#ill be back to ya with responces and some more tomorrow
ronkeyroo · 2 years
Its been bit tough to exit lately, thank you for everyone who makes it easier...
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cloudycrystalkpop · 7 years
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pairning: dragon!Jackson x mystic!reader 
sumery: he was cursed for his family, but she set him free. 
warnings: really very long, character death, language
there was a legend. a legened of a man who had been cursed. 
once upon a time, there was a kingdom riddled with crime. many of the kingdom’s citizens were starving and sick. there was one family, a family of seven brothers, no parents, no sisters, only the seven men. they faced hardship like the other citizens, but considered themselves lucky, until, the eldest fell fatally ill. the eldest brother was beloved by them all and they were heartbroken. the idea of losing their eldest brother brought the youngest two to desperation. that was where the mistake was made.
Yugyeom had told BamBam that he’d overheard of a witch that lived high in the mountains, and the two decided to slip away one night to find her. when they did, she said she could heal their brother, but she refused. when the two boys begged her, she still turned them away.
it was then BamBam had enough. he left with Yugyeom, but the next night he returned to the witch. as she slept he rummaged through her potions, looking for one that would heal his brother, and then, he took it. when he returned however, it was to late. Mark had passed when BamBam had been away. after much grieving, BamBam confessed too Yugyeom that he had taken the potion, to Yugyeom’s horror. the youngest insisted that he return it to the witch before she found out it was missing, and the two set off to the mountain again.
they snuck into her cave, and returned the potion to its place. however, before they could leave, the witch confronted them. she cursed the boys for trying to tamper with nature and for her stealing. when BamBam confessed he was the one who took the potion and that Yugyeom convinced him to take it back, her wrath fell on him.
“you stupid boy, do you understand what i must do now? you have to be punished for your wrongdoings, otherwise others will then they can just walts in and steal from me.” her voice was sour and wicked, as she prepared to cuse the boy. it was then another brother stood in front of the two cowering boys.
“please ma’am, my brothers are foolish and young, they are blinded by childishness. do not curse them, take me and give me there punishment. i have lost one brother, i can not bare to lose more.” she listened to the elder brother.
“so willing to give yourself for your family. very well then. the punishment for stealling and greed, INTO A BEAST!” her voice bellowed as smoke swirled around the elder brother. 
“JACKSON!” the two boys screamed, tears blurring their vision as their brother’s once tan skin became scally and reptilian. without a backwards glance, the pair bolted from the mountain.
he never saw them again.
(y/n) had heard this story from her mistress. the witch who’d taught her all the magic she knew. her mistress regarded it as an interesting story, not for the two foolish younger boys, but for the selfless elder. she had told it to (y/n) whenever the selfish greed of man blinded (y/n) from their capacity for good. (y/n) had asked her,
“what became of the elder man?” the old witch chuckled.
“he guards my stash. the place i keep my most valubal things.” was her mistress’ answer. 
time passed and the old witch grew wearing. she had desided it was time for her to assend. 
“my dear, i leave my belongings to you. carry on my legacy (y/n).” and with that, she left. while she had been looking through her old istress’ things, (y/n) had found a map, it was to a small cave cut deep in the heard of a mountain. (y/n) had guessed this was her mistress’ stash. so, she set out to find the place.
it took (y/n) three days to reach the mountain. there was only one path into the heart of the mountain, and it took a careful spell to enter, something only a skilled Mystic could proform. once inside, she walked the dark cave passages, till she felt it begin to get warm.
she found herself in a large open space. there, on the cave floor lay the beast. he was easily the size of a house, even bigger with his wingspan. the dragon opened its golden eyes to look at her.
“hello, i’m (y/n). the witch has passed and left me her legacy. she told me of you, of your story.” the beast looked at her curiously, then with sadness. (y/n) swallowed a lump in her thought, that may not have been the best way to introduce herself. she sighed deeply, an idea popped into her head. she planed to clear out this safe house, and use it as her own living space. while having a guard might be nice, (y/n) would rather acquire her own, then use one from her mistress.
