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hmshermitcraft · 3 days ago
While Jevin likes hugs, kisses and snuggling, he loves just spoiling Wels with gifts. Like with an ungodly amount of them, both necessary and unnecessary. He just really loves his boy and spoiling him is so much fun and it's worth seeing Wels reaction.
Wels is more words of admiration, the confirmation that work has been done right. He loves when he makes a passing comment and Jevin, someone who normally isn't easy to fluster, gets very flustered and goes quite with a red face. Can slimes get red faced? Anyways-
They build each other up and that's all that really matters. "Licking each other's wounds" as they say. Of course with a side of snuggles on a rainy afternoon.
Jevin, because he's nothing but extra, carries a bit of red dye on him. Just to make sure he can go red-faced.
It always makes Wels giggle, which means Jevin can escape the complimenting before he gets more embarrassed.
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shopijele · 1 year ago
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transgenderer · 3 months ago
so from what i understand, there's like dozens of cultures in africa with a tradition of "clothing yourself in a god", putting on regalia to become the embodiment of a god (presumably from a common source? or cross cultural influence?) (also, my favorite is definitely the ijele). and you also get this across melanesia, masks+costumes to embody the god, or at least ancestors (cleanly distinct?). but i THINK the aztecs are the only literate culture with this tradition (ixiptlas). which is kinda weird, and very frustrating. the concept of the ixiptla is so good
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444namesplus · 26 days ago
Aba Achalsp Acheulst Aclas Aclils Adeils Ado Afalst Afi Agei Ahis Ahost Ajo Ali Alo Alsdi Alsdo Alskmist Alstdei Alsyeu Aneu Ani Anosk Apels Aqui Aquils Arei Arnscha Arnspdest Arskmesk Arspdeis Arspeus Arsprers Asclo Ascrelst Asdarns Ashalst Asi Askdi Aslo Aspke Aspmo Aspmols Asptei Asro Astkeurs Atha Athas Atho Ati Ato Awisp Azorns Beilskeilsk Beizo Beuspirns Bewo Bilstna Bisbi Bismo Bispsa Bofeu Boso Bosthe Bothirnsp Charssa Chaspra Chassils Chebo Cheithe Cheulo Cheunis Chideust Chilskcre Chisji Chodirs Claha Clalo Clalspresp Clarnsdals Clascrei Clilspse Clirsbarns Clisjals Cliskfes Clispfi Clisquost Cloles Cloqueu Crarnspjornsk Crasdisp Crecris Cresdilst Cricla Crilsfas Crischeu Crohals Crora Crosmo Declas Dodernsk Dornscha Dosri Ebilsk Echist Eclelst Edei Efa Egas Eiba Eibist Eidolsk Eijors Eilsmei Eilsttheu Eilswa Eipi Eiquas Eirskbeu Eirskli Eisbeu Eishi Eisle Eiso Eistkei Ejos Eka Elsmolsp Elspgesk Elsppa Elsteirns Emi Emis Eparns Ernsfe Ersrors Ersthi Erstkerst Esba Esharns Esholsk Eskhisk Esma Esseu Etas Eulskkis Eulssi Eulsta Euni Eupeirs Eusclirnst Euspclis Eusta Euswo Ewers Eyost Eze
Faclernsp Fayorns Figils Finilsp Fishes Fissha Fisyis Foclalst Folshast Foras Forspyo Fospsirns Fostnas Fozi Garsktarnst Geucli Geuspsals Gichi Gomars Gornstpi Gorsttho Gosgas Gospfis Goya Halsphist Hasgas Heirnsjolsk Heulils Heuskfes Hicro Hilsfa Hirnswa Hocla Hoqueurnst Hornsgilsp Horo Hospdilsp Ibes Ichi Ifa Ifosk Ijels Ikeu Ilschi Ilscho Ilshei Ilsme Ilszo Imo Ipas Ipis Ipos Ique Iqueu Irnschi Irnskneusk Irnspneilsp Irnsri Iro Irsga Irsqui Isa Isbi Ise Isfe Ishols Isirnst Isjerst Isknos Isko Iskpeurs Iskzi Isols Ispos Ispshos Isptelsp Ispwe Istfolsk Istque Istshei Iteils Iwilst Iyo Izast Japo Jarsge Jeikei Jeschi Jilspkisp Jisclo Jori Jospcra Kalski Kasri Kazi Keifos Kesasp Kesho Keume Keuszeust Kewi Kinals Kocris Koja Leha Leino Leiquask Lozeisk Madeirs Maposp Marschirs Masfos Mato Meucli Milskhi Mirsplist Misbis Molsros Nakeus Nathask Nefisk Neiquersp Neirnsho Neizolsp Nespna Neustjo Nezils Nika Nipis Nirsjo Noji Noma Nornstko Nossha