#ijo's ramblings
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Random idea suddenly I have in my head.
For THSC fanfic. Triple threat ending
I like Ellie x Dave ngl.
I have a random idea how about Dave, Rupert, Ellie, Charles, and Henry(Charles asked Rupert to brought him along.) fishing together. But only Dave and Ellie who showed up because the others are busy.
Then they got attacked by a some kind of giant fish monster! Ellie save them both. And some romance..? (Tbh I don't really like romance :p)
The end.
This is the very first time they meet btw:
Don't expect serious story from me, I rarely thinking about some serious story 🙏
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Hello! Today I was thinking a little about the super-minimalist constructed language toki pona, as well as about your wonderful fic Izuru Kamukura’s Cuddly Toy, and I had the sudden thought of trying to translate it. The result would be something really niche, but the more I considered it the more I realized it might actually fit well with Izuru’s laconic narration. So I wanted to ask your permission to give translating it a try just for fun, and possibly to post it on Ao3 if I’m happy with the result.
Maybe the title could be ijo puwa pi lon Isulu—Izuru’s fluffy thing. puwa, fluff or softness, is a rarer word that doesn’t come from the original 120, but it seems utterly essential here. soweli puwa has been used to refer to a stuffed animal, which Dandelion is not, so instead maybe he’s ijo, a thing or entity. Names in toki pona consist of a standard noun followed by a capitalized modifier (this modifier is usually based on the person’s name then altered to fit the toki pona alphabet)—the standard head noun is usually jan, meaning person or human, but you also see people occasionally deciding on different head nouns for their own names, such as soweli for a therian or an animal character. Because Izuru likes to refer to himself (and Dandelion) apart from humans, I figured I could also go with something like lon Isulu, lon meaning existence. Izuru is who exists now, and Izuru is himself, nothing more or less.
For Dandelion, I have other thoughts! First of all, to disguise Dandelion’s true identity in the narration, Izuru could use a different unusual head noun, like the word puwa itself. He is a Fluffy. Second, for the name Dandelion itself, there are a few ways it could go:
• something new derived from toki pona words themselves without necessarily a head noun at all, because the point of the nicknames is that concepts are faster than thinking in terms of the sound of a name. Downside: in toki pona, either too vague or too bulky. kasi kon?
• puwa Talasakan from Taraxacum, since as a scientific name it’s more common cross-linguistically.
• puwa Tanpopo from Japanese tanpopo, which sounds cute and wouldn’t even receive alteration.
• puwa Tantelijan from plain old dandelion, probably the most obvious answer—but it only became my very favorite once I realized I could tweak the vowels a little to make it into a stealthy little pun. li jan means “is a person”.
I’m sorry if I rambled a little more than expected; I’ve been enraptured by silly translation stuff lately.
I love this! Especially the pun. :) Have my blessing to play with it and post anything you're happy with. 🩵
(Come to think of it, I have no idea how translators will cope with the sonnet in the sequel, but let's worry about getting that finished first...)
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Jadi… kemarin memutuskan untuk nggak keluar rumah samsek karena terakhir nggak keluar rumah itu adalah tanggal 1 September 2023, yang adalah 2 minggu yang lalu. Selain itu, literally sejak sampai Oxford lagi selalu ada aja agenda keluar rumah… Ya gapapa juga sih, tapi pengen aja ga kemana-mana for a day. Terus yaudah pagi jam 11 (nggak pagi sih itu bagi banyak orang, tapi bagi diriku itu adalah pagi), ku randomly memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan painting yang ku-kerjakan back from tanggal 5 Februari 2023. Dua hari itu dulu (5 dan 6 Februari 2023) adalah hari yang cukup berat sepertinya, ku sampai nge-post 4x: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Terus yaudah setelah 7 bulan ni kanvas ku-anggurin, ku memutuskan untuk pick it up lagi… Meaningnya awalnya ga se-deep itu sih, tapi pas dipikir-pikir lagi semoga memang menyelesaikan painting ini juga berarti ku healing dari wounds yang kupunya waktu itu. Kalau baca my previous posts yang ku-link di atas, intinya ku mikir bahwa membeli knives set, brushes, dan oil colour will somehow help me coping with my problems… Terus malamnya setelah beli itu semua, aku decided to try the knives set I bought. Dan waktu itu sebetulnya merasa cukup puas. Ku kayanya sempat mikir “Wah enak juga ya painting pake knives, nggak secapek kalau pake brushes”. Tapi sebetulnya instead of inspired, waktu itu mood-ku lebih ke sad and upset, dan nyoba pertama kali itu ya lebih buat channeling out anger aja.
