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I Hope You Don’t Mind
Chapter Three: Let��s Try It
"I mean he can't honestly be real right? Maybe I'm just super crazy and it's all a figment in my head?" Mia spoke into the phone. "I really need you here to tell me if I'm crazy or not." She sighed kicking the bed leg as she paced the room. "So just call me back please." After her date with Paul, Mia decided it was a good idea to stop and get some food and just relaxed in the hotel room watching random movies on tv. The next morning she found herself antsy, she needed to go and do something. She tried calling Callie but only seemed to get her voice mail today. Maybe she would get her later tonight. Quickly checking her phone she saw the weather was supposed to be nice and warm with no rain, then looking through what they had to do in town. There didn't seem like they had much in town that she could do, a lot of it seemed like it was for hiking but going fully hiking alone didn't seem like the brightest idea but maybe there were some small trails around. After that thought, she grabbed her small back and dropping the contents on the bed before filling it with some snacks and water. Maybe she should stop at the hiking shop and get some actual hiking shoes and get a trail map, they had to have one at least. Throwing her wallet in the bag and room key Mia headed out the door for the day. At least her phone didn't lie to her, it was sunny out and actually warm for was, Mia was glad that she was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt. She wasn't used to so much dark and gloomy. Putting up her GPS she found herself heading to a 'Newton's Olympic Outfitters' which just like everything else in the town, was just off the main road. It didn't take long to get there or to find as a huge sign was sitting by the side of the road leading to a store that looked like it might have once been a barn at one point. A little matching house was sitting off to the side of it but parking in front of the barn she saw the open sign and headed on inside. The store was small like the rest of the town, slightly crowded but she could easily see shoes on the back wall of the store. Since she only needed basic sneakers, she quickly picked a pair that fit her and had some purple and she went to find a map. Finding a row of them close to the counter she tried to find one that didn't cross any mountains in the area. "Hi, can I help you with something?" A voice said in front of her, looking up she saw a guy around her age, his blonde hair hanging in his eyes as he flicked it away. A perfect customer service smile on his face when he looked down at her. "Yeah actually, I want to go for a little walk but not one that will take forever and it would be okay for me to do alone." Mia said trying to explain to him. He pulled a highlighter out of a tin that was next to him, Pulling the trail map closer to him making a face as he looked at the map he highlighted a route before giving it back to her. "This is probably what you'll be looking for. Takes a couple of hours, maybe two or three. If you get to about here." He circled a spot in the center of the trail. "There is a fall right about here, nice little rest stop and bathroom. Not too much hiking and nothing too steep so you won't need anything besides a pair of sneakers which you already got." He told her giving her a small smile. "Awesome, thanks well then I'll take this and a couple of these snack bars and I'll be all set then." She told him placing her stuff on the counter and pulling out her wallet. "Is this your first time in Forks?" He asked making small talk as he rang her up. "Yeah, I was just passing through and needed something to do." Mia told him shrugging her shoulders "There isn't really too much besides hiking and I don't really hike." "Small town life really. I grew up here basically, you get hiking the beach and lots of hanging out with people watching movies. The total comes to ninety-seven thirty-two." The cashier told her placing her items in a small bag. pulling out the money she gave him a small smile. "Well, then I might end coming back to find a new trail. Have a good day." She told her before hopping in her car and following the map, she easily found the spot that the trail he marked out started. Luckily it seemed to be well-traveled, the path was marked about they even had a small picnic area and bathroom. There were even a couple of cars next to hers so at least she wasn't alone completely. Switching out her shoes and throwing her bar in her backpack she found herself heading towards the woods. It wasn't something she would normally do but since her options were limited might as well gain some new experiences. Mia found herself surrounded by green, she could hear birds flying through the trees, animals scurrying across the ground in the bush just slightly unseen. The sound of her feet crushing across the twigs and leaves. She could even hear laughing seemingly coming from up head somewhere. It was peaceful, she wasn't sure how much time was passed but it seemed like no time at all she found herself new the falls, it was pretty that was for sure, it led out to a small pond below and