#ill explain my design headcanons 4 them another time
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maxispaxis · 1 year ago
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Stylistic experiment that i dont feel the best about but i like how i colored and did the effects and id rather post my finished art work then let it rot yeah?
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yellingaboutmasseffect · 3 years ago
Bad End Au PLEASE i didn't know you did fo4 fic :D
I wrote the fallout 4 stories in a transitionary point in my life but I really should post both of them! I do love the companion characters and headcanons I have for everyone. This but from the fic is the very beginning of the bad end au!
He had been made as a replacement for her. It was simply a fact of his existence. Made in the image of her dead husband, Nate. He was a gift to her from their leader, Father, as she transitioned to her new life in the institute.
When she screamed as he was presented to her, there was an unfamiliar lurch in his chest.
“I told you I don’t want this! Any of this! Making humans is wrong! You can’t bring him back!” Jack yelled, struggling against the Coursers holding her. Father shook his head.
“Synths are not humans. I believe you will understand that and be able to lead the Institute one day but your excursions to the surface are detrimental to the progress of that goal. We need to cut you off from your…undesirable ties,” Father said and Jack renewed her struggles. “You’ll live here in the quarters I’ve prepared for you, Nate will tend to all your needs. That’ll be all you need to know for now.”
The doors of the room opened to let Father out which caused Jack to roughly elbow one of the coursers hard enough to let go. For a moment she dashed to the door before the other Courser tackled her roughly, pinning her to the ground. Again, Nate felt that constriction in his chest as he watched her squirm and scream out as Father left without a backwards glance. Once Father had safely exited the room and the doors locked the Coursers disappeared in a blinding flash of light. Needing no more prompting Jack ran for the door, slamming her body and fists against it repeatedly. Nate walked towards her, reaching out.
“Jack, the doors are locked you will only-” Jack slapped him away, turning now to face him.
“Don’t touch me,” Jack said, the venom in her voice making him step back. “You’re not him. After Shaun did this the first time, I told him I didn’t want him to make another Nate!”
“I can’t replace him but it is my job to care for you,” Nate said, remembering the protocols he��d be taught. “Despite your protests, I have been told that I may only have the designation of Nate, failure to remind you of such will result in my immediate termination.” For a reason unknown to him, that seemed to cause Jack to deflate. She slid tiredly against the door until she was sitting on the floor.
“Guess we’re both prisoners here,” Jack said, running her fingers through her hair.
“I have been told to remind you that you are a resident of the institute, this is your home,” Nate explained and Jack scoffed. She got up crossing her arms as she stared him down.
“I know you’re doing your job but you will not touch me without asking first, am I clear?”
“I am here to follow your orders and make you comfortable.”
Jack rolled her eyes as she got up. He watched her spend that night exploring every nook and cranny of the apartment and he continuously reminded her that escape was not possible and ill advised.
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cruelfeline · 5 years ago
I'm rather new to the fandom but I had a thought/theory I'd like your opinion on regarding Hordak's 'defect'/illness as I think its never specified in canon what it is (correct me if I'm wrong). What if his defect is simply something he perceived about his past that is not real, similar to his perception that he was a top general to Prime. It was something he made up to explain events to himself, and that any illness that he displays by the show is simply the result of a manufactured (1/4)
being that was forced to survive in an environment that it was now designed to live in for 20 or so years. I think this might be the case for a couple of reasons, first I can definitely see Prime send defects to the front line, however in season 5 Hordak isn't simply shipped away to a front line somewhere. He is sent to Etheria but not for long and not what I would argue as the front line considering there are actual battles going on the planet and he's not like in the occupied territory (2/4)
most likely to see battle. And two despite how far he has 'fallen' in Primes eyes, Prime takes the time and resources to remold him rather than just dispose of him, and Hordak seems just as physically capable as his brothers after this. And if Prime was able to repair Hordak's 'defect' easily enough that he would keep him around rather than send him out to die in battle as Hordak had been showed to assume earlier, then perhaps Hordak never had any defect or illness to begin with. He only (3/4)
told himself that after he got separated from the galactic horde because why else would Prime send him away, why else would he even have been in a situation to be separated, he would think he must deserve it, that there had been something wrong with him and its his fault for what happened to him, and not the truth that he just happened to be the cog in the machine that fell out because there was a portal and he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry for the long ask lol.(4/4)
So, this is definitely an idea that’s been floating around the fandom: this concept that Hordak never actually had a physical defect, and that the illness we see is one caused by environmental factors on Etheria.
