#ignore how crunchy he gets at the end I dont know why he does that
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Y'all are allowed to see the sunshine Pure Vanilla. Just this once. heh.
#pure vanilla cookie#crk fanart#crk#cookie run kingdom#you are my sunshine#my only sunshine#tw: scary ugly fucking. pv I had many scream when they saw him#ignore how crunchy he gets at the end I dont know why he does that
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Demons and Coffee SFW
((A big thank you to @demigosh for their commission, this was so much fun to write! this was a flash commission and i still have 4 spots open so pm me for details!)
For any good story to be told it is suggested to have a protagonist, someone who throughout some personal downfall betters themselves and becomes some sort of heroine type figure- a character that the unknowing audience could possibly look up to and even admire. However why does every story need this? The answer is they dont, my fantastical labyrinth of words surely will not. However, we will have a boy, he will remain unnamed for the sake of remaining ambiguous and debatably headache inducing. Said boy looks tired, as if his eyelids are permanently fixed to the halfway point in his eyes, and his lips look ancient as if they were never made to open, they are dry like mystical ruins covered by dunes of sand.His hair however changes the game, his hair completely flips the game over and destroys it. His hair is like that flavour of lollipop- what was it? Blue raspberry? That's not a fucking flavour and his hair can't possibly be this colour- but it is and will continue to be. His cheeks contrast his chapped lips and lidded eyes by showing a nice rosey color, it was the only way to show he could be considered alive. If it weren't for the color in his cheeks you may believe he were among the living dead in which his society holds many of and which his mind held zero of.
While his mind did not hold the living dead it did hold an animated evil, something never meant to inhabit this boy. Now i will introduce to you a girl, also unnamed for reasons semi-identical to the boy- well not really. Her name is secret even to me and the only person living who even knows the syllables of her title is the boy from before. However, let's take a moment to note the girl’s characteristics- though only the boy can actually see the blinding rainbow vomit of color which is of the female variety. Her hair is just as fake in coloration except hers is real, the shoulder length bubblegum pink has lovely curls in random spots, the curves and edges almost absolutely were artificial. A horn slides from the upper middle part of her forehead and her sharp teeth murmur whispers of death to anything caught between them. Her ears pointed out like branches from a tree, catching breezes of noise in them.
Onto the story, the gorgeous tapestry painted by my typing fingers, the forced meeting of a boy and a boy, of which was made possible by a cherry blossom colored demon who will continue to reign unnamed. A spilled coffee and an unusually perky apology from a boy who never speaks. A date. Enough of this! Its story time! Buckle in kiddos it's gonna get gay.
A boy walks down a broken sidewalk covered in crunchy leaves, each step calling out in sound and smell. The wind held a soft remembrance of sun, warmth mixing with the cool air to gently prick the skin on his rosey cheeks and dull features. He cleared his throat, walking along with one hand slid into his jacket pocket and the other holding a latte from his local cafe- he had just taken his leave from this place and was getting ready to go straight back home and hop onto the internet for his daily dose of indirect social interaction. However he had this pain in his head, one he knew all too well was not a headache- and then he saw her- the headache faded and he sighed in a frustration that showed he was well enough tired of her antics and shenanigans. The girl. The demon. “Heyyy!!!” Her voice was high pitched and not all that unpleasant for the normal ear- though no one else could hear her. However, this voice for the boy was nails on chalkboard, fork to plate if i must. He tried pretending she wasn't just floating circled around him and begging to be noticed. Eventually his anger got the best of him and he halted his steps, glaring daggers at the girlish figure who had stopped her cycle of rotations to listen to what he had to say, seeming almost giddy for his words. “Shut. up. Leave me alone.” He grumbled quietly, wanting to seem normal at least in public, speaking to her outright in front of others could get him admitted and that wouldn't end well for him or his demon.
Her face sinks and she whined out like a child who didn't get their way, arms crossing tightly over her chest as she now hovered in front of his face. “I'm bored!!!! I want to have some fun! You never leave your stupid house! Come on let's do something!” She insisted excitedly, nearly bouncing up and down as her craving for excitement grew. She turned upside down showing off her toothy grin and flicked his nose, earning a hand swat and a heavier look of annoyance. “No.” was all he had to say on the matter. He then pushed past her and started walking again, her left behind a moment before finally she caught up to what he said and hurried after him. “But, but-” She started, only for him to cut her off. “No-”
He glanced his eyes down at the foliage covered concrete so he could speak to her quietly without anyone else noticing he was, he felt he needed to be discreet. He swallowed back to wet his dry throat and then also ducked his tounge from his mouth a moment to wet his lips before speaking. “Look- I don't need any excitement, raising a cat and babysitting you is far more than enough excitement fo-” She looked as if she was about to cut him off so he cut his eyes at her as to make sure she stayed quiet before he noticed she listened. She was quiet, but her lips had split into a long devious grin, her arms crossing again and she looked away. He looked up and raised an eyebrow, “Wha-” That was when he crashed into someone- god she planned this didn't she. He fell back onto his ass, squeaking out as hot coffee spilled onto both him and the poor victim of his Demon’s spite.
