#iirc there's a nonbinary shapeshifter towards the end
llycaons · 2 years
I don’t know why I never bookmarked this fic, it’s actually really good. the writing for both the relationships and the characters are excellent, the dialogue is natural and doesn’t sound out of place, the worldbuilding is appropriate and expands the cast, and there’s a real effort to incorporate and expand on the themes from the show. wwx and lwj’s dynamic from the show is almost perfectly replicated, just becoming slowly more intimate over time, and it’s clear they both know how they feel about each other. it’s making me feel like a soft-boiled egg...it’s so sweet it’s so natural it’s perfect. the only reason they haven’t actually gotten together is because they’re technically solving a case and there’s a ton of kids around so it’s hard to get a private moment...which I don’t even mind because this is almost like they’ve already gotten together anyway. I just read a scene where lwj gave wwx some food from his plate at an inn and he became so overwhelmed he almost started crying 🥺
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c0rpseductor · 4 years
i mentioned vykos and now i’m fuming about them again honestly lol
a lot of trans vtm fans gravitate toward tzimisce and kind of hold them up as the trans clan in fanon for obvious reasons; the idea of being able to alter your body however you see fit and be as human or inhuman or whatever as you want is REALLY attractive when you’re trans, especially when you’re nonbinary or gender non-conforming. so it makes sense to me that the Canon Trans Person for a while was a tzimisce, even if i think that in terms of who decided that it’s an enormous cop-out much as a lot of other trans shapeshifter “representation” can be.
what pisses me off about the situation is that the tzimisce are, canonically speaking, basically written and presented as the most brutal, fucked up and overall evil clan. it does NOT sit well with me that all the awful shit associated with tzimisce is part of that package deal, and that that’s what was pushed with the One Single Canon Trans Person for a long time. not great.
the thing that makes me most mad is the way vykos’ personal arc played out. from what i’ve read about them, they didn’t start out as a Scary Inhuman Evil Tzimisce Moral Monstrosity, but instead were...idk, fairly pleasant and chill as far as vampires in vtm go, with one of the less morally objectionable roads in dark ages, which they picked up from iirc their boyfriend. due to some kind of fucked up fleshcrafting tzimisce mind control bullshit, their boyfriend ended up sexually assaulting them and making them have some kind of fucked up tzimisce baby. THEN they started turning evil and abandoning gender as a way to distance themselves with humanity.
like......idk, i think maybe on a fundamental level it’s kind of fucked to make sexual assault the catalyst for someone becoming horrible, and it frustrates me that ww thinks that’s a respectful way to handle both being trans and sexual assault. honestly i would really love a canon tzimisce character who was trans and a survivor and their experiences pushed them to be BETTER than the rest of their clan, and i would’ve loved that for vykos, but it was not to be. so i love the version of vykos that could have existed and that lives in my head, but do not love the real vykos we got.
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