she’d like to see you. She’s a bit groggy still, so try to keep conversations light-hearted… if possible.” The nurse advised, leading you to the door.
You stepped in, noting this was the first time you’d seen Miranda with her hair down. She had burns, dressed and tended to, but were more severe than your own. She was healing, the miracle of modern medicine ten fold in the last twenty years courteously of Cyberlife.
“Hey…” you said, slipping into the chair, “I brought you something.”
You made sure no nurses were around as you slipped out the closed thermos from your coat.
Miranda laughed, quiet and slightly pained.
“I knew… when you came in… you were a good fit.”
You set the thermos of London Fog on the table by her bed.
“I heard… my… promotion for you was… over ridden.” She said, words coming slowly, exhausted.
“It was good for the short time. I think I did what you would have wanted.”
“Taken care of.”
Miranda closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Idealism… works in small bursts.” She breathed out, “You seemed… adequately idealistic.”
“The CyberLife representative said something similar. Said you uh— knew when to pretend to believe.”
“I’m a government… employee. Of course… I do.”
It was disappointing to hear that from someone whom you idealized, but right now everything about Miranda was human, from the dark circles under her eyes, her unkempt hair and the magnitude of wires and cables plugged into the machines around her running from her arms.
“I was… going… to wait. But… I have an opening. I want.. to give you the job.”
“What kind of job?” You asked.
“Assistant… Division Planner. Alpha site.”
“Miranda…” you said, “Can you even do that?”
“I may be… here… but I am still the Division Planner for the alpha, beta and gamma sites. I’m responsible for hiring… and I’m hiring.”
She curled her fingers, trying to pick up a tablet on her bed. You picked it up, seeing the names of the two other intern volunteers who had started with you from the beginning signed as the assistants to beta and gamma sites. Another blank line was there, for Alpha.
“Director approved. Sign and you got it. But I can understand… if after everything… you say no.”
You took out your stylus and wrote your name.
“Bombs away.” You said and Miranda groaned, despite the smile on her face.
“Keep that sense of humor. You’ll need it.”
You left the hospital and got a cab back to the Cyberlife facility where they were treating the androids, sending out a quick message to Josh to let him know to expect you.
You also sent a quick one to Connor.
[from: --
You got time today to come by and meet the group? Markus said you were more than welcome. ]
You were surprised by the long delay. Normally Connor responded so quickly when you messaged, but right now it looked like it hadn’t even been opened immediately as per usual.
The cab was halfway out to the old GM factory when the message came through.
[from: Connor
Unfortunately, I do not. There are some cases we are working on. I will not be able to "hang out" until Saturday evening. I am not avoiding the situation, in case you were thinking so. ]
Well you weren't but now that he said it you were a bit curious. You were surprised by how disappointed you were at the news. He'd become such an invaluable addition to your post-work relaxation time the past few days you were not looking forward to going home to an empty apartment-- which was new to you. Throughout college and high school you'd never seemed to have the time to spend on romantic relationships. Not that this was romantic, you reminded yourself silently, just uh- close. Close was a better word.
[from: ---
I won't say I'm not bummed, but I understand work life. Plus, it gives me time to do some grad-student stuff. ]
[from: Connor
Please do check in from time to time. I will back-read. ]
Oh you would, permission not even needed.
Thursday seemed to drag on and on. Between setting up your new office at the Cadillac Place and then arguing for over an hour with security because you wanted to move back to the on-site facility you barely limped your way through the afternoon. It was weird to be your own "boss", but you turned out to be more hands on than the other planners had expected, going over blueprints with them and listening in to drafting meetings. You knew the material, which was also new to them and had no problems expressing your opinions on where best to branch the housing units out.
For a temporary installation, you were thinking considerably far ahead, but it was nearly impossible to be an urban planner without being also a futurist. What if it took longer to refurbish abandoned and discarded homes along the city outskirts? What if the government backed out or required down payments and now you all were left waiting for androids to achieve the right to work? There were thousands of tiny outcomes, branching off infinitely and you had to be ready to make sure there was a place for these people to live.
After work, your attention shifted to the paper you were hoping to submit to the Wayne State academic journal which was right now just a detailed hypothesis on how to prepare for a "white flight" type scenario from encroaching in areas where androids would begin to live. History made it a likely outcome, but learning from that same history was also a possibility.
When it was finally time to sleep, a mixture of anticipation and some missing factor kept you tossing and turning. Finally, giving in, you turned on the lights in the living room and set a film playing on low volume. Curled back up into bed, you could almost trick yourself into thinking Connor was just in the other room.
The next morning you called off, prepared to claim soreness or other illness, despite your rapidly healing burns and bruises from the explosion, but it turned out as the assistant director, all you had to do was ping a server of your absence and the people were notified. No questions asked. For now at least.
Connor had been quiet, but not even ten minutes after your call in you got a message.
[from: Connor
Are you feeling alright? ]
[from: ---
What did I say about my phone logs? ]
[from: Connor
Stay out of them. ]
[from: ---
Uh huh. Get back to work, mister. I'm fine. Just wanted a day to myself. ]
[from: Connor
It is a good idea. You've hardly had much time to recuperate. Hank asked if you "passed along his message"? ]
[from: ---
Tell him I did, but I don't expect it to be followed. ]
[from: Connor
He said it was "worth a shot". I can not tell you of what has been happening with the case, but there have been some... irregularities. ]
[from: ---
Like? ]
[from: Connor
Let's just we are dealing with cross-contamination. ]
That was code enough for "Jericho's investigation is crossing our investigation".
[from: Connor
I will be in some long briefings the remainder of the day and evening. I will respond to any messages tomorrow. Have a good day off, ---. ]
Clearly you weren't the only one who didn't pay attention to holidays.
You booted up your tablet, checking for the tenth time the route to the Temple Bar. You breathed in, held and then let it out. Was this really even a good idea? But another thought butted in, whispering faintly, Never was anything great achieved without danger.
Yeah? Well, nothing was more dangerous than conscientious stupidity, so it looked like you were about to do Machiavelli proud and make Dr. King shake his damn head.
Temple Bar had once upon a time been a diner, the outside tiled with olive green panels and dotted with cubed glass windows. It was a dive, like if you pulled up a definition of "dive-bar" in Webster's dictionary you were pretty sure scrolling through the associated images that this place, with it's peeling paint and it's condemned-and-abandoned-chic would show right up. The words Temple Bar weren't even on a sign, but stenciled above its double doors in bright red paint.
The sun had begun to fade off, leaving the sky a pale canvas of dark purples and light pinks just barely visible behind the buildings. Inside the bar looked like the lights were on, but the doors did not move when you pushed on them. Thinking maybe you'd catch a glimpse around back, you turned the corner around the grey building next door and noted a door being ushered by two guys in street clothes. Typically there would be nothing really strange about them hanging out smoking cigarettes around the corner from a bar, if you didn't know that the bar's doors were closed. They were distracted, talking to another guy who'd come up to them so you hurried back behind the corner, listening.
One man at the door spoke, "Anything interesting happenin'?"
And the approaching man replied, "Oh, right uh-- yeah. Saw a pink elephant."
"Relax bud, you did fine." the questioning man said and you heard the sound of the door open, the dull roar of conversation and music and then all went silent again as the door shut.
You took a deep breath, waited a good ten minutes in torturous limbo-- and turned the corner. You smiled, having decided to use the best camouflage a girl could use, red lipstick and a low cut shirt.
They looked at you with grins, taking drags off their cigarettes.
"You all dolled up for your Valentine, sweetheart?" the taller one asked, "Or you out looking for one?"
"Maybe I already found one" you said, cautious behind that smile. The man laughed and then used it for his lead.
"You see anything else interesting lately? Besides my gorgeous mug."
"Oh yeah. A pink elephant." you said, flashing a smile you hoped was sultry and not just ridiculous.
"Awesome. Love it when we get us some female support." the man said, opening the latch and ushering you into the building.
"You have fun, little mama. I'll come buy you a drink later."
And the door closed.
The building was perhaps once a dry goods store, or other storage facility. There were permanent oil stains in the concrete floor that suggested maybe once it was a garage. Now though, it had been redone into a recreation space, with pool, standing tables and a slightly raised stage towards the front. There were maybe thirty to forty people present, leaving a lot of room to move around. When you came in directly to your left were two guys manning a table with pamphlets and other literature that all followed a very singular theme. Anti-Android. To your right was a guy with a scanner, which he promptly shined over you without explanation. There was a faint chime and he nodded.
"Human, clear."
Now you knew why this gathering had been noted in Hank's file and suddenly, with a rush of adrenaline, you became aware that this could very well be a meeting for the people who set a bomb off fifteen feet from your ass.
The words of Martin Luther King weren't going to save you now, so you flipped through the hand outs and smiled prettily and for the most part everyone seemed pleased a young lady was there. There were few of you, but those that you did see were mostly spoken for, hanging off the arms of other men and one, a rather tough looking woman.
"Mike will be addressing the congregation in about twenty, so get yourself a drink girl!" one guy said, happily handing you a free pin that showed a cartoon of an android without it's skin, X eyed and bleeding blue. Very charming. You made sure to drop it into an unaccompanied glass of beer on your way through. There was no mistake, you were out of your damn depth and now you were stuck here. Your nervousness must have read as feeling "out of place" because a blonde girl at the bar leaned over at your approach and smiled,
"First timer?"
