#ikemen vampire theodorus x reader
nuttytani · 10 months
Would you love me if I were a worm? Featuring ikemen vampire cast. (With gender neutral reader)
(a/n: when you have too much free time and need your hands to be occupied. Some random bullshit begins to form on your notes)
He finds it funny, why would you turn into a worm?
After seeing your frown tho, he says ok ok yes I will love you
Makes a disgusted face and turns you down
First of all, you won't turn into a worm. So why should he answer?
"if people can turn into vampires, why can't I turn into a worm?"
He kicks you out of his piano room
Dude has some thoughts to organise
Laughs at you and says, "what will you do if I say no?"
Pretends to forget about it but after some hours, he comes back to you
"no matter how and what you are or will turn into, I'll still love you"
"is this some sort of trick question? Well the answer is obviously yes, my love!"
Thinks deeply about it and smiles at you
"of course, I'll still love you. I think you'd make a cute worm too."
Scoffs at you and calls you an idiot
Why would you turn into a worm?
And by chance, you DID turn into one, how was he going to take care of you? There's so many worms out there in the world. What if you get lost and he gets some random worm instead and you, are lost and out in the cold, ready to be squashed by big feet.
Uno reverses you instead
Now you're trapped
Would you love him if he was a worm?
Gets sad if you don't answer quickly enough
"I am not doing this right now. If you're free, wash those potatoes instead. I'm already busy as it is"
Stays silent for a while and then sighs
"no matter what, I'd love you always and forever"
Chuckles a bit at the thought and immediately replies yes
He'd give you a good environment to live in. Some really nutritious soil and compost. Maybe a tiny rock for you to play with
"Comte, you just need to say yes... No need to.... Elaborate on what else you'd do"
"Alright. Well, would you love me if I were a worm?"
Is fascinated that you even came up with such a question
His answer is yes
But at the same time, he's coming up with scripts that include a dramatic romance between worms. For his own pleasure
Says yes immediately.
Thinks you'd look like a cute worm
Maybe he'd put roses next to your habitat or in it.
"of course! In fact, we can both be worms together! We'll be a happy worm couple"
He's actually taking the idea too seriously and goes ahead making worm habitats and gets a book on "how to raise a worm"
"I'm not sure. Though I suppose researching on a worm wouldn't be that bad"
Seeing you look unimpressed, he just chuckles while patting your head
"I'm only joking. Of course I'd love you"
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cloudcountry · 10 months
SUMMARY: theo "takes you out for a walk." (read: takes you out on a date to a bakery)
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: FIRST TIME WRITING FOR THEO!!! I HOPE I DO HIM JUSTICE </33 i havent even played his route oops
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“stop drooling all over the place, hondje. if you were wagging your tail any harder you’d have knocked down the display outside.”
you decide to ignore theo’s jab. you’re much too focused on the delicious looking pastries and delicately crafted cakes and powdered sugar dusted treats to care about a silly nickname, no matter how affectionate it may be.
theo grabs your hand and tugs you up to the counter, a soft grin on his face that you almost miss. his grip is tender, even though a man like him seems so rough and oh, how you love him so, because he’s such a tease and such a hard worker and loves his brother and loves you and always does his best to protect you both, and he’s always putting his best foot forward and treating you so well and—
“what would you like?” he asks, and that's when you realize just how long you were probably zoned out, staring at him like he was the pastry you wanted from the menu.
the two of you place your orders and wait at a nearby table, with you occasionally kicking theo’s shoes and him kicking you back. you don’t know if he realizes it, but each time you kick him he smiles.
he’s adorable. you’re in love with him.
and that fact only becomes more clear when he scoops up your treats, handing you your order with a gentle smile on his face and a reminder not to drool over it.
you smack a kiss onto his cheek and thank him for taking you out, and you can tell it takes all of his restraint not to pull you close and kiss you the way he wants to.
you know him well enough to know he'll make up for it.
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natimiles · 7 months
Lazy morning with Theo
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Words: 468
Tags: scenario; morning cuddles; fluffy; no pronouns specified for reader; established relationship.
Notes: Happy Birthday, @specters0rd! Have a fluffy morning with your master husband to brighten your day!
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You wake up with the feeling of Theo playing with your hair and something soft touching your forehead. Fluttering your eyes open, you find his face close to yours.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispers, still playing with your hair and brushing it away from your face.
“It’s okay,” you yawn, stirring and stretching. You notice then that he was half uncovered by the blankets, and his legs were sideways, as if… “Are you getting up already?” You can’t help but frown.
“Yes, I have some things I’d like to do.”
You grumble, frowning deeper and pouting. Grabbing the hand on your head, you bring it to your chest and hold tight.
“No, you don’t. It’s your day off, Theo.”
“I know,” he smiles at your pout, thinking it’s the most adorable thing. “But I want—”
“No,” you state again.
You throw yourself over him with enough force to make him roll onto his back. You settle on top of him and slide your arms under him so you can hold on tight, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
“I must be slacking off on your training, Hondje,” he clicks his tongue, but you know he’s not annoyed by the way his body shakes with him trying to stifle a laugh. “If that’s how you’ll behave with your master.”
“Yeah, yeah, you can do that later,” you dismiss him. “But now I want to enjoy this calm morning with you. You’ve been working too hard the last couple of weeks. You need to rest.”
He huffs with a laugh. “Fine.”
“Promise?” you ask, lifting your pinky.
“I promise,” he smiles softly, lacing his pinky with yours. “But I still should pinch your cheeks for all of this, to make sure you’ll behave next time.”
He really places his hands on your cheek, but he doesn’t actually pinch it. His hand slides back to your hair, smoothing it out of your face so he can take a proper look at you.
“Meanie,” you smile at him and place a kiss on his jawline.
Knowing he won’t try to get up after promising to stay there with you, you adjust your body so that you’re still slightly on top of Theo, but not completely. You bring your hand to the nape of his neck, playing with his hair there while he continues to run his fingers through yours.
It doesn’t take long for you to go back to sleep, and Theo can’t help but smile looking at the peaceful expression you have. He kisses your forehead again and squeezes you closer, pressing his face against your hair.
He closes his eyes with a sigh, trying to go back to sleep, and it isn’t so hard to do with your scent doing wonders to relax him.
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Taglist: @bicayaya @silverbladexyz @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza @echoes-in-the-forest @chevcore
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niphredil-14 · 7 months
I’m reentering my Ikevamp phase. Send me the links to your favorite ikevamp fics!!
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alby-rei · 3 months
The Astral Artist and His Haughty Hound (IkeVamp; Luigi's Mansion AU, Part 5)
a/n: It's been a while since the last update. Since then, I've graduated master's! Wee! What do you do when you fall head-first into a world inside a painting? Happy reading~ ✨
Series: Comte's Ghost Mansion Tags: Humor, Crack treated seriously, Luigi’s Mansion AU, Spooky scary spectral vampires, Ghostbuster MC Word Count: ~1900 words Characters: You, Vincent, Theo, [Surprise] Previous: Part 4 Next: Part 6
After dealing with the frivolous phantom named Arthur, you weaved through the winding halls in search of your next target.
Sebastian had marked for you the rooms of the remaining residents and their favorite spots.
A painting studio next? Wow, this mansion has everything!
You wondered how different the manor looked in the daytime. If Sebastian does not find you a way home, would they let you stay with them? Did you want to? Shaking your head, you brushed those thoughts aside.
This is all just one long lucid dream anyway, you thought as you trekked up a flight of stairs.
"Open sesame!" You jammed the master key in. "Woah!"
As soon as you stepped inside, your foot met with air, and you plunged down a starry night cityscape. Time slowed down as the wind picked up in swirls of cobalt blue, trailing across the sky like migrating birds. Stars twinkled in zinc yellow sparks guided by the vibrant orange of a cartoonish crescent moon.
More like a croissant moon, said your stomach while growling.
