#ikemen prince kind of the beast event
aishangotome · 3 months
Azel Radwan: Unless You Know Love
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
(Ah, as I thought... I was right to come and see.)
A crowd had gathered on the desert sea trade route - the caravan's path connecting towns and cities.
Judging by the way they were pitching tents and making a fuss, it seemed like an unwelcome problem had arisen.
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I pasted a smile on my expressionless face. As I stepped closer through the sand, people noticed the god and bowed their heads.
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Azel: Is something troubling you?
Caravan Member: Oh, Living God! Please save this woman.
Caravan Member: She collapsed in the middle of the trade route. She seems to be barely conscious.
(That's not good.)
I made my way through the crowd and entered the tent.
Lying on a cloth was the foreign woman I had been meeting frequently lately.
She was a woman brought in as an assistant by the merchant I had been working with, and also a slave of the god, burdened with debt and forced to work.
(It's fortunate she was picked up by the caravan.)
Azel: Could you give me some water?
Caravan Member: Yes! I'll bring it right away.
I lifted her body, loosened her clothes, and forced her to drink the water that was handed to me.
Fortunately, she seemed to have the energy to drink, and her throat moved up and down slowly.
I wiped the water that dripped from the corner of her mouth with my sleeve, and her eyes gradually came into focus.
Emma: ...Huh... Azel...sama?
Azel: You've come to. How are you feeling?
Emma: ...Bad...
Azel: I thought so. It seems you're suffering from the heat.
I placed my hand on her forehead, and her body temperature hadn't cooled down yet.
(It's too hot here... This is troublesome, but should we change locations?)
The surrounding caravan members gasped as I lifted the woman, who seemed unable to walk on her own, with one arm.
Caravan Member: Living God! We will--
Azel: No, don't worry about it. You were about to head out for business, weren't you?
(I'll thank them for picking her up, but I don't want them to follow me because they're annoying.)
I flicked a gold coin from my pocket and handed it to the caravan man.
Azel: Here's some money for the water. May your journey be blessed, you kind and devout people.
As I left the tent, saying whatever came to mind, I heard the cheers of the foolishly grateful people behind me.
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Emma: It's cold! It's strange, even though it's a desert.
Azel: ...It's nice to be a carefree child, isn't it?
The woman, who had been on the verge of death just a few minutes ago, was frolicking in an oasis rarely visited by people. I sat in the shade of a tree and watched her lift the hem of her skirt and enter the lake, for no particular reason.
(Despite almost dying, this carefree attitude is a kind of talent.)
Emma: Would you like to join me, Azel-sama?
Azel: Unlike you, I'm a sensible adult.
Emma: But it feels good.
(...It would be creepy if I frolicked around.)
The woman turned around, stepping through the water, seemingly unconcerned.
Emma: Oh, right. Thank you for saving me.
Azel: Indeed. If you're going to collapse, at least give me a warning first.
Emma: That's impossible...
Azel: It's not impossible. You didn't get enough sleep today, did you?
Emma: H-How did you know...?
Azel: Because I'm a god.
(Who was it that was so excited about finding an interesting book yesterday?)
Azel: Don't come when you're not feeling well, it's a nuisance.
Emma: ...I'll keep that in mind.
Emma: But I was surprised. That you, Azel-sama, saved me.
Azel: Don't make me sound like a cold-hearted person.
Emma: But you actually are, aren't you? Oh, could it be, an exorbitant fee--
(Ah, I forgot.)
(It's troublesome to ask for money every single time, but...)
Azel: If you insist, then fine, show me your sincerity.
Azel: We have to rewrite the loan agreement, don't we?
Emma: That's all you ever talk about, Azel-sama.
Azel: I'm apparently a cold-hearted man in your mind.
Emma: ... And on top of that, persistent.
Azel: I see. I understand. I'll add on compensation for emotional distress due to the insults.
Emma: Th-That was a compliment!
Azel: How? You idiot.
Emma: ... Ugh... Why are you so obsessed with money even though you're a prince and a god?
(I've never said I'm obsessed with money, though...)
(... I suppose it's okay if she misunderstands.)
Azel: Want to know?
Emma: ... If I say I want to know, you'll probably charge me, so I'll hold back.
Azel: That's too bad.
(Rather than needing money, I need you to keep hating me.)
Women are valuable as slaves because they are a kind of atheist who don't see god as god.
I'd love to have such a person around, but my only concern is that she's a "woman."
Most of the time, women start talking about love and romance, which becomes troublesome.
However, at least, the woman innocently frolicking in the oasis shows no signs of such clinginess.
It seems she's come to recognize me as a greedy, scheming god, which is a promising start.
Emma: Ah, w-whoa…!
The woman fell on her backside into the lake, having tripped over something.
A violent splash of water flew up, soaking her completely.
Azel: ...I've never seen a woman look so unappealing even when wet.
Emma: That's just because you have no taste, Azel-sama!
Azel: Insulting me again---
Emma: Achoo...
With a sigh, I tossed the cloth I was holding to her.
Emma: I'm sorry... Thank you.
Azel: My kindness comes at a price.
Emma: ...I know.
Azel: Work hard. At least enough to repay the help I gave you.
(As long as you don't know love, I might keep you by my side and help you sometimes.)
(If I sense even a hint of "that," I'll get rid of you immediately.)
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nica-my-beloved · 6 months
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....By me
Disclaimer: TL;DR This is just for pure fun. I just wanted to improve on my story writing capabilities and I had time some free time. Also I love Ikemen Prince.
Before writing my version of the story, let's just put together the actual story of Gilbert and Emma.
Emma is a commoner, who is adopted by Akatsuki, a book merchant. Emma is a pure-hearted girl who loves putting other's needs before her own and she is also beloved by almost everyone who knows her. Also Emma loves books.
Akatsuki owns a book store and he travels a lot around other nations to buy variety of books which are not obtained in Rhodolite. He also has free entry and exit in Obsidian as well.
While the peaceful truce between Rhodolite and Obsidian was going on, Gilbert was transported to Rhodolite temporarily for an year. There he met Chevalier and they both became friends.
Gilbert also loves books and due to this he is also an acquaintance with Akatsuki. Akatsuki did spend time with Gilbert and talked a lot about his daughter, Emma.
This is how Gilbert knows many childhood stories about Emma and realized how similar they both are. Both are foolishly kind. I guess, at this point, Gilbert may have developed a small crush on Emma but they never actually meet.
Later when the time came, Gilbert returned to Obsidian to find his mother and brother's hanging heads on the main gate. This traumatic event turns Gilbert into a beast.
He goes on to become the Conquerer of Beasts but he's also dying from illness. He has one month to live, so in his final moments, visits the gala to meet Emma for the first and last time.
Emma also learned one or two stories about a boy who is as kind as her from her father but never actually knew that it was Gilbert. Thereon, her life goes on and she becomes Belle. You know the rest...
