#iladarling blurb
chaoticparker · 3 years
Peter Parker x f!reader
w/c: 1k+
Warning: swearing,
Summary: Peter’s been distant and you think he is going to break up with you, until one night he wants you to open your window. (Fluff)
a/n: I felt kind of bad with deleting the fic so I came up with this idea and wrote real quick. Let me know what you think!
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You paced around your room, walking back and forth thinking about your boyfriend Peter. For a little while now, Peter has been acting distant and you were certain that he was going to break up with you. You hoped that Peter didn’t fell out of love with you. But, you thought about what you could have done for this to all happen. Were you to clingy? Did you not look right? Whatever it was you couldn’t put your finger on it.
You asked Mj about it, she said that Peter talked about you too much to be out of love. And when you asked Ned about it, he always got nervous and said that Peter was not acting weird, which you knew meant that Peter was definitely being weird.
As much as you and Peter pride yourselves on having great communication, spurring from before you were dating and when you were friends, you couldn't help but notice how Peter was confiding in Ned and you confiding in Mj a lot more.
You thought back to all the times Peter had flaked on your dates, study sessions, nightly cuddles and the countless times he has abruptly hung up on you on FaceTime without any more than a text a few minutes later saying, ‘sorry my phone died’.
Yeah, it definitely felt like he was going to break up with you.
The realization wounded your heart and made it go heavy. You wondered if you should spare yourself some trouble and just break up with him, in a way that wouldn’t damage the friend group. But the only way for that to happen would be for a mutual breakup, and the last thing you wanted to do was breakup with Peter.
Your phone started to buzz and you walked over to your desk and saw Peter’s name. You sighed and let your pettiness get the better of you and let it ring a few more times, then you answered. “Hey wh-”
“Can you open your bedroom window? Like right now?” Peter's voice was rushed and strained.
“What? Why should I-” The phone disconnected and you started to grumble as you waddled on over to your bedroom window and opened all the way. Was this some annoying prank? Was he going to dramatically break up with you?
You stuck your head out the window, resting your arms on the windowsill and felt the cool midnight breeze of New York. You looked out, seeing all of the flashing lights from the cars below and the tiny lights coming from peoples rooms.
As you glanced around you saw a red figure heading straight for you. You rubbed your eyes and looked again, this time you could make out the figure was Spider-man and he was most definitely coming right towards you.
You ducked down right as Spider-man threw himself right into your room through the window. You backed yourself against the wall right under your window and started to breath a little heavier. You started, eyes wide, at the Spider-man, in your room.
Spider-man turned around and his lenses grew, “hey, hey, its ok (y/n).”
You looked around your room and grabbed a cardboard tube that was leftover from the raping paper you used to wrap a gift and stood up with it in your grip, ready to hit him; like it would do anything to a superhero.
“How the fuck do you know my name.”
Spider-man held him hands up and slowly took his mask off and revealed the familiar head of brown curls and soft brown eyes. Peter walked closer to you and your jaw was dropped. You were completely shocked, your best friend who is your boyfriend just revealed himself to be Spider-man.
So you did what any in shock person would do, you started hitting Peter with the tube.
“Why” -hit-, “did” -hit-, “you” -hit-, “not” -hit-, “tell” -hit-, “me”, you landed another blow on the top of his head.
“Ok, I probably deserve all of that but let me just-” Peter went behind you and quickly shut the window and lowered the blinds, “there. So, I’m Spider-man-”
“Yeah no shit.”
“- and I could not tell you because Mr. Stark told me I should keep my identity a secret. But I was being chased and your place was closer than mine so that's why I called.” Peter put his hands on your shoulder, “I know I’ve been distant, Ned was yelling at me saying you’ve been talking to him about you thinking I want to break up, which I most definitely do not. He says I’ve been spending too much time as Spider-man an-”
“Wait,” you pushed away from Peter and started waking around your room and swinging the tube in your hand, “you told Ned, about being Spider-man but not me?”
“Well, not intentionally.” You whacked him on the head again. “Ok, I probably deserve that.”
“Yeah, you do.” But you felt bad about hitting Peter, so you brought your hand up to his head and ruffled his hair, in which he let out a cute sigh. “But seriously, we’ve told each other everything. I know you still sleep with the stuffed animal I gave you when we were like 7. Hell I told you I got my period before my own mom-”
“You actually got it when we were hanging out and I had to give you some pants-”
“The point is we tell each other everything. There was a time before Spider-man went to Germany and when we started dating. I’m just-” you took a heavy sigh and gathered your thoughts, “I thought you didn’t want to date me anymore and I thought you wanted to dump me and I was really scared, I didn’t want to lose you.”
