#ik this is gonna be in a weird order but i want to reblog this
cartmankisser · 2 years
OKOK SO CHOOSING 6, Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Craig Tucker, and ik Tweek isn’t a part of Craig’s team but, Tweek Tweak plzz ALSO I FEEL VERY WELCOMED SO THANK YOU:DD
-The new anon >:) (smiley anon:D)
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eric doesn’t really know how to react when he’s not the one in control. i mean, he’s just used to being the dominant one because other people just don’t want to deal with him, so he wins!!! it’s just a weird adjustment for him when he has to be the submissive one
stan is pretty neutral majority of the time, so when you come around, he’s feels kinda pushed into submission and as much as he would never admit it, he kinda likes it!! he likes putting his trust in you to take control! it’s a different feeling for him, but it’s comfortable
kyle is a bit confused when you start to show your dominance. he’s usually the dominant one by default, but when you two start dating, he’s just not used to being more submissive and it makes him flustered!! he turns bright red when you do things to him that he would usually do in a relationship
kenny is pretty chill with it!! he’s literally in awe whenever you show your dominance just because of how cool you are!! he doesn’t really care either way, but he honestly thinks it's so hot that your tall and dominant like omg he wants you to punch him in the face wtf
craig is pretty neutral. he doesn’t really care that much, but a lot of times he just takes the lead out of habit, so he thinks it’s a bit annoying to break his routine. but honestly he doesn’t really care beyond that. he likes how you’re taller than him because he thinks it looks cool when you guys are togethe
tweek loves that you’re dominant!!! he literally trusts you with his life so when you take control, you’re making those decisions for him and it really helps with his anxiety because of how much he trusts you. he really doesn’t mind when your assertive because he isn’t in the slightest!! having someone confident like you around makes him feel safer
cartman likes to think of himself as a hard dom. anytime sex was initiated, he would get all cocky. his act doesn't last very long considering that, even despite his size, he is a whiny twink at heart. he doesn't have any crazy dominating fetishes or anything, but he doesn't mind when you order him around in bed
stan was really worried when you guys did it for the first time. i mean, he has never had sex with another guy before!! the being said, he was relieved when you took the lead for him. he was really scared he was going to make you uncomfortable so he's glad that you're okay initiating sex and taking control
kyle was never really submissive during sex. like he wasn't a crazy hard top, but he was used to doing everything. it was a bit awkward at first because he was unsure what to do, so he likes when your vocal about what you like and what he needs to do when you guys are in bed
kenny loves being a bottom because he gets to be lazy. like he will literally lie limp on the bed while just staring at you with a huge grin. he's not really sure what else to do so it's a good thing that he likes when you sorta boss him around
craig was super awkward for a good while. he was just so tense because he didn't know what to do!!! i feel like he would be a bit like kyle when he likes when you tell him what to do. like not in a bossy way, but like just pointers on how he can be more comfortable during sex and what feels good to you
tweek was so scared about sex that he was so glad that you initiated it and took the lead. it's not that he doesn't want to have sex, hes just really nervous about it!!! he relaxes more when you tell him what hes doing right. i think praise would be such a turn on for him just because of how much it eases his nerves
reblogs are highly appreciated!!!