"Yeah..." you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Everyone is super cool. Plus you don't have to worry about anyone crying over a robo joke." she laughed and you forced yourself to laugh with her.
"I'm Dani. You?"
Shit. Well. Go with the tried and true.
"Jane." you said, taking the hand offered to you.
"Hey! Get a special drink over here for my girl Plain Jane!" Dani said, and the man next to her laughed.
"Tom." he said, nodding and you nodded back.
"How long uh-- so how long have you guys been coming?"
Tom flashed up four fingers like he was in some gang flick.
"Four months! Even before the start. Got my girl here coming after all that mess back in November. Finally realized I had a point, didn't ya?"
Dani sighed, rolling her eyes playfully.
"You wanna meet some of the big guns?" Tom said, "I know a few of them. C'mon. Great bragging rights for a newbie!"
You barely had time to protest when Dani grabbed your arm and along with Tom, drug you over to a spot that was off to the side. There were sofas circled around each other and here there seemed to be only guys and none of them were drinking. They looked up at the interruption with an irritation you recognized, but that Tom in his buzzed state was oblivious to.
"Got some fresh meat! Everyone, this is Jane. Course you probably already know at least one of these ugly fuckers."
Of course? You looked at all the faces now staring at you and didn't recognize a single one. There was a good looking man sitting with his arms splayed out over the sofa's back, eyeing you with the same kind of calculated scan you'd' except from an android. It didn't take a grad student to know you were busted.
"I don't know her." came the first voice, followed by another and then the last. With that verdict, Tom suddenly had pulled back and was looking at you with a renewed confusion.
"Oh-- I thought... but wait..."
The guy you assumed was in charge stood up and made his way over to you. Everything in your limbs screamed run but you were paralyzed to the spot. Trapped between Dani and Tom.
"Thanks you two, go on back to the bar now."
The two left, still looking confused and Dani even shooting you a look of profound pity. The man in front of you however, had no such look, eyeing you with wicked coldness.
“How'd you get in? We recruit. That's how we keep out the riff raff and everyone here knows at least one of my boys right here. And if they don't know you, then you weren't invited.”
He reached up, drawing a hand through your hair.
"And we don't like party crashers around here."
Panic pulsed through your face, deafening your ears. When an arm suddenly slung heavily over your shoulders you gasped and jumped, only to be held tight but gently closer.
“Babe it’s just me. Got your beer.” This man you immediately recognized, even out of uniform, as the “Gavin” who taunted Connor in the DPD break room about his "ring". He passed you a beer, another in his hand that was around you, teasingly pressing it to your cheek. It was cold. You accepted the bottle, the eyes of the man questioning you now on Gavin.
“Neil, is she with you?” the man asked, no longer sounding as hostile, but more than a little annoyed.
“Yeah yeah. Sorry. I know the whole “no plus ones” but this is my girl. She was gonna kill me if I didn't do something for V-day tonight. Hey-- she's cool and she’s smart as fuck. Great addition to our group. Don’t know how I scored.” He said, turning fond eyes on you and clearly by the incline of his chin, was leaning in for a kiss. You played along, half closing your eyes as his lips pressed to yours warmly. You tasted no alcohol on his breath to speak of. It was quick, Gavin turning his face back up to the guys with a grin.
“It’s because you’re so cute.” You said, voice dry. It even got a laugh from one of there guys who had a minute ago been looking to bounce you.
“And my other extensive qualities.”
“Alright, alright. Jesus Christ, Neil we got rules for a reason. We just don’t want the wrong sorts getting in, but if this guy is tapping’ ya there is no way you’re made of plastic.”
You wrinkled your face in disgust, masking your actual disgust for his behavior with disgust at the notion.
“Silicone parts are made for toys.” You said, recalling some old 90's song lyric. They all seemed far too impressed with it.
“Should put that on one of our headers!” said one of the guys behind the leader.
“Yeah, speakin’ of talkin’ shop there was something I wanted to run by you Mike. Hey babe, why don’t you go mingle.” He let you go, directing you off with a swat to your ass. You tried to resist your bodies innate instinct to stiffen.
“Good, cause you and me are gonna re-discuss why we have the rules too." "Mike" said, but was still watching you with those cold eyes, "Don’t let that one have too long a leash now, Neil. Someone might snap her up.”
Even his smile was chilling.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes and smiling the way you’d seen girls in bars do to be “cool girls". As if Mike was just sooooo funny.
You slipped away trying to find a secluded place to keep watch of the people coming and going around, all getting drinks and chatting like it was a regular old Valentine's day bar night. After a couple of minutes, arms wrapped around your middle again and you could tell by the sleeves it was Gavin.
“Neil, huh?” You said quietly.
“What are you doing here?” Gavin said through gritted teeth, acting like he was grinning into your hair.
“I was in the area.” You said, feeling his jaw work against your temple in frustration.
“You are about to blow a sting is what you are doing. How’d you find out about this?”
Why lie?
“Saw the name and date in Hank’s file.”
Gavin swore quietly, but then whispered into your ear again like a good “sweet” boyfriend.
“Alright, gumshoe, you had your fun. Now get. This ain’t no place for a good robo-loving girl like you.”
You elbowed him, hitting your funny bone on his rib along the way. It wasn’t especially hard, but enough to make him hiss and the arm around your waist to become uncomfortably tight.
“Assaulting an officer? Tsk tsk.” Gavin said, flirty yet somehow still pissed off.
“Shut up. He’s about to talk next.”
Sure enough, “Mike” took up on the makeshift stage, a chorus of cheers ringing out.
"First things first. We all are extremely grateful to you boys who gave up your night of guaranteed sex to come out here tonight and rally for your rights."
Another roar.
"And we are extremely sorry for all you boys who gave up your night of beating your meat to porn to come out here tonight and rally for your rights!"
Ah. What a classy public speaker.
"For too long we've all been struggling under the heel of Cyberlife and their workforce. We've lost jobs, we've lost homes and now we've lost something more fundamental to human kind than can be expressed." he paused for effect, "We've lost justice."
There was another chorus of agreements.
"243 victims of violent deviant crimes. Two hundred and forty three. How many androids caught? Maybe half a dozen. And now? Zip. Nothing. All investigations suspended because the damn liberals are too busy giving them government aid!"
Mike gave time for the group to settle on that, outraged comments and cries of various disgusting prejudices, not all limited to androids.
"Raise your hand if you or a family member has been a victim of a deviant? Huh? C'mon, I'll make it easy." Mike said, and rose his hand, "Many know our good founder lost his brother, god rest his soul, who was murdered in cold blood by one of these skin job sluts and what did the DPD do? Let them get away."
He shook his head, putting on a show of seething.
"He wants justice. I want justice. Do you want justice?"
Another loud chorus.
The place exploded with noise and you were suddenly grateful for the steady pressure of Gavin's chest against your back. He whispered lowly,
"Now would be a good time to slip out..."
Gavin didn't give you a chance to respond, setting his hand on the back of your neck and using it to direct you out through the crowd. You reached back to slap his arm, but he refused to let go.
"Oh now wait wait-- hold on, is that Neil and his girl? Hold on."
You both froze, noting suddenly as the crowd dispersed around you.
"You see. Neil brought a lady friend tonight and either he is as dumb as he seems, or she done played him like a fiddle. Ladies and gents, I'd like to introduce you to the new assistant division planner of the traitors putting those androids up in homes like kings."
The next few seconds blurred, guys coming to grab Gavin and him putting up a fight to get off. Two of the guys from the front door roughly grabbed your upper arms and you felt the solid press of a gun against your side. Gavin took a few good hits before he too was pushed on the ground, a gun to his head.
"You see, little miss didn't think we backwater mongrels would have-- I don't know-- details on all DCRU's robo-loving libtards. But hey. Whaddya know. We do."
"Stop! He didn't know!" you yelled, desperation in your voice with knowing that you could at least maybe keep Gavin from getting mixed up in your mistake.
"If everyone would do us a huge favor and please, file on into the bar next door. We're gonna postpone our rally for a bit of house keeping."
There was genuinely some individuals, like Dani and Tom who didn't seem entirely okay with what was happening, but regardless, the crowd moved out, leaving you and Gavin alone in the empty warehouse with Mike and six of his men.
"I think this is the best contribution you've made to the cause so far, "Neil"." Mike said, jumping down from the stage and coming to lean over Gavin. "Head honcho and I were all a wonder how we'd deal with the new security... but shit, now we can just walk in. Blow those skin-jobs apart."
Gavin jerked, trying to get his arm free of one of the guys. Mike nodded and they let go, throwing Gavin down unto his hands and knees. In a second the three guys were on him, punching and kicking whatever they could reach. Gavin curled, defending his ribs and head, but otherwise took each blow.
"Brought me the perfect Valentine." he said and reached out towards you. You jerked your head away, trying to keep him from taking your neck in his hand and unable to pull back enough with how the two held you fast, digging the gun into your hip.
"Get rid of him. We take the girl to Twelve Oaks."
The door burst open, the body of one of the doormen flying through and falling, un-moving unto the floor.
"What the fu--" Mike's certain-to-be-eloquent statement was cut off.