“listen, you’ve been here a along time, and i wont be really be needing you. plus, i prefur to be alone. so, i think it’s time i set you free.” the dragon raised it’s head, looking at her in compleat shock. before it could respond more, (y/n) pulled her magic around her. “INTO A MAN.” she spoke in an authoritative tone as smoke clouded the beast.
when the spoke cleared, where the dragon had been a man sat. he stared at his own hands, patting his body for a moment, before looking up at her. 
“you released me.” his voice was horse and scratchy. she looked down at him. he was a young man, probably in his early twenties, with a strong jawline, and large round eyes. she smiled, and offered him a hand. he took her hand shakly and stood. he was maybe a head or so taller then her.
“t-thank you... thank you, thank you!” he attacked her in a hug, holding her in his remarkably stong arms, and hiding his face in her shoulder. she stiffened slightly. it had been years since (y/n) had been hugged by a human, but... the same was true for him she suposed. she rapped her small arms around him, rubbing his back, running her fingers though his dark locks. she felt him shutter agenst her.
“i haven’t been touched by another person in so long... is this real?” his voice was soft and dreamy. she chuckled.
“yes, it’s real.” she reassured him. his arms hugged her tighter.
“thank you.” he mumbled. she hummed in responce. normally (y/n) didn’t like being touched, but this was... nice. he held her so tighly, as though if he lossened his grip she’d fade away. she felt warm and... relaxed in his arms. he smelled of coles and wood burning fires. after a little longer, he lossened his grip.
“what’s your name?” her question was simply but he blinked in suprise. the witch never asked him his name, whenever she spoke to him he was mearly ‘beast’.
“my name is Jackson.” he said, as if remembering it for the first time. she smiled kindly. 
“it’s nice to meet you Jackson. i’m (y/n).” 
(y/n) told Jackson that he was free to do as he pleased. he insisted upon helping her however, seeing as she wanted to change and move many things in and from the mountain stash.
after she had fully settled into her home, Jackson still insisted on staying and helping her. he would follow her around the halls sometimes, watching her brew potions and write spells. she would sometimes ask him to fetch her things from the nearby forest or market. he was always more then happy to ublige. 
it was when (y/n) had been summoned by the grand coven, she had to leave. 
“the journey is four days by horseback.” she stated, gathering her things for the journey. 
“but what about at night while you sleep? won’t it be dangerious?” Jackson worried as he followed her. 
“no. i prefer to sleep in the day and travel at night.” she reasoned. 
“but that is still dangerious.” Jackson continued to worry. 
“i am a skilled witch Jackson, i can more then defend myself from trouble.” she said with a laugh. he sighed.
“i know... but still... maybe i just don’t wanna be here all by my self.” he mumbled. (y/n) stopped. she hadn’t thought of that. 
“you don’t have to stay here. the place in secure, you can go down to the village market. there are many people there.” she suggested. Jackson shook his head. 
“ya know... it’s be way faster to get there by flying...” she turned to see a plan of some sort forming in his eyes. 
“and how would i fly? the broomstick?” she sassed sarcastically. Jackson laughed.
“that’s one idea, or... turn me back into a dragon.” the idea came so suddenly, (y/n) was stuned. 
“but Jackson, you hated being a dragon. i’m not gunna do that to you again.” she shook her head dissmisivly, turning back around to contine. Jackson reached out and took her shoulders, turning her back to face him and holding her there.
“i’d only be temporary. and you’ve told me about grand coven meetings before, some witches bring there pets. please (y/n)...” he begged.
“you want to be my pet? and do you know how extra i’d look if i show up on a dragon?” she shook her head again, but Jackson grabbed her face this time. his hands rested on her cheeks and he stared into her eyes. 
“i’d be anything for you. and you can turn me into other things. when we’re there, turn me into a dog. you always say i act like a puppy.” he reasoned with a grin. (y/n) tryed to ingore the first bit of what he said, and finally gave in.
the coven meeting went well. it only took about two days to get there instead of four, and puppy Jackson was very well behaved. for the meeting (y/n) turned him into a large black dog, he looked at bit like the grim, but she just had to, for aesthetics. he sat beside her the hole time, and when he got bored, moved to sit infront of her and rest his head in her lap so she could massage his ears.
after the meeting was over, (y/n) turned him back into a man.