Although I don't mind this version of the story, I felt it could have been better. I can see this story and this setting has a potential to be a great Beauty and the Beast love story. So here is my version, if I was the director or story writer for Gilbert and Emma's love story. Also I had to switch to Microsoft Word to write this because I never thought this would end up being too long as well as Tumblr has a word limit. If I were to directly write this on Tumblr, this would have been a two part story, which I personally am not interested in doing. Anyways enjoy!🌸
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nightghoul381 · 11 months
Clavis 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Premium End
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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Clavis: “Look, take action now.”
Boy: “Right now?”
Clavis: “Mmhmm. From the moment you have a dream, think about what you need to do, and start doing it.”
Clavis: “I’ll do it tomorrow, I’ll do it when… The moment you think that, your dream will remain a dream.”
Clavis: “You don’t have to do anything spectacular. If you take action that leads to your dream, even if it’s trivial…”
Clavis: “It all adds up and naturally, your dreams will come true.”             
--End Flashback--
It was a casual remark that was made as an extension of our chat.
However, there is a scene that flashes through my mind.
Clavis: “Hey, what’s your dream, mother?”
Leticia: “Oh, what happened all of a sudden?”
Clavis: “Mother, you always support my dreams.”
Clavis: “Even if I say I want to be a butler, a doctor, or a chef, it doesn’t matter.”
Clavis: “That’s why I want to support your dream.”
Leticia: “Fufu, thank you.”
Leticia: “My dream is to see Clavis as an adult.”
Clavis: “Me as an adult?”
Leticia: “Well Clavis, there are so many things you want to become, right?”
Clavis: “Yeah. Because I want to be a better man than Chevalier!”
Leticia: “…I see. Do all of your dreams come from Chevalier?”
Clavis: “Yes. Everything he can’t seem to do, I’m going to be able to do.”
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Clavis: “He’s so brusque, he could never be a gentleman or a butler…”
Clavis: “And even if he has knowledge, he can’t be a doctor or a chef because he’s not good with people.”
Clavis: “Not to mention the trapmaster!”
Leticia: “I didn’t think they’d be chosen on such a common ground, but… Fufu, I see.”
Clavis: “What, are you laughing?”
Leticia: “No? But your mother is looking forward to seeing what kind of adult you’ll become.”
Leticia: “You’re a prince, but you don’t have to be tied down by your status.”
Leticia: “Will you become a butler, a doctor, a chef… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that but—”
Clavis: “You don’t understand.”
Leticia: “Yes, I don’t understand. So, Clavis, do whatever you like as much as you like.”
Leticia: “I guess, that is my dream.”
Clavis: “…That’s a strange dream.”
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Clavis: “But, I’m going to make it happen. Because it’s my dream to repay my mother one day!”
Leticia: “Oh my goodness, I’m delighted. I’m looking forward to it.”
--End Flashback—
I thought my mother’s dream would come true easily.
In any case, it’s just a matter of growing up normally.
--But reality was not so easy.
Even the most simple of dreams—“to see my son as an adult”—never came true.
Someday it will come true, and then I’ll return the favor.
It was because I had such a naïve idea,
I had nothing to give back to my mother, who had given me so much.
--End Flashback—
(My mother was the kind of person who often came home with tears in her eyes)
(At the time I didn’t even understand that “that” was a mark of tears, but it must have been quite painful.)
She betrayed the queen she was serving, and she had the heavy responsibility of being the head maid,
Having to raise a prince under all that pressure…
There are many reasons why my mother shed tears, and I feel sorry for her.
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(If I had grown up sooner, I might have been able to save my mother.)
(Maybe I was able to make my dreams come true.)
(I didn’t know anything about that, and spent my childhood acting like a child.)
It’s a regret that lingers even now.
When I reveal these smoldering emotions to Emma for the first time, her pretty face distorts.
(….Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything after all.)
Clavis: “Haha, You would make such a face, wouldn’t you? That’s why I hid it.”
Clavis: “The past is the past. I’m a man of the present—and I’m sorry to my mother, but I can never repay her.”
(…a terrible lie.)
(I wonder if you’ll notice… I hope you don’t.)
When I laughed brightly, Emma’s eyes fixed on me…
Emma: “…Clavis.”
Emma placed the herbal tea in her hand on the bench railing.
Clavis: “What’s the matter? Your eyes are suddenly very focused.”
Emma: “No, just….I was just thinking.”
(What is it?)
Emma gently reached out to me and then,
Slender fingers were on my waist and she tickled with all her might.
Although I managed to put down the herbal tea I had in my hand, the tickling attack was more effective on my body than I expected.
(…hm…I feel like Emma’s face is glowing!)
As I tried to move my body to escape, tears blur my vision as she attacks where I’ll feel it most.
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Clavis: “… hgh… Haha! Why are… ngh… Stop, haha.”
I seriously felt like I was going to die laughing, and just as I was about to see heaven, her fingers let go.
(I thought I was going to die!)
Emma: “What do you mean ‘I can never repay her’.”
Emma: “I think you have repaid her enough now.”
(How is repayment… and what you’re doing now…connected?)
I casually wipe my tears and look at Emma,
Unlike me, in a terrible situation, she has a serious face.
Emma: “I have never met Lady Leticia, but I can tell you this much,”
Emma: “If she’s still watching over you from somewhere, she is definitely, absolutely, wishing you happiness.”
Emma: “She gave her undivided attention to you, at the cost of her own time because…”
Emma: “There is no other reason than that she just wanted you to be happy.”
Clavis: “…”
(Ah, I see…you wanted to comfort me.)
Emma: “If that’s the case, then the fact that you are the happiest man on the continent right now is the greatest way you can repay her.”
Emma: “So smile, smile and laugh a lot and I’m sure Lady Leticia will understand.”
(…The dead say nothing anymore)
(Therefore, there is no telling whether Emma’s ideas are right or wrong.)
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(But, I think my mother would say the same thing if she were still alive.)
I have lived with my regrets for many years alone, without telling anyone.
Maybe the reason I wanted to talk about it was because I wanted to feel Emma’s kindness.
Emma: “Clavis, if you can’t make your dreams come true, I will make them come true!”
Emma, chest puffed and proud, declares cutely and holds up her hands to close the distance.
This is not the time to get sentimental.
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Clavis: “Wait, wait, wait! There’s a difference between being happy and laughing a lot, calm down, my dear fiancée.”
Emma: “I’m glad you’re enjoying this so much.”
Clavis: “Oops, your face looks worse than before.”
(…Even with such an upset face, she’s still incredibly cute.)
I wanted to hold my head up in a different way.
Clavis: “But, my face is even worse isn’t it?”
Emma: “!?”
To prevent Emma from doing any more to me, I took the initiative and embraced her.
Emma’s ears grow bright red and becomes quiet, it’s so adorable I can’t stand it.
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Clavis: “But… you’re certainly right.” 7210
Leticia: “Thank you for being born…Please, live with a smile always on your face.”
--End Flashback—
(My mother’s last words, they’re in line with Emma’s sentiments.)
(…I’ve always regretted it.)
