#ike.... :softsmile:
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shimuberin · 1 year ago
[RUFFLE] - sender ruffles receiver's hair.
“What- you?!” 
The Radiant Hero had reached out to ruffle her hair, like she was a child and not an Empress (and at one point, his employer). Like he didn’t understand that despite her status as a student, once they stepped off the monastery grounds, she would return to being an Empress. She whirls around, fiery eyes locking on Ike’s face to glare directly into his eyes. 
“What was that for?” Her voice is sharp, like she’s practiced, but maybe too shrill for her liking. Her hands reach up to settle her hair back over her headband, struggling their way around baggy sleeves. “I don’t see how it’s relevant to the task ahead of us.” She shakes her head a final time to settle her hair back down, and crosses her arms. “Don’t do that again.” 
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sweetroyalberry · 2 years ago
@nagaficat | continued from x
Deirdre...the name certainly fits the woman in front of her, especially with the politeness she exerts. It was almost enough to make Mae blush - although she was able to retain it to small rosy cheeks at the bottom of her face. 
Sharing tea...well, it was the obvious follow-up after such a gift. Of course, she couldn't refuse the invitation now, but surely it would be at the very least awkward to order once more after little time has passed. Would the rat bartender be judgmental of abusing the facilities?
Wait...since when did I care for the thoughts of a rat?!
"Sure, sure!" Mae chirps, taking a seat next to the inviter. "Just gimme a bit. Won't take long!" The student calls back the bartender for a second helping of tea, this time throwing in some fruits to feel at least somewhat different. Once her cup arrives, she takes a brief sip to relish the warm and welcoming taste.
"Whew! Feels like I'm right at home. Y'know...if a table could be a 'home.'" Mae begins with some small talk for the small circumstances.
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dewdrip · 4 months ago
It had only been a few minutes since their conversation in the med tent began, and Bailu already feels herself grow dizzy. The scene is quite vivid, like a dream—she barely needs to act when she speaks with the people here. She thinks them too similar to people she already knows, finds their exhaustion and blood too similar to the wounds that mar her patients. The Healer Lady finds her face twisted into a pout.
"Kora!" Bailu admonishes, her frown growing deeper in its crease. The admission that she had been here the whole night was expected but still upsetting. "Well, I mean, I'm glad the patient is still alive but..." she furrows her brow, not knowing exactly how to word what she wants to say, "Ah, whatever! I'll think about the ethics some other time. For now, I'm ordering you to take a break. Leave Adrian to me."
As Kora details the nature of Adrian's injuries, Bailu leans in to take a closer look herself, finding that she is unable to stop the grimace that comes across her face. It's not a reassuring motion, coming from your doctor, but then again: this wasn't a reassuring sight. The statements line up with the wounds that canvas his skin.
"How did you manage to sustain this many injuries during battle?" she asks, recalling the somewhat demeaning way he spoke about himself.
Kora seems to want to say something, but in the end, relents. Orders are orders, and she can no longer find the strength to protest. Nodding silently, she gets up and walks off; the first couple steps are a little shaky, but she eventually finds her footing. Among the bandages and other materials, she finds a cloth to wipe her face. Adrian’s one remaining eye follows her, then returns to Bailu. Noticing the grimace on her face, he takes a deeper breath. “It’s okay, Lady Bailu… I know what this looks like.” In response to her question, a light frown appears on his face as he recounts the events. “Well, I was with my unit, attacking an enemy one… We pushed on, and as luck would have it, I found myself face to face with their commander…” He sighs. “Not an enemy I should have dueled, but I had to stop him from advancing…” His left arm, less injured than the right, moves slightly upwards, towards his face. “That’s from one of his buddies.” As he continues, a faint, tired smile appears on his face. “But, I did stop him… Bought enough time for one of our generals to arrive and finish him off…” He sighs. “Very grateful for that. I was saying my goodbyes there...”
She's all too familiar with the notion of soldiers throwing away their lives to win one battle—how many Cloud Knights has the Luofu lost this way? Bailu's cheeks puff up slightly.
"It's a good thing you made it here, then. Listen, I'm going to do my best to heal you, but... you can't keep throwing yourself into battle like that." a handwave, "I'll talk about it more once you get discharged. For now... I'll replace those bandages."
She sets off to the stash of medical supplies at the corner of the med tent, surprised to find the path so familiar to her—each stride and step is as practiced as a surgeon's slice, as instinctive to her as her mother tongue. On her way to it, however, she spots someone she recognizes hanging by the entrance. She pushes past the tarp covering and pokes her head out of the tent.
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"Hey!" Bailu calls out, blinking up at them, "Did you wanna come in? There's a patient who's not looking so good. If you wanna help with that, then feel free."
open starter!
healing feeling
[ #GHSwordOfFate — week 1 ]
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