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violixs · 2 years
mae you truly are the sweetest person on earth 😕 i’m hoping your efforts pay off in the end too !! hoping it gets all the notes on tumbler heh i’m determined to reblog it as many times as it takes to get the attention it deserves !! ahh i would love to know some resources ! it’s kinda overwhelming to know where to start after getting better at hangul.. wind. a hairs worst enemy i swear. i personally have bangs and when wind comes it’s just … bad. now that i think about it i’m gonna have to hairspray my bangs down at my sisters wedding like when kids from blackpink dances and her bangs don’t move heh .. i’m so glad it went well i’m always forgetting online assignments it just slips past the to do list in my mind !! yay the holiday !! hoping u gets lots of rest and all the time to do whatever u want !! ahh the stereotype fance it’s so cute i bet u look super cute dancing esp at sieuns parts heh .. my day was good !! i’m not allowed to order stuff online so my friend always orders my skz stuff for me and i pay her back in person so she handed me my skz hyunjin jewl case today !! i’m so exited to unbox it but i also forgot it in math class at my teachers desk but ik shell keep it safe she giggled when i said it’s my kpop stuff.. but we had a math quiz today and it was challenging… a lot of people didn’t get to finish or were super confused but i redid all my past hw to study for it so i kinda got it?? i’m just nervous for grades aghh but in science we started a project and we got to partner up with our friend of choice whcih was super fun but also my spotify premium has ended today and i’ve been sulking.. a very emotional rollarcoaster day if i do say so myself ! but it’s weird cause it’s playing my playlist in order without shuffling..? and the shuffle button has disappeared so it’s been repeating all kf blackpink s discography out of like 900 songs but i’m not complaining??? but yesterday a girl on my bus i noticef she had a photocard of jaemin in her phone case so i decided to tap her shoulder and start a convo..i dunno where my sudden boldness came from but turns out she’s the sweetest nctzen that’s yuta biased ahh !! keke my ask is super long too but one last thing !! that jeongin drabble was so cute omg esp the detail of him knowing the difference between not wanting to talk and having a bad day ! the night and morning time HIS JOURNAL ! just everything is well written keke it makes u soft when u read it .. but also i’ve been wondering how you read y/n.. i’ve found out some people read it likr the alphabet just y & n and most insert their real name but IDKSKIXIDJS i read it as “ you know “ maybe this is the i know you know lee know effect LFKKE but i feel like i read the fics on tumbler as a story that i’m viewing from an outside? like i visualize a person in my head and insert her as y/n and i’m just watching the story play out ?? IDEK IFTHAT MAKES SENSE ITS JUST BEEN ON MY MIND like y/n is another person in my mind that’s not myself but i’m watching IDEKDIXHHS
omg bangs… i used to have them and that was a HUGE mistake because unfortunately! they’re not made for everyone🫠 however i’m sure u look really cute even with the wind as ur number one enemy. holiday for me has officially started! i got lots of sweets off of teachers and my friends mum bought us all mcdonald’s when she drove us home and :( i love them sm they’re all so sweet !!!
omg the jewel case how exciting… ur friend sounds so sweet too ㅠㅠ i would luv to see ur pulls when u get it back heheh ur teacher sounds so lovely too </3 but i’m sure u did better than expected on the maths quiz! you obviously worked very hard on it and just bc lots of others found it hard doesn’t mean you did bad too 😠 but i rlly hope ur hard work pays off and i’m sure it will!! so don’t worry too much
AND OMG jaem pc i’m jealous of her but like??? so bold of u i wish i had the confidence?? in pe i saw someone with a bokkari and skz stickers on their water bottle and i did not have the confidence to speak to them </3 i wish i did tho bc… if they’re felix biased and a skz fan we could’ve been bffs hello </3 BUT SHES YUTA BIASED AHHH ME TOO i hope she somehow magically persuades u too so i can spam him because… yuta <3 is just so <3 lovely <3
i’m glad u liked the jeongin drabble ㅠㅠ it was a little depressing but i thought the writing was pretty nice… and also i read it as my name but i don’t imagine it as me??? like i find it awkward to read it as anything else bc it sounds weird but in my head i’m viewing it from a completely different pov and i am definitely not the person who y/n is?? i guess y/n rlly is just a customisable oc who changes for every person… but overall i agree w u HSHDH
and finally for korean recourses!!! i didn’t forget
biggest and easiest one i recommend for after hangul is ttmik! it has a free course with 10 different secretions (each 30 lessons or there abts) and it gives you ALL you need. if u feel like paying for premium you get listening practice as well as revision help and access to ALL their other courses! they even have speaking ones now! it’s my fav recourse to use personally bc premium isn’t much but it offers lots, and even if you don’t want to pay you still get lots of free help and support (even through their youtube channel—there is lots of help there too!)
analysing lyrics/kdrama sentences/any text in korean is really useful, especially if it’s from a song or show you like! you can get a feel of both sentence structure (more so in k-show scripts) and a lot of new vocab too. if there’s grammar you don’t know then you can just focus on vocab and which is easy enough to pick out and learning that is a huge help for expanding vocabulary. same w webtoons!! you can download the korean webtoon app and pick one to analyse or one with easier vocab (true beauty is pretty good esp if you’ve read it in english!)