Oba Obe Ochesk Ocheulsp Oclist Ocrask Ocro Odi Odirns Odisp Ofols Ogo Oji Olsbeilsp Olschirns Olsga Olskwa Olsli Olspto Olsquo Olstjers Olstnarnsp Olszalsp Omo Ones Onorns Oqua Oquei Orils Ornskwosp Ornsquos Ornstzerns Orolsp Orskolsk Orsptheus Orstpa Oschorns Oscrernsk Osjei Oskbist Oskcreu Oskcrornsk Oskfei Osklo Oskrarnsp Osse Osses Ostdo Ostlirsp Oswi Osyeis Otha Othas Otheu Othirsk Othost Oti Oyi Oyils Padirns Palsjes Parnstsos Paskdos Pasthes Pastsornst Pesshi Peuspya Pida Pihist Pirnstzeurnsp Pisei Pita Polos Quarswalsp Quaskcris Quaspbost Quastye Queshils Questhols Queulstno Quiqui Quirnspmelst Quoquers Quospke Quospso Quostquornst Quozi Racleist Raszilsp Ratarnst Rawos Reslars Rikarns Rikei Risppas Riste Ristmi Riza Rornstcleu Rosthe Shajeirsk Shalspmersp Shasa Shaskquerst Shija Shilsttas Shilszis Shimos Shoja Shosdi Sitis Siwei Tatha Teibeils Tharspzo Thasho Thaskga Thelsme Therstlei Thezols Thidils Thirsga Thobeisp Thohi Tholstde Tire Tornsfi Torost Tosshesk Tostwask Wado Wagi Warnstnis Weiwo Wersfis Weupa Weurnsclilsp Wisclas Wisna Wisquosp Yabarns Yeilsnos Yeisshei Yirnswe Yispleursp Yogi Yolstfolst Yosshe Zalsgost Zernsktalsp Zeusast Zokolsp Zosro
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matthewegbe-blog · 2 months ago
🚨Odogwu And Ijele 1 of Africa 🌍🎶 😘 🐐
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akeliciousmedia · 2 months ago
Obi of Onitsha Unveils Ijele Masquerade Sculpture in Enugu, Lauds Gov. Mbah's Devt Strides
In a move to boost culture and tourism as well as dignify and uphold the Igbo tradition and culture, the Enugu State Government has unveiled an imposing Ijele masquerade metal sculpture at Onuasata Round About, Obiagu, Enugu. Performing the unveiling at a ceremony, the Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Achebe, extolled the Enugu State Governor, Dr. Peter Mbah, for his massive infrastructural facelifts…
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chasearc · 2 months ago
Dan datanglah, bokem selanjutnya. Eugéne atau for short gua manggilnya Géne. Agak lupa fi gua ke lu gimana, lu emang kelihatan tipikal yang talkative abis (of course, in good way tho) lalu approachable, gua kira selera humor lu bakalan agak tinggi, tapi ternyata engga njir. Kalau lu udah ketawa ngikngik, gua juga jadi ikutan ketawa sampai lebih ngikngik lagi. Hal-hal yang tadinya gua ngga terlihat begitu lucu, dibikin lucu sama lu deh Gén, keren bisa begitu ya. Emang nular virus bahagianya Géne ini dah. Sama Géne, ada aja topik pembicaraannya dan ngga yang bikin boring, cuman tolong stop untuk menghasut orang lain dan memojokan gua terus, sedih gini hati Oppa 💔 But, it's ok, semisal Géne bahagia, gua juga. Update-an dan wordingnya kayak apotek tutup alias ngga ada obat, semuanya udah cakep parah pokoknya Gén. Makasih karena udah pulang lagi ke Ijel dan jadi diri lu sendiri yang ceria di tengah gempuran para he/him ini yaaa Géne, apalah arti kehidupan kalau lu ngga ada di dalamnya. Jangan kapok-kapok sama gua, you can count on me. I hope we can stay in touch as always, kalau ada problem bisa calling love 119 aja, karena itu lagu gua. #Streaming🔥😈
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hmshermitcraft · 21 days ago
(For the theme)
Wels absolutely LOVES to paint. He prefers to paint landscapes, and he's often seen sitting on a cliff or hilltop for hours, his tail trailing along his canvas almost mindlessly. Recently, Jevin has been joining him on these excursions, hoping to spend more time with his darling. However, Jevin has a much more... abstract style. He drinks several paint bottles to color himself, jumps around to swirl it together, and rolls all over the canvas. While the end result looks nice, (similar to tie dye), Wels is a bit peeved by how he has to buy new paint tubes every day to replace the ones that have been eaten.
