#ikemen vampire isaac newton
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xxsycamore · 9 months ago
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❝ The Benefits of Having a Scientist Boyfriend ❞ (ISAAC X READER)
���┈➤ 💝 Isaac surprises you with a loving gesture that will also greatly relieve your pain.
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Isaac Newton x Menstruating!Reader • rating: G • tags: Menstruation; Period Cramps; Established Relationship; Fluff • wordcount: 965 • masterlist
a/n: The author is very bad at every field of science mentioned in this fic and still stubbornly made all of the needed research (plus historical research to see how possible it is for our Isaac to put this together in his current time era) while fighting cramps of her own..... Hope you enjoy and also I hope I didn't get my facts (too) wrong! If you happen to suffer from cramps and you want your favorite ikevamp suitor comforting you in their own unique way, may I also offer: Napoleon, Comte, Mozart, Theo, Leonardo, Sebastian, Arthur (NSFW), Vincent 💕(All fics in this series share the same opening scene!)
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It’s another beautiful day at the mansion, and the sun is continuing to shine brightly outside as afternoon settles in. Your list of chores is more than halfway done now, the morning was a productive one and you pat yourself on the back for pushing through at your usual pace, even if your period surprised you early this morning. Sleeves rolled up and armed with a feather duster, you march towards the lounge room to take care of another chore.
Specks of dust dance in the afternoon sun, windows wide open, as you complete your task little by little. Soon the sections left to dust decrease and you start to tire - a minor pain in your tummy appears as well, as if to persuade you into taking a short break. You throw a look at the grandfather clock. You’ve been a busy bee; not even the distraction of dusting off some of Comte’s highly intriguing antiques couldn’t get you late on your own schedule.
You sit down at the spacious couch area, grab a throw pillow to hug, and fall on your side - shoe-covered feet juust hanging off the couch because it won’t be worth the effort of taking them off for just a minute or two of rest.
Uh-oh! The pain doesn’t go away and only gets worse instead. Suddenly, moving as much as a millimeter equals signing a death warrant.
“Help” You whisper to yourself, clutching onto the throw pillow.
You weren't aware that your inner cry for help was able to send telepathic signals to your boyfriend, but you witness the miracle of him entering through the door in the very next second.
"Isaac!" You rise to a seating position as the sight of him briefly distracts you from your pain - a big mistake on your part, but before you can ask him what brings him here, the next cramp stabs you in the guts and only a painted sound leaves your lips. "Oww…"
"Are you alright? You were curled up on the couch too."
You've already instinctively placed your hand on your lower belly and it doesn't escape Isaac's gaze, but you still pretend to be brave about it and refuse to bother him with such a minor inconvenience of yours…
"Maybe I just ate something funny at lunch? You know how it is with Sebas and his fusion cuisine, always trying to live up to everyone's taste, haha…"
Isaac stares blankly at you for a couple of seconds, then he averts his eyes.
"You can just tell me if your period came, you know…"
Was it that obvious?! Maybe Isaac just knows you well enough by now - the thought brings forth a certain warmth within you… no, that's just another cramp.
"Oww owww… fine, you guessed it… Don't scold me, I'll go look for some herbal tea in the kitchen or-"
"No, lie back down." Isaac's unexpected touch changes the focus of your sensory receptors again and your heart flutters by the simple action of him beckoning you to lie down. You oblige, looking at him with large eyes full of curiosity.
"I was just about to go out for today's école lessons but let me bring you something first. Just lie here and be patient, okay? It's going to feel better soon."
Your curiosity only grows as you watch Isaac's back until he fully disappears from sight.
When your boyfriend returns you're overcome with the need to sit up and see what he's carrying in his hands, but you follow his advice and remain patient.
"Some time ago when your cramps were bad like that I asked you how you dealt with them back in your era. Since then I have been, uh, working on something. I figured now would be a good time to try it out."
You blink in disbelief when Isaac hands you what looks like a… heating pad, the ones that are typically used as handwarmers in your time.
"You'll have to massage it in order for it to radiate heat, but I hope that still works for you."