“I was going to tell you to watch out.. Hehe… but it seems you didn't want me to interrupt!!!” She was laughing pretty hard now though it was only annoying to the one person that could hear her- god she sounded like a hyena. He did his best to ignore the demon and scrambled to his feet to help the other male up. He was wearing a green apron with a name tag that read ‘James’ and all around them on the ground was soil and most likely ruined flowers drenched in coffee. The boy’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment and he grabbed his hand to help James to his feet, spitting out apologies faster than a woodchipper spits out scraps. “I am so sorry i really should have been watching where i was going oh no your flowers are ruined coffee cant be good for them oh no i'm so-” He got cut off by the florist. “Its okay, I have more- it was just a silly accident.”
James, the florist, gave a smile to the boy to make sure he knew that all was forgiven. He just seemed so genuine, light sandy hair floating in the breeze and freckled cheeks easily warmed by the little sun there was. The boy was silent, swallowing down any more apology he had to throw as a girl slid up behind him and giggled, sliding arms over his shoulder. “Get his number, come on, come on, come on!!!” it was the demon. Ugh. He wa frozen for a moment, worrying James who tilted his head and asked if he were okay. James’ words snapped the boy from his frozen state and caused him to start rummaging through his book bag for napkins. “Here! I-uh I have napkins!!” He spouted, pulling a handful out only to have the torrent wind swipe them from his fingertips and within moments having them out of sight. “Uh Uh-” He was freezing up again, coffee growing cold on his body and making him shiver, god this was hard and his demon was not making it any easier- she was bouncing around him and cheering like a cheerleader that he should date James and how he should at least get his number. She loved shipping him with strangers and this had to be a scene out of one of her fanfictions she enjoyed so much.
He was ruining his chance and she was angry about it, something needed to be done before he lost his chance with the rather cute florist. She didn't do this often because it exhausted both her and the boy but hell! Drastic times call for drastic measures and if this wasn't a drastic time then what was? She slid into his body and his eyes glowed pink for a moment as she took over control, once she had control though she got him to smile and help the florist pick up the other things that he had dropped. He kept him rather quiet but much more relaxed as he walked with James to his flower shop so they could both clean up and get warm. It wouldn't be long until they were laughing about the mishap and introducing themselves to one another. And by the tie she decided her time in the body was up the boy held a ripped piece of paper, a corner from a receipt perhaps? With James’ number on it.
She wouldn't release control of his body though until they were finally back in his small apartment, him immediately collapsing onto his bed and groaning out in pain. Possession was never a pleasant experience for either of them. She was doubled over across the room from him, whimpering softly before yawning- she then realized just how tired she was and decided to go back to being unseen, causing him a light headache that lasted about thirty seconds, By the time he was recovered she wasn't present for him to yell at. He believed her shipping antics and possession were completely unwarranted, sure the man had been cute but he most likely was straight or already was taken. How embarrassing. He wished he could remember just what was said, but he was just left with a slip of paper with some numbers on it.
He made his way out of bed and threw off his book back, jacket, and soiled shirt, leaving him in a partially dry tank top- in which he worked over to his desk to plop down and open up his laptop. Ooh a notification! The boy wonders if it is one of his three internet friends but when he finally arrives at the notifications source he is disappointed to find it is not. It's not a message but a friend request.
[James Hareild is has sent you a friend request accept?]
He groaned quietly but couldn't be rude, this guy probably really got hit on today by your possessed body. And after a day like this rejecting the friend request and just pushing today aside may not be an option. He would have to talk to ‘her’ later about this crazy invasion of privacy and boundaries. Oh well let's get this over with.
[James Hareild is now your friend]
Now that there is nothing more to do he closes his laptop and glances around his dim room, it was messy with food bags on the stained carpet and none of his clothing was even close to being in the closet. Was this becoming an unhealthy lifestyle? Yes. Does he care? No. This is something he has grown used to, there was no one to actually impress, he had no friends to show his ‘sweet crib’ to so why keep it tidy? Or at least this was his thinking on the matter. God a nap sounds good, even if his bed is covered in crumpled papers and discarded clothing, he decided a nap is what he will get. He is on his way, stepping to bed when the familiar ache in his head showed that ‘she’ was in his home again and visible. “Yes?” He called out, not seeming the happiest with her right now.