You stretched your limbs out like a flying squirrel, taking in the sights of a bustling city below. Couples strolled across tiles of spotty ultramarine and red ocher. A farmer pushed a cart of straw. A waiter balanced a tray of glass drinks as he weaved between busy tables. Trees danced to the tune of the wind, each branch shimmering in shades of emerald green. In fact, every inch of the city appeared in constant motion.   
How does such a world exist within a single painter's studio?
Gravity decided you had enough time to enjoy the scenery. You swam in the air towards the farmer's cart. If there was any hope in landing safely, that was your best bet. You held your breath as you hurled down towards your impending doom.
Just kidding!  
You landed in the cart of straw with the grace of a cat. The straw poked into your clothes and scratched against your skin. You climb out of the cart, weighed down by the Poltergust 1899. Thankfully, it did not break on the way down. Otherwise, you would have a bigger problem on your hands.
Brushing yourself off, you looked around for any signs of the artist behind this painterly world. Upon inspection, you found that the city dwellers did not carry distinct facial features. Some had none at all, more like impressions of a face. You wondered if this was how prosopagnosia felt.
You also wondered where you heard that word before.
"Excuse me, miss," said a gentle voice. "If I may trouble you to hold that pose."
Your head darted back and forth to find the source. A blond man peeked his head behind an easel stand. Unlike the rest of the population, his features were crystal clear; cerulean blue eyes and a sheepish smile on creamy skin. Little stars shimmered and swirled onto his features like those of the night sky overhead. An astral artist as beautiful as the world he had brought to life with his brush.
This must be Vincent,*you deduced.
Refusing his request felt like a crime against humanity. Unaccustomed to this sort of attention, you fidgeted in your spot. When you stood still, the colors around you became static. When you moved, the city followed suit. The only one unaffected by this was the painter, who remained engrossed in his work. Your attempts at light conversation were fruitless. He spoke mostly with his eyes with the way they stole glances at you every now and then, studying you. Heat rose to your cheeks as your gaze traveled elsewhere. You blamed the warmth on the bright lights of the coffee shop.
Be still my beating heart, you thought. This is not the time for casual crushes on ghosts.
You were jolted when you heard a loud smack of the paintbrush against wood. Vincent was cleaning his brush from the excess paint. The astral artist's arm shook with the speed of a rubber band. You'd think that brush was possessed, given the force he used to exorcise the spirits within. He stepped back to admire his handiwork, raising the canvas to face the light. His angelic smile was disarming. 
"Can I move now?" You asked, craning your stiff neck.
"Oh, yes! Thank you for your time. You must be a guest at the mansion. My name is Vincent."
"Nice to meet you, Vincent. And what a wonderful city you've created."
He shook his head. "I just paint what I see. The real wonder is the world around us." Stars twinkled excitedly across his cheeks.
You clutched the vacuum tube, explaining to Vincent the real cause of your arrival: to return their spirits to their bodies. You almost felt bad for what you had to do.
Vincent nodded. "In that case, you should find my brother Theo here, too. But, hmm..." He pursed his lips. After rummaging through his briefcase, he scribbled on a piece of paper, then handed it to you in an envelope. "This should help convince him. Please don't be alarmed by his...fiery spirit. Deep down, he is a kind soul."
His words left you skeptical, but you hadn't the heart to voice those concerns. A fiery spirit could mean many things. Given Vincent's gentle nature, *how bad could his brother be?*
"Where would I find him?"
"He usually stays at the pub just around the corner. It's the only one on the block. I'll meet you both in front of the river Rhone."
Waving goodbye to the astral artist, you rounded the corner and found a wooden sign with a beer keg on it. Just as you made your way up some wooden steps, a bloodhound stood in your path.
Similar to Vincent, he stood out from his surroundings. His chestnut-brown fur shimmered with a spectral outline. A silver ear cuff shone on his right floppy ear. His short tail stood on end.
"Intruder! Intruder!" barked the hound. "You're not from one of my dear brother's paintings. How did you get here?"
"Woah, woah. Settle down, boy." You backed up slowly as he drew closer. "Just visiting. I'm looking for—"
He sniffed around your ankles, then your clothes. You shielded the pocket that held Vincent's envelope. The bloodhound's maw pulled back in a snarl.
"An art thief?! Not on my watch!"
"What, no!"
"You stole something of his. It’s in that pocket, I can smell it."
Unable to reason with the haughty hound, you were forced to run in hopes of losing him. He proceeded to chase you around the painted city for a solid thirty minutes.
Huffing and puffing, you looked around frantically for any sign of the river that Vincent mentioned. *Surely he would know how to pacify his guard dog, if that is what he is.*
Your legs grew heavy and rigid like planks of wood. The bloodhound leapt onto your back, sending you tumbling forward.
"Get...off...me!" You struggled against his incessant pawing at your pocket. "I NEED TO FIND THEO."
He stiffened. "For me?"
"For...huh." Still dazed, words eluded you. You revealed the envelope in your pocket, waving it.
A weight was lifted off your chest, and a hand—a human hand—swiped the letter from yours. In front of you stood a tall man with brunet hair swooped left like sharp blades of grass. His cobalt blue eyes scanned the contents of the letter.  
"Why didn't you say so sooner?"
"You wouldn't let me finish!"
He offered you a hand to get up. "Come on, then. We shouldn't keep Vincent waiting."
You got up and brushed yourself off with more insults swirling in your head. Theo was already walking away, cool as a cucumber, as you let out all your frustrations. 
After a short walk, the loud and busy cityscape gave way to tranquil waters and soft sand. A handful of rowboats were docked. The warm yellow light of the buildings reflected onto the river, extending from shore to shore. The shimmering lights above brightened. The crescent moon was out of sight. The astral artist waved and the river swayed in tandem with his sweeping arcs.      
"I hope my little brother didn't trouble you much," Vincent said with a gentle smile.
"Well..." You rolled your eyes at Theo, who whistled loudly while avoiding eye contact.
Though you didn't say more, Vincent's smile fell. "Oh no."
Theo flinched when Vincent pinched his cheek. "Theo... What did we say about reacting impulsively?"
"Urk... I was just trying to keep your work safe."
Vincent sighed. "I understand you meant no harm." His voice trailed off, flicking his head towards you.
Theo inhaled sharply and turned to you. "I'm...sorry. For the way I reacted." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away.
Vincent pat his head. "You can make up for it with a generous plate of your delicious pancakes."
Your stomach growled approvingly.
"But first, how do we get out of here?" you asked.
"Your device should do the trick," said Vincent with open arms. "Ready when you are."
"Wait!!" shouted Theo. "Me first. I don't...think I can handle seeing Vincent vacuumed like that again."
He has memories of previous nights? you thought. A brotherly bond stronger than paranormal curses, how sweet.
Fulfilling his wish, you captured Theo first, then Vincent. As you did, the world around you swirled in on itself. Blues and oranges blended together, and your sense of direction distorted along with it. The buildings compressed like clay, and the river washed over the stars.
Everything faded to black.
When you opened your eyes, you stood on solid wooden ground in the center of a regular studio.
Moonlight shone through a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. You recognized the paintings on display as the city you ran through. No museum experience could ever live up to what you have seen here. Maybe you should propose the idea of a walk-in painting when—if—you get back home.
Beside your feet, both ghosts had dropped something behind; a paintbrush and magnifying glass. Two more for the count. You were getting good at this.
"Into the pouch you go," you declared, exiting the room with a rejuvenated sense of purpose.
You opened the map to your next destination. The longer you remained here, the harder it was to convince yourself it was just a dream. You touched the furniture you passed by, as a means of testing that theory. The man you met at the Louvre came to mind. Sebastian’s master. The subject of the painting at the entrance hallway.
"Ah," said a velvety voice. "Sebastian didn't tell me we were expecting guests."
You clutched your vacuum tube, aimed at the source. The shadow of a figure came into view. "And you are?"
Expensive leather shoes clicked as a man walked into the light. A large beige coat framed a lithe figure of aristocratic air. Blond hair swept over molten golden irises faintly glow in the dark.
The cause of your arrival in this strange world. He raised a hand to his chest, tipping forward in a noble bow. "I am the head of this mansion. Better known as le Comte de Saint-Germain. Enchanté."