(But at this point, maybe it’s okay to break away from ‘regrets’)
No matter what path you take, there is no returning to the past.
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Clavis: “Thanks to you, I am the happiest man on the continent. Perhaps I could return the favor?”
I tighten my arms, clinging to Emma’s kind thoughts.
In the truest sense of the word, I may have finally been able to break free.
(If it wasn’t for Emma, I would have regretted it till the day I died.)
(…Firstly, I would never have been as happy as I am now, and repaying my mother would have been a pipe dream.)
(I should thank you for that…)
(And for making me laugh so hard…?)
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--It goes without saying that Jade is famous for its herbs, which are packed full of all kinds of benefits,
The baths, which combine herbs and hot springs, were the main purpose of this trip.
Benefits, benefits, benefits! Hot springs are said to be beneficial for beauty, health, and many other things.
I was secretly planning on introducing my hard-working fiancée to this country.
(But, that’s ostensibly why.)
If you just want to visit, you can rent out a hot spring to yourself,
There is no need to stay away from Emma, who has reached an extreme point of embarrassment.
Clavis: “I’m a man who has made all my dreams come true—but there are still many dreams that haven’t come true.”
Clavis: “First, I want to take care of you in the bath. I want to wash your hair, wash your body, and polish it with my hands.”
--End Flashback—
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(--I can’t do it.  I can’t stop smiling.)
Emma had initially fled to a corner of the room.
A few minutes ago, I chased her into the bath, caught her, and made him sit in a chair like this.
“I will make your dreams come true.” She proudly declared,
It seems that now she is finally ready to have her body washed.
(How is my fiancée so cute.)
I work my hands into a soapy, foamy lather and glide it over Emma’s skin.
I lift her slender arm and stroke it carefully, then I move my hand to her back, around her neck, and then to her breast.
Emma: “Nngh…”
Emma, holding her mouth shut and trying hard not to make a sexy sound, was bursting with cuteness.
(Makes me want to play a prank on you.)
When I poked the tip, Emma turned around with a bright red face.
Emma: “Clavis…”
Clavis: “Did that tickle?”
Emma: “…you know, don’t you?”
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Clavis: “Haha, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Emma: “…”
Clavis: “Okay, okay, I won’t do it again.”
Emma: “That would be fine, but…”
It seemed she didn’t turn around just to make a complaint,
Emma’s direct gaze never wavered.
Clavis: “What is it?”
Emma: “…I was just wondering if you could help me out a bit.”
Emma: “Why did you dream of taking care of me in the bath?”
(Oops, I didn’t expect you to ask me that…)
What I told Emma about as a dream that day was all spur of the moment.
It didn’t have a deep meaning because it was just a bunch of deceptions that came out of my mouth to hide my past regrets.
However, it was definitely a desire I was thinking about subconsciously.
(I never thought about the reason, but I guess--)
Clavis: “It’s obvious isn’t it?”
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Clavis: “My bashful, shy fiancée would never let anyone else do something like this.”
When I tickle her armpits, Emma’s body jumps.
Clavis: “But, if you only allow me…”
Clavis: “That’s love in the flesh, isn’t it?”
(…Oh, I see. What all my dreams about you have in common is that they can’t be done unless you’re loved.)
Emma: “…That reason is more cunning than I expected.”
Clavis: “Haha, really?”
Emma: “When I hear that, it makes me want to help with any dream you have.”
Emma: “But, please don���t do anything naughty!”
Clavis: “Nothing?”
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(I’m already feeling naughty…)
Emma: “Nothing.”
Emma spoke firmly and turned away.
Emma: “…here, I can’t hide anything.”
Emma: “With how much I love you Clavis… everything comes out from my body, doesn’t it.”
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Clavis: “…”
Clavis: “……”
(I want someone to praise me for not attacking you right now.)
Although I was able to hold out with the mental strength I had cultivated as a gentleman,
I place a kiss on Emma’s hair to calm myself down for a moment.
(But something... something, I have to distract myself….)
Clavis: “Do you have any dreams?”
(Next, I’ll make your dreams come true.)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
First I wanna say, you're such an amazing writer!
I seen your New Year, New Celebrations
If possible could I request
Nokto Klein + touch prompt #12 + 🌶
Please and thank you!
Thank you for your kind words and this request! I'm sorry in advance if this ended up more angsty than spicy, I went where the muse took me 😭
Red Rain - Nokto Klein x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of my New Year, New Celebration event
Pairing: Nokto Klein x Reader
Prompt: reaching for the other in the dark
Tags: none
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Nokto hated the rain. 
Rain was cold and dreary – it could turn a day gray and miserable and make everything wet. 
And it was raining that day in the forest, the day of the hunt. The day when he ripped open his every wound and exposed himself to you as the scarred beast he was.
Nokto winced, squeezing his eyes tight, as if each drop of rain outside stung his skin. Why did he have to wake up in the middle of a rain storm?
He rolled over onto his side and watched as you slept peacefully. You, the one he loved more than anything; you, the one who loved him despite his past. 
How he wanted to wake you and tell you how badly he needed you right now. How he needed to be held in your arms, a place where he was safe from his past. 
But that would be cruel to wake you. To burden you with his demons. 
So instead, he watched you, his crimson eyes gazing at you adoringly as your chest rose and fell with each soft breath. Unable to help himself, he reached out to you, his thumb ghosting your cheek. 
“Nokto?” your voice slurred with sleep as you stirred in your spot. 
He froze, pulling his hand away immediately.
“Did the rain wake you?” he asked softly.
You rubbed your eyes as you glanced around the room seeped in darkness, the pitter-patter of the rain growing louder. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Come here,” he offered, his arm outstretched, trembling slightly, waiting to hold you close against his chest.
Accepting his offer, you pressed your body against his, your bodies fitting together perfectly like puzzle pieces. He stroked your cheek, then tilted your jaw upwards before his lips met yours in a kiss. 
His hands wandered down your back, eager and needy as he pulled your body closer to his, the heart in his chest thudding rapidly against yours. 
You parted your mouth, deepening the kiss, the sound of the rain dampened by the soft sighs leaving your lips, the heat of your passion radiating between your bodies that would end in an evening of pleasure.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage
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lusianarendraws · 2 years
The Masquerade
Ikemen Prince: Beauty and Her Beast
Leon Dompteur x Celestina Aurelius (OC)
Romance, Fluff
Oneshot for Halloween!
Tagging: @leonscape since you told me you wanted more Leon content. 🤭
This is my first time writing Leon, be gentle with me please.
Word count: 1102
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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" A feminine voice filled the room, uncertainty wavering in a young woman's heart, eyes and voice. She gazed at her hands. There was a masquerade ball to be held in the royal palace, to celebrate Halloween.
The man who had delivered the news was none other than Leon Dompteur, the new king or Rhodolite. He had come to his fiancée, the woman who had chosen him as king - Celestina. Leon came to her room while she was playing an instrument, the cembalo.