-🎬 anon
Wels keeps trying to get Jevin to pay for the paint, but Jevin keeps finding ways out of it. Well, not really. Wels is just too good of a boyfriend to force him...
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afromusicplus · 6 months ago
Teni - Case (Lyrics)
Teni Case Lyrics Eye hey hey, huh oh oh (Dr. Dolor Entertainment)Pem pem, ijele bemPem pem, ijele bemPem pem, ijele bem(Jaysynths on the beat) I slap police for your case oI go to war for your case oI go to court for your caseI climb the bridge for your case oEnter water for your case oI punch judge for your case oAnything you want baby, get for you baby For your case oooo, elele leFor your…
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shopijele · 1 year ago
Top 5 women’s fashion dresses by Ijele
Finding women’s fashion dresses isn’t tough. But if you’re specifically looking for authentic Afrocentric fashion in Canada, you need to do a little research. After all, not every online store offers the best dresses. Well, you can trust Ijele. This retailer is known for authentic yet trendy options. Let’s look at the top five dresses from this platform.
1. Nnebugo - The Reversible Showstopper
First up, we have the Nnebugo dress. It’s a reversible coat that's like having two stunning dresses in one. This versatile fashion statement features two distinct Ankara prints, which lets you to switch things up depending on your mood or the occasion. It's like a fashion mood ring!
With its striking design and cultural flair, the Nnebugo coat adds a touch of elegance and tradition to your wardrobe while offering the versatility to slay two vibrant Ankara patterns. It's a fashion chameleon for the bold and the beautiful.
2. Uloma Skater Dress - Culture Meets Elegance
If you're all about cultural charm and intricate elegance, the Uloma Skater Dress is your jam. This dress is all about contrasts, featuring an unlined eyelet lace upper bodice for delicacy and sophistication. Below, the Ankara fabric forms a flared skirt that oozes vibrancy and tradition. It's like a high-fashion mullet – business at the top, party at the bottom.
3. Udala Dress - Asymmetrical Awesomeness
Now, let's talk about the Udala Dress. This dress is like a Picasso painting on fabric, boasting a contemporary silhouette with an asymmetrical hemline that adds a dash of edginess. The top half features a drop-shoulder style adorned with a chic knotted sleeve detail, creating a harmonious blend of asymmetry and creativity.
4. Nneoma Dress - Timeless Sophistication
One of the popular women's fancy dresses, The Nneoma Dress is for those who believe that less is more. It's an elegant and eye-catching ensemble featuring a long black cotton dress adorned with a sizable Ankara flower patch. The dress embodies timeless sophistication with its flowing silhouette and classic hue. It's simplicity with a burst of cultural flair.
5. Kaego Dress - Flare and Elegance Unite
Last but certainly not least is the Kaego Dress. It's a masterclass in cultural flair and intricate elegance. This long flare skirted dress is paired with a Chantilly lace upper, adorned with a luxurious velvet band detail. It's a touch of formality wrapped in the elegance of Ankara and lace.
So, which one are you ordering today? You can pay using one of the major modes like Amex, Visa, GPay, etc. Grab your fave dress now: https://www.shopijele.com/.
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nollywoodprofilesgist · 7 months ago
Flavour Nabania Profile
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Chinedu Okoli born 23 November 1983, better known by his stage name Flavour N'abania or simply Flavour, is a Nigerian singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and performer. He began his musical career as a drummer for a local church. Flavour is popularly known across Africa and the world for his hit song "Nwa Baby (Ashawo Remix)". He is currently signed to 2nite Entertainment.