Tagging: @starlitmanor-network
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whatever-fanfics · 11 months
I’m most likely going to separate this into 2 parts for the act 2 gang because I can’t add anymore choices
I will also create a tag list so please comment below if you want to be tagged
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solomons-poison · 2 years
A/N: I completely forgot I had wanted to include some Ikemen Series characters into my neighbor!AU series... I hope this isn't too OOC for Theo. I was gonna write him a little mean but just couldn't do it, he's a secret softie. Been in my drafts forever whoops. Enjoy 💙
Warnings: spicy but not explicit, GN reader, classic bully Theo initially, jealous Theo hehe
Neighbor!Theo that, you're fairly certain, hates your guts. Not that he ever said so in so many words, and you're not sure what you could have done to cause this. But his permanent scowl when you pass him in the hall and the way he doesn't give you the time of day certainly gives you that impression. So the first time he does talk to you, you're so flabbergasted about it you can't even comprehend what he asked, earning you a "Oi, hondje!" and leaving you utterly mortified.
Neighbor!Theo that thinks you're stupid after that whole fiasco — at least, thats what you've convinced yourself. So you do your best to avoid him to prevent any more embarrassing scenes, even turning to go back down the hall when he's coming from the other direction, practically running from him. In your flustered state and rush to get away, you miss the way his eyebrows furrow and lips tug down into a frown as he watches your escape, wondering what he's done to scare you that badly.
Neighbor!Theo that awkwardly stands at your doorstep now, having a silent debate with himself about how to approach you, wondering why you run from him all the time. He doesn't hate you, in fact he thinks you're pretty cute. He knows he has the social skills of a wild boar and an award-winning resting bitch face, but he hasn't been that bad... has he? When you finally answer your door, he's too distracted by finally seeing your face up close to say anything at first, leaving you to freeze up like a cornered rabbit until he finally breaks the ice and you both explain yourselves.
Neighbor!Theo that can't help but feel bad about the poor (or lack of) communication. So once everything was straightened out and it was made clear that he doesn't hate you, although he does think you're a bit of a fool (affectionate), he invites you to his brother Vincent's gallery opening to start the relationship fresh. Desperate to move on and give a better impression, you agree and he comes to your door to pick you up on the set date.
Neighbor!Theo that can't help but enjoy your reactions to the art he shows you. Not everyone can have an eye for art, but the way your face lights up and your gaze gets wistful gives him hope, and it reminds him of his younger years seeing Vincent's art. He keeps it in mind to take you to art museums for future dates, provided he hasn't scared you off before then. The gallery is also where you share your first kiss.
Neighbor!Theo that slightly regrets introducing you to his brother after he discovers how well you two get along. Not that he doesn't want his brother to have more friends, and he doesn't mind sharing friends with Vincent either. But if there's anyone he can't say no to, it's Vincent. And while he usually considers himself a confident man, he can't help but feel some jealousy creep up on him at the thought of you liking Vincent as more than a friend.
Neighbor!Theo that tries to ignore the growing jealousy, but just can't help it as he watches you and Vincent quickly grow to be close friends. He's never been able to say no to his brother, and if being with you is what makes Vincent happy, he's ready to deal with whatever happens. However, unbeknownst to him, you've gone to Vincent for help with getting closer to Theo instead, turning him into an accidental wingman.
Neighbor!Theo that finally confronts you about your secret meetings with his brother. Not that he thinks you or his brother are capable of going behind his back, but he still worries regardless. The relief is practically palpable when you come clean, quickly followed by pink cheeks and flustered look as he realizes his feelings are being returned.
Neighbor!Theo that seems grumpy for the rest of the night, but his relief and happiness are all evident in the series of kisses he gives you afterwards. But don't be fooled or think you're off the hook as his kisses get more passionate by the second, eager to show you the true brunt of his feelings finally.
Neighbor!Theo that makes sure to spend the entire night engraving him and his love into your mind and moreso your body, giving you all the pleasure you can handle and more to make sure he’s the only thing that occupies your mind. Despite his rough demeanor, his love shows in every way so you never have to doubt how he cares for you.
This turned into more of a sectioned fic than headcanons but 🤷‍♀️ I love my mean sweethearts, I had to give Theo some love ❤️ Comments and reblogs appreciated!
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shookspearewrites · 2 years
Shookspeare mini Christmas!
My ducklings, my little luvs, how have we been? I’ve kinda been off Tumblr for a while because my postgraduate studies + my job have literally been taking up all of my time >2< Merry Christmas, Happy holidays and I hope y’all have a lovely winter, my luvs!
- JJ x
Theodorus van Gogh:
MC wiped her flour-covered hands on the front of her apron and smiled to herself softly as she approached the door leading out into the hall, quirking a brow with curiosity when she noticed Theo standing in the doorway, leaning forward slightly, with his forearms on either side of the doorframe, “Oh, good evening Theo. What can I do for you? Dinner isn’t quite ready yet-”
The art dealer smirked and gestured to the ceiling above him where there hung a fresh sprig of mistletoe - no doubt placed there by Arthur - with forest green leaves and alabaster white berries, “Isn’t it tradition to kiss under the mistletoe, hondje?” MC’s cheeks flushed warm with peachy pink blush as her own gaze flitted between the wintery plant and her smirking boyfriend underneath it. She nodded slowly as she untied her apron and tossed it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs, stuffing her little hands into her pockets bashfully, smiling sweetly at Theo, “Oke then,” the Dutch man continued, “Geef me een kus.”
The housemaid shuffled forward towards Theo and stepped up onto her tiptoes and reached her arms up to loop behind her boyfriend’s neck, letting her eyes flutter closed before placing a soft kiss to his lips, her cheeks only heating up further when Theo’s hands found her waist and squeezed with a gentleness that he’d handle a priceless painting with. The feeling of Theo’s searing kiss lingered on MC’s lips when she pulled back, the tastes of hot ginger, sweet sugar and rich whiskey remaining on her plump lips even though she and Theo were no longer touching. The lady blinked up at her lover who didn’t budge an inch, cocking her head slightly to the side when he simply grinned down at her, “Theo?”
The art dealer glanced back up at the mistletoe, icy blue eyes twinkling with mischief when they met MC’s wide pair, “The mistletoe’s still there, MC. I don’t hear no bells.” He pointed his right index finger up at the pretty green plant, biting his lip with a smirk as he leant a little closer to his girlfriend. Theo placed one of his large, warm hands on the small of MC’s back as the other found the back of her head, his long fingers tangling in her soft hair when he pulled her towards him before finally pressing his lips to her’s. Theo’s kiss was surprisingly gentle, not so much a crash of burning passion like high waves meeting the shore like usual, but more of sweet wave of warmth, like hot cocoa on in the harsh winter, warming her heart with love and security. MC sighed sweetly when she and Theo parted, looping her arms around his waist and nuzzling her soft cheek against his toned chest, “Is my little hondje excited for Christmas tomorrow?”
The young woman nodded smally, grinning to herself as she took note of Theo’s warm cinnamon and clove scented cologne, “Of course I am, Theo! I get to spend the day with you and have good food, open presents and hopefully get to kiss you under the mistletoe again.” MC let go of her boyfriend and rose up on her tiptoes to peck his cheek softly before sauntering away down the hallway, “See you at dinner, Theodorus.”
The vampire stuttered slightly, feeling pink heat rush to his pale cheeks as he watched his beloved walk away, “See you at dinner, schatje.”
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violettduchess · 2 years
I absolutely love your work! I was wondering if you could do a kiss for Theodorus?? 🙏🏻
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A/N: Here you go anon!
Word Count: 493
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A slow smile, sharp and bright, a blade made of sunshine. Blue eyes, heavy lidded with intention, framed by dark lashes evoking echoes of the angelic. He is a man who knows how to assess beauty, how to find it in inconspicuous places and bring it out for the world to see. And there is nothing as beautiful to him as the look on your face when he leans in to kiss you. Your lips parted in anticipation, your eyes slowly closing, shutting out the world so you can lose yourself in the feel of his lips, the press of his palms. 