Sekarang setelah 7 bulan berlalu, dan 1 atau 2(?) jam meddling about with colors, here it is the final result!: (LAH TERNYATA BELUM SEMPAT FOTO FULL JADINYA LOL super clown, anyway, tapi ini beberapa snippets while I was on the making of it – tidak lupa ku-kasih caption to give more context yes)
(Ini pas mau mulai, lihat si palet masih kosong bersih. Cukup lama kontemplasi mikir warna apa lagi yang belum keluar karena there’s only so much you can do with 12 colour palette. Awalnya mau bikin semua yang kosong putih itu abu-abu aja biar gampang…)
(Ini setengah jalan. I filled the blank in the middle with grey tapi terus bosen. Yang corner kiri bawah dibikin sama ijo juga aja biar cepet. Terus baru sadar si cokelat dan ochre belum kebuka, jadinya pake itu di corner kanan bawah)
(Ini iseng aja mem-foto tekstur karena KU SUKA BANGET PAKE KNIVES O M God… Ini emang kayanya kualitas kanvasnya aja yang jelek jadi putihnya nggak terlalu bisa nutup…)
(Ini tekstur di corner kanan bawah yang bagus banget juga... Ku sangat suka cokelatnya dan kuningnya UGHHHHH. Plus, my fav knife adalah yang kotak persegi panjang!)
(Nggak ada gambar full selesai kayak apa… Tapi the more reasons for you guys to pay a visit to my house -YANG PANAS ITU HEHE. Ini corner kanan atas yang berhasil kututup dengan (awalnya mau bikin) violet/purple-ish… Nggak terlalu keluar warnanya karena jujur asli susah banget mixing paints buat bikin warna ungu… Ini pun dengan banyak sekali trial and error… Tapi akhirnya lumayan puas sih dengan result ini… Asli bagus banget juga lagi si warna putih yang ada di antara merah-orange dan ungu... SANGAT PUAS HUHU)
Udah itu aja gambar-gambarnya. Terus sebetulnya ide dari post ini adalah mau giving meaning to the final product. Tapi sayangnya foto final productnya nggak ada. But issokay! I still can go rambling about that I guess…
Jadiii, kalau dilihat memang konsep painting ini adalah abstract painting aja. Nggak menggambarkan suatu landscape atau benda apapun. Tapi seperti judul post ini, judul paintingnya adalah “Selesai”. Belakangan ini lagi banyak banget contemplating “sebetulnya apa sih yang dicari di hidup ini?” dan berhubungan dengan context di atas pas ku lagi sedih-sedihnya 5-6 Februari 2023 kemarin itu di mana ku sempat mikir “apakah di hidup ini menikah itu sepenting itu? Emangnya kalau kita punya value lain yang dikejar di hidup ini selain membangun keluarga dan beranak pinak, salah ya?”. Ku menghubungkan painting-ku yang abstrak ini ke pertanyaan-pertanyaan tadi. Ku ngelihat si painting ini sebagai hidupku. Memang abstrak aja, nggak kelihatan ada rumah di situ, pemandangan sawah atau gunung, mobil, anak, manusia, tapi colourful. Dan selesai. Semua bagian di kanvas itu full ku-warnain. Nggak ada bagian yang kosong. Sama sekali. Mungkin emang ada yang tipis-tipis aja kewarnanya sampai tekstur base dasar kanvasnya masih kelihatan. Tapi memang itu intended effect yang kubuat supaya paintingnya nggak terlalu “full” dan “too much”.
Ku juga nggak bikin semua bagian tertutup dengan warna yang SUPER TERANG/mencolok/outstanding. Bagian-bagian yang nyala ini kuanggap sebagai representasi dari “bright” side of my life. *Bling-bling*-nya seorang Asri lah: sekolah di top school di Jakarta, anak olimpiade sampe medali perak internasional pulak, masuk institut teknik yang katanya menerima putra putri terbaik bangsa, sekolah master di Perancis (pake beasiswa), PhD di universitas terbaik di dunia (pake beasiswa juga), dosen di salah satu PTN. Keren-kerennya pokoknya di situ semua. Kalau di painting, ada di warna merah, orange, dan kuning 3 garis yang di tengah itu. Bisa dilihat kaya api/flame juga kali ya, karena orang kalau nggak kenal aku beneran ya emang yang dilihat cuma “bright” side atau silau-silaunya aku aja).