The men turned their guns towards the door, firing on the first person that came through. It took a minute to register that that person was in fact the slumped form of the other guard in a headlock, which was dropped unceremoniously to the ground as the individual holding him reloaded and fired. The shots were clinical, perfect in their execution. One drop, two drops. Connor moved like a machine, quickly dodging behind the pool table to avoid a hail of bullets from those still standing. But these guys were not trained soldiers or cops, Connor just needed a few timed breaks in the fire and two more went down. Losing men fast, Mike booked it toward the back, the remaining guys following close behind. Connor seemed intent to chase after them, but halted his pursuit to trail his gun on the guy who still held you. The man wrapped his arm up around your throat, cutting off your breath as he staggered back, using you as a shield. He pointed his gun at Connor, but thinking better of it, instead pointed it at you.
There was nothing in his Connor's eyes, no recognition, no pity. The warm brown of his iris was engulfed in near black, his LED red.
"Back off, freak! I swear to god! I swear to god I will kill her!"
From the ground, Gavin moved, pulling out his own gun and drawing it on the man. Human eyes were drawn to movement, and this man was no different as he turned his attention towards Gavin, arm laxing.
"Down!" Connor yelled, and you ducked under the man's arm, slipping away and exposing a perfect line of fire to the man's chest which Connor immediately exploited.
One shot. The man's arm released you and you fell to the ground, clamoring away.
Two shots.
The shots kept coming as Connor unloaded into the man until at last your captor finally staggered back and fell to the ground. There were sounds of yelling coming from the bar, the issuing of commands and the door burst open to a few armored officers and Hank, wearing a vest.
"Area needs securing." Connor stated, cool and calm, "Please inform medical personnel. We have an officer down, five wounded POIs and two dead."
Your breathing was fast, too fast, it came in short gasps. Hank swore under his breath, holstering his own weapon as he dropped down to your side, his hands surprisingly gentle.
"Up ya go. C'mon." Hank said, helping in the endeavor as suddenly your legs seemed disconnected from your will for them to move. As soon as you were vertical, another officer came forward, opening his handcuffs. Hank rebuked him swiftly,
"Hey, hey. You wanna get slapped with a lawsuit? Put that shit away, I'll take her."
"Take me?" you managed, looking for Connor and finding he was following some other officers out the back way, on the trail of "Mike" and his two men. You wondered if they managed to stop them.
"Yeah, that's what happens when you get caught up in a damn cop raid." Hank said, helping you steady. You noted, to your horror, your shirt was covered in blood and your hands now too where you'd touched it. You made a sound in the back of your throat and Hank steadied you again.
"C'mon... c'mon, kid, let's get you out of here."
The interrogation room of the DPD was no strange place for you, but the handcuffs securing your wrists together at the front were. Your hair was pulled back as best you could manage and you were actively trying to ignore the fact there was blood drying and clumping the strands together in spots. You'd been given a DPD hoodie and some sweats, which you were more than happy to trade your blood covered clothes for.
The cold metal table felt nice on your temples as you lay with your head down on your arms, the faint clink of the handcuffs hitting together a repetitive sound you continued to produce, if only to distract you from the silence.
When the door opened, you heard the noise outside-- they did have a lot of people to process tonight. You lulled your head up a bit, noting Hank. You slunk up into a sitting position, movements slow and groggy.
"You warmin' up?" Hank asked and you nodded. You'd been in shock the medics said and now all you felt was tired.
"Good. Maybe you can tell me what the hell you were doing at that bar tonight then?" he said, voice curt, "If it isn't too much trouble."
"Where's Connor?" you said, looking towards the two way glass.
"The Detective had other duties to see to. Which leads me to my first and most important question." Hank sighed, "The guy he shot-- did he have a gun?"
"Yes." you said, remembering all too well the cold touch of it to your side. "He had it on me. He said he was going to kill me."
"So the detective was right to act in your defense?"
"I... appreciated it." you didn't know what else to say. When you thought of it, all you saw was the empty look in Connor's eyes, void except for the task at hand. He hadn't even spoken to you at all except to tell you when to put your head down.
"Good. Now let's start from the top. How'd you hear about the rally?"
"I didn't know it was a rally." you said, "I saw the bar name and the date on one of your notes when I was last here."
Hank frowned. You knew it would most likely get him reprimanded, but it was the truth.
"So you-- what? Just thought you'd impede a police investigation? Did you think we weren't going to have eyes on it?"
"I-- maybe. I just..."
"What? Cause Ms. ---, I gotta tell ya, it looks awfully damn suspicious that you, a DCRU volunteer, were found at a rally of the group that may have bombed your facility."
God, he was right. Why on earth had you ever thought this was a good idea? It was just this-- drive you'd felt since you saw Miranda laying in that bed. Saw Simon. The other androids... Markus looking so shattered and defeated that day as North tried to comfort him. You were helping but it wasn't enough.
"I wanted to see them." you said, "I needed to see them. So I would know if they were the ones who did this."
Hank sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and tipping his chair back.
"So you're telling me you were just out looking for some-- what? Closure?"
"Yeah. I guess." you said, pausing for a moment, "...I barely sleep. I live off coffee because I don't want to eat, if I even remember to do it. When I close my eyes all I see is that flash and I just-- I needed to know why."
"What you need, ---, is to talk to the damn therapist we referred you to when this happened."
You knew he was right. Connor had been keeping you together with his visits which were half obvious home checks. Your co-workers hadn't bat an eye at you taking the day off because you were the only one of those in the blast who hadn't yet. The others had not been back since.
"I just want to do what's right for them. I want to protect them."
Hank nodded and slowly reached over and unlocked the cuffs from your wrists.
"It's been made obvious by Detective Reed's impression and my own, that you were not there as a participant. I'm letting the obstruction go and your breaking our most convincing "extremist's" cover for two reasons." he held up his index and middle finger, ticking them off,  "One. You are a victim of a violent crime, Ms. ---, whether you like it or not. Twice. And two... well. You know two."
"I advice you take some time off work and get your head straight. You are doing good for these people, Ms. ---, just please leave the detecting to us because next time you play at Nancy Drew, the department will press charges." Hank stood up, gesturing that you should too.
"There was something." you said, "Something that didn't make sense that that guy Mike said."
Hank narrowed his eyes.
"He knew about my promotion. I'm assistant division planner now to the housing site that was bombed. He shouldn't know that. There's no way. It's not even been released, I only signed the paperwork a few days ago."
The gravity of that statement dawned on Hank, making his face twist with shock and then disgust.
"Jesus Christ...."
He had drawn the conclusion you had. Someone from within DRCU was providing these people with information.
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crazy4tank · 4 years
These Photos Prove That Stanced Muscle Cars Can Look Sick
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/these-photos-prove-that-stanced-muscle-cars-can-look-sick/
These Photos Prove That Stanced Muscle Cars Can Look Sick
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Practical drivability is one factor; looking good is another : that's the sentiment the stance scene grew from. Like a modification style that completely changes the looks of a car, position is defined as the way a car sits more than its wheels, with "stancing" generally involving lowering the car as far as probable, with dramatic, and not all that useful negative camber to make it stand out. Along with dynamic suspension like air trip meaning a car isn't necessarily ruined if this sits too low, the stanced therapy has been given to more and more cars beyond the typical JDM performance vehicles it was once entirely associated with .
Not entirely a game title of good looks, the traditional modified muscles car stance revolved around quarter-mile domination, having the car sit lower and mean with meaty auto tires to hook up off the line much better. Of course , as the JDM stance picture grew more popular, muscle cars began receiving this cambered treatment as well. As controversial as it may be to numerous muscle car enthusiasts a V8 United states beast can look pretty badass when given the treatment, and these pictures help prove that.
7 Ford Mustang (S-550) - Hard Parked Pony
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Via Wheels Performance
One of the most common muscle vehicles in the world of stance, the smaller pony vehicle dimensions and flowing lines from the modern Mustang take well in order to extreme lowness.
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Working better still on the current S-550 generation associated with Mustang, this one in particular shows off precisely how sick a stanced 'stang may look. Finished with a sweet chocolate apple red paint job, along with black body panels like the cover accenting it well, the position here is well done, with just enough camber to have that typical stance seem, but not going too far into the severe side. The wheels especially work effectively and overall makes this an ill build.
7 Kia Crown Victoria - The Other Side From the Law
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One of the last vehicles you'd expect to receive the custom position treatment, Ford Crown Vics start to gain the appreciation they ought to have as V8 powered RWD cruising motorcycles - essentially muscle cars using a reputation for being on the opposite finish of the road-going fun.
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Typically known, and most iconic as a law enforcement car or taxi, the Overhead Vic may not be considered a muscle mass car due to those associations, using the Ford Modular V8 furthermore used in the '90s Mustang GRAND TOURING under the hood, it fits the particular bill well. Also, with functionality parts available for that engine, the Crown Vic can be tuned to generate some proper power. As for position, the clean and simple body ranges take well to lowering plus negative camber with the addition of fender flares, making for a sick look on the surprisingly capable platform.
RELATED: Here's Precisely why Police Used To Drive The Kia Crown Victoria
six 1971 Pontiac GTO Judge - Judging Your Fit
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A legend of tales in the muscle world, the Pontiac GTO Judge brought wilder design and top-end muscle at a good price. Reaching its most intense form in 1970, this '71 model compliments those looks having a more traditional type of muscle car position.
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Not so low that it might scrape over every speed bundle, but stanced enough to look completely badass, the meaty tires plus old-school style 5-spoke wheels appearance perfect against the coke-bottle body ranges of the GTO. Also given the sweet baby blue paint work, everything about this Goat is sick and tired, from the custom rectangular exhaust towards the awesomely aggressive stance it trips with.