He lowers his head, angles it just right to slot your lips together, warmth spreading through you at how perfect the fit is. Strong hands grasp your waist, pulling you against him. You are pliant clay pressed into a mold, forming yourself around the hard lines of his body. Everywhere he moves his hands feels like an act of creation. He is fanning the air in your lungs, drumming his fingers to the beat of your heart.
One kiss. Two. He captures and releases your lips over and over. Each time you lose the warmth of his mouth a tiny whimper rises within you like a spark from a fire, bright and distinct. The soft sound fuels the hunger inside him, encourages it to blossom and grow like brilliant ivy. It wraps itself around his bones, burns its way into his blood until how much he wants you is all he can think about. Gone is the cool-headed businessman, the art broker, the promoter. Now there is just Theo and there is just you, the person who wrapped her hands around his heart and never let go.
Your hands skim over the soft material of his coat, rounding the curve of his shoulders before plunging up into the soft, tawny thicket of his hair. The feel of it between your fingers never fails to send a torrent of pleasure through you, especially when your fingers curve inward, pulling in a way that has him gasping, his mouth jettisoned away from yours as that hoarse sound escapes him.
His sharply drawn breath opens the way for more words, words that tumble from his lips and are pressed against whatever skin he can find, painting you in his desire. He breathes brushstrokes of praise into the curve of your jaw, the slant of your cheekbones. He kisses petal pink into the line of your neck, the hollow of your throat. His tongue designs filigrees of want and need across the exposed skin of your neckline. His hands draft promises of what will come when he has you out of your clothing and in his bed.
You are his canvas and he is finally allowed to be the artist he once longed to be, safe and secure and most of all, free within the frame of your love for him. 
There is nothing more beautiful to you than this.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @kpop-and-otome
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pieground · 1 year
Theo x Reader
In participation to Spring Showers Spring Flowers CCC hosted by @violettduchess & @aquagirl1978.
🌼 p r o m p t ╎gardens
🌼 w . c o u n t ╎1k.
🌼 g e n r e ╎fluff
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You hate butterflies.
God, you hate them so much. So when one decides that you look like a good flower to land on—as much as you appreciate the sentiment, you let out a shriek loud enough to send the birds from nearby to fly away. And it doesn’t stop there, the butterfly of course wasn’t aware of your dread; it intends to land on its chosen flower. So what’s your only option? Run. And so the garden was filled with petrified cries and sounds of things being run over, it came to the point that Theo couldn’t take it anymore so he left his beloved stack of pancakes in the dining room and went out to the garden where he found you running for your life causality of a little white butterfly following you. He could only sigh at your tear-stained face. Seriously, you live in a mansion filled with vampires, and yet what made you cry is a small innocent insect.
“Oi, stop barki— hey!” Before he could finish his words, you were already running towards him and in an instant, he had a bad premonition. Look at the way you’re running, your legs look like they're ready to give up. He considered getting out of the way, whatever you’re doing, you can do it alone. But you could hurt yourself if you continue running like this. With his mind made up, he prepares himself, he has to catch you and stop you from your game of tag with a freaking butterfly then he can return to his pancakes at last. It’s just that what he’s not prepared for was you tackling him down, sending the two of you falling on the ground and knocking over the wooden tubs filled with both water and clothes along with you.
He was ready to blow off and chastise you for basically everything but the sound of your merry laughter pushed back the words in his tongue, with you on top of him, not caring about the way your hair had gotten messy because of the water or the way your clothes clung to your skin; he just couldn’t spat out any insult, not when you look so beautiful to him right now. Part of him knew how absurd the thought is, you look like a mess… but you’re having fun and the tears of fear you had earlier were now replaced by tears of laughter. So idiotic… so damn idiotic he repeats in his mind.
What a beautiful crazed fool… he thought, or maybe I’m the crazed fool in here.
“I’m so sorry, Theo. Hah!” you managed to say in between your dying giggles, lifting yourself off him and moving to the side. Theo on the other side, stayed still, slowly coming back to his senses along with his grumpiness.
Once he's back to himself, he shot up on his feet, dusting himself only to spread mud over his clothes, making him groan. “Hondje!” he pointed an accusing finger at you, “haven’t I trained you not to…” he halted, eyes sliding down to your chest, “ ...damn this. Cover yourself, will you?” he threw his coat towards you, turning to the side embarrassedly. Looking down, you found out that your clothes had become more or less transparent. No sooner than later, you too have felt embarrassed and hastily wore his damp coat.
“I’m fine now.”
“You don’t just tackle people on the ground!” he begins again, eyeing you with annoyance lacing his features. “I thought you knew that already but clearly you need to be trained. What if you hurt not only yourself but…”
A smile grew on your face. He still looks good while mad… and muddy.
Theo took this as a sign that you're not taking him seriously and he started getting grumpier.
You giggled.
He scowled, “Listen, wipe that dopey grin off your face before I do and think if it wasn’t me who caught you, or what could have happened. What if it’s a drunkard? A pervert? What if it’s Arthur? If it’s not me…”
So what if it wasn’t me? He asked himself. Not liking the way he felt his chest constricted with the thought of someone else touching you.
You sensed that he was nowhere near the end of reprimanding you so you took the matter into your own hands and when he was about to start lecturing you once again, you stepped in front of him, your hand softly palming him from the jaw and your thumb caressed the apple of his cheek, wiping off the dirt that stained his beautiful skin. Theo’s words once again died before they could be spoken. His eyes traveled from your bright eyes to the bow of your luscious lips, wondering why he had only admired them now… of how it must have felt to catch those with his. It is only then he realized the pounding of his heart and the excitement that set him feeling ablazed.
“Thank you for catching me, Theo.” You spoke with a voice so dreamy, smiling up at him before stepping away and making your way to the mansion with an obvious bounce on your steps.
Goodness, only if you knew how much control it took him not to follow you and catch you in his arms.
Man… this is bad. He talked to himself, fully aware of the stupid grin on his face.
You hate those, but right now, Theo can only wonder if you have them too… And if you like how they feel because he sure does. And in case you don't, you better be prepared because with the way his mind keep flashing the image of you so close to him earlier, he's more than ready to give them to you.
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aquagirl1978 · 11 months
All Night Long - Theodorus van Gogh x Reader (Ikemen Vampire)
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A/N: Part of Visions of Temptation 2023 hosted by @xxsycamore
Pairing: Theodorus van Gogh x Reader
Prompt: Day 20 - Oral Sex
Word Count: 861
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; oral sex (reader receiving); piv; doggystyle; praise kink; hair pulling; begging; rough sex; breeding kink; overstimulation; creampie; mention of pregnancy; female-bodied reader (no pronouns used, called "good girl", pregnancy mentioned)
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Your fingers gripped the bedsheets as Theo gazed at you with a mischievous smile. 
“You like that, hondje?” he asked, his hand hidden under your skirt, his fingers pumping deep inside you. He watched as you writhed under his ministrations, enjoying your struggle. “I could make you feel even better,” he added as he withdrew his fingers.
You wanted to grab him. Claw at him. And beg him not to stop.
But you didn’t. Because you knew he was right. He would make you feel so much better. 
So you laid there, like a good girl, and waited for him.
“That’s my good hondje,” he whispered as he lifted your skirt, your thighs parting and falling to either side. 
He placed his hands on the insides of your thighs, his thumb slowly stroking your sensitive skin as he spread your legs further, your core fully exposed to him. 
His blue eyes twinkled like the stars up in the sky as he smirked at you, the last you saw of his face before he dipped his head down to your core. 
You screamed out his name as he ran the tip of his tongue up along your entrance. His tongue  teased your clit, circling your sensitive nerves before covering it with his warm mouth, sucking gently. 
Wrapping a hand in his hair, you pulled him closer, not wanting him to move until you reached your peak, not wanting this pleasure to end. 
He slipped a finger inside your core, curling, coaxing your climax that he knew was so near. 
