#igloss asks
ginnsbaker · 1 year
I am going to be honest, It's so scary that one day you'll stop posting. You update every monday right😭 I don't want this wonderful work to be abandoned😭
I intend to update every Monday, but I'm always ahead of schedule, whew!
I promise that I won't abandon this work. My Tumblr is almost a decade-old. And I've not abandoned it, so it means you can always reach me and send me threats in case I stop posting new chapters (which I won't). Also, I'm always 3 chapters ahead. It means right now, I'm working on Part 6 already.
What I can't promise is being able to update on time every week until the conclusion of In Losing Grip. I might take a two-week break after a couple of chapters, but I'm on a roll so that's not happening anytime soon.
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Hi I just want to let you know that I am so hooked with the series you're making In Flames, it's wonderful! And I always check when you post another chapters. I hope you're doing well, you're a wonderful writer!
You're a wonderful human being for taking the time to send me this sweet message. Thank you so much. I am doing well. I think I've improved my productivity as a writer so that's great news for all :D I hope you're doing well too!
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
I feel like my feelings about Wanda can be describe by the lyrics from Burn (from the Hamilton musical). Not necessarily the whole song, but parts of it, especially the ending part.
"I'm erasing myself from the narrative. Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted when you broke her heart.
You have torn it all apart. I'm watching it burn . Watching it burn. The world has no right to my heart. The world has no place in our bed. They don't get to know what I said. I'm burning the memories. Burning the letters that might have redeemed you.
You forfeit all rights to my heart (this one just hurts the most lol 💔) You forfeit the place in our bed. You'll sleep in your office instead. With only the memories. Of when you were mine. I hope that you burn".
- 🦄
You forfeit all rights to my heart - this is ridiculously heartbreaking. I can literally see a scene where reader tells this to her :( thank u for bringing up this song 💔
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Wait...wait in the f— *inhales deeply* I never saw this update on Ao3 and once I loaded boom...I feel bad now for Wanda. Jesus why'd you do this😭 freaking hell I just got to finish this like right at this second. Oh my gOd, give Yel to Kate she'd be better off with her.
oh, did it not update correctly? i think just got a couple of feedback now from it. is ao3 glitchy tho?
oh god, i did it again. im so sorry
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Dazz me, uhuh. I never actually expected that it'll have a cheating shit going on and I never searched the film that was inspired by it? And I read it in Ao3 so I had no idea what it'll be plus I don't read comments and everything. And I was shocked and with all honesty I was kinda triggered by it as someone who was once cheated (emotionally) I know some people would argue that emotional cheating isn't a thing and everything but yeah why am I sharing this? HAHAHAHAHA well how do I explain about the naive part...welp I was just flabbergasted I guess by the plot really like wOah trAuma right there HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Naive gurl no more. And actually I thought I read the fic very slowly, like my pace y'know? Reading the first part like I had to pause for 3 days to go on with the sequel.
But writer it was good, I am expecting and looking forward for the next chapter.
Oh my god, you must have been traumatized. For that I am so, so sorry. As early as now, I'd like to reiterate that my works are mostly angst (with a happy ending).
Emotional cheating is the worst kind of cheating. I'm sorry that happened to you... I mean, that would kill me. I can't imagine the pain. So I understand why you probably hate Wanda so much. Oh, and takes for sharing. It must be really personal, but that I hope you're better and have moved on.
Again, thank you so much for reading :) *hugs*
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ginnsbaker · 11 months
After this is over im gonna have to read IGLOSS again just to forgive wanda because you’re right i hate her right now 💀, i need to go through the long tumultious process of forgiving her again.
Go do that, anon. I really advise you to do that.
Remember she's the Wanda who waited for you for two years without falling in love with anyone else. Who deeply regretted everything. Who you eventually have 3 kids with. The same old lady in your bathtub, decades later, asking if you still find her desirable after all these years. :D
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