5 Chevy Camaro (6th Gen) - Evil Widebody
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Via Prime. 2Media - YouTube
More than just stanced, this Camaro will go all out with customization, receiving a badass widebody kit, aero elements, extremely deep dish wheels, and some properly flush stance.
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Via Tuningblog
Dubbed the particular " first molded widebody 6th-gen Camaro in the world " this particular extreme beast is as sick since it gets. With said widebody producing the already wildly aggressive Camaro even more aggressive, the stance the following is beautifully flush with the ultra-wide fenders, giving it an uniquely badass appearance made even better by how serious those rims are. All around amazing, stanced Camaros don't get much better than this particular.
ASSOCIATED: 10 Photos Of Modified Camaros That Defy All Logic
4 1970 Chevrolet Nova - Chevy II Awesome
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Via Barrett-Jackson
Chevy's affordable compact from the '60s and '70s, the Volkswagen was a simple and affordable vehicle that may be turned into a wicked muscle vehicle from the factory with the SS cut.
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Via Barrett-Jackson
Originally a name regarding trim levels on the Chevy II compact, all Chevy IIs will be referred to simply as the Nova beginning in 1968. Perfectly simple within its design, the Nova looks excellent on its own, but when given a customized treatment can become a badass sledgehammer on wheels. This one, in particular, is a leading example of that, built by Aussie customizer Rides by Kam, this lays down 1, 500 horsepower thanks to two superchargers, and looks absolutely sick using the murdered-out paint scheme, and strongly functional stance.
3 Chevrolet Corvette (C2) - Stanced Stingray
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Via AutoEvolution
Corvette purists appearance away, as this may just be the sickest looking bit of sacrilege out there. Shouldn't worry though, this is just an imaginary rendering, albeit a super high-quality one which explores what would happen if a C2 was given the "Oni Kyan" therapy.
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Via AutoEvolution
With a classic C2 without having been made un-drivable, it's a lot simpler to appreciate just how cool this looks even though. Done by artist BradBuilds , this C2 rendering provides the gorgeous 'Vette the extreme Western style of stance known as "Oni Kyan" - meaning "Demon Camber, inch with the wheels cambered at an severe angle and tucked below the particular fenders. While yes, it would be the shame to do this to a real C2, as a piece of art it looks completely sick, with the crisp flowing ranges of the car looking absolutely outrageous sitting this low.
RELATED: Rendered Camaro Convertible Boasts Radical Lowered Plus Widened Stance
two Dodge Challenger Hellcat - Challenging The Stance Video game
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Via 1221 Wheels
Like the modern S-550 Mustang, the latest generation of Opposition takes well to custom function and super low cambered position. Modified beyond just stance, this particular Hellcat is about as wildly evil as it gets.
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Via AutoEvolution
Far from the house of American muscle, this Hellcat lives in Bahrain and is called "Snowcat" thanks to the beautiful Ivory white paint. Given a few awesome fender flares, and a threatening grin with that custom front fender, the incredible-looking rims from 1221 Wheels work perfectly with the position it was given, tucked neatly straight into those fenders with just enough camber, and contrasting beautifully against the whitened paint.
1 1970 Dodge Challenger - More Reduced MOPAR
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One of the sickest restomods out there, this beastly Challenger such as the last one also lives beyond America, roaming around down under nationwide where it's known as "Havoc. inch
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Via HiConsumption
Like the Nova in this checklist, Havoc is a product of Queensland-based Rides by Kam. Built from the rusted and beaten-up 1970 Opposition - one of the sweetest looking components of muscle from the time, Havoc had taken 3 years to complete and lays straight down an insane 2, 500 hewlett packard thanks to a whopping 9. 4 T supercharged HEMI V8. Uniquely badass all around, the metallic grey kind comments the flowing body lines completely and is even crazier with all those multi-piece wheels and cambered position.
FOLLOWING: 1970 Dodge Challenger "Havoc" Restomod Packs 2, 500 HP
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Premature Evaluation: Shortest Trip to Earth
Untimely Analysis is the weekly column during which we discover the wilds of early entry. This week, Fraser has been forged adrift in house in roguelike spaceship sim, Shortest Journey to Earth. Anticipate alien rats, explosions and… respecting the setting.
Developer: Interactive Destiny Writer: Iceberg Interactive
Launch: Out now! On: Home windows From: Steam and Humble For: £15.49, $19.99, €16.79
Rats reduce my first stellar journey brief. On nautical voyages, they used to unfold illness and eat provides that have been wanted for the lengthy, lengthy journey. Up right here, in house, they’re a ache within the arse for very completely different, however much more troublesome, causes. The rats have solid an empire, you see; an empire constructed on strict hierarchies, xenophobia and robbing travellers. In addition they blew up my lovely ship.
Like FTL and Out There, Shortest Journey to Earth is a cosmic roguelike that duties captains with flying by hostile house, system by system, till the crew reaches security, on this case, Earth. In between, chaos reigns, with random ship encounters, malfunctions and worlds throwing their total nuclear arsenal at you. Whenever you ship some crew all the way down to a planet on an expedition, you by no means know what they’re going to uncover; perhaps it’s simply assets, however it may additionally be a colony of worm monsters with ravenous appetites.
My crew was made up of six people, one cat and one drone. The ship (considered one of two out there at the beginning, with extra that may be unlocked), which seems an terrible lot like FTL’s Kestrel, begins out with the fundamentals: a mixture of missile launchers and laser turrets, an engine, a warp drive, a number of reactors, shields, sensors and loads of storage. The fundamentals, it seems, embody rather a lot. Initially of the journey, I upgraded a couple of parts and picked up some additional assets, spending perk factors and a few money. It was largely at random, not realizing what to anticipate on the market.
It’s lots to soak up, at first look. And the subsequent 100 glances. The fast however useful tutorial is welcome, however The Shortest Journey to Earth is densely packed and never the form of factor you may get a really feel for on a take a look at run or by studying the pretty complete encyclopedia. Some expertise with different space-faring roguelikes will definitely make these early moments go down a lot smoother, however on high of the acquainted are plenty of different layers that may inevitably throw you a curveball. However that’s OK! There’s nothing like an surprising catastrophe to get the blood pumping.
The primary system the ship jumped to was, I used to be shocked to seek out, extraordinarily chill. We mined a gasoline big and nabbed some additional gasoline, we extracted assets from a forest world whereas taking care to not destabilise the ecosystem and we discovered an insectoid dealer who gave us an excellent deal on some meals, together with a barrel of blood. Who doesn’t desire a barrel of blood? Other than a minor collision with an asteroid, it was a particularly light introduction to house exploration.
Planets and anomalies scanned and visited, we took off for the subsequent system. Every sector incorporates a number of stars, related by way of warp paths. The aim is to get to the ultimate star system after which journey by an historical gateway to the subsequent sector, however the path isn’t linear. You would possibly need to go to each star, and all of the planets spinning round them, buying and selling, preventing, mining and usually making an attempt to bleed every system dry earlier than shifting on. That will increase your probabilities of getting wealthy in each assets and fancy ship parts, however it additionally makes it much more doubtless that you simply’ll run out of meals or gasoline, or simply get blown up by some pirates.
You may dawdle in a system or sector for so long as you need. As an alternative of being pushed, you’re being pulled, ever so barely, to the gateway, however by yourself timeframe. There’s a lot extra room for exploration, then, when in comparison with FTL, and every procedurally generated galaxy is bursting with tales. You by no means fairly know the place they’re going to steer.
Within the second system, we encountered an industrial civilisation that warned us to depart them alone. We didn’t. I commanded the crew to fireside off some drones to spy on our new associates, not anticipating the pre-spaceflight thickos to note. They completely did discover, nevertheless, and so they reacted poorly. They launched all of their nukes at us, one tiny spaceship, however being lots slower than a ship that may journey at faster-than-light speeds, they shouldn’t have been a risk. Sadly, I used to be nonetheless feeling cocky, so I made a decision it might be an excellent concept to try to catch some nukes. Why not, proper? It labored! Kinda. Those we didn’t catch managed to hit us, doing fairly a bit of harm to each ship and crew.
Even when the choices are binary – and so they often aren’t – like selecting to tear assets out of a world with out defending the indigenous natural world or cautiously taking solely what you want, they will have lingering results or kick-start one other spherical of vital choice making. You would possibly simply see a couple of bins of temporary however well-written, playful textual content, however there are all these paths not taken, hidden from view. I’ve come throughout related planets to the one above since that unlucky assembly, however the end result has been completely different every time, not simply because I picked completely different choices, however as a result of the RNG additionally labored its fickle magic to conjure up a brand new anecdote.
I promised rats however have but to ship, so let’s discuss rodents. My first encounter with the Rat Empire was a shakedown. I used to be flying by their territory, apparently, and needed to pay the toll. They accepted xenodata, the galaxy’s fundamental foreign money, and exotics, a rarer foreign money that that’s particularly helpful for those who anticipate bribing loads of folks. I went for choice three: blow them up.