"A lot of important nobles will be attending. I want you to attend, as my bride, my future Queen, as you. What do you say, want to come along?"
Feeling unsure, Celestina thought about it. Though she had attended a ball during her time as Belle before, a masquerade ball would be completely new to her. But if it meant spending time with her lover, and dancing with him? Why not? With a happy smile, she said "I'd love to go!"
"That's great to hear. I need to go and get things prepared, so I'll be seeing you later, my love." Leon reached down and gently kissed his beloved's forehead. She smiled and reached up to capture his lips in a soft, loving kiss. Of course, he returned the favor. He loved seeing that spark of joy in her eyes, even from such a small interaction. After pulling away, they exchanged tender glances, before Leon left. Celestina tried to concentrate on playing the cembalo again, but it was no use. With just that small interaction with the king, her mind was consumed by the thought of attending such an important event with him.
It was time. Halloween night. Although Celestina would have loved to celebrate with her sister and her family in town, she understood that being the king’s bride opened the door of high society for her. So she got ready. She put on a beautiful, royal blue gown. It ended right on her toes, allowing a glimpse of her black ballerinas. Her hair was tied in a bun. She put on round sapphire earrings and a necklace as accessories. But the most important thing was the mask. It was in a beautiful blue. Laced, and had flowers attached on each end.
Just when she was finally ready, she could hear a knock on the door. Yes, it really was time to go. So she opened the door, seeing the man of her dreams, Leon. He was wearing his formal attire, plus a red mask with white strokes engraved around the eyes. …He was honestly so incredibly handsome.
To be honest, Leon himself was taken aback. His girl was always so beautiful, but this mask and dress somehow made her many charms shine even more. He gave her a tender smile, suppressing the way his heart pounded upon seeing her like this. “Hey, Celestina. You look extra gorgeous tonight.” "T-thank you."
Leon stretched out his hand, wanting to escort his lady. "Ready to go?" Without a second thought, she took it. “Yes!”
With that, the beast led the beauty through the hallways, and into the ballroom. It was always so lively there, however tonight, the normally warm and bright lights were dimmed, creating a perfect atmosphere for Halloween.
As soon as they entered the room, several pairs of eyes immediately set on them. This was a masquerade, but no mask in this world could’ve hidden the king’s identity well enough. Leon was quickly surrounded by all kinds of nobles. He’s always been so popular…
While Leon was talking to all these people, the raven-haired woman was slowly approached by Jin, who had a feathered mask on. “Hey there, Celestina. You look stunning this evening.” She turned her head towards him, smiling. “Oh, hey Jin. Thank you.” An amused chuckle escapes the woman’s mouth. “Don’t you have some other women to see, though?” “Can’t a man talk to his soon-to-be sister-in-law?” Celestina was about to say something, but stopped when she heard the sound of music starting to play. It was time for the couples to dance.
Jin was already being approached by a woman asking to dance with him. Celestina smiled and lightly shook her head, before scanning the room for her fiancé. Suddenly, she felt two arms wrapping around her waist from behind. She gasped as the figure leaned in closer. And closer. Until their breath was tickling her earlobe. “Looking for someone?”
Celestina had to try hard to suppress a grin. She immediately knew who it was. Of course she did, she would recognize that voice anywhere. She put a hand over one of his arms. “Leon-!” Leon gently put a hand in hers… And spun her around until his beloved faced him. The faint, surprised squeak she let out had him show that mischievous, almost cocky grin.
Leon loved to see that surprised look on her face. But what he loved most, above all else, was to see her happy. To see her eyes reflect the love and affection she felt for him. His expression gentled as he brought her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her fingertips. “May I have this dance, my love?”
Celestina could feel her heart flutter with undying love as heat rose to her cheeks. His lips, his words, and that gentle look in his eyes… Oh, he could make her fall in love over and over again. Without hesitation, she nodded while practically beaming with happiness.
They got in position. Leon began leading her. It didn’t take long for people to smile and watch them as their feet carried them across the room. Their eyes were fixated on each other, as if nothing in the world could disturb them in a moment of true love, pure happiness and bliss. “Perfect…” “Hmm? What’s perfect?” “Everything. This room is filled with all kinds of people. All of your brothers are here. And you are here with me, being the best lover I could’ve asked for. It’s… Almost too perfect.”
Leon felt his heart stirr at her words. She would constantly say the sweetest things. Ahh, how did he end up with a woman so perfect for him? “You’re always so sweet.” Leon couldn’t help himself. For a moment, he stopped leading, and reached down to kiss her lips, right then and there. She returned the favor, before their lips parted. Their exchanged glances were filled with even more love for one another. Their hearts beat as one. And they continued to do so, dancing and kissing all throughout the night…
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darlingkay · 3 years
ikemen opinion 1/?
no one asked but here’s how I felt after completing Chevalier’s route. and if anyone likes this then maybe I’ll rate other suitors/ikemen games lol. i’m putting my thoughts below the line in case you don’t want any kind of potential spoiler :)
*please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions which will of course differ from others!! i’d also like to disclose that i do in fact pay to play, but i only pay for that i deem worth it. i don’t spend money on events or for chapter tickets. 
prince: Chevalier Michel
route: dramatic
overall rating: 9/10
overall thoughts: if his cold attitude won’t hurt your feelings, then by all means go for it. the build up is very slow but the romance in the end makes all the angst worth it in my opinion. I will definitely be playing the romantic route as well-- i mean the the special for both endings is called ‘our kingdom’ how could i pass that up.
ok so chevalier is actually the second ikepri route that i’ve played, the first being yves (who i adore ofc), and i played him over leon because i loovee tsunderes  and i love blondes l0l i just have a type so sue me. generally despite the slowest burn i’ve ever tolerated, its a wonderful route. i don’t personally love slow burns because i get bored quickly, and chev is a VERY tough nut to crack especially because of how cold he is for the vast majority of his route. but his ending is soooo worth it. 
clavis lelouch lol. I know he’s shady, and that they have a weird dynamic but i love it nonetheless. 
i love the connection between mc and chev to be reading love stories. it’s just very interesting to me considering that he is “heartless”. yeah i love clichés.
the cute scenes with chev are VERY cute. i.e.: chevalier holding Belle in his arms after she accidentally falls asleep in his bed. 
the route overall is very interesting to me, i love the suspicion around clavis beig a little sneaky snake, i love the drama around so many people wanting chevalier dead. idk i was just very interested. very different vibes after doing yves’ route, the sweetest cinnamon roll in the world.
i’m a little bitch and chevalier is 300% a strong dom and i ate that shit up so fast i got a stomach ache. “that’s not coming from the second prince, it’s coming from the king so you have no place to refuse” or “being the king’s lover will not be easy, but I have no intention of bestowing my favor to anyone else” (that was paraphrased) bro fuck me up!!!!
for the first several chapters, chev feels like a side character in his own route. i love getting to know clavis more as i anxiously wait for his own route, however it just made it hard for me to feel like i was actually getting to know the main character of the route.