There’s nothing specifically wrong with this headcanon, and if it’s one that people enjoy, then by all means: indulge! However, it’s not one that I personally subscribe to, for a few reasons.
The first of these reasons is largely meta-based. Removing Hordak’s in-born physical defect removes a huge part of his character arc and a significant aspect of why he means so much to so many people, especially those people who identify with him in terms of physical disability. His arc is very much based on disability and how it affects him, on feelings of physical inadequacy connected to an illness that he cannot control coupled with a “family” and “society” that condemns him for that illness. Removing this aspect of him greatly diminishes the meaning of “imperfection is beautiful” and the lesson that he learns throughout the series.
If there was never any actual defect, if he was never really looked upon by Prime as “inadequate,” then what he learns about failure and having worth as he is, physical problems and all, becomes somewhat meaningless. If the defect never existed, then... the conflict is kind of gone, isn’t it? I mean, in that scenario, it would still be awful to be sent to the front lines to die, but the reason behind it, the thing about Hordak that so deeply hurts him, would be gone. The sort of igniting spark of his entire story would be gone, and with it, a major aspect of his character.
I also think that Hordak sort of rationalizing a position of importance in Prime’s cult is believable, simply because I feel like it happens in real cults. With real victims. Victims who think that, rather than being abused, they are participating in something important and meaningful. Victims who think that their abusers have special love for them (something that we likely see in that clone Prime caresses, in S5E5, actually). But I think it’s less believable that Hordak just “made up” an entire physical illness; I do think that that existed prior to Etheria. Removing it just seems... very odd to me. Especially removing it without coming out and addressing the fact.
The removal would also take away some of the sense of evil surrounding Prime: prioritizing his brothers based on physical ability, rejecting those with defects, is a horrific thing. Take that away, and Prime is still evil, but a certain emotional aspect of it is removed. Which, again, lessens the story, in my opinion.
Now, in terms of in-universe logic regarding why Hordak remains with Prime in season five: in my opinion, this has to do with memory access. 
While Prime is conquering Etheria, he wishes to maintain access to any relevant memories and information about it. Hordak is the only one with those memories. And, as we learn when Prime accesses one of his previous bodies, these memories cannot be uploaded into a server, or put on a thumb drive. They require a mind and body to exist. Therefore, Prime simply (temporarily) fixes Hordak up enough to make him pretty and functional and keeps him around as a memory bank. With this logic, there is a high chance that, once Etheria fell, Hordak would have lost his Healthy Maintenance privileges and been sent back to the front lines, but until that happened, he was useful.
This actually provides another facet to the disability narrative Hordak’s character explores: it’s not so much that Prime can’t maintain Hordak in something of a healthy state. It’s that he doesn’t think it’s worth it. It’s that it perhaps takes more resources, so why bother? Why bother tending to Hordak and giving him the extra care he needs, when Prime can just stick another, healthier clone in his place?
It’s the sort of awful question that, I think, we see asked every day in the real world: why bother making something accessible to someone with some form of disability when they can just be replaced by someone without that disability? Why put in the effort? The answer, of course, is because they’re people who deserve to live comfortable, fulfilling lives by virtue of being people, but for Prime, that’s not a concern. The concern is ease of use. The concern is not “wasting” resources. The concern is never how Hordak might feel, either physically or emotionally.
So that, to me, is how Hordak works in season five: he is useful despite his physical issues, and so he temporarily gets the maintenance he needs because of that use. And, thankfully, we never have to see Hordak lose that usefulness, because Prime dies before he can take Etheria. Small miracles and all.
Anyway! I hope that’s helpful? Obviously, one can headcanon whatever they want. But I think the most common interpretation of this in the fandom, at least the part I frequent, is that Hordak does have an actual physical defect that requires special care. Taking that away just lessens the impact of so much of his story arc, and it lessens a good portion of the representation he offers to many members of the fandom.
Oh, and a quick addition: it can also be both! It can be a natural defect that is made worse by Etheria’s environment! I’ve seen that done, too.