Battles can contain greater than two ships, however this time I simply needed to fear about one piddly little vessel, lower than half the dimensions of my very own. They play out in real-time however with a number of pace settings and, thank god, a pause button. The bridge can management all the pieces, however placing crew on shields and weapons makes them more practical, so everybody on my ship was working exhausting because the rat lasers prodded and probed. My very own lasers have been weakening their shields, however I wished to flex my muscle groups a bit. Missiles can bypass shields, so long as they don’t get shot down earlier than hitting their goal. Sadly for the rats, my missile made it by, setting hearth to the bridge and killing their dastardly captain.
Broadly, fight is lots like FTL’s. It’s essential fear about powering the weapons, they’ve all received cooldowns, so the aim is to disable vital parts like shields and engines, and regardless of the fights being real-time, there are positively some turn-based sensibilities. Dig down one other layer, nevertheless, and the variations turn out to be extra obvious. Regardless of the moniker of spaceship simulator, Subset Video games’ sensible roguelike usually took an RPG method to development, however as an alternative of expertise, there was scrap that might be spent on upgrading techniques just like the shields or the reactor. In Shortest Journey to Earth, for those who want extra energy, you purchase a greater reactor. Or simply plonk one other reactor right into a spare slot. Ships are extra modular, and there’s much more house to boost them. It nonetheless gained’t be sufficient house, after all; greater than as soon as I discovered myself having to decide on between two equally worthy weapons.
The victory made me bolder, flying by asteroid belts, risking an empty to tank to hunt for house mysteries, sending my crew out on probably perilous missions. So after we lastly floated as much as the gateway to the subsequent sector, I didn’t even think about paying off the rodent guards barring my ship’s manner. It was a mistake.
I regretted my boldness instantly. This Rat Empire ship was a beast, bristling with missile launchers, lasers and level defence turrets. My lasers impotently needled their protect, whereas my few remaining missiles have been neutralised earlier than they even received shut. I began to panic, and that’s when the boarding social gathering appeared. Lasergun-toting rats skittered by my ship’s corridors, however placing up a combat additionally meant taking my crew off the weapons. They are often managed remotely from the bridge, which might have been nice if the one member of the crew on the bridge wasn’t useless. It was proper then that I remembered I may customise my crew’s loadouts, making them more practical in fight. Oh properly! You reside and be taught. Effectively, you be taught.
The ship was burning, its mangled insides have been uncovered to house and the final member of the crew was placing up a valiant final stand, together with the ship’s mascot, our kitty. Does the RSPCA have something to say about bringing cats on lengthy house voyages by hostile alien territory? It must stay a thriller. Seconds later an explosion ripped the ship aside, the detritus briefly swallowed up by a blinding flash. It was over.
My first journey might have ended abruptly and with hearth and loss of life, however Shortest Journey to Earth is a uncommon roguelike that doesn’t really feel endlessly adversarial. There are many methods to keep away from battle, and I’ve spent significantly extra time having a nosey round alien planets than entering into fights, even once I was making an attempt to explode each rat I got here throughout. The roguelike parts aren’t ancillary, although. The specter of being caught in house with a ravenous crew and empty gasoline tanks looms over each journey, and the inevitability of loss of life is clearly a boon for a sport that has so many alternative tales to inform.
I’ve but to get by all 5 sectors – I’m a horrible captain – however I’m greater than content material to muddle by at my very own rambling tempo. There are many planets to discover, aliens who aren’t rats to fulfill, and do I actually need to return to Earth? It’s terrible! There are one other 5 sectors in improvement, anyway, so Earth should wait, regardless. It’s actually not half a sport, nevertheless, and probably the most notable indicator that it’s in early entry isn’t some large hole in its techniques, it’s the garbage UI, or extra particularly, the garbage system map.
The interface is unobtrusive, more often than not. It’s all hidden away and squashed on the peripheries of the display, all tiny numbers and icons. And it’s not like the sport makes use of all of this additional actual property. The ship display is busy, certain, however whenever you’re flying by house, it’s largely simply an empty void, peppered with the occasional and likewise very tiny planet or ship. It’s wonderful that something attention-grabbing occurs in these empty stellar maps.
Fascinating issues occur on a regular basis, although. One thing’s been consuming at me on my present journey. We stopped at a planet stuffed with contemplative students who have been prepared to be interrupted from their contemplations for just one go to, throughout which they provided us considered one of two presents: supplies or data. No strings. We have been operating low on provides, our bellies have been empty and there have been extra holes within the ship than appeared secure; I needed to choose the previous. And so they weren’t mendacity. They gave us plenty of assets and doubtless saved the entire ship. However once I answered, they have been smug, and so they boasted that they knew what I used to be going to select. That ruffled my feathers, however I’m additionally questioning concerning the door I didn’t open.
I’m really trying ahead to beginning once more.
from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/premature-evaluation-shortest-trip-to-earth/
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itsworn · 7 years
Build Your Own 455HP Pump-Gas Magnum V8 For Around $4,000!
Pretty much every day, a magazine or media outlet gets slammed for touting “cheap horsepower.” There seems to be a disparity between what readers and the media define as affordable, so before we continue let’s try to clear that up. Here at Mopar Muscle, something that is built on a budget is not going to be a grenade with the pin pulled, nor is it going to rely on some unobtainable tidbit we’re relying on you to pull out of a mythical scrapyard. In our quest to build the Budget Sledgehammer—our 5.9L Magnum small-block—we faced the fact that most are going to head to the internet to order their parts new. The one exception to that is the basis for our build-up—the donor core 5.9L Magnum engine itself.
Of all the Chrysler V8s, no other engine is present in salvage yards in greater numbers, except perhaps the 5.7L Hemi. And while the Hemi might arguably be more numerous, the Magnum is certainly less expensive. In useable form, these can typically be picked up for well under $500—sometimes even less. The larger 5.9L version—which we’re using here—is on the high end of that spectrum, and 5.2L cores can be had for as little as $100. Even if you have to go through two or three of them, the dollars pencil out about the same. At the end of the day, even if you have a pro do all the heavy lifting on an engine like ours, you’re still buying a complete turnkey engine for less than the price of a bolt-on blower kit for a late-model Hemi. If you build it yourself, a good core and all the parts can be scored for around $4,000.
Cylinder Heads
The inspiration for our Budget Sledgehammer comes from EngineQuest’s CH318B cylinder head. We detailed it in an earlier story [here], but in a nutshell these stock-appearing iron cylinder heads fix a number of problems inherent in the stock Magnum head, namely cracking and warping. When EngineQuest designed these heads for the reman market, they also endowed them with more flow and improved the pushrod pinch in the intake port. With a little work, these reman heads can outflow aluminum performance pieces. Companies like Hughes Engines and IMM Engines (who helped us with this build) have seized on that and brought their own versions to market, with our IMM-prepped pieces easily topping the 260 cfm mark at .600-inch lift.
To backtrack a little, the EngineQuest CH318B casting was designed to be used on a Magnum block, but it has the LA-series intake bolt pattern, so it can take any of the wonderful high-performance LA intakes (318/340/360) on the market. This increases the horsepower and keeps a cap on the cost. When IMM modifies the EQ heads, they open the valve pocket area, blend it into the throat, put a nice valve job on it, and put larger 2.02-inch intake valves in them. At $1,469 for a pair, it’s easily the most expensive part of this build-up, but good heads are essential for making power. For those curious about using them with a Magnum intake, you’ll be glad to know EngineQuest also offers the CH318A—an identical casting that retains the Magnum intake bolt pattern.
Pairing your cylinder heads with an intake manifold that’s appropriate for the flow capability of the heads and the planned use is critical. This factory-based 5.9L Magnum is going in a 1973 Plymouth Duster that will see mostly street use with occasional drag action. Our 10.4:1 short-block, detailed in a previous story [here], has a Comp Mutha Thumpr hydraulic-roller camshaft with .556/.542 inches of lift (using 1.6 rockers) and 235/249 degrees of duration, ground on a 107-degree lobe separation angle. When talking about an engine for a hot street car, this is smack-dab in the middle of goldilocks territory. We’ll be able to run on ordinary 91-octane pump gas without detonating, and the valve timing will provide enough flow to produce serious power without causing ill manners or bleeding off too much cylinder pressure.
Our compression, cylinder heads, and cam choice all point to using an intake manifold that will accentuate performance on the street with lots of off-idle grunt, a fat midrange, and a top-end that holds on until the limit of our modest valvetrain is reached—about 6,000 rpm. Going with anything bigger means spending a bunch more on everything from valvesprings and rockers, to big headers and a bigger fuel system. Mission creep is the biggest problem the DIY engine builder faces, so we firmly staked out our street territory with Edelbrock’s Performer RPM AirGap intake. This piece is a third-generation dual-plane design that maximizes all the benefits of a dual-plane (wide powerband, good street manners, thermal management) while modestly stretching its capability into race territory.
While valvetrain options abound—including some very nice pieces from Hughes Engines which we plan to cover at a different time—we opted for a bare-bones approach here. Our cam lift being in the mid .500-inch range dictated the use of cost-effective beehive springs paired with 1.6 ratio Comp High-Energy roller rockers. We initially tried a ball-style rocker with a roller tip, but upgraded to the full rollerized High Energy rocker after discovering some binding. Fortunately, we were able to use a small-block Chevy part number, which kept the price in check. Likewise with the pushrods. Due to IMM’s .035-inch longer Ferrea valves and the extra valve lift, we used a Ford-sized 6.900-inch chromoly pushrod, saving a little money there as well.
