#ignore the shading being kinda janky. this was just to show HIM and not necessarily my clearly awesome understanding of color and light
m00ngbin · 5 hours
Guess we doin phones now
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More of the actual story + lore stuff under this thing
His full name is Callie Isabel Halden. For now
He mentioned in an offhand comment to his aunt at 16 that he wanted a job, so she decided to have him start running errands for her. Eventually said aunt told some friends who had their own stores about him, so he started running errands for them as well. Word spreads and now at 22 he does this for half the people in town. Unofficial postal service, glorified errand boy
Fucking HATES it, but it's good cardio and a lot of the people in town rely on him to deliver stuff. He originally tried to keep it pretty cheap because it was just a summer job, but he stayed and it stuck and now he's paid a miserable $3.50 for every package/thing delivered
He's ended up becoming a pretty good long distance sprinter so he can earn as much as possible
Bc he needs to be as fast as possible for his job, he's become pretty impatient. DESPITE the need to make things fast, he goes out of his way to take routes that he knows will have the most cats on them, even if they take longer
Likes collecting phone charms to add to his head. He switches them out like every other day, and he likes it the most when they jingle as obnoxiously as possible (he doesn't register that it's obnoxious, he thinks that it sounds nice. Everyone else HATES it)
Relations: I think he would be friends with Oliver but like. Who wouldn't? Anyways. He feels a kind of kinship with Randy (crappy jobs, being underpaid and overworked, just general suckyness), (OBVIOUSLY Randy has it so much worse, but yk), but he also kind of can't stand him. Callie constantly tries to convince him that it's all in his head and he needs to be more positive, but he's a dick about it. Like he's trying to be nice but it comes off as forceful and nasty
He's related to Little Billy. (2nd cousins, he has to see him at family events and around town. He pretends not to know him bc Billy is actually the worst) He would bond with Phonegingi over Little Billy hatred and find that he actually likes him if he could get past the whole nipple thing ("Eugh, who the FUCK has that many nipples?")
If he were actually in the game, you'd just see him running around in the background every once in a while
He would main dualies in splatoon btw
If he had a leitmotif, it would sound kind of like (...) Mr. Boy Is On the Roof Again but not exactly
He's actually a MEOWTEROLA and not a MOTOROLA. He got that changed
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