i personally don’t love slow burns to begin with, but this for me felt like the mother of all slow burns lol. I think that I would have liked for chev to admit his feelings a little sooner. or not even that, but at least make more obvious choices that show us that he is falling in love. the more i think about it, the more i realize that he does do some things that are very unlike him, but it just wasn’t enough for me, i felt like the wait was forever. compared to yves it takes forever, but that’s like comparing apples to oranges if you catch my drift.
i feel like... it takes too long for the story to show his humanity. like yeah it’s a build up, but the chapter where Belle sees him in the cemetery memorizing the names doesn’t happen until chapter 18... 18??!!!??! and this is what made me kinda confused when Belle was just suddenly stupid head over heels for chev when she spent 20 chapters trying to decide whether he really did have a heart or not lol and sister was so devastated after the fort battle chapters (yeah i know she had a lot of faith in him and that’s what kept her drawn to him and insist that he was more than a beast, but still)
again, about the first several chapters being clavis based, i didn’t really love that the first two letters came from clavis. like the first one was funny and i loved that, the second one was overkill. i’m not trying to be picky i promise, the letters are just one of my fave aspects of ikemen games and i wanted more from chevalier!!!
favorite memory: i think the only one that was really worth it was ‘devour me in greed’. chevalier’s loophole for clause 99 is funny and very him, and the developed dialogue between mc and chev after everything is just wonderful. i’m also a h03 for that steamy content heh. i also think that his side story for the “the tale of beloved belle and the rose” was very cute and worth it too. otherwise the other’s seemed a tiny bit like a waste in my opinion because chev is just so... detached?? of course, i don’t expect happiness and fluff right off the bat, but if you’ve played chev’s route then i’m sure you know what i mean. 
Edit: I also wanted to say that my favorite letter was the epilogue letter bc omg how cute I just love chev talking about not caring for breakfast but eating it with belle because he loves her and wants to see her, like that’s the kind of shit that spells true love Yknow? Doing things because you cherish a person <3
!!!major spoiler here!!!
actually one of my favorite parts of the entire route wasn’t a savable memory (sad). but it’s when chev and mc are staying the night in the cabin, after chev is wounded badly from flandre’s gunshot. and he admits that he took “an act of major folly” despite his better judgement because he had to rescue Belle, knowing it’s because he’s in love with her even though he previously said that love was useless and unnecessary. i LOVED that chapter. i’m not sure why but something about it is just so good. the drama that even though love means nothing to prince chevalier, he made the mistake of falling in love with Belle and even going out of his way to save her from obsidian. i wish THAT was a saved memory because it’s just so grand. there’s a moment like that in ray blackwell’s route (ikemen revolution) and i wish i had that saved too.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Matthias Ausprink: As Long As You Don't Break The Law...
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
(What is she doing now?)
As I walk through the familiar streets, the face of my only female friend comes to mind.
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(Is she looking at this falling snow, just like me?)
(Is she breathing out white breaths, shivering from the cold?)
(If so, I wish I was there. If I was by her side, I would gently take her hand and warm her cold fingertips...)
At that moment, the image of her in my mind smiled softly -
Emma: No, it wasn't me!
When I turned my gaze, the woman I had been picturing was there, but with a bewildered expression, different from what I had imagined.
(Miss Emma, I'm glad to see you, but...)
Shopkeeper: Someone saw you break my merchandise. Confess.
Shopkeeper: If you try to run, I'll hand you over to the officials as a criminal.
(Is she being falsely accused?)
Emma: But...
The moment I saw her face turn pale as if she had lost all hope, my body moved on instinct.
Matthias: Wait, let me hear her side of the story.
When I stood in front of her protectively, she blinked in surprise.
Emma: Prince Matthias!
Matthias: You are not a person who would break the law. Therefore, I am on your side.
Matthias: It's okay, calm down and explain the situation to me.
When she looked straight into my large eyes and slowly spoke, the tension in her expression eased a little.
Afterward, I heard the situation from her, the store owner, and the people around them, and investigated the scene ---
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Emma: Prince Matthias, thank you very much.
After clearing her name of the false accusation of "breaking the merchandise" and catching the real culprit, she bowed deeply with a formal expression.
Matthias: You don't need to thank me.
Matthias: Maintaining order is one of my jobs.
Matthias: Protecting good and righteous people is a natural thing to do as a man of Ausprink.
"Righteous people should be protected," it is also stipulated in the family precepts.
No matter who the other person was, I would have done the same thing.
(But, I may have lacked composure.)
(Normally, I would have checked the situation a little more before stepping in...)
Emma: I can't help but express my gratitude.
Emma: I was relieved when you came, Prince Matthias, when I was feeling uneasy.
Emma: Also, I was very happy when you said you were on my side.
The moment she smiled like a blooming flower, it felt like the temperature in this place suddenly rose.
For a moment, I was surprised to think that the falling snow had stopped, but there was no way that could happen.
(Is it me who is hot...?)
At the same time that I became aware of it, the question that had just arisen was also solved.
(The reason my body moved before I checked the situation was probably because I wanted to bring back this smile as soon as possible.)
Matthias: You and I are friends.
(It's not uncommon for women I meet at evening parties to smile at me, but I've never felt this way.)
(...Female friends are great.)
Emma: Hehe, you're right. But if that's the case, I feel the same way.
Emma: No matter when, no matter what happens, I am on Prince Matthias's side. Because we are friends.
(No matter when, no matter what happens, huh...)
The reason I ruminated on it in my heart was that I couldn't agree with those words.
(It's true that I think friends are allies. But there are exceptions.)
(If the other person breaks the law.)
In the past, I have judged many "former" friends who broke the law.
They were uniformly despairing when I imposed harsh sentences on my former friends.
(What I did was right. Criminals are not allies, but enemies.)
After thinking that far, I glanced at her smiling in front of me.
(She is not a person who would break the law. But if she did break the law...)
(Would I capture her, consider her an "enemy," and punish her?)
(...Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't be a guardian of the law.)
(If you commit a crime, I will take away your warm smile myself.)
(No, not just a smile...)
Matthias: ...................
Matthias: ...Miss Emma, please never do anything that would break the law.
(I promise to be on your side as long as you don't break the law.)
(So... please.)
Emma: Of course, that's my intention... but that was very sudden, wasn't it?
Matthias: No, I just thought of it again. That's right, I'll give you a lecture again sometime.
Matthias: If you don't have enough knowledge, you might unconsciously break the law.
Emma: Um, thank you, but...
Matthias: After the lecture, why don't we eat sweets at a café? After using your brain a lot, it's best to take in sugar.
Matthias: There's a shop with an interior that you'd like, with a snowflake motif.
Matthias: In a romantic atmosphere, the two of us snuggled up... ahem, how about sometime next week?
Emma: Hehe, I'd love to join you. I'm looking forward to it.
Matthias: Yes, I'm very much... looking forward to it too.
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Just having a plan with her makes the future seem even brighter.
(As expected, female friends are great.)