a river that went off the other way. A family of four were playing in the shallow, another couple seemed to be setting up a small picnic. She found a nice spot on a flat rock where the sun shone, taking off her socks and sneakers she slipped her feet in the cool water, enjoying the sunlight on her face. "Well look who we have here." A voice said behind her, raising her hand against the sun to the person who spoke to her. Mia smiled when she realized Paul was sitting down beside her, enjoying the fact that he was once again shirtless like the first time on the beach. "Bit of a stalker." Mia teased him as she patted the rock beside her to have him sit. "Do you like following me around?" "Please, you are in my town and I am on the whim of a child." Paul gestured to a child around maybe six or seven from Mia's guess, She was splashing around which someone from Paul's friends' group, giggling as she splashed him with water. "But that doesn't mean I'm not glad to see you here. I'd stalk you much more if I get time with you." "Oh yes, the highlight of your day right there." Mia joked, laughing at him shaking her head. "It is actually. My life hadn't started since you walked into my life." Paul said, Mia froze for a second as she turned to look out at him, staring at his serious face before she burst into laughter. "What kind of line is that?" She asked when she finally caught her breath, a stitch in her side growing as she looked at him. "Only the most perfect fitting one." Paul smirked at her and chuckled, though he was serious he didn't want to scare her away and if she knew how serious he was she would drive away and never come back. "You're something else Paul that's for sure." "Oh, I know darling." "So what's up with all these pet names?" Mia asked swinging her feet in the water besides Paul's much longer ones. "I'm trying to find the most perfect one for you, nothing seems fitting yet though so I'm trying them all out." Paul explained to her resting his arms around her shoulder as Mia leaned into him grinning. "Is pet names your thing?" Mia asked curiously, she has never been called anything besides babe and that was more exs calling her out of habit at that point. It wasn't a very special or sweet thing. "Not really, Few times the girls I was dating asked me to call them certain names. I figured why not give it a shot." "Well as long as you don't call me bae or just babe. Those suck." Mia told him "Noted. Now..do you mind if I kiss you?" Paul asked her, grinning down at her. Mia nodded her head pushing herself closer to Paul when he leaned down to meet her. Mia didn't know what was so different about kissing Paul but he was by far the best kisser. He seemed to do everything right, placed his hands where she wanted, turned his head the right way. He was warmth surrounded her, it made her feel safe and let all her insecurities melt away. She would have given up anything to just continue kissing her for the rest of her life, which was a slightly terrifying thought but she could always worry about that later. The way she was so comfortable around him was strange, she would normally never openly making out with a person but maybe it was a connection. That or she was overthinking and making up things in her head. She really needed to see Callie but Mia didn't even know where in the world she was right now. Mia didn't know how long they sat there kissing but it had to be a while as Paul's friend came over to get Paul's attention, the little girl following closely behind him carrying a little basket. "Sorry to interrupt the two love birds but Claire is ready to eat and I figured if we ate without you you'd get upset." His friend grinned at him and turned to her. "Hi, I'm Quil, you must be Mia." He said giving her a small wave "Ohhh Paul has talked all about you." Claire said smiling at the two of them, twirling the basket around. "Shh Claire that's a secret." Paul said laughing as held his finger to his lips, "We can't let her know we like her." Paul said as he looked over and winked at Mia. "Okay, I won't tell her anything you said." Claire said smiling. "He said a lot about you though." Claire said smiling as she dragged Quil over to the picnic table that was nestled in the trees a bit back. "So you talk about me?" Mia asked grinning at Paul as they got up and headed to join the other two. "Whatcha say bout me?" "Just the fact you're the most amazing girl I have ever met." Paul told her flinging his arm over her shoulder pulling her closer. "Oh, so just the love of your life basically." Mia teased sitting down on the bench across from Quil. "Exactly, I'm glad you get me, no one really does." Paul told her, pulling out what it looked to be a stack of sandwiches for ten people out of the basket and a couple bags of chips. "Pick whatever you want." Paul told her as Mia just gave him a look. "You get used to the amount we eat. It's why ladies always eat first." Quil said helping Claire with a bag of chips and her sandwich. "But that means we get the best stuff." Claire said grinning as she started to eat her chips. Mia grabbed a sandwich labeled potato salad and a bag of Doritos and started to eat. "It really is the best." Mia said taking another