“there is a small kingdom not far from here. there are lots of little towns and markets. i was thinking would could spend the day wandering, and then start flying back tomorrow.” (y/n) preposed. Jackson was more then happy to ablige.
the two walked through the small market, all the while (y/n) noticed Jackson seemed destracted. 
“what is it Jackson?” she asked, conserned for her friend.
“i’m not sure, this place seems... familiar.” he wondered, lost in thought. (y/n) looked around for a moment, before noting the mountain that the coven meeted had been held at. 
“Jackson... do you remember the town you lived in? before you... met, my mistress?” she asked carfully. recognision flashed in Jackson’s eyes. he immediately grabbed her arm, and pulled her into a small ally. (y/n) looked up, to see tears in Jackson’s eyes, as he tryed to blink and whipe them away. “Jackson... i’m sorry.” she whispered, pulling him into a hug.
it took him a second to responed, but quickly rapped her in his arms, and hid his head in her shoulder. it was then, just over Jackson’s shoulder, (y/n) noticed a silhouette in the shadows. no, he was a shadow. could it be a spirit? he felt human, so (y/n) guessed probably a ghost. her mistress had trained her in a little necromancy, so she could recognize ghosts when she saw them.
the ghost was a young man, probably killed by illness as there looked to be no trama to his body. he was of a shorter and thinner build, with a kind face, and gental eyes. he smiled when he saw she had noticed him, his teeth white and slightly pointed. his smile was kind and genuine, (y/n) could tell he was a gental and sweet spirit, no negitivety came from him. it was then she remembered something.
“Jackson, what did your eldest brother, the one who died from illness, look like?” Jackson pulled away from her for a moment, shocked by the sudden question. he blinked for a moment, trying to remember as he swollowed thinkly.
“he was shorter then me and our other brothers, with a thiner build...”
“did he have pointed teeth, high cheek bones?” Jackson was taken aback again, but nodded. she smiled, turning back to look at the ghost, who smiled kindly at her again. “did he have a soft smile and kind eyes?” Jackson nodded again.
“yeah... a lot of the girls in town were quite fond of him, the old ladies too.” he chuckled sadly. (y/n) saw the ghost laugh as well. 
“what was his name?” she asked finally.
“Mark.” Jackson said, still with pain in his eyes. he couldn’t understand why she was smiling, looking off into a corner of the ally. when she spoke it send shivers down his spine.
“hello Mark, it’s very nice to meet you! my name is (y/n), i’m a friend of Jackson’s.” her voice was sweet as she bowed respectfully to the empty corner. 
“...(y/n)?” Jackson questioned, voice cracking in the slightest. she turned back to him, still smiling. 
“i can see why those women liked him, he’s very sweet. a little quiet however.” she giggled. Jackson nearly choked.
after a ruff introduction, and with the help of (y/n) acting as a translator, Jackson was able to talk to his eldest brother again. with some guidance from Mark, the pair found themselves infront of a small wooden cabin. the place was all too familiar to Jackson, as he treetered between opposite terror and excitement at seeing his family again. he stood in front, with (y/n) and the ghost of Mark behind him. after taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.
the sounds of chatter, and men arguing, died down as footsteps approached the door. it was opened by a young man with a rounded face, large ears, and slightly puffy eyes.
“hello, can i help yo-” he stopped mid-sentence as he stared at Jackson in shock.
“Jinyoung... it’s me, it’s Jackson!” Jackson smiled brightly at his brother, who simply stared back in shock. after a moments hesitation, Jinyoung slammed the door shut. Jackson was shocked for a moment before he began pounding his fists on the door. “hey! Jinyoung! It’s me! OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!” shouting was heard from the other side. 
a moment later it was opened by another young man. he also had a rounded face, but his eyes were slightly more slanted then Jinyoung’s. he seemed to be the eldest of the five. behind him crowded four more young men, the youngest two of whom looked to be barely twenty year old. in the back should Jinyoung, still looking slightly shook from the fact that his long lost brother now stood before him. hiding behind the eldest, was a man who had a slightly more angular but still soft face, his eyes were small as he hid slightly behind the other man.