"Isaac you- but how-"
"It's nothing too complex. When I heard your explanation I figured it must be caused by an exothermic reaction… I happen to be knowledgeable in thermodynamics too, you know. I just had to put a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate in water together with notched ferrous metal… Simply put, it crystalizes and radiates heat. I'm still catching up with chemistry after beginning my second life here but fortunately, it was easy enough."
Easy enough, he says…
You can't just lie still anymore, so you raise your upper half enough to wrap your arms around Isaac's shoulders… you didn't plan it out exactly like that, but the physicist ends up being dragged down on the couch with you, barely able to prop himself up on one elbow at the very last second. You keep sobbing into his neck.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so touched by your gesture! I've read about so many invitations that came out of love and-"
Isaac blushes, and he blushes badly. You see the color spreading on his cheeks when he withdraws just a tad more to leave you space to breathe, but he doesn't stand to his feet just yet.
"I guess you can call it that. I'll just be happy as long as it works for you."
Isaac punctuates his words with a chaste caress on the back of your hand which still holds the innovative heating pad. His own warmth leaves you too soon but the artificial one remains - and you find yourself wondering if you can treat it as a reminder of him, when you miss him. Maybe you should tell him that, next time you want to see his cheeks reddening like that again.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @kimi00twin @g-kleran @thesirenwashere @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza @natimiles @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @groovylita Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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ikemenfanfiction · 3 months ago
Isaac: Before You...
Ikemen Vampire Fanfiction (Aug 2020) masterlist
Featuring: Isaac Newton x Reader Word Count: 900 Disclaimer: Original characters are the rightful property of Cybird. Note: These stories occur before our MC falls in love with a vampire, so in some cases the featured characters may still be learning to get along—or that they don’t?—with each other. Warnings: None… well, there may be a few cheesy physics jokes? (Fluff) Premise: Climbing Trees You are working in the garden when you hear a plaintive cry. Upon searching for the source, you discover Vincent’s pet racoon Brush is stuck in a tree. Apparently, he was trying to get something shiny out of a hollow limb and could not be convinced to let go and come down safely. Deciding there was nothing else to be done you finally scale the tree in an effort to save the poor screeching creature. You discover that you can break away part of the hollowed part of the limb and free Brush’s paw. With one more screech in your direction the racoon makes off with the shiny button—his new treasure—without a backward glance. It is only then that you realize your predicament. Despite scrambling up the tree with ease in an effort to save the distressed animal… getting down was an entirely different matter. Isaac As you watch the racoon disappear you found yourself envying his freedom.
“Seriously Brush?” You asked despite doubting he could hear you. You glanced around and not seeing anyone around that could possibly help you—or just embarrass you—you decided that one way or another you were going to get out of this tree. Hopefully without breaking something? You scooted back to the main part of the trunk of the tree and you were just trying to lower yourself closer to the ground when a voice startled you. “What are you—” The exclamation was cut off by your own startled yelp. You were so surprised your grip on the branch slipped and down you tumbled onto… someone. “I-Isaac?” You asked in disbelief when your eyes focused on the person you’d landed on. Okay so he’d actually partially caught you before the momentum of your fall pushed you both onto the ground. “What in all the heavens were you doing up there?” The usually reserved and quiet vampire demanded. “That kind of fall c-could—uh—”
Suddenly realizing how close the two of you were—and that you were on his lap—Isaac’s face went bright red. “C-could you get off me please?” “Y-yes! I’m so sorry Isaac! I can’t believe that happened. Are you hurt?” You scrambled off of his lap getting to your feet and offering him a hand up. He took it hesitantly but drew his hand back quickly as soon as he was on his feet again. “No, I’m fine, but… What do you mean you can’t believe that happened? Do you have no concept of gravity?” His ears were even redder than before and he would not look you in the eye. “Well I—uh—may have miscalculated the velocity of my descent.” You tried to sound as apologetic as possible, and he actually looked up at you in surprise. “Oh…well… I guess that… wait! You aren’t patronizing me, are you?” He folded his arms defensively. “No! I really didn’t think I’d fall like that!” You protested. After seeing the way Arthur and Dazai were always teasing him you couldn’t blame him for the skepticism. “Good.” He huffed looking only slightly relieved. “I wouldn’t try that again, either. You could easily break something in a fall like that.” “I promise I won’t. Next time I’ll definitely find a ladder before even attempting to climb that high.” You tried to be reassuring. “But, thank you for—uh—interfering with my velocity.” “You’re welcome, I guess? I—uh—I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t mention this to anyone? I’m certain Arthur and Dazai would start teasing me about thinking you were an apple.” You barely managed to stifle a laugh, “No way! I promise I don’t want them to know about me falling from a tree either. I really am sorry for landing on you.” Isaac shrugged. “As long as neither one of us are hurt there’s really no need to mention it.” His ears were getting red again, and it was pretty adorable. You glanced away hoping that by not staring at him he could feel a little less embarrassed. When you did, however, you glanced instead at the branch you’d fallen from. Suddenly your stomach did an anxious flip. Isaac wasn’t kidding! That branch was much further up than you’d realized, and you really could have been hurt. “Could I bring something by to your room to say thank you?” You asked, suddenly feeling like you owed him more than an apology. “I wouldn’t want to interrupt your work, but I have this apple turnover recipe I’ve been dying to try… could I possibly bring you one?”
