#ig someone to rely on? which is kinda the same thing. rn all i can remember are dick's claw deep insults. dude is harsh
yaboisnelf 1 year
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remember when kori said dick ran away with bruce's credit card in one pocket and roy in the other. yeah. get his ass kori. 馃浖馃浖鈥硷笍鈥硷笍
happy pride and spiderman movie day
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i-love-glados 7 years
Where did the GLaDOS/Chell ship come from? I know you guys parade it around like it's cannon but I don't really get it. For example, I'm not a Chelly fan by any means, but I can see why people ship it. I'm not trying to be judgemental by any means, I just want to understand your perspective in this.
thanks for asking! you dont sound judgmental at all dont worry. i had a lot to say so it鈥檚 all under the cut, i hope youre okay with a text wall sorry its so much to read!!! i tried to double space it so its not overwhelming but i couldnt figure out how to. this is just explaining why i personally ship it, i cant speak for others but from the other shippers ive talked to, this is the general reason
tbh u should take a look at the commentary valve did on the relationship!! 1. its super cute i lov them and 2. it may give some insight for u. unfortunately valve makes u pay like 2 bucks for the actual commentary which is frustrating but my friends did a post quoting some of it here and also u can find bits of it all over the internet (my friends didnt include this in the post since the scene was deleted, but there is a deleted scene where glados sets up a date for chell and then accuses her of cheating on her with a personality sphere)
i personally ship it bc for one, their interactions are really interesting. especially the way they do a complete 180 and start helping each other and relying on each other for survival. i also think that they鈥檇 be a cute couple. also, they were both pretty hurt by aperture and i think they both need someone they can rely on who understands their experiences so they can heal. they unfortunately both hurt each other, but i think since its evident that there was a turnaround in their views of each other (ie chell helping glados when she was a potato and helping her get back in charge of the facility despite their past and glados owning up to her bullshit and trying to make reparations) that they could actually help each other heal. i also really just like the idea of them both feeling very safe and loved with someone who can understand them. theyve both been through so much and it breaks my heart especially thinking abt what glados went through w the scientists and cave and how her being with someone who loves her dearly would just be so sweet and important. i think the same abt chell, although we dont know much abt her back story. but i think its important to be loved and understood.
the two have an interesting character dynamic that i think, in the end, would actually bring out the best in each other once they work past their troubled past. glados uses sarcasm to cover up very vulnerable feelings, and chell is very stubborn, so chell could always uncover and get to the bottom of what glados is thinking and help her feel better. glados is very sentimental and caring underneath her cold exterior (ie returning chells companion cube from the first game, always writing songs for her, remembering details about her, etc) and could soften chell up when she gets a little too in her head or w/e. ig im taking that personality trait from her very logical, stubborn, problem solving mindset thats discussed in her file and a few times in the game iirc. with that kinda personality i think sometimes its hard to see things from an emotional perspective and open up and i think glados could help.
i think its evident glados cares abt her even if she is bad at showing it in the beginning. she talks to chell a whole lot in portal 2, even to the point of breaking protocol so she can interact with her, she returned her cube from the first game, wrote her cara mia addio which is such a sweet song, she tried to help her survive when she was a potato and encouraged her, she saved her life too when she goes on and on abt really just wanting her dead. i think abt that a lot actually. like she says killing chell is hard directly after saving her life, and then later she surrounds her with turrets and is still insistent killing her is hard. so she (from my perspective) must mean its emotionally hard to kill her, and i think its bc she has feelings for her and valves commentary talks abt that too!!also theres two voice lines in the co-op that are about chell where she said she hurt chell despite her own desires, and another voice line she calls her wonderful. she also talks in the co-op about how she regularly goes to the surface to watch the deer, just like she promised she鈥檇 do with chell. she also only elects to save the baby birds in the co-op and raise them herself after she realizes they were abandoned by their mother just like chell. she sounds very miserable and lonely in the co-op, and i think a lot about how she really sacrificed her own happiness to make chell happy by granting her freedom. and i think that鈥檚 very sweet and shows that underneath it all, glados is pretty selfless and loving and admires chell quite a bit.
that doesnt at all mean the ship is without its problems. everyone in portal hurts each other, which is very sad. but i think they could help each other heal, work past their differences, and bring out the best in each other if given the chance. they鈥檙e both two people who really need love and support, and it鈥檇 be nice to see them give it to each other
anyway i hope this lends some insight, i have so much more i wanna say but i鈥檓 just. Tired its rlly late rn
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minor-anti 7 years
i wasn鈥檛 going to do this. i really wasn鈥檛. but apparently i need to tell the entirety of this hellsite about my trauma in order for my opinions to be valid, so here we are. the reason why i'm a big filthy anti and why i'm against harmful age gaps in relationships.
under a read more, bc fuck is this gonna be long. tw for csa (specifically cocsa), emotional and verbal abuse, unhealthy & abusive relationships, manipulation, and cg/l
this whole ordeal started around two years ago, december of 2015. i had just turned 12, entered middle school earlier that year, and was completely miserable; one of my supposed "friends" had outed me as lgbt to my entire school, which was quite the problem seeing as i live in small town, bible belt georgia. this was also the year mental illness really started hitting me and i was questioning my identity (both gender and sexuality), so my life was just kind of a mess.