“...hyung?” questioned the hidden man in a small voice, peeking up slightly from the eldest’s shoulder. 
“yes, Youngjae, it’s me.” Jackson nodded, laughing to hold back his tears. it was then the eldest spoke.
“Jackson... you’re alive.”
(y/n) stould back and away to the side with the ghost of Mark as the brothers shared a tearful reunion. while quietly listening, (y/n) caught that the eldest’s name was Jaebum, and the youngest two were BamBam, and Yugyeom.
from the story told to her by her mistress, (y/n) could peice together that it was the younger two who had been the boys she had met, and that BamBam had been the one to steal the potion. he had been to one whom her mistress planed to turn into a beast, but Jackson had taken his punishment instead. 
BamBam also seemed the most nervous upon Jackson’s return, astho ether he himself, or Jackson would turn into some terrible beast at any moment. after some time the brother began to notice she was there at all.
“Jackson, who is this?” asked Jaebum, nodding to (y/n) politely. 
“this is (y/n), she’s the one who set me free of the cures.” Jackson said fondly, walking over to her, and standing by her side. 
“but... i thought only a witch could brake the curse..?” asked Yugyeom in a small voice. (y/n) stepped forwards. 
“that is correct. the witch who curesed Jackson was my mistress, and i was her apprentice. after her passing, she left everything to me, and i desided Jackson had served his time and set him free.” she explaned calmly. the men responed with silence. 
Jackson’s brothers regarded (y/n) with slight cashion. even more when they learned it was thanks to her communication with their dead brother that they had found them. she didn't mind much. she understood there caution and fear, and she was more then happy at seeing Jackson so overjoyed. seeing as the other boys couldn’t see him, Mark was there to keep her company. he told her about Jackson when he was little, and the trouble he would get into with the younger boys, mainly BamBam.
soon it began to get dark. Mark noticed and turned to (y/n). 
“miss (y/n)... seeing my little brothers reunite has been the thing i was waiting for, and now that it’s happened... i was hoping you could help me...” the ghost seemed shy in asking but she understould him. 
“lets step outside shall we?” she whispered in reply. the two quietly snuck outside without the other men noticing. once outside, (y/n) reached out to Mark. “place your hands over mine, and i’ll help you pass on.” she said kindly. Mark smiled sweetly in thanks, placing his shadowed hands over hers.
“are you sure you don’t want to say goodbye?” she asked. Mark shook his head. 
“they are destracted, let them forget about me and that sadness for now.” he replyed. she nodded, understanding. (y/n) channeled much of her energy into her heads, and reached up to hold Mark’s. the pairs hands made contact. (y/n) was too focused that she didn’t hear the door open.
“it’s going to feel weird, and you’re going to see a light, when you do, you’ve got to go towards it, no matter how blinding.” she spoke firmly, her eyes closed focusing on her and Mark’s energy and redirecting it. 
“alright, thank you miss (y/n). please look after my little brothers. make sure they know i love them.” Mark’s voice was soft and kind, she smiled in reply, giving his ghoustly hands a gental queeze. 
the brothers all piled out of the door just in time to see (y/n), holding hands with the ghost of their eldest brother. the two were surounded by a white light, and then Mark was gone. 
“(y/n)! wh-what happened?” Jackson ran towards her. (y/n) stumbled back as her energy feld her body, leaving just enough to keep her standing. Jackson caught her as she swayed slightly back and forth.
“Mark... Mark asked me to help him pass on... he’s gone now.” she replyed, sinking to the ground and placing her hands on the grass, grounding herself once again. Jackson followed her, holding her as though he was afraid she would pass out. “i’m alright Jackson... just tired.” she chuckled at the young man’s consern for her. he nodded but didn’t let her go.
“hyung is gone?” the small voice came once again from Youngjae. (y/n) looked over her shoulder at him and nodded. 
“he said he had stuck around hoping to see his little brothers reunited again, and since it happened he was ready to move on. and, that he loves you.” she clarified. Jaebum nodded. as she tried to stand, Jackson pulled her up, steadying her on his chest. 