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killnoira · 5 years ago
𝗩𝗢𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦  ;   considering alex just sent me the whOLE ASS THING , NO LONGER TAKING ASLJSG
(  @manipulations​​​    says    :   for the munday muse thing??? all of them. just all of them queen.  )
ah , ur trynna kill me huh
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001  :  what   is   something   your   muse   loves  ?  getting into people’s heads  .
002  :   what   is   something   your   muse   hates  ?   righteous bullshit  &  passing out
003  :   talk   about   a   significant   relationship   your   muse   has   with   another   muse  .    girl u already know i gotta go off about billy  &  calli  ....  it’s been like a week or so of writing  &  they’re already  ??  such a dynamic  ??  wtf  ??  so all u in the dark only bc i haven’t had time yet to go off about this ship in my art , posts , graphics , or   WHATEVER   yet  ....  calliope gravitates to billy , because she relates to him in enough ways to feel ....  right , somehow , by this mongrel of a guy’s side  .  but  !  he’s different enough to entice her  .  he makes more of an impression with her than any past lover to date   .  his snarky , rotten mouth amuses her  .  his raw , explosive fury is deliciously enticing to her  .  she  WANTS  to keep coming around  .  she  WANTS  to see what he’s up to  --  she   WON’T   go more than 3-4 days without budding into his life  &  mingling with his equally   (?)   sour soul  .  whether they’re flirting , throwing total shade at each other , or  ....  both  .  while sometimes annoying ,  the way he won’t fall as easily as other guys;   the way he doesn’t cave for her like she intends , but still reacts in interesting ways excites her  .  all people thus far to her , are toys  .  he’s something new  .
004  :   talk   about   your   character’s   positive   traits  .  intelligent    /    thoughtful passionate    /    ambitious    /    crafty  &  creative    /    open - minded    /    unconditional lover     photogenic    /    charismatic    /     trendsetter    /     good listener  
**    005  ALREADY ANSWERED  !
006  :   does   your   muse   have   any   hobbies  ?    vandalism    /    black witchcraft     arts  &  crafts  --  oil impasto , ink wash , clay sculpting , a little bit of taxidermy    /    smoking    /  occasional drinking , completely uncaring for the law    /    urban exploring    /    gardening    /    walks  at night    /   nature - y walks in general    /   reading    /   writing poetry    /    making friends with corvids ; more often crows  &  ravens  --  apparently they’re easier to make friends with    /    museum trips  / the occasional underground shows    /    preserving plants  .
007  :  how   does   your   muse   feel   about   their   family  ?    she’d say they could die in a fire but she reckons she gave em a death to top any other they could’ve possibly suffered through  .
008  :   how   does   your   muse   feel   about   their   friends  ?    what friends  ?
**    009  DOES NOT APPLY  !
010  :   what   do   you   think   of   your   muse’s   canon  ?    i’ll prob rework  &  add onto the spiral which drove her to murder her own parents ,  &  probably include the nun  .  perhaps throw another relative into the mix who caught wind of her ill acts  &  tried to do something about her  .  rework the whole getting out of that psyche ward arc  .
011  :  is   there   anything   people   assume   about   your   muse ,   or   any   fanon   that   annoys   you   at   all  ?    hasn’t happened here , or in a long time on any of my blogs , but i rlly don’t like when the only interest in my ocs is their sex appeal ,  &  hopes for smutt on the spot  .  
012  :   what   does   your   character   do   in   their   free   time  ?    i think this basically ties into hobbies  ....  right  ???