bite of her sandwich, she was never too picky but this had to be the greatest sandwich she had. "And that would be Emily's cooking. Told you it was great from real food to just sandwiches. The woman can cook." Paul said devouring what had to be his third sandwich already. "Auntiee said she's going to teach me. She taught me to make cookies." Claire informed her smiling. "Cookies are a great start." Mia told her, turning her attention to Quil when he spoke "So Mia, you sticking around?" He questioned her "Quil!" Paul yelled at him, giving him a death glare as he slightly started to shake which was a little odd. But Mia was unfazed by the question. The truth is she wasn't sure what she should do, everything had such good and bad things and she was worried that she was going to make the wrong decision over something stupid. "It's fine. I'm not sure yet really. I have a lot of options but I haven't figured it out really." Mia explained "Any of those options staying around here?" Quil teased giving her a wink "Kinda, I have a friend who actually lives in Seattle, she goes to school there. Then there is a Peninsula College that has my degree and looks pretty good. So it's not exactly right here but I kinda like the area so I'm not sure I want to go away quite yet." She explained to him. "I need some like pro, con list honestly." "Well we would like if you stay, not to like, make your decision but you know, we decided we like you already and it be nice if you were around more. You won't be lonely." Quil rambled to her, giving her a soft smile at the end. "That's nice to know, I never really been completely alone besides maybe driving out." "We can be best friends." Claire put in also smiling at her. "And you can be friends with Auntiee and Kim and Sarah and maybe even Leah. But she can be a bit mean but not to me but to older people. You can meet them though. We get to have a barbeque and fire tomorrow. I don't get to go to the fire cause it be late but you can come. Right Paul she can come?" The tiny girl asked, looking at Paul giving him a look that he wasn't allowed to say no. "She can. I was actually going to invite her but you did it for me." Paul told her, shaking his head as he started to pick up the mess on the table. "It is true tho, I was going to call you until I saw you here. It's going to be like around five that it starts if you're not too busy." Paul said turning towards her. "Nope no plans, along as I'm not like interrupting or anything." Mia said shrugging her shoulders. "Oh no, we all knew he was going to invite you. It was actually Emily's idea, so you can meet everyone." Quil put in. "Everyone?" Mia questioned as she picked up the last of the trash, pausing at the word. She was not good with a bunch of people especially if she didn't know any of them. She could already feel her anxiety rising for something that was still a day away. "Yeah the whole group of us, we can be overwhelming at first but we really are bad. Or a gang. Some people think that." Quil explained. "It be okay really if it gets too much we can always leave. No problem." Paul comforted her, placing his warm hands on her hips pulling her close. "They really aren't that bad though. Besides Quil, he's the worst." Paul faked whispered in her ear kissing her cheek. "Excuse me, I'm the best of you are all. Claire here would agree won't you?" He said swinging the little girl upon his shoulders as she giggled away. "The bestest!" She yelled, wrapping her tiny arms around his forehead making sure she didn't fall off. "Of course she agrees, that's cheating." Paul said laughing, slipping his hand down to intertwine with Mia as they made their way to the path after grabbing her bag and slipping on her shoes again. "Which way did you park?" Paul asked her. "To the left." She said nodding her head towards that way. "We are towards the right. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then? If you actually want to go, no pressure." Paul said nervously "No, I do." "Okay good, I'll text you the address. See you later sugar." Paul said gently kissing her before pulling away. "Buhbyes buttercup." Mia said giving him a wink before making her way back to her car. The day couldn't.t have gone better honestly and she got to see Paul tomorrow which makes it even better. She made her way to her car relatively fast, she did really need to talk to Callie to have help to figure out what she should do for schooling. Maybe she would be around by the time she got back to the hotel room which would be nice. She could always expect Callie to be honest, even if she didn't agree they were good at calling each other out when they were about to do something stupid or did something. Sure it made them fight but they always ended up working things out in the end and that's all that really mattered. So Mia made her way back to the hotel room, quickly throwing her bag on the bed she tried to Callie but once again getting voicemail. Sighing she threw her phone on the bed before heading to the shower and then coming up with an outfit for tomorrow. After that, she found herself on the bed making a pro/con list for every place she wanted to go. She crossed out going down south, the only