“I guess so… If you really want to that is? If you end up too busy to make them though don’t worry about it.” Isaac said backing away from you self-consciously. “You really will use a ladder next time?” “Yes! I promise.” “Good.” With that and a wave he left. The shy vampire wasn’t quite fleeing the scene, but you suspected he’d reached his limit at completing that much small talk with you. Maybe you should ask Sebastian to deliver the turnover so the poor man wouldn’t have to relive his embarrassment in front of you again later?
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alby-rei · 2 years ago
Stranger Dreams (IkeVamp; Isaac & Napoleon)
a/n: Dreams seldom make sense, even when the visions may draw inspiration from familiar faces and places. I found this WIP in my folder—which was actually completed all along—and it made me laugh so much, I just had to post it. These were actual dreams I had, LOL
Tagging @scummy-writes for isaac, @xxsycamore for napo, @colorpuff for the fic sillies
[Word count]: ~550 words
[Characters]: You (1st POV), Isaac, Napoleon
“So I saw you in a dream recently,” I told Isaac.
We were in the lounge. Isaac sat cross-legged on the floor with tools and metal parts strewn across the carpet. He tinkered with his latest telescope prototype while I dusted the bookshelves behind him. He looked up when I didn’t continue.
“Is that so? What was the dream about?” He asked with some apprehension and curiosity.
I was in the mansion’s courtyard. It must have been after dinnertime because I distinctly remember being guided by the light of the lanterns towards the gazebo. Fireflies danced in small groups along the path, but none of them were bothered by my presence. I heard the sound of talking at the gazebo, but I couldn’t make sense of a single word.
When I rounded the corner, I saw you, Isaac, pointing at the chalkboard behind you. You were dressed in your university robe, giving a lecture in a very urgent tone. I turned to look for whom you were speaking to, but there was no one there.
Then, your face came up super close. You gripped my shoulders and shook me silly. You looked frantic as you urged me to do… something?! I couldn’t understand a word you were saying, but I kept nodding anyways. It seemed to calm you down. You insisted that I go do the thing, whatever it was, and then… the dream ended.
“Uhh…” Isaac stared, mouth agape. “I…don’t know what to say. I’m sorry?”
“No, no, it’s okay! I just woke up wondering what you were saying, if you had told me something that I completely disregarded.”
Isaac wracked his brain in search of your previous conversations. Now you made him second-guess himself, had he asked you for something urgent? He shrugged his shoulders, eyes shifting back-and-forth as he replayed yesterday’s events.
“Hahahahha!” Another voice made itself known in the lounge. It was Napoleon. “I get weird dreams all the time, but nothing ever like this.”
He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. Napoleon smiled openly where he stood at the doorway. He walked in, steering clear of Isaac’s work zone—which was the entire carpet.
“Oh, Napoleon! I dreamt about you, too, now that I think about it. That dream was equally bizarre, if not more.”
“I’m all ears.” He lounged on the couch with feet off the ground. He perched his elbow on the armrest.
This time it was inside the mansion. I was walking down the hallway—though I don’t know where I was headed exactly—when I caught sight of you, Napoleon, inspecting the curtains of the French windows.