2015 was also the year i got into anime - more specifically hetalia, at the advice of one of my irl friends who loved the series. i even had a fan account on instagram, despite being 12, and that was how i came to know the aph rarepair kik gc.
the aph community on ig was kinda small at the time; the rarepair community was even smaller. i'm talking about ships that had less than 100 posts in their tags... which was really saying something since people often spammed tags. through one of these tags i met, and eventually became friends with, a user (lets call them ku) who invited me to join their aph group chat, filled with people who also shipped rarepairs. ecstatic at the prospect of new friends, i accepted.
this gc had about 20 or so members, ranging from 12 years old (me and two other members, i believe) to 18 years old. i was friends with all of them, but one in particular i hit it off with right away - a 15yo girl we'll refer to as ln, since her name is actually a trigger for me now.
we went from just being friends and talking in the gc to dming every single day. i felt as if i'd known her forever, and i'd had internet friends before (usually on forums made for children though) so i didn't feel the need to be suspicious. ln praised me for being intelligent and how i was much more mature than most people my age - an obvious red flag now.
eventually, in early february, she asked if i'd be okay being in a relationship with her, and my naive 12yo self said yes.
another activity ln enjoyed was roleplaying - and since we tended to like the same ships, i was her rp partner. eventually, even though i wasn't completely comfortable with it, they became sexual.
things really started to go sour in may. that was when i found out that ln had actually already been in a relationship when i started dating her, and that her (other) gf had broken up with her. she blamed me for it, and left me.
it's also important to mention that at this point she was slowly isolating me from my other friends in the gc. she was always picking a fight with the other members, especially the admins, which usually caused her to get kicked for a day or so. i'd always defend her, though, no matter what.
i've always had dependency issues; i rely on people for positive attention, and if i don't get it i can't function normally. i don't know why, it's just how i am. so when she left me, i broke. i cried and sobbed and begged for her to not leave me, because i needed her, i needed someone to help me function like a normal human being. i told her i was sorry i'd ruined her relationship, how selfish i was and how i'd never be able to fix it. she even ghosted me for a few days, and eventually said that sure, she forgave me.
until late august 2016 we were on and off. she'd leave, then come back, leave, then come back. it was supposedly because she was still upset over her breakup, and even though it wasn't my fault, i felt bad and said that i understood.
during the times that we were together, though, it was hell. the summer of 2016 was by far the worst one i have ever experienced. she constantly berated me, made fun of my dependence on her, and even questioned me if the things i'd done were real or if i just imagined doing them - which really hits home now because i'm kind of struggling with that exact issue rn.
eventually ln was kicked out of the group chat for her behavior and convinced one of the admins i'd been involved (even though i'd been at summer camp at the time of the final incident), causing me to also be kicked out and losing me a dear group of friends.
ln also continued to be extremely sexual with me, despite my obvious discomfort. i'll just say it up front: she was into cg/l. i still have a very vivid experience of her asking me to call her "mommy". at one point she even talked me into sending nudes, and wrote about how she wanted to have sex with me. looking back i know that these are all awful but i guess at the time i just didnt process it.
and yes, i was still 12.
finally, in late august, i found out that once again, she had been cheating. she was dating a 13yo. when i heard the news, i shattered. the one person i still had, the one i thought i could completely trust, had been lying to me. when i confronted her, she absolutel flipped told me how i was a nutcase, how nobody would ever love me because i was such a burden, said i was a freak that belonged in a hospital.
she even went so far as to harass and stalk me on other social media, causing me to effectively abandon my remaining ig accounts. (i briefly ran an aesthetics account under a different name before getting into yoi)
the last time we talked was january 2017, when she tried to talk to me on kik one last time and i blocked her. for good.
so that's why i'm an anti. because i was taken advantage of someone who was also a minor, but in a position of power over me. we won't even get into the fact that she was an avid pedo (i'm talking about 13yos and 30yos kinda shit) & incest shipper, and when i initially told her i was uncomfortable with those and they grossed me out - because i was, i literally started out as an anti - she told me it was okay because it was just fiction.
i want to keep people safe. that's why i'm here, that's why i opened this goddamn blog. i want minors to have a voice, to prevent what happened to me from happening to others. and maybe, yes, i can be a dick about it and maybe, yes, what happened was also mostly my fault - i still think it's at least somewhat justified.
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