In the universe of carburetors there are many great choices. Chances are, you have several in your garage that you’ll probably dust off for a build-up like this, but if you do decide to buy new, one of Quick Fuel Technology’s Street-Q units would be a sound choice. The Street-Q series is chock full of racer features and comes in a bunch of sizes (650, 750, 850, and 950 cfm). They are unbelievably inexpensive (our 650cfm unit costs just $482), they’re offered with either vacuum or mechanical secondaries, and have the full range of tuneabilty. Ours was almost perfect right out of the box, only needing a slight drop in primary jet size to get our air/fuel ratio right in the 12:1 sweet spot. By having a square bore footprint and a modular Holley 4150 architecture, it’s easy to dive right into a QFT double-pumper. With high-end features like adjustable high-speed air bleeds, four-corner idle mixture, two-circuit metering, large sight glasses on the bowls, adjustable secondary linkage, and downleg boosters, even the serious racer will feel right at home with the Street-Q.
Driving our ignition system choice was a couple of things. Obviously, we wanted to keep the price down, but we also wanted a stock look. We arrived on the Pertronix Flame Thrower cast-look distributor for both of these reasons, but we also liked the fact that it had Pertronix’s new Ignitor III ignition module mounted deep inside. This little jewel brings any vintage muscle car into the modern age with stuff like an adjustable digital rev limiter, multi-strike capability all the way up to redline, and five times more spark energy than a points system. Digging deeper, we liked the adaptive dwell, which like an HEI, expands the dwell time as rpm increases, meaning your coil will have plenty of juice—even at high rpm. It’s a mean little distributor, and when paired with Pertronix’s Flame Thrower III coil with 45,000 volts (at just 0.32 Ohms), makes for a power-packed combo. Carrying the sizzle to our NGK FR5 plugs was a set of universal 8.8mm Flame Thrower wires. All in, our Pertronix bill came to around $360, but given that we’ve seen marginal vintage ignitions cost as much as 50 hp on the dyno, it’s a price we were willing to incur.
It’s common practice for dyno operators to use the same set of headers on the dyno for the sake of simplicity. These are often large-diameter, long-tube step headers that easily clear the dyno apparatus, and that produce big numbers on the screen due to their optimized design. In practice, however, these dyno headers rarely fit into real cars like our 1973 Duster. For that reason, we ordered a set of Patriot 1 5/8-inch diameter long-tube headers with a block-hugging design (part No. H8206-1, $406.97 Summit). These are specifically for a Chrysler small-block being used in an A-Body, so their various twists and turns are designed to clear steering and suspension components without rubbing on sheetmetal. Being a long-tube design, they also boost horsepower and torque, widening the powerband in the process. An attractive ceramic metallic coating further ads to performance, and holds the inevitable corrosion at bay. We think the Patriot long-tubes were a good choice, producing nice power even though they weren’t optimized for the dyno environment. The good news is that thanks to our Patriot long-tube headers, the numbers we got for the Budget Sledgehammer are representative of what we’ll get once installed in our Duster.
With our long-block assembled, loaded on the dyno, and filled with Torco 10w30, Brian Hafliger of IMM Engines ran a tuning loop on the Budget Sledgehammer, adjusting the total timing to 34 degrees and making a minor adjustment to the primary jetting. With everything up to temp and checking out, it was time to make a full power pull, first optimized with the 650cfm Street-Q carb. We had our sights set on a solid 430 hp—about what a similar vintage Vortech small-block Chevy might produce with similar equipment. What we got was a solid 461 lb-ft. at 4,500 rpm and 454 hp at 5,800 rpm. The little Street-Q blew us away, so we were understandably eager to try the 750.
Typically, a larger carb on an engine equipped like ours would be worth 5 to 10 hp more at key points in the power curve, but once we had optimized our jetting for the bigger 750, it turned out not to be so. That said, the big double-pumper produced 465 lb-ft of torque at an even lower 4,400 rpm (+4 lb-ft.), and 455 hp (+1 hp) at the more elevated speed of 6,000 rpm. Average torque increased by 2 lb-ft and average power improved by just over 2 hp. That’s pretty much a wash—not enough to really feel in the seat of your pants—but since the price difference is only $36, probably still worth the money.
Our big problem now? The Budget Sledgehammer has enough slam to break just about every part in our Duster’s slant-six driveline, from the fragile factory 904 TorqueFlight, to the toothpick driveshaft and wimpy 7.5-inch rearend. We have some serious updating to do before we drop it in and bolt up some slicks, so stay tuned as we get underway with more wrenching on our Duster!
Dyno Results
5.9L Magnum Small-Block
QFT 650cfm Carb QFT 750cfm Carb RPM: TQ: HP: TQ: HP: 4,000 453.9 345.7 449.6 342.4 4,100 458.1 357.6 458.2 357.7 4,200 460.2 368 461.8 369.3 4,300 460.8 377.3 462.6 378.8 4,400 461.3 386.5 465.8 390.2 4,500 461.7 395.6 465.2 398.6 4,600 460.3 403.2 464 406.4 4,700 459.4 411.2 460.4 412 4,800 456.6 417.3 458 418.6 4,900 451.6 421.3 451.5 421.2 5,000 447.7 426.2 455 433.1 5,100 444.8 431.9 450.3 437.3 5,200 440.6 436.2 445.1 440.7 5,300 435.2 439.1 431.3 435.3 5,400 426.5 438.5 432.3 444.5 5,500 421.1 441 426.4 446.5 5,600 411.9 439.2 420.9 448.8 5,700 413.6 448.9 415.4 450.8 5,800 411.7 454.7 410.1 452.9 5,900 402.3 451.9 404.6 454.5 6,000 397.9 454.5 398.6 455.4 Average: 439.9 416.5 442.2 418.8
Read More!
Find out how we got this far in our 5.9L Budget Sledgehammer Magnum small-block build-up with these two previous stories!
EngineQuest CH318B cylinder head build-up and flow test: Make Big-Power Magnum 5 9l Mopar Heads
IMM Engines short-block build-up of 5.9L Magnum donor engine: Build 500hp Capable 360 Magnum Short Block Cheap
Our Budget Sledgehammer short-block is a mostly stock 5.9L Magnum, except for a set of stock-weight forged pistons from Icon, new bearings, and a ball-brush hone job. Except for press-fitting the 10.4:1 Icon pistons on the stock rods and new cam bearings in the block, all of the assembly can be done at home. Here, Fred Hafliger of IMM Engines in Indio, CA pours Torco break-in oil directly into the lifter valley.
Modern hydraulic roller lifters can be reused with no problem on a stock rebuild, but in a performance street application like ours, new ones are good insurance. These set of 16 Mopar Performance lifters (part No. P5249862, $129.97 from Summit) are getting a shot of assembly lube before being dropped in. They’re being paired with a hydraulic-roller Comp Mutha Thumpr cam (.556-/.542-inch lift with 1.6 rockers, 235/249 degrees duration at .050 inch lift).
Links bars insure that the roller on the lifter is aligned parallel to the surface of the cam lobe. The stock ones can be reused as shown here.
The lifter link bars are locked in place by the link bar spider (reused from the original core). It bolts to the centerline of the block in three places.
These iron EngineQuest CH318B Magnum heads were prepped by IMM Engines and are designed with an LA-series intake bolt pattern. IMM has machined them for larger 2.02-inch intake valves, given them a larger throat diameter, and they’ve been hand-blended in the bowl area. They cost $1,469 (pair) and flow around 266 cfm at .600-inch lift.
Since we began our Budget Sledgehammer series, we’ve discovered that Hughes Engines also offers several cool versions of the EngineQuest CH318B cylinder head, including a Super-Prepped Ram CNC head ($2,300.20, pair assembled), which comes with 2.02-/1.62-inch stainless valves and bronze valve guides. The added CNC work has the potential to push output well above 500 hp, depending on compression, fuel octane, and camshaft specs.
The IMM-prepped EQ Magnum supports flow for over 400 hp with larger stainless Ferrea 6000-series 2.02-inch intake valves. The exhaust valves are smaller-diameter 1.60-inch semi-tulip Ferrea valves, which pick up flow everywhere compared to the larger 1.625-inch stock nailhead valve in the stock Magnum head. Both valves are .035-inch longer than stock to maximize valvetrain geometry with the higher-lift cam. IMM cuts the spring seat pocket to an additional depth of .100 inch for a 1.325-inch diameter beehive spring with a 1.75-inch installed height.
A set of FelPro 1008 head gaskets (.039-inch compressed height) was used with the cleaned-up stock fasteners torqued to 50, then 105 ft-lbs (twice) using 30-weight oil on the threads and under the bolt heads. Start your torque pattern at the center and spiral out for the most even clamping load.
Unlike LA-series heads that use a pedestal-style rocker arm arrangement, the Magnum series V8 has stud-mount rocker arms and guideplates to stabilize valvetrain motion. We’re using Comp guideplates (part No. 4825-8, $19.41, Summit) and hardened 5/16-inch screw-in studs (part No. 4504-16, $61.99, Summit). These get torque to 25 ft-lbs. with 30 weight oil.
Chevy rocker arms (Comp part No. 17002-16, $172.97 Summit) and 6.900-inch long Ford pushrods (Comp part No. 8313-16, $200.99 Summit) make for odd bedfellows in a Dodge engine, but the extra lift from the 1.6 rocker ratio and the extra pushrod length means more flow and better valvetrain stability. Combined with LS beehive springs, you can see the combo clears with room to spare at full valve lift.