013  :   what   is   your   favorite   thing   about   your   muse  ?      i love how strong calliope’s presence is  .  her mannerisms do the trick alone , but she’s got a mouth on her which will reinforce that dark aura  .  i also love how her eyes always look tired yet  ....  like  ...  a few notches away from bedroom eyes  ??  i f that makes sense  ,,  is she sending you signals or is she sleep deprived  ?  all you get to know is these bags are designer , 
014  :   is   there   anything   you   dislike   about   your   muse  ?    i mean , ofc i don’t agree with the shit she’s about  .  she is not a good person  .  calliope is absolutely wretched  .  but she is a fictional creation of my imagination ;  i’ve always had an affinity for dubbing villainous characters my favorites since a wee bab  .  i love her  :)
015  :   if   you   could   say   one   thing   to   your   muse ,   what   would   it   be   and   why  ?    teach me to have your self esteem pleas  :(
016  :   talk   about   a   headcanon   you   have   for   your   muse  .    had her first pet at an age somewhat younger than ten  .  maybe a rabbit  .  when it died she didn’t really feel much  .  she buried it not long after it passed , like cleaning up a mess  .  her parents were never home enough to notice her pet was missing , or even remember she had one  .  until they caught her digging up rabbit bones on one of their very , very few days off  .  it was probably her father  who noticed ,  &  felt a certain way about it  ( the way she calmly explained what happened  /  what she was doing not helping )  to the point of having thoughts of the potential his daughter might need psychiatric help some day  .  he doesn’t voice this  .  he doesn’t want to have the conversation with his wife yet  .  
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thebutterflycharm321-blog · 2 years ago
Few things about the magnus archives
1. Did we get any idea of how thr rest of the Institute functions? I dont really understand how all 4 of the cast worked there for at least a decade and didnt notice anything supernatural -- jon is one thing but what about Tim? Or Sasha? Moreover, how did none of the researchers start noticing a clear distinct pattern between statements or other supernatural sightings. Its one thing for a youtube community to intentionally stray away from anything actually dangerous, as Melanie discovers, its another thing to have your entire job with resources and manpower to investigatr to not notice a link between testimonies. I have some headcanons that would explain this but im wpndering if the creators already have?
2. I headcanon that Jon could have managed his statement-feeding-addiction thing like a food addicition. For example: having designated 'feeding' times to prevent overeating, keeping himself busy with fictional stories, stuff like that.
3. Apparently Jon is *younger* than martin which is absolutely hilarious and bizzare. I would be slightly infuriated if i found out that my strict, standoffish, perfectionist boss is younger than me. I rememver how Martin in season 2 is like "yeah im extremely underqualified for this, im only 29" and i can judt imagine Jon starts sweating.
4. Does anyone struggle to come up with good qualities for Jon? I love the man to death but its difficult to discern many of his good qualities that cant be attributed to his eye powers or that arent character flaws which are now like normal human behaviout. Im probably missing something but yeah ill just have to let my brain sit on this for a while.
5. Im wondering how the world was like after the apocalypse. It seems the Dread Powers were able to displace and manipukate much of the natural world -- ie removing the sun, reducing buildings to rubble etc. However, the Camera was able to undo much of this, ie bringing back thr sun. But its ability to temporarily restore the ruined buildings is questionable -- was Mikela's mansion always untouched or the Camera restored it?. Either way, i wonder how widespread the restoration was. I would hope that peoples injuries were largely healed? Anyways, its interesting to think about how a qorld would rebuild after that.
6. I have a theory that the letting Dread Powers go into another Universe was a temporary solution. There was still nothing done about thr actual mechanisms which create them in the first place and in a world where 99% of tge population has probably developed PTSD, i woukd imagine a very quick revival. I wondwr how such a world would look like; where the Dread Powers existence is known.
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aquarad-a · 8 years ago
I’m back with another long meta post about Garth! This time about Atlanteans in general actually, in terms of their biology. 
Like my last rant, it’s also going to be pretty much entirely canon with a few headcanon things thrown in (and I’ll make the distinction in text) based on all information given before New 52/Rebirth. Some of it might still apply to Rebirth, though there are some things that may be different. I tend to only care about Preboot biology because it has so much more information to draw from.
Probably the biggest aspect that makes Atlanteans unique is their ability to breathe underwater! Luckily, there is a canon explanation, so we don't have to sit around and try to figure it out ourselves. Gills? You won't find them on most Atlanteans. The exceptions might be Tritonians, maybe, because they mutated separately than the more human-looking Atlanteans. But this isn't confirmed. They may still breathe like the rest of Atlanteans. ( For those who might not be familiar with other underwater cities in DC canon, Tritonians look like mermaids. They still don't have visible gills, though, nor do a lot of mermaids in DC. That may be artistic choice. However, Atlanteans are confirmed to not have gills by several different comics and eras) 
 Atlanteans breathe through their pores. Yup. As water passes over their skin, it absorbs oxygen. It goes directly into their bloodstream. It's similar to gills, but they are all over their body and they're microscopic. There's no way to tell if somebody is Atlantean by their skin. 