As I walked slowly through the snowy city, I gently tucked away the treasure-like moment in my heart.
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nightghoul381 · 11 months
Nokto 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Premium End
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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Licht was always cheerful and always had a smile on his face.
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I was the one who stole Licht’s expression.
At that time, it was difficult to be in the court and I couldn’t stay sane--.
I chose to run away as soon as possible so I didn’t have to look at Licht, who had lost his emotions.
Sariel: “A short term, study abroad program in Benitoite?”
Nokto: “Yes. As a prince, learning the basics of business is by no means a bad thing.”
Nokto: “Please, Sariel.”
Sariel: “…I understand. I’ll ask His Majesty the King.”
Sariel: “By the way, are you going alone?”
Nokto: “That’s what I mean to do. I don’t need an attendant.”
Sariel: “…”
When I talked about the short term, study abroad idea, I couldn’t look Sariel in the eye.
At that point, it was like admitting there was something to regret.
Woman: “Prince Nokto, aren’t you enjoying studying abroad?”
Nokto: “What…?”
It was a question that came up suddenly when I came to Benitoite and got used to life.
The couple, who were young at the time, had agreed to take care of him at the request of His Majesty the King of Rhodolite.
They were always concerned about the young prince.
Nokto: “It’s fun. It’s fun to learn things you don’t know.”
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Woman: “I hope so… we have never seen you smile.”
Nokto: “…That’s not…”
Woman: “Yes, it is. And not once have you laughed.”
It was a shock.
Unlike Licht, my expression was still alive.
At least, I thought so.
But that was my imagination.
I panicked and peered into a nearby window.
My face reflected was empty.
Man: “Boys around your age laugh like idiots, play around, and act naughty.”
Nokto: “…”
I still can’t forget the pained faces of the couple.
On the day Licht lost his emotion, it seemed I had lost mine as well.
I don’t know where I left it, or if I could even find it…
However, such an excuse is not allowed.
“That day”, I was protected by Licht.
There’s no way I should lose my emotions while being protected.
Licht should not be burdened anymore… I thought so at least.
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Nokto: “…Smile, me.”
I stood in front of my mirror and tried to move my facial muscles.
I didn’t know what kind of face I should make. I force myself to move them as if they were clearing up the sins I had been running away from.
Day in and day out, everyday—I practiced and practiced.
Woman: “Prince Nokto, you’ve been smiling recently.”
Nokto: “Sorry for worrying you. Maybe it’s because I’ve finally gotten used to life.”
Thus began the liar’s smile.
--End Past—
Benitoite’s annual antique market was bustling with people, left and right.
It’s good that Emma suggested I help out at the stall that the elderly couple is opening.
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Silvio: “What are you doing here?”
(…and here comes trouble.)
I had been preparing myself for the possibility that he might come, but…
When faced with the continent’s richest man, who exemplifies the dreams and aspirations of merchants, one can’t help but sigh.
Nokto: “Can’t you see?”
Silvio: “I’m askin’ because I don’t understand. It’s like you’re a different person.”
Nokto: “A different person?”
Silvio: “I’ve been watchin’ for a while, but you don’t always look like you’re lying when ya laugh.”
Silvio: “It’s the first time I’ve seen you play like a kid, ya fox bastard, and it gives me goosebumps.”
Nokto: “Huh? I’m not playing around that much.”
Silvio: “Should I hold up a mirror for ya? You’re a lot more cheerful that you think you are.”
(…I didn’t know. I guess even I can get carried away sometimes.)
(No, there are a lot of times. Ever since I met Emma I’ve been thrown off kilter.)
Not only Silvio, but even Emma, who is supposed to be on my side, is smiling.
Apparently, I really am in high spirits.
I used to only be able to smile to ‘lie’, but now I’m having fun.
(It’s my first time doing business like this that had nothing to do with public affairs, but I guess I unexpectedly like it.)
(“I want to be a merchant” The beginning of my dream wasn’t a good one.)
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Licht: “Hey, Nokto. Do you think mama will be kinder after you leave the castle?”
Nokto: “I think so, because it’s all the castle’s fault.”
Nokto: “Mama looks sad and we’ve been told lots of things…”
Nokto: “If there’s no more things to torment mama, surely…”
Licht: “…That’s true. Well then, I’ll find out where I want to go from mama.”
Licht: “I want to run away to a place mama likes anyway.”
Nokto: “Then I’ll think of a way to earn money.”
Nokto: “I need money to escape… should I become a merchant?”
Licht: “You’re smart Nokto, so you can definitely become a merchant.”
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Nokto: “I guess so… I’ll try. If I make a lot of money, I’ll buy sweets for you, Licht.”
Licht: “Really? It’s a promise!”
--End Flashback—
(I’m sure Licht remembers, too.)
(…It’s an ordinary dream, but for us it was heavy.)
The earnest wish that clings to the dream of becoming a ‘merchant’ is not something that can be said out loud.
(At first, it was still good, but one day ‘ becoming a merchant’ meant ‘escaping from Licht.’)
(I’m a coward.)
(…I’m a shameful coward.)
(I thought so, but I didn’t realize it was ‘fun’…)
Emma: “…The current Nokto doesn’t want to run away, does he?”
The antique market closed with great success and I walked with Emma on the beach dyed in the twilight.
In the end, the antiques prepared by the old couple were sold, and a strange sense of accomplishment was in my heart.
Perhaps it was because of such a feeling that I became light-hearted.
When I told her the other reason for my dream of being a ‘merchant’,  Emma hugged me without saying a word.
Emma: “The Nokto I know forgot to take a break because he’s such a hard-working person.”
Emma: “So I don’t think you need to beat yourself up about it now.”
Nokto: “Yeah, I guess so.”
(Even if you blame me, the past won’t change.)
It’s true that he didn’t run away. You don’t need to blame me.
(Thanks to Emma, I learned that ‘wanting to be a merchant’ wasn’t just about ‘wanting to run away.’)
Maybe it’s because I’ve lived my life with my expressions and emotions covered with lies.
Perhaps even the pure interest I had as a child had disappeared.
But over time, I met my true self that Emma had found.
That is terribly heartbreaking.
(The fact that I wasn’t studying abroad just because I wanted to run away is, in a sense, a salvation for me.)
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(…Licht is the one who should be saved.)
Nokto: “…”
(The reason I had Emma meet the old Benitoite couple was because I knew I couldn’t hide my cowardice from them.)
(I brought you here because it was just the right opportunity, but actually…)
(…maybe I really just wanted someone to forgive me for my past weakness.)
(No, the more I think about it, the more I hate myself…)
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Nokto: “Hey, don’t let me think anything right now.”
Emma: “…okay.”
When I asked her for it, Emma cupped my cheeks in her hands as if she knew everything.
Our lips pressed together feels so good, and once I taste it, I want it endlessly.
I was so absorbed in it, I forgot to breathe.
The more I try, the more the pain fades.
(I’m better now because of Emma.)
(I don’t want to run away, and I want to atone for my sins in my own way.)
