elyonholic · 3 months
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ICHIHIME WEEK 2024, Day 03: Promise to Protect
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brokenangelwings22 · 4 months
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marmeladovnas · 3 months
oh naruhina we're really in it now
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bleachihime · 2 years
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ihweek day 2 domestic life
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botchedart · 2 years
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Day 5 ‘horror’
I forgot to post the rest of my ihweek art here
Oops 😬
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evanescentdawn · 1 year
Hello, Yuki 👋
just read your fic for IHweek, its adorable thank you for writing about Ichigo and Orihime ✨
If you still accept prompts would please you write about Ichihime date in an Aquarium maybe 🤔 
OMG THIS WAS SUCH A SWEET COMMENT THANK U I’m glad u liked that fic !!!
here is an aqua ichihime date <3 hope u like it. it was fun to write! theyre so 🥺
Orihime giggles. Ichigo looks more disgruntled. It matches perfect with the lopsided absolutely cute blue shark hat on his hair.
“I look ridiculous.” He says.
“No! you look perfect!” She disagrees. "After all, Kurosaki-kun and sharks are very alike.” He also looks a tinyyy bit ridiculous, but she won't say that.
Ichigo snorts as he takes off the hat and puts it back. A shame, really. “Because I look intimidating to people?”
“A bit of that.” She says, smiling. “But also because sharks and Kurosaki-kun are often misunderstood as scary and intimidating when they can be so cute!”
"I wouldn't say sharks are cute."
Orihime gasps. "Take that back! They so are cute!" As proof of evidence, she grabs a tiny pulshie shark off the shelf and shoves in his face. "See!"
"Yes, of course." Ichigo says, rolling his eyes. "A shark plushie designed to be cute would be cute."
"They're modeled directly from sharks!" Now, Orihime knows she's just saying anything.
Ichigo sceptically squints at the squishie. "You're telling me....sharks have... big eyes like this?"
"...They took some liberaties."
Ichigo laughs. "Alright, I'll give you that. C'mon lets go. I think its time for penguin show."
"It's been an hour, Inoue.”
Time can go so fast when she's with him, she thinks.
They leave the gift shop, buying the shark hat and plushie in the end, even if Ichigo swears down he will be not wearing the hat. It's for plushie.
Orihime laughs as she nods agreeably. She thinks that the hat might be too big for the plushie, though.
This is not the first time Orihime been to an aquarium together with Ichigo, though then it wasn't really Ichigo and Orihime but their whole group. It feels different this time.
Inluding more stomach butterflies as Ichigo causually weaves their fingers together. The warmth of his hand is devilishly dangerous! To her heart!
Despite how its been a while since they've started dating, there's still a lot Orihime can't get used to. She's felt the full force of Ichigo's love but this — the echo of ichigo's love being the same as hers is completely new.
"That was so much fun!" Orihime says, after the penguin show, as they are returning back home. She leans up to him to whisper, "I think Happy Feet was my favourite."
"The one that kept tripping over himself?" Ichigo says, laughter in his voice.
"Yes! He kept messing up the routine, ahaha. I think he did on purpose — wanted to see his keepers flail around."
He snorts, as he squeezes their joined hands and tugs it into his pocket. Orihime's heart skips a beat.
”…It’s nearly dark.” Ichigo comments, out of the blue. It’s not even that close to sun down. She notices the tips of his ears have turned red.
“Do you…want to stay over?” He asks.
She stayed over before and doubts that Ichigo means anything else by that. His family is also home! But the way he asked her — the shyness in his posture and words make her feel weak.
“I’d…like that.” Orihime says, shifting slightly closer to him.
She doesn’t want the time with him to be over yet.
(also on AO3)
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liquorisce · 4 months
Hi, i keep coming back to your fics 🥰
hope to see you in IHweek2024
aww thank you!!! i really hope i can at least do something small for ihweek!!! <3
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crizmakesart · 3 years
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Stars (Ichihime Week 2021~!)
"Inoue, you are like the sun! I'll never be lost with you by my side." 
"And to me, Kurosaki-kun's smile is like a sky full of stars.” 
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nyappycookie · 4 years
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Quick comic for this prompt uwu
IH week, Day 2: Family
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heavenly-knight · 5 years
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Ichihime week 2019 Day 1 - soulmate.
Soulmate AU, where everything's written by you on your hand appears on your soulmate's hand. Orihime is forgetful person that's why write on her hand what she needs to do. For example, go to the shop or library, buy some food, etc. All inscriptions appear on Ichigo's hand and one day he go to the library to find his soulmate.
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hanabi85 · 5 years
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Ichihime week (Soulmates)
Edit: I wish Tumblr fixed its downgrade quality. I made it high quality for nothing XD
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elyonholic · 3 months
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Kurosaki-kun, I think I've come to understand you a bit more.
