#ile d'oleron
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grandboute 1 year ago
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Sunset - Oleron Island
L'卯le lumineuse
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itsdappleagain 2 years ago
alrighty, to steal or not to steal! this one is a little hard to liveblog and I'm not going to go through all the options, so I'm just gonna take you through my favorite path and gush about how hot and gay everything is for the most part! there will be a little commentary on other paths but yeah :)
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(thats the ile d'oleron)
notes under the cut as always!
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for your viewing pleasure in case its been a while and you haven't played.
fun fact- I am also taking us on close to the first route I ever took with this special. I got waylaid along the way by the trick routes and failed a lot, but I'll get us on the path to the first win I ever got. (the best one.)
i was SHOCKED by how good this special was the first time I played through it. I had just joined the fandom, I was scrounging for content in the waiting-for-s3-desert, and boom- there was a SPECIAL? why didn't anyone tell me?
anyway, this is always super fun to do. I've done every single route multiple times and recorded all of them too for the illegal stash but theres nothing quite like playing it.
in the very first episode (and african ice) devineax mentions an amusement park in shanghai. wonder if the two are related, or if VILE just has a shit ton of properties in there?
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she did, in fact, get shanghai'd in shanghai.
oh. thats why its set here. ahha i get it
she loves them 馃ズ
i choose top floor
carmen trusts her grappling hook in a glass building more than I trust myself
girlie walked into that empty steel door locked vault with an indiana jones trap ass looking phone in the middle that maelstrom was talking from and went to pick it up with ZERO hesitation
ah, carmen sandiego and its weird genre of toilet paper jokes during stressful circumstances
maelstrom's exasperated eyeroll and sigh as the married couple bicker
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i choose steal for vile
the first time I played this i obviously chose to try to save zack and ivy. since I know that leads to failure now, I'm skipping it this playthrough, but it was quite the shock the first go around! tsonts plays to my little angst loving heart by making you watch zack and ivy and sometimes carmen meet horrible tragic ends again and again lmao
girlie the old you stole the statue of liberty skill issue
i like the glow of green on carm's face here to show her temporary allegiance change and vile's win
the terracotta warriors are super cool im glad we get to visit them
i think the first time i played this option i talked to tigress. since sneaking just gives bonus material and doesn't actually change anything (plus. puppies) im going that route!
i choose sneak past tigress
oh btw i love the little simplified characters in the choices they r so cute
also carmen's quips if you take too long to choose are hilarious and worth waiting for. dodge the cat or stop to chat?
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subtitles doing the most
i LOVE how bitchy carmen gets in the special she's hilarious. she's very quietly pissed off the entire time and she mostly takes it out on tigress
those slides down the tunnel are sooo smooth
its impossible, as a canon law, to get zack and ivy's names right if you're a villain
i love the two's looks at each other when she steps on the booby trap its just resigned "ahhh shit."
imagine if there had been spikes at the bottom of the pit and carmen had just saved herself sdgjadsgjds
"im the one sitting in the catbird seat right now" oh you
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anyway, i'm choosing leave tigress
this is the choice i made my first time playing! i love carmen's sassy ass "i cant hear you! im in a tunnel, bad connection!" line, and i'm not going the arctic circle path anyway so it doesn't matter.
tigress bugshadowing for s4! lots of foreshadowing for s4 in the special actually
the "theyre stunning" followed by that just. crushed look when she remembers what she's here to do augh
he has a beard and a mustache
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she so cute
i choose hide and blend in
my first go around I chose to hitch a ride, as, I thought, was logical. I didn't know carmen had access to stopping time, a disguise, and endless amounts of dirt to camouflage her perfectly with the statues in addition to a handy spot to keep her change of clothes. who knew? im going with hide to speed up my run, but I was pissed off the first time i played this let me tell you sjgdhsgdhs
actually, you know what, let me hit ride for a second because I think there's a carmen death at the end of that one I want to comment on
carmen "historical artifacts are irreplaceable treasures" sandiego, everyone
why are vile's names for zack and ivy so shit
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oh yeah here we go
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the crash landing! I made a post on that years ago but my headcanon was that carmen was so distracted that she crashed and died I think lmfao. anyway no one came outta that one unscathed. k, back to the route!