 This is why any liquid splashed on an Atlantean will help if they're suffocating -- if you read Aquaman comics, you probably already know that even since the Silver Age they claim to only need to be in contact with water to survive. It’s incredibly consistent. Aquaman and Aqualad are seen using milk to rehydrate, or having water simply drip onto their faces ( the face is probably the best place for this, if they are in big trouble, as they need oxygen to get to their brain! ) They do get dehydrated easily, but just drinking water isn't going to help them breathe. If you're not familiar with Aquaman comics but have read TT:YO, you’re probably still familiar with the concept: Garth is having trouble breathing, but drinking water just makes him vomit it back up. It’s only after he sits in a pool of water that he recovers. 
But Atlanteans can and do drink liquids. Garth drinks soda in cans through a straw like a fucking loser, by the way. And Arthur and Garth have been shown to drink beer together, amoung other things. 
(side note: puking up water in TT:YO is more a reference to the fact that Garth canonically gets physically ill when he’s nervous or upset. No Atlantean has been shown to get sick after drinking water in any other comic, unless the water itself is poisoned. But I’ll get to that later!)
(additional side note: Human Anton Geist developed a serum that caused humans to grow gills, which is pretty darn convenient for when San Diego fell into the sea. These mutated humans are not Atlanteans. However, though “Sub Diego” does house many Atlantean refugees. Since I’m speaking about actual Atlantean biology, adapted human biology doesn’t really fit into things here.)
Now, let's talk about suffocating... Atlanteans all possess lungs that are able to filter air like humans can. So, why do Atlanteans need to rehydrate? Because their lungs aren't designed to breathe air long term. Why would they? Atlanteans adapted to living underwater completely. Their lungs are smaller and can only function continuously for a short period of time. Untrained and "under-developed" lungs can last about an hour before they either stop filtering carbon dioxide or stop working altogether. After about an hour, your typical Atlantean still start to go into respiratory failure. 
Exposure to air can extend an Atlantean's durability. Aquaman seems to have no real issue out of water in later comics, and Tempest is able to draw moisture from the air to breathe on land (but still needs to rehydrate at intervals). Similarly, the humidity of an area can affect how long any Atlantean can breathe out of water. After a period of recovery, Atlanteans are able to use their lungs again. Recovery time depends on each individual. 
 You'll notice that some Atlanteans, when injured on land, are put into a water tank. Others (Garth, notably) can just put on pure oxygen. Water tanks should be a preferred method, as long as the water is pure. Tula died because she was in poisoned water and absorbed poison along with oxygen directly into her blood. (Tempest later specifically learns how to draw poison out of somebody’s body through their pores and uses this ability to save Arthur's life later on)
Garth, during Sword of Atlantis, loses his ability to breathe underwater for a period of time (he also lost his memory, his powers, his family, and had some seizures so this was not a good time for him overall) but that was magically induced. 
 (Don't worry, he got better...and then he died.) 
Now let's move on to the magical world of the senses!! Atlantean senses are all connected, and they use different ones depending on if they are or land or sea. 
 Atlantean eyesight is stronger than humans, and obviously they are much more suited to see underwater than on land. Their eyes refract light at the same angle as the water around them, giving them clear vision underwater. Atlanteans have incredible close range vision, but their ability to see well begins to diminish at about 100 feet. They are particularly adapted to see well in low light (there's no light underwater, don't you know) However, they cannot actually see in pitch black darkness (about 1000 feet below) That's when they rely on their other senses to get around. 
Garth is partially colorblind. He can see reds, oranges, and yellows. Blue, green, and black are nearly indistinguishable. 
 On land, Atlanteans have a film that covers their eyes, though it’s barely noticable. This filters light differently, giving them the ability to see on land as well. In fact, Garth is able to see father and focus more on land than in the water.
Eyesight isn't always important underwater, but it's incredibly important on land. And to understand why, we have to take a detour and talk about...  
 Like their eyesight, Atlantean hearing is much more advanced than a human's. Underwater, they can hear somebody speaking in a soft tone from 1000 feet away if they were about 2 fathoms down. Atlanteans have two sets of three semi-circular canals in each ear that help with orientation and balance. They use them to detect direction and speed while swimming. 