(That’s why I’m often overworked.)
There are times when I can’t see it myself that Emma takes care of me and suggests vacations.
Emma: “Are you okay…?”
At the end of the long kiss, Emma’s eyes met mine.
Nokto: “I’m sorry for that.”
(Maybe it wasn’t a pleasant kiss.)
When I stroked her hair with the intention of apologizing, Emma suddenly narrowed her eyes.
Emma: “Nokto, you’re making a face that tells me it’s still not enough.”
Nokto: “Oh, you understand?”
With a deceptive smile, a thin finger caressed my lips.
Emma: “…Okay. Kiss me until you’re satisfied.”
Nokto:” I don’t know if someone will come, is that okay?” 3103
(You said no in the city for that reason.)
Emma: “There’s no one right now. If it’s just a kiss…”
(You’re so sweet, you probably know how I’m feeling right now.)
(…just for today.)
(Tomorrow, I’ll do it properly again.)
Relying on Emma’s kindness, she takes my breath away again.
I bit her lips, entwined her tongue, and tasted every inch of her mouth…but I didn’t feel like stopping today.
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nightghoul381 · 11 months
Licht 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Chapter 2
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
I’m very sorry I don’t have screenshots for this translation until the epilogue!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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There are three things we can tell from Licht’s drawings.
The first is that every drawing has a big, round full moon.
The second is that there are no roses in bloom.
And the third is that he hadn’t drawn any people.
Relying on the few clues I had, I immediately headed out to town with Licht, but nothing came of it—
Fruit shop Clerk: “These are wonderful colors but I have no idea where the drawing is supposed to be.”
Grocery Store Clerk: “Miss Emma, is this some kind of riddle? Is there a hidden code or something?”
Passing Soldier: “I do patrols a lot, but I haven’t seen scenery like this… I’m sorry I can’t help you!”
Emma / Licht: “Hmm….”
Licht and I go into our favorite café and take a seat to rest our feet, tired from walking around.
Immediately after ordering our sweets, I let out a sigh.
Emma: “This is pretty tough.”
Licht: “The toughest thing is how bad my drawings are…”
Emma: “No!? I like how unique and creative your drawings are.”
Licht: “You don’t have to force yourself to like them.”
Emma: “I’m not forcing myself.”
Licht: “But it’s true that it’s not good enough to work as a clue.”
Emma: “That’s not true.”
I arranged the pictures on the table to see if there were any clues we may have overlooked.
(We went to all the places I could think of and asked the people in town.)
(Even so, the landscape drawing didn’t trigger any memories.)
Emma: “Maybe this scenery isn’t from Rhodolite.”
Licht: “We’ve searched a lot and can’t find a similar place, so I think the possibility is high.”
Emma: “That’s right. Bu what should we do when it comes to other countries…”
(It’s suddenly become even more difficult to find…)
The store clerk sets the seasonal peach tart on the table in front of me.
I hurriedly set aside the drawing and inhaled the scent to my heart’s content.
Emma: “Looks delicious…”
Licht: “You’re drooling…”
Emma: “You’re lying!?”
Licht: “It’s a lie.”
Emma: “…Licht.”
Licht: “I just wanted to see your cute reaction.”
Licht cut into the tart, putting a slice onto a plate and handing it to me.
After I took the plate and thanked him, he started cutting his own portion of the tart.
Licht: “I want to keep your current cuteness in a picture.”
Emma: “…If you say that, I’ll have to get revenge okay?”
The tart that Licht had cut into pieces had the most delicious parts.
While he had a somewhat melancholy air when he dug up the box, Licht was now smiling.
(Licht’s smile is a national treasure no matter when I see it.)
(…national treasure…)
Emma: “Ah!”
Licht: “What?”
Emma: “I have a good idea.”
(With this you might be able to find scenery from other countries!)
After savoring the seasonal tart slowly, we convinced the staff to package the rest for us to take home.
I took Licht’s hand and headed to a certain place.
Sariel: “You want to see inside the treasury?”
Emma: “Yes.”
I had approached the subject while offering tea and a lightly sweetened cake to Sariel while he took a break.
It was only natural that I got a questioning response.
Emma: “Rhodolite is the land of art and roses, so there are many works of art in the court, right?”
Emma: “I want to see paintings by artists from all over the continent.”
Licht: “… I see.”
Licht: “If there’s a similar painting in the court that would definitely be a clue.”
Emma: “Right?”
Sariel: “Are you looking for something? I’m not sure you’ll find it, but it’s fine for you to look in the treasury.”
Emma: “Eh…it’s okay?”
Sariel: “Why are you surprised?”
Emma: “Well the treasury is such an important place that it’s heavily guarded, so I didn’t think it would be possible to get permission so easily…”
Sariel: “Is it really that strange? You are Price Licht’s fiancée.”
Sariel: “You have the right to freely browse the treasury. Here you go.”
Sariel takes out a key from the desk drawer and drops it into my hand.
Emma: “Thank you—”
Sariel: “However, as you said earlier, it houses important cultural property that is under security.”
Sariel: “Don’t play hide and seek in the treasury and break the artwork like Prince Licht did in the past.”
Licht: “…don’t bring that up, Sariel.”
(That really happened?)
Emma: “I understand, I’ll keep my head up!”
The treasury of Castle Rhodolite was even more expansive than the dance hall.
(Even so, it feels cramped because there are so many things.)
As befits the name of the land of art and roses, countless works of art were stored in the treasury.
I froze… if I should fall, I would crash right into the ceramic vase displayed in front of me.
Licht: “You’re too cautious.”
Emma: “Aren’t you nervous, Licht?”
Licht: “Not really? Guess I don’t understand the value of art.”
Licht: “You are far more valuable to me than the national treasures here.”
Emma: “Ah, thank you…?”
(…Licht’s words are always so sweet and make me smile.)
Licht: “There are a considerable number of paintings alone.”
Emma: “Yeah, it’s rewarding to have this many!”
Licht: “Too excited.”
Licht: “…that kind of thing is cute though.”
Licht casually presses his lips against my forehead and immediately begins to remove the cloth from a nearby painting.
(The treasury…. it’s really warm.)
After hours of quiet work—
Emma: “I might have found it.”
Removing the cloths that were hanging on painting after painting…
That’s when I found one picture that stopped my hand.
The painting was a delicate depiction of a foreign dancer.
The dancer is beautiful, and takes your breath away in admiration.
But what caught my attention was the scenery behind her.
Licht: “Which one?”
Licht came closer to the sound of my voice.
The two of us stared intently at the painting like appraisers.
Emma: “Look. First, here’s the beautiful full moon, right?  Then there’s the stage where the dancers are dancing.”
Emma: “The jumbled masses in your drawings look just like that, and most importantly, this…”
I compared one of Licht’s drawings with the painting in question.
In the picture that Licht drew when he was young, there are parts that were colored with yellow and green.
On the other hand, the painting depicts a beautiful sandy landscape that is almost transparent and green plants that are not seen around here.