In 2005, he released his self-titled debut album N'abania.In 2010,Flavour released his second studio album Uplifted. It was supported by the singles "Nwa Baby (Ashawo Remix)", "Adamma", and "Oyi Remix". The album's success made Flavour one of Africa's most sought out artists. Flavour was booked to perform at numerous concerts and social events following Uplifted's release.
Flavour, who is well known for his ability to sing fluently in the Igbo language, was born in Enugu State, Nigeria. His family is originally from Umunze in Orumba South LGA, Anambra State, Nigeria. Flavour began his music career at the age of 13 when he started playing the drums for his church choir in Enugu. The resident pastor at his church introduced him to a friend, Chris I. Ordor, the CEO of SoundCity Communications. In 1996, Flavour was invited to join the company on an educational scholarship to study music. After three years of playing the drums, Flavour started playing the drums professionally. In 1999, Flavour moved on from playing the drums and started playing the keyboard. He also used to provide backing vocals for other musicians at SoundCity.
At the age of 19, Flavour emerged unto Nigeria's musical scene as a drummer and pianist for a local Enugu band. After learning to play drums professionally, Flavour received an offer to perform at City Centre, Enugu. The massive crowd at City Centre inspired him to gain new grounds and reach great heights. Flavour's educational background in music enabled him to learn music production from Dekumzy, Isi Charles and Nnachie.
n 2005, Flavour released his debut album N'abania through Obaino Music. The album's success was relative and limited to Eastern Nigeria, particularly Enugu State. Flavour collaborated with Mr Raw on the album's lead single titled "N'abania". The song was recorded at Kingsley Ogoro's music studio in Lagos, Nigeria.
Following the relative success of his debut album, Flavour released Uplifted in 2010. While working on the album, Flavour believed the album would surpass his previous works. Flavour's projection came true when the album broke national barriers. Lolhiphop Records, an established record label in South Africa, released the album after popular demand. The album's top singles include "Nwa Baby (Ashawo Remix)", "Adamma", and "Oyi Remix" featuring Tiwa Savage.
Blessed was released on 18 October 2012 through 2nite Entertainment and iROCKING LTD. The album is the successor to Uplifted. It is arguably Flavour's biggest album to date due to the number of producers that worked on it. It was launched on the same day of Flavour's 2nite Club grand opening. In an interview with iROKTV, Flavour said: "I think I'm growing. This is my third album... Now it's time to give them the music, like define myself. I have to be more mature with my music, lyrics and instrumentation wise. I worked with tons of producers and the whole production process made sense."
Thankful was released in December 2014. The album consists of 22 tracks and runs for one hour seventeen minutes. Receiving generally positive reviews from critics, Thankful sold thousands of copies and features hit tracks such as the love ballad "Ololufe" featuring Chidinma and the fast-tempo Afro-Pop song "Wake Up" feat. Wande Coal.
Ijele The Traveller is the latest album released in 2017. It contains 17 tracks – including a track featuring a blind Liberian fan.
In 2018 he issued two singles, "Crazy love" joining force with mama. Africa Yemi Alade as Flavour Nabania and "Yemi Alade"Later that year, He came up with another traditional song "Awele" Featuring the igbo traditional duo Umu Obiligbo.
On 29 August 2012, Nigerian Entertainment Today reported that Flavour N'abania was involved in a legal battle with Ghanaian duo Wutah, over the alleged theft of "Kwarikwa". According to the article, "Kwarikwa" is an exact replica of Kotosa, a song made by the aforementioned duo. The singing duo accused Flavour N'abania of stealing their song's rhythm, chorus, and tempo.
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miteshsposts · 9 months ago
English Literature Journals in India
English literature journals in India play a crucial role in the academic and literary landscape. They provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts to publish their work, share new insights, and engage in intellectual discourse. Here’s an overview of some notable aspects and examples of English works journals in India.
Importance of English Literature Journals
Academic Exchange: These journals smooth the exchange of ideas and research findings, contributing to the academic community's growth.
Research Dissemination: They help in disseminating research to a wider audience, ensuring that valuable insights and discoveries are accessible.