Removing his mouth from your clit, he blew gently on your skin, your body shivering before he tormented you with his tongue again.
Stars danced behind your lids as every nerve in your body felt electrified. Your toes curled and your back arched  as you cried out his name in pleasure. 
Pressing soft kisses on your thighs, Theo gave you a small moment to recover. Sitting up on his heels, he tugged on your skirt, sliding it off your weak as jelly legs. After discarding it to the side, he began to unbuckle his belt.
"This isn't over," he whispered, his voice deep and husky as he rolled you over onto your stomach. 
“How many times?” Theo grunted, his cock still hard, buried deep inside your core.
“Two…no three,” you moaned deliriously, drunk on his cock.
“That's not enough.” He continued to thrust deeper inside you, gripping your hips harder as he slammed his hips against yours.
“Gentle or rough?” he asked while withdrawing his cock just enough so that only the tip remained inside you.
Reduced to moaning, you couldn't answer. You simply were unable to. All you knew was that you wanted his cock back inside you.
“Gentle, then?” He pushed his cock inside you slowly. Painfully slow.
“No…ahh…!!!” you cried out when he pulled out and slammed back inside.
He leaned over your chest, his lips near your ear. “I like it rough, too,” he whispered, his hot breath licking your skin. 
He pulled out and rolled your body over, his hand pushing your head down against the soft pillow underneath. 
“Still so tight,” he said as he pushed his cock inside you. Your back arched, you cried out as he impaled you with his cock in one swift stroke.
He dug his fingers into your hips, his thrusts hard and rough. “I love watching your pussy swallow my cock.” His dirty words were enough to send you spiraling as your body trembled against his, your fourth orgasm ripping through you like wildfire through a forest.
“Good girl,” he praised, running his palm down your spine. “I love when you cum on my cock…” 
“But we're not done yet.”
Breathless and boneless, Theo easily flipped you on your back. Guiding your ankles over his shoulders, you smiled weakly knowing what was coming.
"Time to be bred. " 
He fucked you harder, his hips slamming against you at a furious pace. “I can't wait to see your pretty face when I fill you with my seed,” he grunted, his cock kissing your womb.
“You like that, don't you. Being bred,” he added while tugging on your hair, his breath ragged. “Even after I breed you, I'll still fill you up every night.” 
“Be a good girl now, and take it all. Take everything. Don't waste even a drop.” His entire body trembled as he spilled inside you, his hot seed filling your womb. You came undone, once again, while squeezing him of every last drop. 
When he pulled out, he raised your hips to minimize the dripping from between your thighs. He grabbed something from the nightstand, and inserted a plug between your legs, allowing your body to rest comfortably without wasting any of his seed. 
He gathered you in his arms, your eyes lidded, your breathing slowly returning to normal. He placed a chaste kiss on the top of your head, his whispered words soft and gentle. 
“I meant what I said earlier, I'll breed you every day. Even after you are with my child, your belly large and swollen, I will continue to breed you, each and every night.”
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @yarnnerdally @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @wendolrea @randonauticrap @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @nightghoul381
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etheries1015 · 1 year
As long as you don't mind, maybe Theo, Arthur, Charles and Shakespeare comforting a fem! S/O going through a emotional flashback?(where you feel the old emotions, but it doesn't feel like you're there there; I know for me I get really dissociated during/after and stim nonstop while blasting music to help ground). Only if you're up for it of course and it's something you'd feel comfy writing ❤️ Thank you so much lovely!
Oh my gosh slay my first ikevamp request thank you this is such a good idea!! I hope you don't mind I implemented a scenario I feel would be a relatable emotional experience: somebody brings up your family, friends, or past loved ones, and you can't help but think back at your life before and begin to spiral and question your choices.
Ikemen Vampire x reader - How they comfort you
Featuring: Theo, Arthur, Shakespeare, Charles
TW: Descriptions of disassociation and (very mild) panic attacks.
General warnings: Fem pronouns, not too in-depth but I hope it's still okay!
Theo I would say is not particularly the best at comforting, and does it in more of a round about way. However he can't help but need to do something....you're far too distracted while on the job. He had you come along with a few business deals with artists and nobles, and one specific thing a noble had said to you made you begin to think.
"Ah! Theo, and the lovely lady (y/n)! I've heard you have been established as a couple now, correct? Great for you! I'm sure your family must be happy you're with someone as stand up as good old theodorus here, huh?" One of the artists you had the pleasure of meeting blurted out. He hadnt meant anything by it and you knew this, however this was the start of you spiraling. The remaining amount of time you spent out and about with theo involved your eyes wandering to the ground, barely blinking while he led you by holding your hand. Your strides were slow and sluggish, and you had barely spoken a word ever since that incident. Finally you returned back to the mansion after he had finally called it a day, theo practically dragging you to his bedroom.
"What's going on with you hondje?" His eyebrows furrowed, "you've been weird ever since-" he stopped short of his sentence when he noticed tears filling your eyes which were colorless, your body slumping on the bed while you tried to distract yourself from the tears by picking at your nails. You simply shook your head, the words unable to form into coherent sentences thus silence was the best option for you. Theo didnt hesitate to wrap his strong arms around you and immediately begin to rub circles on your back, not pushing you any further to share what was going on.
He was content in the silence with you, he was a patient enough man to allow you to return to yourself in your own terms. Although he was gruff and often seen as outwardly brash and rough, however he knows when to hold back his often difficult attitude. Thus the next hour was him simply holding you in his arms, your light sobs soon evening out as you drifted into a slumber within his strong grasp. After laying you gently upon the bed, Theo made sure to take the following day off, for he knew he must dedicate that time to you.
You had began to make preparations for your wedding with Arthur, one of those things of course being a wedding dress. There were so many to choose from, and on top of being stressed about the whole ordeal and your anxiety creeping in, one of the tailors who were measuring you had nonchalantly said, "Oh dear, your parents must be ecstatic! Now tell me, where are they now? Shouldn't your mother at least be here for you while finding a dress for her precious daughters wedding?" You hesitated before gently responding to her that your mother lived abroad and you communicated by letter, and the woman quickly dropped the topic with a quick apology. The room suddenly felt thick and heavy, your chest tightened as you forced the tears that brimmed your eyes back. It wasn't until you stepped into the mansion after your dress endeavors, quickly rushing past any of the residents without so much as a "Hello." Its not as if you really noticed anyone anyways, your peripheral vision blurred and you felt numb. Any voices you heard drowened out, your mind wandering elsewhere. You wanted to be alone, you wanted to burry your face into your knees and try to cry, to forget the world exists, and fade away. you didnt feel real right now, you didnt feel like...you.
"Love!" You heard a familiar voice break you out or your trance, and panic began to set in.
Oh no.
You began to walk faster, 'don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry,' you kept telling yourself, 'If I see him, I will definitely cry.' And just as you had suspected, Arthur quickly caught up to you and grabbed your arm gently, a look of concern in his deep blue eyes. Your walls had cracked and the floodgates poured. He immediately pulled you into a tight embrace, swaying with you in his arms from side to side as you sobbed into his chest. Before long he was pulling you into his bedroom, instructing you to lay on his bed. He covered you gently with blankets and had gotten you water (and himself some coffee, of course.) He tried to get you to tell him what was wrong but knows better than to force you to talk. So, instead, he will lie down next to you caressing your hair. Your breathing began to even out, the repeated feeling of his gentle touch had calmed you down. You then spend the next few hours talking out your issues while Arthur peppered your face and jawline with kisses and continued to give you as much support as he possibly could.
"Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet!"
The familiar line rang in your ears as the play went on, yet another rendition of your boyfriends ever so popular "Romeo and Juliet." However, this time, the words drowned out and you found yourself staring blankly at the stage. You could see blurred lines moving around in act, and words that were being called out as the play continued forward. Yet you were not listening to any of it. Memories of the past had bubbled up into your mind instead, memories of reading Romeo and Juliet for the first time, perhaps studying Shakespeare with your classmates in school, plays that would take place in your world, and faces of people you were once familar with playing those roles. You began to feel numb, devoid of emotions, living in the past without noticing Shakespeare had lay his hand upon your own in obvious concern.