When I moved closer, you ripped the curtains clean off their rail and… proceeded to hang it around your shoulders?! You asked me if they suited you or not. I stuttered something out, can’t remember now. You nodded and folded the curtains on the floor.
Then, you moved to the next curtain and did the same until you were pleased with how your reflection looked in the reflective window.
            “That…” Dumbfounded, Napoleon’s eyebrows shot up. He blinked twice. “…heh, sure sounds bizarre, alright.” His gaze darted to the curtains that hung over the arched windows, as if he were appraising their cape-abilities. The corners of his lips quirked upwards.
            “Napoleon, no,” said Isaac.
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nosyp · 2 months ago
IkeVamp chars reacting to someone harassing you
A/N = stepping into the waters of ikevamp
Napolean Bonaparte
Napoleon would look the harasser up and down, then his voice goes on to lecture the harasser.
"Leave now, or I’ll make you wish you had." He says, his gaze sharpening and a hint of his military background flashing in his eyes. "This will not end well for you if you continue."
If the harasser doesn't take him seriously, Napoleon's not gonna be as nice as before. "You’re testing the wrong person. Do you really want to deal with the full weight of my wrath?"
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart would dramatically throw his hands up in exasperation, his tone playful yet scathing.
"Oh, how clever of you to harass someone who’s so clearly out of your league! Tell me, is this your best performance?" He'd laugh mockingly.
If the harasser doesn't back off, Mozart would quip, "You’ve already missed your chance to impress me, darling. Best leave before you make a fool of yourself."
Leonardo da Vinci
With a calm and inquisitive expression, Leonardo would step forward, his tone collected but firm.
"I find it curious that someone of your... intellect would waste time with such unseemly actions." His voice is steady, as though speaking to an inferior subject.
He’d pause, eyes narrowing, "I suggest you reconsider your actions. People of my stature do not tolerate such behavior. And I’m sure you’re aware of the consequences."
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur would straighten up, giving the harasser a cold, analytical look. "Really? This is your idea of making a lasting impression?"
He’d then address the harasser directly, his voice cutting through the tension. "If you think for a moment that you’re in control here, you’ve gravely underestimated both of us."
"You may want to rethink this, as I’m certain your motives could be better directed elsewhere," he adds, a calm threat hiding beneath his words.
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent’s normally calm demeanor would crack, his voice trembling with emotion. "You have no right... no right to treat them this way!"
He steps in front of the reader, glaring at the harasser. "You don’t know who you’re messing with, do you? I won't stand for it!"
As the tension builds, Vincent’s face hardens, "Leave them alone, now. I’ll make sure you regret it if you don’t."
Theodore would step in between you and the harasser, his voice calm but stern as he calls out the harasser. "This is not the way to behave, and you know it."
He’d give the harasser a chance to back down. "I’d advise you to walk away, before I’m forced to make you understand how serious I am."
If needed, he’d become more forceful: "I am not one for drama, but I will not let you make this a problem."
Osamu Dazai
Dazai’s initial response would be a smirk, his tone sarcastic. "Oh, how bold of you. You really think you can harass them without consequences?"
He’d lean in slightly, his smile darkening. "You’re funny. But not in a good way."
If things escalate, Dazai’s tone would shift, becoming chilling. "You’ve just made a very bad decision. One I won’t be forgetting anytime soon."
Isaac Newton
Isaac would raise an eyebrow, voice level and logical. "I’m afraid your actions are... quite irrational."
He would calmly explain, "Such behavior is not only disrespectful but also entirely unnecessary. You should consider the consequences of your actions before they escalate further."
"I believe I’ve made myself clear," Isaac would finish, his voice stern with an undercurrent of intellectual superiority.
Jean d'Arc
Jean would stand tall, his voice unwavering as he faces the harasser. "You dare approach them in such a manner?"
He’d take a step forward, eyes burning with determination. "You will not continue this harassment. I will protect them, no matter what it takes."
"This is your last warning," he would say with a commanding tone, "Leave now, before you regret it."
William Shakespeare
With a wry smile, Shakespeare would deliver his retort in a theatrical flourish. "Thou art a fool, sir. A poor, unfortunate fool!"