A new or remanufactured water pump can be had from Summit or Rock Auto for $20 – $30 and will depend on your accessory drive and vehicle. This long-snout unit should work in our 1973 Duster with a v-belt drive.
When setting preload on a hydraulic roller valvetrain, take all the slack out of the rocker with the lifter sitting on the heel of the cam, tighten the polylock one turn, then lock it in with the Allen wrench.
Now is a good time to prime the lube circuit and check the supply of oil to the valvetrain. A cordless drill with a hexagonal drive extension fits into the oil pump drive and a simple mechanical oil pressure gauge monitors pressure. We saw a strong 60 psi on the gauge with a steady stream of oil dribbling from the pushrod weep holes. Now’s the time to investigate and fix any lube problems before you put fire in it.
The beauty of the EngineQuest CH318B cylinder head is that it allows us to use a common LA-series intake manifold on a later Magnum engine, which means you’ll need LA-series intake manifold gaskets (Felpro part No. 1213, $23.60 Summit). Cyclo Ultraweld High-temp RTV sealer goes around all water passages.
After setting the intake gaskets in place on the RTV, put more on the top side of the gaskets around the ports, water passages, and on the ends of the block. You won’t want to wait long before setting your intake manifold on top.
Edelbrock’s Performer RPM AirGap dual-plane intake (part No. 7576, $327.52 Summit) is hard to beat for a hot street machine. In fact, it’s the main reason we wanted to use the EQ cylinder head with the LA-series intake bolt pattern in the first place.
After loosely snugging all the manifold bolts, tighten them up after an hour once the RTV has had a chance to firm up. This will improve the seal over going full torque while the RTV is still wet.
The Edelbrock AirGap intake includes several pipe plug fittings that need to be installed using liquid Teflon (sparingly) and an Allen wrench.
The oil pump drive is installed next. Apply assembly lube liberally to the distributor gear before dropping it in and indexing it with a thin pair of needle nose pliers.
This Magnum build is getting Pertronix’s stock-look Flame-Thrower distributor (Part No. D7144600, $249.97 Summit). It’s got an Ignitor III ignition module with a built-in rev limiter and multi-strike capability right up to our redline of 6,000 rpm. With a great price, lots of fire power, and a vacuum advance, it’s perfect for our ’73 Duster street machine.
We went up-scale with a pair of ribbed and polished cast-aluminum valve covers from Mopar Performance (part No. P5007618, $239.97 Summit). They have the Magnum bolt pattern, plenty of room for our larger valvetrain, and fit our 5.9L perfectly.
Firing our NGK FR5 plugs (one heat range hotter than stock) is a set of universal 8.8mm Flame-Thrower ignition wires from Pertronix (part No. 808280, $57.97 Summit). We opted for a custom set so that we can avoid arcing as we route our wires around a set of Patriot long-tube block-hugging headers.
For our dyno test, we wanted to check out a pair of double-pumper carbs, both of them Street-Q Series units (650- and 750cfm) from Quick Fuel Technology. QFT’s Street-Q series packs in a ton of features at a super low price (SQ-650, $481.95; SQ-750, $517.95). We tested both with a 1-inch plastic carb spacer from Summit (part No. SUM-G1408, $16.97).
The beauty of a build like this is that you can do most of the assembly work yourself and save a bundle. That route is going to cost about $4,000 using mostly new parts with the exception of the 5.9L Magnum core engine. If you’d rather IMM build one for you, it will run between $6,000 and $6,500, depending on options. This would include parts, Magnum donor core, labor, machine work, dyno testing, and tuning.
Our final job was to dyno test the Budget Sledgehammer Magnum on IMM’s DTS dyno. Here IMM’s Brian Hafliger sets the ignition timing at 34 degrees total. After an initial warm up and doing a tuning loop consisting of some minor jetting to the QFT Street-Q primaries, the 650cfm fuel mixer put out 454.7 hp (at 5,800 rpm)—well above our 430hp target. Swapping over to the larger 750cfm Street-Q, we saw a modest gain to 455.4 hp (at 6,000 rpm). More noticeable was the bump in torque from 461.7 lb-ft. (4,500 rpm) to 465.8 lb-ft. (4,400 rpm), giving the 750cfm Street-Q the slight edge both on the street and at the track.
The post Build Your Own 455HP Pump-Gas Magnum V8 For Around $4,000! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/build-455hp-pump-gas-magnum-v8-around-4000/ via IFTTT
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crazy4tank · 4 years
These Photos Prove That Stanced Muscle Cars Can Look Sick
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These Photos Prove That Stanced Muscle Cars Can Look Sick
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Practical drivability is one factor; looking good is another : that's the sentiment the stance scene grew from. Like a modification style that completely changes the looks of a car, position is defined as the way a car sits more than its wheels, with "stancing" generally involving lowering the car as far as probable, with dramatic, and not all that useful negative camber to make it stand out. Along with dynamic suspension like air trip meaning a car isn't necessarily ruined if this sits too low, the stanced therapy has been given to more and more cars beyond the typical JDM performance vehicles it was once entirely associated with .
Not entirely a game title of good looks, the traditional modified muscles car stance revolved around quarter-mile domination, having the car sit lower and mean with meaty auto tires to hook up off the line much better. Of course , as the JDM stance picture grew more popular, muscle cars began receiving this cambered treatment as well. As controversial as it may be to numerous muscle car enthusiasts a V8 United states beast can look pretty badass when given the treatment, and these pictures help prove that.
7 Ford Mustang (S-550) - Hard Parked Pony
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Via Wheels Performance
One of the most common muscle vehicles in the world of stance, the smaller pony vehicle dimensions and flowing lines from the modern Mustang take well in order to extreme lowness.
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Via Pinterest
Working better still on the current S-550 generation associated with Mustang, this one in particular shows off precisely how sick a stanced 'stang may look. Finished with a sweet chocolate apple red paint job, along with black body panels like the cover accenting it well, the position here is well done, with just enough camber to have that typical stance seem, but not going too far into the severe side. The wheels especially work effectively and overall makes this an ill build.
7 Kia Crown Victoria - The Other Side From the Law
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Via Pinterest
One of the last vehicles you'd expect to receive the custom position treatment, Ford Crown Vics start to gain the appreciation they ought to have as V8 powered RWD cruising motorcycles - essentially muscle cars using a reputation for being on the opposite finish of the road-going fun.
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Through Pinterest
Typically known, and most iconic as a law enforcement car or taxi, the Overhead Vic may not be considered a muscle mass car due to those associations, using the Ford Modular V8 furthermore used in the '90s Mustang GRAND TOURING under the hood, it fits the particular bill well. Also, with functionality parts available for that engine, the Crown Vic can be tuned to generate some proper power. As for position, the clean and simple body ranges take well to lowering plus negative camber with the addition of fender flares, making for a sick look on the surprisingly capable platform.
RELATED: Here's Precisely why Police Used To Drive The Kia Crown Victoria
six 1971 Pontiac GTO Judge - Judging Your Fit
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Via Pinterest
A legend of tales in the muscle world, the Pontiac GTO Judge brought wilder design and top-end muscle at a good price. Reaching its most intense form in 1970, this '71 model compliments those looks having a more traditional type of muscle car position.
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Via Facebook
Not so low that it might scrape over every speed bundle, but stanced enough to look completely badass, the meaty tires plus old-school style 5-spoke wheels appearance perfect against the coke-bottle body ranges of the GTO. Also given the sweet baby blue paint work, everything about this Goat is sick and tired, from the custom rectangular exhaust towards the awesomely aggressive stance it trips with.
5 Chevy Camaro (6th Gen) - Evil Widebody
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Via Prime. 2Media - YouTube
More than just stanced, this Camaro will go all out with customization, receiving a badass widebody kit, aero elements, extremely deep dish wheels, and some properly flush stance.
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Via Tuningblog
Dubbed the particular " first molded widebody 6th-gen Camaro in the world " this particular extreme beast is as sick since it gets. With said widebody producing the already wildly aggressive Camaro even more aggressive, the stance the following is beautifully flush with the ultra-wide fenders, giving it an uniquely badass appearance made even better by how serious those rims are. All around amazing, stanced Camaros don't get much better than this particular.
ASSOCIATED: 10 Photos Of Modified Camaros That Defy All Logic
4 1970 Chevrolet Nova - Chevy II Awesome
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Via Barrett-Jackson
Chevy's affordable compact from the '60s and '70s, the Volkswagen was a simple and affordable vehicle that may be turned into a wicked muscle vehicle from the factory with the SS cut.
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Via Barrett-Jackson
Originally a name regarding trim levels on the Chevy II compact, all Chevy IIs will be referred to simply as the Nova beginning in 1968. Perfectly simple within its design, the Nova looks excellent on its own, but when given a customized treatment can become a badass sledgehammer on wheels. This one, in particular, is a leading example of that, built by Aussie customizer Rides by Kam, this lays down 1, 500 horsepower thanks to two superchargers, and looks absolutely sick using the murdered-out paint scheme, and strongly functional stance.
3 Chevrolet Corvette (C2) - Stanced Stingray
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Via AutoEvolution
Corvette purists appearance away, as this may just be the sickest looking bit of sacrilege out there. Shouldn't worry though, this is just an imaginary rendering, albeit a super high-quality one which explores what would happen if a C2 was given the "Oni Kyan" therapy.