On land, Atlanteans are particularly affected by the speed of sound. Sound travels almost 4 times faster underwater. Garth has trouble determining the source of sounds while on land, and has trouble determining which direction sounds are coming from (things sound like they are coming from all directions, all at once) 
This also causes problems in an Atlantean’s ability to process sounds. On land, it’s difficult for their brains to process and identify sounds, even if they have heard them before. On land, Atlanteans rely heavily on their sense of sights to help interpret audio signals. 
This does explain why Garth appears skittish and anxious ...don’t get me wrong, Garth also Has Anxiety and other mental health problems, but that’s a rant for another time. On land Garth tends to act slightly less confident in himself, even as Tempest. Essentially land is a terrifying place for Atlanteans, with every single sound being strange and overwhelming. Atlanteans would be constantly checking their surroundings as they try to figure out the world around them.
An Atlantean’s sense of smell is particularly strong. An average Atlantean can smell particular odors 1,000 feet away while underwater. On land that distance increases to 2,200 feet. Garth can actually identify people based soley on their scent, even if they’re standing 100 feet away and he has no other sensory cues to who they are.
My personal headcanon is that Garth can also determine if you’ve changed shampoos or even hand soap and as a kid/teen would call people out on it (i.e. saying “your new shampoo makes you smell worse” instead of greeting somebody...he soon learned that saying such things is rude af)
Again, it’s stronger than humans (have you noticed a theme here?) Atlanteans can sense sweet, sour, salty, and bitter foods. But they also detect fatty and amino acids. They can detect differences in recipies or brands or if food has been tampered with/spoiled.
If you read Rebirth Titans, they do confirm that Garth can detect poison in foods! So maybe the other senses will follow preboot canon too?
(I recall a comic where Arthur states he prefers Hydrox to Oreos so that is really the only proof you need that they have advanced taste buds....also I want to say that was a JL comic but if anybody can find the source I’ll love you forever) 
Temperature Regulation and Other Fun Stuff
So the ocean is, like, cold. Very cold. Luckily Atlanteans have amino acids in their blood stream that is similar to glycoprotien and it keep body fluids, well...fluid. The amino acids essentially keep everything in a liquid form and prevent ice crystals from forming and preventing cell damage. This happens automatically depending on the depth the Atlantean is swimming in. 
Atlanteans usually have a consistent body temperature (and they run warmer than humans do) However, swimming particularly deep will make moving slightly more difficult as the body focuses more on making sure its blood doesn’t freeze than it does maintaining that temperature. 
The ocean isn’t just cold, though. The deeper you go, the more pressure is put on your body. Atlantean body tissue is filled with liquids and dissolved gasses that are compressed in a way similar to sea water. They push out while the sea pushes in. Their bodies also have certain fluids that adjust buoyancy in water. Garth can apparently descend to 3,400 feet with no problem.
Atlanteans have particularly dense bodies, making them heavier than humans and less susceptible to injury. 
Garth, in particular, can swim 97.75 knots per hour (about 85 mph) with bursts of about 30 minutes at a time. He can also lift 8 tons on land. This is stated as canon, but also seems low considering Aquaman has lifted blue whales or ships while out of water which is like.......20,000 tons lmao.
Okay so! A lot of the stats came straight from the Tempest mini-series, and from various other Aquaman comics from around the same time (late 90s-2000s) if any wonderful Aquafans have anything to add or any questions, I’ll be happy to add/answer!!! 
also I probably forgot a lot and will add to this later!!!  I didn’t include “powers” here because not all Atlanteans have telepathy/magic/etc and honestly that stuff deserves its own post!!!
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foundcarcosa · 8 years ago
1. Your first OC ever? >> Technically, my first ever OC was probably a teenage girl named Clarissa, or an Earth-loving (in the time of moon habitats) young man named Eden, or a moon-dwelling girl named Deirdre Halloran, or Aidan Quinn or any of the other characters from my Beauty and the Beast rewrite... because I made up all these guys when I was still in single-digit age and continued to develop them throughout middle school. Although that development didn’t get very far, because back then I knew way less about how to write humans than I do now.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? >> I have too many OCs to have an actual favourite.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? >> Darya, a friend from my early RPing days, let me ‘adopt’ one of the lesser-known (amongst our circle) members of her Katin clan -- Mikhail -- once. I don’t think I got to play him much at all, but it was still flattering enough to be entrusted with one of them in the first place.