His voice is laced with irony. "Do you not see the folly in your actions? I’d advise you to take your leave while there is still time for you to save face."
"For you shall not win this battle of wits," Shakespeare would say, his tone dripping with mockery, "And in this exchange, you are the one who loses."
Comte de Saint-Germain
Saint-Germain would speak in a low, controlled voice, his aristocratic tone giving him an air of superiority. "I am not one for unpleasantness, but you’ve given me no choice."
He would tilt his head, an elegant smirk on his lips. "You will leave, now. I assure you, it’s in your best interest."
If the harassment doesn’t stop, Comte's smile would turn cold. "You clearly don’t know who you’re dealing with. I suggest you correct that mistake—before I do it for you."
Sebastian’s tone would be smooth and polite, though there’s a dangerous edge to it. "Excuse me, sir, but I believe you’ve mistaken this person’s boundaries."
He would take a step closer, voice still calm but now carrying an unmistakable threat. "I’m sure you’ll find your behavior unwise in the end."
If the harasser continues, Sebastian would smile coldly. "I won’t repeat myself, but I do expect you to leave—immediately."
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ragfam · 2 years ago
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No one went to his lecture😔
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ikevamp-twitter · 1 year ago
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lacie-otome · 8 months ago
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head empty, only isaac on the brain 😻
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namine-somebodies-nobody · 1 year ago
Theo: I wish I got more sleep. I only got six hours.
Mozart: Six? I only got three.
Isaac: You guys got sleep?
Arthur: *comes stumbling out of his room and grabs a jug of coffee* What year is it??
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cloudcountry · 1 year ago
Uh baking an Apple pie with issac? Or issac with a s/o who's a fanfic writer! either one is fine! c:
SUMMARY: Isaac's been working hard lately, so you take Arthur's advice and make him a tasty treat!!
COMMENTS: i'm trying to get back in the writing groove,,, i havent done it in so long it feels so unfamiliar ^^; thank you for requesting my apple tater!! he's the perfect start :D
this takes place before isaac and mc really know each other??? I TOOK YOUR REQUEST IN A VERY DIFFERENT DIRECTION OOPS. its just artie being a wingman LMAO
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Skimming the shelves, you mumble titles to yourself as you search for the cookbook Sebastian recommended to you. You’d offhandedly mentioned making a pie for a certain someone, and the butler was quick to catch onto what you were actually trying to do. After all, said certain someone had been working hard enough to lose valuable sleep, and you weren’t the only one becoming concerned.
Snatching the book off the shelves as soon as you find it, you begin flipping through the pages. You’re so absorbed in the recipes and detailed descriptions of sweet treats that you don’t notice the other presence creeping up behind you.
“Well, I’ll be! Newt is quite a lucky guy!” Arthur hums thoughtfully, nearly scaring you out of your skin.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” you yelp.
Arthur laughs heartily as you fumble with the book, snapping it shut. Your gaze is scornful as you whip around to face him, lips twisted into a pout.
“Aw, I’m sorry love. I didn’t mean to scare you.” he slides up to you, leaning in to get a closer look at the book, “If you want to make something for him, I’d recommend something with apples. Our old Newt loves them dearly!”
Apples? You furrow your brow, running through the list of apple desserts you know. And how did he know it was for Isaac?!
“Oh, and love? Why not make the dessert with him? It’ll drag him away from his work.” Arthur winks, and just like that, he slips out of the kitchen.
That’s how you ended up here, with Isaac at your side. It’d taken quite a bit of convincing to get him out of his room and even more convincing to have him agree to bake an apple pie with you, but somehow you succeeded. You doubt anyone else would have gotten the same result.
Isaac’s soft voice is quite loud in the silence of the kitchen as he reads out ingredients, murmuring under his breath about how he would measure them and doing calculations to make sure the dessert was perfect—
“Woah, hold on Isaac!” you place a hand on the recipe book, pulling it away from his face.
He immediately stops at the sudden contact, pretty eyes blown wide at the sight of you so close to his face.
“This isn’t supposed to be a science experiment! We just need to have fun, okay?” you try your best to smile in a way that will calm him down and help him understand.