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Via AutoEvolution
With a classic C2 without having been made un-drivable, it's a lot simpler to appreciate just how cool this looks even though. Done by artist BradBuilds , this C2 rendering provides the gorgeous 'Vette the extreme Western style of stance known as "Oni Kyan" - meaning "Demon Camber, inch with the wheels cambered at an severe angle and tucked below the particular fenders. While yes, it would be the shame to do this to a real C2, as a piece of art it looks completely sick, with the crisp flowing ranges of the car looking absolutely outrageous sitting this low.
RELATED: Rendered Camaro Convertible Boasts Radical Lowered Plus Widened Stance
two Dodge Challenger Hellcat - Challenging The Stance Video game
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Via 1221 Wheels
Like the modern S-550 Mustang, the latest generation of Opposition takes well to custom function and super low cambered position. Modified beyond just stance, this particular Hellcat is about as wildly evil as it gets.
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Via AutoEvolution
Far from the house of American muscle, this Hellcat lives in Bahrain and is called "Snowcat" thanks to the beautiful Ivory white paint. Given a few awesome fender flares, and a threatening grin with that custom front fender, the incredible-looking rims from 1221 Wheels work perfectly with the position it was given, tucked neatly straight into those fenders with just enough camber, and contrasting beautifully against the whitened paint.
1 1970 Dodge Challenger - More Reduced MOPAR
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Via Pinterest
One of the sickest restomods out there, this beastly Challenger such as the last one also lives beyond America, roaming around down under nationwide where it's known as "Havoc. inch
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Via HiConsumption
Like the Nova in this checklist, Havoc is a product of Queensland-based Rides by Kam. Built from the rusted and beaten-up 1970 Opposition - one of the sweetest looking components of muscle from the time, Havoc had taken 3 years to complete and lays straight down an insane 2, 500 hewlett packard thanks to a whopping 9. 4 T supercharged HEMI V8. Uniquely badass all around, the metallic grey kind comments the flowing body lines completely and is even crazier with all those multi-piece wheels and cambered position.
FOLLOWING: 1970 Dodge Challenger "Havoc" Restomod Packs 2, 500 HP
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crazy4tank · 4 years
These Photos Prove That Stanced Muscle Cars Can Look Sick
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/these-photos-prove-that-stanced-muscle-cars-can-look-sick/
These Photos Prove That Stanced Muscle Cars Can Look Sick
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Practical drivability is one factor; looking good is another : that's the sentiment the stance scene grew from. Like a modification style that completely changes the looks of a car, position is defined as the way a car sits more than its wheels, with "stancing" generally involving lowering the car as far as probable, with dramatic, and not all that useful negative camber to make it stand out. Along with dynamic suspension like air trip meaning a car isn't necessarily ruined if this sits too low, the stanced therapy has been given to more and more cars beyond the typical JDM performance vehicles it was once entirely associated with .
Not entirely a game title of good looks, the traditional modified muscles car stance revolved around quarter-mile domination, having the car sit lower and mean with meaty auto tires to hook up off the line much better. Of course , as the JDM stance picture grew more popular, muscle cars began receiving this cambered treatment as well. As controversial as it may be to numerous muscle car enthusiasts a V8 United states beast can look pretty badass when given the treatment, and these pictures help prove that.
7 Ford Mustang (S-550) - Hard Parked Pony
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Via Wheels Performance
One of the most common muscle vehicles in the world of stance, the smaller pony vehicle dimensions and flowing lines from the modern Mustang take well in order to extreme lowness.
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Via Pinterest
Working better still on the current S-550 generation associated with Mustang, this one in particular shows off precisely how sick a stanced 'stang may look. Finished with a sweet chocolate apple red paint job, along with black body panels like the cover accenting it well, the position here is well done, with just enough camber to have that typical stance seem, but not going too far into the severe side. The wheels especially work effectively and overall makes this an ill build.
7 Kia Crown Victoria - The Other Side From the Law
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Via Pinterest
One of the last vehicles you'd expect to receive the custom position treatment, Ford Crown Vics start to gain the appreciation they ought to have as V8 powered RWD cruising motorcycles - essentially muscle cars using a reputation for being on the opposite finish of the road-going fun.
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Through Pinterest
Typically known, and most iconic as a law enforcement car or taxi, the Overhead Vic may not be considered a muscle mass car due to those associations, using the Ford Modular V8 furthermore used in the '90s Mustang GRAND TOURING under the hood, it fits the particular bill well. Also, with functionality parts available for that engine, the Crown Vic can be tuned to generate some proper power. As for position, the clean and simple body ranges take well to lowering plus negative camber with the addition of fender flares, making for a sick look on the surprisingly capable platform.
RELATED: Here's Precisely why Police Used To Drive The Kia Crown Victoria
six 1971 Pontiac GTO Judge - Judging Your Fit
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Via Pinterest
A legend of tales in the muscle world, the Pontiac GTO Judge brought wilder design and top-end muscle at a good price. Reaching its most intense form in 1970, this '71 model compliments those looks having a more traditional type of muscle car position.
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Via Facebook
Not so low that it might scrape over every speed bundle, but stanced enough to look completely badass, the meaty tires plus old-school style 5-spoke wheels appearance perfect against the coke-bottle body ranges of the GTO. Also given the sweet baby blue paint work, everything about this Goat is sick and tired, from the custom rectangular exhaust towards the awesomely aggressive stance it trips with.
5 Chevy Camaro (6th Gen) - Evil Widebody
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Via Prime. 2Media - YouTube
More than just stanced, this Camaro will go all out with customization, receiving a badass widebody kit, aero elements, extremely deep dish wheels, and some properly flush stance.
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Via Tuningblog
Dubbed the particular " first molded widebody 6th-gen Camaro in the world " this particular extreme beast is as sick since it gets. With said widebody producing the already wildly aggressive Camaro even more aggressive, the stance the following is beautifully flush with the ultra-wide fenders, giving it an uniquely badass appearance made even better by how serious those rims are. All around amazing, stanced Camaros don't get much better than this particular.
ASSOCIATED: 10 Photos Of Modified Camaros That Defy All Logic
4 1970 Chevrolet Nova - Chevy II Awesome
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Via Barrett-Jackson
Chevy's affordable compact from the '60s and '70s, the Volkswagen was a simple and affordable vehicle that may be turned into a wicked muscle vehicle from the factory with the SS cut.
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Via Barrett-Jackson
Originally a name regarding trim levels on the Chevy II compact, all Chevy IIs will be referred to simply as the Nova beginning in 1968. Perfectly simple within its design, the Nova looks excellent on its own, but when given a customized treatment can become a badass sledgehammer on wheels. This one, in particular, is a leading example of that, built by Aussie customizer Rides by Kam, this lays down 1, 500 horsepower thanks to two superchargers, and looks absolutely sick using the murdered-out paint scheme, and strongly functional stance.
3 Chevrolet Corvette (C2) - Stanced Stingray
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Via AutoEvolution
Corvette purists appearance away, as this may just be the sickest looking bit of sacrilege out there. Shouldn't worry though, this is just an imaginary rendering, albeit a super high-quality one which explores what would happen if a C2 was given the "Oni Kyan" therapy.
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Via AutoEvolution
With a classic C2 without having been made un-drivable, it's a lot simpler to appreciate just how cool this looks even though. Done by artist BradBuilds , this C2 rendering provides the gorgeous 'Vette the extreme Western style of stance known as "Oni Kyan" - meaning "Demon Camber, inch with the wheels cambered at an severe angle and tucked below the particular fenders. While yes, it would be the shame to do this to a real C2, as a piece of art it looks completely sick, with the crisp flowing ranges of the car looking absolutely outrageous sitting this low.
RELATED: Rendered Camaro Convertible Boasts Radical Lowered Plus Widened Stance
two Dodge Challenger Hellcat - Challenging The Stance Video game
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Via 1221 Wheels
Like the modern S-550 Mustang, the latest generation of Opposition takes well to custom function and super low cambered position. Modified beyond just stance, this particular Hellcat is about as wildly evil as it gets.
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Via AutoEvolution
Far from the house of American muscle, this Hellcat lives in Bahrain and is called "Snowcat" thanks to the beautiful Ivory white paint. Given a few awesome fender flares, and a threatening grin with that custom front fender, the incredible-looking rims from 1221 Wheels work perfectly with the position it was given, tucked neatly straight into those fenders with just enough camber, and contrasting beautifully against the whitened paint.
1 1970 Dodge Challenger - More Reduced MOPAR
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Via Pinterest
One of the sickest restomods out there, this beastly Challenger such as the last one also lives beyond America, roaming around down under nationwide where it's known as "Havoc. inch
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Via HiConsumption
Like the Nova in this checklist, Havoc is a product of Queensland-based Rides by Kam. Built from the rusted and beaten-up 1970 Opposition - one of the sweetest looking components of muscle from the time, Havoc had taken 3 years to complete and lays straight down an insane 2, 500 hewlett packard thanks to a whopping 9. 4 T supercharged HEMI V8. Uniquely badass all around, the metallic grey kind comments the flowing body lines completely and is even crazier with all those multi-piece wheels and cambered position.
FOLLOWING: 1970 Dodge Challenger "Havoc" Restomod Packs 2, 500 HP
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