Tapi kemudian quite a big portion of the painting ada warna hijau di bottom, grey, sama dark purple itu. Ada biru juga sih, tapi nggak terlalu mencolok. Ini masing-masing warna nggak akan ku-interpretasi secara detail tapi intinya selain semua *extraordinary achievements* tadi, ku juga melakukan banyak hal lain. Orang belum betul-betul kenal aku kalau nggak tahu aku juga sebetulnya struggling with A LOT OF THINGS: ya dengan mencari jodoh tadi dan memahami konsep pernikahan, dengan PhD-ku, dengan menulis article manuscript (to the point I feel so hopeless and having intrusive thoughts and therefore seeing mental health counsellor in uni), dengan loneliness/kesepian… Kemudian, terlepas dari betapa sosialnya I come across to some people, ku juga sebetulnya sangat enjoy my precious alone time, I enjoy solo TRAVEL so much, tapi juga at the same time sangat seeking deeper emotional connection from other people. Intinya berbagai macam dimensi dan fasad yang ku-punya lah. Itu semua colors tadi bergabung menjadi satu dan getting intertwined/berbatasan dengan 3 streaks merah-orange-kuning yang di atas tadi.
Hasil dari semua hal di atas adalah ya aku ini, hidup aku. Bagi beberapa orang (atau common people), painting ini mungkin “ga enak” untuk dilihat. Atau menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan: “Gambar apaan sih ini? Maksudnya apa sih?”. Beberapa juga mungkin: “Aku nggak ngerti, tapi bagus kok, aku bisa nikmatin.”
Paintings punya orang lain mungkin lebih enak dilihat bagi common people. Mereka ngegambar (yang udah ku sebut di atas tadi): rumah, sawah, gunung, anak-anak, mobil, kabah di mekah, bahkan mungkin beberapa ada yang pakai swarovski buat teksturnya. Tapi ku cukup yakin beberapa paintings (yang pernah kulihat at least) ada yang nggak selesai. Cuma rumah dan orang-orang dan mobil aja tapi langitnya masih berupa kanvas kosong. Ada yang full kewarna semua juga, selesai juga, tapi semuanya hasil brush strokes yang tipis-tipisss banget, nggak ada tekstur yang nunjukkin karakteristik khusus dari painting itu. Kebanyakan orang paintingsnya template, mirip-mirip satu sama lain, sampe gak bisa dibedain antara painting satu dengan yang lainnya. Ya nggak salah. Bagi beberapa orang memang lebih mudah nengok kanan-kiri, ngeliat sebelah-sebelahnya ngegambar apa kemudian mereka tinggal niru aja. Atau bisa juga mereka ngelihat gimana mereka diajarin dulu di kelas melukis sama guru mereka dan akhirnya sampai sekarang mereka literally ngelakuin 100% yang diajarin tanpa improvisasi sendiri and giving their own touch. Beberapa ada juga yang sama colorfulnya, sama full-textured-nya dengan paintingku sampai aku pun kadang ngambil mereka sebagai reference, picking the colours and textures they used. Aku tapi termasuk yang cukup bersyukur karena Alhamdulillah paintings di sekitar-ku sangat inspiring dan heterogen sehingga ku bisa belajar banyak dari semua paintings tersebut.
Dan sebetulnya ku ga peduli gimana orang lain ngelihat painting-ku ini sih, yang paling penting adalah apa yang AKU rasakan dan pikirkan saat ku melihat painting ini. Dan gaada kata lain selain: PUAS. Ku sangat senang I finished this one. It’s VERY BEAUTIFUL in my eyes. The TEXTURE, the color clash/combination… UGHHHHHH. Ku juga berharap itu yang kulihat terhadap hidupku sekarang. PUAS. Udah sejauh ini. A VERY BEAUTIFUL life and journey indeed.
Tentunya nggak berkat usaha-ku sendiri. Guru-guru painting-ku, paintings di sekitar-ku yang jadi inspirasi. Semoga painting-ku ini juga bisa jadi inspirasi bagi painters lain. Semoga kita semua bisa merasa HAPPY dan PUAS ngelihat painting kita sendiri, baik itu painting yang abstrak, yang template pemandangan, yang selesai, yang belum selesai, yang tipis-tipis, yang bertekstur, yang colorful, yang cuma satu atau dua warna. Dan yang paling penting juga: we can always RE-PAINT. Sampe meninggal masih bisa diselesaikan, dibetulin, di-improve. Asal kita nggak berhenti.
VHL, 14/09/2023 16:19
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pilin kepeken toki pona
*Thinking* in toki pona? toki! 2019
I have a question that I suppose is related to the validity of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Since toki pona is a rather limited language in terms of its capabilities to express complex, nuanced emotions, theories, ideas, etc., do any experienced/fluent toki pona speakers find themselves able to think in toki pona directly, or do they think in their native language and then attempt to translate/break it down into simpler toki pona sentences?