“come on (y/n), you need to rest.” he insisted, before he picked her up and began walking back towards the cabin.
“JACKSON! i can walk! put me down right now!” she protested, trying to push away. 
“what was that~ you shouldn’t mumble (y/n) i can’t understand you~” he giggled, holding her tighter.
once inside Jackson sat on the floor with his back to the wall. when (y/n) tryed to crall away he pulled her back to him.
“nuh uh~ take a nap (y/n), you need rest.” he said, pulling her to rest in his lap, her head tucked into his shoulder.
“i’m not a child Jackson, i’m a grown woman!” she protested again. he pulled her closer, and whispered in her ear. 
“please (y/n). i just lost my big brother again, and when you snuck out i thought you were gunna be gone for good. please don’t leave me, not right now.” his voice was sad and sincere. she sighed, but curled up agest him anyway.
as she slept the men talked. 
“so Jackson, are you staying?” asked Jaebum finaly. the other men quieted. Jackson stilled. 
“i...i don’t know...” he replyed. 
“you don’t know? Jackson we haven’t seen you in years, we never thought we’d see you again!” protested Jinyoung. Jackson flinched.
“i know... i want to stay, but...” he looked down at (y/n)’s sleeping form in his arms. “i don’t want to leave her alone.”
“why? what makes her so important?” BamBam spoke. he’d been uncharacteristically quiet while (y/n) had been awake, but now he spoke up. “she’s just like the witch who cursed you Jackson! who was going to curse me...” the younger man hickuped slightly. Yugyeom quickly grabbed onto his best friend and hugged him. it was clear BamBam still blamed himself for the dreath of Mark and the loss of Jackson.
“that’s just the thing, she’s nothing like that witch. that old hag locked me away to be her guard dog, she never even asked my name. (y/n) came looking for me, she set me free, she gave me a home instead of keeping me in a prison.” Jackson tryed to explain.
“a better home then with your family?” countered Jinyoung. Jackson fell silent. after a short paus, he spoke.
“when (y/n) lifted the curse, she told me i was free to go, she told me she didn’t mind, that she didn’t need a guard dog, that she liked being alone...” he began. “i asked her to let me help her, if only for a couple of days. in those days i saw how lonely she truly was. (y/n) has no one, that witch only even sent her on arends, she learned her magic though experience. her family was horrible to her because of her gifts, so she left them before she was even ten years old...” Jackson looked up at his brothers. “all those years i was alone, i couldn’t let her stay in that same loneliness i had endured.” he started finally. his brothers were silent for a moment, before Youngjae spoke.
“what if you both stayed...?” he sigested. the other five looked at him in suprise. “she might be a little scary, but she’s kind. i trust her.” he staited. Jackson sighed and shook his head. 
“she’d never agree. she stands by that she likes being alone, and she would want to get back to her lare. she can’t practice magic freely here.” he said with sadness. 
“you’re right. it’s not that i like being alone, it’s that i like being left alone.” (y/n)’s voice was steady as she raised her head off Jackson’s shoulder, and stould from his lap. she turned to the other brothers and bowed. “thank you all for your kindness and hospitality. but i must be going.” she staited. Jackson quickly rushed to his feet. 
“(y/n), but-” she turned around and held up her hand, signaling him to stop. 
“i’m leaving because i need to head back to the lare. you are staying because you belong here with your family.” it was a staitment, not a question. Jackson looked utterly heart broken. 
“(y/n), you’ll be all alone. it’s dark and quiet and so huge, and... and you’ll start to hear things... echoing... please (y/n)...” he grabbed her arm and begged, but she refused to turn around. 
“no Jackson. this is where you belong. stay.” he only held her tighter.
“none of us actually belong here.” everyone was suprised to hear BamBam’s voice. he walked over till he was standing infront of her, looking her directly in the eyes. “we’re all strays. not even blood related. but we’re family. none of us had anyone, but now we’ve got each other. we live in this village, but it’s not our home, our home is each other.” he stared, unwavering, unafraid. “Jackson’s home might be with us, but it’s also with you. you can’t just shove him away like that because you’re a selfish bitch who thinks she’ll be fine on her own.” she stared back at him taking his challenge.