"(Y/n)," he whispered into your ear, "what ails you, my love? Be not afraid to confide in me, let free that in which plagues thy mind," he coaxed. You let out a trembling sigh and simply shook your head in an indication that you had no intention to explain it right now, it wasn't the time or place, nor were you in the right headspace. He let out a slight sigh and rubbed his thumb loving over your knuckles whilst resuming his gaze on the stage, your mind wandering off once again in those memories now turned sour.
Once you had returned home to the villa, Shakespeare attempting to speak to you in the carriage left him feeling uneasy. You seemed far off, looking out of the window while responding in small one-word increments that left him mildly frustrated. Finally unable to contain the annoyance of being brushed off and failing to get you to speak to him, he had decided to grab your wrists and pin you to the bed, his eyes staring into your own with a hint of annoyance along with the overwhelming concern in his furrowed brows. he was about to demand you tell him what was possibly going on, however sudden movement caused you to finally break down, the tears that had been building up poured over and you began to sob. Any sign of annoyance was quickly replaced by pure panic and love, he removed his hands from your wrists immediately and pressed you into his chest. While smoothing your hair down he spoke poems into your ears, trying his best to distract you from whatever was bothering you. An hour went by and he had recited many of the lines from his plays, not even noticing you had ended up falling asleep within his arms... When you awoke you would find yourself comfortably tucked into bed, a cup of tea and little desserts awaiting you with your lover sitting and reading over a script. He wasn't particularly a patient one...however for you, he was willing to do anything to make it all better.
You weren't into it this time, the kisses he places along your jawline and hands lovingly caressing your sides didn't leave you shivering in pleasure per usual. You were staring up at the ceiling, eyes void and staring out into space, laying still while your boyfriend halted his sensual advances. He furrowed his eyebrows in concern and lifted his head to reach your gaze as he hovered over you.
"(Y/n)?" Charles asked with a tremble in his voice, "are you...okay? Am I not doing a good job? I'm sorry I-" you interrupted him with a sigh and a shaking hand pressing up against his chest, pushing him gently enough for him to understand to remove himself from on top of you. You sat up with your shoulders slumped over and your hair obscuring your peripheral vision and staring down at your hands.
"I just..." You choked out, "just...remembering some stuff," you said, "don't wanna talk about it..." Your voice was barely above a whisper, yet the lack of animation in your movements and tone had strongly caused Charles to worry. He planted a kiss on the top of your head before removing himself from the bed, putting his shirt back on and buttoning it up.
"Well...then you just rest for now, and I will be back with some food! Food always makes things better," He said with attempted enthusiasm. You had not replied. With a sad smile, Charles kissed your forehead once more before leaving you to your own devices, understanding that you may need some space in order to collect your thoughts and feelings. When he had returned, you had covered yourself with blankets. He tried to resist the urge to set down anything and everything and bombard you with a tight squeeze, instead, he gently lay the food upon the tablet in the room, taking a seat next to you as your light sobs were not gone unnoticed by his ears. Charles removed the blanket from the top of your head, cooing in your ear, "I have food here for you, and tea made fresh by yours truly...would you try it, please?" He asked, puppy eyes to try and lure you out. You simply shook your head. With a defeated sigh Charles resorted to humming a tune and drawing circles on your back, he felt your trembling begin to come to a halt and your breathing evening out.
He knew when you were ready and able to confide in him, he was going to smother you with as much of his love as he possibly could. Perhaps together you could learn to forget both of your worries of the past for a little while...
Bonus: Imagine Mozart just playing piano for you. you're crying softly but he doesn't mind, he just continues to play until it eventually lulls you into a gentle sleep. He isn't good at comforting, but his music can convey how he feels about you.
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natimiles · 7 months
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🤍 Platonic/Friends | 💖 Romance | 💔 Angst
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Fanfics & Scenarios:
💖 Strange Feelings (soulmate au) 💖 A Summer Birthday 🤍 Safer With You (can be platonic or pre-relationship) 💖 Sweet Surprises 💖 Lazy morning with Isaac 💖🤍 Comfort
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💖 Winter Cuddles 💔 Just let me adore you 💖 Lazy morning with Arthur
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💖 A Shiny Christmas Eve 💖 First Day 💖 All of Me 💖 Mimos
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💖 How Traditions Start 💖 Lazy morning with Mozart
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💖 Are you here with me? (soulmate au) 💖 Sharing clothes with woman!Jean 💖 Lazy morning with Jean 💖 Worthy
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Mitsuki (MC)
💖 She could be the one
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💖 Warmth
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More than one suitor
🤍 What is that? (a tattoed reader) 💖 Come a Little Closer: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 (final) (reader x Arthur; f!MC x Mozart)
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Lazy Morning Series
Isaac Mozart Arthur Jean Theo Vincent Comte Leonardo Sebastian Shakespeare Dazai
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Chronology and random facts in Ikemen Vampire
🤍 gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them (Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon)
🤍 A hippie, vegetarian and marijuana-user reader (Comte)
🤍💖 gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them starts to date Dazai (Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon)
Bringing Mozart into the 21st century and making him travel by modern transportation
💖 Arthur & Isaac: relationship headcanons
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fang-and-feather · 5 months
Congratulations on your follower milestone!
Can I request Theo and the prompt "If you solve this I'll buy you lunch" prompt?
Thank you!
Thank you!! 🥰 I didn't expect getting here, but I am glad to celebrate with you!
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Ikemen Vampire - Theo x Reader
Words: 3,577
Summary: The biggest proof Theo could give of trusting you were right about Vincent's safety when you tried reassuring his worries. But proving him you were right and could be trusted was a great responsibility, and the architect of such mystery wasn't making it easy for you? Or was her? And was this needed proof the only secret you were about to uncover?
Tags: Some Canon Divergence, Fluff, a bit of Romance at the end, Getting Together, First Kiss
Request from my 100 Followers Celebration. Prompts for it were from @anyfandomfluffbingo
Not planned as a birthday fic for Theo, but posted just in time for it so: Happy Birthday Theo!
(it was in fact planned to be paired with Vincent's birthday fic - and I finished neither in time - so the fic timeline is off for Theo's own birthday)
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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It wasn’t often that you had the opportunity to just sit in the dining room and enjoy a peaceful breakfast.
You always had an early, and sometimes rushed, breakfast, either before helping Sebastian serve breakfast as the other residents woke up or, most often, because Theo was in a hurry to leave for work, to which he often took you along.
Maybe you would take advantage of the beautiful day, find a nice spot in the garden, and finally read the books Vincent’s girlfriend left with you.
Or maybe you would head to town, do some window shopping, and stop by the cafe you had been meaning to visit for a while now. And maybe you could bring one of the books along. It was from Comte’s library, but he wouldn’t mind, would he? As long as you were careful with it.
But a dark cloud thundered on the horizon, threatening to rain over your sunny mood.
The name of that cloud was Theo, and by the thundering footsteps, loud enough even on the carpeted floor, his mood was as dark as the rain clouds, and with Vincent having gone out and Arthur busy writing, the problems that soured his mood would certainly rain over you.
And you had a good idea of what these problems were. The woman who had shown up about a week before, and whom Vincent introduced as his girlfriend. Apparently, they had been dating for a while, but it had been the first time Theo had ever heard of his brother having a girlfriend, and he immediately distrusted her.
Of course, he didn’t dare complain in front of Vincent. Not after his first few warnings were shut down. So it was you who had been subjected to his angry outburst the first time, until you calmed him enough to remind him that if Vincent had really fallen in love, that was a good thing.
Besides, although you had not dared say so to him then, you really thought Theo was exaggerating and being too quick to judge. Maybe because, for overprotective Theo, nobody was good enough for his brother, and anyone who dared try was targeting him because Vincent was an innocent angel that could see no evil in anyone.
