#ik ive been gone for a long while but ig here a small story id like ro share
markinvinsible · 6 months
Writing prompt
Kate is called by her cousins to their base 
A captured spy doesn't want to give info.
Has been in the interrogation room for hours. 
They're in a room with a one sided glass that looks like a mirror on the inside,and a control center (where everyone is currently).
He's been tortured for a long time but doesn't give in...
Theo and William work in the same team. Kate works in another.
Theo is Kate's half-brother (elder)
William has a crush on Kate but doesn't know her well... yet.
Kate walks in:
"Why is there so much noise" [sees a screaming man tied to a chair]
"He doesn't want to talk" Theo looks like he could use some sleep.
Frustrated Kate bellows "Someone duck-tape his mouth," *sigh* "this is so unprofessional" 
"He, is a spy and i want information he just doesn't want to give. And apparently he loves screaming." Theo wipes his face with his hands. 
"We called you here to get him talking not to get him quite" frustration was eating at poor man at this point.
"Seriously??? I've had a long day already and u make me do this? i thought we were going out to eat or something, i was so happy ... ugh ill loose my appetite with this" Kate frowned. 
"We'll get food after. Theo says ur an expert at this, we've been at it for hours but he doesn't give us anything. I don't see how you could get him talking" William huffs. Disbelief shows true at his face.
Kate has a feeling he's not going to like this.
"You want me to tell you or show you?" She gives in. "Get me a chair, and five small pieces of cloth-"
"You already know what to do?" A doubtful look on William's face 
"-And do NOT disturb me!!" She enters the room that's finally gone quite.
"Rumour has it you like screaming? ... i think people are wrong, u like something else" kate says prowling towards the spy now.
She takes the chair "You like pain, you like when someone punches you in the face."
"And you like to smirk at them when they do"
*starts smirking*
"That oh so sexy smile that drives people so crazy to point of punching you, endlessly"
"Do you know how i know that?" Looks at his pants. "So sexy". Trails her palm from his right knee to his upper thigh.
"Ugghhh"... *strangling noises* 
"Its so strained, dont worry. We'll take care of that later." she gives him a delightful smile, caressing his dent.
*spy huffs in disbelief*
Takes out her dager, with a slight smile"You know what I like?... I like cutting people open."
*smirking again*
"I like to look at their pained face when the blood is trails down their body"
"I'd like you to keep that smile for as long as you can. Cz i also like to look at beautiful people"
[Advice to look at the figure]
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*Kate takes his index finger in her hand and slices it down vertically*(yellow line)
*screaming in tape*
Kate smiles "How does that feel?"
*panting with a stubborn smile*
"I thought so" takes the half cut finger and slices it down horizontal(green line).
Two pieces fall into her hand. She takes the rest of his finger (blue part) and wraps it in the cloth to stop bleeding. 
*spy has a strained smile on his face*
(a minute passes in quite)
*sigh* "Unfortunately, i dont have all day for this. And my friends need something from you." Takes his middle finger and slices it down vertically again (blue line) just like the first one.
*strangling noises again*
Kate looks at the blood trailing down the armrest. "They've given me three questions, meaning i need three answers from you. I've decided I'll take them in one go."
Now she looks at the spy
*angry / shocked / pleading? (not pleading!)* 
"You look like you have something to say... Well i dont want to hear it now."
*gone quite?* 
Kate cuts the finger the other way (green line) and wraps it in the cloth.
*screams in pain*
"How disappointing, i thought you would let me look at that beautiful face a little longer." She looks at him a long while. 
"I guess its fine tho, considering I'm destroying your hands here"
"I'm bored with your hands"
Smirks, " I'll take care of that now". Kate starts un-buckling his belt.
*blinks twice* "huh?" The spy is wide eyed, confused ...
She has taken his ____ out now, dagger ready in the other hand.
... but then it clicks .... he starts yelling and screaming as much as the tape allows....and he's shaking so bad the chair is moving now.
*something bangs on the mirror but Kate ignores it*
The spy is begging now, giving pleading looks, tiers rolling down his cheek, he's whimpering, breathing ragged, staring down.
"Wow, calm down now love!! What is going on with you?? " Kate looks at him feigning innocence but still holding his ____ "do you want to say something ?"
Spy is breathing heavily now and starts nodding. He looks at her and down and then looks at her and then down again.
"Aww! Careful now, you dont want to say something that is useless to me" Kate keeps the dagger down between his legs on the chair and caresses his cheek wiping a tier away.
He's almost defeated, and shakes his head sideways. 
"You know i really do think you're pretty. Can you give me a smile first?"
*tries to smile*
"That's not what i expected, but i guess it works. Do you want to answer my questions for me? Remember i don't want anything useless from you." She gives him a small smile.
He nodes again desperation clear on his face. He glances down and at her face again.
She picks up the dagger "Alright then! I believe you already know them from the previous time you've spent with my friends, but I'll repeat them for you incase you've forgotten. Q1)_____
Now I'm going to remove the tape, and you will give me the answers as I've asked them. Ok?"
She's absent mindedly moving her fingers on his ____.
He cant stop looking down but nodes once more.
*removes the tape*
*puts the tape back*
"Good job!" She smiles at him "I expected nothing less" puts his ____ and pants back. "There, you can rest now."
*sighs and hangs his head backwards still panting*
"Or do whatever my friends plan for you. Dont worry they're not as ruthless as i am." She gives him a bright smile, and leaves.
Context [for me] : (can read or leave it. It can be  read as the lovers pov i.e. William)
Angry that Theo is calling kate for this.
Kinda likes Kate.
Believes Kate knows a lot about blades but not about interrogation. 
Theo is the one that bangs on the mirror bcz he thinks Kate is going too far. Can you blame Kate tho, he's the one who called.
William is shocked at the end is an understatement.
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