#ignore ragatha looks off. i goofed up
clunk49 · 11 months
she's such a loser I love her so much
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kaalypsoooo · 11 months
Second part to…
Contented ~
(Slight angst,fluff) (Showtime! 🎩✨❤️)
Eventually she woke up, a twinge of sadness filling her heart seeing the emptiness of her bed, Caine had gone god knows where and left her alone again. She sat up, wiping the drool away from the corners of her lips when the door suddenly swung open and in came a gleeful Caine. The smile from before returned to her face.
“Hello my dear Pomni! Sleep well?” He asked, as enthusiastic as ever in his tone. “I apologize for leaving, but I had to check on the others! Wouldn’t want someone abstracting again, right?”
“Yeah…Don’t worry about it, it’s fine..” She nodded along with his words, but he could still sense a bit of sadness in her words. “Missed me that much, did ya?” He grinned, scooping her up in his arms and twirling her around in the air.
“Ah!- woah Caine!-“ He definitely startled her, but she began laughing as he twirled her around. He laughed along with her, looking like a schoolboy who finally got with his crush.
Maybe… Maybe being stuck here won’t be so bad.. She thought to herself, though he seemed to have noticed her silence, giving her a curious look. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”
“Nothing, I’m just zoning out like usual.” He definitely didn’t believe her, but he wasn’t going to push her to say anything she didn’t want to say. “Alright, if you say so.”
He takes one of her hands in his, pressing his teeth gently against her palm as if to kiss it, she giggled at his show of affection, at least he was trying to make due with what he had, many others wouldn’t, and she found that very endearing about him.
“…We should probably get back to the others, huh?” She questioned hesitantly, not wanting to leave this little moment with him.
“Sadly, yes my dear, we have a performance to prepare for!” He beamed before pulling her closer.
“After we perform, you’ll have me all to yourself, how does that sound?” That made her blush, not sure what he was implying, she answered in an almost hushed voice. “O-okay! That s-sounds good-“
Aw, he got her flustered. But he was a little flustered himself, she was the first person he’d ever really been like this with, and he still didn’t quite have a grasp on how humans work, but he was really trying, all for her.
“Good!” He snapped his fingers and suddenly they both appeared in the general cast area, where Jax and ragatha were conversing with one another. Ragatha was the first to notice Pomni, smiling gleefully at her, Jax just rolled his eyes and ignored, like usual.
“Hey Pomni! I see you slept in!”
“Oh, yeah… I was finally able to sleep.”
“Well I’m glad, I know this place can be…a lot, but at least you’re finally getting used to it!”
She took a quick glance at Caine as he moved off to the side, bubble pestering him about something, smiling like a goof as she spoke.
“I think I’m gonna like it here more than I thought..”
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