OH i also like that the format for this is like the old gameshow a little bit with chief's lines at the end. its fun
they really wanted to call this thing "carmen sandiego: vile operative" didnt they. hamlet? was bela in on the naming of this?
cleo's little shoulder shimmies
abby trott's singing voice this episode <33333333
also THE OLD THEMEEEE this whole thing is just a throwback honestly its a lot of fun
carmens eyeroll at "carmens choice" jsadgha
to steal or not to steal: or, bellum and cleo being married old women for forty minutes
i choose cleo's caper
we just gotta get to the gay dance scene as quickly as possible okay
carmen asked for the specification on the eggs so seriously
cleo speaking french. thats it thats the post
some of the lines in this special are a little weird with repetition. carm does it once with the riding with/hiding among the statues in a way that sounds a little unnatural, and she does it again here with "everything i ever steal from vile goes straight to charity, and now they're making me steal from a charity?" the inflection/repetition is just weird, like the emphasis should have been on steal, not charity. idk maybe gina just reads weird
carmen SLAYS in this dress. i wish it was even more extravagent but i get they needed something simpler for the dance scene. still shes hot as fuuuck for the whole part
her leg split is scandalously high btw??
and JULIA GOOD GRACIOUS SHE'S SO GORGEOUS actually thank god for chase never showing his face in here he gets enough spotlight in the choose your own adventure novels
it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that julia looks different because shes wearing contacts
her favorite acme agent
how did she find out julia's last name i wonder
noooo carmen dont avoid her ur so sexy ahahaha
carmen's voice. when she says scarlet santa rosa. hdhwidw oh boy. also hello, fake name for hospitals and hotels in every fic ever from this point out. we salute you.
player's "oh boy" he knows carmen's too gay for this shit
also good GOD yes we're dancing. only thing we're missing is carmen saying she likes to tango more than she likes to waltz so there we go. gay time
i choose to accept the dance
"do i cut a rug, or put the 'go' in sandiego?" these lines are GEMS
man this scene is spectacular
adoring how miserable carmen looks the entire time she's dancing with this rando. can she do it? yes. does she want to be? hell no
the guy: :D carmen: 馃檨
girl if you were any further apart from this dude you'd be in north america
carmen fantasy mind link with mime bomb where she kicks the man to the curb and engages in a techno dance fantasy where she lets her hair down and goes wild, imagining julia argent seeing her and cheering her on gayly is top ten scenes in all of animation history
carmen's hips in the dance have me in a chokehold figuratively and i wish it was literally
the little prance after carmen kicks herself in the face is so gay you're being so gay dude. she imagines julia watching her and she stares directly at her and PRANCES
love the imaginary dance partner guy. carmen's like hm i wish this guy was fun
also THRILLED that the only canon imagination we ever see carmen having is one. being paranoid about a crusty 20 year old shadowsan stalking her and 2. having a dissociative dance fantasy because dancing the waltz with monaco royalty is torturous to stay grounded for
when she takes her hair out like if you agree
that was fantastic as always, sorry you had to sit through me ranting gayly for that long. time for more gay ranting. ITS JULIA!
