#ill make a another post only abt her because i ahve so many ideas for her
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crowryes · 5 years ago
dr hunger games au
as you may or may not know, i just finished tbosas a few days ago. though of an au where the thh survivors are victors of the games so uhh yea!
this is a big mess
-  Togami Byakuya-District 1
Togami was a big hit during his games, gaining popularity from the moment that he got chosen during the reaping. He acted so capitol like that people had a genuine hard telling if he was district or not. 
Byakuya refused to ally any of the other tributes from the stronger districts( 1, 2, and 4) and somehow made it through the games alone. This made him gain even more fans and sponsors He sat tight for the majority of the games, being showered in gifts by sponsors. However, when it came to it, he killed the last tribute that stood between him and victory. With an extremely intricate plan set up, he killed the last tributes with only a few strands of rope and some of those rations he’d been saving up. This proved him a true capitol man, refusing to get his hands too dirty.
- Asahina Aoi- District 4
Asahina gained popularity through voluntering for her little brother. Most of the capitol thought she’d die early in the games (getting only a 8 during her session with the judges), but her friendship with Oogami Sakura, a tribute from district 2, showed itself to be usefull. During training,the two bonded over their hate of the games. It seemed almost as Oogami actually cared for Asahina’s wellbeing (she did). Their alliance made them gain many sponsors. But at the end, with only 4 tributes left in the arena, Oogami sheilded Asahina from a fatal blow. Asahina was then gifted a trident, the most expensive gift ever given in the games and, full of rage, killed the remaining tributes with it.
- Hagakure Yasuhiro - DIstrict 8
Hagakure was extremely unlucky. He was picked at the age of 18, only a few weeks away from being away from the games for ever. He didnt come from a remarkable district, not much attention to himself. He did have a quite charming sense of humour, as seen during his interview. Other than that, he had nothing going for him. As soon as the games started, he rushed into the wilderness, hiding there for almost the entierety of them. Hagakure showed an aptitude for finding food in the wild. He foraged vegetation and the occasional fish for most of the games, hinding either in trees or in caves.
After most of the wilderness burned (apparently, some district 12 girl was burned on a stake  burned by a bunch of crazed tributes), killing some of the tributes. Hagakure just hid behind the cornucopia as the few remaining tributes fought it out, all bleeding to death.
- Fukawa Toko - district 10
It’s an understatement to say that Fukawa as disliked by the capitol. Such a raggedy, disgusting girl was not worth the capitol’s attention or money. Even during her interview, she barely spoke, mumbling nonsense the whole time
However, unkown to the public, Toko had decided to not stop her alter, Syo, from surfacing. 
Gaining a 12 after her time with the judges (mostly because Syo threw daggers with terrifing accuracy at them), the capitol couldnt help but wonder what this terrified district 10 girl could of done to earn such a high score.
Her hunger games where the shortest that there had ever been. During the first day, she ran straight to the cornucopia and stole as many daggers and knives as she could get her hands on, and slaughtered three of the tributes from the stronger districts.She would actively seek for people to kill through the arena, ending up with 5 murders on the second and third days.
Sponsors loved her, giving her food and water through her time at the games. Syo simply ignored the ressources. When toko would go back to normal, she always felt too guilty too eat anything and would simply curl up in a ball, crying herself to sleep
After seeing her craft makeship scissors with her daggers, she was gifter a pair of silver scissors, with blades like rassors,
She, in total, killed 11 people during the course of her games. Rumors say that upon arriving on the airship, she simply collapsed, almost dying from lack of nuttrition
- Naegi Makoto - District 12
Naegi’s victory truly was only caused by a string of fortunate events. The capitol warmed up to the small, charming boy. Ladies swooned when he made his way upstage for the interview. He seemed timid and sweet during his interview, however... he was exactly like that, much to the audiences surprise.
Naegi gathered a few allies that were much like him, unlucky tributes who came from much poorer districts. Those included and were limited to; A district 8 girl with a beautiful voice, a bashful girl from district 3 (who, later on, much to the audience’s shock, turned out to be a boy) and an angry redheaded boy from district 6.
He believed in his allies, even stopping one of them, the district 8 girl from killing him by calming her down with soothing words, telling her how she was able to get out of here alive. Sadly, the same night, that same girl killed her ally, the redhead, and he did the same.
With only one ally left and despair slowly infecting the duo, Naegi still held onto hope. He believed that he and his ally (who he now knew was named Fujisaki) could win the games. This shocked and slightly angered the audience, who knew there could only be one victor. But he kept talking about victory as if they could win together, as a team. 
Fujisaki devised a plan. She’d run wires around the cornucopia, connecting them to all of the surounding lakes in the arena. If they were lucky, lightning would hit it, the remaining tributes, who were camping it out by the lakes, would be shocked and would die a short and almost painless death.
Much to the audience’s confusion, that was something that the two held to heart. Not making anyone suffer for too long.
Fujisaki’s plan worked, but not without it’s consequences.
Standing too close to the wires, she was electrocuted by the current going through them. Her feet covered in soot, markings running up her legs, she somehow looked peaceful. Like her plan had, in fact, worked the way she wanted it.
Inspecting her closely Naegi was shocked (funny pun go zzzzzzzzzzzap). The girl- no boy- he knew so well was a guy. He shed many tears over his dead boy, closing his eyelids and putting him to rest in a field of tall grass.
Only 3 tributes were left. He was going to win this. For Fujisaki’s sake, and for his own.
He sat next to the cornnucopia, waiting for the others to show up. Two rogue tributes ran out of the wilds, both obviously wanting his death. One of them threw a spear, flying towards him.
A girl threw herself in front of him, piercing her. Tears running down her freckled cheeks, blood on her lips, whispering her last words in his ear. 
I want you to win. I’m unworthy
Naegi grabbed a mace from the weapon stash and bashed the other tributes head, blinded by the tears in his eyes.
watch as i progressively get out of writer’s block while writing these lmao
also can you tell i spent my daily bikeride exclusively thinking of naegi’s victory and how much he hates the fact that he had to take a human life
totaly didnt crash when i thought of making chihiro his ally no no nope
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