Isaac simply looks away and grasps at his hair, twirling the loose strands around his index finger.
“Okay.” he murmurs, and you do a mental celebratory dance.
Operation befriend Isaac is underway!
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haruhar-u · 1 year ago
Hear me out
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cyikemen · 2 months ago
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🍎Happy Birthday Isaac🍏
Comment with your 🍭sweet and 🌶️spicy birthday greetings to him!
Also don't miss out on more of the party with his Story Sale and Eternal Birthday Gacha!
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xxsycamore · 1 year ago
next request, hahah:
can i have isaac (ikevamp) + 💋? thank yooou~ 💞
[💋] 𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚜, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙸𝚜𝚊𝚊𝚌 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎, 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠…
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"H-H-Have you lost your mind?? We're still in the university!"
So what, you want to ask your darling Isaac, but words are lost on your tongue when you're too busy chuckling at just how flustered you managed to get him with so little. What's more, he looks behind you as if actually considering it. Did he forget he can actually refuse, or...?
The lecture haul is empty, has been for some time now. Even the sun has long set in the meantime as you waited for Isaac to finish his job so the two of you can go home together. You love visiting him like this, some times you even manage to sneak into his lectures without him noticing - just to enjoy a few moments of savoring the genius of the great Isaac Newton through the eyes of a spectator. It usually doesn't last long as his gaze would eventually fall on your familiar face and he'd struggle to uphold his composure from thereon...
Slowly shortening the distance between you - because kissing you is no joke, not even in the spur of the moment - with his hands finding their way around your waist and eyes aligning with yours, Isaac sighs.
"What part of me donning my academic gown makes you so famished for kisses? Actually, wait, don't answer that."
Isaac clashes his lips with yours while you're still busy giggling, and you wonder if he learned that trick from you. Either way, you eagerly allow him entrance, tasting victory on your tongue as you finally get your kiss. And you've been dreaming about it all through the lecture earlier... but he could be spared the details. For now.
∎Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event| 💌 event masterlist
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arthurs-puppygirl · 8 months ago
Stickers I got from AX :3 ✨
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alby-rei · 2 years ago
The Shy & Clumsy Physicist (IkeVamp; Isaac Newton)
a/n: I haven’t opened the ikevamp app in months, and when I did revisit it the other day, I was hit with nostalgia from the music alone. Decided to tackle an old wip from a retrospective angle, thinking of doing the same to the rest of the bunch. Thus, I present to you a piece of my Memories of the Mansion, talking to Isaac Newton for the first time. 
[Characters]: You & Isaac (ft. Napoleon)
[Word count]: ~1000 words
[Notes]: Pre-relationship, first meetings, can be read as platonic, gender-neutral reader
In a mansion full of accomplished and renowned historical figures, Isaac Newton was no slouch. If anything, he was among the most dedicated to continuing his previous life's work. He could work for hours on a single contraption without a care for the outside world, never losing patience and or focus. And yet, whenever you walked into the room he was working in or made your presence known to the hard-working scientist, something in him would switch.
He'd stumble on his words and bump his elbow or knee against the nearest furniture. It's like he'd lost all sense of spatial awareness, and his vision tunneled in on you and every shift of your facial expression.
Isaac's demeanor was endearing, to say the least. You may even call it cute. But the longer it persisted, the more you worried about him. He could seriously injure himself soon, if he hasn't already.
One time, you greeted him in the hall on your way to the kitchen as he came down the stairs from the second floor. His foot missed a step and nearly sent him tumbling down if it weren't for Napoleon's quick reflexes pulling his arm back to straighten him.
"You've been spacing out a lot lately, something on your mind?" Napoleon asked.
"No, no. I'm quite alright." You were already gone behind the swinging kitchen door when he looked back.
"I see. It is not something, but someone that is on your mind, hm?" Napoleon nudged.
Isaac whipped his head around. "How did you know?"
"You just told me, with your eyes." Napoleon tilted his head in the same direction as Isaac's gaze a second ago. He smirked. "And your reaction confirmed it."
"Nothing escapes you it seems." Isaac sighed. "But it really is nothing. I just feel so nervous around them."
"The new helper? Why’s that?"