Her smile grew big and sharp again as she plopped down on the edge of the bed to look up at him, she seemed completely recharged, the opposite of himself. “Wellll!!! I thought you may want to know you have a date Saturday! You'll meet the flower boy at that silly cafe you like so much!” Her voice was just as excited as when they were walking down the concrete slabs earlier that morning- it was late afternoon now. The boy however was not amused and would not be amused, he refused to find any of this as a positive toward his normal routine. He liked the pattern he had made for himself and this random ‘ship possession’ was highly intrusive. “I can't go.” He said simply, causing her to pout and huff like a child. “What!!! And why not?!” She squeaked, seeming genuinely offended by this progression of events.
He rolled his eyes and decided he would play along at least for the moment, “I haven't even called him yet, why would I go on a date with him? “ he then got serious, joking time was over and he focused his look on her. “I don't even know what was said while you were possessing me- which was highly uncalled for by the way!”He was scolding now and she just seemed to be sitting there and taking all of it with a grain of salt, almost as if she were proud of herself, or maybe self-important. She then stood and sauntered up to him, swaying her hips as a more serious look settled into her bright and usually energetic eyes. “Well… if you found a way to rid yourself of life and give me your soul we wouldn't have this predicament would we?” Her voice instead of the streaky glass it sounded like was smooth and echoed in the room, causing the lights to flash around him.
This all would scare someone who wasn't used to it, but he had accidentally summoned this demon many years ago and this behavior was nothing new for him. He merely crossed his arms and raised a brow- “Are you done yet? These theatrics aren't really your style and they don't fit you at all” His voice was just as smooth in a mocking kind of way but it had no echo and did not cause electrical anomalies. She in reaction to this began laughing and laughing before wiping a tear away from her eye and nodding, “Yeah haha, you're right i guess.” And with that and a slight head pain she was gone again. He rolled his eyes and slid his pants down, then laying on top of his covers and deciding to get some rest, she would surely continue to torment him tomorrow until he agreed to go on the date so he knew sleep would be for the best. His eyes slid closed and finally rest consumed his consciousness.
#flash comissions#commisionwork#writing commisions#writing trades#author#ocs#oc facfiction#fanfiction#demons#coffee#demon coffee#coffee art#art
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Get to know me meme
I was tagged by @sflor018 ( Thank you so much! )
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Doodlebug, Stinkerbell, Hiccup… I’m sure there’s more.
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 5'4″ ish.
Last Thing You Googled: LOL. Luke Skywalker. I was fact checking something.
Favourite Music Artists: Omg? Okay so not counting musical theater and stuff…. Josh Groban, Troye Sivan, Halsey, Paul Cardall asdfkjalf IDK I love so many and so much music it’s incredibly hard to pick favorites….
Last Movie you (re)watched: Does Newsies Live count? If not, it was A New Hope because I’m absolute garbage.
What are you wearing right now: Sweatpants, newsies t-shirt and a Star Wars hoodie.
Why did you choose your URL: Because I’m super duper infatuated with JackCrutchie and I have my own Jack and I am his Crutchie so.
Do you have any other blogs: I have a Hiccup ( httyd ) rp blog. But that’s the only other one that’s ( sort of sometimes ) active.I used to have an Adam Parrish rp blog, but my muse died. Which is really depressing because I loved writing him.
What did your last relationship teach you: Uhh…… I don’t think my last relationship taught me anything other than sometimes break ups happen. People move away, but it’s not the end of the world? I mean, this guy and me weren’t like… SUPER crazy serious or anything, but it still sucked bad when he moved.
Religious or spiritual: I don’t like to talk about religion because I’m not educated on the subject well enough. I believe there is something there – But I don’t believe it’s some dude that will condemn you to hell and eternal suffering for being something other than straight/cis or believe something different etc. That’s all I’ll say on that. I BELIEVE IN GHOSTS! My mom’s house is haunted. GHOSTS ARE COOL.
Favorite colour: Blue. But I love all colors.
Average hours of sleep: Anywhere from 6 to 9…. Although, I have slept a full 14 hours before.
Lucky Number: I don’t really think I have a lucky number.
Favorite Characters: Alec Lightwood, Jack Kelly, Crutchie, Luke Skywalker, Adam Parrish, Sora, Hiccup and on and on and on…
How many blankets do you sleep with: It depends on the season to be honest. In the winter, I’ll sleep with like… 4. In the summer, it’s usually one light blanket.
People I want to get to know better: I’m really bad at tagging people, because usually when I get tagged in these, everyone I would tag have already been tagged….. So if I tag you and you’ve already done this, I’m really sorry and you can feel free to ignore. ALSO. If you want to do this, and I haven’t tagged you, please consider yourself tagged because I’d love to get to know all of my followers! I’m rambling. I’m sorry. ANYWAY. I’ll tag.. @ostrich-on-a-rampage @crunchie-morris @crutchieheadcanons @dont-sneeze @o0mythicbitch0o
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