I feel like if I only knew toki pona, I would never be able to fully express myself... to myself. Inside of my own head. I am curious if those that experience a "stream of consciousness" directly in toki pona think that their own mode of thinking changes as well, and if this limited ability to fully express oneself is really a problem when speaking at all.
Hope that makes sense and isn't too ramble-y :)
Dresdom jan Tomen
Yeah we can think in toki pona. I don't feel limited when doing it, but it definitely "tastes" different.The Sapir-Whorf thing was already discredited in its strong form. It certainly has some effect, but nothing too big. Not having a word for "communism", for example, doesn't make you incapable of thinking about it, and having extra color words only makes you better at differentiating them by a very small margin (but makes it faster to communicate).
If any, thinking in toki pona makes you take some more time to express abstract concepts because you need to describe them instead of using a word as a precise code for them. I find it makes me understand my own feelings better. I can't just say I'm jealous, I have to say I feel bad because I saw my partner talking to another person an I'm afraid they'll love them more than they love me. Having to describe it makes me introspect more, or choose what not to say because I deem it irrelevant.
You don't have a word for the feeling of comfortable laziness that you have to battle when your alarm sounds in winter and your bed is warm but you know the hallway will be cold. That doesn't make you incapable of recognizing it, experiencing it, talking about it or dealing with it. You just need to take some more time to describe it to others than if we had, say, a word like "wakelayness".
Spanish has the word "sobremesa" for the space of time after a meal that you spend talking with friends and relatives over empty dishes before considering the meal "officially over". Not having that word doesn't make you unable to deal with the concept.
I like to pretend I am advanced :) I probably speak an older version of the language - toki pona majuna, if you will.
Yes, I can think in toki pona without translating from another language (or I could at one point). For my personal toki pona journey, I had to come to the realization that words in toki pona largely don't behave the same in other languages. In English, we have a separate word for good, a separate word for simple, yet another word for fixing something broken. In toki pona, we have 'pona'. I could be totally off-base here (but I don't think I am), but pona does not just mean 'good' or 'simple' or 'to fix', but rather all three simultaneously. Thus, the translation of 'toki pona' mentally transforms from 'the good language' to something more like 'a [good|simple|fixing] [language|speech-pattern]'. Thinking about toki pona was brought about by dwelling on the proverb 'ale li pona', which is still one of my favorite sayings because it is three words and 9 letters, yet it means so much. That isn't to say that one can't say specific things, however. 'pipi pi ma mama li lili' will always be 'the bug of the motherland is small'.
Also, when I learned toki pona, it was taught that ike li ike. It's good to take things, and break them down into simpler things. Obviously you wouldn't want to be communicating health issues to your doctor, or describing scientific theories in toki pona. This is not what the language is for, and if that is your goal then you're going to have a bad time. But talking about your day, why you are feeling what you are feeling, this is completely possible.
So, tl;dr, not putting toki pona words into small boxes but rather letting them be open, plus shying away from the complex in favor of the simple, greatly helped me express things in the way that I want to, and in a pona way.
[ANONYMOUS] That's a perspective I hadn't considered. I think I wasn't considering the purpose of the language or the benefits of having words with many, if not infinite, meanings. Thanks for sharing!
jan pi nimi ni wawa
I disagree, "pipi pi ma mama li lili" could mean "bugs from the land of parents are young"
I personally would never use ma mama, I would stay "ma pi open mi" but the rules on using multiple pi in a sentence aren't well defined so it's hard to use.
Continue this thread
Apart from the SW hypothesis (which may or may not be true, and I personally wouldn't intend to discuss it either)... it of course isn't impossible to think in toki pona, but there definitely are some difficulties.
Not an advanced speaker/learner myself. But I still did some thinking in it before, as a part of the learning process, and also because of wanting to try something new. As for very simple things like drinking water or eating some food, it was easy. Because even if any particular TP noun is highly ambiguous, one still knows the intended meaning.
But as for anything advanced, like "there is something I like to do now, but before I am able to start, I still need to finish something even more important"... how could that even be worded in TP in an easy way? Just saying. I am very aware of jan Sonja Lang's goals of TP and her intended scope.
For those of us who know something about programming/coding (like the thread starter, I suppose): some programming languages are "Turing complete", others aren't. And Turing completeness has got its human languages counterpart. Do you know what I am hinting to? But this isn't meant as a TP criticism. I do like utilizing that tongue for certain, although limited, purposes.
