shesrllygood · 4 years
Guys I know clowns are scary and whatever but I think I know why. Have you ever seen a female clown? No. What about a Asian or literally anything other than white clown? No. Scary white men.
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k-keanaaina · 4 years
Day 1 (i guess idfk)
Dear Peep or whoever the fuck is reading, I’m high and well I would like to express my thoughts :)
For starters I would gladly like a thing of cookies and milk right now 🥺 but honestly I just want to be in the woods with dewy mist around me and the sunlight shining on my skin. Light up a fat blunt and smoke on a rock or something. I just want to be away from everyone. Something about just being in nature while high is so relaxing. I feel like I could just be in that moment forever just not caring about a single damn thing. No stress from work, no worries about taking damn anxiety medicine just to get through the day. Nothing.
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ipkc · 7 years
Tumblr media
I'm always watching. I'm in the background, observing how you manage this life. How you cope, how you interact, how you distort. Perceptions of reality. There is ash sitting delicately on the top of my slightly hot and frothy coffee. I take a sip, after carefully extracting the bit of ash with my fingertip. I'm always smoking. Absentmindedly inhaling and exhaling something that brings me closer to the end of my life, although it's only in addition to what we already breath into our lungs, contaminating our bodies. How do you bring your perceptions of what you think life should look like to reality in small movements and patterns. How you have applied the knowledge of life to your mind through society and what "good," and "normal" should look like. Our mentality of how the world, and every one who is on it, should behave. I'm always outside. I'm not able to join you. It's not some misconstrued elitism, and it's not a borderline narcissist. It's just that I don't fit your perception of reality.
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rockingsteady · 2 years
Please don't be concerned by the username/icon change (used to be ihatemythoughts-soisharethem)
Obviously I've been mia for ages anyway
But I'm doing some renovations here on mobile and gonna be more active
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amanduhrene · 8 years
Will this ever stop?
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There are times when I surprise myself in a good way or bad.
This time it’s a bad way. 
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willowraye · 9 years
I'm always afraid that I'm never good enough.
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I hate when people are too busy for me :( it makes me seem like I'm desperate, selfish or something. Why can't I ever be so busy that people wonder how I'm doing or that they miss me? :(
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against-the-odds2 · 11 years
Yay..late night overthinking, fucking lovely.
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so hard to stay positive when its outweighed by negatives
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sluttycat333 · 12 years
I'm aiming for something I'll never achieve. It seems so fucking pointless.
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fyeahzack · 13 years
Hi, my name is Zack,
And I have terrible fears of commitment and thinking about the future gives me small panic attacks.
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