quizlet is a life saver for learning vocab and memorising grammar structures and it’s so easy to type in if you just add the korean keyboard to your phone! also naver dictionary is really useful and has all the topic vocab, tasks to help you learn basic conversational korean and even examples of vocab from vlives! that is basically all of the recourses i use, but the biggest tip i guess would just be to make sure you learn vocab just as fast as grammar? bc i slightly neglected vocab and now i am making up lost time :,) a lot of the time even without fully understanding the grammar you can get a general gist of a conversation if you know the words used, so try and get as much vocab in as possible! ttmik will help with that but there are also just vocab lists you can add on google and search for too <3
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mordredbi · 7 years
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im taking back the part about no hard feelings so don’t respect me
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alright i wouldn’t have to write this out but since you tried to shut down my friends, mutuals, and other people who wanted give criticism on the way you handled this (not like u can reblog this shit anyways), im gonna point out why this chart abhors me as a niles fan and a fire emblem fan:
niles’s bisexuality is presented in a manner that is pandering to players (can ONLY marry corrin and that’s it. he doesn’t get to express that he likes guys anywhere else bc homophobia is present in nohr which is mentioned only in the original supports for niles/m!corrin and rhajat/f!corrin) and not really representative of gay men as a whole bc he is for the most part a sexualized character that literally is a dirty joke
most of this “wanting to be equal” shtick is only after people have to reveal their trauma or topics that bother them in order to get him to quit it. felicia wasn’t even aware of her situation, and niles had been attempting to get a kick out of her the entire chain. camilla never wanted to bring up her past until niles pushed her and specifically warns niles to stop insulting people and to not give her pity.
the child characters are direct counterparts to their fathers. while nina wants to become a robin hood type to save the poor much like her dad prefers to pick on higher ups, her character immediately tunes in on niles’s attraction to men and becomes a stereotypical fujoshi for comedy value. this is hardly addressed in their supports, and niles never corrects her on her behavior or explain why she shouldn’t do it bc the rest of the support is about their damaged relationship. nina runs free with her quirk in almost of her supports.
even if u took nina as non-canon, the fact that the writers find the funniest attribute to parallel niles is his sexaulity is enough for me to be disgusted at how gay characters are treated here (and that’s not counting rhajat)
leon has a crush on a character which is well-written unlike a certain someone else that you could have used for a paper thin character. he knows how to let go, understands that he should leave room for valbar to grieve, and just staying by his side was enough to make himself happy.
it’s already enough of a struggle to flesh out the cast for a game that came out less than two years and ready for international release a month away. valentia is not nearly as huge as fates, but it’s a nice presentation of what kind of things inspired fates (a lot of mechanics from fates had their origin here).
for an adult who is openly gay and shows attraction to another man is huge in fe. ike has pretty much gay endings with two characters but it is never confirmed that he is by the creators. corrin and niles are bi, but it is never brought up until they hit s rank since romances in awakening and fates are supposed to be ambiguous. there is nothing wrong with having  effeminate gay men as long as they are respectfully written, which leon is for the most part. his affection and love aren’t shamed by others. he’s not treated as weird by anyone.
his support with kamui, however, can be criticized for certain stereotypes coming into play with mistaken flirting.
writing down “he’s gay” and “he’s homosexual” while giving niles elaboration on the extent of his bisexuality is just ugly to read. “homosexual” was used as term for a psychological disorder. it’s still frequently used to alienate others by many anti-gay people. it’s old-fashioned and historically been used to dehumanize others. 
when someone made a counterpart comparison chart, you couldn’t handle what you were doing when you wrote this chart. you spoke over others and started calling people who disagreed with the absurdity of your posts as elitists, when most of us aren’t actually elitists. you argued with gay men who wanted to voice their opinion on this. you refused to take down the f slur in a received ask or accommodate for it because you held a grudge against someone until someone else had to ask. you keep saying the fidget spinner was a joke post, but since no one found it funny, you’re just flat-out terrible with joking. you resorted to immediately pick on one of the few gay characters to compare with someone who conveniently has a lot of crappy writing and stigma surrounding them to vanish in your chart.
honestly if you didn’t backtrack so much and just deleted all of the posts you would be much better off. but if you wanted to get out of this so easily, you need to learn that you should have just stayed away from angering so many people with your salty shit, getting on a high horse for rep when you’re not a gay man, and stick to fates blogging
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