“i sertinly hope you don’t think i’m kinder then my mistress. if you’d pulled the same shit to me you did her, i would have put a blood cures on you, something not even i could break. and no matter how many of you brothers came and begged to take your place, i would have mad sure you were the one to suffer.” BamBam swollowed thinkly at her words. she chuckled. “are you scared little boy? you should be.”
“well, i’m not afraid of you.” Jackson’s voice was strong and confident. he pulled (y/n) around to face him. “(y/n), i know the only reason you’re lashing out is because you feel cornered. but please. BamBam is right, none of us ever really had a home untill we met each other. maybe we could be your home to.” there was hope in his eyes and his words. 
“i can’t stay here.” her reply was flat.
“maybe not, but we don’t have to.” all eyes turned to Jaebum. “you can’t stay here because it’s not safe for you to practice magic. okay, when we won’t stay. we’ll follow you. we’ll come and stay with you where you’re safe.” (y/n) was utterly shocked. these men, all but one of whom she barly knew, were willing to pickup there intire lives and move elsewhere just because of her. 
“we can be merchants.” chimed Jinyoung. “we’ll travel to different towns and places, and sell your magic. potions, elixers, charms, anything.” he shrugged. that was actually a really a good idea... (y/n) sighed.
“i can’t ask you to just pickup and leave your old life behind because of me.” Youngjae spoke next. 
“you arn’t. we’re offering.” 
“and we arn’t just doing to for you. we’re doing it for Jackson.” added BamBam. (y/n) turned back to the younger man, holding his gaze again. after a moment she sighed. 
“very well.”
“noona~ look what i found!” (y/n) looked up from her grimoire at the youngest boy. 
“what is it Yugyeom?” she asked, bookmarking the page for later. 
“it’s amber!” he chimed, skiping over to the much smaller woman and handing her the golden substence. 
“Yugyeom, thank you! i’ve been needing some more. you really are so helpful.” the young man blushed at her prase. 
“anything for you noona~” she chuckled streaching up to ruffle his hair. he had to lean down so she could, and he giggle at how small she was. 
“Yugyeom-ah, could you go help Jaebum and Jinyoung please.” Jackson said from the door way. 
“why can’t you help them hyung? i’m bussy with noona~” he wined. 
“because i asked you to do it.” Jackson smirked. Yugyeom wined again, but with a prompt from (y/n) he begrudgingly left. Jackson walked over to her, rapping his arms around her from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder as she went back to reading.
“what do you need Jackson?” she inquired. he hummed, nussling his face into her air. 
“your attention.” he mumbled. she chuckled. 
“you’re a grown man Jackson. why do you need my attention?” 
“because. you’re always playing with the younger boys. play with me~” he tightened his grip around her waist and lifted her off the ground. 
“Jackson! put me down!” she protested. he giggled before setting her back on the ground. she huffed in anoyence.
“please (y/n). don’t you remember when it was just us? we would sit by the fire when it was late, and you’d curl up on my lap like a little kitten. then i’d rap myself around you to keep you warm. we’d fall asleep just like that.” he remaneced, cuddling into her neck. 
“yes Jackson, i remember.” she replyed, finally alowing herself to lean back agenst him. one odd thing about Jackson, was that eversince his time spent as a dragon, he was oddly warmer. especially his breath. he still smells faintly of cole and embers. it was little things like that that reminded her that he was real, and not just some man created by her mind. Jackson was real. all of them were real. 
(y/n) sometimes wondered if she had taken up the role of Mark. she was elder then all the other boys, quiet, but they’d pretty much all do anything she asked. she looked out for them, but Jaebum as undisputedly the leader. they all adored her though. the oone who’d taken the longest to warm up to her being unsurprisingly BamBam. but now she was the first one he’d come to when asking for edvice. however, her relationship with Jackson was special. 
she loved all the boys dearly, finally have a family of her own. but her love for Jackson was unlike how she felt for the other boys. she knew, atho nether of them had ever spoken about it, that Jackson felt the same. 
he had been the man who taught her that maybe humanity wasn’t so selfish after all.
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