Literary Criticism and Analysis: Journals often feature critical analyses and reviews of contemporary and classical literature, providing diverse perspectives on various works.
Cultural Insight: They offer a glimpse into the cultural and literary trends within India, showcasing local and regional literature alongside global works.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Journal
When selecting an English literature journal for publishing your work, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Validity: Ensure the journal is reputable and indexed in recognized databases like ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).
Editorial Board: Check the qualifications and expertise of the editorial board. A strong editorial team often indicates rigorous peer review and high publication standards.
Publication Fees: Be aware of any submission or publication fees. Some journals are open access, which may require payment, while others are subscription-based.
Review Process: Understand the journal’s review process, including timelines and the nature of feedback provided.
Notable English Literature Journals in India
Here are a few well-regarded English literature journals in India:
International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL): This journal publishes research papers, reviews, and critical essays on English literature from all periods and regions.
Indian Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies: Focuses on comparative literature and translation studies, offering insights into literary exchanges across languages and cultures.
Journal of Postcolonial Writing: Explores postcolonial literature, addressing themes of colonialism, identity, and resistance.
Example: International Journal for Research Trends in Social Science & Humanities (IJRTSSH)
The International Journal for Research Trends in Social Science & Humanities (IJRTSSH) is an excellent example of a comprehensive journal that publishes articles on English literature and other humanities disciplines. It emphasizes high-quality, peer-reviewed research and offers a platform for both emerging and established scholars. The journal covers a wide array of topics, from literary theory and criticism to studies on specific authors and texts.
English literature journals in India are vital for nurturing and promoting literary scholarship. They offer a rich repository of knowledge, foster academic collaboration, and contribute to the global understanding of English literature. Whether you are a researcher looking to publish your work or a reader seeking to explore literary studies, these journals provide valuable resources and insights.
For more information on English literature journals, you can visit the International Journal for Research Trends in Social Science & Humanities (IJRTSSH).
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sellatease · 1 year ago
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matthewegbe-blog · 10 months ago
Thank you Ijele For Raising This Young Man... Respect 🙏❤️
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year ago
Flavour - Fearless Lyrics
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Flavour - Fearless Lyrics Flavour - Fearless Lyrics Give me chance Anochikwena uzo I kwụchikwee m uzo, na aga m ajamukwa gi, kpowai Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi The king is here, make everybody dobale oh Ị ma na Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Anya fulu ugo daa, na adaa afu ugo daadaa Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi The king is here, make everybody prostrate oh I ma na Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Fearless, atuegwu I si na o ma mba, o buru ogwu na o ma nle Fearless, lion heart I si na o ma mba, o buru ogwu na o ma nle Unshakable, unstoppable Ijele nnwa, mmanwụ jee, mmanwụ anaa Agbala nnwa, ọ kwụlụ, ọ kaa Ejyk Nwamba, ọọ salụgo ọkụ Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi The king is here, make everybody dobale oh I ma na Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Anya fulu ugo daa, na adaa afu ugo daadaa Ijele pụta, mmanwụ kwụ n'ọgbọ ga-echelụgodi The king is here, make everybody prostrate oh Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Ah eh, ogbo ogu adigo tight oh I bukwa ike, i bukwa ike e ji eme odogwu? Ah eh, ogbo ogu adigo tight oh I bukwa ike, i bukwa ike e ji aba mba? Ihewe ejewe eme oh Ah eh, ogbo ogu adigo tight oh I bukwa ike, i bukwa ike e ji eme odogwu? Anyi aputa ogbo Ah eh, ogbo ogu adigo tight oh Oo salugo oku I bukwa ike, i bukwa ike e ji aba mba? Fearless, atuegwu I si na o ma mba, o buru ogwu na o ma nle Fearless, lion heart I si na o ma mba, o buru ogwu na o ma nle Unshakable, unstoppable Ijele nnwa, mmanwụ jee, mmanwụ anaa Agbala nnwa, o kwulu, o kaa Ejyk Nwamba, oo salugo oku Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-apasagodi aru I ma na Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Anya fulu ugo daa, na adaa afu ugo daadaa Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi I ma na Ijele puta, mmanwu kwu n'ogbo ga-echelugodi Read the full article
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peaceofmind-world · 1 year ago
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