carmens little moment of panic when julia comes up behind her is always great
man theyre so gay. julia is confident and girl please bestie i love you but this is the ONE time you're wrong
my favorite frame. goldfish julia
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the height difference
"so good to see you again" 馃槍
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julia using they/them pronouns win writers did her dirty in the s3 opener
"I will CERTAINLY be relieved once any stolen treasures MYSTERIOUSLY appear at my doorstep to allow me to return them to the proper authorities" she says in the most seductive voice possible, turning and walking away with a look over her shoulder
shes literally flirting you guys
player said woah because even he knew that the usual writers never let julia have that much personality and gaydar
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gay abt it. also obsessed with their little hooves
we never talk about how dirty tsonts does you. it leads you unequivocally to believe that tricking julia is the correct option to keep both carmen and her safe. it ALSO leads you to believe that carmen is just going to pull a "WHATS THAT OVER THERE" trick and leave. SHE DOES NOT. DO THAT. SHE LOCKS JULIA OUT ON THE ROOF, STEALS FROM HER, AND LIES TO HER. WHY
anyway first time i played this i tricked julia thinking i was keeping her safe and was so pissed off by the outcome that I went back and trusted her. we do miss a glorious angy jules moment of her screaming "la femme rogue" with ten times less punch than devineaux, though.
all that is to say i choose trust julia.
either way you slice it i managed to wind up in a pickle at a caviar party
they say trust like three times in this conversation its so. the core of their relationship
carms little smile mmmmmmmmmm
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ah, the cs 3/4 turn
OKAY even though it'll lead to bad shit happening we cannot skip the stash part because 1. it gives us one of carmen's BEST outfits and 2. i have a funny story about it/this is what i picked the first time
also it again leads us to the wrong choice on purpose in my opinion, which i think tsonts is designed to do
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shes my profile picture and shes so killer in the waitress outfit god im so gay about it
okay here's my funny story when mime bomb started choking i was COMPLETELY prepared to have an option to save him or continue to go after the caviar and i was also COMPLETELY prepared to let him die i felt really bad about it once I realized they obviously weren't going to let him choke
mime bomb singing opera foreshadowing!! while hes choking to death
carmen could give me the heimlich maneuver
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mime bomb hairline reveal
everyone just dissipates once they realize they were laughing at a person actively dying
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who is also the me on tumblr
the waitstaff wondering why this piece of fish weighs five times what its supposed to and why this one weighs nothing at all 馃え
you uncouth ninny
i love the cut from zack and ivy trying to fight to them immediately getting brainwashed they didnt stand a chance
btw where does carmen keep just. changing. where is she going. did she mug a waiter for that outfit and leave them naked in a closet. what
anyway ultimately i choose dash
she so cute when she commit acts of violence on innocent people
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elsa is that you
man i love that shot of her putting on the glider. where is everyone though. like did they just think she threw herself off the edge and were like ah well
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i love getting to see clips of carmen actually pulling the cord on her glider also her WHOLE LEG IS OUT GOD DAMN
imagine if they had just prerecorded zack and ivy and they were way off the mark. and zack and ivy were just mindwiped already
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its my favorite background extra!
also the carmen-in-milan extra who was in dubai was also in the earlier scene
i choose steal for vile again becauseeee we snubbed tigress so that would fuckin suck for us. i do really enjoy the trust tigress --> arctic circle route, though (i wasnt even aware there was more than one good ending for a really long time because i always left tigress in the hole lmfao) but shes actually decent. i also like when you leave tigress --> arctic circle because carmen just kicks a solid metal foot thick door. and it hurts. like she didnt think about that one
hell???? in a kids show??? 馃槻
i like how you can see that carmen appreciates how incredible it is that theres soft tissue intact
another weird inflection thing? she says "attempt to clone-" like shes about to put emphasis on the dinosaur part after, when i feel like she would put emphasis on clone? idk whatever
gremlin bellum is the best
editing carmen sandiego clips to be way out of context is my passion. ugh. im going to hell
montana got such a sad info section honestly
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carmen slaying that red eyeliner
OKAY first time i did this i tried to catch the plane, which is what im doing now because...it just adds scenes and doesnt actually change anything. however the first time i did this...you know what, tell you when we get there. here we go.
rip carmen's motorcycle which she somehow had in montana
imagine being the pilot
oh yeah okay. so, the first time i played this i literally fucking thought i had just condemned carmen to a horrific and unnecessary painful death. the glider prevented me from having a full out heart attack, I think, but it scared me VERY BADLY!