(I don’t know if it’s really right, and it’s possible that it’s just a stretch, but…)
Emma: “The picture you drew was a desert, isn’t it?”
Licht: “…a desert…”
Licht: “That means it’s in Tanzanite, the land of divination and illusion—”
I try to recall the information while imagining a continental map in my mind.
Emma: “Tanzanite… I think that was the country neighboring Jade.”
Licht: “Yes. Tanzanite is the only country that has a desert, and it’s famous for its dancers.”
Emma: “So the person who told you the stories was talking about Tanzanite?”
Licht: “It’s very possible.”
Licht: “I heard that the country over there welcomes dancers and songstresses freely.”
Licht: “…and my mother was a songstress.”
I can hear my heart pounding heavily.
Emma: “Wait, Licht…”
Emma: “Who told you the story that made you draw this picture?”
Licht: “…”
Licht: “…my mother.”
An unfathomable shadow casts into his crimson eyes.
Licht: “This is where my mother wanted to go.”
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nightghoul381 · 11 months
Licht 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Chapter 1
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
I’m very sorry I don’t have screenshots for this translation until the epilogue!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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Clavis: “I’ve made a terrible mistake.”
Emma/Licht: “Wha?” “Hm?”
That morning when I was having breakfast with Licht as usual, Prince Clavis, who had the strangest look on his face, came up to us and suddenly began to speak.
Clavis: “Brother, I must apologize to you.”
Licht: “What are you talking about?”
Clavis: “So, let me show you my sincerity.”
Licht: “You’re not listening.”
Clavis: “Don’t hesitate to take it.”
Prince Clavis held out a shovel to Licht, who looked at it coldly.
… I can’t think of a use for a shovel other than digging a hole.
(I don’t understand what he’s trying to say, and the only other thought is too creepy!)
Licht: “I don’t need it.”
Clavis: “Don’t say that. It’s the supreme gem that I was finally able to get ahold of!”
Clavis: “It’s easy to hold, easy to dig with, and it looks cool.”
Licht: “I don’t need it.”
Clavis: “Well then, Emma—”
Emma: “Oh, I don’t need it…”
(I can’t do anything in this situation, even if I do get the shovel.)
Licht: “What do you want?”
Clavis: “I told you, to apologize.”
Licht: “Apologize for what?”
Clavis: “This is my apology for uncovering your innocent dreams.”
Clavis: “I was just working hard to create a pitfall today, but I didn’t mean for it to become anything else.”
Licht: “…Emma, what should I do? Seriously Clavis, even if I listen to you, I can’t understand what you’re saying.”
Emma: “It’s okay, I’m confused too.”
Clavis: “Haha, I understand. I understand. Licht, are you embarrassed?”
Clavis: “Ah, but don’t worry! I didn’t look at the contents of the letter.”
Clavis: “I am a kind-hearted older brother, I will not destroy my younger brother’s past romance.”
Licht: “Letter…past romance…”
Licht: “…Oh.”
Emma: “Eh, what, did you remember something?”
Licht: “I got it.”
Clavis: “Then do you understand the importance of the shovel?”
Licht took the shovel Prince Clavis offered without any hesitation.
It was a shocking voice and it make my voice tremble.
Emma: “Licht, what the…”
Licht: “You’re off today, aren’t you? Will you come with me?”
After finishing breakfast, Licht went deep into the forest surrounding the court with the shovel in hand.
Licht: “…Over there.”
Emma: “It does look like it was dug up.”
Licht: “Maybe Clavis dug it.”
Licht: “I don’t know what he wanted to do by digging a hole in a place like this.”
Emma: “…I guess it’s a practice pitfall.”
Licht: “Could be.”
(It’s possible.)
Licht shrugged his shoulders and immediately began scooping up the soil with the shovel Clavis had given him.
After a while, he stopped, as if he had hit something.
Looking into the hole, there was something covered in reddish-brown rust.
Licht: “On second thought…”
Licht took the box out from the hole with a bitter look on his face.
(What kind of box is it?)
(It must be pretty old considering how badly it’s deteriorated.)
Emma: “Prince Clavis said something about a past romance…”
Licht: “That’s not it.”
Licht: “Don’t expect much, Emma.”
(Sorry Licht, I’m so excited.)
When Licht wiped off the dirt and opened the rusted box—
Inside was a letter addressed to ‘my future self’ and several pictures.
(No way, this…)
Emma: “Is it something you left when you were a child?”
Licht: “Yes.”
Emma: “Wow! What a precious treasure!”
Licht: “Precious?”
Emma: “It’s an important clue about your childhood, isn’t it?”
Emma: “It’s precious because it’s a piece of you that I don’t know.”
Licht: “…You’re the only one who wants to know that stuff.”
Licht’s expression, which was somewhat stiff, loosened.
(But how did Prince Clavis know if belonged to Licht?)
(I wonder if he could tell by the pictures? I wouldn’t have been able to understand that even if I had dug it up, so it’s frustrating.)
Burning with a passionate curiosity, I crouched down and looked inside the box.
Emma: “The pictures…Can I see them?”
Licht: “Do what you want.”
Avoiding the letter, he quietly picks up a few pictures.
(It’s some kind of landscape drawing.)
It was a picture that was probably drawn by a young Licht, as the quality of the art seemed to indicate.
(Hmmmm… now to decipher the art.)
(There’s one thing that all the pictures have in common…)
Emma: “The big circle is the moon, isn’t it?”
Licht: “Probably, yeah.”
Emma: “Did you like the moon as a child, Licht?”
Licht: “That’s not it.
Licht: “That picture was drawn after listening to a story someone had told me.”
Licht also picked up a picture and looked at it with no expression.
Rather than cherishing childhood memories, I felt a bitter atmosphere.
Licht: “They always described the scenery in detail.”
Licht: “I don’t really remember it, but it was fun to hear about a world I didn’t know about.”
Licht: “As a prince, it was difficult for me to leave the court freely, so I used to have a longing for the outside world…”
Licht: “I remember wanting to go there as a child.”
(From how he said it, it’s not a bad memory.)
Licht’s childhood was inevitably surrounded by darkness.
Even with good memories, the darkness turns everything to pain.
Licht: “…But looking at this picture as an adult, I don’t know where this place is.”
Emma: “Do you still want to go?”
Licht: “…”
Licht: “…yes.”
(I wonder what happened between then and now.)
Although it’s brief, his response is all it takes for me to speak in a bright voice.
Emma: “Then let’s look for it.”
Licht: “Emma, do you recognize it?”
Emma: “No, but I’m confident I know everything about Rhodolite.”
Emma: “If it was your childhood dream, I’ll try to find it no matter what.”
After declaring this and clenching my fists, Licht stood up for some reason and moved to crouch down next to me.
When I turned my face toward him, a gentle kiss grazed my lips.
Emma: “Umm…?”
Licht: “It’s a thank you kiss.”
Emma: “…Uh, you’re welcome.”
(Licht seems to have high hopes for us too… Alright, let’s do our best!)
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