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DAY 11 #midsummernightartchallenge . Plating catch up again, just got one more drawing left for this challenge now. The challenge was set by @oliviafaust.art And @legendarylynn . The prompt for this one was 'Your Sun Sign'. I'm a June baby with a cancer sign. . I don't hold much stock in star signs and their meanings , but I do find them interesting to read up on. . Cancer is a water sign, crab. Lucky gems include ruby and pearl. Flowers orchid and white rose. Spirit colour purple. Top love matches Taurus and Pices (fun fact I married a star sign who I'm meant to be incompatible with) . Cancer are ruled by the moon and in tune with the rhythm of the earth. They're emotionally intelligent and find pleasure in their own company. . . If you find this jargon interesting too I reccomend www.horoscope.com for an afternoons reading fun. It's where I got cancers motto from which I've included in the drawing 'I feel therefore I am' . . . #cancer #crab #cancercrab #astrology #crabwitch #watersign #moonwitch #astrologywitch #paganart #igdrawingchallenge #igartwork #fantasyartchallenge #crabart #horoscope #cancerhoroscope #horoscopeart #spiritualart https://www.instagram.com/p/CCoAKZ3lTJz/?igshid=1vwshhkmrques
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