Before Isaac could elaborate on his dilemma, you emerged again from the kitchen, looking much relieved to be empty-handed.
"And how do you do, gentlemen?" You greeted cordially, imitating a guest at a ball.  
Napoleon played along, bowing in response. "All is well, et tu?"
"Much the same, thank you, Monsieur Bonaparte."
You shared a laugh, and Isaac looked between you two like you spoke some ancient tongue he was unaware of.
"Just 'Napoleon' will do, no need to be so formal."
"Right, still getting used to that," you said. You smiled at both of them. Isaac looked like he wanted to say something, but it remained caught in his throat. "I better get to my next task. Sebastian really isn't going easy on me, despite it being my second week! See ya!"
"Do let us know if you ever need help." Napoleon called out to your retreating figure.
"How did you do that?" Isaac asked.
"Do what?"
"Talk with them so...normally, casually."
"How to talk to MC?" Napoleon echoed. "Words are a good start."
"I'm serious!" Isaac's face warmed up, and his friend's laughter wasn't doing him any favors. "It's not that simple."
"But it is. Alright, how about this: talk about your day or your work. I'm sure they'd love to hear about it."
Isaac didn't understand the logic behind it. Would you really be willing to listen to him babble about equations and theories, that even he wasn't certain of yet? No, no. That won't do, he thought, shaking his head. Napoleon patted his shoulder and told him that you two will talk at some point, seeing as you'll be living in the same mansion for an undefined period of time.
Isaac thought it over when he returned to the library to continue his work. He even practiced some conversation starters on his pet hedgehog, Harry, when he fed him.
Later the same day, Isaac walked past the lounge on his way to get Rouge. From the corner of his eye, he spotted you in there, fiddling with a gramophone.
"Ah, that's—!"
Isaac's outburst startled you, and you almost knocked the gramophone right off of its station. You held it in place while also holding your breath. Safe.
"I'm so sorry," Isaac said. "What were you doing with that?"
"Oh, this? I wanted to see if it played any music." You rubbed your arm sheepishly.
"I'm afraid it won't. I haven't fully reassembled it yet."
"Reassembled?" You echoed.
"I took it apart, yes. It's a hobby of mine, observing how it works and then putting it back together."
You looked at him stunned, and your silence worried him.
"W-what's wrong? Was it something I said?" Isaac’s shoulders tensed.
"I don't think...I've ever heard you talk so much before." You covered your mouth. "Oh no, that was rude. I meant, we haven't gotten a chance to really talk, you know..." You trailed.
"Q-quite right. Well, be sure, I'll have that gramophone fixed in no time," he said.
"Could I watch you while you do that?"
"Watch you work, I mean. If you're okay with it, of course."
Isaac wasn't used to having a willing audience. It made him nervous. He tugged at his hair in thought. What should he do? Napoleon's words came back to him. 'Words are a good start.' Yes, words! He passed that first obstacle. And he can do a little better than that. He left to get his tools from the library. When he returned, he found you with a tray of Rouge and sandwiches prepared.
"I'm no expert, but I believe it's not proper to work on an empty stomach," you said.
For the first time since you arrived at the mansion, Isaac smiled. It was a good look on him, you mused, gave him a boyish innocence.
The two of you sat on the floor, and Isaac went into focus-mode. He didn't mind your questions and even talked through his process with you. He sounded more confident, excited even. You helped organize his tools for him as he switched between them. As you looked at him working animatedly, you thought to yourself, he wasn’t so intimidating after all. He’s an introvert, like any other from your time period. But he was also brilliant, the way he carefully handled the project in front of him spoke of his meticulous nature. You looked forward to learning more about him.
Silently standing at the doorway was none other than Isaac’s friend and confidant smiling at the sight before him. Napoleon knew his friend had it in him, he just needed a little nudge in the right direction.
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niintendoqs · 11 months ago
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Realized I never posted this! So tysm to the person who reminded me to ^^ I am back in my IkeVamp era hard and I had to draw my #1 boy
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shatcey · 2 months ago
Vampires. Side stories (Isaac)
Due to his birthday, I decided to share this fragment from the event.
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This man is simply adorable. Priceless. I cannot stop smiling…
Love in so many words
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