4. A character you rarely talk about? >> All of them????? Except the fandom ones.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?  >> Eh, that’s quite all right.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? >> A lot of my characters probably look alike because I gravitate towards certain physical traits. I can’t think of two particularly stellar examples off the top of my head, though.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? >> Some of them are. The Bayou Devils crew is part of a kinda urban fantasy-ish nWOD-based thing I was going to write. The Anathema was part of a very formulaic urban fantasy story I’d written last decade that I sometimes fantasise about overhauling and rewriting... except I’m not sure I can take the Anathema out of that particular formulaic urban fantasy mold without having to do away with everything about them.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! >> I roleplay a fandom OC, Anand, who’s based in the Dragon Age fandom but is meant to be compatible with a wide array of fandoms. He’s not really fully formed. I’d planned on fleshing him out during the act of RP.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? >> Sure. I’m a storyteller, not a hoarder.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?  >> Er... I’m not sure how to answer this.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?  >> Like, someone with a really sunny disposition? Dax Kessler is a bit like that. But he’s a mutant, so there’s also the fact that if he’s attached to you, he will literally hulk out and destroy anything that even looks like it’s trying to hurt you. ...That’s ideal, right? An attentive, good-humoured six-foot-seven genetically-modified mutant? Hell, I’d take it.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot >> Dmitri Katin. He’s Darya’s and I love him to death. I love him like I love my own self. I would kill for Dima.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?  >> Do I have any OCs that aren’t troublemakers...? They pretty much all are, in some way or another. I’ll pick one, though... Severin Sane. He runs a bar called the Church of Ill Repute, where everyone calls him ‘Reverend’, and he’s a vampire. That all just sounds like trouble, doesn’t it. Well, it totally is.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory  >> Siobhan Caine was born of an archangel and an archdemon, making her a very potentially-powerful nephil but also making her incredibly cursed by both factions. She was under a spell of forced celibacy for a good few centuries. It sucked. At some point she became the Mistress of a faction of darkling creatures in a particular region, House Umbra, and after some time she met this one particularly powerful and particularly determined darkling who was determined to break her curse. He did, long story short, and the Seraph who’d cursed her punished them both, but it was a short-lived punishment, and so they got complacent. Until the Seraph came back and took her away from House Umbra, and the region it was a part of was destroyed... presumably by archdemons.
Like, her story was so fucked that it’s mostly the reason I don’t use her anymore. Where do you even go from there...?
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? >> Of course. Let’s share.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? >> Oh, I don’t know. 
17. Any OC OTPs?  >> Logan Iritian’s first and strongest love is always gonna be Siran Kezerian, who’s another one of Darya’s. We had a lot of OTPs amongst our children.
18. Any OC crackships?  >> I don’t know.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) >> Man. I don’t know. They all mean a lot to me. I guess I’ll go with Doyle... well, he’s not Doyle anymore, he’s Rhys mac Keltar, because he got all his memories back and he doesn’t have to live by a borrowed name anymore. He was the first character I played in Legion of Darkness, the RP group that I met Darya in way back in 2009, and he’s gone through so much in that group. He was very loved, though, by everyone. I remember I killed him off because I needed to free up a character slot for a Faction Leader I wanted to introduce... and I immediately realised what a mistake I made because I was so distraught afterward. So the staff all made an executive decision to increase the number of character slots for staff, and thereby enable me to get Doyle back. <3 Good times. Real good times.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? >> A lot of them do, yeah. For example, Danny Aubrey, whose musical style (and personal aesthetic, honestly) is based on Volbeat. He’s also part divine, so his voice can project to an astounding degree. That’s very helpful.
21. Your most artistic OC >> Just gonna do what I’ve been doing and name an OC at random (I have so many that inevitably there are multiple that fit a question, ok, and I’m not even using fandom OCs for this!). 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?  >> No? I don’t know how they would get an opportunity to do that.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? >> Mistral Vane was originally a formidable giant of a demigod, a physical representation of the eternal storm... but I had him sacrifice a piece of his divinity to become human-passing, so I could use him in more RP groups. There just wasn’t a lot of playing room for a freakishly huge avatar of electricity, you know?