Peter quickly brought you into a close and tight hug and kissed the side of your head, “I would never break up with you, love. I was just scared that you would fall in love with Spider-man and not Peter Parker.”
You buried your head into his chest and hugged him tighter, “I’ve been in love with Peter Parker since I’ve met you, you have nothing to worry about.”
You pulled away from the hug, “but if you keep any more secrets from me again I will hit you with something much harder than a piece of cardboard.”
“I don’t doubt it, but can we go to bed? I’m kinda tired from being chased and I just want to be close to you.”
“Of course Petey.”
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chaoticparker · 3 years
peter parker x reader
w/c: 0.9k
warning: swearing
Summary: you vent to Spider-man, about Peter…
a/n: a little bored and decided to write this in class… I know I’ve been writing lots of blurbs but I have a regular fic coming soon :)
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Every time you had plans with Peter, he always blew you off by sending a quick text with some lame and obvious lie. You always heard of friends growing apart when they get older, but you never thought that would happen with you and Peter. You were always inseparable, but lately, he’s been acting stranger than usual.
You had plans with him tonight, you were supposed to go to the movies, but what was the point? Peter was just going to blow you off again to do whatever he’s been doing. So instead you decided to watch the city from your apartment rooftop. There was something calming about looking at the city, seeing everyone’s different lives intertwine with one another always made you seem like you weren’t alone. And it normally helped to take your mind off of Peter.
But unknownst to you Peter had managed to take the night off from patrol. He felt terrible about his Spider-man duties getting in the way of spending time away from you. But tonight was different, first of all he was actually there, and second of all tonight was the night that he would make his move.
Peter swung over to the cinema, then quickly changing in the alley next to it, then speed walked his way into the building. He had no idea what movie you wanted to catch, but they all were starting soon. He brought out his phone and sent you a text to let you know he has arrived. 
He waited a couple of minutes and got no reply, and his panic started to settle in. It was late at night and really dark, did something happen to you? He didn’t want to take his chances and ran back into the alley and changed back into his Spider-suit. 
“KAREN can you locate where (Y/n)’s phone was last on?” Peter asked. The AI pulled up the location and Peter saw that it was your apartment building. He dismissed the map, knowing how to get to your place by heart and started to swing. 
As Peter got closer to the apartment building, he could make out your figure. He let out a small sigh of relief but still kept his quick pace. He landed on your building with a thud earning a small gasp from you. 
“Spider-man?” Peter was about to say your name and hug you, but he looked down again realizing he is still in his suit. “What are you doing here?”
“I uh-” Peter cleared his throat trying to deepen it, “I was just swinging by and saw you by yourself.” He regained his confidence and jumped on the railing walking over to you. Once he got a couple feet away from you, he jumped down and sat next to you on the railing. 
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You let out an annoyed sigh, still confused on why the Spider-man was here, but you really needed to vent, and it's not like Peter is here.
“One of my friends keeps ditching me and I think they don’t want to be friends anymore.” You took a deep breath, saying it out loud did help a bit. It almost made you come to terms with everything, but it’s not like it mattered or helps with anything.
Peter on the other hand was freaking out. His hands were starting to get fidgety and you glanced down and noticed, “my friend does that too. Normally he likes playing with my rings on my hands to calm himself down.”
Peter was blushing, he felt as though his whole face was on fire. He looked back to you, and put his hands under his thighs. “In my superhero opinion, I don’t think he doesn’t want to be friends with you anymore.”
You gave out a small sad laugh and looked back to the city, “That would be nice, but he’s not very good with confrontation or communicating. When he doesn’t like something he would just give subtle hints, so maybe him ditching me is mine.”
“Maybe this person just has a lot going on in their life right now, and they just don’t want to stress you out.” It was the truth, when Peter first got his powers and became Spider-man, you were the first person he wanted to call. But he knew that already, Peter could stress you out, and the last thing he wanted to do was stress you out even more. 
Peter looked over and your brow was scrunched together like you were thinking about something else. “Is there anything else you need to get off your chest?” 
“I know it’s kind of ironic, but not being able to spend time with him kind of made me realize I like him, more than a friend, yea know?”
Peter has paralyzed. Sure, he found out the girl of his dreams likes him, but what would you think that he found out by being Spider-man? The whole reason that you're in this mess.
But without this mess you wouldn’t have realized your feelings towards him. So that was good, right?
“What should I do?”
Peter did not even hesitate to answer, “You’re an amazing person and without a doubt I know that Peter has a crush on you-”
“Wait!” You stood up and got closer to Spider-man, “how did you know I was talking about Peter-”
Then it finally hit you, the constant ditching, the Stark internship, the Youtube history filled with Spider-man videos.
“Peter what the actual fuck?” You took his mask off and he didn’t even try to stop you.
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