and then- alright, by this point, I'd chosen wrong pretty much every single time. the van, the soldiers, the stash/dash, everything. i just fucked up EVERYTHING. so when bellum called and was like YOU WASTED SO MUCH TIME i thought OHHH NO FUCK DID I DOOM THEM AGAIN NOOO. it turns out, you get that scene no matter which path you take. so. whatever. but that series of events got me so scared
TSONTS does more for carmen's friendship with zack and ivy/building relationships with allies than the entire main series and you can fight me on that
she thought you were making a funny 馃え
autistic bellum agenda
first time around i picked el topo! there are fun sides to both- el topo's line about being pawns in a bigger game, but also le chevre gets you a chase scene on a rollercoaster where agent zari tries to run carmen over . ride the cyclone her if you will. both are fun, but for the sake of doing my og path im going to go for el topo!
el topo is such a cinnamon roll. hes excited to work with her 馃ズ he hates no one 馃ズ
"very well dressed company" acmeoffical should put that was their tagline
i think my first go around i hid, so I'm doing that. AgAiN, tsonts leads you to the wrong option. like. obviously running seems stupid if the entire place is crawling with them?? to me, anyway. but. i guess its always right in this playthrough. still choosing hide first because i like to see carmen break shit and get caught
she pulls a dokuso on that one. where did she get a smoke bomb
the cranial dranial. btw the noises on that title card are disgusssting. you miss out on so many good gags if you save zack and ivy from dying. bellum and cleo squabbling. bellum renaming the mindwiper every three seconds
anyway onto the good option of run
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and my favorite background acme agent <3
carmen being loud af in those vents and REALLY not careful with that one of a kind priceless bone
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behold, carmen sandiego
love how embarrassed zari is jdsgdjsh
girlie fit through THAT grate???
love how you can see her little foot sticking out from behind the tourist before she pops out
i also love how carmen very clearly notices julia following her
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my favorite bg character again
julias so cute
woah, a mindwiping carmen plot?? thats so diabolical! im glad its possible to entirely avoid that fate for carmen in the canon. yep!
lil. gay julia
its so sad when julia rejects her if you decide to lock her out on the roof. but also hilarious because julia tracks her through the airport LITERALLY just to break up with her on her own terms. shes like oh i gotta find carmen and carmen is like hi and then julia just leaves
also the dont trust julia ending is literally the worst ending in the game and its a crime that that symbolism didnt carry to the main series. so angsty and good though i really like that scene
ALSO also the carmen getting mindwiped bad ending?? THATS how carmen should have reacted in s4. shes struggling, shes trying to avoid it, but like?? in the CANON MINDWIPING carmens just like grgrggrgr im biting this. not going to change my behavior of yanking on my wrists as maelstrom reveals a terrible fate to me just going to keep looping "struggle animation" like an npc
sorry. im salty about that. you can tell. back on track to the gay ending.
UM. SURE? shes so cute
PAPER STAR'S THEME!!! i love that being woven into the score
juliaaaa in the hat and coaaaat
zack and ivy's banter in the evil shack is great
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oddly specific subtitles?
carmen got the perfect circle capabilities of luz in here
how did she just move that piece of roof aside instead of it falling in help
"since when does carmen sandiego wear glasses" REALLY thats the ONLY thing that looks different about her? not the. race change. or the dark hair pixie cut. or losing half a foot of height
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zack hugging carmen <33
man im hitting my image limit for this post help
also carmen just shoving zack away is so funny shes not even gentle shes just like BOOM lets jet.
that vile grunt slamming face first into the helicopter my beloved
"not of helicopters im not!" zack says, flying the helicopter flawlessly
"here's looking at you, crew" is a reference to the 1942 film casablanca which was the first location carmen visited outside of vile island. in this theory i will prove that casablanca was the first movie she ever watched and-
how do you know where julia lives, huh carmen? dont you know thats GAY?