ICHIHIME WEEK 2024, Day 01: One-Way Sympathy
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aburvalg · 6 years
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IchiHime flashmob from favourite fandom:3 Day 1 Gentle Hands
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Help me to carry the fire We will keep it alight together Help me to carry the fire It will light our way forever
Editors-No Sound But the Wind
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orihimekurosaki · 5 years
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IHweek 2019/Day 1/Soulmates
Bleach Pilot 00: I’ll probably be reborn as a human…so next time…if we meet again…let’s talk a lot more!
Bleach chapter 237: I wish I could live life five times over. Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world… I’d live five different lives with five different occupations… and then, for those five times… I’d fall in love with the same person.
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bansept · 3 years
Ichihime Week | Day 6: Scars
Alright, this is just a little idea that I got and, since it holds an important place in my heart, wanted to write it.
It is short, and I'm not expecting everyone to like or agree with me on this one, because it's the way I see Orihime and one of her character development.
I didn't want to put it for Ihweek but honestly? Scars are scars because you get hurt to obtain them. Some heal, some are still triggering. It fits the theme, but I must put a Trigger Warning for reminding what Orihime went through.
She laid on the small white towel, carefully laid out underneath her, and stared up at the sky.
A few clouds, maybe some birds here and there, chasing after the other. A tree, a few meters away, shaking with the wind, its leaves rustling with a comforting sound.
A fine day. The promise of a bright and calm future, as long as the sky remained blue, as long as the birds kept singing.
As long as Ichigo's head remained near hers, his eyes closed as he slept peacefully.
Orihime smiled softly, stopping her hand from tracing the contours of his face, knowing he would be awakened.
Yet, she sighed.
She was a broken person, but as the years went by, she learned to hide it under the mask of her smile. Narrowed eyes, corners of her mouth turned upwards, changing the subject to one of her dreams, the fantasy of her world enough to make the other people drop the subject.
She was broken from the start : never understanding what did she ever do wrong, what lead the people she could only call her parents to hate her existence. What forced her to fly away from them with her barely legally adult brother. She was broken because, even with her brother showering her with love, care and patience, she would always ask herself those questions.
She was broken after the start, when the only silver lighting in her life was brutally shut down. Her one and only hope for the future, the reason to smile and keep going was cruelly taken away from her young arms. After Sora's death... She created this mask of happiness, of goofiness. That way, no one could be worried about her. No one would ask questions, and the pain would never inflate.
She was broken. She had to say goodbye after finally knowing the past didn't define her. She had to run away to keep the others safe. To keep Tatuski, Chad, Uryu and so many more alive and well.
To keep Ichigo safe.
She was shattered, over, and over, and over again. the beatings, the degradations. The two faces of her most active abusers contorted in vicious ecstasy as their fists and feet flew to her body. Their remarks bruising her resolve.
She was destroyed when Ichigo's chest was obliterated.
He stirred next to her, his thumb brushing over her hand laid out next to him.
Orihime kept gazing at the sky, wondering how.
How, in such few words, such few manners, with such simplicity he fixed her. How that beaming hole of pain in her weak heart healed itself over a few average actions.
Because as much as she was in love with Ichigo, as amazing and out of this word as it was for him to love her back, those average things, like holding hands, or talking about how the day went... It was oddly enough to appease the hurt, the silent glacial flame of brokenness.
She knew, in her heart and her mind, that he had scars too. In such a cruel world, how could he not? Battle scars from blades, fangs and claws she healed with infinite care, and others she couldn't perceive yet. His mother's death, his inability to protect everyone he cared about, each moment he had to fight his inner hollow. Perhaps even much more.
The clouds stared back at her, small and enormous funny shapes playing in the bright blue sky, almost encouraging her to stop thinking of the past, and concentrate on the future. The future that delicately held her hand.
Orihime didn't wish to forget. Sending all those memories in the back of her head to think about later was not the best thing to do, not when she wanted to grow out of them. But at the same time, all those people she had met, from Tatsuki, her dearest friend Tatsuki to the mysterious and regretted Head Captain Yamamoto... Those people and more, they wore their scars openly, with pride, because they had learned to live with the memories of more precarious times.
She gently picked his hand up and brought it to her chest, right under her breasts, and closed her eyes, a little tear falling graciously on her cheek.
She was scarred. Used to be broken. Somehow, with incredible care and love, this young man next to her, watching over her, would heal her scars.
He would heal his too, with a lot of time.
But it was fine.
Day 6...
I wrote this based on the cover of 'Fix You' BTS did, a few months back. At first, it was just a little thing, not much behind it. But as the days got by, I didn't have the heart to finish it. Until the IH Week arrived with the "scars" prompt, and well well well, see what I got in my drafts right now!
It's sad and depicts how I think Orihime is like on the inside. Poor baby has been through so much... And before she can totally be happy, the hurt from the past must heal. And that stuff takes time. The same goes for Ichigo, and I honestly believe the best character for him to heal those injuries with is Orihime.
I hope it still was nice enough to read, and maybe reflect on. See you on the last day tomorrow!
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