Dresdom jan Tomen
mi o pali e ijo pona la mi wile pini e ijo suli. pini ala la mi ken ala open e ijo pona.
jan pi nimi ni wawa
"there is something I like to do now, but before I am able to start, I still need to finish something even more important
Are you thinking this to yourself or explaining it for others?
To myself.
mi wile, taso ken ala. mi wili pini.
For saying it to someone else.
mi wile pali e ijo, taso mi ken ala open e ni. la mi wile pini e pali ante pi pona.
jan pi nimi ni wawa
mi pilin kepeken toki pona.
jan pi nimi ni wawa
mi pilin e ni: mi toki tawa mi la mi ken toki pona pona. mi toki e kasi taso. la kasi seme? sina wile ala sona taso mi wile sona a. ni li pona tawa mi taso.
I think of it like this, I can simplify when thinking to myself. I just think "kasi". Which plant? You wouldn't be able to know, but I would know. It would be clear only to me.
Basically, you can think in a language much easier than expressing yourself in a language. Any time you're had something on the top of your tongue or knew exactly what you wanted to say but couldn't find the words? You were thinking fine still, it was only communication that gets difficult. Education using toki pona is hard, theorizing and philosophizing is perfectly simple.
According to some, you can't be considered fluent in a language until you're capable of thinking in it.
I myself am not there (yet)
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis may/may not be tested in monolingual people from different linguistic backgrounds. Toki Pontardawe was used to help jan Sona simplify her thoughts, not as a language to test Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.
I guess what jan sona meant is that if one is struggling with complex idea then tries to put it in toki pona one would either simplify the idea or drop it. The third option is to drop toki pona itself.
Jan Sona is not claiming control over the language, so currently some try to work on the language to extend its abilities and to test it to discuss various topics. Others try to keep it as simple as possible. In both situations, the language has challenges if left to its own simplicity it may become stagnant as after a few decades people will exhaust its limits. If it becomes more sophisticated it loses its essence.
These are not problems with the the language, it's just a reflection of the complexity of our thinking and of the world around us. I guess it is interesting idea to try to simplify our thoughts for some time. The dilemma comes when takes toki pona out of context to be a way of life, or an ial or a proof of concept.
#TokiPona #thinking #pilin #anno2019
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Yey Charles
I wanna ask you guys something...uh what do you think about Charles being mixed? I have this headcanon since 2023 but I'm not sure if it's good.
Because I made that headcanon when I was really excited to learn the language. (I stop learn the language since I got myself stressed out. I'm stressed out easily.) but planning to continue to learn it :p
(a bit useless fun fact: my Charles easily got pissed off, but most of the time he just keep it to himself till he's alone. Because he try to be nice as possible.)

Toppat Charles (he doesn't care about people's feelings)


(I will draw Ellie and Henry next time.)
#ijo's ramblings#the henry stickmin collection#charles calvin#thsc au#henry stickmin au#henry stickmin#ellie rose
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I'm making this animation for Charles backstory. Probably never finished it
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He looks like a villain with greatest plan
(I'm experimenting with lighting.)

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I'm really upset. Anyway here my improvement 2021-2024
It's not really that important anyway


Btw they both the same character
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I love Charles... I always draw Charles
I hope it's okay for u guys 😔
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I want to learn to draw background. So I'm unstoppable.

Well... I still can't draw straight posture...
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My back hurt 😭
I'm actually don't know how to do the nu-uh finger. I just accidentally make it smooth. Animation practice.
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I feel so cringe, but anyway here a horse.

Worth it.
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I feel everything just makes me tired. I wanted to leave every fandom I know and pretend I never been in any fandom. Why I even an artist?
I mean I'm start drawing because I have no friends.
Well I have now.. they're really nice.
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Sorry I end up venting here.. I try to vent to my friends.. They told me to move on.. With my mom.. Yeah.. No thanks..
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My very first ever design of the trio from 2020
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Btw, I want to apologize about something.
Sorry if I talk too much, and the other things I didn't realized... I just kinda have a problem, a problem with understanding others or emotions..?
My friend once called me Insensitive to feelings/surroundings, after I'm trying my best to understand her when she vents to me.
I apologize to her
One day our teacher playing a game which send Anonymous letters to people in class, and what we don't like about them. I got a few(they doesn't like when I'm showing them some random bugs or frog I found. It's my fault tho :p), but there was one that made me overthink even more. "Can't read the situation"
It makes me scared if I accidentally made someone's mad. It makes me always question my friends whether I'm being intrusive, talking too much, or even not understanding the situation. I tell them, if they uncomfortable they can just leave me. I don't mind being alone.
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