HHAAIHUDGHGGHDSJ i love this ending so fucking much arhsghaggdrg. im carmen sandiego and im here to make your day. she's wearing the hat and coat. shes so cute theyre so gay et cetera et cetera
that gayass little display carmen does for her
the fucking. bouquet of red roses oh its carmens color no shut up she did NOT have to do that that was EXPLICIT. ALSO JULIA BLUSHING ABOUT IT WHILE SHE THANKS HER AND HOLDS THE BOUQUET IM GOING FERAL OVER THEM TSONTS DID SO MUCH FOR US
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what an absolute treasure i love the recreation of the old rockapellas song. they got to correct their czech republic inaccuracy wheeze. oh to be a geography show during a time when geography isnt staying the same long enough to make content about it
zack submitting himself to chinese water torture just for fun
the vile operatives ajdgshdfaghds
ABBY TROTT <3 love you and ivy's dancing and ivy singing and everyone dancing and everyone singing pop off slay the whole nine yards
obsessed with that little arm move on "berlin down to belize" what was that
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carmivy canon
tigress's shoulder shimmies and pinchies of the glider yes
cs color theory ON LOCATION + the gays being gay
ive never understood the mekong from the jungle line honestly. did she steal the whole river. unify east and southeast asia. i guess so. if she can steal the statue of liberty why not
puberty didnt hit player like a truck it hit him like a rocketship
brunt's little jig as she goes to punch the living daylights out of carmen <3
i also love zari's line
"A聽moving violation聽is any violation of the law committed by the聽driver聽of a聽vehicle聽while it is in聽motion" julia literally knows carmen is a cant drive gay
mime bomb's one line <3
once again, ABBY TROTT'S VOICE
tigress dances like i dance. badly
the little faculty dance showcases is also fantastic. get bellum'd. maelstrom's doing a mickey mouse clubhouse ass dance. cleo is slaying
the mystery: is coach brunt saying "let me know" or "lambkins, oh" its the first one but i thought it was the latter for a long time
never noticed the mechanic waving her little wrench around. there are a bunch of cute motions like the gays being gayer, a cleaner singing into his mop, and ivy pumping the air with her fist
anyway, SORRY! this was long af! my bad! it's a lot to cover and. kind of hard to liveblog when there are so many options. if anyone got this far, i hope you enjoyed it! see ya next week for season 3!!
and, yes, i was later again. more late than usual, actually. i've been busy with art fight >:)
26 notes View notes
newmic 5 months ago
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Ile d'Oleron - Oleron Island
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unpetitvelodanslacorse 2 years ago
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Rose Beach - Ile d鈥橭leron - Septembre 2022
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fleshwizard 4 years ago
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Holiday sketches !
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mich-bois 5 years ago
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Ile d鈥橭l茅ron (2009).
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cemeterywanderings 5 years ago
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Cimetiere du Chateau d鈥橭leron, Charente Maritime, France.
Photographed by Christophe Maitrejean
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richwall101 5 years ago
A Villa on Ile d'Oleron by Richard Walker Via Flickr: A Villa with Blue shutters on the Ile-d'Oleron West Coast of France
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huariqueje 6 years ago
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Ol茅ron聽,聽 Ile d'Oleron聽聽聽-聽聽聽 Leopold Survage , 1910.
Finnish- French , 1879-1968
Oil on canvas, 33 x 41 cm (13 x 16,1 in)
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emskiewings 3 years ago
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Ile d'Ol茅ron, France
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grandboute 1 year ago
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The beach
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beleqme 4 years ago
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Ile d鈥橭l茅ron
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newmic 5 months ago
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Fishing huts Ile d'Oleron
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stephan-widera 7 years ago
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Ile d'Oleron, France. Photography by Stephan Widera
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unpetitvelodanslacorse 4 years ago
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Une petite Vague 脿 l鈥櫭甽e d鈥橭l茅ron !
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mich-bois 5 years ago
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Ile d鈥橭l茅ron.
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