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? >> Any of them. All of them.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) >> I really don’t think I have any blatantly obvious self-inserts.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?  >> Why on earth would I have to do that?
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?  >> Danny Aubrey, whom I mentioned earlier, was inspired by Danny & Lucy (11PM) by Volbeat. Part of his backstory reflects it, as does the fact that his musical style is based off the same band.
28. Your most dangerous OC?  >> Logan Iritian is pretty dangerous, considering he’s the avatar to the pure undistilled entity Ira, or Wrath (hence his name). The thing is, he hates being the Iritian. He was the Avaritian (when he hosted Avarice) once, and that was only marginally better. I think if I write him again, he’ll probably be the Luxurian (give you a hint what sin-entity that’d make him the host of), which was kind of fun to write him as for the brief time that I did.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? >> Dane Skjöld. He’s always been a shade too curious. That’s how he got trapped in a house ‘haunted’ by one of my more frightening OCs, VII, who almost eviscerated him. Luckily, Dane’s twin, Thorin, came through and saved his bacon. He got away with just a brand (the numeral “VII”, of course).
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?  >> Seth. Ramesses Set Khaldun is very sensual, as in they love being touched and touching nice things. He’d love being surrounded by stuffed animals. Just one nude blissed-out incubus buried in a mountain of enormous plushies from F.A.O. Schwartz. <3
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) >> Domenico Sauvageon would have one of those dolce-vita-lifestyle type blogs, with the fancy foods and luxury items and headless men in suits. He’d have a three-column layout with a Louis Vuitton-inspired background and his own face as his icon. But he’d also sometimes make really useful and informative posts about fashion and makeup and how to pair your wines and shit, and he’s only a snob in that he prefers the finest things -- he doesn’t snub people who can’t access those things. In fact, he loves to share. He’ll spoil you until you end up a snob just like him.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?  >> I don’t know enough about horror games to answer this. VII would make a great horror game antagonist, though, I’m sure. It’s got a bit of a Silent Hill vibe about it.
33. Your shyest OC? >> Rhys mac Keltar. Or Silas Carmichael, who can’t speak and who is very self-conscious about it.
34. Do you have any twin characters? >> Thorin and Dane, mentioned earlier. They’re... uh, also quite Lannister about it. But I’ll just leave it at that...
35. Any sibling characters?  >> Danny Aubrey has a sister, Lydia. Acheron Cruor Dane has a sister, Isolde -- but I don’t use Isolde much as an OC in her own right.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?  >> I can’t remember any that were made specifically for that, but I have plenty that turned out that way after the fact.
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human  >> Oh my god, almost every character I’ve discussed in this survey has been nonhuman, or at least augmented-human.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?  >> Seth. He’s a very good and very hypnotising belly dancer.
39. Introduce any character you want  >> I’ll introduce one if someone sends me an ask with a letter in it. I’ll pick a character whose name begins with that letter or the closest letter.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! >> This whole survey is fond memories, lol.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) >> People have drawn fandom OCs of mine, but none of these guys.
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?  >> Well, Danny -- Daniel Apollonius Aubrey, whose lineage includes a Greek god. Also, Zion. He’s fascinated by mythology, despite the fact that he’s a Judaic angel.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess >> Sure. I like ‘em tall, dark-skinned, long-haired, and nonhuman/superhuman.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general >> I don’t know. I’m very attached to them all. They were so much fun to conjure, and they hold so many possible stories in their existence.
45. A character you no longer use? >> There are a lot of those-- OCs I created specifically for a certain RP group that have no real use elsewhere, OCs that never got developed enough for me to care about keeping them, OCs that were just too tropey for me to even bother with. There’s a veritable OC graveyard in the back of my mind.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? >> I don’t think so, no. Sometimes I did, though. I try to be fairer to them these days.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?  >> Probably.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure >> No such thing. I make monsters. Gods and monsters, one and all. Even my nice guys are monsters (Logan, for example, who’s the most affable and loyal guy imaginable, is a high-ranking demon).
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes >> Logan would fucking love them. Except he’d be the obnoxious guy to send you memes you’ve already seen a thousand times, but he just saw for the first time. Because he’s slow on the uptake. 
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