You thought Vincent was more than capable of discerning bad intentions. He just chose to trust people. And his girlfriend was a little suspicious, yes, but whatever she was hiding seemed to be personal. Maybe something about her past or family, but not anything that would pose a danger to Vincent. You had yet to find a way to prove it to Theo, though.
And now you were likely in for another round of playing therapist.
Maybe listening to the same signs as you, Sebastian stepped out of the kitchen almost at the same time as Theo stormed in.
“You are quite late, Master Theodorus. I will have your breakfast ready in a moment.”
The only acknowledgement Tho gave Sebastian was a short grunt. You weren’t given even that as he roughly pulled the chair next to yours away from the table, and sat down, making the wood creak.
Finally opening the other hand that had been balled into a fist the whole time, Theo tried to roughly smother the crumpled piece of paper over the table.
By the way Theo glared at the paper as if he could set it on fire if he stared hard enough. It seemed to be the source of his foul mood, but when you peered at it, all you saw were lines.
Was it a sketch? A rough draft of an abstract painting? The lines were delicate and full of small curves and details, but they didn’t seem to form a definite shape. Or maybe you just weren’t looking at it the right way.
Theo looked equally stumped by its form or meaning. But maybe it just wasn’t finished. Why was he so determined to figure it out and so angry that he couldn’t?
You leaned over the table and closer to him, greeting in a loud, cheerful tone.
“Good morning, Theo!”
“Do you have to be so loud first thing in the morning, Hondje?” Theo groaned, rubbing his temple.
“Sorry, but you should rest if you’re not feeling well. Stressing will only make it worse.”
“Why shouldn’t I stress when Vincent didn’t come home yesterday? And I found this in his room, with my name written on the back, but that’s not Vincent’s handwriting. This must be a map to where she took him.”
You didn’t even need to ask who was “she”. There was only one person he would be so suspicious of, although you were also used to Theo being very rational. You forgot that, when it came to Vincent, Theo was a different person.
“So you think Vincent was kidnapped?”
“Why else would he just disappear without saying anything, or at least leave a note?”
“They left this. I think they just went out on a date. I mean, it’s Vincent’s birthday. Isn’t it normal to want to take your boyfriend on a date on his birthday? Maybe his girlfriend just signed the wrong paper by accident.”
In fact, you knew Vincent had gone on a date. You caught him leaving, and he made you promise not to tell Theo. But it wasn’t a problem if Vincent was already at his destination and Theo thought it was just your guess, right?
“Someday all that trust will get you into trouble.” Theo sighed. You were about to protest when he added in a softer tone. “Maybe I should really put a leash on you to keep you out of it.”
You used to complain about those kinds of comments, even if you knew Theo was joking, which led you to bicker a lot in the early days. But you knew how to read between the lines by now. And not only was he telling you that he cared enough that he wanted to keep you safe, but also, by the way anger seemed to slowly leave him, that he trusted you.
Could you be more in love with that man?
At first, you thought he was insufferably rude but, as he dragged you around to work, you started to see his inner kindness hidden by his harsh manners, as well as his passion for art and his loyalty to the people he loved. Only to start naming the things you discovered to love about him.
And he was handsome, to boot. While the house was full of pretty guys, you had to admit that, by looks alone, Theo was the one who caught your attention the most.
Theo had slowly made his way into your heart, and by now, he had taken permanent roots there. Yet, you were uncertain if he could feel the same way about you. At best, you wanted to believe the two of you had become friends.
And you would enjoy what you had while it lasted. You had to go back to your own time pretty soon, anyway. You just wanted to believe you could make Theo’s life a little better until then.
“Hondje!” Theo called loudly, and heat quickly rose up to your face as you realized you had been staring while lost in thought.
“Sorry. What did you say?”
“That little hondjes who don’t pay attention to their masters get punished.” He gave you one of his usual devious grins, and all you could think about was that he must have gotten back to his usual self, which was great.
“It wasn’t that!” You protested.
“I said that, even if you’re right about the date, this paper still holds some sort of secret. Vincent wouldn’t just leave without saying anything. And since you are so sure of yourself, then you should solve it. You two seem very close. ”
The paper was almost shoved in your hand as Sebastian set a plate piled high with pancakes in front of Theo, besides a big bottle of syrup and a glass of Rouge.
You cast a tense glance at Sebastian, your accomplice in Vincent’s little escapade, but the amused glint in his eyes informed you he had been listening and he was not going to be of any help.
As happy as it made you to know Theo trusted you enough to feel like Vincent was safe when you said so, you had no idea what these bunch little lines had to do with anything, and you didn’t think you could extract any answers from them.
“Theo, I…”
But you were shut off by a forkful of pancake drenched in syrup being shoved in your mouth.
“Do I have to keep that mouth of yours full for you to stop barking, Hondje?” He asked in an amused tone before using that same fork to feed himself, making your cheeks feel even hotter. “But fine. I won’t leave you without a treat. If you solve this, I will buy you lunch. If you do so before lunch, that is.”
Now that was a tempting offer. Going out for lunch with Theo sounded almost like a date. He’d taken you to eat out before, but it was always because he thought you were hungry or deserved a reward after work. You had never gone out exclusively for this.
You knew that was not how Theo meant it, but you could dream for a while, right? It would be a nice taste of what could have been. A precious memory to carry back when this place became nothing but a sweet dream.
“You know, it would be so much easier to figure something out if you hadn’t crumpled it this much.” You grumbled, trying to smother the paper.
Why did he ever think you could solve this, anyway? In fact, it was most likely that, now that he wasn’t worried anymore, he wanted to enjoy his pancakes in peace.
Should you leave and study this somewhere else? No. You would enjoy the company unless he told you to leave.
Your second impression of the mysterious paper, now that you could examine it up close, was the same as the first. The lines were too well done to not have a purpose, but at the same time were made of random patterns and didn’t seem to create anything discernible.
But not all art was straightforward, so you refused to let that be your final verdict.
You ran to your room to grab some supplies. You used a pencil to ‘color’ the areas between lines to get a better view of what you were dealing with. It made the picture look like some sort of pattern, which was some advance, and also served to highlight the form of the lines, making them look even more suspicious. Who drew patterns with such random lines?
The most telling result, though, was that it highlighted a few weirdly blank spots that looked like small arrows, indicating some form of direction around the pattern. At first you thought these were just flaws from the paper being all crumpled, but there were too many and all of them had roughly the same shape and were always close to the line.
Casting a side glance at Theo, you realized he had taken this time as his turn to stare at you, with a mix of amusement and… was it pride, in his gaze and smile? But as soon as you tried to get a better look, he turned back to his pancakes as if nothing had happened.
Now using the magnifying glass Theo had gifted you to take a closer look was a different story.
Whoever drew that knew what they were doing and wanted to complicate the life of whoever tried to decipher its mysteries.
It was easier to identify individual patterns like this and where they were repeated. They looked almost like letters now. It looked somewhat familiar, but wasn’t any language you knew.
That was too hard. Why would the person who left this for Theo - you were basically agreeing with him that it had been Vincent’s girlfriend - wouldn’t have left some sort of clue for him?
You closed your eyes and let out a small sigh, and Theo turned back to you.
“Giving up already, Hondje?”
“No. It’s just difficult. At least you were right. There is some sort of message here. I just need to find some context to start.”
What did you know about your new friend?
Nothing much, to be honest. You bonded through books. That was all it was.
Then something clicked in your mind. Books! What if the clue wasn’t left with Theo, because she expected for someone else to solve it for him? That person was you, and the writing looked familiar because it was in the books she left with you.
Running back to your room one last time, you quickly sought the books, finding similar writing on the first few introductory pages of the first one. Pages you had looked through just yesterday.
You hadn’t thought much of it at first because everything surrounding this house was strange and mysterious. These were books from the future, but it wouldn’t be the first time one such book made its way into Comte’s library. It currently housed all of Dazai’s books, who technically wasn’t even born yet, and Leonardo had told you they just showed up one day. The only difference was that the author of these wasn’t one of the residents. But who could prove there weren’t more books like these in the library? Maybe Leonardo, if you asked him, otherwise, you doubted anyone could know the full contents of a library that size without some sort of catalog.