thing she had going for it was the fact it was warm and close to Disney. So it led to New York or here. Mia jumped when her phone began to ring, quickly looking at the phone she saw that it was Callie. "I'm sorry, it's been a hell of a day." Callie apologized when Mia answered the phone. "You're lucky I need you or else I would be very mad at you right now." Mia said glaring at her best friend despite her not being able to see it. "Okay I am here to help! What am I helping with?" Callie questioned "To go to school, well where to more exactly. I got it down to back in New York or Settle or Port Angles which is close to where I am now. But I don't want to make some dumb decision cause realistically I want to stay here just for Paul and I'm pretty sure you would want to kill me just for saying that." Mia rambled throwing herself on the bed waiting for Callie to go off. Oddly she remained quiet on the other end for a while. "Can you get the degree that you wanted? Like you won't be compromising that?" Callie eventually asked her. "No it has exactly what I need and the school ratings are the same." Mia told her. "So you aren't giving up your education, so what's the downside?" Callie asked her. "The weather for one, it's always raining." "Well not like it's different from where you would go in New York just different types of weather." "That's true. But it's also a small town area and I don't know if I wanted that or not. And then my parents would pay tuition if I go to New York but they won't help me here." "You still have your whole life to move outta of small town so I don't think that's a big worry, you should be doing school stuff mainly so worry about the big town when you have the freedom to do whatever you want. And I told you I have your money covered.." "But the way.." "Yeah yeah, I know the way I get the money isn't up to your moral standards but I'm okay with it and If it gets you away from your controlling ass family. I'm fully okay with it." Callie interrupted Mia. "Fine, I get it. I just don't want to be that girl, the goal who changes her life over some guy. And not like we are even a thing anyways. I just like him and he makes me feel nice." Callie burst out laughing at that. "Mia, sweetie, you are that chick. You're the girl who loves someone after knowing them for a week. The girl who will debate moving across the country because of the possibility of dating a guy. That is exactly who you are. And where most times that is a bad thing, this time I don't think it is. You're not giving up school for him, you're just picking a different school. And you are finally gaining some freedom for once. So sure it's not exactly a perfect plan it isn't awful." Callie explained to her. "What happens if it doesn't work out then?" Mia said, shocked by her friend's answer expecting so much worse than that. "Well you aren't directly in town with him, so it won't be so bad really. And of course, you might not work so don't get super hopes up you did just met him, but maybe a little. It be nice if it did. And I can visit you there!" Callie told her "You can! Where are you today?" Mia asked her "Heading to New York City actually. I have only been there the one time with you years ago so I'm actually kinda excited for it." "You'll love it, just don't get attacked by an Elmo again." Mia teased. "No I'll fight it this time. I expected to be grabbed last night. I'll take his fuzzy ass down." Callie told her, reminding the awkward encounter last time. She was walking her Mia and her mother before a red fuzzy hand grabbed her and made them take a picture with him. Apparently, it was a way people made money. To Mia and her mom, this was perfectly normal but Callie was just confused. Needless to say, she had hatred for the sesame street character that she never quite got over. "I could see it. Get a video if you do." Mia told her. "Damn right I will. So what are your plans?" Callie asked, the voices in the background getting louder. "I guess tonight is apply to the school and what not and then tomorrow I have a barbeque and bonfire with Paul and all his friends." "Aww looky you making all these friends, try to replace me and I'll beat you with a cat." Callie told her, her voice serious before they both started laughing. "A cat? Where are you getting a cat and why?" "Steal one duh, some guy walked by with a cat and I couldn't think of anything better at the moment." Callie explained "I couldn't replace you if I tried, you're special." "Damn right I am and don't you forget it! But my plane is boarding so I have to go. Text me tomorrow if you're not busy. I don't know when I'll be able to reply but I shall try! I need to know how it goes. Gotta live vicariously through you." "You have a love life of your own!" Mia yelled laughing. "I have a sex life, not a love life. Difference. But bye my love!" And with that Callie hung up and Mia started working on applying to school for the night, excited that it wasn't super ridiculous if she stayed around here to see where things ended up with Paul.
#twilight#twilight wolfpack#paul lahote x oc#paul lahote#Quil Ateara#embry call#sam uley#Jared Cameron#ihydm3#ihydm
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