#ignore me lmfao i’m so high and mad about this 1 singular thing
etherealhoneypie · 2 months
quick ramble post about nothing anyone really cares about but me!
so a straight white dude i know irl posted on his snapchat story that buying Taylor Swift on vinyl is so ridiculous and that it’s like eating raw chicken blah blah blah. why do you care so bad about something that majority women consume? don’t buy it. no one’s making you. but of course it’s going to be advertised at record stores… she sells lots of them lol. that’s quite honestly the WORST part for me about being a vinyl collector is that i buy music that is pop and feminine and not what the record store bros want you to buy. idk if this actually makes any sense to anyone else. but i started collecting vinyl back when i was 13 and it wasn’t anything other than ‘trash’ i was clearing for family members and friends of family friends. i’d stop at every flea market and junk shop, sweating in attic rooms with no ac flipping through thousands of Englebert Humperdinck records to find one or two Steely Dan and Gordon Lightfoot LPs. yet some asshole like that will see me with Midnights or folklore and write me off as not a ‘serious’ music listener. sometimes i just want to respond to people like that and be like let’s go cmon toe to toe. because to me, even if i didn’t have a big and expansive collection, who are you to judge someone’s ‘seriousness’ over a singular artist. at the end of the day i guess what im trying to say is 1. let people enjoy things and 2. if someone tells you you’re not listening to or buying records correctly i will take my vintage victrola and smash it on their head.
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