But now that you thought about it, she had said something that had given you pause when you received the books. Something about you already having formed an opinion on reading it or not. As if she knew you had seen these particular books before.
You did read it before, in your time, and knew where to find answers.
You picked a new paper and, using the arrows to figure the order it was written in, started to translate it.
Curiously, it was written in English, adapted around some parts that didn’t translate well, which made it difficult to guess some words, but you were confident in your accuracy, given the context of the words you were sure of.
“I thought you had given up and ran away, hoping I wouldn’t catch you.” Theo spoke, leaning against the doorframe.
“Why do you sound like you wanted that to happen?” He smiled and so did you. “But I actually solved it. And it’s definitely not a ransom note.”
“What does it say, then?”
You weren’t sure you wanted a part in this game between Vincent’s girlfriend and Theo. Was it better to let him read it on his own?
“Spit it out, Hondje.”
Whatever. Not like the resulting translation was your fault, and Theo would understand that. So you took a deep breath and read it aloud.
The note basically complained about Theo’s obsession with Vincent, as it informed him that, because of it, she had decided to sneak out so they could go on a trip together. It didn’t explain why the cryptic message, but it informed she had left a more normal note. Theo just found this one first and got too focused on it.
To you, it sounded like she wanted him to find this note and give him a little of trouble, as some sort of revenge prank for the way he was acting.
And she had handed you the books with the solution, making you the only one who could solve the mystery. As if she knew, or at least hoped, Theo would go to you for help. As if she wanted to force him to.
Did she realize your feelings for Theo and wanted you two to interact more? Or was she just trying to push Theo towards the closest woman so she could have more time with Vincent without overprotective Theo getting in the way?
No. You knew little of her, but she wouldn’t just push people together without thinking there was some sort of relationship there. But it could be because you and Theo were friends, and she knew Arthur was too busy.
Theo swore in Dutch, from which you only understood the word cat, which you had no doubt he considered an insult, given his relationship with felines. The rest sounded awfully familiar, though, and although you didn't know the specific meanings, you knew they weren't exactly friendly words.
“She better not think that will get her off the hook. That’s why I don’t trust her.”
“Do you want to know what her secret is?” This little mystery had also given you a few clues for an entirely different answer, in a way that it felt like she wanted you to realize it. So there was no problem to share it, right? “Would that make you feel better?” You asked, before he could launch into a tirade of complaints about the girl. “I found something quite interesting during this game.”
“I don’t think it will help, but what is it?”
“I will tell you after lunch.” You couldn’t help grinning at him and adding: “If you behave.”
Instead of complaining, Theo grinned back, and stepped closer until he stood right before where you sat, forcing you to look up to see him, your eyes slowly trailing over his body. He was always such a great view from any angle, but there was something quite teasing and tempting from this point.
“Aren’t you cheeky today? What if I make you tell me right now?”
You gulped, your heart thundering in your ears with the way he looked down at you.
But the spell was quickly broken as Theo stepped back, his smile softening, and patted your head.
“If you wanted me to take you on a walk after lunch, you could have asked. You have been quite useful today. I will let you have it your way for now.”
Behind Theo’s typically weird phrasing, it sounded more and more like a date. Like he meant it as one, even though you knew there was no way.
“Don’t give me hope, Theo.” You thought, trying to keep your delusions to a minimum, enough so you wouldn’t give up your way home. Even though your recent discoveries were threatening to do so already.
Theo stepped back and pulled you to your feet, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you close.
“Are you doubting my intentions, Hondje? Do you think I would take just anyone out like this? That I would trust just anyone when it came to Vincent? I am only interested in owning one other dog besides King. So be a good girl and stay.”
Before you could say anything in response, Theo’s lips were upon yours, his other hand moving to the back of your head, fingers tangling into your hair, as he kissed you with such urgency that it made your head spin. And you returned it with the same passion, a hand also tangling in his hair, the other around his neck, your hold on each other the only thing keeping you from collapsing.
Even at his best, Theo was powerful and relentless like a storm. One you were more than glad to be swept into the eye of. Even when he pulled away, on the brink of drowning you in his passion, the storm didn’t quiet. And you didn’t want it to. Now that you had his attention, you refused to let go of him.
But Theo released you and stepped back. You sighed, struggling to calm the storm that had overtaken you. The smile he gave you was softer that you had ever seen, and as your eyes met his, he reached out and tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, but he pulled away almost immediately, a glint in his eyes you had never seen either, but that lacked the softness of his now faltering smile.
“I’m not going anywhere.” you finally replied. “As long as you’ll let me stay with you.”
“Good.” Theo turned away from you. “Now let’s take you out for lunch before I get hungry and decide to devour you instead. I’ll met you by the gate in fifteen minutes.”
As Theo left, you let your body collapse back on the bed. What an exciting day it had been. And you hadn’t gone through half of it yet.
So that was the start of his bloodlust threatening to take over that you noticed and that made him practically run away. An unnecessary proof of his attraction to you. Theo hadn’t really said he loved you, but his actions spoke it loud and clear, because Theo would never kiss someone like that without being serious about it.
You couldn’t believe it. After all the time you spent fretting over whether it was worth facing rejection or leaving without telling him of your feelings, that he returned your love.
And you couldn’t believe it took some external push for you to get to this point. You would have to do something to thank her later. But for now, you had less than fifteen minutes to get ready for your date, and you wanted it to be as perfect as possible.
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Tag List:
@violettduchess, @tele86, @nightghoul381
@natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground
@2-lines-and-a-circle, @specters0rd, @vampiricpancake
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
41 notes · View notes
valkyyriia · 4 months
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🌟Relationship 🌙Pre-Relationship 🌑Platonic
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Ikemen Villains
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Harrison Gray
🌟Preferential Mischief 🌟Sincerity
Ellis Twilight
🌟Dayspring Kisses 🌟Birthday Jam-Bouree 🌟Growth
🌟Four Letters
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Ikemen Vampire
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Leonardo Da Vinci
🌟A Brief Respite (OC) 🌟Take A Break!
Arthur Conan Doyle
🌟A Study in Green (NSFW) 🌙The Adventure of the Doctor's Orders (OC)
Comte de Saint-Germain
🌟Try This On For Size (NSFW) 🌙Stormy Days 🌟A Deluge of Feelings
Theodorus Van Gogh
🌟Gradually | Suddenly (OC) 🌟Five More Minutes (OC)
Isaac Newton
🌟Potential Energy
🌟Hellotrope and Yellow Tulips
Leonardo x Comte x Reader
🌟Trecento (NSFW)
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Dairoku: Ayakashimori
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🌟Technicolor Plumage
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Dividers by @/saradika
13 notes · View notes
lorei-writes · 5 months
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Masterlist of Entries for Wish Upon an Aide Creation Challenge.
Knight of Roses by @wordycheeseblob
Ikemen Prince; Cyran Rose; Art; SFW; Red & Blue
Crimson Roses by @lorei-writes
Ikemen Prince; Cyran Rose x MC; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; SFW; Determination & Love & Loyalty
Nice to Meet You King by @eventinelysplayground
Ikemen Vampire; King; Theodorus x MC (background); SFW; Joy & Warmth
Birthday Surprside by @eventinelysplayground
Ikemen Vampire; Lumiere; Leonardo x MC (background); Fluff; SFW; Serenity & Life
A Third Chance to Live by @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Vampire; Robert Hooke & MC; Issac x MC (background); Fluff; Life
Courage by @violettduchess
Ikemen Prince; Cyran Rose x Reader; Gangster AU; Suggestive; Courage
A Plan by @eventinelysplayground
Ikemen Vampire; Time, Lumiere, Harry; Comte x MC (background); SFW; Love & Friendship
Double Deflection by @scorchieart
Ikemen Prince; Maron, White Horse, Licht, Chevalier; Slice of Life; Comedy; SFW; Loyalty & Friendship
Thank you for participating!
17 notes · View notes